Oleg Pogudin: “Artists are the most honest people. Oleg Pogudin - biography, photo, education, career, personal life, wife, children


Modesty, an incredibly beautiful timbre and a variety of music are the calling card of such a talented musician as Oleg Pogudin. But his voice and abilities are the merit not only of constant work on himself, but also of genes. After all, more than one generation of men of the Pogudin family had a wonderful voice and, in general, musical talent. During his career, he has received many awards, but he received the most important one in 2015, when he was recognized as the People's Artist of Russia. The intelligent and talented Oleg has been known to the public since he was 11 years old.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Pogudin

Oleg is a very modest person, so he doesn’t talk much about his external data. Although, it is worth noting that the man looks simply amazing and this is confirmed by a crowd of millions of fans. Oleg was born on December 22, 1968 in the city of St. Petersburg, apparently the birth of the intelligentsia in the city influenced the modest but seasoned character of the singer.

At the moment, Oleg is already 48 years old, although he looks much younger. And like a real man, he only gets better with age. Very often, men are compared with an expensive skate, which over the years only becomes stronger and better, such a comparison is quite suitable for our hero. Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Pogudin, this question is popular among the musician's fans.

Biography and personal life of Oleg Pogudin

The boy was born into an intelligent family, and from childhood he absorbed only the best traditions. Oleg began to study his favorite thing, namely music, from an early age. His parents devoted their lives to science, although his father also had his own hobbies, so in his free time from discoveries he was engaged in singing, it was he who became Oleg's mentor. Although Oleg himself admits that in childhood, like all boys, he dreamed of becoming an astronaut, but due to poor health, the dream had to be changed, and as it turned out, singing became the boy's gold mine. For 4 whole years he had to train, so that at the age of 11 he was accepted into the choir of the Leningrad Radio. And with the help of his talent, the boy quickly made his way to the "position" of the soloist, starting to perform on the big stages of his city and beyond.

It was this step that became decisive for the guy and a real rehearsal before fame.

After school, the guy dreamed of entering the Leningrad Conservatory of the Theatre, but they didn’t take him there and even recommended waiting a couple more years, because at this age young men are just developing their voice.

But Oleg did not listen and submitted documents to LGITMiK, where he was accepted without hesitation.

In 1988, the actor had a very interesting period, he sang in the church choir and even thought about entering a monastery and devoting his life entirely to serving God, but an internship in the theater in the USA changed everything.

From 1990 to 1993 he worked at the Leningrad Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Gorky. And already in 1991, the singer's debut musical album was released under the title - "Star of Love".

And in 1992 he made his first tour of Russia with his concert.

Oleg has already managed to try out the role of a leader and even a teacher, which he copes with perfectly well. If you are interested in the singer's work, with the help of the request: "Oleg Pogudin romances, video, concert" you can learn more about his extraordinary talents and soulful performance.

The biography and personal life of Oleg Pogudin is not an open book, so you will not learn many facts from his life. And his personal life is completely closed to the public. At the moment, Oleg is single and in his entire life he has not yet met a woman with whom he would like to live his whole life.

Family and children of Oleg Pogudin

The family and children of Oleg Pogudin is also a little open topic for journalists. Oleg is a very modest person and, despite his popularity, did not earn himself a star disease like many of his colleagues. Pogudin was born into a wealthy family, his parents devoted their entire lives to science, working at the Leningrad Research Center. But Oleg does not have his own children and a full-fledged family. And in general, to numerous media inquiries, he replies that his personal life should not be put out for everyone to see. Although, it is worth noting that such secrecy among celebrities in modern show business is rare.

Oleg Pogudin's wife - Ekaterina Pavlova

The wife of Oleg Pogudin, so far only in the plans and often only with journalists. While Oleg is developing his work and simply enjoying life, the yellow press writers already attribute various novels and even newly-made brides to him. There was a rumor that Oleg Pogudin was married to Ekaterina Pavlova, who is engaged in legal affairs. The paparazzi have repeatedly posted photos of how Oleg and Ekaterina have dinner together in a cafe, or even go on vacation. But this story did not reach its logical conclusion, and even if Catherine was in a relationship with Pogudin, she never became his wife.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Pogudin

Oleg Pogudin is not a fan of publicly exposing his life, and therefore is not a frequent guest of social networks, but, like all popular artists, he has a personal website where you can find all the necessary information about the artist, his performances, old and new albums. Instagram and Wikipedia of Oleg Pogudin contain rather meager, but capacious and useful information about his life, childhood and work.

Oleg is a deeply religious person, and also, as already noted, very modest, so he considers his popularity to be the merit of God. He does not believe that he has any incredible talents, although all his fans are sure of this and believes that all this is a merit of the heavenly forces. So far, all the artists have hundreds of conditions recorded in the rider, for which the concert organizers have to spend thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands. Oleg modestly enters into his rider only water, sandwiches and little things that are not difficult to get.

And he goes to concerts with icons, which, in his opinion, give him some strength. And involuntarily you begin to think, maybe the artist really got such a unique talent from above. In any case, for many years Oleg has been perhaps not the most popular, but one of the most talented people in our country.

Oleg Pogudin is a talented Russian singer and musician, who is deservedly called the "silver voice of Russia". His "identification mark" is a unique timbre, amazing vocal abilities and an incredible variety of repertoire.

Maestro Oleg Evgenievich Pogudin

From the age of 11, he already actively performed on large stages as a vocalist of the Leningrad Radio Choir. Having become a popular artist, Oleg released several albums, including the records “Star of Love”, “Lark”, “Romance” and “Love and Separation”, which became absolute hits. Oleg was repeatedly awarded prestigious titles and titles, and in 2015 he became the People's Artist of Russia.

The childhood of Oleg Pogudin

Oleg Pogudin was born on December 22, 1968 in a wealthy Leningrad family. His parents devoted most of their lives to work at the research university of the military-industrial complex. In his free time, his father was fond of singing - it was he who instilled in his son an interest in music. Although, as the singer himself admitted, as a child, like thousands of Soviet boys, he dreamed of outer space, but due to poor health, he had to forget about the dream. From the age of 7, for four long years, the boy honed his skills, so that in 1979 he was accepted into the choir of the Leningrad Radio. It was not difficult for young Oleg to impress the teachers, so in just a few weeks the boy became the main soloist.

Childhood photo of Oleg Pogudin (Leningrad Choir, second from the right in the bottom row)

In 1979 - 1982, the young man could be found on such legendary domestic stages: the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Glinka State Academic Capella. In the same period, he first appeared on radio and television. Moreover, the gifted boy managed to become famous abroad. The boy had an incredibly clear and melodic voice, which even adults envied, and the audience, who at least once visited Oleg's performance, remembered him for many years.

Education of Oleg Pogudin

Pogudin wanted with all the fibers of his soul to become a student at the Leningrad Conservatory of Theater and Music, but there, after graduating from school, he was advised to wait a couple of years, since at this age his voice usually breaks down and becomes rougher. The young man refused to wait and risked submitting documents to LGITMiK, where he was received with open arms. Alexander Kunitsyn became his mentor on the course.

Oleg Pogudin performs songs by Alexander Vertinsky (2002)

As a student, the young man did not stop improving his vocal skills. In 1990, when it was time to submit his thesis, Oleg chose a solo performance with compositions by Alexander Vertinsky. The commission was bribed by the fact that the young man did not even try to copy the famous chansonnier, but, on the contrary, impressed the commission with intonation and vocal colors unusual for Vertinsky.

Oleg Pogudin in his youth

Singing career of Oleg Pogudin

In 1988, Oleg sang in the church choir and even seriously thought about leaving the monastery. A year later, after completing an internship at the Eugene Theater in the USA, his life changed - after a window Starting in 1990 and ending in 1993, Oleg became an actor in the Gorky Bolshoi Theater. In parallel with this, in 1991 the debut album of the artist "Star of Love" was released. In 1992, the singer went to Sweden with two concert tours, and a year later a grandiose tour of Russia and neighboring countries followed.

Oleg Pogudin - "In the moonlight" (1998)

In the first half of the 90s, the singer starred in a number of musicals dedicated to his work: "Lark", "Star of Love", "Gypsy Romance" and "Russian Song and Old Romance". Despite the tight schedule, Oleg continued to create, and soon the records "The Lark" (1993) and "I Will Keep the Words of Love" (1996) saw the light of day. At the age of 29, he was awarded the prestigious Trumpeting Angel award, and 2 years later he was awarded the Tsarskoye Selo Prize for Comprehension of the Soul of Russian Romance. In 2004, Oleg became an Honored Artist of Russia. At the same time, his new disc "I swear that it was love was ..." was released.

Oleg Pogudin in the talk show "Naubum" (2002)

From 2005 to 2006, the singer was the host of the Romance of Romance project on the Kultura channel. The broadcast was a series of concerts with performances by well-known and young performers who presented the public with forgotten old romances, bard songs, and jazz improvisations.

"Romance of Romance" with Oleg Pogudin

At 36, Pogudin began teaching at his alma mater. He worked in this position until 2010. In 2007, the man became an assistant professor at the St. Petersburg Academy. Thanks to his invaluable experience and knowledge, such famous plays as "Scarlet Sails" and "Road Without End" were staged on the stage of the higher institution. A few months later, the man pleased his fans with two new records - “Chants of Hieromonk Roman” and “Songs of the Great War”.

For many years, Pogudin delighted his devoted fans with melodic romances. In 2008, 2 more albums went on sale - "Folk Song" and "Love will remain ...". In 2010 and 2011, 2 new records went on sale: “...Your touch is easy ...” and “Love and separation”. The following year, the man entered the Council under the President of Russia for Cultural Affairs. In 2015 he became the "People's Artist of Russia".

"Thank you, music": Oleg Pogudin, fragment of the concert

Personal life of Oleg Pogudin

The outstanding singer Oleg Pogudin has millions of loyal fans, but despite this, he has never been married. Correspondents very often ask questions about the intimate life of a man, but he always evades the answer. He once stated: "My personal life should not be made public, so I do not want to share it with the media." In his spare time from touring, a man lives in his apartment in St. Petersburg. Oleg Evgenievich is a believer, his faithful companions on tour are the Gospel and the icon.

Oleg Pogudin prefers not to talk about his personal life

Oleg Pogudin today

In 2016, the premiere of Oleg Pogudin's new album, Urban Romance, took place. After 4 months, Pogudin appeared in the TV program "Turns of Time".

In 2016, Oleg Pogudin released a new album - "Urban Romance"

Name: Pogudin Oleg

Age: year 50

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Activity: Soviet and Russian chamber singer, performer of romances, teacher. People's Artist of Russia

Artist Oleg Pogudin rightfully has the title of "Silver Voice of Russia". Of course, he is very talented. Many consider the singer to be the best in his field. Since childhood, he pleases the audience with his excellent voice. At first he sang in the choir, and then CDs with his work began to be widely sold. Many times Pogudin became the winner of music competitions. He has the title of People's Artist of Russia. But is Oleg Pogudin happy in his personal life? Does he have a wife and children? Let's find out about these details of his biography.

The beginning of the creative path

Singer Oleg Pogudin celebrates his anniversary in 2018. He was born on December 22, 1968 in Leningrad. His family was very prosperous. Since childhood, the boy did not feel the need for anything. The mother and father of Oleg Pogudin devoted themselves to work at the Research Institute of the military-industrial complex.

However, such a serious profession, could not prevent the boy from childhood to get involved in music, romances. And the father of the future artist, in many ways, contributed to his hobbies. It was he who instilled in Pogudin, the youngest, a love of art.

In addition, the environment in which Oleg lived on the outskirts of Leningrad played a big role. It was a place with a prosperous atmosphere and the simplicity of a province. But the city center could be reached in just an hour.

Of course, Pogudin's fans are glad that we have such a wonderful artist. Although in childhood Oleg dreamed of repeating the fate of the great Yuri Gagarin and flying into space. And another childhood dream of Pogudin is to become a sailor. After all, Leningrad is a city in which there is a real navy.

This could not but influence the formation of the inner world of the younger generation. These childhood fantasies were not destined to come true. Oleg grew up weak and sickly. Therefore, I had to forget about space and the sea.

A seven-year-old boy firmly connected his life with singing. At nine, he becomes one of the main soloists of the prestigious Leningrad Radio Choir. At that time, he performed in such places as the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, the Glinka State Academic Capella and abroad.

Interestingly, once the future artist answered the question in an essay: “Who do I want to be?” replied that he wanted to be a singer. Then he was given a "two". Of course, because such frivolous professions were not encouraged by Soviet society. And schoolchildren should have dreamed of devoting their lives to work for the good of the Motherland.

Until now, the artist admits that he does not like the worship of ideology in any form. So before, Soviet people were told that living abroad is bad, and people there are not the best.

Oleg, as a child, went on tour abroad and found out that this was not at all the case. Already at that time, many people were wealthy and successful abroad, they did not suffer from hunger and want there.

Having drawn such conclusions, Pogudin realized that you should not trust everything that the authorities tell you about. That is why he chose a creative profession, as free from ideology as possible and allowing him to express himself and his talents.

Oleg Pogudin in his student years

After completing his studies at school, Oleg Pogudin decided to become a student at the Leningrad Conservatory of Theater and Music. However, his plans did not materialize. No, Pogudin undoubtedly had talent. Everyone recognized this. But members of the selection committee advised the guy to postpone admission for two years. They were afraid that the guy's voice would begin to break, and this would prevent him from studying. The ambitious Pogudin did not want to waste two years of his life waiting and entered another educational institution. LGITMiK opened its doors for him, where he studied on the course of Alexander Kunitsyn.

Oleg Pogudin, photo

He began his musical career with the songs of the famous chansonnier Alexander Vertinsky. And at the final exam he performed several hits of this artist. However, the commission was subdued precisely by the fact that Pogudin did not copy Vertinsky's vocals. He gave the compositions his "zest". Didn't look like anyone.

There is another interesting fact from the student biography of Oleg Pogudin. He studied on the same course with the famous actor and singer Evgeny Dyatlov today. Moreover, the young people were on friendly terms. They performed together many times and recorded many joint songs.

heyday career

In his youth, Oleg Pogudin, whose biography, whose wife and children are of interest to fans, sang at the Church and wanted to go to the monastery. But stage singing soon became the artist's only serious hobby. Pogudin recalls that in 1992 he heard the romance of Anna German on TV and was shocked to the core. He realized that he should be engaged in a singing career and remained "in the world."

A little later, Pogudin trained in the United States of America and after that he gained crazy popularity both abroad and in his homeland. In 1990, Oleg Pogudin worked in Moscow, at the Gorky Theater. Two years later, he goes on tour to Sweden, and a year later, the young artist goes on a big tour of Russian cities. In addition, a talented singer is invited to participate in musicals. Oleg Pogudin also releases his romances on CDs. And the audience accepted his albums with a bang.

Oleg Pogudin trained in the USA

The artist admits in an interview that he does not suffer from star disease. Including due to the fact that since childhood he had many health problems. The boy then realized that he was an ordinary person - no higher than those around him.

For his career and creative biography, Oleg Pogudin, who does not like to talk about his wife and children, was awarded many honorary awards. Including: "For the comprehension of the soul of the Russian romance", "The trumpeting angel". And in 2004 he became an honored artist of television.

In 2005, Pogudin is still at the peak of his popularity. He successfully hosts the TV show "Romance of Romance" on the TV channel "Culture". As part of this TV show, well-known and popular artists performed old romances, hits by talented bards, and jazz compositions.

When the artist turned thirty-six, he got a job as a teacher at LGITMiK, where he had once been a student. He gave six years of work at the university and became an assistant professor.

Despite being busy, Oleg Pogudin never quit his creative activity. He still played on stage and released collections of songs. In 2011, he receives a position in the Council under the President of Russia and is responsible for cultural life in the country. And in 2015, Oleg Pogudin became the People's Russian Artist.

Personal life of Oleg Pogudin

The biography of a famous artist, the presence of children and his wife are a topic closed to prying eyes. But loyal fans still know that the most famous performer of romances in Russia has never been married. The topic of personal life is something that Pogudin carefully hides from journalists. Once in an interview, he mentioned his position on this issue. He said that he did not consider it possible to discuss such a delicate issue with anyone.

Oleg Pogudin hides his personal life

Of course, a handsome man is often predicted to be the wife of a variety of girls. In addition, the name of the artist is often associated with scandals. For example, about five years ago there were rumors that Pogudin, when he sang at a wedding, laid eyes on the bride. And the girl supposedly responded to him in return. However, no evidence of this high-profile story was found.

A year later, Pogudin began dating lawyer Ekaterina Pavlova. Together they were seen in places of entertainment, at celebrations. In addition, they said that Catherine and Oleg sometimes travel together - to Cyprus, to Venice, to Monaco. Pogudin almost did not comment on the rumors about his novel.

The current life of Oleg Pogudin

Now Oleg Pogudin lives in his own apartment in St. Petersburg. He still remains a believer. Faith is the most valuable thing in his life. Often the artist visits the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, and on tour he takes with him an Orthodox icon and the Bible.

In 2016, Oleg Pogudin released the next album, Urban Romance. And four months later he spoke about his life in the program "Turns of Time".

Oleg Pogudin is a member of the jury board of the Blue Bird competition for young talents

In November 2018, the famous artist gave a concert in Paris. He performed both famous Russian romances and compositions by famous authors - Bulat Okudzhava, Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Also songs in French. Pogudin also recalled that a hundred years have passed since the significant event - the Soviet socialist revolution.

At that time, many talented individuals emigrated from the country. And Alexander Vertinsky, who was in many ways an example for Pogudin, dedicated many songs to these people. Oleg performed some of them - about how hard it was for those people to leave their beloved Motherland.

Oleg Pogudin is also a member of the jury board for the Blue Bird competition for young talents. The artist has repeatedly assisted young performers in starting a career. He was the organizer of their concerts, helped to release CDs. Moreover, the artist admits that he considers himself one of the most talented singers in the world and is grateful that he has a good acting education.

In addition, the artist considers the state of the modern stage to be terrible. There are a lot of people, in his opinion, who can be respected only for the fact that they earn money. At the same time, such people do not develop as artists. They are not interested in this development.

Oleg believes that today is a very favorable time to reveal his creative potential. He argues that if there were so many opportunities in Soviet times, he would have achieved much greater success. Although in principle, the artist is satisfied with his career and life.

Oleg Pogudin (born December 22, 1968) is a Soviet, Russian singer, actor, teacher. Engaged mainly in chamber singing, performs romances. People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Young years

Oleg Evgenievich was born into an intelligent Leningrad family. Childhood years were spent on the outskirts of the city, his parents worked at the Research Institute of the military industry. Singing occupied a special place in the history of the family; more than one generation was fond of it among the Pogudins. Oleg's father, who was no exception, early instilled in his son a love of music.

From the age of ten, the boy began to attend a music school, where he was taught to conduct a choir. In 1979 he became a soloist of the Leningrad Children's Choir, singing in it for three years. Together with the team, he toured a lot, including abroad. He performed on the stages of the "October", the Philharmonic. Shostakovich, Academic Chapel. Oleg, already in childhood, stood out with his extraordinary voice, arousing the admiration of the public.

Young O. Pogudin

After school, the aspirations of the young men were directed to the Leningrad Conservatory, but there he was recommended to wait out the period of voice change. Wasting no time, Oleg submitted documents to the Leningrad Institute. Cherkasov (now the Institute of Performing Arts), where he was gladly accepted. He studied at the acting department, the course of A. Kunitsyn. During his studies, he did not leave vocal classes. For some time he performed in the church choir and even made plans for the monastic service, which he later abandoned.
He completed an internship in the USA on the topic "American musical". As a diploma work in 1990, he played in the performance of one actor with the performance of A. Vertinsky's songs in his own style. Graduated from high school with a red diploma.

Career Development

Immediately after the institute, Pogudin got a job at the St. Petersburg Drama Theater. Gorky, where he played until 1993. He continued his vocal activity: he organized a program with Vertinsky's songs “I am an artist”, in 1991 he recorded the first disc “Star of Love”. A year later he went to Sweden, where he made two tours with concerts. The trip turned out to be very successful, after which the artist began to actively give concerts at home and abroad. Worked with many radio studios.

Frame from the film about the work of Pogudin

From 1993 to 1996, Pogudin starred in a dozen musical television films, while as many as six films were devoted specifically to his creative activity (Lark, Gypsy Romance, etc.). During this time, he also recorded three new discs. In 1997 he released three more albums. In total, the artist's discography includes more than twenty albums.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, he began working on his own project "Russian Genius", which included songs to many poems by Russian poets. In the process of this work, he maintained cooperation with various literary museums. In 2004, he began teaching at the theater academy, and three years later became an assistant professor in the department. He was engaged in teaching activities for six years, in the process he participated in such large theatrical projects as "Scarlet Sails" and others. In 2005-2006, he hosted a program on the Kultura TV channel called Romance of Romance.

In 2009, he began a three-year internship at the Center for Opera Singing (headed by G.P. Vishnevskaya). For many years he has been a member of the Presidential Council for Culture and Art. During his career, Pogudin has had to perform with famous Russian orchestras, but in most concerts he uses a team of fifteen experienced musicians who have been working with the artist for many years. It is noteworthy that in his concert requirements Oleg Evgenievich is completely unpretentious: he readily performs in unheated halls, limiting himself to a bottle of water and a cup of coffee. At the same time, the event must be held at a high cultural level.

Pogudin's speech dedicated to S. Yesenin (Ryazan, 2014)

The rich repertoire of the singer includes about five hundred compositions. In addition to romances, he often performs military, folk, pop songs in different languages ​​of the world. His voice has been heard on St. Petersburg radio for more than twenty years. The artist often pays tribute to the memory of other famous performers, dedicating his programs to Vertinsky, Okudzhava, and others. Journalists call Pogudin the "silver voice" of the country, as well as the "king of Russian romance." Little is known about his personal life, the singer has never been married, he lives alternately in one of his apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Achievements Pogudin

Trumpeting Angel Prize

Tsarskoye Selo Prize

Triumph Award

Medal in honor of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg

Order of Alexander Nevsky

Crystal Rose Award

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

Pushkin Jubilee Medal

Medal of the Apostle Peter

Medal "Metropolitan Laurus"

People's Artist of the Russian Federation

Pogudin Oleg Evgenievich is a unique person with an incredibly beautiful timbre of voice, a singer who performs romances, a teacher, at one time he worked as an assistant professor at the variety department at the Academy of Theater Arts.

In his school years, the young man performed in the church choir in his native town and seriously thought about going to the monastery. But, fortunately, the many millions of fans of his voice and creativity - at the last moment he changed his mind. Despite his popularity, the people's artist is quite modest, one might say unpretentious. Arranging for concerts, Pogudin asks that there be a cup of coffee and a bottle of water in the dressing room.

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Pogudin

Height, weight, age. How old is Oleg Pogudin - this information is of interest to all fans of his work. The great tenor is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. There are people whom nature has endowed with a figure since childhood, and so Oleg is one of them.

Having looked at the request of Oleg Pogudin, a photo in his youth and now, the conclusion suggests itself - the artist has been “in the same pore” throughout his life. Tall, fit, handsome, with the right posture - this is how the audience always sees him. Pogudin tries to lead the right way: eat in moderation, do not drink alcohol, and smoking is generally a taboo for the singer.

Biography and personal life of Oleg Pogudin

The biography and personal life of Oleg Pogudin can be said to pass without black bars. The future chamber singer was born in 1968 at the end of December. Oleg's childhood and youth take place in Leningrad. Father and mother - Pogudins - worked all their lives at a research institute that was related to the military-industrial complex. On the father's side, all the men had a wonderful voice, and the father himself was engaged in singing in his spare time, he was able to instill his love for music in his son.

Starting from the first grade, Oleg has been intensively engaged in vocals and at the age of eleven, he performs in the children's choir of radio and television. After a short period of time, he becomes the leading soloist, he has the first fans of his performance of songs.

The young man dreams of entering the Leningrad Conservatory, but they answered that they would be glad to see him in a couple of years, when his voice would stop breaking. The young man, having a bewitching voice and attractive appearance, immediately submits documents to the Institute of Theater and Music, where he is immediately enrolled. Oleg attends all classes with pleasure and graduates from an educational institution in the 90s. Under the student exchange program, Pogudin goes to the United States of America for three months. At the end of the term, the young talent performs in New York (Lincoln Center).

At the exam, he surprises all the teachers with the performance of songs from Vertinsky's repertoire. The student does not just sing, trying to imitate the famous singer, but comes up with his own intonation, his own style of performance.
For such an extraordinary approach and diligent training, he receives a red diploma.

After graduating from the institute, Pogudin pleases the audience with an original program called "I am an artist." At the same time, he became an actor in the St. Petersburg Gorky Theater, worked there for three years, and released a solo disc, Star of Love.

The fame of the artist is growing every day, he goes to Sweden, performs with two concert tours, performing Russian songs and romances, captivating the local audience with his style of singing.

A lot of information can be found on the request "Oleg Pogudin romances, video, concert"

In 1993, Oleg Evgenievich went on a tour of Russia and neighboring countries, worked on radio and television studios.

Thanks to his mesmerizing voice and diverse repertoire, during his creative career, the "Silver Voice of Russia" is another title of the singer, he played in more than ten musical films, some of them were dedicated to the work of the hero himself: "Lark", "Gypsy novel", "Star of Love".

In addition to his career as a performer, Pogudin tried himself as a TV presenter, hosted the Romance of Romance program, and quite successfully. He managed to work as a teacher at his native institute.

Today, the artist's repertoire includes more than 500 romances and songs, they are sung on three continents, in more than ten languages. The winner of many awards and prizes is not going to stop there, he constantly gives concerts, organizes creative evenings, and goes on tour.

Family and children of Oleg Pogudin

The family and children of Oleg Pogudin is the most discussed topic in glossy magazines and not only. And all because thoroughly no one knows whether the people's artist has children and a spouse.

Journalists who have been trying for a year to find out at least some information about the personal life of the performer of romances. However, Pogudin remains adamant on this issue: his personal life should not be put on public display, even despite the fact that he is a well-known, public figure.

“All that should be of interest to fans of my work is when the next disc will be released or where my concert will take place,” Oleg sometimes laughs off annoying paparazzi.

Wife of Oleg Pogudin

The wife of Oleg Pogudin is another frequently discussed news about our hero. Many of Oleg's colleagues, and just friends, manage to marry at least three times and divorce twice in their lives, while Pogudin has never been married.

Of course, novels are periodically attributed to the chamber singer, but there is no evidence of his adventures. A couple of times he was seen in the company of a well-known lawyer - Katerina. It was rumored that the couple repeatedly went on vacation together, they were seen together in restaurants in Moscow.

However, when they wrote that Oleg Pogudin was married to Ekaterina Pavlova, this turned out to be another unverified information. Fans do not lose the chance, because Oleg's heart is still free.

Instagram and Wikipedia Oleg Pogudin

Oleg Evgenievich is a very reserved person, he devotes all his time and energy to his favorite work. With pleasure he helps young talents if they turn to him for help. Once he helped organize the first concerts of the aspiring singer, together they sang the song "Eternal Love".

Instagram and Wikipedia of Oleg Pogudin is a short biography of the artist with an extended discography. On Pogudin's official website, you can find reliable information about his career and upcoming concerts. There are also contact details for feedback.

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