Omelet with broccoli in the oven. Omelet with broccoli and cheese in the oven Essential products and their ratio


An omelet cooked in the oven and just an ordinary banal omelet are two big differences. For me personally, it's like comparing a cake to a piece of bread. Both are delicious, but the difference is obvious. If we compare these two such similar, but such different dishes in terms of time spent on cooking, then, of course, it is faster and easier to cook an ordinary omelette. But if you want to treat yourself to something extraordinary, but at the same time “understandable” and “uncomplicated”, then I recommend that you use today's recipe.

An omelette in the oven is good in itself as a complete dish that does not require additions. But there is no limit to perfection. Even it can be “upgraded” by adding bright, tasty, healthy inclusions of vegetables. Everything will do here: canned corn, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, spinach. Well, I have broccoli today.

So, an omelet with broccoli, cooked in the oven. It is about him that we will talk today. Why broccoli? Yes, because it is at least beautiful. Well, tasty, but also useful. I really like how the broccoli spots are full of spots on the general background of the dish. I used frozen broccoli instead of fresh. It's much cheaper and you won't feel the difference. Moreover, now this vegetable is not in season and finding it fresh in a small provincial town is not an easy task.

As for the taste of the broccoli omelet cooked in the oven, it is really good. Not as watery as its pan-fried simpleton counterpart. More elastic and airy. The omelette is literally riddled with hundreds of pores. And thanks to baking, he gets an appetizing ruddy surface. Handsome, in a word :)

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Servings - 2


  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp sour cream (cream, milk, unsweetened yogurt)
  • 100 g broccoli (I have frozen)
  • 15 g butter
  • a quarter teaspoon of salt
  • a pinch of ground pepper

Omelet with broccoli in the oven. Step by step recipe with photo

See, the calculation is simple. One tablespoon of sour cream is taken for each medium-sized egg. Sour cream can be easily replaced with milk, yogurt, cream. Two servings will require three eggs and, accordingly, three tablespoons of sour cream.

Add some salt and pepper. Lightly whisk eggs with sour cream. Oh, and don't forget to turn on the oven. Heat it up to 180 degrees.

You need to pay a little attention to broccoli. I have a freeze. I just washed the inflorescences under running water, due to which the broccoli thawed a little. Nothing else needs to be done with cabbage. It will go to the omelet raw and will be cooked already in the oven.

We choose a heat-resistant mold for our omelet with broccoli. Generously grease its bottom and walls with a piece of butter.

Pour into an egg shape.

And spread the broccoli inflorescences over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe form. Keep in mind that the omelette will rise, so choose the form according to the principle that there is at least 1.5-2 cm gap from the level of the eggs to the surface of the form.

We send the form with eggs to the oven already preheated to 180 degrees and bake the omelette with broccoli for 30 minutes or until light golden brown. The exact baking time will depend on the number of eggs and the size of the mold.

Broccoli is a type of cabbage that came to us from ancient Rome. Cabbage of saturated green color in the form of an umbrella with a fleshy stem, on which a spherical inflorescence is located, has a lot of useful properties. Vital trace elements, vitamins of group B, PP, E, A, beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium contained in the vegetable are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Cabbage promotes the removal of salts of heavy metals, and also protects against radiation.

A small amount of calories (about 30 kcal) and the absence of contraindications for use, with the exception of individual intolerance, turn the vegetable into a universal addition to any dish.

For cooking, only inflorescences are used. Their taste is delicate and spicy at the same time, somewhat similar to the taste of cauliflower. Omelet or scrambled eggs with broccoli is a good option for a nutritious and light breakfast!

Secrets of choice

Stores sell fresh and frozen broccoli. How to choose cabbage correctly?

  • Hardness. Give preference to a vegetable with a dense leg and inflorescences. Buds on inflorescences should be tightly closed.
  • Color. Fresh cabbage is dark green in color. The light purple hue of the inflorescences indicates the content of a large amount of beta-carotene in them (cabbage turns green during cooking). The fact that the vegetable is overripe is evidenced by yellow buds on the inflorescences.
  • Smell. Choose cabbage with a pleasant aroma. A pungent smell and the presence of dark spots indicate that the vegetable is not the first freshness.

Store broccoli in the refrigerator in a tightly closed food container for up to 10 days. It is not necessary to boil cabbage before freezing.

Classic broccoli recipes

in a frying pan

The easiest recipe for an omelette with broccoli and sausage is in a pan. Its calorie content is 677.2 kcal. Use only fresh eggs for cooking. You can verify the quality of a chicken egg with a simple test. Shake it. If you feel that the yolk is dangling, the egg is stale, it is better not to use it.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 6 pieces;
  • broccoli inflorescences - 180 g;
  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • cheese - 100 g;
  • spices.


  1. Fry the florets in oil for 3 minutes.
  2. Pour in water to half fill the cabbage, increase the heat, simmer until the liquid boils away.
  3. Mix the eggs with a fork without beating.
  4. Crush the garlic, add it to the garlic mixture along with the spices.
  5. Pour the mixture over the broccoli.
  6. Fry under the lid until cooked on low heat.
  7. Sprinkle the finished dish with grated cheese.

In a slow cooker

Try to cook a delicious omelet with broccoli and tomatoes in a slow cooker. Steamed cabbage will retain its beneficial properties and structure as much as possible. The combination of tomatoes and spices will add a touch of piquancy.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • broccoli inflorescences - 200 g;
  • tomato - 2 pieces;
  • small onion - 1 joke;
  • cream - 60 ml;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tablespoon;
  • nutmeg, oregano, salt, pepper.


  1. Boil the cabbage in salted boiling water for 4 minutes.
  2. Cool, divide the inflorescences into several parts each.
  3. Cut the tomatoes into cubes.
  4. Chop the onion. Fry it in a slow cooker by selecting the "Frying - Vegetables" function.
  5. Add cabbage, tomato and oregano. Remove lid, cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  6. Beat eggs with cream, nutmeg, spices, pour cabbage with this mixture.
  7. Cook in the "Baking" mode for half an hour. Cut the finished dish into portions, sprinkle with chopped herbs. Serve with mayonnaise or sour cream.

In the oven

An omelet in the oven cooks a little longer than in a pan. The dish prepared in this way retains splendor, delicate, but dense structure. It does not contain excess liquid and carcinogens, which are formed during frying. An omelette cooks more evenly in the oven than in a frying pan.

We suggest cooking an omelette with broccoli and cheese. In combination with greens and hard cheese, eggs will be a good addition to the diet.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pieces;
  • cheese - 130 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • broccoli inflorescences - 200 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • parsley;
  • spices.


  1. Boil the cabbage until half cooked, divide each inflorescence into 2-3 parts.
  2. Cut the garlic in half. Rub it on a baking dish and lay out the cabbage.
  3. Separate the yolks and whites, beat the whites with salt until foamy, and mix the yolks with milk.
  4. Combine whites and yolks, mix thoroughly.
  5. Grate the cheese, divide the resulting mass into two parts. Add 2/3 of the cheese and herbs to the egg mixture.
  6. Pour mixture over vegetables; sprinkle with remaining cheese.
  7. Close the mold with foil. Bake for half an hour at 160°. Serve pre-cut into portions.

If the omelet is intended for a children's menu, use varieties of cheese with a mild creamy flavor. For adults, you can choose varieties with spicy spicy flavors.

Recipes with cauliflower as in the photo

Cauliflower is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In terms of chemical composition, protein content and nutritional properties, it surpasses all known types of cabbage. Oven-cooked omelette with cauliflower is a great option for a light and hearty breakfast. The dish has a delicate texture and a pleasant taste.

Use only fresh vegetables. The quality of the product is evidenced by:

  • white elastic inflorescences without spots and dark dots;
  • dense bright green leaves;
  • light pleasant smell.

Store cabbage in the refrigerator in a bag with holes, after wrapping it with paper. Change the paper as it absorbs moisture. Before freezing, it is better to pre-boil the cabbage in water for 3-5 minutes, then cool.

traditional recipe

Try making a tender omelet with cauliflower in the oven. A light and nutritious dish perfect for breakfast or dinner.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 5 pieces;
  • milk - 110 ml;
  • cauliflower - ½ medium fork;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • spices.


  1. Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences, boil with salt until tender.
  2. Separate the whites and yolks. Beat the egg whites, combine with the yolks, continue beating.
  3. Add milk, spices. Mix well.
  4. Put the florets in a baking dish, pour over the egg mixture.
  5. Spread pieces of butter on the surface.
  6. Bake for 25 minutes at 200°. Serve with sour cream or mayonnaise.

An omelette cooked in the traditional way in the oven is a classic diet dish. Its calorie content is 586.8 kcal.

With broccoli in a slow cooker

Omelet with broccoli and cauliflower in a slow cooker turns out tasty and tender. It goes well with sour cream or mayonnaise.

You will need:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • broccoli inflorescences -100 g;
  • cauliflower inflorescences - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • herbs, spices.


  1. Put cabbage in a steaming dish, turn on the “Steam cooking” mode for 10 minutes. Then transfer the cabbage to an oiled baking dish.
  2. Whisk eggs with milk, chopped herbs and spices.
  3. Pour the milk-egg mixture over the cabbage.
  4. Cook using the Bake function for 20 minutes.
  5. Serve cut into portions.

The recipe can be used in the nutrition of athletes. A light dish, rich in vitamins, protein and trace elements, will give you a boost of energy before an intense workout. Suitable for breakfast and dinner.

Now you know how to cook a delicious omelet with cauliflower and broccoli quickly and correctly. Use these recipes to prepare original dishes for your loved ones.


In summer, nature generously indulges us with its gifts. Of course, today fresh vegetables can be purchased in the supermarket all year round. But they will not be as fragrant and juicy as in season. You can pamper your household with healthy and simple dishes. Prepare, for example, an omelette in the oven with vegetables. We will discuss the recipes for the best dishes in our article.

You can use almost any vegetable to make an omelet. Of course, traditionally baked eggs are allied with onions and fresh tomatoes. But you can add potato tubers, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, green peas, corn, etc. The choice is a matter of personal taste.

On a note! Frozen mixed vegetables do not need to be thawed first. But if you want to shorten the cooking time of the omelette, you can pre-blanch the vegetables in boiling water.


  • broccoli - 100 g;
  • ground turmeric;
  • softened butter - 20-30 g;
  • Russian cheese - 200 g;
  • coconut milk - 400 ml;
  • chicken egg - five pieces;
  • bulb - one head;
  • frozen green beans - 100 g;
  • ground allspice;
  • finely ground salt.


  1. If you do not have coconut milk, then pasteurized cow milk with an average percentage of fat content can also be used to make an omelet.
  2. We immediately prepare the remaining components indicated in the list.
  3. Cut the peeled onion head into small cubes.
  4. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Put the chopped onion into the melted butter and fry until translucent and a golden hue appears.
  5. Rinse the broccoli florets with filtered water, dry well and cut into plates.
  6. Line an ovenproof dish or baking sheet with parchment paper. Lubricate with a small amount of refined sunflower seed oil.
  7. Put in a broccoli dish.
  8. Spread the string beans evenly on top. You don't need to defrost it first.
  9. Now add in the fried onion.
  10. Crack the eggs into a bowl with high sides.
  11. In any convenient way, manually or using kitchen gadgets, beat the eggs until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  12. Add coconut milk and mix well again.
  13. Season the resulting mixture with turmeric. You can use curry.
  14. Then add ground allspice or pepper mixture.
  15. Lightly salt the egg and milk mass.
  16. Pour the prepared mixture into the mold. Vegetables must be completely covered.
  17. We grate Russian cheese on a grater with large perforations. Evenly distribute the cheese mass on top of the egg-milk mixture.
  18. It remains only to sprinkle with dried herbs. You can use fresh, but first it must be washed, dried and finely chopped with a knife.
  19. We put the omelet in the oven for about 50 minutes. Bake at a temperature threshold of 200 ° until an amber-colored crust appears.

Culinary classics

An omelet with zucchini in the oven will turn out incredibly tasty and juicy. The recipe for such a treat is simple, and everyone can cope with the culinary task. Add other vegetables as well. As they say, you can't spoil porridge with butter.


  • carrots - one root crop;
  • pasteurized cow's milk - ½ cup;
  • finely ground salt;
  • chicken egg - two pieces;
  • ground allspice;
  • sweet pepper - one piece;
  • zucchini - 200 g;
  • Russian cheese - 0.2 kg;
  • leeks - half a stalk.


  1. Peel the leek and cut into small cubes.
  2. We remove the skin from the carrots, wash the root crop and chop on a finely perforated grater.
  3. Peeled sweet pepper cut into strips.
  4. We clean the skin from the zucchini, cut off the stem. Chop into small cubes.
  5. Heat refined sunflower seed oil in a frying pan.
  6. First, lay out the onion and sauté for a few minutes until translucent.
  7. Then add the rest of the vegetables, mix everything well and simmer until softened for about 10 minutes.
  8. Separately, beat the chicken eggs until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Add pasteurized cow's milk.
  9. Salt, sprinkle with ground allspice.
  10. Refractory form, greased with oil, fill with vegetables. Distribute the egg mixture on top.
  11. We bake in the oven for about half an hour at a temperature threshold of 180-200 °.

Add smoked meats

Sausage products and smoked meats give a special taste and genuine aroma to the omelet. You can cook a different dish every day. A well-deserved classic treat is an omelet with tomatoes in the oven. Rather, write down the recipe in your cookbook, and then go to the kitchen and start preparing a gastronomic masterpiece.


  • green peas - 100 g;
  • chicken egg - three pieces;
  • pasteurized cow's milk - 0.1 l;
  • premium wheat flour - 75 g;
  • Russian cheese - 100 g;
  • raw smoked sausage - 0.1 kg;
  • sweet pepper - one piece;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • butter;
  • salt and spices.


  1. We clean the sweet pepper from the stalk. We remove the seeds and veins, chop the straw.
  2. We cut fresh tomatoes on top, and then scald with boiling water. Rinse immediately with cold water and remove the skin. Cut the pulp into cubes.
  3. We rub Russian cheese on a finely perforated grater.
  4. We cut raw smoked or boiled sausage into cubes.
  5. Put the softened butter in a frying pan, melt it and fry the vegetables. Add green peas at the end and simmer for a few minutes.
  6. Pour the vegetable mixture into an ovenproof dish.
  7. We prepare the egg-milk mixture for the omelette as described above.
  8. We spread the raw smoked sausage on top of the vegetables and pour everything over with the egg-milk mass.
  9. Spread grated cheese on top evenly and put everything in the oven. Bake until cooked at a temperature threshold of 180-200 °.
step by step recipe with photo

Tender, low-calorie broccoli is the perfect topping for a fluffy omelette, although most housewives don't often honor it with their attention. Green koshki need to be stored only in the refrigerator. They should not be digested, but it is better to steam them beforehand.

Butter gives the taste of the dish a special softness. An appetizing oven omelette with green cabbage inflorescences and a cheese crust will be an excellent nutritious breakfast and will not take much time. The secret to its splendor is a pinch of baking soda and a quick roasting of the beaten egg mass in a well-heated oven.


  • broccoli - 100 g
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 60 ml
  • butter - 15 g
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp. l.
  • ground black pepper
  • hard cheese - 30 g


1. In this recipe, we will use fresh broccoli. Frozen must be held on the table so that it becomes room temperature. The broccoli needs to be lightly boiled first. Boil an appropriate amount of water in a saucepan. Rinse cabbage in running water. With a knife, cut into inflorescences of the desired size. As soon as the water boils, lower the flowers and boil for about five minutes.

2. In the meantime, prepare the eggs. Rinse them. Discuss. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Place them in deep bowls that are easy to whisk in.

3. Add a little salt to the proteins. Take a mixer and beat until fluffy.

4. Add milk to the yolks. You can take fatty or fat-free, cow or goat, homemade or from the supermarket. With the same mixer, beat at low speed until smooth.

5. Gently transfer the whites to the yolks. Stir them into the yolk mixture with a spatula.

6. Season with spices - this is usually salt and ground black pepper. You can add allspice, Provence herbs or others at your discretion. Stir gently so as not to disturb the airiness of the proteins.

7. Throw the boiled broccoli inflorescences on a sieve. Rinse with cold water. Dry with a paper towel.

8. Choose a suitable heat-resistant form. Brush with half the butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Lay the boiled cabbage flowers in a chaotic manner.

When you don’t want to mess around for a long time, but you need to feed the baby hearty, healthy and tasty, such a simple omelet will come to the rescue. 5 minutes you cook it and 10 minutes wait until it cooks itself :)

egg 1 pc
broccoli 1 inflorescence
cream 1 tbsp
salt to taste
butter 5 gr

1. Crack an egg in a bowl.

2. Salt to taste.

3. Beat the egg with a whisk or fork.

4. Cut off one sprig of broccoli.

And cut off the green "cap" with a knife.

5. Add broccoli to a bowl, add 1 tablespoon of cream there.

6. Stir well.

7. Lubricate the baking dish with butter (you can bake such an omelet both in ceramic, metal and silicone dishes, as well as in foil dishes). The main thing is to choose a form from which the omelet "does not run away" - in the oven it will first greatly increase in size, and then return to its previous size).

8. Fill the mold with the egg mixture.

And bake at 190 degrees for 10 minutes.
The finished omelette can be sprinkled with grated cheese (it is better to sprinkle the finished dish with cheese, because in the oven, under the influence of high temperature, the cheese can burn, and on a hot omelet it will only melt - which is what we need).

You can eat!
Enjoy your meal!

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