Personification - what is it? What is personification, or why the wind blows.


Let's look for an example of personification in poetry. We read from Sergei Yesenin:

Small forests. Steppe and gave.

Moonlight all the way.

Here again they suddenly sobbed

Draft bells.

The bells did not ring, but sobbed, as women weep when they are in grief.

Personification helps a writer or poet to create an artistic image, bright and unique, expands the possibilities of the word in conveying a picture of the world, sensations and feelings, in expressing one's attitude to the depicted.

2.6 Hyperbole (tropes)- a figurative expression, consisting in an exaggeration of the size, strength, beauty, meaning of the described: In a hundred and forty suns, the sunset was blazing (V. Mayakovsky). They can be individual-author's and general language ( at the edge of the earth).

In linguistics, the word "hyperbola" call an excessive exaggeration of any qualities or properties, phenomena, processes in order to create a bright and impressive image, for example:

rivers of blood, you are always late, mountains of corpses, haven’t seen each other for a hundred years, scare you to death, said a hundred times, a million apologies, a sea of ​​ripened wheat, I’ve been waiting for ages, I’ve stood all day, at least fill up, a house a thousand kilometers away, constantly late.

Hyperbole is often found in folklore, for example, in epics: Ilya Muromets picks up "an iron shalyga, but which weighed exactly one hundred pounds",

Yes, wherever you wave, the street will fall,

And wave back - alleys ...

In fiction, writers use hyperbole to enhance expressiveness, create a figurative characterization of the hero, a vivid and individual idea of ​​him. With the help of hyperbole, the author's attitude to the character is revealed, the general impression of the statement is created.

2.7 Litota (trope)- this is a figurative expression, turnover, stylistic figure, (trope) which contains an artistic understatement of the size, strength of the meaning of the depicted object or phenomenon. Litota in this sense is the opposite of hyperbole, so it is called inverse hyperbole in another way. In litotes, on the basis of some common feature, two heterogeneous phenomena are compared, but this feature is represented in the phenomenon-means of comparison to a much lesser extent than in the phenomenon-object of comparison. .

N.V. Gogol often turned to litotes. For example, in the story “Nevsky Prospekt”: “such a small mouth that it can’t miss more than two pieces”, “waist, no thicker than a bottle neck”.

Litota is especially often used in poetry. Almost no poet has bypassed this stylistic device. After all, litotes are a means of expression.

In poetry, this stylistic figure occurs as:

1. Denial of the opposite.

An example from a poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky sounds like this:

"O, I'm not bad lived in this world!

2. As an understatement of the subject.

Nekrasov Lita. Example:

“In big boots, in a sheepskin coat,
Big gloves... and himself with a fingernail

"My The fox is so small
So small

What of the wings mosquitoes
I made two shirt-fronts for myself "

2.8 Allegory (tropes)- conditional representation of abstract ideas (concepts) through a specific artistic image or dialogue.

As a trope, allegory is used in fables, parables, morality; in the visual arts it is expressed by certain attributes. Allegory arose on the basis of mythology, was reflected in folklore, and was developed in the visual arts. The main way of depicting allegory is a generalization of human concepts; representations are revealed in the images and behavior of animals, plants, mythological and fairy-tale characters, inanimate objects, which acquire a figurative meaning

Example: the allegory of "justice" - Themis (a woman with scales).

2.9 Paraphrase (tropes)- a descriptive expression used instead of a particular word, for example: King of beasts (lion), city on the Neva (St. Petersburg). General language periphrases usually get a stable character. Many of them are constantly used in the language of newspapers: people in white coats (doctors). Stylistically, figurative and non-figurative paraphrases are distinguished, cf.: The sun of Russian poetry and the author of "Eugene Onegin" (V. G. Belinsky).Euphemism variety paraphrases. Euphemisms replace words, the use of which by the speaker or writer for some reason seems undesirable.

2.10 Irony (trope)- the use of the word in the opposite sense of the literal: Where, smart, are you wandering, head? (I. Krylov). Clever mind- an appeal to the donkey. Irony is a subtle mockery, expressed in the form of praise or a positive description of the subject.

The classic of Russian literature N.V. Gogol in a poem "Dead Souls" with a completely serious look tells about the chief of police-bribe taker:

The police chief was in some ways a father figure and benefactor in the city. He was among the citizensjust like a native in the family, and he visited the shops and the gostiny yard, likein your own closet.

2.11 Antithesis (trope)this is a turn of poetic speech, in which, in order to enhance expressiveness, sharplydirectly opposite phenomena, concepts, thoughts are opposed:Both the rich and the poor, and the wise, and the stupid, and the good, and the evil, sleep (A. Chekhov).

The lexical basis of antithesis is the presence of antonyms, which is clearly manifested in proverbs and sayings:

Easy to make friends, hard to part.

The smart one teaches, the fool gets bored.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

The rich feast even on weekdays, while the poor mourn even on holidays.

They came together: wave and stone,

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other.

(A.S. Pushkin).

2.12 Oxymoron (trope) - stylistic figure or stylistic mistake - a combination of words with the opposite meaning, that is, a combination of incongruous. An oxymoron is characterized by the intentional use of contradiction to create a stylistic effect: living corpse, large trifles.

2.13 Antonomasia - trope, which is expressed in the replacement of a name or a name with an indication of some essential feature of an object or its relation to something.

An example of a substitution for an essential feature of the subject: "great poet" instead of "Pushkin". An example of a replacement with an indication of a relationship: “the author of War and Peace” instead of “Tolstoy”; "Peleus son" instead of "Achilles".

In addition, antonymy is also called the replacement of a common noun by a proper name (the use of a proper name in the meaning of a common noun). Examples: "Esculapius" instead of "doctor". “We sang songs, ate dawns // and the meat of future times, and you - // with unnecessary cunning in your eyes // solid dark Semyonovs”, N. N. Aseev.

Antonomasia in both cases is a special kind of metonymy.

2.14 Gradation (st. figure) - Arrangement of words in increasing or decreasing importance: I do not regret, I do not call, I do not cry (S. Yesenin).

A striking example of an ascending gradation is the lines from the well-known "Tales of the Golden fish" A.S. Pushkin:

I don't want to be a black peasant

I want to be a pillar noblewoman;

I don't want to be a pillar noblewoman,

And I want to be a free queen;

I don't want to be a free queen

And I want to be the mistress of the sea.

An increase in the expressiveness of the utterance, an increase in expressiveness with the help of a climax is observed in the lines of A.P. Chekhov:

The traveler jumps up to him and, raising his fists, is ready to tear, destroy, crush.

2.15 Inversion (st. figure) - an arrangement of words that breaks the usual word order:

A lonely sail turns white

In the fog of the blue sea (M. Lermontov).

"Everyone was ready to start a new battle tomorrow" (M. Lermontov)

"I restore Russia from dampness and sleepers" (M. Tsvetaeva)

"In the two years I've lived here, yesterday has turned into tomorrow"

Inversion allows you to focus on a particular word or phrase; places semantic loads in the sentence; in a poetic text, inversion sets the rhythm; in prose, with the help of inversion, logical stresses can be placed; inversion conveys the attitude of the author to the characters and the emotional state of the author; inversion brings the text to life and makes it more readable and interesting. To fully understand what inversion is, you need to read more classical literature. In addition to inversion, in the texts of great writers you can find many other interesting stylistic devices that make speech brighter and with which our Russian language is so rich.

2.16 Ellipsis (st. figure)- omission for stylistic purposes of any implied member of the sentence. Ellipsis gives speech a swift, dynamic character: We are cities - to ashes, villages - to dust (V. Zhukovsky). It is used by authors to force readers to think of a deliberately omitted phrase or a single word on their own.

“...Walk at the wedding, because it is the last one!” In these lines, which belong to Tvardovsky, the word “what” is missing. “Her life was longer than mine.” And here we observe the omission of a minor member of the sentence, an additional one, which is expressed by a noun in the nominative case.

2.17 Concurrency (st. figure)- the same syntactic construction of neighboring sentences, the location of similar members of the sentence in them.

Your mind is as deep as the sea.

Your spirit is as high as the mountains (V. Bryusov).

What is he looking for in a distant country? What did he throw in his native land? (M. Lermontov).

2.18 Anaphora(unity) ( Art. figure) - repetition of the same words or phrases at the beginning of sentences:

I stand at the high doors.

I follow your work (M. Svetlov).

2.19 Epiphora (st. figure) - repetition of individual words or phrases at the end of sentences: I would like to know why I am a titular councillor? Why a titular adviser? (N. Gogol).

2.20 Asindeton (non-union) (st. figure)- the absence of unions between homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence: Swede, Russian - stabs, cuts, cuts (A. Pushkin).

Flickering past the booth, women,
Boys, benches, lanterns,
Palaces, gardens, monasteries,
Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens,
Merchants, shacks, men,
Boulevards, towers, Cossacks,
Pharmacies, fashion stores,
Balconies, lions on the gates
And flocks of jackdaws on crosses.

A. S. Pushkin

2.21 Polysyndeton (multi-union) (st. figure) - repetition of the same union with homogeneous members or parts of a complex sentence: It is both boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to in a moment of spiritual adversity (M. Lermontov).

2.22 Rhetorical question (v. figure)- using an interrogative form for a more vivid expression of thought. It is sometimes said that a question that does not require an answer can be considered rhetorical, that is, a statement formulated in the form of a question for poetics. In fact, the answer to a rhetorical question is so obvious that it can be read "between the letters" of the question: Do you love theater as much as I do? (V. Belinsky).“O Volga, my cradle, did anyone love you like me?” (Nekrasov)

"What Russian doesn't like to drive fast?" (Gogol)

2.23 Rhetorical exclamation (art. figure)- an emotionally colored sentence in which emotions are necessarily expressed intonationally and one or another concept is affirmed in it. The rhetorical exclamation sounds with poetic enthusiasm and elation:

“Yes, love as our blood loves

None of you have loved for a long time!” (A. Blok);

"Here it is, stupid happiness

With white windows to the garden!” (S. Yesenin);

"Fade power!

To die is to die!

Until the end of my dear lips

I would like to kiss ... "(S. Yesenin)

2.24 Rhetorical address (v. figure)- an underlined appeal to someone or something, with the aim of expressing the author's attitude to this or that object, to give a description: "I love you, my damask dagger, comrade light and cold ..." (M.Yu. Lermontov) This stylistic figure contains expression, intensifying the tension of speech: “Oh, you, whose letters are many, many in my portfolio I keep ...” (N. Nekrasov) or “Flowers, love, village, idleness, field! I am devoted to you with my soul ”(A.S. Pushkin)

The form of the rhetorical appeal is conditional. It gives poetic speech the necessary authorial intonation: solemnity, pathos, cordiality, irony, etc.:

“The stars are clear, the stars are high!

What do you keep in yourself, what do you hide?

Stars, concealing deep thoughts,

By what power do you captivate the soul? (S. Yesenin)

2.25 Parceling- a special articulation of the statement, in which incomplete sentences arise, following the main one: And all the Kuznetsk bridge and the eternal French, Where fashion comes to us from, and authors, and muses: Destroyers of pockets and hearts! When will the creator deliver us From their hats! bonnets! and Shpilek! and pins!.. A.S.Griboyedov. Woe from the mind.

3. Functions of tropes in the text

The most important role in artistic speech is played by tropes - words and expressions used not in a direct, but in a figurative sense. Tropes create in the work the so-called allegorical figurativeness, when the image arises from the convergence of one object or phenomenon with another.

This is the most common function of all tropes - to reflect in the structure of the image the ability of a person to think by analogy, to embody, according to the poet, "the convergence of things far away", thus emphasizing the unity and integrity of the world around us. At the same time, the artistic effect of the trail, as a rule, is the stronger, the farther the approaching phenomena are separated from each other: such is, for example, Tyutchev's likening of lightning to “deaf-mute demons”. On the example of this path, one can trace another function of allegorical figurativeness: to reveal the essence of this or that phenomenon, usually hidden, the potential poetic meaning contained in it. So, in our example, Tyutchev, with the help of a rather complex and non-obvious path, makes the reader take a closer look at such an ordinary phenomenon as lightning, to see it from an unexpected angle. Despite the complexity of the paths, it is very accurate: indeed, the reflections of lightning without thunder are naturally designated by the epithet “deaf and dumb”.

The use of tropes in artistic speech creates new combinations of words with their new meaning, enriches speech with new shades of meaning, gives the phenomenon being defined the meaning, shade of meaning that the speaker needs, conveys his assessment of the phenomenon, that is, plays on the subjective component.
And the aesthetic is a function of creativity in general, tropes are the main way to create an artistic image, and an artist. the image is the main aesthetic category. tropes make natural language a poetic language, enable it to perform the main function of poetic language - aesthetic.

For literary analysis (as opposed to linguistic analysis), it is extremely important to distinguish between general language tropes, that is, those that have entered the language system and are used by all its speakers, and author's tropes that are used once by a writer or poet in this particular situation. Only the tropes of the second group are capable of creating poetic imagery, while the first group, common language tropes, should not be taken into account in the analysis for obvious reasons. The fact is that common language tropes are “erased”, as it were, from frequent and widespread use, lose their figurative expressiveness, are perceived as a stamp and, therefore, are functionally identical to vocabulary without any figurative meaning.


In conclusion of this work, I would like to note that the resources of expressive means in the language are inexhaustible and the means of language, such as figures and paths, which make our speech beautiful and expressive, are extremely diverse. And it is very useful to know them, especially for writers and poets who live in creativity, because. the use of figures and tropes leaves an imprint of individuality on the author's style.

The successful use of tropes and figures raises the level of text perception, while the unsuccessful use of such techniques, on the contrary, lowers it. A text with an unsuccessful use of expressiveness techniques defines the writer as an unintelligent person, and this is the most difficult by-product. Interestingly, when reading the works of young writers, as a rule, stylistically imperfect, one can draw a conclusion about the level of the author’s mind: some, not realizing that they do not know how to use various methods of expressiveness, nevertheless oversaturate the text with them, and it becomes difficult to read it. impossible; others, realizing that they cannot cope with the masterful use of tropes and figures, make the text neutral from this point of view, using the so-called "telegraphic style". This is also not always appropriate, but it is perceived better than a heap of expressive techniques, clumsily used. Neutral, almost devoid of expressiveness, the text looks like a meager one, which is quite obvious, but at least it does not characterize the author as a fool. Only a real master can skillfully apply tropes and figures in his creations, and brilliant authors can even be “recognized” by their individual style of writing.

Expressive devices such as tropes and figures should surprise the reader. Efficiency is achieved only in those cases when the reader is shocked by what he has read and impressed by the pictures and images of the work. The literary works of Russian poets and writers are rightfully famous for their genius, and the expressive means of the Russian language play an important role in this, which our Russian writers very skillfully use in their works.


1. Bogdanova L.I. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech. Lexicology for speech actions. - M.: Nauka, 2011. - 520 p.

Introduction to Literary Studies. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 720 p.

Krupchanov L. M. Theory of Literature. - M.: Nauka, 2012. - 360 p.

4. Meshcheryakov V.P., Kozlov A.S. and other Introduction to literary criticism. Fundamentals of the theory of literature. - M.: Yurayt, 2012. - 432 p.

Mineralov I.Yu. Theory of artistic literature. - M.: Vlados, 1999. - 360 p.

Sannikov V.Z. Russian syntax in the semantic-pragmatic space. - M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture, 2008. - 624 p.

Telpukhovskaya Yu.N. Russian language. Phonetics. Graphic arts. Word formation. Morphology. Syntax. Vocabulary and phraseology. - M.: Vesta, 2008. - 64 p.

Artistic text. Structure and poetics. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University, 2005. - 296 p.

Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms and concepts. Russian language. T. 1. M, Nauka, 2009. - 828 p.

Petrov O.V. "Rhetoric". LLC "Profobrazovanie" 2001

Zaretskaya E.N. "Rhetoric: Theory and Practice of Speech Communication". Publishing house "Delo", 2002.

The role of metaphors in the text

Metaphor is one of the brightest and most powerful means of creating expressiveness and figurativeness of the text.

Through the metaphorical meaning of words and phrases, the author of the text not only enhances the visibility and visibility of what is depicted, but also conveys the uniqueness, individuality of objects or phenomena, while showing the depth and nature of his own associative-figurative thinking, vision of the world, the measure of talent (“The most important thing is to be skillful in metaphors. Only this cannot be adopted from another - this is a sign of talent "(Aristotle).

Metaphors serve as an important means of expressing the author's assessments and emotions, the author's characteristics of objects and phenomena.

For example: I feel stuffy in this atmosphere! Kites! Owl nest! Crocodiles!(A.P. Chekhov)

In addition to artistic and journalistic styles, metaphors are characteristic of colloquial and even scientific style (" the ozone hole», « electron cloud" and etc.).

personification- this is a kind of metaphor based on the transfer of signs of a living being to natural phenomena, objects and concepts.

Most often, personifications are used to describe nature.

For example:
Rolling through sleepy valleys
Sleepy fogs lay down,
And only the stomp of a horse,
Sounding, is lost in the distance.
It went out, turning pale, autumn day,
Rolling fragrant leaves,
Eating dreamless sleep
Semi-withered flowers.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Less often, personifications are associated with the objective world.

For example:
Isn't it true, never again
We won't break up? Enough?..
And the violin answered yes
But the heart of the violin was in pain.
The bow understood everything, it calmed down,
And in the violin, the echo kept everything ...
And it was a pain for them
What people thought was music.

(I. F. Annensky);

There was something good-natured and at the same time cozy in the physiognomy of this house.(D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak)

Avatars- the paths are very old, with their roots in pagan antiquity and therefore occupy such an important place in mythology and folklore. The Fox and the Wolf, the Hare and the Bear, the epic Serpent Gorynych and the Poganoe Idolishche - all these and other fantastic and zoological characters of fairy tales and epics are familiar to us from early childhood.

One of the literary genres closest to folklore, the fable, is based on personification.

Even today, without personification, it is unthinkable to imagine works of art; without them, our everyday speech is unthinkable.

Figurative speech not only visually represents thought. Its advantage is that it is shorter. Instead of describing the subject in detail, we can compare it with an already known subject.

It is impossible to imagine poetic speech without using this technique:
"The storm covers the sky with mist
Whirlwinds of snow twisting,
Like a beast, she will howl
He will cry like a child."
(A.S. Pushkin)

The role of personifications in the text

Personifications serve to create vivid, expressive and figurative pictures of something, to enhance the transmitted thoughts and feelings.

Personification as an expressive means is used not only in the artistic style, but also in journalistic and scientific.

For example: X-ray shows, the device speaks, the air heals, something stirred in the economy.

The most common metaphors are formed on the principle of personification, when an inanimate object acquires the properties of an animate one, as if acquiring a face.

1. Usually, the two components of a metaphor-personification are the subject and the predicate: the blizzard was angry», « the golden cloud spent the night», « waves are playing».

« get angry", that is, only a person can experience irritation, but" winter storm", a blizzard, plunging the world into cold and darkness, also brings" evil". « spend the night", sleep peacefully at night, only living beings are capable," cloud"But personifies a young woman who has found an unexpected shelter. Marine « waves"in the imagination of the poet" play', like children.

We often find examples of metaphors of this type in the poetry of A.S. Pushkin:
Not suddenly raptures will leave us ...
A death dream flies over him ...
My days are gone...
The spirit of life woke up in him...
Fatherland caressed you ...
Poetry awakens in me...

2. Many metaphors-personifications are built according to the method of management: “ lyre singing», « the voice of the waves», « fashion darling», « happiness darling" and etc.

A musical instrument is like a human voice, and it too " sings”, and the splashing of the waves resembles a quiet conversation. " favorite», « minion"are not only in people, but also in the wayward" fashion"or changeable" happiness».

For example: "Winters of threat", "Abyss voice", "joy of sadness", "day of despondency", "son of laziness", "threads ... of fun", "brother by muse, by fate", "victim of slander", "cathedral wax faces ”, “Joy language”, “mourn the burden”, “hope of young days”, “pages of malice and vice”, “shrine voice”, “by the will of passions”.

But there are metaphors formed differently. The criterion of difference here is the principle of animation and inanimateness. An inanimate object does NOT gain the properties of an animate object.

one). Subject and predicate: “Desire is seething”, “eyes are burning”, “the heart is empty”.

Desire in a person can manifest itself to a strong degree, seethe and " boil". Eyes, betraying excitement, shine and " are burning". Heart, soul, not warmed by feeling, can become " empty».

For example: “I learned grief early, I was comprehended by persecution”, “our youth will not suddenly fade”, “noon ... burned”, “the moon floats”, “conversations flow”, “stories spread out”, “love ... faded away”, “I call the shadow "," life fell.

2). Phrases built according to the method of management can also, being metaphors, NOT be personification: “ dagger of treachery», « glory tomb», « chain of clouds" and etc.

Steel arms - " dagger" - kills a person, but " treason"is like a dagger and can also destroy, break life. " Tomb"- this is a crypt, a grave, but not only people can be buried, but also glory, worldly love. " Chain" consists of metal links, but " clouds”, whimsically intertwining, form a semblance of a chain in the sky.

Chapter II Systematization of the literary-theoretical concept of "personification"

2.1. Personification - the artistic trope of literature

Personification (personification, prosopopoeia)- tropes, the assignment of the properties of animate objects to inanimate ones. Very often, personification is used in the depiction of nature, which is endowed with certain human features.


And woe, woe, grief!
And the bast of grief was girded,
Feet are entangled with bast.

In folk song

State, as if stepdad angry,
from whom, alas, do not run away,
because it is impossible to take
Motherland - a suffering mother.

personification was widespread in the poetry of different eras and peoples, from folklore lyrics to poetic works of romantic poets, from precision poetry to creativity (from the materials of the INTERNET network: teachers-innovators).

personification, like allegory, is based on metaphor. In a metaphor, the properties of an animate object are transferred to an inanimate one. Transferring one by one the properties of animate objects to an inanimate object, we gradually, so to speak, bring the object to life. The message to an inanimate object of a complete image of a living being is called personification.

Examples of personifications:

And woe, woe, grief!

And grief girded itself with a bast,

Feet are entangled with bast.

(Folk song)

The personification of winter:

There is a gray-haired sorceress,

Shaggy waves his sleeve;

And snow, and scum, and frost pours,

And turns water into ice.

From her cold breath

Nature's gaze is numb...


After all, autumn is in the yard

He looks through the curtain.

Winter follows her

In a warm coat goes

The path is covered with snow

It crunches under the sleigh...


personification - endowing inanimate objects with human feelings and the ability to speak; stylistic device, very common for all ages and peoples. This definition is given by the author-compiler of the dictionary of poetic terms, literary critic A.P. Kvyatkovsky (17).

personification, prosopopoeia (from Greek prósōpon - face and poiéō - I do), personification (from Latin persona - person, person and facio - I do), a special kind metaphors: the transfer of human features (more broadly - the features of a living being) to inanimate objects and phenomena. You can define gradations personification depending on the function in artistic speech and literary creativity.

1) personification as a stylistic figure associated with the “instinct of personification in living languages” (A. Beletsky) and with the rhetorical tradition inherent in any expressive speech: “the heart speaks”, “the river plays”.

2) personification in folk poetry and individual lyrics (for example, in G. Heine, F. Tyutchev, S. Yesenin) as a metaphor, close in its role to psychological parallelism: the life of the surrounding world, mainly nature, attracted to participation in the mental life of the hero, is endowed with signs humanoid.

3) personification the assimilation of the natural to the human goes back to mythological and fairy-tale thinking, with the essential difference that in mythology the “face” of the elements is revealed through “kinship” with the human world (for example, the relationship between Uranus - Heaven and Gaia - Earth is clarified through likening marriage), and in folklore and poetic creativity of later eras, on the contrary, through the personified manifestations of spontaneous natural life, the “face” and spiritual movements of a person are revealed.

4) personification how symbol, directly related to the central artistic idea and growing out of a system of private Personification. The poetic prose of A.P. Chekhov's story "The Steppe" is permeated personification- metaphors or comparisons: a handsome poplar is burdened by his loneliness, half-dead grass sings a mournful song, etc. From their totality arises the supreme personification: the “face” of the steppe, aware of the vain loss of its wealth, heroism and inspiration, is a multi-valued symbol associated with the artist’s thoughts about the homeland, the meaning of life, the passage of time. personification kind of close to the mythological about personification in its general significance, “objectivity”, relative unrelatedness to the psychological state of the narrator, but nevertheless does not cross the line of conventionality that always separates art from mythology (18).

personification- this is a kind of metaphor based on the transfer of signs of a living being to natural phenomena, objects and concepts.
Most often, personifications are used to describe nature:

Less commonly, personifications are associated with the objective world:

Personification as an expressive means is used not only in artistic style, but also in journalistic and scientific (the X-ray shows, the device speaks, the air heals, something stirred in the economy).

Development tasks:

1. Find examples in the texts when inanimate objects are presented as living.

1) The wind is sleeping, and everything is numb,
Just to sleep;
The clear air itself is shy
Breathe in the cold. (A. A. Fet)

2) Paths hidden, deaf,
Twilight is coming into the forest thickets.
covered with dry leaves,
The forests are silent - waiting for the autumn night. (I. A. Bunin)

3) In severe frost, birch firewood crackles merrily, and when it flares up, they begin to buzz and sing. (I. S. Shmelev)

2. Find personifications in the texts. Explain their use and expressive role.

1) Spring days are minute thunderstorms,
The air is clean, fresh sheets...
And quietly shed tears
Fragrant flowers. (A. A. Fet)

2) A cloud stretches to the homeland,
Just to cry over her. (A. A. Fet)

3) Sultry and stuffy afternoon. There is not a cloud in the sky... the grass scorched by the sun looks dull, hopeless: even though it will rain, it will no longer turn green... The forest stands silently, motionless, as if peering somewhere with its tops or waiting for something. (A.P. Chekhov)
4) The sun is entangled in greyish-yellow clouds behind a silver river. A transparent mist swirls sleepily over the water.
The quiet city sleeps, sheltered in a half ring of forest. Morning, but sad. The day promises nothing, and his face is sad. (M. Gorky)
5) Malice hissed like a snake, writhing in evil words, alarmed by the light that fell on her. (M. Gorky)
6) Every night, melancholy came to Ignatiev ... with her head bowed, she sat on the edge of the bed, took her by the hand - a sad nurse with a hopeless patient. So they were silent for hours - hand in hand. (T. N. Tolstaya)

3. Find cases of combining personification with other means of artistic representation: comparison, rhetorical appeal, parallelism.

1) In the distance, the windmill still flaps its wings, and it still looks like a little man waving his arms. (A.P. Chekhov) 2) In the morning he woke up with light, and longing, disgust, hatred woke up with him. (ME Saltykov-Shchedrin) 3) Ah, my fields, my dear furrows, you are good in your sadness. (S. A. Yesenin) 4) Native land! Name me such a monastery... (N. A. Nekrasov)

Chapter III Methodological organization of lessons for the study of theoretical and literary concepts in groups with the Russian language of instruction in professional colleges

Lesson Objectives :

  1. Acquaintance with the lyrics of F.I. Tyutchev.

  2. Developing the skills of literary analysis of a poetic text with an emphasis on the theoretical and literary concept of "personification".

  3. Development of communication skills of students.
During the classes

The first learning situation: the teacher's introductory remarks.

Today we will reflect on the poems of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, try to express our feelings, catch the mood, the music of his poems .. The task is not easy: Tyutchev is a poet-thinker. The most ordinary things, phenomena in his lyrics are endowed with the deepest meaning.

The second learning situation: expressive reading and commenting on Tyutchev's poems about nature.

Students expressively read and comment on Tyutchev's poems about nature, characterizing different seasons. After reading by the whole group, we try to uncover the meanings of the poet's poetic images.

The third educational situation: analysis of the poem "Spring Thunderstorm".

Poem "Spring Storm" conveys the sublime in Tyutchev's beauty of the world. We see “the sky is blue”, “pearls of rain”, “Suns of golden thread”, a forest washed by rain; we hear “the first thunder rumbles”, “peals rumble”, “bird din”, “forest din”, “mountain noise”, “everything echoes merrily with thunders”, “a loud-boiling goblet” spills onto the ground. So spring action, unfolding in heaven, touches the earth.

The fourth educational situation: analysis of the poem "Reluctantly and timidly."

Summer. Tyutchev’s summer is also very often thunderous: “Silence in the stuffy air”, “How cheerful the roar of summer storms”, “reluctantly and timidly” ... The poem “Reluctantly and timidly” creates a personified image of nature. The scene of action is the earth and the sky, they are also the main characters, the thunderstorm is their complex and contradictory relationship. Nature is full of movement (gusty wind, volatile lightning flame, dust flies like a whirlwind, the earth is in turmoil), full of sounds (thunder rumbles, thunder peals), colors (green fields, blue lightning, white flame, earth in radiance). And again, the poet makes you feel the approach of the holiday. Although the sun looks “reluctantly and timidly”, “frowningly” looks at the fields and thunder “everyone is angry”, and the earth “frowns”, but still this anger paints nature - “green fields are greener under a thunderstorm”, and the thunderstorm brings the bliss of radiance: “And the whole troubled earth drowned in radiance.”

Fifth educational situation: analysis of the poem "There is a short but wonderful time in the initial autumn ..."

Autumn. Pictures of autumn are drawn in a poem. “There is a short, but marvelous time in the initial autumn...” and again we see the action on earth and the astonished vertical movement from the sky.

The sixth training situation: analysis of the poem "The forest is bewitched by the enchantress in winter."

Winter. Tyutchev depicted the winter nature in the poem "The forest is bewitched by the enchantress in winter." The winter "miracle" takes place in a state of magical sleep of nature. The music of the verse imitates the magical action of the Enchantress, who draws magical circles, rings, charming, hypnotizing, plunging into sleep, which is especially emphasized by the repetitions: “bewitched ... bewitched ... enchanted ... all entangled ... all shackled ... motionless ... mute.

Seventh learning situation: heuristic conversation.

What is the peculiarity of the image of nature by Tyutchev, how does his view differ from ours? - Tyutchev depicts nature not from the outside, not as an observer and photographer. He tries to understand the soul of nature, to hear her voice. Tyutchev's nature is a living, intelligent being.

Eighth learning situation: analysis of the poem "What are you howling about, night wind?" Analytical polylogue.

Questions and tasks:

1) What is the central image of the poem?

2) How does it change? (The central image of the wind changes its characteristics throughout the poem: it moves from the image of a natural phenomenon to the transmission of that mysterious push that causes storms in the “mortal ... chest”)

3) What sound is heard in stanza 1?

4) Is it possible to say that the poet uses assonances?

5) What is the lyrical hero aware of? (The howling of the wind. For a lyrical hero, it is either a “deaf” complaint, or a “noisy” indignation. The main thing is that it is in tune with the “crazy “complaints” of his soul. His strange voice resonates in the heart, but the meaning is incomprehensible to consciousness. This contradiction strikes the lyrical hero .

6) Name the verbs that determine the nature of the action of the language of the wind on the lyrical hero. (howling, lamenting, digging, blowing up) We have come to the abyss, to the subject of the song of the wind - chaos.

7) What do the combinations “ancient chaos”, “native chaos” mean? (About the pre-order beginning of the world, about the generic proximity of chaos to man).

8) Read the lines:

From the mortal breast he is torn, He longs to merge with the boundless! ..
What phrase is grammatically related to the pronoun "he"? What is the point in this connection? The pronoun "he" can grammatically correlate only with the "night world of the soul." “Peace” still means a certain way, harmony. And this world is torn towards chaos, they are related. The unity of the world and chaos, man and nature is possible because they are connected by one basis: the origin of the world from chaos. In the poem, nature is an intermediary between higher forces and the human soul.

The ninth learning situation: the work of students in an interactive mode in small groups.

BUT) Analysis of the poem "Shadows of gray mixed ..."

What is the meaning of color and sound in a poem? How is the feeling of disharmony of the lyrical hero conveyed? What is the meaning of the poem?

The mood of the lyrical hero is expressed in a confessional form. However, in order for it to become audible, the whole movement of life had to fall silent, contradictions are smoothed out in the twilight. Unity with the world turns out to be unattainable for the lyrical hero. The impression of harmony is deceptive. The feeling of disharmony is emphasized by the fact that an instantaneous phenomenon is depicted. Landscape characteristics fade - the soul awakens. The desire to dissolve in nature is one of the main in man.

B) Analysis of the poem "Spring Waters" ("Even in the fields snow is whitening ...").

What mood do the lines of the poem convey? What does Spring look like? What visual means create the image of Spring?

The poem creates a picture of the approach of a bright, festive season, which nature, awakening from its winter sleep, meets cheerfully. Spring is a fairy-tale queen, surrounded by a retinue - a round dance of days. The feeling of magic that fills the soul of a lyrical hero. Spring is the embodiment of vitality. "Spring waters" running from the fields to bring the news of the approach of spring - a metaphor that allows you to bring the landscape plan and the level of subjective perception closer.

C) Prove with examples that nature in the poet's poems is alive, thinks, feels, speaks.

Comment on the poems (themes, moods, images, music of the verse) “Day and Night”, “Autumn Evening”, “Not what you think, nature ...”, “Not cooled from the heat ...”, “Nature - sphinx. And the more she returns ... ". (The landscape created by the poet is inside and outside of a person. A person is a meeting place of two abysses, a border between worlds, this determines the catastrophic nature of life. Turgenev: “Each of his poems began with a thought that, like a fiery point, flared up under the influence of a deep feeling or a strong impression ; as a result ... the thought is never naked or abstract to the reader, but always merges with the image taken from the world of the soul or nature ... ")

Tenth learning situation: We think, reflect, draw conclusions ....

For poetry F.I. Tyutchev is characteristic:

  1. Creation of changeable, contrasting pictures of nature (especially "day" and "night").

  2. An attempt to penetrate the secret of the contradictory unity of nature and man.

  3. Reflections on the divine beginning of the universe.

  4. The feeling that a natural phenomenon or event is similar to what is happening in the soul of a person.

  5. Simplicity of verbal embodiment, polished poetic phrases in lyrics.

  6. Landscape-philosophical lyrics.

  7. Man in the world and his destiny.

  8. The lyrics are imbued with delight before the greatness, beauty, infinity, diversity of nature.

  9. The unexpectedness of epithets and metaphors that convey the collision and play of natural forces.
Homework: write an essay-reflection on the topic: "The function of personification in Tyutchev's lyrics."

Study materials for small group work

BUT). Analysis of the poem “Shadows of gray mixed ...” What is the meaning of color and sound in the poem? How is the feeling of disharmony of the lyrical hero conveyed? What is the meaning of the poem?

B). Analysis of the poem "Spring Waters" ("Snow is still whitening in the fields ..."):

c) What mood do the lines of the poem convey? What does Spring look like? What visual means create the image of Spring?

Do you agree with the words of N.A. Nekrasov about the lines from this poem “Spring is coming, spring is coming / We are young spring messengers / She sent us forward”: “How much life, gaiety, spring freshness in the three verses we underlined! Reading them, you feel the spring, when you yourself don’t know why it’s fun and easy on the soul. It is as if several years have fallen off your shoulders - when you admire the barely visible grass, and a tree that has just blossomed, and you run, you run like a child, drinking in the life-giving air to the fullest and forgetting that it is completely indecent to run, not to fly, but to go sedately, and that there is absolutely nothing and nothing to rejoice at all ... "

G). Prove with examples that nature in the poet's poems is alive, thinks, feels, speaks.

Comment on the poems (themes, moods, images, music of the verse) “Day and Night”, “Autumn Evening”, “Not what you think, nature ...”, “Not cooled from the heat ...”, “Nature - sphinx. And the more she returns ... ".

The landscape created by the poet, inside and outside of a person. Man is the meeting place of two abysses, the boundary between the worlds, this determines the catastrophic nature of being. Turgenev: “Each of his poems began with a thought that, like a fiery point, flared up under the influence of a deep feeling or a strong impression; as a result of this ... the thought is never naked or abstract to the reader, but always merges with the image taken from the world of the soul or nature ... ".

3.2. Fragments of a lesson on the study of S. Yesenin's lyrics. "Impersonation" function (symbol - impersonation)


Introductory speech of the teacher:

It is not enough to see the word. We must for sure

Know what kind of soil the word has,

How it grew and how it grew stronger

How it sounded sounded

What should swell and pour,

Before becoming a name,

In rank, in a name or in a nickname, just ...

The beauty of the word is in the chronicle of growth.

These lines are written by the Polish poet Julian Tuwim (1894 - 1953). The word lives in us, the words of the native language form a person's view of the world. Language is the spiritual force that unites the people and strengthens its creative energy.

Our thought is directed to the general, we strive to understand this world in thought. But the thought slips away, every moment it is different. Eternity is only in the idea, which within the boundaries of the word can be represented by a symbol.

Repetition of what has been learned

1. Student's message.

A symbol (from Greek - a sign, a sign) is one of the types of tropes-words that receive in a literary text, in addition to their basic (dictionary, subject) meanings, also new (figurative) ones. The symbol forms its new figurative meanings on the basis of the fact that we feel kinship, the connection between the object or phenomenon that is denoted by some word in the language or phenomenon to which we transfer the same verbal designation.

The symbol is endowed with a huge variety of meanings.

Where does the symbolic meaning of images come from? The main feature of symbols is that they, in their mass, appear not only in those texts where we find them. They have a history of tens of thousands of years, going back to ancient ideas about the world, to myths and rituals.

2. What literary movement considered the main symbol in their poetry? Name the most famous representatives of this movement.

Theme formulation. Goal setting. Epigraph work.

Each language contains a certain number of personifications. From generation to generation they were passed down in songs, epics, and later began to appear in the works of poets and writers. These are the words we are going to talk about in class today. Write down the theme: "Incarnation" in the lyrics of Sergei Yesenin.

Reading a poem by Y. Smelyakov

I'm late thank you

The one who was in front of me

And who is the evening dawn

Called the evening dawn.

The one who first heard

Drops of April, screech of frost

And this tree is called

So intoxicating - birch.

Later already, later

Sergey Yesenin came here

Warm up with a broken mouth

Her cold knees.

Ya. Smelyakov.

Smelyakov formulates the idea of ​​continuity in poetry. Find these lines.

What image is the poem talking about?

About the natural world

What image does he highlight in the natural world?


What poet is named?

Sergei Yesenin.

A birch is an image of the same row with such images-symbols: flying cranes, an endless road, a wide field, a full-flowing river. What power is hidden in all these images familiar to Russian poetry?

They have a feeling of the Motherland, its spaciousness, signs of the native land.

In Russian poetry of the 19th century, the names of trees are very often used when depicting the native landscape. Let's remember them.

Oak - a symbol of strength and strength, is associated with the theme of the "big Motherland", i.e. states; with the theme of a noble family, symbolizing the power and strength of the family, the connection of generations. Linden is a symbol of a noble estate, home, comfort.

But Russian poetry has a special passion for birch. Her poetic cult begins in the first half of the 19th century and culminates in the work of the twentieth century poet Sergei Yesenin. Let's see how it was.

Message from one of the students

All the artists of the word felt the unconditional charm of the birch.

A.S. Pushkin wrote to P.A. Vyazemsky in the rainy summer of 1825: “I enjoy the stuffy smell of resinous birches ...”, and in his travel notes from the time of the first exile he left a poignant remark about a birch met in the Crimea: “We moved the mountains, and the first object, what struck me was a birch, a northern birch! My heart sank…”

In the minds of poets, birch, love, longing, heartfelt excitement are closely connected, and although Vyazemsky, among other trees, birch still seemed prosaic, he also recognizes charm in it:

... dear soul prose

He speaks in a living language.

For him, birch is a symbol of the homeland in a foreign land, warming the soul with its warmth and light:

Of us who could coolly

See the Russian brand.

We are here and you, birch, as if

Letter from dear mother.

M.Yu. Lermontov’s idea of ​​​​the motherland is firmly connected with the feeling of the widespread sadness of Russian villages with their trembling night lights, and a daytime picture, dear to the heart, stood next to it:

I love the smoke of the burnt stubble,

In the steppe, an overnight convoy

And on the hill among the yellow

A couple of whitening birches.

After Pushkin and Lermontov, the image of a birch entered the work of each of the poets. ON THE. Nekrasov in his poem "Who Lives Well in Russia" more than once mentions birch. In the chapter “Governor”, ​​the case helped Matryona Korchagina to save her husband from soldiering. Exemption from the royal service and the image of a spring birch merged into a symbol of peasant happiness:

Spring has begun

The birch blossomed

As we went home.

A.K. Tolstoy wrote about love, happiness, and also with the mention of birch:

That was in early spring

It was in the shade of birches.

That was in the morning of our years

Oh happiness! Oh tears!

Work with poems by S. Yesenin based on homework

A generous poetic shower of bizarre personifications and comparisons spilled over the theme of birch by Sergei Yesenin:


Girls are birches!

Only he can not love them,

Who even in an affectionate teenager

The fetus cannot be predicted.

At home, you read poetry, wrote out lines where the word "birch" occurs. What attracts the poet's attention?

Birch attracts Yesenin's attention with its slenderness, whiteness of the trunk, dense decoration of the crown.

The dim, but elegant birch outfit evokes a number of associations in the mind of the poet. Name them.

Branches - silk braids, like well-aimed hands, green earrings ...

Birch - a bride, a girl, a candle ...

The color of the trunk is birch milk, birch chintz ...

How does Yesenin feel about birch? Why does the poet bring her to life?

The poet loves this tree: “cute birch thickets”, “Here, almost every birch leg is glad to kiss.” He most often names a tree using the diminutive suffix -k-: birch. It expresses a sincere human attitude to the world. Nature revives along with Yesenin's lines.

Group work. Comparative analysis of verses.

From Yesenin's many poems, for a more detailed discussion, we will take two: "Birch" (1913) and "Green Hairstyle, Maiden's Breasts ..." (1918).

Questions for Benchmarking

How are the poems structured? What person are they talking about?

What kind of birch do we see in these verses? How does the author feel about her?

What types of tropes does the poet use?

Note the compositional features of the poems.

What features of Yesenin's lyrics are reflected in these verses?

What do these poems have in common?

Sample Analysis

"Birch" (1913) A poem is a picture of nature, akin to a picturesque landscape. In the center of attention is a birch in winter dress: a snowy border, white fringe, snowflakes are burning. With the help of epithets and metaphors, Yesenin conveys the beauty of modest Russian nature. Birch, like other objects and phenomena, lives its own special life. This becomes clear from the final stanza, where Yesenin uses his favorite technique - personification. The image of the dawn arises in it - a worker who constantly renews the outfit of her favorite:

A dawn, lazy

Walking around,

Sprinkles branches

New silver.

The poem is constructed as an entertaining episode from the life of spiritualized nature. There is no man in the picture, but he is invisibly present: a birch stands under his window, with his eyes we see this beauty, the charm of a modest Russian, birch as a symbol of Russia. And although in this poem there are no words - sounds, but an abundance of sounds c and p (in 8 lines they are repeated 7 times), hissing and sonorous sounds convey us sounds: the quiet rustle of frost falling from disturbed branches. Color associations evoke epithets and comparisons: “covered with snow, like silver”; "Snowflakes burn with a snowy border in golden fire." Winter sparkles, sparkles, creating a joyful mood, bringing peace and tranquility to the soul.

And in this poem, as in many others, in Yesenin's composition, using the form of a ring:

covered with snow,

Exactly silver.

Sprinkles branches

Without thinking at all, we pronounce the phrases “the sun has risen”, “streams run”, “a snowstorm howls”, “the sun smiles”, “rain cries”, “frost draws patterns”, “leaves whisper”.

In fact, these familiar phrases are the constituent elements of ancient personifications. Now they have become so commonplace that their original meaning is no longer perceived.

Word "personification" has an ancient Latin counterpart "personification"(persona - face, facio - I do) and the ancient Greek "prosopopoeia" (prósōpon - person, poiéō - I do). This stylistic term is used to denote the perception of inanimate objects as animate and giving them the properties of living beings, endowing animals, plants, natural phenomena with human experiences.

In ancient times, the personification of the forces and phenomena of nature was a method of understanding the world and an attempt to explain the structure of the universe. In the legends and myths of ancient Greece, the relationship between Uranus and Gaia, for example, was personified as the marriage of Heaven and Earth, as a result of which mountains, trees, birds and animals appeared.

Among the Slavs, the god Perun personified thunder and lightning, Stribog - the wind, Dana - water, Didiliya - the Moon, Kolyada - the god of the Sun at the age of a baby, and Kupala - the god of the Sun in his summer incarnation.

The concept of personification is more closely connected with the worldview and has a scientific connotation. This term is used in philosophy, sociology and psychology. In the personification of consciousness, there is a projection mechanism, akin to the principle of personification.

Sociology considers the psychology of the personification of consciousness as the desire of a person in a situation of vain expectations and failures to lay the blame for events on someone else.

Personification is used as an artistic device in literature, especially poetry, fairy tales, fables, epics and songs. It belongs to one of the types of tropes - expressions that are used in literature to enhance imagery and expressiveness.

There are countless examples of personifications in literature, but in poetry they are an integral part. The semantic load of personifications has many shades. The Old Russian masterpiece "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" is distinguished by expressiveness and emotionality, largely achieved through the methods of impersonating nature.

Trees, herbs and animals are generously endowed with feelings, they empathize with the author of the Lay. In the fables of I.A. Krylov's personification carries a completely different semantic load and is used as an allegory. In the poem by A.S. Pushkin, along with traditional personifications (“evil waves”, “show off, city of Petrov”), it acquires social and political overtones.

The Encyclopedic Dictionary interprets personification as prosopopoeia, i.e. , which transfers the properties of animate objects to inanimate ones.
They are used in cases where they want to draw a psychological parallel between the state of nature and the mental state of man.

On this basis, one can distinguish metaphors-personifications from the rest. The story "The Steppe" by A.P. Chekhov is filled with such metaphors. In it, withered grass sings a mournful song, poplar suffers from loneliness, and the steppe realizes the vain loss of its wealth and inspiration, which echoes the writer's thoughts about his homeland and life.

The meanings of ancient personifications are instructive and still arouse interest. These include the signs of the zodiac. The word "zodiac" itself means "animals in a circle" in Greek. The 12 signs of the Zodiac are the personification of the main features and character of a person.

Pisces is distinguished by complexity and sensitivity, Aquarius intellectuals - a critical assessment of everyone and everything and the desire for disputes, Capricorns - wisdom and determination, Lviv - aristocracy, love of freedom, etc.

In general, the personifications of animals were of a planetary and philosophical-figurative nature. There was a special relationship with whales. The stomach of the whale was considered the place of death and rebirth, and the sailors considered the whale the personification of deceit.

The key to this attitude lies in ancient legends, in which sailors confused whales with islands and threw anchors that, when the whales sank ships, sank.

It remains to add that personifications accurately determine the qualities of a person, and their use in everyday speech makes it richer and more interesting.

Personification is an extremely common technique used by many writers, prose writers, poets and people somehow connected with creativity. This article will show examples of this example in real life.

The essence of personification

Sometimes, in order to give their thoughts and actions described in the work a more emotional basis, the authors use personification. In simple words, when we give an inanimate object or a complex of objects a quality that is inherent exclusively in an animate creature (human, dog, etc.), this is called personification. With the help of this technique, a work or some separate process becomes more diverse and interesting. Accordingly, the more diverse and interesting the work, the greater its weight among ordinary readers and critics.

In addition, in order to use personification, you must have some experience and skills in writing works of any form. The qualitative use of this literary tool speaks of the skills of the writer himself. Many theatrical productions are based on impersonation. Often they resort to giving the stone properties of a person, thereby emphasizing the cold and callous nature of a person.

Impersonation examples

Example 1:

"The forest has awakened." This phrase is a personification, since the forest is a complex of trees, inanimate. At the same time, he was given an action that is characteristic only of a living being. The author could not use this technique and simply describe the natural processes that occur in the morning forest. But no, instead he said “the forest has awakened”, forcing us to imagine this picture in the most colorful colors and give free rein to our imagination. According to critics, those works that give the reader the opportunity to think on their own and draw all the processes that take place on their own, without the help of the author, achieve special popularity.

Example 2:

"Reed whispers." As you can already understand, this phrase is a personification. After reading it, we can imagine a swamp that is full of reeds and a small breeze that twitches them. From these small twitches, a rustling is created, which can be interpreted as a whisper.

If you ever start a creative activity in literature or another similar field, take this tool into your arsenal. You will definitely need it.

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