Description of Alyonushka in Vasnetsov's painting. Why was Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka" originally called the "fool", or Fabulous and real in the famous painting



The creation of the painting "Alyonushka" was completed in 1881. It is one of the author's many famous works. A famous painting based on the plot of the fairy tale about "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". The work is done in oil. The heroine of the picture was a simple village girl from Akhtyrka.

In the center of the picture, we see a young, beautiful girl sitting on a large stone, sitting with her legs bent under her. With her head on her knees, the lonely girl looks into the deep lake with the sad eyes of an orphan. The girl's eyes show pain and sadness. All her thoughts are about her brother Ivanushka, who is lost. Although the girl is very young, but the look is quite adult. The artist created an accurate psychological portrait of the heroine and managed to make her image understandable.

The girl's clothes are simple and modest, which was typical for simple Christian families. An old black skirt with flowers, a blouse and bare feet, which speaks of the girl's poverty. The dark tones in which the work is done contrast with the blush of a simple girl.

The beginning of autumn is the time of the year, which is shown in the picture. This is evidenced by fallen leaves on the water of a dark and deep lake. The surface of the water is smooth from which sedge sprouts. The creator of the picture so realistically conveyed that sadness and pain of the girl. That even nature senses it. A dense and inhospitable forest in the background, the autumn sky frowns. The picture creates the feeling that everything is frozen around, not a single twig is moving.

Only a flock of swallows that bring positive and pleasant sensations.

With the help of paints, the creator achieves the desired impression. The general tone of the picture is not bright, green and gray colors predominate.

The artist tried to understand, to express the Russian spirit, and he succeeded.

This picture evokes a feeling of pity and sadness in every person.

Composition description of the painting by Alyonushka Vasnetsova

The painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” is not the first time I have met it. I remember this illustration from infancy, when my parents read me fascinating fairy tales and showed me pictures from books. I saw this image at many exhibitions along with works of world significance. The picture "Alyonushka" was a frequent guest in books with Russian fairy tales, it has become a real symbol of Russian folk tales.

Such popularity is not particularly surprising, because the canvas was painted by an outstanding master who definitely deserved such popularity.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 15, 1848 in a family with a speaking, ancient Russian surname. He studied at a religious school and, of course, took drawing lessons, by the way, his younger brother followed in the footsteps of his elder brother and also became an artist, but did not gain such popularity as Victor. Already in 1893, Vasnetsov became a full member of the Academy of Arts. He made an incomparable contribution to the development of all Russian art, and especially painting, as he was an unsurpassed painter, a master of the brush.

The painting "Alyonushka" was created in 1881, but before starting work on the painting, the artist wrote a number of sketches, which depicted forest landscapes, and in the final version, he seemed to combine them together and added a girl. It turned out to be a beautiful, fabulous canvas. In the background, you can see a sprawling dense forest, which at the same time beckons, but also induces horror with its blackness and impenetrable firs, in the foreground we see a reservoir on which already yellowed leaves float imposingly, which indicates the approach of autumn.

On the coast, giant boulders lie calmly, and a young girl sits on one of them, she bows her head to her knees and looks sadly at the water. What is she thinking? About your fiancé? About brother Ivanushka? Or about the evil Baba Yaga who lies in wait for her? Everyone thinks out his own story, composes his own fairy tale. You can pay attention to the small birches growing on the shore, they say that this is Russian land and only Russian, that Alyonushka is a simple Russian girl with her rich spiritual world.

You can admire this work of art endlessly, in any case, it causes a lot of thought in both adults and children, allows you to look behind the scenes of famous fairy tales, wake up the dormant Russian spirit in yourself.

5th grade, 6th grade

Composition reasoning on the picture

She is so sad and unhappy! And even so, beautiful.

Alyonushka has red hair. A dark sundress with flowers, a white skirt under the sundress and a light jacket. It doesn't look like it was festive clothes... And in general, the picture does not look cheerful at all. The colors are dark, the girl is sad. There is a thicket around her, and she sits above the dark water - above the pool. He is sad, he thinks everything.

It is terrible that she will throw herself out of anguish into this pool. It would be a pity for her, because she is so beautiful. She would have found a guy, and not be so sad here.

She's like a cartoon princess. But that is the plot of the story. She is sad because of her stupid brother. He got, of course, into some kind of alteration next, and she was to help him out. I think he drank from a puddle! Well, he drank stupid dirty water (with germs) and got poisoned. Almost ended up in the hospital! In a fairy tale, this is called - "became a kid." And he drank from a puddle, which was shaped like a goat's hoof print.

By the way, all kinds of demons also have goat prints! Not without tricks of evil spirits here and dark forces. Here Alyonushka sits and cries. How now with such a brother to live? What if someone fires it?

The picture is autumn. Near the heroine, even small trees - Christmas trees and birches. They look a little like her. Autumn yellow leaves on the surface of the water. The sky is gray and rainy. Here comes the downpour!

Alyonushka would not have sat here, otherwise she would get wet and fall ill. Why cry over such a stupid brother?

When she disenchants him, and she will definitely do it, even if you need to go through a hundred trials, then she will also forgive him. This kind girl will not scold him, but will regret it. And after that he will never remember his such a stupid act. And in the end, he will again fall into something. And she has to pull it out again!

But really, why not risk it? If your older sister stands up for you, pulls you out of any trouble.

Above Alyonushka on a branch of a bird. If only they, like in a cartoon, told her how not to be so kind!

Of course, now we need to help out my brother, okay. You can attribute this behavior to his young age. But then let him answer for himself! So that he does not grow up to be a goat.


Alyonushka, Alyonushka,
Alena gray-eyed,
you tell me a fairy tale, Alyonushka
tell, tell.
With one stroke of eyelashes
Alena tell me
about flocks of migratory birds
under a whitewashed sky.

Vasnetsov began work on the painting in 1880. The fairy tale "About sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" is taken as a basis.
At first he painted landscape sketches on the banks of the Vori in Abramtsevo, by the pond in Akhtyrka. Many sketches of this time have been preserved.

Study of a seated girl

In Abramtsevo and its environs, with their oak, spruce, birch forests and groves characteristic of central Russia, the Vorey river, whimsically winding with dark backwaters, ponds overgrown with sedge, deaf ravines and cheerful lawns and hillocks, a type of national landscape was developed.

Pond in Akhtyrka

Here, many of the artist's works were conceived and implemented in whole or in part. Alyonushka was also painted here, a picture in which Vasnetsov most fully and soulfully embodied the lyrical poetry of his native people.
“Alyonushka,” the artist later said, “as if she had been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much longing, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit emanated from her.
Vasnetsov turned to the tale of Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka, in his own way, creatively translating it into painting. According to folk legends, nature comes to life at the end of the day, gaining the ability to feel in harmony with man.
Such feelings were to a large extent inherent in the artist himself, which is why the state of nature in Alyonushka was so organically coordinated with the feelings of the heroine. The figure of Alyonushka, thinking about her bitter fate, is echoed, as it were, by the pale gray sky, and the surface of the pool, frightening with its darkness, with yellow leaves frozen on it, and the faded gray tones of the drooping foliage of the aspens, and the dark deep green of the Christmas trees.

Alyonushkin pond

Autumn. A cold dawn pierced the low cloudy sky like a thin arrow.
The black pool is motionless.
Dense forest is terrible. On the shore, on a large gray stone - Alyonushka, an orphan.
Gentle thin aspens timidly approached the water. Unkind whirlpool. Pegs green arrows of sedge. Cold, hostile gray stone.


It's bitter, bitter for an orphan in this thicket. Silent silence.
Suddenly the wind ran through the spruce forest. Aspen leaves rustled and tinkled. The reeds began to sing, the little birds chirped, the bitter little birds, the sad sounds of melancholy and sadness flowed.
Perhaps Alyonushka hears Ivanushka's cry, or the wind carries the noise of high fires, the ringing of cast-iron cauldrons, the subtle, evil laughter of the witch.

Sketch "Alyonushka"

The image of Alyonushka is both real and fabulous at the same time. The sad appearance and dilapidated, poor clothes of the young heroine recreate in memory the artist’s sketch from nature, made from an orphan peasant girl in the year the picture was painted. The vitality of the image is combined here with fabulously poetic symbolism. Above the head of Alyonushka, sitting on a gray cold stone, a thin branch with chirping swallows curved like an arch. According to the famous researcher of the Russian folk tale A.N. Afanasyev, whom Vasnetsov knew through the Abramtsevo circle, the swallow brings good news, consolation in misfortune. The dark forest, pool and loose hair were identified in ancient beliefs with misfortune, danger and heavy thoughts, and a birch growing near the water was a sign of healing.
Even if the artist did not put such detailed symbolism into the canvas, it does not give the impression of hopelessness, perhaps because we remember a fairy tale with a happy ending.


Such is the magical world of Vasnetsov's painting - real and highly poetic, created by an artist who deeply believed from an early age in the wonderful and magical fabric of a Russian fairy tale and with great innocence gave this faith to people.

Each of us, from an early age, got used to the gentle image of Alyonushka as something unusually close, which entered firmly, forever into our still childish figurative world, and today it is hard for us to believe that contemporaries overlooked the poetic qualities of Alyonushka, but saw how they it seemed that the anatomical and other school errors of Vasnetsov's canvas ...
Perhaps, to some extent, they had a right to this, like those pedants who measured the height of Surikov's Menshikov with an inch.
It seems that art is difficult to reconcile with a centimeter or an inch. Here come the more complex categories - poetry, musicality, nationality.

Here are a few lines from the author's memoirs, revealing the secret of the creation of "Alyonushka":
“The critics and, finally, myself, since I have a sketch from one orphan girl from Akhtyrka, have established that my “Alyonushka” is a natural-genre work! Don't know! May be.

But I will not hide the fact that I really looked into the features of the face, especially into the radiance of the eyes of Verusha Mamontova, when I wrote "Alyonushka". Here are the wonderful Russian eyes that looked at me and the whole of God's world in Abramtsevo, and in Akhtyrka, and in the Vyatka villages , and on Moscow streets and bazaars and live forever in my soul and warm it!"

Alyonushka, Alyonushka,
Alena gray-eyed,
you tell me a fairy tale, Alyonushka,
tell, tell
about the thirtieth countries,
that everything is in the native side,
I will listen all my life
you, my Alenka.


Igor Grabar, with his characteristic clarity, defines the qualities of the picture:
"V. M. Vasnetsov in 1881 creates his masterpiece - "Alyonushka", either a genre or a fairy tale, a charming lyrical poem about a wonderful Russian girl, one of the best paintings of the Russian school."
Yes, indeed Vasnetsov is infinitely accessible and simple. But only at first glance, because the birth of each of his canvases is based on a poetic metaphor.
Secret secret...
(I. Dolgopolov "V. Vasnetsov")

In Abramtsevo and its environs, with their oak, spruce, birch forests and groves characteristic of central Russia, the Vorey river, whimsically winding with dark backwaters, ponds overgrown with sedge, deaf ravines and cheerful lawns and hillocks, a type of national landscape was developed.

Here, many of the artist's works were conceived and implemented in whole or in part. Alyonushka was also painted here, a picture in which Vasnetsov most fully and soulfully embodied the lyrical poetry of his native people.
“Alyonushka,” the artist later said, “as if she had been living in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much longing, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit emanated from her.

Vasnetsov turned to the tale of Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka, in his own way, creatively translating it into painting. According to folk legends, nature comes to life at the end of the day, gaining the ability to feel in harmony with man.
Such feelings were to a large extent inherent in the artist himself, which is why the state of nature in Alyonushka was so organically coordinated with the feelings of the heroine. The figure of Alyonushka, thinking about her bitter fate, is echoed, as it were, by the pale gray sky, and the surface of the pool, frightening with its darkness, with yellow leaves frozen on it, and the faded gray tones of the drooping foliage of the aspens, and the dark deep green of the Christmas trees.

Autumn. A cold dawn pierced the low cloudy sky like a thin arrow.
The black pool is motionless.
Dense forest is terrible. On the shore, on a large gray stone - Alyonushka, an orphan.
Gentle thin aspens timidly approached the water. Unkind whirlpool. Pegs green arrows of sedge. Cold, hostile gray stone.
It's bitter, bitter for an orphan in this thicket. Silent silence.
Suddenly the wind ran through the spruce forest. Aspen leaves rustled and tinkled. The reeds began to sing, the little birds chirped, the bitter little birds, the sad sounds of melancholy and sadness flowed.
Perhaps Alyonushka hears Ivanushka's cry, or the wind carries the noise of high fires, the ringing of cast-iron cauldrons, the subtle, evil laughter of the witch.
Each of us, from an early age, got used to the gentle image of Alyonushka as something unusually close, which entered firmly, forever into our still childish figurative world, and today it is hard for us to believe that contemporaries overlooked the poetic qualities of Alyonushka, but saw how they it seemed that the anatomical and other school errors of Vasnetsov's canvas ...
Perhaps, to some extent, they had a right to this, like those pedants who measured the height of Surikov's Menshikov with an inch.
It seems that art is difficult to reconcile with a centimeter or an inch. Here come the more complex categories - poetry, musicality, nationality.

Take a closer look.
And you will believe that in a moment a kikimora or a kind Frog Princess can swim out of the dark abyss of the pool. Listen... And the sounds of flying Baba Yaga will reach your ears.
And from the green haze of the spruce forest, the good mug of the goblin will stick out ...
Such is the magical world of Vasnetsov's painting - real and highly poetic, created by an artist who deeply believed from an early age in the wonderful and magical fabric of a Russian fairy tale and with great innocence gave this faith to people.

Here are a few lines from the author's memoirs, revealing the secret of the creation of "Alyonushka":
“The critics and, finally, myself, since I have a sketch from one orphan girl from Akhtyrka, have established that my “Alyonushka” is a natural-genre thing! Don't know! May be.

It is sad to be alone in the forest, not knowing what to do next. Immediately some kind of panic attacks, which is quickly replaced by a feeling of hopeless longing and confusion. Man invariably hopes for a miracle, but it does not always happen.

In the picture of Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" we see a girl who looks with hope and longing into a forest lake. She is trying to see something there, trying to find something extremely important there, but inaccessible to the understanding of other people.

The girl is surrounded by an impenetrable forest thicket, which frightens with its gloominess. To emphasize the plight of Alyonushka, the author painted the forest with dark colors. The water in the forest lake also scares away with its darkness, gloom and depth. Only calamus and stones become true friends of Alyonushka, only to them she can completely pour out her soul. It seems that the girl sends a mute cry for help, to which the higher forces of nature can respond, because it will be inaccessible to the human ear.

Alyonushka is a simple and touching girl who found herself in a difficult situation. She comes from a simple family, which can be seen from her modest outfit and lack of shoes. The girl is sitting near the lake, leaning slightly over the water, as if looking for the truth in its abyss.

The canvas evokes a feeling of regret and sadness. I just want to help Alyonushka, but, unfortunately, this is impossible.

The creation of the painting "Alyonushka" was completed in 1881. It is one of the author's many famous works. A famous painting based on the plot of the fairy tale about "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". The work is done in oil. The heroine of the picture was a simple village girl from Akhtyrka.

In the center of the picture, we see a young, beautiful girl sitting on a large stone, sitting with her legs bent under her. With her head on her knees, the lonely girl looks into the deep lake with the sad eyes of an orphan. The girl's eyes show pain and sadness. All her thoughts are about her brother Ivanushka, who is lost. Although the girl is very young, but the look is quite adult. The artist created an accurate psychological portrait of the heroine and managed to make her image understandable.

The girl's clothes are simple and modest, which was typical for simple Christian families. An old black skirt with flowers, a blouse and bare feet, which speaks of the girl's poverty. The dark tones in which the work is done contrast with the blush of a simple girl.

The beginning of autumn is the time of the year, which is shown in the picture. This is evidenced by fallen leaves on the water of a dark and deep lake. The surface of the water is smooth from which sedge sprouts. The creator of the picture so realistically conveyed that sadness and pain of the girl. That even nature senses it. A dense and inhospitable forest in the background, the autumn sky frowns. The picture creates the feeling that everything is frozen around, not a single twig is moving.

Only a flock of swallows that bring positive and pleasant sensations.

With the help of paints, the creator achieves the desired impression. The general tone of the picture is not bright, green and gray colors predominate. The artist tried to understand, to express the Russian spirit, and he succeeded. This picture evokes a feeling of pity and sadness in every person.

Composition based on the painting "Alyonushka" Vasnetsov

V.M. Vasnetsov never ceases to amaze with his talent. Each of his works is a whole story in which there is a beginning and an end. And we viewers, although we have to see only a moment of this story, long-known fairy tales come to mind, and this makes it possible, as if to plunge into their world, to feel the joys and sorrows of the heroes.

The girl depicted on the canvas is so unhappy and lonely that you want to feel sorry for her. And there is a reason. It turns out she lost her beloved little brother. All day she tried to find him. And judging by the glow in the sky, it's already evening. Barefoot, she wandered through the forest, calling him with all her might. But now, her strength left, and she sat down by the water. Her legs, which had not known rest all day, were beaten and wounded, her dress was torn, and her hair was knocked out of her braid. But the most remarkable thing in the image of Alyonushka is her facial expressions. It reads immeasurable sadness and sadness. It is impossible to show this without experiencing pain. Even in the water display, only the girl's black skirt is visible. The artist did not want to show her bright face, arms and neck. He settled on paints in which pain is read.

What thoughts overcome the young girl? Perhaps she no longer hopes to find her brother? Maybe, when she sees a pond, the girl begins to guess what a terrible fate her dear person has? But then what should she do? Was she up to something bad? Why doesn't he go home to tell the terrible news to his relatives and neighbors? Or maybe there are no relatives? Maybe her brother is everyone who was dear and loved to her, and now she has no one to go to, and there is no need, that's why there is such a detachment in her expression.

Anyone who looks at the canvas feels sorry for Alyonushka. And in such truthfulness with which the author portrayed a lonely girl against the backdrop of magnificent nature, which, as a matter of fact, acts as a bright contrast, and one sees the talent of the author of the picture, his ability to use the viewer's imagination.

Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov "Alyonushka"

When you read the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", you involuntarily imagine a forest pond, a girl sitting on its shore, bowing her head to her knees in anguish. The famous "Alyonushka" by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov. How often the artist in his work turned to the works of oral folk art. And then already the epic and fairy-tale heroes in the imagination were drawn exactly as the great artist depicted them.

So it happened with Alyonushka. The lonely orphans Alyonushka and her brother Ivanushka lived in a remote forest side. And trouble came: the brother, the only native person on this earth, disappeared. Alyonushka wandered for a long time in search of her brother. She tore her dress, making her way through the forest thicket. I came across a pond in the dark forest wilderness. And in inescapable anguish, she sank onto a stone on its shore.

Take a look at her face. How much longing in the eyes of a young girl. Her hair was disheveled from her long walk through the woods. But she does not notice the mess either in her hair or in her clothes. One thought overcomes her: “Where is brother Ivanushka?” A small kid is an easy prey for forest animals. Crying from grief Alyonushka. Tears fall into the dark depths of the pond. And he beckons with his black water, calls to forget himself in his waters.

The dark forest surrounded Alyonushka with a wall. Black is his thicket. The terrible forest does not want to release its prey. It seems that the face of an evil sorceress who has decided to destroy Alyonushka is about to flash in its blackness. And only thin trees next to the girl yearn with her, dropping yellow leaves on the black surface of the pond.

Created based on a fairy tale, Vasnetsov's painting lives an independent life, telling about the difficult lot of an orphan, about hopeless longing. But the fabulous image of the beautiful Alyonushka is associated with the way the artist depicted her on his canvas.

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  1. essay on the painting in m Vasnetsova Alyonushka
  2. essay on the painting alenushka
  3. Vasnetsov Alyonushka essay
  4. composition of Vasnetsov Alyonushka

According to Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka", you can get acquainted with the biography of the author, find out the background of the creation of the masterpiece, then study the description of the landscape, the heroine. Then the written work will be detailed and interesting.

Artist biography

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in the village of Lopyal. From 1858 to 1862 he was educated at a theological school, then he graduated from the Vyatka Theological Seminary. The boy learned the basics of artistic craft with the fine arts teacher of the gymnasium N. G. Chernyshev. Then, having moved to St. Petersburg, from 1867 to 1868, Victor took painting lessons from I. N. Kramskoy at the Drawing School. In 1868 he entered the Academy of Arts, from which he graduated in 1873.

In 1869, Vasnetsov began to exhibit his expositions, since 1893 Viktor Mikhailovich was a full member of the Academy of Arts.

In his work, V. M. Vasnetsov uses different genres. He starts as an artist of everyday scenes, creating the paintings "Military telegram", "Showrooms in Paris", "From apartment to apartment", "Bookshop". Then the epic-historical themes become the main direction of his work. In this genre, the artist painted paintings: "Ivan Tsarevich on a gray wolf", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Bogatyrs", "Alyonushka".

If a student is asked to write Vasnetsov's "Alyonushka", you can start with a brief biography of the author, then tell when this picture was created. The artist painted it in 1881. It depicts Alyonushka, Vasnetsov painted not only the appearance of the girl, conveyed her state of mind, but also, with the help of natural landscapes, made the viewer understand the mood of the picture.

The history of writing a masterpiece

Viktor Mikhailovich began work on the canvas in 1880. The painting by V. M. Vasnetsov “Alyonushka” began to be created in Abramtsevo, on the shore by the pond in Akhtyrka. If you compare the natural landscapes of Abramtsevo with an artistic painting on a fairy tale theme, you can find many common features, such as the coastline, dark waters, trees, bushes.

It is in such conditions that the main character of the canvas is sad. The artist told how the idea of ​​painting a picture was born. From childhood, he knew the fairy tale "About sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka." One day, while walking along Akhtyrka, the painter met a girl with her hair down. She struck the imagination of the creator, as Viktor Vasnetsov himself said. Alyonushka, he thought. The girl was full of longing and loneliness.

Impressed by this meeting, the artist drew a sketch. If you look closely at him, you can see that it was this girl who became the main character of the picture. The same big sad eyes below them, which show that the young creature did not get enough sleep, as it was necessary to get up early, work hard.

Storyline of the painting

An essay based on Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" can also be started with a story about the plot. As mentioned above, the canvas was created under the impression of a fairy tale, Abramtsevo landscapes and a meeting with a young peasant woman.

After that, you can proceed to the story of who is depicted in the picture - Alyonushka. Vasnetsov painted a young girl sitting on a large stone on the bank of a pond. She detachedly looks at the water, her eyes are full of sadness and sadness. Perhaps she looks at the water surface and thinks when her beloved brother, turned into a kid, will become a boy again. But the pond is silent, does not give an answer to the secret question.

Description of the main character

The girl is dressed in simple Russian clothes, she is barefoot. She is wearing a short-sleeved blouse and an undershirt is visible from under it. This is how peasant women dressed in Rus'. In this shirt they went to bed or sometimes bathed in the heat. So Alyonushka was also dressed, Vasnetsov portrayed the heroine of a famous fairy tale with slightly disheveled hair. Apparently, the girl spent quite a long time on the shore of the pond, looking into the watery abyss.

She stares straight ahead, her head bowed down in her hands. I would like to finally dispel the evil spell, Alyonushka soared in spirit and went home in a good mood. But the gloomy colors of the picture make it impossible to hope for this.


The student can continue to create an essay based on Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" with a description of nature. She plays an important role in the plot and helps to understand its drama. The surrounding landscape, like the girl, is full of sadness and sadness, it is gloomy.

In the background we see a spruce forest, it is painted in dark green colors, which gives it a mysterious look.

From the dark surface of the water it breathes cold, it is clear that the pond is set in relation to the child unfriendly. A few optimistic notes are brought into the water landscape by green reed leaves, which are located not far from the heroine. Alyonushka is surrounded by friendly aspens, they also add a little rainbow colors. When a light breeze comes, their leaves rustle, as if telling the girl not to be sad that everything will be fine. All this was conveyed with the help of oil paints and canvas by V. M. Vasnetsov.

"Alyonushka", composition, final part

If the composition was given to elementary school students, they will talk about their vision of the picture, and at the end of the work they will tell what will happen next. Let the conclusion become rosy, as in a fairy tale. Alyonushka will eventually meet a loved one, marry him. The kid will turn into Ivanushka again, and everyone will live in peace, love and harmony!

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