Formation of internal combination. Internal part-time work - the procedure for registration and subtleties of work


Prohibitions and restrictions are possible only in exceptional cases and only when provided for by law. Internal and external part-time jobs involve working outside of regular working hours. The article brought to your attention tells how to properly arrange an internal part-time job, contains a sample order for employment, tells about some relevant issues. Content

  • 1 Internal part-time work: difference from external and from combining professions (positions)
  • 2 Registration of internal part-time work
  • 3 Part-time for one position: how to properly arrange
  • 4 Video - "How to hire a part-time job"

Internal part-time work: difference from external and from combining professions (positions) The legislation provides for several ways to work additionally.


Number of days Considering that in each month the number of working days varies depending on the availability of weekends and holidays, the working time norm also changes accordingly. That is why, in order to calculate the normal duration of accounting for working hours in many enterprises where there is a continuous process of work, the summarized accounting of working hours is used, the procedure for calculating which is established by the internal acts of the company. How many bets can you take? Given the restrictions on employment hours for secondary employment workers established by the norms of Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a part-time worker cannot work full time, only half, that is, at 0.5 rates.

Internal combination: how to apply


In the event that the benefit for him is doubtful, the actions of the employer may be challenged by the supervisory authority, which will lead to unnecessary trouble and penalties. Part-time employment can be used on maternity leave, read about this in more detail: → "Internal and external part-time employment on maternity leave". Internal part-time work allows the employer to optimize personnel policy.

For example, the staffing table provides for three staff units (chief accountant - 1 rate, cashier and payroll accountant - each at 0.5 rates). The position of the cashier was reduced. But she wants to fulfill her duties, combining with her main ones, a payroll accountant. Naturally, during the main working hours, it will not be possible to simultaneously make calculations on wages and deductions from it, and it will not work to accept and issue cash.

Internal combination: order, registration, contract

And they must be taken into account in practical work. You can read more about the features of internal part-time work here. How many positions can be combined? In practice, when it comes to the registration of additional work, the question often arises of how many positions can be filled by one employee. Here is an example of a specific situation: A cashier in an organization combines the positions of a personnel officer and a secretary.
Is such a situation possible? There are no violations, provided that the relationship with the employee is properly formalized. In this situation, the cashier acts in a different position and performs. He works in the same organization along with the main activity and performs additional work during the working day.
first st. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It has been established that, taking into account the consent of the employee, he can be entrusted with additional work (part one, article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Internal part-time job: how to apply, a sample order for employment

At the same time, he can work more than 4 hours on some days, adjusting the working time per month by the duration of work on the remaining days of the month of March. Registration of an internal part-time job The employee himself, in order to get an internal part-time job, does not need to provide anything other than an application. All documents necessary for employment were provided to them in the personnel department earlier.

Making an internal part-time job includes the following steps:

  1. employee statement;
  2. an order for admission to a part-time position;
  3. conclusion of an employment contract.

An employee's application for a part-time job An application for admission to a position is drawn up in an arbitrary form, as such there is no template.

Internal combination: we make out without errors

A person who carries out his activities as an internal part-time worker does not have the right to work daily in this form of employment for more than 4 hours. If an employee is periodically unemployed with his main job, he is allowed to perform professional duties on a part-time basis throughout the day or shift. The total number of hours worked by an internal part-time worker in the reporting month cannot be more than half of the working time norm, which is established for the main employee of similar qualifications.

Thus, internal part-time employment involves the conclusion of an employment contract for no more than half-time. For example, the norm of working hours for March 2016 of employees for whom a 5-day working week is provided is 175 hours. This means that in March an employee should work no more than 87.5 hours in an internal part-time position.

Employment by internal part-time job at 0 5 rates


Its key task is to serve as a basis for filling out a work book, if the employee expresses his will. In addition to this aspect, such orders serve as the basis for other issues. For example, when you need to apply for a pension, sometimes the Pension Fund asks the employer to take a copy of the order for dismissal or acceptance for a particular position from the employer.

Today, the forms of orders approved by the state for hiring, as well as for dismissal, are not mandatory. Most enterprises, institutions, organizations use a unified form of an order for part-time employment. This form was approved on 05.01.04. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia under No. 1. It also has its own number - No. T-1. The laws do not prohibit continuing to use them, but personnel officers or accountants are not obligated by the regulations to use strictly just such forms.

Registration of combining positions in one organization

So, it is a delusion that it is possible to work in this form of employment only in another profession, position or specialty. To date, there are no specific instructions or restrictions on this issue in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 98 has become invalid, and Article 68 does not directly stipulate such conditions). Therefore, the type of activity, profession, position cannot limit the ability of an employee to perform duties on an internal combination basis.

Any doubts will be interpreted in favor of the employee when checking the compliance of the employer with labor laws. With this in mind, it is possible to design an internal part-time job in one profession, position or specialty, if such work is beneficial for the employee.

Registration of internal part-time work

But it must necessarily indicate the data on what position the employee would like to get a job, the duration of working hours, the nature of work (internal part-time job). On the application of the employee, the resolution of the head of the agreement to accept the employee for the position must be affixed. The order for admission to a position on an internal part-time job It can be said that the entire process of registration is based on an order for admission to a position on an internal part-time job.

Subsequently, on the basis of it, an entry will be made in the work book of the employee, if he wishes. Most often, such an order is drawn up in accordance with the standard form T-1 (T-1a). However, this form of order is not mandatory, you can draw up a document in any form.
Registration for an internal part-time job Download the completed sampleDownload to .doc Therefore, we dwell on this point in more detail. Rules for making an entry The period of part-time work is entered in the "Information about work" section of the work book in the usual manner (clauses 3.1, 5.1 of Instruction No. 69). There are only two features that need to be taken into account when filling out column 3. Note! An entry on dismissal from part-time work in the section "Information about work" of the work book can only be made if it was preceded by an entry on admission to such a job. In other words, a record of part-time employment must always be made first. First, in column 3 no new headings should be made.

Internal part-time admission for 0 5 rates

The amount of payment for the work of additional employees directly depends on the hours worked, to which are added both the allowances established for the position and incentive payments as a percentage of the salary that the employee is entitled to in accordance with the staffing table. Calculation For example, with a salary of 15,000 thousand, and an allowance of 10%, as well as a bonus of 50%, a part-time worker should receive a total salary of 10,440 thousand rubles. Payroll is calculated in the following way: The salary is divided by the monthly rate of hours, for example, by 160, then multiplied by the number of hours worked, let's say 80, to which 10% of the allowance and 50% of the bonus are then added and 13% of the tax is subtracted.
At the same time, in such a situation, in addition to internal part-time jobs, there are other ways to formalize the performance of such work. You can read more about which method is better to choose in our article. Help We will focus on the basic principles. So, a temporarily absent employee can be done in several ways:

  1. by combining positions;
  2. internal combination;
  3. temporary translation.

Important! Additional work always requires the consent of the employee. An employer cannot unilaterally assign additional duties to an employee. The employer has the right to choose between these three options. And each organization chooses according to specific circumstances. Which of these methods is preferable, it is impossible to answer unambiguously.

Hello! In this article, we will talk about part-time work, and you will also learn about the procedure for hiring part-time jobs.

Today you will learn:

  • What applies to part-time work;
  • What types of part-time work are there;
  • Legal aspect of part-time work;
  • What documents are required when applying for a job.

Part-time work- an economic tool that allows you to use personnel more competently, allowing them to work in several positions at the same time. Thanks to this, you can earn additional income and have the most qualified employee in the state in several positions. This is convenient for both managers and subordinates.

The economic essence of part-time work

Before talking about part-time work, attention should be paid to the term itself - “part-time work”.

Let's go back to the official definition:

part-time – regular and systematic performance of certain work, strictly in free time. The main thing in all this is regularity and a systematic approach. Any one-time job, deal, etc. is not a part-time job. The closest term is .

Compatibility realizes 2 goals at once:

  • All abilities and potential of the employee are fully revealed;
  • Such an employee receives additional income.

During working hours, it is officially impossible to engage in part-time work, even with the consent of the employer.

But there are some activities that are not recognized as part-time jobs, and are accordingly allowed at work:

  • Pedagogical work with payment by the hour - tutoring. It is allowed to engage in this activity for no more than 300 hours in one calendar year;
  • Expertise, legal, accounting and other one-time checks;
  • Conducting consultations. In person or online. As with tutoring no more than 300 hours.;
  • Responsible for laboratories and offices;
  • Hold concerts or festive events in educational institutions (if this institution will be the main place of work).

The main condition for part-time work is that the main and additional work should not affect each other in any way. The performance of duties and observance of labor discipline must be the same at the main and additional place of work.

You can work part-time with the main employer or in other places. At the same time, there are categories of citizens who, due to certain characteristics of their age, social status or profession, do not have the opportunity to work part-time, or have additional restrictions.

These include:

  • Persons under 18 years of age;
  • Employees carrying out their main activities in difficult working conditions (if part-time work also takes place in the same conditions);
  • Drivers or other employees associated with vehicles (if part-time employment occurs in transport);
  • Deputies of the State Duma. They can carry out additional activities only in creative, scientific or pedagogical fields;
  • Heads of legal entities. But if the authorized body (for example, the board of directors) gives its consent to a combination job, then the head can carry out such activities;

For some categories of citizens - teachers, doctors, pharmacists and cultural workers, part-time employment is regulated in a special way. For example, teachers cannot work part-time for more than half of their monthly norm (no more than 20 hours a week).

Types of combination

According to labor law, there are two types of part-time jobs:

  • Internally;
  • External.

Internal combination involves working for the same employer in different positions. This may be of interest as the company-employee realizes its full potential, and both tasks are performed by the most qualified of the employees; so is the employee – he receives additional income without the need to adapt to other working conditions in another company.

External part-time provides for additional work with another employer. In practice, this is much more common. At the same time, the benefit is only for the employee, since he receives additional income in his spare time. The employer just gets another employee.

The number of additional employers is not limited, unless otherwise provided by regulatory enactments.

How to register a part-time employee

The main fact that everyone who wants to work part-time should know is that consent from the main employer is not required at all. This means that everyone can start working elsewhere without consulting the main company.

As in the main job with a part-time employee, it is issued in the form of TD-1. The conditions in it are the same as in the main contract, the same points are prescribed, only information is necessarily added that this is part-time work. Such an agreement is also concluded for a fixed period or indefinitely, until terminated.

The list of documents required for registration of part-time employees:

  • Application for a part-time job;

  • Passport or other identity document;
  • Employment contract with a part-time partner;
  • Download Sample Employment Contract with a part-time job
  • If the position requires special knowledge, then a document indicating the appropriate level of training (diploma);
  • If the conditions of part-time work are difficult, then they will require a certificate from the main place of work;
  • SNILS (it is not in the list published in the labor code, but the employer will need to know it to pay insurance premiums).

The employer does not have the right to demand a work book, because it is located at the main place of work. Therefore, there are no work books for part-time employees in the company. At the request of the employee, he can make an entry in the work book about part-time work. This will require documents evidencing part-time work: an employment contract, an order for employment, a transfer, etc. These are all the subtleties of how to accept a part-time employee.

Rights and obligations of a part-time employee

A part-time employee has the same duties and rights as ordinary employees of the company. The only thing you should pay attention to: a part-time employee has the full right to sick leave, vacation and pregnancy payments. This means that some payments will be doubled.

The duties of a part-time employee are the same in both jobs, with the only difference being that the main place of work is a priority, and, accordingly, the fulfillment of tasks in this job is the main thing.

Compliance with internal regulations is the most important and difficult part of what a part-time employee must do. This is due to the fact that in the presence of a rotating schedule and overtime, the employee cannot be late either for the main job or for part-time work. And on the basis of regular delays, even for part-time work, they can terminate the employment contract with him unilaterally.

Part-time workers salary

According to the regulations, there are no special conditions for remuneration for part-time work. Accordingly, when paying wages according to hours worked, it is this indicator that is taken into account in the calculation of the RFP. Piecework pay implies equal payment with other employees in proportion to the tasks performed.

At the same time, if workers with time wages are assigned normalized tasks with a certain period, then this period is taken into account in the accounting of the RFP, and not the time actually spent on execution. For example, you can take cleaners who have hourly wages, but each time they have tasks for cleaning and a deadline.

It is noteworthy that if in the case of the main job, the salary cannot be lower than the amount, then with part-time work, everything is not so. Since it is actually part-time work, wages may be below this level.

As for accrual and payments, everything is exactly the same here. The employer is obliged to pay wages to employees no later than once every 15 days. At the same time, a part-time employee (external and internal part-time work) also has the right to pay for sick leave, vacations and pregnancy. Provided that they work at the same job for several years. To receive this payment, you will need to provide disability certificates.

Vacation of part-time employees

As well as all labor relations, the situation with holidays is also regulated by the labor code. Article on holidays - 286. It says that a part-time employee is obliged to receive leave at additional work in the same period as for the main one.

If the employee provides a certificate or order from the place of work on annual leave, then the employer in combination will be obliged to issue him a leave at this job as well. But this is done only at the initiative of the employee.

At part-time work, if the vacation is shorter than the main one, then the second employer must complete the vacation days at the expense of the employee, if he expresses such a desire.

The part-time worker also has the full right to annual and additional holidays, which are provided in accordance with the current legislation and at the place of part-time work.

Part-time work and travel

A few words about a more complex and less regulated issue in the field of part-time work - business trips. A part-time employer has every right to send an employee on a business trip, but only in his spare time from his main job. At the legislative level, this issue is not regulated in any way, and nothing is explained what to do with the main place of work.

There is a possibility that the main employer will issue leave at its own expense for the employee. But at the legislative level, he is absolutely not obliged to issue it. Work with business trips and external part-time work are practically incompatible.

In the case of internal part-time work, even if the employee goes on a business trip in two positions, the expenses are paid to him in a single amount. Also per diem will be paid to him in a single amount. This follows from the principle of reimbursement of travel expenses in the event that both employers send on the same business trip. Then they pay for the business trip according to the agreement, and not each on their own. Accordingly, the same principle is transferred to one organization.

Dismissal of a part-time employee

Part-time workers, as well as at their main job, can be dismissed for all the reasons provided for in the Labor Code. And accordingly, the employer must comply with the procedure described in this regulatory document.

It follows from this that or . If planned, then the warning period is 2 months.

In addition to the main reasons for dismissal, there is another one - hiring a specialist for whom this position will be the main one. In this case, it is necessary to notify the employee two weeks before the new employee is hired. It does not matter whether this employee will work full-time or part-time. Legislatively, preference is given to those for whom this will be the main position, unless otherwise decided by the employer.

If the employee refuses to get acquainted with the written warning, it is necessary to formally draw up a confirming act. Not later than the day of dismissal, it is necessary to carry out a settlement with the employee and provide him with copies of the necessary documents. For each day of delay, the employer must pay the amount of compensation + accrued interest, which is calculated according to the following formula:

Employee salary * 1/150 of the key rate in force at the time of interest calculation * number of days of delay

In the case of internal part-time work, there are often cases when, upon dismissal from the main place of work, it is possible or even required to leave the employee as the main position part-time work.

What Rostrud says

“The only contract that can remain with the employee is the contract for the main place of work.” This means that when transferring from a part-time position, it is necessary to dismiss the employee from the main position and amend the additional employment contract by putting a note in the work book. This means that with the consent of the employee, you can terminate the employment contract at the main place of work.

If up to this point there were no records of part-time employment in the work book, it is necessary to enter all the information about this in the work book. The terms of the employment contract should also be reviewed, and changed to full employment.

Part-time work is one of the elements of labor relations, which is almost fully regulated by labor laws. A part-time worker must be of age, not employed in heavy production, a deputy of the state. Duma and the driver (in cases provided for by law). The procedure for hiring, accrual and provision of salaries, vacations and dismissal is fully regulated by the Labor Code.

Combination of positions in one organization - a common occurrence. In this regard, both employees and employers have a lot of questions about the procedure for registering such a mode of operation, about the features of payment and termination of the combination. We will cover the main issues of combining posts in this article.

What is an internal combination of positions?

The combination of posts is devoted to article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the definition given in this legal norm, such a mode of work consists in delegating additional job duties to an employee in another or the same position for a fee.

In practice, combining job responsibilities is possible both on a permanent basis, when an employee is already being hired, is warned about combining, and temporarily, due to production needs or, for example, to replace an absent employee. The law does not establish deadlines for combining, leaving this issue at the discretion of the employer. The employer determines the scope of the combination and the content of duties. In this case, the employee is only required to agree to the combination in general and to the terms, volume and content of the combination in particular.

An important point: due to the fact that internal matching positions to perform additional duties are assigned to an employee working in the organization, that is, one who has already passed the probationary period, a new probationary period, if it is intended for a position of combination, is not assigned to the applicant.

The nuances of designing an internal combination of positions

Before proceeding to the issues of registration of work in the mode of combining positions, it is worth identifying the main mistake that employers often make when registering additional labor duties for an employee. This mistake consists in the substitution of the concepts of combining positions and internal part-time work. Since, in fact, internal part-time work is the performance by the worker of additional job responsibilities within the same organization, it is important to determine the criteria by which one mode of combining labor functions can be distinguished from another.

For example:

  1. Lead time. The combination involves the performance of labor functions in one work shift (i.e., simultaneously with the main employment), while internal part-time employment requires the performance of additional labor functions after the main job (i.e., at the end of the working day or on days free from the main work).
  2. Payment. The combination mode allows you to count on an additional payment, while with internal part-time remuneration is calculated on the basis of the salary due according to the staffing table for performing the duties of a particular staff unit, in proportion to the hours worked.
  3. Registration. The combination takes place within the framework of the same labor contract with the employee, while internal part-time employment requires the execution of a separate labor contract for the candidate. Moreover, the employee is assigned another personnel number.
  4. Restrictions. The legislator did not provide for restrictions on combining positions, while internal combination is impossible in relation to minors employed in hazardous or harmful working conditions, civil servants, as well as employees who drive vehicles.
  5. Adding job responsibilities to those already available to an employee is a change in his working conditions. If, at the same time, an extended list of job functions is not agreed upon in the employment contract (it usually contains a list of job responsibilities only for the main job), an additional agreement is required to be signed to the employment contract between the employee and the employer. The additional agreement should specify not only the new labor functions of the employee, but also issues of payment for additional labor and other features of work in the mode of combining positions.
  6. Despite the fact that the law requires the mandatory consent of the employee to combine, the legislative form of such approval is not provided, therefore, consent is often issued in the form of an application from the employee addressed to the employer. If an additional agreement to the employment contract is signed by both parties to the employment relationship, the very fact of concluding such an agreement can be regarded as the employee’s consent to work in a combination mode, therefore a separate document confirming this is not required.
  7. On the basis of the concluded additional agreement, an order is issued for the enterprise to combine positions in relation to a certain employee. The legislation does not establish requirements regarding the entry of a combination of professions in the work book.

How to arrange an internal alignment

Additional agreement on the combination of positions

An additional agreement to an employment contract on combining positions must be drawn up in accordance with the same rules as provided for the main document. That is, the agreement is drawn up in writing, contains data identifying the employee, and is signed by both parties to the employment relationship (the employee and the head of the organization).

In addition, the additional agreement on the combination of positions must indicate:

  1. The type of additional work to which the employee is involved, with a listing of job responsibilities or a reference to the job description for the additional position.
  2. Period of combined work.
  3. The amount of payment for performing additional work.
  4. Other essential conditions for the upcoming combination.

Order on the combination of posts

The form of the order to combine positions is not established by law, therefore, the order is drawn up in the usual form for such documents in accordance with the internal requirements of the organization.

  • type and scope of additional duties;
  • the position for which the combination is established;
  • the period of the combination;
  • combination fee.

In addition, the order must reflect the features and nuances of working in a combination mode (for example, a condition on the material liability of an employee or on the right to make managerial decisions).

The employee must be familiar with the order under the signature.

Payment procedure when combining positions

Article 151 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation tells about the features of remuneration when combining positions. At the same time, this rule does not provide any specific information, allowing the amount of additional payment to be set by agreement of the parties, taking into account the nature and volume of work performed by combining work.

In practice, the amount of payment for combining can be set both in absolute terms (in rubles) and as a percentage of the salary due according to the staffing table to the employee in the position in which the combination takes place. At the same time, there are no upper values ​​for payment, but indirectly, such a limitation can be, for example, the amount of funds planned for paying for the combination.

It is also important to remember that the combination payment is subject to personal income tax and insurance premiums, is included in the average earnings in all necessary cases, and is also taken into account when calculating hospital payments and benefits for pregnancy and childbirth.

Leave and vacation pay for internal combination

Despite the fact that the employee works in a combination mode, annual paid leave is provided to him at his main place of work in accordance with the approved vacation schedule. For the duration of the vacation, the employee is released from the performance of official duties both in the main and in the combined work.

Separate vacation days for the performance of work in a combined position are not provided by law. At the same time, the combination affects the calculation of vacation pay: if in the billing period used for calculating vacation pay (12 months before the vacation, in accordance with Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), an additional payment was made to the employee for combining positions, these amounts are taken into account when accruing.

Termination of internal alignment

Despite the fact that both in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract and in the order on personnel it is advisable to indicate the period during which work in the combination mode is expected, both the employee and the employer have the right to terminate the combination ahead of schedule. This provision is established by article 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the norm of the article gives the employee an unconditional right to refuse to work on a combination, without limiting this right either by the terms of advance warning or other conditions. The right of the management of the organization to prematurely terminate the combination of positions by the employee is supplemented by the need to inform the employee about this no later than 3 days in writing. That is, it is assumed that if the combination of positions is terminated ahead of schedule by the employer, then a special document is drawn up about this - a notification, with which the employee must be familiarized with the signature.

Important: regardless of who took the initiative to stop working in the combination mode - an employee or the management of the enterprise, an additional agreement on this must be drawn up to the employment contract. The additional agreement is signed by both parties, on the basis of the agreement, the employer issues an order for early termination of work in the mode of combining positions in relation to a particular employee. It is necessary to familiarize the employee with the order, who must confirm his knowledge with a personal signature. If the combination of positions ends due to the end of the planned period established earlier in the supplementary agreement to the employment contract and the order, it is not necessary to issue an order to end the combination period.

Thus, the procedure for processing documents for work in the mode of combining positions does not present any difficulties, but requires an understanding of the difference between combining and internal part-time work.

An individual, in accordance with the current labor legislation, in addition to the main employment, has the right to work part-time. You can work in this way both for one and for different employers. In the article, we will understand how internal part-time work differs from external, and how the design takes place.

What is concurrency

According to Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part-time employment is a labor activity that an employee carries out in his spare time from his main employment. Internal part-time job according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is employment in several positions with one employer, external - with different ones. It is worth distinguishing between part-time and combination, when an employee does additional work at one enterprise during the main time.

Legal framework

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, both internal and external part-time jobs cannot work more than four hours a day. Accordingly, it cannot be more than half of the bet. If there are several part-time jobs, then in total they cannot take more than 20 hours a week. On the day when a day off is set at the main place of work, you can work part-time all working day.

The employer must provide leave from office within the framework of part-time work simultaneously with the main place of work. In the case when an employee works at an additional job for less than 6 months, then the leave is issued to him in advance. In the case when part-time leave is shorter, the employee can receive the rest of the days at his own expense.
For certain categories of specialists, part-time working conditions may be additionally regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 197 of 04.04.2003.

The video will tell you how to hire an internal part-time job:

How is internal part-time work paid?

The salary of an employee working on an internal part-time basis is calculated in proportion to the hours worked, depending on the result of labor or in another way specified in the employment contract.

If an employee works part-time in an area where increasing regional coefficients are provided, then labor is paid taking into account them.

Dismissal of an internal part-time worker

Labor relations with a part-time partner are terminated on the general grounds specified in Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But Art. 288 states that the employment agreement may also be terminated if another person is registered for the position, for whom this position will be the main one. You can read more about the procedure for dismissing a part-time worker in this article.

More information can be obtained by asking questions in the comments to the article.

According to the Russian Labor Code, it is forbidden to additionally load their subordinates even when they give their consent to this.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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But if we are talking about doing work as an additional workplace with your own earnings, then in the Russian Federation this will not be considered a violation of the standards.

The main condition for this should be the fulfillment of labor obligations under a separately concluded contract with the employee and outside the main working hours.

Such work is designated by the labor legislation of terms - internal combination. And it has its own specifics in design.

How to write an order sample

The order for personnel on admission to a part-time position within the same enterprise is one of the main documents on which the entire design process is based.

Its key task is to serve as a basis for filling out a work book, if the employee expresses his will. In addition to this aspect, such orders serve as the basis for other issues.

For example, when you need to apply for a pension, sometimes the Pension Fund asks the employer to take a copy of the order for dismissal or acceptance for a particular position from the employer.

Today, the forms of orders approved by the state for hiring, as well as for dismissal, are not mandatory.

Most enterprises, institutions, organizations use a unified form of an order for part-time employment.

This form was approved on 05.01.04. Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia under. She also has her number -.

The laws do not prohibit continuing to use them, but personnel officers or accountants are not obligated by the regulations to use strictly just such forms.

This means that today enterprises can use other forms, drawn up at their own discretion. We will consider a standard order form, which for the most part has not yet lost popularity in personnel office work - form No. T-1.

The order must necessarily contain the following paragraphs, columns and lines with specific content:

  1. At the very top of the template, the name of the enterprise where the employee is employed, including as a part-time job according to this order, is written.
  2. Opposite the name of the enterprise, its details are indicated, such as:
    • OKUD code;
    • OKPO code.
  3. This is followed by the name of the document in the center of the line - "ORDER" (instruction) and a small preamble, which is also located in the center, right under the name of the document - "on hiring an employee."
  4. Right next to the name of the document, the registration number and date are affixed in special cells. The number, as a rule, is also recorded in a separate journal.
  5. Immediately under the heading of the document, a period of time is written, from what date and until what time a person is hired.
  6. Then the full name is indicated. employee and personnel number, but not the one that he already has, but a new one. Another number is assigned for the reason that another position is occupied by this person.
  7. The next paragraph speaks of the unit, department, structure, where a subordinate is taken part-time.
  8. The position and nature of the work is written below. This paragraph just indicates the phrase - "part-time (internal)". In brackets or outside brackets, but you must specify what type of combination.
  9. The next section is the tariff salary, rate and, if any, allowances.
  10. For cases involving a probationary period, a period of time should be specified for this.
  11. The last block will always be the basis on which the order is issued. As a rule, this is an employment contract. Its date of conclusion and number are indicated.
  12. The order is signed by the head of the enterprise. First, his position is written, then a signature and its transcript (the name of the head) are put.
  13. At the very end - a line of familiarization of the employee with the issued order. He puts his signature and the date of familiarization.

How to issue

The entire package of documents that the employee initially handed over to the employer does not need to be re-collected and submitted when applying for an internal part-time job. Yes, and it will not be possible to do this already, because the documents on education and the work book are already stored at the same enterprise.

All the data has already been recorded on the employee for a long time, he was assigned a personnel number and his personal file is open, where there is all the necessary information. Therefore, if any of the documents is needed, then a copy is simply made from it.

The procedure for registering an internal part-time worker is as follows:

  • the parties agree on all the details of part-time employment;
  • the employee submits an application with a request to accept him for such and such a position in combination;
  • with the help of employees of the personnel department of the enterprise, an order and an agreement are drawn up, according to the conditions that the parties have agreed on:
  • the employee must familiarize himself with the order against signature;
  • carefully reread the contract and sign it if everything suits him;
  • then the contract is submitted for signature to the director;
  • after that, an entry is made in the work book, if the employee has submitted a special application for this

All the necessary application forms should always be at hand with the personnel contractor. Therefore, the employee will not need to invent the text of a statement from his head.

He only fills out a form drawn up in advance by a personnel officer, where, like a questionnaire, answering questions from points, he fills in all the necessary fields.

Before signing an employment agreement, you should carefully study it to make sure that all the agreements that were with the management and the written content of the agreement by personnel officers are in accordance. All details on remuneration, vacations, work regulations - all this should be covered in the contract clearly and clearly.

If a part-time position involves the handling of material values, then one more agreement should be concluded with the employee - on his liability.

A personal card is not created for an internal part-time job, he already has it and lies in his personal file. The already assigned personnel number is not suitable so that, according to the law, a new position could be issued - part-time employee.

With each new position held, it is imperative to open a new personnel number, which is affixed to the order form.

Accounting for working hours for a part-time position should be kept in a separate time sheet - for part-time workers (if there are a lot of them in the enterprise).

Or simply put down the name of such an employee twice in the general report card - for the main position and for the secondary one.

The number of hours worked is simply recorded on separate lines. If the form of remuneration is established by agreement with the employee as time-based, then such a time sheet will be the main document for calculating the earnings of a part-time worker.

Application for internal combination, its sample

The application form for part-time employment can be drawn up and filled out in free form.

There is no unified form for this, however, at the same time, when compiling such a universal form for the enterprise, they simply follow the basic criteria that should be in any well-written application.

When compiling the primary document, the following important details must be indicated:

  • from what date the employee would like to start duties;
  • what amount of remuneration for his work will suit the subordinate;
  • what is the rate - half, third, fourth of the main or interest with a piecework form of wages;
  • indicate the days and hours when the employee wants to work part-time.

It is very important to start an appeal to the head of an organization, institution or enterprise. Next, it is written from whom this statement is from, indicating the main position held by the employee. The following is the text of the application, signature and date of compilation.

At the end, there should be a place for the resolution of the manager, who will agree in writing on the request of the employee. There should also be a place for the notes of the personnel performer - the person who is entrusted to conduct personnel affairs in the organization.

Features of the employment contract, its sample

Here is another key document that serves as a base in the procedure for registering a combination of internal orders - this is an employment contract.

If we were talking about combining professions within the same period of working time, then such an agreement would not need to be concluded.

But if we are talking about part-time work - working at different working hours in different positions, but at the same enterprise (with the same employer), then a separate employment contract must be concluded with the employee.

Typically, such a document contains the following postulates:

  1. General information about the parties.
  2. Obligations and rights of the parties.
  3. Provisions, conditions of the agreement.
  4. Guarantees to the employee - salary, allowances, vacations, days off and so on.
  5. Terms of the contract.
  6. Part-time specifics - duties, working hours.
  7. The conditions of remuneration of labor are indicated - time, piece-work, combined (piece-time).
  8. Responsibility and disputed points of the parties in case of violation of the terms of the agreement.
  9. Additional information that may reflect special conditions associated with part-time employment.
  10. Details, addresses, contact details of the parties.
  11. Signatures of the parties with decoding of surnames, indication of positions and seal of the enterprise.

The document can be concluded both for a specific period - a fixed-term contract, and for an indefinite period of time - an indefinite period. As for how it is necessary to prescribe the employee's salary in the contract, there is an opinion that it is best to indicate the real amount of earnings.

For example, if the salary of a subordinate for the whole rate is listed as 40 thousand rubles. for 40 weekly hours, then half-time will be considered already for 20 weekly working hours.

Accordingly, the amount of the salary will be half as much - 20 thousand rubles. It is these 50%, related to the rate - 0.5, that should be written in the contract, and not the full salary for the position held.

Moreover, personnel officers will rely on the terms of this agreement when drawing up an order (Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How to make an entry in the workbook

An entry in is made only at the request of its owner. This suggests that this is not the responsibility of the employer. If, for example, we take registration at the main job, then making entries in the work book is the obligation of the employer.

But if it is required to draw up a text in a work book that speaks of a part-time employee, then such an action is not recognized by law as an obligation of the employer.

It is more of a right than an obligation. And it belongs to the worker. He expresses his will in writing by writing a statement addressed to the head of the enterprise that he wants the record of part-time employment to be reflected in his work book.

All entries relating to part-time employment must be entered in the work book on the spread of the section of the document called "Information about work".

The order of filling in the columns in the work book in order to make an entry about internal part-time work should be carried out in the following algorithm:

  1. The sequence number that refers to the entry.
  2. The date is written according to the names of the columns - first the day is put down, then the month and finally the year.
  3. In the third column "Information on employment ..." the following main details are indicated:
    • the name of the enterprise does not need to be repeated;
    • the entry begins with the phrase "Employed ...";
    • then the nature of the work is indicated - “... part-time ...”;
    • department, subdivision, structure where the subordinate is accepted for the position;
    • the position to be occupied by the part-time worker is indicated;
    • qualification, rank or category of an employee for this position - for example, "... for the position of secretary of the II category ..." or "... for the position of a turner of the 5th category ...".
  4. The last column is a column in order to indicate in it the basis on which a person is hired. It usually indicates the number and date of the order or order.

When it is impossible to issue

Laws on part-time labor relations between employees and their employers may not be formalized in all cases. There are restrictions and prohibitions in this matter.

So, internal combination cannot be issued with the following categories of citizens:

  • minors;
  • heads of enterprises for which labor legislation provides only external part-time employment, and not internal;
  • subordinates who are employed in their main position associated with dangerous or harmful working conditions or if the part-time position implies the same conditions;
  • drivers who work driving vehicles on regular routes;
  • civil servants - employees of the prosecutor's office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Department of Internal Affairs, judges and lawyers.

If a part-time employee is looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible for an external part-time worker to issue an internal part-time job, then the answer for this is contained in the clarifications and letters of Rostrud.

Legislation and state bodies controlling labor standards are allowed to be transferred from an external part-time job to an internal one.

Only this should be done correctly - first you should terminate the external part-time contract, then hire it as the main employee, and only then conclude an agreement with the internal part-time employee.

If there is no main place of employment, then internal part-time employment will not work - to combine, because there is nothing to do.

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