Online test on labor law. labor law


Control test "Labor Law" Grade 11

1. Who and where develops and adopts the Collective Agreement:

A. in a referendum. B. at a session of the State Duma. V. at a meeting of the heads of an enterprise, firm, organization. G. at the general conference of the labor collective.

2. The parties to the conclusion of a collective agreement are:

A. Employer (individual) and employee. B. chairman of the trade union committee and workers.

B. the owner or a person authorized by him and the labor collective. D. committee on labor disputes and employees.

3. Employment test does not apply to:

A. Persons of retirement age B. Persons liable for military service C. Disabled persons D. Workers under 18 years of age.

4. The action of the collective agreement of the enterprise applies to:

A. only for administration. B. on all subjects (members) of the enterprise, except for the heads of this enterprise. V. only for temporary workers. D. For all members (subjects) of the enterprise.

5. It is not a guarantee of ensuring the rights of citizens to work:

A. equality of labor rights of citizens. B. free choice of activity. B. compensation for material expenses in connection with the direction to another locality. D. race.

6. Types of employment contract by duration:

A. Urgent, indefinite, for the period of seasonal work. B. Urgent, perpetual, short-term.

B. Short-term, medium-term, for the duration of a certain work. G. Short-term, seasonal, long-term.

7. When applying for a job, no document is required:

A. passport B. birth certificate C. work record D. diploma

8. As a general rule, the period of probation for employment cannot exceed:

A. 20 days. B. Two weeks. B. Depending on the field of activity 1-3 months. D. 3 months.

9. An unreasonable refusal to hire is prohibited in the following cases:

A. The person applying for the job has a previous conviction. B. The person is registered in another region of the country.

B. No way. D. Provided by law

10. An employment contract may be terminated on the initiative of:

A. Owner, employee, trade union. B. Owner, employee, police officers.

B. Employee, members of his family. G. Trade union body, head of personnel department

11. Transfer of an employee to another enterprise, or transfer to another position is possible when:

A. Consent of the employee. B. Workflow Necessities. B. Leadership requirement

G. Strictly by the decision of the labor collective.

12. The scope of employment contracts is determined by:

A. The parties to the employment contract B. The legislation of Russia C. The Constitution of Russia.

G. Trade unions.

13. A person may independently conclude an employment contract at the age of:

A. from 14 years old B. from 20 years old C. from 16 years old D. from 18 years old

14. With a 6-day working week, the duration of work cannot exceed:

A. 7 hours B. 8 hours C. 6 hours D. 5 hours

15. The beginning and end of the working day is provided for:

A. In the law on collective agreements B. In the internal labor regulations and shift schedules C. In the charter of the enterprise D. In a government decree

16. What document is the only evidence of the employee's labor activity.

A. Employment contract B. Employment record C. Employment order D. All of the above options

17. The sources of labor law include:

A. Any normative legal acts that contain norms aimed at regulating labor relations. B. Only regulatory legal acts that make up the system of labor legislation C. All regulatory legal acts that contain the norms of employee behavior D. All legal acts that regulate wages.

18. Labor law refers to:

a) public law c) is a section of constitutional law. c) private law

19. The employee has the right to terminate the employment contract at his own request, notifying the employer in writing for:

a) a week b) 2 weeks c) a month

20. The disciplinary sanction of an employee includes:

a) gratitude b) reprimand c) fine d) warning

21. Duration of the working week for employees aged 16 to 18:

a) no more than 24 hours b) 40 hours c) no more than 35 hours

22. To enter into an employment relationship during the holidays for performing light work, it is necessary to reach the age of:

a) 14 years old b) 15 years old c) 16 years old d) 17 years old

23. A fixed-term employment contract may be concluded for a period not exceeding:

a) 3 years b) 5 years c) 7 years d) 8 years

24. Main source(s) of labor law:

A) The Constitution of the Russian Federation b) The Law on Labor Protection c) The Labor Code d) The Labor Code and the Constitution of the Russian Federation

25. The binding terms of the employment contract include:

A) conditions for a probationary period b) conditions for the mandatory working off of a certain period after training at the expense of the employer c) conditions for remuneration.

26. The following information is not entered in the work book:

a) work performed b) marital status c) awards d) grades and qualifications

27. The consent of the employee is not required for:

A) moving him to another job in the same organization b) transferring him to a permanent job in another organization c) transferring him to a permanent job in another locality together with the organization.

28. The mandatory terms of the employment contract include:

A. Start date and due date. B. The condition of non-disclosure by the employee of official secrets.

B. The condition for the employee to work out the period established by the contract after graduation at the expense of the employer. D. The condition for establishing a probationary period for the employee when hiring.

29. Match:

1. Labor relations a) obligatory subordination for all employees

2. Employee rules of conduct.

3. Employer b) an agreement between the employee and the employer,

4. Social partnership in which the parties have mutual rights and obligations

5. Labor disputability.

6. Employment contract c) uninterrupted rest.

7. Collective agreement d) the time during which the employee is free from

8. Rest time for the performance of labor duties.

9. Vacation e) a system of cooperation between employees and employers.

10. Labor discipline f) disagreements between the employee and the employer.

G) a legal act regulating social and labor

Relationships in the organization.

h) an individual who has entered into an employment relationship

with an employer.

i) a natural or legal person who has entered into

labor relations with the employee.

j) relations based on an agreement between the work-

nickname and the employer on the performance of a labor function for a fee.

30. Challenge

1. Minor Sidorov M. applied to the cafe "Silhouette" with a request to hire a bartender after 18.00. The director of the cafe refused Sidorov, referring to his studies at a technical school. Is the director right, did he correctly substantiate his refusal to Sidorov M.?

Answers to tests on labor law





5.- g
























29.-1-k, 2-h, 3-d, 4-d, 5-th, 6-b, 7-g, 8-d, 9-c, 10-a - 10 points

30.-Yes - 1 point. Explanation - 1 point

Option 1

1. Deadline for registration of an employment contract by an individual employer:

A) 7 days;

C) 10 days from the date of conclusion;

D) 1 month.

2. When an employment contract is not required in writing:

A) if it is a special form of contract - a contract;

B) an employment contract with a minor employee;

C) organized recruitment of workers;

D) an employment contract with a young specialist.

3. An employment contract that is concluded with an individual-enterprise is registered:

A) the Ministry of Justice;

B) in a pension fund;

B) in the tax service;

D) in the state employment fund.

4. The collective agreement is developed and adopted:

A) in a referendum

B) at a session of the Verkhovna Rada;

C) at a meeting of the heads of an enterprise, firm, organization;

D) at a general conference of the labor collective.

5. The parties to the conclusion of a collective agreement are:

A) the employer (individual) and the employee;

B) the chairman of the trade union committee and employees;

C) the owner or a person authorized by him and the labor collective;

D) committee on labor disputes and employees.

6. The moment of commencement of the employment contract is considered:

A) 5 days after signing;

B) from the moment of conclusion;

C) after state registration;

D) from the moment of the proclamation of the employment contract.

7.Employment test is not applicable to:

A) persons of retirement age;

B) liable for military service;

B) the disabled

D) employees under 18 years of age.

8. The action of the collective agreement of the enterprise applies to:

A) only for administration;

B) for all members of the enterprise, except for the heads of this enterprise;

C) only for temporary workers;

D) for all members (subjects) of the enterprise.

9. It is not a guarantee of ensuring the rights of citizens to work:

A) equality of labor rights of citizens;

B) free choice of the type of activity;

C) compensation of material expenses in connection with the direction to another locality;

D) race

10. Types of employment contract by duration:

A) urgent, indefinite, for the duration of a certain work;

B) urgent, indefinite;

C) short-term, medium-term, for the duration of a certain work;

D) short-term, seasonal, long-term.

11. Local sources of labor law are:

A) regulatory legal acts adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of the Russian Federation;

B) regulatory legal acts adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Russian Federation;

C) legal acts adopted by meetings of collectives at the level of enterprises, institutions, organizations;

D) regulatory legal acts adopted by the President of the Russian Federation.

12. When applying for a job, a document is not required:

A) passport;

B) birth certificate;

B) work book;

D) diploma.

13. In case of property reorganization, the collective agreement continues to be valid during the period:

a) the period for which it is concluded;

B) 10 days from the date of reorganization;

C) continues to operate indefinitely;

D) terminates immediately after the completion of the reorganization.

14. As a general rule, the period of probation for employment cannot exceed:

A) 20 days;

B) two weeks

C) depending on the field of activity 1-3 months;

D) 3 months.

15. The trial period for workers is:

A) 3 months;

B) 10 days;

C) 1 month;

D) 6 months.

16. An unreasonable refusal to hire is prohibited in the following cases:

A) the person applying for a job has a previous conviction;

B) the person is registered in another region of the country;

B) by no means;

D) prescribed by law.

17. An employment contract may be terminated on the initiative of:

A) the owner, employee, trade union;

B) the owner, employee, police officers;

C) an employee, members of his family;

D) trade union body, head of the personnel department.

18. Transfer of an employee to another enterprise, or transfer to another position is possible when:

(a) the employee's consent;

B) the need for a workflow;

B) the requirement of management;

D) strictly by decision of the labor collective.

19. The scope of contracts is determined by:

A) the parties to the employment contract;

B) the legislation of the Russian Federation;

B) the constitution of the Russian Federation;

D) trade unions.

20. A person may independently conclude an employment contract at the age of:

A) from the age of 14;

B) from the age of 20;

C) from 16 years old;

D) from the age of 18.

21. Duration of disciplinary action:

A) 1 year;

B) 3 years;

C) 6 months;

D) 2 weeks.

22. The day of the complete dismissal of an employee from work is considered:

a) last day of work

B) following the last day of work;

C) the date of issue of the work book;

D) the next day, after the day the work book is issued.

23. Regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms and in force on the territory of the Russian Federation before the adoption of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

A) continue to operate insofar as they do not contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

B) do not work;

C) continue to operate in full until they are officially recognized as invalid;

D) are converted into the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

24. Truancy is considered:

A) absence from the workplace for more than 3 hours;

B) absence from work for more than 3 hours;

C) absence from the workplace during the day;

D) absence from work for more than 2 days.

25. With a 6-day working week, the duration of work cannot exceed:

A) 7 hours;

B) 8 hours;

At 6:00;

D) 5 hours.

26. The beginning and end of the working day is provided for:

A) in the law of the Russian Federation on collective agreements;

B) internal labor regulations and shift schedules;

B) in the charter of the enterprise;

D) in a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers.

27. Night working hours are considered from:

A) from 20.00 to 8.00;

B) from 18.00 to 6.00;

C) from 22.00 to 6.00;

D) from 23.00 to 07.00.

28. For which employees the reduced working time is set and is 34 hours a week:

A) for students working during the summer holidays at the age of 14-15;

B) for pensioners;

B) for disabled people;

D) for employees aged 16-18 years.

29. The document, which is the only certificate of the employee's labor activity:

A) an employment contract;

B) work book;

B) an order for employment;

D) all of the above.

30. The sources of labor law include:

A) only normative - legal acts that make up the system of labor legislation;

B) any normative legal acts that contain norms aimed at regulating labor relations;

C) all normative - legal acts that contain the norms of the employee's behavior;

D) all regulatory legal acts that regulate wages.

Test on the topic: "Labor Law"
1. select the correct answer. 1. Labor law regulates: a) relations within the family, b) relations arising within the state, c) the process of labor activity, relations arising between the employee and the employer. d) relations arising between the heir and the testator.
2. A labor agreement is: a) an agreement between an employee and an employer, according to which the employer undertakes to provide work ..., and the employee is obliged to perform a labor function ... b) the relationship based between the employee and the employer for the performance of work. c) an individual, or an organization that employs. d) transfer of property, rights and obligations from the deceased to the heir.3. According to the general situation, you can start working: a) from the age of 18 b) from the age of 14 c) from the age of 12 d) from the age of 16
4. An employer is: a) an individual or an organization that employs; b) a person; c) an individual endowed with rights and obligations. d) a legal entity.
5) Each employee has the right to leave: a) at least 24 working daysb) at least 60 working daysc) at least 30 working daysd) at least 120 working days
3. Are the following judgments correct? 1) Labor relations arise in the need of the employer to provide work, and the employee to receive a profit for the work performed. 2) The employer can hire anyone who expresses a desire to work. a. only 1b is correct. only 2 is correct. both are faithful. both are wrong
1) A fixed-term employment contract concluded for a specific period is valid for no more than 5 years2) The law allows establishing a probationary period for employees (up to three months).a. only ab is correct. only bv is correct. both are faithful. both are wrong
1) It is possible to dismiss a teenager under 18 years of age only with the consent of the Commission on Juvenile Affairs or the State Labor Inspectorate. only ab is correct. only bv is correct. both are faithful. both are incorrect.
1. The employee must notify the employer of the termination of the employment contract no later than two weeks in advance. 2. One of the reasons why the administration may terminate an open-ended contract may be the failure to perform the functions of the position held. a. only 1 is correct. b. only 2 is correct. both are correct d.both are incorrect.
Solve problems.

    Citizen M. in connection with moving to another city must quit her job. Can she leave work in the middle of the month? Citizen K., under the age of 18, was hired as a bartender in a nightclub. Are employers doing the right thing? The owner of a private enterprise ordered the workers to go to work on a holiday. One of the workers refused to comply with the order, for which he was fired. Articles of which code will be applied in court?

Answers: 1.c) 2.a) 3.d) 4.a) 5.a)1)a. 2) c. 3) c. 4) in 1. Maybe, but for this you need to provide an application to the administration two weeks before leaving.2. According to the law, this is an offense. Children should not work at night.3. Articles from labor law.

1. Can local governments adopt acts containing labor law norms?

2. Are there any meaningful differences between the concepts of "employment contract" and "labor contract"?

3. Is an employment contract included in the system of civil law contracts?

4. The collective agreement is ...

A) an employment contract between several employees and one employer;

B) a legal act regulating social and labor relations in the organization and concluded by employees and the employer represented by their representatives;

C) an agreement between government agencies, employees and a representative of the employer.

5. As a general rule, the conclusion of an employment contract is allowed with persons who have reached the age of ...

A) fourteen years old

B) fifteen years old;

C) sixteen years old.

6. In what cases is a person applying for a job not obliged to present a work book to the employer ...

A) only when the employment contract is concluded for the first time;

B) only when the employee goes to work on a part-time basis;

when an employee enters work on a part-time basis or after a five-year break in work;

c) when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee goes to work on a part-time basis.

7. When the employee is actually admitted to work, the employer is obliged to draw up an employment contract with him in writing no later than ...

A) three days from the date of the actual admission of the employee to work;

B) ten days from the date of the actual admission of the employee to work;

C) a month from the date of the actual admission of the employee to work.

8. For which of the following categories can a test be established for employment ...

A) civil servants;

B) persons who graduated from educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education and for the first time come to work in their specialty;

C) persons elected (elected) to an elective position for paid work.

9. As a general rule, the employee has the right to terminate the employment contract by notifying the employer in writing ...

A) two weeks before

B) three weeks

C) four weeks.

10. Normal hours of work may not exceed...

A) 36 hours a week

B) 40 hours a week;

C) 48 hours a week.

11. Does part-time work for employees entail any restrictions on the duration of the annual basic paid leave, the calculation of seniority and other labor rights?

B) yes, if work under such conditions is carried out for more than three months;

12. Night time in labor law is defined as ...

a) time from 20:00 to 06:00;

b) time from 22:00 to 06:00;

C) time from 24 hours to 5 hours.

13. Which of the following does not apply to types of rest time:

A) daily (inter-shift) rest;

B) days off (weekly uninterrupted rest);

B) sick leave

D) non-working holidays;

D) holidays.

14. The duration of the weekly uninterrupted rest cannot be less than ...

A) 10 hours;

B) 24 hours;

C) 42 hours.

15. In accordance with the current labor legislation, the duration of the working day or shift immediately preceding a non-working holiday is reduced by ...

A) one hour

B) two hours

At three o'clock.

16. Are the length of service giving the right to the annual basic paid leave directly included in the time of the annual paid leave?

B) only if the leave is granted at the initiative of the employer;

17. The right to use leave for the first year of work arises from the employee after ...

A) six months of his continuous work in this organization;

B) ten months of his continuous work in this organization;

C) twelve months of his continuous work in this organization.

18. Replacing leave for an employee with monetary compensation by the employer is his ...

A) right;

B) duty.

19. Is it possible to pay an employee in a non-monetary form (for example, with the company's products)?

B) yes, if there is an agreement between the employer and the employee on this issue, but at the same time, the share of wages paid in non-monetary form cannot exceed 20 percent of the total amount of wages;

C) yes, if the company does not have free funds in its accounts;

20. Is downtime due to the fault of the employer paid under the current legislation?

C) if the employee warned the employer in writing about the start of downtime, paid in the amount of at least two-thirds of the employee's average wage.

Means of education

1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation (text)

2. Sample documents

3. Personal computer

List of materials allowed for use in the exam:

At the test (exam), the student is allowed to use a piece of paper, a pen and the program of the course "Labor Law"

Option 1

1. Can an employee demand that he be given work for the new season if the employment contract was concluded for the period of seasonal work?

c) yes, if the employee is a disabled person of groups I, II

2. The employment contract enters into force:

a) from the moment of its signing by the parties

b) from the moment of establishing a verbal agreement

c) after 3 days

3. For whom a trial is not established

a) for persons admitted under a fixed-term contract

b) for pregnant women

d) for persons with irregular working hours

4. In the case of collective (team) liability, damage is compensated for:

a) all guilty

b) everyone who signed the contract

c) how the employer decides

5. Labor relations are:

a) relationship between employee and employer

b) a specific two-way deal between an employee and an employer

c) the order in which the duties of the position are performed

6. After what period for all employees,
working on the main job, should work books be opened?

b) 10 days
b) 15 days

7. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation was adopted:

a) in 2000

b) 2001

in 2002

8. Where are the penalties imposed on the employee?

a) workbook

b) an account card

c) are not included

9. Is accommodation paid during a business trip?

c) if it is stipulated by the employment contract

10. An employment contract is:

a) a type of civil law contract

b) an agreement between the employee and the employer
with the involvement of a tripartite commission

c) an agreement between the employee and the employer, properly executed, providing for mutual rights and obligations

11. Leaving worker of state of emergency Alekseeva O.P. turned to the latter with a demand to issue him a work book. Is the employee right?

c) yes, if the employee has no penalties

12. Wages must be paid not less than:

a) once a month

b) 2 times a month

c) once every six months

13. What a person must present upon admission
for public service:

a) information about relatives

b) a signature on the refusal to travel abroad

c) information about their property status

14. The principles of labor law are:

a) fundamental principles of labor law

b) the fundamental principles of labor legislation

c) the main provisions of labor law

15. Employees reimburse the employer:

a) direct actual damage

b) real damage

c) real damage and compensation for moral

16. The system of sources of labor law includes:

a) Labor Code of the RSFSR

b) Decrees of the President

c) resolutions of the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces

17. The maximum duration of a vacation cannot exceed:

18. Is an employee right who quits with an unsatisfactory test result, requiring payment for a period of temporary disability

c) yes, if he was ill for no more than 2 weeks

19. Is it legal to demand military registration documents from a 26-year-old citizen when applying for a job?

c) no, it is contrary to international standards

20. The subject of labor law are:

a) labor relations and relations closely related to labor

b) labor relations and some non-labor

c) some relationships not related to labor

Option 2

1. Social partnership can be in the form of:

a) mutual consultations

b) mutual resolution of labor disputes

c) participation of employees in the management of the organization

2. A break for rest and meals cannot be

a) 20 minutes

b) 30 minutes

3. What is the deadline for registration
of the employment contract in the case when the employee actually began to work?

4. What document establishes the order of vacations?

a) holiday schedule

b) work schedule

c) collective agreement

5. What is the normal working time
time is set by the Labor Code?

a) 36 hours

b) 40 hours

6. Can the new owner fire the head of the enterprise?

c) yes, within 3 months

7. Labor legislation is located:

a) in the joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its subjects

b) in the exclusive competence of the subjects

c) in the exclusive competence of the Russian Federation

8. With a flexible schedule, the shift should not exceed:

a) 8 hours

b) 10 hours

c) 12 hours

9. Can local governments issue
normative acts containing labor law norms?

a) yes, on the basis of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

b) yes, on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

10. For any recovery, deductions from wages cannot exceed:

11. What do you think is discrimination in employment?

a) refusal to a disabled person in connection with the conclusion of MSEK

b) refusal to a pregnant woman due to pregnancy

c) refusal to a foreign citizen when applying for a defense enterprise

12. Weekly uninterrupted rest should be
at least:

a) 38 hours

b) 40 hours

c) 42 hours

13. The objectives of labor legislation are:

a) the establishment of state guarantees of labor
rights and freedoms of citizens

b) creation of favorable working conditions

c) protection of the rights and interests of employees

d) all of the above

14. The maximum wage may not exceed:

c) not limited

15. Labor legislation applies:

a) for all employees within the Russian Federation

b) all employees who have concluded an employment contract

c) all employees who have concluded an employment contract,
within the Russian Federation, as well as foreign citizens, if
otherwise provided by international acts

16. Is it possible to replace the entire vacation with monetary compensation?

c) yes, if the work is not harmful, dangerous or hard

17. How long must an employee be
vacation notice?

a) 1 month

b) in 1 week
b) in 2 weeks

18. Can the employer change significant
conditions of the contract in case of production necessity?

a) yes, without notice

b) yes, by notifying the employee 1 month in advance

c) yes, by notifying the employee 2 months in advance

19. From what age, as a general rule, is it allowed to conclude an employment contract?

a) from the age of 14

20. As a general rule, the term for investigating an accident is:

Option 3

1. Night time is the period:

a) from 23:00 to 06:00

b) from 22:00 to 07:00

c) from 22:00 to 06:00

2. Who establishes the form, the order of conduct
and storage of work books?

a) the President of the Russian Federation

b) the Government of the Russian Federation

c) by the employer

3. At whose request the employer is obliged to establish
part-time work day or work week?

a) a pregnant woman

b) a disabled person of group I

c) a disabled person of group II

4. On the eve of the holidays, the duration of the work shift is reduced:

a) for 1 hour

c) does not decrease

5. The system of remuneration is:

a) production

b) tariff

c) piecework

6. Labor law is:

a) the branch of law that regulates social relations arising from the application and realization of the ability to work

b) a branch of law that regulates legal relations regarding the use of one's labor

c) a set of legal institutions that enshrine the basic rights of citizens in the sphere of labor

a) the rights and obligations of the employee

b) the rights and obligations of the employer

c) the rights and obligations of the trade union

8. Discrimination in labor law is:

a) the establishment of certain restrictions for
certain categories of persons in accordance with the law

b) non-employment of disabled people without a certificate of MSEC

c) receiving benefits based on gender, race

9. The parties to labor relations are:

a) an employee

b) employer

c) trade union

10. How long before the employee must notify
employer to terminate an employment contract concluded for an indefinite period?

a) 1 week

b) 2 weeks

c) 1 month

11. What classification of translations is contained in the theory of labor law?

a) with and without transfer

b) urgent and indefinite

c) permanent and temporary

12. Forced labor includes:

a) performance of work in order to maintain labor discipline

b) performance of work as a measure of responsibility for participating in a strike

c) violation of the established deadlines for the payment of wages or payment of it in an incomplete amount

d) all of the above

13. Sidorova was fired on the basis of non-arrival from
leave at the request of the employer. She sued.
Is the employer right?

a) yes, if it is stipulated by the collective agreement

14. Representatives of the employer may be:

a) association of employers

b) business leaders

c) individual responsible employees

15. How many copies of the employment contract should
be made as a general rule?

16. Overtime work must not exceed:

a) 3 hours a day

b) 4 hours a day

c) 6 hours a day

17. What disciplinary sanctions are provided for by the Labor Code?

a) reprimand

b) severe reprimand

c) forfeiture

d) getting fired

18. A worker at a municipal grocery store refused to go to work on March 8, saying that it was a public holiday. Is she right?

a) yes, if she is a single mother

19. If the employment contract does not specify the day of commencement of work, the employee must start it:

a) after 3 days

b) after 5 days

c) the next day

20. Overtime work should not exceed per year:

a) 100 hours

b) 120 hours

c) 150 hours

Option 4

1. Which body deals with individual labor disputes:

a) in the commission on labor disputes, elected in the organization

c) in the trade union body

2. What labor disputes are directly considered by the courts:

a) disputes of employees about reinstatement at work, regardless of the grounds for termination of the employment contract

b) collective

c) disputes that are non-competitive in nature

3. When can an employee apply to the KTS:

a) three weeks

b) within seven days from the day when he knew or should have known about the violation of his right

c) within three months, when he learned or should have learned about the violation of his right

4. During what period is the CCC obliged to consider a labor dispute:

a) within twenty days

b) within five days

c) within ten days from the date of submission of the application

5. Who can be an employee representative:

a) body of trade unions and their associations

b) heads of organizations

6. What is meant by individual labor disputes:

a) conditions defining the rights and obligations of the parties by virtue of the concluded employment contract

b) disagreements between the employee and the employer on the application of regulations, a collective agreement, an agreement

c) disagreements between the employee and the employer regarding the establishment and change of working conditions

7. When considering which labor dispute an intermediary can be involved:

a) when considering an individual labor dispute

b) when considering a collective labor dispute

c) when considering an individual and collective labor dispute.

8. What liability can be brought to workers who did not start work when the strike was declared illegal:

a) to administrative

b) to criminal

c) to disciplinary

9. What conditions determine the procedure for dismissal of an employee on his initiative:

a) from his position

b) on what kind of employment contract was concluded between the employee and the employer

c) marital status

10. For what period the employee must notify the administration of the termination of the employment contract:

a) 1 month before leaving

b) 2 weeks before dismissal

c) 7 days before leaving

11. In which case the administration terminates the employment contract within the period requested by the employee:

a) if it is impossible for him to continue his work (enrollment in an educational institution)

b) in case of violation by him (the employee) of the internal labor regulations

c) in case of reorganization of the enterprise

12. For what period can an employment contract be concluded:

a) for 5 years

b) for 3 years

c) indefinitely

13. In what case can a fixed-term employment contract be terminated at the initiative of the employee:

a) his illness or disability

b) the entry into force of a court verdict by which the employee was sentenced to imprisonment

c) if the employee had a long work experience in this enterprise

14. Can an employee who warned the administration of his dismissal, before the expiration of the warning period, withdraw his application:

b) maybe, even if another employee is invited to take his place

c) can, if another employee is not invited to his place

15. Which authorities the employee has the right to apply to if the administration refuses to demand the termination of a fixed-term employment contract:

a) the prosecutor's office

b) to the Ministry of Justice

c) to the CCC and the court

16. In what case is a test not established for employment:

a) if the employee is under 18 years of age

b) if the employee has 3 children

c) if the employee has 2 higher educations

17. What document is used to formalize the hiring of an employee:

a) a statement

b) by order (instruction) of the administration of the enterprise

c) company charter

18. What document formalizes the termination of an employment contract:

a) instruction

b) decision

c) an order

19. The dismissal of which category of workers at the initiative of the administration is prohibited:

a) pregnant women and women with children under the age of 3 years

b) labor veterans

c) people who have undergone radiation sickness

20. In what case is it allowed to dismiss pregnant women and women with children under the age of 3 years, at the initiative of the administration, but with mandatory employment:

a) in case of reorganization of a legal entity

b) in case of complete liquidation of the organization

c) in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of employees.

Option 5

1. Complete the sentence: “Labor law is a branch of law that does not regulate the relationship between an employer and an employee that arises in the process ...”:

a) direct labor activity;

b) product manufacturing;

c) implementation by the employee of a certain labor function (lasting) and subordination to the labor schedule - the authority of the employer;

d) fulfillment of an individual specific task.

2. Other interrelated with labor relations regarding the use of labor of citizens do not include:

a) relations regarding the employment of citizens;

b) relations for supervision over compliance with labor legislation and labor protection standards;

c) relations regarding the sale of finished products;

d) relations to resolve individual and collective labor disputes.

3. Highlight a sign that is not related to the labor law method:

a) a combination of centralized and local regulation of labor relations;

b) participation in the regulation of social relations of labor collectives and trade unions;

c) contains as a subject a representative of state bodies;

d) the originality of ways to protect labor rights and fulfill obligations.

4. What institutions does not include the modern system of labor law:

a) employment and employment;

b) rules governing hiring, transfers and dismissals;

c) norms governing the formation of budgets of territories;

d) working time and rest time.

5. The main principles of labor law do not include:

a) the principles of recruitment, employment and use of labor force;

b) principles of a high level of working conditions and protection of labor rights;

c) the principle of rational distribution of powers;

d) the principles of industrial democracy and the development of the worker's personality.

6. Normative legal acts - sources of labor - law do not include:

a) Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation;

b) resolutions, instructions and explanations of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation;

c) acts of heads of public organizations;

d) general, regional, intersectoral, sectoral tariff, professional tariff, territorial and other agreements.

7. Labor relations are characterized by the following specific features:

a) the employee is included in the labor collective of a particular organization;

b) the employee performs an individually specific task;

c) the employee performs a certain kind of work in accordance with his specialty, qualification, position;

d) the inclusion of an employee in the labor collective is fixed by a special legal fact - a work contract.

8. The acts of interpretation of labor law include:

a) acts of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment;

b) acts of authorities and administration of subjects of the Russian Federation;

c) acts of higher judicial bodies;

d) acts of local governments.

9. The basic principles of labor law are enshrined in:

a) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

b) the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

c) the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

d) the Code of Administrative Offenses.

10. Federal labor laws enter into force simultaneously on the entire territory of the Russian Federation after the expiration of:

b) 10 days;

c) 14 days;

11. Legal relations in the sphere of labor do not include:

a) employment relationship;

b) professional training of personnel;

c) establishing the competence of officials;

d) on disciplinary responsibility of the employee.

12. Complete the definition: "Labor relations have the following features ...":

a) they involve the inclusion of citizens in the labor collective, as a result of which a measure of labor is established for them;

b) their object is not the performance by the employee of a certain type of work;

c) the behavior of their subjects is not regulated by the internal labor regulations of this organization;

d) work is performed by employees at their own discretion and at their own risk.

13. Subjects of labor law are not:

a) citizens;

b) labor collectives;

c) trade unions;

d) members of administrative teams.

14. Labor personality comes:

a) from the age of 12;

b) from the age of 15;

c) from 16 years old;

d) from 18 years old.

15. The rules of law that establish the age criterion for the labor legal personality of employees have:

a) dispositive character;

d) imperative character.

16. Labor legislation distinguishes the following categories of citizens as subjects of labor law:

a) persons of hired labor (workers);

b) entrepreneurs (employers);

c) unemployed citizens;

d) working owners.

17. Citizens-entrepreneurs (employers) as subjects of labor law have the right to:

a) hire and fire employees;

b) manage the profits of the enterprise;

c) bring employees to administrative responsibility;

d) bring employees to disciplinary responsibility.

18. The employer organization acquires labor legal personality from the moment:

a) adoption of the charter;

b) signing the memorandum of association;

c) state registration in the manner prescribed by law;

d) decision-making by the owner of the organization.

19. The labor legal personality of the employing organization is lost from the moment:

a) liquidation by decision of the owner;

b) liquidation by a court decision;

c) exclusion from the state register of legal entities;

d) layoffs in connection with the liquidation of the organization of all employees.

20. The competence of the labor collective does not include:

a) resolve the issue of the need to conclude a collective agreement with the administration;

b) consider and resolve issues of self-government of the labor collective;

c) impose disciplinary sanctions on employees;

d) determine for employees a list of benefits from the funds of the labor collective.

Option 6

1. The principles of activity of trade unions do not include:

a) independence;

b) self-government;

c) forced association;

d) equality of trade unions.

2. The activities of trade unions are not legally regulated:

a) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

b) the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

c) the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;

d) Federal Law "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activity."

3. In cases of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Federal Law "On Public Associations", trade unions are not liable:

a) civil law;

b) disciplinary;

c) criminal;

d) public.

4. Trade unions represent the interests of:

a) administration;

b) employees;

c) executive authorities;

d) local governments.

5. The fundamental rights of trade unions do not include:

a) the right to representation and protection of the rights of workers;

b) the right to promote employment;

c) the right to participate in the settlement of collective and individual labor disputes;

d) the right to ensure the legality of the activities of the executive branch.

6. Complete the definition: "A collective agreement is a legal act regulating...":

a) social and labor relations;

b) employment of citizens;

c) employment of the population;

d) internal labor regulations.

7. All the terms of the collective agreement by their nature cannot be classified
by the following types:

a) regulatory conditions;

b) binding conditions;

c) necessary conditions;

d) organizational conditions.

8. Depending on the scope of regulated social and labor relations, agreements are not concluded:

a) general;

b) regional;

c) territorial;

d) rational.

9. The Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations does not include:

a) representatives of federal executive authorities;

b) all-Russian associations of trade unions;

c) representatives of the relevant local self-government body;

d) all-Russian associations of employers.

10. Choose the correct statement: "Citizens are considered unemployed ...":

a) working under an employment contract (contract);

b) engaged in entrepreneurial activities;

c) performing work under civil law contracts;

d) after graduating from secondary schools.

11. Choose the correct ending of the sentence: “Citizens can be recognized as unemployed ...”:

a) over 16 years of age;

b) who, in accordance with the pension legislation of the Russian Federation, have been assigned an old-age (age) pension for years of service;

c) who did not appear without good reason within 10 days from the date of their registration with the employment service;

d) sentenced by a court decision to imprisonment.

a) it is associated with a change of place of residence without the consent of the citizen;

b) working conditions do not comply with labor protection rules and regulations;

c) the proposed salary is higher than the average salary of a citizen, calculated for the last three months at the last place of work;

d) does not correspond to the professional suitability of the employee.

13. Public works should not be understood as:

a) public employment;

b) activities that have a socially useful orientation;

c) activities organized as additional social support for citizens;

d) activities related to the need for urgent elimination of the consequences of accidents, natural disasters, catastrophes and other emergencies.

14. Choose the wrong end of the sentence: "The state guarantees the unemployed ...":

a) the payment of unemployment benefits;

b) payment of scholarships during the period of professional training, advanced training;

c) participation in the work of local self-government bodies;

d) participation in paid public works.

15. The sources of labor law do not include:

a) the Labor Code;

b) the Constitution of the Russian Federation;

c) the Civil Code;

d) Family Code.

16. The collective agreement is concluded for a period of:

17. Subjects of labor law do not include:

a) an employer;

b) trade union organization;

c) an individual entrepreneur;

d) authority and management.

18. The main goal of the activities of trade unions is:

a) protection of the rights and interests of employees;

b) protection of the rights and interests of employers;

c) representing the interests of employees and employers in court;

d) harmonization of the Internal Labor Regulations.

19. Which of these definitions of wages is correct:

a) this is a system of measures aimed at securing wages, receiving them, and also including registration with the employment service in order to find a suitable job;

b) this is remuneration for work, depending on the qualifications, complexity, quantity and conditions of the work performed, as well as compensation and incentive payments;

c) this is a system of relations related to ensuring the establishment and implementation by the employer of payments to employees for their work in accordance with laws, other regulatory legal acts, a collective agreement, an agreement, local regulations, an employment contract.

20. The employer, who caused damage to the property of the employee, is obliged to compensate for this damage:

a) partially;

b) in full;

c) does not refund.

Option 7

1. The labor schedule of the organization is determined by:

a) an employment contract;

b) normative legal acts;

2. The subject of labor law are:

a) public relations regarding the use and organization of labor;

b) social partnership relations of representatives of employees, employers and executive authorities;

c) relations on the organization of hired labor.

3. An employment contract at the initiative of the employer may be terminated on the basis of the article:

a) 75 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

b) 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;

c) 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

4. An employer who caused harm to the health of an employee is obliged to compensate him:

a) partially;

b) in full;

c) does not refund.

5. An employment contract will not have legal force if it does not contain

… terms:

a) necessary;

b) optional;

c) additional.

6. Night time is the time:

a) from 21:00 to 05:00;

b) from 22:00 to 06:00;

c) from 23:00 to 07:00

7. According to labor legislation, the following are recognized as unemployed:

a) persons under the age of 16;

b) persons taking a full-time course of study in educational institutions;

c) able-bodied citizens registered with the employment service

in order to find a suitable job.

8. Factors of the working environment and the labor process that affect the performance and health of an employee are called:

a) working conditions;

b) workplace and production activities;

c) means of individual and collective protection.

9. The method of labor law is:

a) imperative method;

b) dispositive method;

c) imperative-dispositive method.

10. The value that reflects the complexity of labor and the qualifications of the employee is called:

a) tariff rate;

b) qualification category;

c) tariff category.

11. Temporary voluntary refusal of employees to perform their labor duties in order to resolve a collective labor dispute is called:

a) lockout;

b) protest;

c) strike.

12. The probationary period for employment may not exceed:

a) 1 month;

b) 3 months;

c) 6 months.

13. Are the grounds for termination of the employment contract entered in the work book of the employee:

a) no, only in the order of the administration;

c) in case of downsizing or downsizing.

14. In the event of a delay in the work book due to the fault of the administration, the employee has the right:

a) on the average earnings for the entire time of forced absenteeism;

b) severance pay in the amount of two weeks average earnings;

c) severance pay in the amount of three weeks average earnings.

15. Until what time do employees who have lost their ability to work due to an industrial injury or occupational disease retain their place of work:

a) until the restoration of working capacity or the establishment of disability;

b) up to 5 months;

c) up to 12 months.

16. Name an additional reason for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the administration:

a) appearance at work in a state of intoxication, narcotic or toxic intoxication;

b) committing an immoral act by an employee performing educational functions;

c) absenteeism without good reason.

17. Truancy means:

a) failure to appear at work without good reason during the working week;

b) failure to appear at work within 3 working days without good reason;

c) failure to appear at work without good reason during the working day (shift).

18. In what case should the administration obtain the consent of the trade union body to terminate the employment contract:

a) when reducing the number or staff of employees;

b) upon dismissal of the head of the organization, appointed to the position by public authorities;

c) conscription and admission of an employee to military service.

19. Termination of an employment contract with an employee under the age of 18 at the initiative of the administration is allowed:

a) only with the consent of the employee under the age of 18;

b) only with the consent of the state labor inspectorate of the subject of the Russian Federation;

c) only with the consent of the prosecutor.

20. Can an employment contract be terminated at the initiative of a party that is not a party to the employment contract:

c) only with the consent of the employee.

Option 8

a. Name the types of employee liability:

a) limited and complete;

b) marginal and partial;

c) conditional and collective.

a) when the employee caused the damage;

b) when the employer became aware of the damage caused by the employee;

c) filing a lawsuit by the employer in court.

3. According to the validity period, employment contracts are divided into:

a) concluded for an indefinite period, concluded for a definite period of at least 6 years and for the period of performance of a certain work;

b) concluded for an indefinite period, for a definite period of not more than 5 years and concluded for the period of performance of a certain work;

c) concluded for an indefinite period, for a definite period.

4. As a general rule, a fixed-term employment contract is concluded for a period:

a) not more than 8 years;

b) no more than 5 years;

c) no more than 10 years.

5. When concluding an employment contract, an employee presents to the employer:

a) an identity document;

b) certificate of availability of housing;

c) information about disciplinary sanctions.

6. The following information is not entered in the work book:

a) about the work performed;

b) about rewards for success in work;

c) on disciplinary sanctions.

7. Employment is issued:

a) by the decision of the trade union committee;

b) by order of the employer;

c) the decision of the commission on labor disputes.

8. Mandatory preliminary medical examination at the conclusion of an employment contract is subject to:

a) persons under the age of 18;

b) persons of retirement age;

c) women with children of preschool age.

9. In case of an unsatisfactory test result, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract:

a) before the expiration of the test period;

b) after the expiration of the test period:

c) within 10 days after the expiration of the test period.

10. Cases of production necessity do not include:

a) industrial accident;

b) man-made disaster;

c) there is a vacancy.

11. In case of production necessity, the employee may be transferred to another job for a period:

a) up to 1 month;

b) up to 2 months;

c) up to 3 months.

12. Preemptive right to leave at work in case of reduction in the number or staff of employees have:

a) employees with higher qualifications;

b) employees with long work experience;

c) employees with the largest number of dependents.

13. The inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications is confirmed:

a) the results of the medical commission;

b) the results of the attestation commission;

c) the results of the commission on labor disputes.

14. Normal working hours are reduced for employees:

a) under the age of 16;

b) between the ages of 50 and 55;

c) between the ages of 18 and 20.

15. The duration of the working day preceding a non-working holiday is reduced:

a) for 30 minutes;

b) for 1 hour;

c) 2 hours.

16. Overtime work must not exceed for each employee:

a) 4 hours within 2 days;

b) 6 hours within 2 days;

c) 4 hours in 3 days.

17. The general day off is:

a) Saturday

b) Sunday;

c) Friday.

18. Work on weekends and non-working holidays:

a) is not prohibited;

b) is prohibited;

c) is allowed with the written consent of the employee.

19. The duration of the annual basic paid leave is:

a) 24 calendar days;

b) 30 calendar days;

c) 28 calendar days.

20. The right to use leave for the first year of work for the employee arises:

a) after 6 months of continuous work in this organization;

b) after 11 months;

c) after one year.

Option 9

a. One part of the annual leave must be at least:

a) 28 calendar days;

b) 14 calendar days;

c) 22 calendar days.

2. Replacement of annual leave with monetary compensation:

a) not allowed;

b) allowed for the entire vacation period;

c) is allowed for the part exceeding 28 calendar days.

3. If the day of payment of wages coincides with a non-working day, payment is made:

a) on the eve of this day;

b) immediately after a non-working day;

c) within 3 days after the non-working day.

4. A party to an employment contract is not:

a) an employee;

b) trade union organization;

c) an employer.

5. The probationary period is established for the employee in order to:

a) checking his knowledge of labor legislation;

b) compliance with labor discipline;

c) checking its compliance with the assigned work.

6. Payment of wages is made:

a) in cash in the currency of the Russian Federation;

b) in foreign currency;

c) in bonuses.

7. Wages are...

a) compensation and incentive payments;

b) remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee, the complexity, quantity and conditions of the work performed;

c) remuneration for the work or service rendered under the contract.

8. The share of wages in non-monetary form cannot be more than:

9. Mandatory obedience to the rules of conduct for all employees is called:

a) labor regulation;

b) labor discipline;

c) production rate.

10. Failure to perform or improper performance by an employee due to his fault of the labor duties assigned to him is called:

a) an administrative offense;

b) disciplinary offense;

c) civil wrong.

11. The labor schedule of the organization is determined by:

a) a collective agreement;

b) tariff agreement;

c) internal labor regulations.

12. A disciplinary sanction may be imposed on an employee no later than:

a) 1 month from the date of detection of a disciplinary offense;

b) 2 weeks from the date of detection of a disciplinary offense;

c) 2 months from the date of detection of a disciplinary offense.

13. You can bring an employee to disciplinary responsibility:

a) within 1 year from the day the offense was committed;

b) within 6 months from the date of commission of the offense;

c) within 1 month from the date of commission of the offense.

14. Disciplinary sanctions provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not include:

a) remark;

b) reprimand;

c) severe reprimand.

15. Internal labor regulations are:

a) a federal regulation;

b) a normative act of a subject of the federation;

c) local normative act.

16. Liability of the employee is not excluded if the damage is caused due to:

a) normal economic risk;

b) intent;

c) necessary defense.

17. Cases of full liability are provided for:

b) collective agreement;

c) internal labor regulations.

18. Cases of full liability do not include:

a) causing damage not in the performance of work duties by the employee;

b) intentionally causing damage;

c) negligent damage.

19. A legal act regulating social and labor relations in an organization and concluded by employees and the employer represented by their representatives is called:

a) an employment contract;

b) collective agreement;

c) an agreement on full liability.

20. Individual labor disputes are considered:

a) in the conciliation commission;

b) in labor arbitration;

c) in the commission on labor disputes.

Change For 2009/2010 academic year year

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