Description of the painting by Grigoriev goalkeeper from the perspective of an adult. My impression of the picture of the goalkeeper



Preparation for an essay based on the painting by S. Grigoriev "The Goalkeeper". (Materials for students. Grade 7)

1. Story about the artist.

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.
Gained wide popularity asauthorworks ontopicfamilies and schools. The best canvases of the artist are dedicated to children. Among them are known paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Sea Wolf”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The well-deserved fame was brought to the artist by the painting “Goalkeeper”. The author was awarded the State Prize.

2. Vocabulary work

1. Choose the appropriate adverbial phrases.
1) The boy went to the gate ....
2) No one could, with such sharpness as a player, rush from a place and ... slow down just as unexpectedly.
3) He powerfully accelerated and ... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply stretched his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:
Before reaching the ball two steps, just before the blow; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, not semenya.

3. Description plan (option 1)
1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The skill of the artist: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Description plan (option 2)
1) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigorieva "Goalkeeper":
a) in a wasteland on a fine autumn day;
b) a fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.
2) Features of the composition of the picture.
3) The role of details in the picture.
4) The color of the picture.

5) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.

6) My attitude in the picture.


Task: Correct speech errors.

Composition options

Option 1.

wareveryone was into the game.

Option 2

In the picture of S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" we see a football match, players and spectators located in a wasteland. Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted, the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves put on his hands, by his serious face, by his sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood at the gate more than once. The goalkeeper - a boy of twelve - thirteen years old - stood, waiting for an attack on his goal. He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase, lying instead of a barbell.

The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on the football field, but on a wasteland not intended for football.

In the background - a boy outside the gate and the audience. Probably, the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not taken because he is younger than the players. He looks to be only nine or ten years old. But by the expression on his face, he really wants to play.

Spectators of the most different ages: both children, and uncle, and a small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably one of the spectators, does not look at the game.
The scene of the picture is Moscow. Stalinist buildings are visible in the background.

It's autumn outside. End of September - beginning of October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts. I liked this picture because it is "alive". I feel the emotions that the guys are overwhelmed with: both the players and the spectators.

Option 3.

Before me is a painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". In this picture, the main character is the goalkeeper.
In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He is standing at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he is professional in his duties. The goalkeeper has a very serious look. He has a bandage on his right leg, probably, he got injured in the last games. He himself may be expecting a penalty. Behind him stands a boy in a red suit. Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and therefore they have briefcases instead of barbells.
The audience is in the background. They are all enthusiastic about the game. Each of them is especially interesting, but most of all I like the dog because she is the only one who does not watch the game.

The uncle, sitting on the side, is watching with great enthusiasm what is happening. As if he remembers those years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. In his handbook. So he accidentally watches the game, because. he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children sit next to him. One girl is especially interesting to me, because she has something incomprehensible in her hands: either a fish, or a doll, or a baby.

S. Grigoriev depicted the moment of playing football. In the picture of the artist - autumn, an obscure day. The bushes and grass have already turned yellow. The kids got together to play football after school. The observers were dressed lightly. In the background, the painting depicts an old industrial city. In the distance one could see a bluish government office with a red flag, damp residential areas, new buildings. The domes of churches are visible in the ancient city. Old buildings shrouded in mist. In an industrial city, the sky is yellow-gray. And in the old - gray-blue. The boys are playing football in the field. The makeshift football pitch has been trampled down.

Spectators watch the game closely. They are infatuated with her. To the right of the goalkeeper are the ruins of a building. Two briefcases represented the gate. From them were visible pioneer ties, corners of books. Next to the goalkeeper lay a white dog with a black ear. The goalkeeper was wearing blue football shorts and a black sweatshirt. His knee was bandaged and his hands were covered with gloves. The boy looked twelve years old (there were wrinkles on his forehead). Next to the goalkeeper was a "referee". The artist wanted to show the excitement of the game. The picture was painted in soft, muted colors in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine. Despite the fact that four years ago endedwareveryone was into the game.

Another girl in a red hat bent over to better observe what was happening. It can be seen that she is not very good at it, because the man blocks the entire view of the guys.
A boy peeks out from behind a girl. He follows the game so closely that he even got all twisted up. Next to him is a girl with a big bow, and below is a boy with his younger brother sitting on his lap, wrapped in anything - he must be hot.
Large houses are depicted in the background of the painting. So they are in Moscow. The picture is autumn.
The sun is already setting, because the sky is starting to redden on the left side. It's time for the kids to go home.

I didn't really like the picture because it was boring. It's time for the kids to go home and do their homework.

Sections: Russian language

Class: 7

Lesson Objectives:

  • prepare students to describe the actions of the people depicted in the picture;
  • consolidate the ability to use gerunds in your speech;
  • collect material for writing an essay on the picture;
  • to give an idea of ​​the composition of the picture as one of the means of expressing the artist's intention.

Lesson equipment:

multimedia Presentation to the lesson, reference summary.


Story about the artist.

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.

He gained wide fame as the author of works on the theme of family and school. The best canvases of the artist dedicated to children. Among them are famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Fisherman”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The well-deserved fame was brought to the artist by the painting “Goalkeeper”. The author was awarded the State Prize.

Painting conversation:

What time of year and day is shown in the picture? How did you define this?

(Autumn. Castings turned yellow and fall from the trees. They are scattered on the ground. The artist depicted a fine autumn day, probably noon, because the shadows from people and objects are short, straight. The sky is clear, it feels like the sun is shining.)

Where does the action in the picture take place?

(The guys play on an empty playground behind the house, not on a real football field: they “built” the goal, returning from school, from briefcases, bags and berets.)

Who is the main character in the picture?

(Goalkeeper boy)

How did the artist portray the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothing.

(The goalkeeper is leaning on his knees, standing, bending in a tense position, waiting for the ball, watching the game with concentration. It can be seen from his posture that the ball is far from the goal. But the goalkeeper is ready at any moment to enter the game and defend his goal. The boy wants to be like on a real goalkeeper, he tries to imitate them even in clothes: he is wearing a dark sweater, short pants, large leather gloves on his hands, lowered socks on his feet, galoshes tied with a ribbon, his knee is bandaged, probably, he often had to fall defending his goal. It can be seen that the goalkeeper is a brave, fearless boy.)

Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalkeeper.

(Behind the goalkeeper in a calm pose, with his hands behind his back and sticking out his stomach, is a kid in a red ski suit. He also considers himself an expert in football, he wants to take part in the game, but he is not accepted yet).

How did the artist show the audience's interest in playing football? Who is particularly passionate about what is happening? Describe them.

(The eyes of all spectators are directed to the right, on the field, where there is a tense struggle for the ball. An adult fan who happened to be here by chance (he is not dressed to sit on the boards in the yard: in a smart embroidered shirt, order strips on the lapel of his jacket, a folder in his hand with papers, a hat on his head), completely captured by the spectacle of the game, he himself will rush into battle. The boy in a dark green ski suit with a red tie is also very passionate about the game. He looks with his head stretched out and his mouth open. The boy is closely watching the game with a baby in her arms and a girl with a red bow on her head. Other girls - with a doll, in a red cap, in a hood - are more calmly watching what is happening, although they do not take their eyes off the game).

Who is indifferent to what is happening on the field?

(A baby wrapped in a warm scarf and a lop-eared dog curled up at her feet).

Why is the painting called The Goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is the main character in the picture. The artist showed a brave enthusiastic goalkeeper who arouses our sympathy).

What do you think the artist wanted to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

(Football is interesting for everyone.
Football is my favorite sport.
Fearless goalkeeper on the experience of his goal.)

Unlike the writer, the artist depicts one specific moment in the picture. It is curious that S.A. Grigoriev did not depict the football match itself in his picture: from the tense posture of the goalkeeper, from the expression on the faces of the spectators, we guess that the game is now at an acute moment on the field. To reveal his idea, the artist uses such means of painting as color, lighting, composition.

Consider how the picture is built. Where - in the foreground or in the background - depicted S.A. Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is depicted in the foreground, almost in the center of the picture, separate from other team players. He is clearly visible and immediately catches the eye, attracts our attention)

Who is in the background of the picture?

(Children and a young man, while they are located so that everyone is clearly visible)

What do you see in the background?

(City, huge buildings, residential buildings)

Let's pay attention to the details in the picture (the gate made of briefcases, bags and hats, the bandaged knee and the goalkeeper's leather gloves, etc.), let's find out their role in revealing the artist's intention.

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

(Warm colors and shades of yellow, light brown, red. The ground is light brown, on the bushes and on the field the leaves are golden, orange, the boards on which the fans sit are light yellow. The boy who stands behind the goalkeeper is wearing a red suit, a hat on a girl, embroidery on a man's shirt, a bow on a schoolgirl, ties... These colors and shades help to convey the tension of the depicted action, please our eyes, and contribute to a cheerful, good mood.)

Do you like this picture?

(Yes, because everything is depicted on it as it happens in life. I would like to be on this field myself and play football.)

vocabulary work. In order to prevent spelling errors, the spelling of words such as football, competition, match, leather gloves, jacket, sweater(pronounced hard [t]), hood, in a light haze, outlines of construction sites.

Fascinating match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, without touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

Vocabulary and stylistic work.

1. Select the appropriate adverbial phrases.

1) The boy went to the gate ....
2) No one could, with such sharpness as a player, rush from a place and ... slow down just as unexpectedly.
3) He powerfully accelerated and ... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply stretched his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:

Before reaching the ball two steps, just before the blow; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, not semenya.

2. Name the adverbs that can be used to describe the posture and actions of football players. Make up phrases with them.

(Possessing the ball, throwing the ball, throwing the ball, scoring a goal, attacking the goal, attacking the goal, closing the goal, covering the goal, rushing to the goal, bending slightly, putting the foot back, rushing from the spot, starting a long run, starting the game, reacting quickly, immediately slowed down.)

Drawing up a plan for describing the picture.

First, let's name the main subtopics of the story, for example:

1) place and time of action;
2) athletes;
3) spectators;
4) the artist and his picture.

We emphasize the conditionality of the named sequence of description and the possibility of a different construction of the story, for example, it can start with a message about the artist, then describe the athletes, then the audience, at the end - the time, place of action, etc.

After that, we propose to turn the description scheme into a plan, i.e., to specify each point of the scheme, to make it more meaningful. As a result of such work, students write down (on their own) a plan for describing the picture, for example:

1 option

1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The skill of the artist: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Option 2

1) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.
2) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigorieva "Goalkeeper":

a) in a wasteland on a fine autumn day;
b) a fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.

3) Features of the composition of the picture.
4) The role of details in the picture.
5) The color of the picture.
6) My attitude in the picture.

Reference abstract

What time of year and day is shown in the picture?
Where does the action in the picture take place?
How did the artist portray the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.
Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalkeeper.
How did the artist show the audience's interest in playing football?
What did the artist want to say with his painting, what is its main idea?
Where - in the foreground or in the background - depicted S.A. Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?
Who is in the background of the picture?
What do you see in the background?

Details in the picture

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

The artist Sergei Grigoriev is known to the audience for many of his paintings, but one of them brought him popularity and fame. This is the plot canvas “Goalkeeper”, which anyone can currently see in the Tretyakov Gallery. The plot of this picture is very significant, as it brings the viewer back to the distant 1949, when the childhood of children born after the war and growing up at that time was not so happy. Many children did not have parents, and in every family there was a grief of loss and death of one of the family members, which is not forgotten for a long time.

It is known that artist Sergei Alekseevich painted his picture of the post-war childhood of children in 1949, when the country was only gradually returning to peaceful life, because not much time had passed - only four years. Devastation still reigned everywhere at that time, the standard of living of people who had gone through such hard trials by the war was not high, but the main thing was that the whole people had great hope for a happy future life. This is what the plot of the painting by Sergei Grigoriev is about, only he makes children the main characters of his paintings, who at that time often worked together with adults, helping them after the devastation.

Little by little, the country was recovering, and the children began to have time to get together and spend this time with enthusiasm and fun. And while the girls were playing with rag dolls, the boys with great pleasure returned to their favorite sport - football. The artist tried to convey in the picture the general atmosphere of that time, when it seemed to be still difficult and difficult, but the childhood of the children again became happy and carefree.

The artist himself saw that in the post-war years everyone played football: the children had no toys, but they could always find the ball. Therefore, the guys playing football cheerfully and enthusiastically could be found everywhere: in the yards, at school, in parks, just on the streets, and even in a wasteland. It was such an abandoned wasteland on the outskirts of the city that the artist Sergei Alekseevich depicted on his canvas.

The central image of the painting "Goalkeeper" is a boy who protects the goal of his football team. And although he is not located in the center of the canvas itself, all attention is primarily paid to him, since he is a goalkeeper. The pose of the boy shows how tense he is, as he is waiting for a shot on his goal and does not want to let his team down and miss this decisive blow. Most likely, on how this goalkeeper will be dexterous, savvy and efficient depends on which team will win. The boy is wearing a dark sweater and small athletic shorts.

Leaving for school, he specially put on sports shoes to make it more convenient to play football. The child's right leg is bandaged, it can be seen that he fell before, trying to catch the ball that flew into the goal, so he decided this time to bandage his leg and soften the blow. By the way the goalkeeper behaves, one can understand that he knows perfectly well everything he needs to do while defending the goal and this is not the first time he has done this. Maybe he is a reliable goalkeeper that the whole team is proud of.

The guys do not have real gates, so they use their schoolbags for their borders. They are old and a bit shabby, but textbooks and notebooks fit perfectly in them, so the guys will need them for a few more years to go to classes with them, and in winter ride them like sleds, and use them as football goals in summer. It can be seen that the guys did not go home immediately after school, but went together to the wasteland, which became their stadium for games. They probably spent the whole day thinking about this decisive match.

In the foreground of Sergei Grigoriev's painting, you can see that the surface of the field, where several halves are played, is uncomfortable and uneven. But this does not bother young players at all. They don't pay any attention to it at all. The author of the picture does not show the game itself, because the main thing for him was to portray those people who were participants or fans at that time. And so he chooses the peak of the game, when the decisive ball should be punched, which will determine which team won. But by the seriousness of the faces of the guys playing, and the tension of the fans, it is noticeable that all this time the match was interesting and exciting.

Among the spectators gathered guys who are still very small and do not go to school. Therefore, they also cannot get into the football team yet, but they feel great fans and worry about every moment of the game. To better watch the game, they sat on a tree that was blown down by a strong wind. Among the audience there are not only kids, but also an adult man. Most likely, he was passing by, but he saw the game, and he became interested. Therefore, he sat down next to the fans and actively began to worry about the outcome of the game. But the most passive fan is the dog, which rejoices that his little owners have stopped running and frolicking and now she has moments of rest and tranquility.

The most active fan is a boy in a light red suit. He is probably a primary school student and has been dreaming of becoming a member of one of the teams participating in this game for a long time. He closely follows the entire course of the game, but most of all he is interested in the goalkeeper, for whom he stood up. Maybe he also dreams of being a goalkeeper, but for now he just wants to study.
Cheerful and optimistic mood is created by the artist Sergei Grigoriev with his painting, where the war has already been left behind and, despite the destroyed houses and fallen trees, the childhood of children again becomes peaceful, bright and happy.

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Composition based on the painting Goalkeeper

The picture was painted in 1949. She was a very big success. For the paintings "Goalkeeper" and "Admission to the Komsomol" Grigoriev was awarded a state prize. The main idea of ​​the picture is that football is an exciting spectacle that everyone likes.

Grigoriev's painting depicts a warm autumn day, late September - early October. The wind, sweeping, twists the yellow leaves, the trees and shrubs are almost bare. Still dry, but not early autumn.

The sky was overcast, as if with a veil. In the background you can see the city in a light haze. Landscape - the background on which children are depicted. It is written easily and freely.

The landscape is subordinated to the main story about children who are keen on playing football.

The boys gathered after school to play football in the wasteland. Their gates were built from briefcases, bags and berets. The artist did not depict the football match itself, so the canvas became even more valuable. But where the goalkeeper and the spectators are looking is a very acute situation, in a few seconds the ball may approach the goal.

All spectators are dressed warmly, they sit in hats and coats. Only the goalkeeper in his shorts, as if it were summer.

He has gloves on his hands, which show that the boy is very experienced and has stood at the gate more than once. The bright spot of the picture is the red tracksuit of the boy standing behind the goalkeeper.

The goalkeeper stands slightly bent over, closing the gate and reacting vividly to what is happening, on the field of action.

As if on benches, fans sit on boards stacked at the edge of the house. Spectators of all ages: children, uncle, and a small child. All of them, fascinated by the game, follow it closely and very enthusiastically.

The boy in the dark green suit is the most captured by the match. The man is a passer-by who became interested in the game and stayed to watch it. The girls are also very focused.

Only a white dog is indifferent to football, which is dozing, curled up next to the kids.

The artist managed to combine the characters with a single action. Each detail has its place and, at the same time, each character is revealed convincingly; it is no coincidence that the painting "Goalkeeper" is one of the best. It combines expressive details, successful composition, soft coloring.

In the picture of S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper" we see a football match, players and spectators located in a wasteland.

Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted, the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves put on his hands, by his serious face, by his sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood at the gate more than once. The goalkeeper - a boy of twelve - thirteen years old - stood, waiting for an attack on his goal. He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase, lying instead of a barbell.

The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on the football field, but on a wasteland not intended for football.

In the background - a boy outside the gate and the audience. Probably, the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not taken because he is younger than the players. He looks only nine or ten years old, but the expression on his face, he really wants to play.

Spectators of the most different ages: both children, and uncle, and a small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably one of the spectators, does not look at the game.

The scene of the picture is Moscow. Stalinist buildings are visible in the background.

It's autumn outside. End of September - beginning of October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts.

I liked this picture because it is "alive". I feel the emotions that the guys are overwhelmed with: both the players and the spectators. –

3. An essay with a description

I see a picture of S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". This painting shows spectators and a goalkeeper during football.

In the foreground of this picture is a boy, it is clear from his appearance that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very focused face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he is about to get a penalty kick. The goalkeeper has a bandaged leg, which shows that this boy regularly plays football.

He is twelve years old, I think he is a medium student. Perhaps in the future he will become a good player. Behind the goalkeeper is another boy, smaller. He is very sad that he was not taken to the team. He stands with a pouted face. He is in about third grade. He is very confident in himself.

After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he stands on the field.

The guys play in the yard, not intended for playing football. Instead of bars, they have briefcases on their sides, which indicates that they play football after school.

All spectators are very passionate and focused on the game, even the younger brother of the last boy looks at what is happening with interest. It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them.

Buildings are in the background. I think the action of this picture takes place in a large city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, around the time of Khrushchev, in the years of the 50s and 60s. The sky seems overcast to me, and the street is not so hot.

This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people symbolize the number of players in the team, and the black and white dog symbolizes a soccer ball.

In general, I liked the picture, but it would be better if it depicted the entire field and all the players.

4. Short essay

In the most difficult situations, a person knows how to find an outlet, some kind of occupation for the soul. In Grigoriev's painting Goalkeeper, the artist shows that a person can adapt to the most unpredictable conditions.

In the center of the picture is a little boy who strikes with his seriousness and concentration. The outcome of the game depends on him, so everyone's attention is riveted to him. Not only children, but also adults watch the game with interest.

Simple clothes, a wasteland that is used instead of a stadium, and dilapidated houses indicate that people live hard, that they lack the most necessary things.

The most amazing thing is the love for the game, which helps to distract from injustice and problems.

The boys are playing, and the briefcases are nearby. It turns out that the game intercepted them on the way home. They are so passionate that they do not care about time, lessons and other delights of life.

At first glance, the picture seems a little sad, since all the characters and the objects around them are depicted in dark colors. True, the author gives us hope for a bright future, which will certainly come. At the same time, the artist emphasizes that the optimism of the protagonist and his fans will help to survive any difficulties.

All for study » Compositions » Composition based on the painting by Grigoriev Goalkeeper Grade 7

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Composition based on the painting by Grigoriev Goalkeeper. 1949

The page provides a description of the painting Goalkeeper. Grigoriev Sergey Alekseevich wrote this funny story in the post-war period in 1949, where he depicted the game of children in football and the main character in which is the boy goalkeeper against the background of the gathered fans. The weather is not clear in the autumn, Moscow's Stalinist buildings are visible far in the haze.

The theme of this picture The goalkeeper corresponds to the atmosphere of that time, football is probably the most favorite game of children in the post-war period, because, apart from home schoolwork, the children had nothing to do, they did not have computers or modern smartphones at that time. In addition to playing war games, children played football in the yards, in parks and, as in this story, in a wasteland.

In the picture, Goalkeeper Grigoriev, in addition to the fans watching the match, shows us mainly one player, the goalkeeper boy protecting the goal, all the other players were behind the scenes.

Our hero is ten or twelve years old, prepared to throw the ball, probably already gained experience in several similar matches. Wearing roped boots, he leaned forward, braced his gloved hands on his knees, and fixed his gaze in the direction of the ball.

A bandaged knee tells the viewer that he has already unsuccessfully fallen and scratched his leg. In this position, the boy expresses the full seriousness of his intentions to protect his gate, consisting of two abandoned school bags. The result of this match and, of course, his authority among his other peers may depend on his boyish quickness and speed of reaction.

The game of children's football attracted many fans looking at the moving ball, which the boys do not quite skillfully kick.

The bulk of the fans are local children of different ages, girls and boys, who were also joined by an adult uncle in a hat, perhaps he was walking along the street and accidentally wandered into this wasteland, seeing an interesting game of youngsters, sat down next to the children on a pile of somehow folded boards prepared for construction sheds or housing destroyed after the war. By his appearance, one can determine a rather attentive interest in the result, most likely the most interesting stage of the game, perhaps a penalty.

To the left of the goalkeeper, a young boy in red pants and a shirt is modestly watching the game, in his eyes one can feel the desire to join the game, but the older comrades do not trust him with the role of the player and he looks dejectedly, stands with his hands behind his back. Next to the children, you can see a yard dog curled up in a ball, which is not interested in football and does not pay any attention to the children's play.

As we already know, the author of the painting was very fond of children, given the fruitful creative biography of the artist Sergei Grigoriev, he created many similar paintings about children and the school. Among his notable works about children are the following: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Young naturalists”, “Pioneer tie” and many many others.

Today Grigoriev's painting The Goalkeeper is in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

Composition based on the painting: S. A. Grigorieva "Goalkeeper"

His essay-description based on the painting by S.A. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper", I would like to start by getting to know the author himself. This is a Ukrainian artist who often depicted the younger generation in his works in the post-war years.

The painter has many wonderful works and one of them is “The Goalkeeper”, which was painted in 1949.

Not much time has passed since the war, but we see that the children who saw all the horrors of the war years have not lost the ability to rejoice and they are happy to meet on an improvised field after school to play another match.

Brief essay based on the painting by S.A. Grigoriev's "Goalkeeper" cannot be done in full without describing the central figure of the picture. It is the boy in a dark-colored jacket, from under which a snow-white collar peeps out, in shorts, school shoes and gloves, who is the main character of the picture.

He is focused, all in attention in a slightly bent posture. He is ready for any offensive by the enemy and is ready to catch the ball at any moment so that the guys from the opposing team do not score a goal.

The field itself, as well as other players, remained out of our sight, but judging by the look of the goalkeeper, as well as the views of the fans directed at the field, we understand that there is a real fight for the ball on the field.

At any moment, the opponents can score a goal, so the goalkeeper bears all the responsibility and task - at any cost not to let the ball go into the goal. True, there is no gate, as such. They are improvised, and their borders are marked by little boys' briefcases.

Among the fans we see boys and girls, as well as one adult.

Maybe it's someone's dad who came to watch his son play, or maybe a simple passer-by who became interested in the game of children, but, be that as it may, the match is interesting for a man and he enjoys the game.

In the background we see skyscrapers, a temple is visible, which is shrouded in fog. In general, the author depicted the picture in soft colors, where gray colors are present. Yes, and the season is not warming, most likely it is autumn, as we see yellowed bushes and children in warm suits and coats.

The author managed to portray the excitement of the game, the emotions of the fans, and the picture itself is interesting, because it is like a symbol of the game. If you look closely, we will see eleven people in the picture, and this is the number of players in the football team, while the black and white dog itself, which curled up in a ball, can symbolize the ball.

Composition description based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”

Before me is a painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". In this picture, the main character is the goalkeeper.

In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He is standing at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he is professional in his duties. The goalkeeper has a very serious look.

He has a bandage on his right leg, probably, he got injured in the last games. He himself may be expecting a penalty. Behind him stands a boy in a red suit.

Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and therefore they have briefcases instead of barbells.

The audience is in the background. They are all enthusiastic about the game. Each of them is especially interesting, but most of all I like the dog because she is the only one who does not watch the game.

The uncle, sitting on the side, is watching with great enthusiasm what is happening. As if he remembers those years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. He has a book in his hand.

So he accidentally watches the game, because. he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children sit next to him.

One girl is especially interesting to me, because she has something incomprehensible in her hands: either a fish, or a doll, or a baby.

S. Grigoriev depicted the moment of playing football. In the picture of the artist - autumn, an obscure day. The bushes and grass have already turned yellow. The kids got together to play football after school. The observers were dressed lightly. In the background, the painting depicts an old industrial city.

In the distance one could see a bluish government office with a red flag, damp residential areas, new buildings. The domes of churches are visible in the ancient city. Old buildings shrouded in mist. In an industrial city, the sky is yellow-gray. And in the old - gray-blue. The boys are playing football in the field.

The makeshift football pitch has been trampled down.

Spectators watch the game closely. They are infatuated with her. To the right of the goalkeeper are the ruins of a building. Two briefcases represented the gate. From them were visible pioneer ties, corners of books. Next to the goalkeeper lay a white dog with a black ear. The goalkeeper was wearing blue football shorts and a black sweatshirt.

His knee was bandaged and his hands were covered with gloves. The boy looked twelve years old (there were wrinkles on his forehead). Next to the goalkeeper was a "referee". The artist wanted to show the excitement of the game. The picture was painted in soft, muted colors in the year one thousand nine hundred and forty-nine.

Despite the fact that the war ended four years ago, everyone was fond of the game.

Another girl in a red hat bent over to better observe what was happening. It can be seen that she is not very good at it, because the man blocks the entire view of the guys.

A boy peeks out from behind a girl. He follows the game so closely that he even got all twisted up. Next to him is a girl with a big bow, and below is a boy with his younger brother sitting on his lap, wrapped in anything - he must be hot.

Large houses are depicted in the background of the painting. So they are in Moscow. The picture is autumn.

The sun is already setting, because the sky is starting to redden on the left side. It's time for the kids to go home.

I didn't really like the picture because it was boring. It's time for the kids to go home and do their homework.

Composition based on the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”

The well-known Ukrainian artist S.A. Grigoriev painted pictures, the main characters of which are children. His most famous painting, painted in 1949, is The Goalkeeper.

The action takes place in autumn on the trampled wasteland of some big city - maybe Moscow, or maybe Kyiv. In the background, large "Stalinist" buildings are visible, the construction of which was actively carried out in the post-war period.

The country that defeated fascism was recovering from the devastation. And children busy with yard games are one of the signs of that time.

Football was played in unsuitable places. There were very few sports grounds and football fields. Sports uniforms, shoes, and even a real soccer ball were a rarity. What can we say about the gate! The borders of the gates were marked with briefcases thrown to the ground. But how many spectators gathered these yard matches!

The artist Grigoriev just depicted an episode of such a yard match. Here are briefcases instead of barbells, here are the spectators who have settled down on the boards that have fallen down - mostly young children from nearby houses. Of the players, we see only the goalkeeper of one of the teams, the rest of the players remained behind the scenes. But even one goalkeeper shows how intense passions are on the field.

A tall, fair-haired, short-haired boy of about twelve, standing at the gate, is the main character of the picture. He is wearing blue shorts, a blue sweater with a shirt collar visible from under it, and the most important piece of goalkeeping equipment - leather gloves. The boy looks ahead intently, bending slightly and resting his hands on his knees.

The right knee is bandaged - most likely, the boy was injured during the game.

There is tension in the boy's pose. It seems that the field is now a critical moment. The audience is following the developments with interest. All their eyes are directed to the same point as the goalkeeper's eyes.

But most of all, the poise of the moment is evidenced by the pose of an adult man in a hat, a formal suit and a blouse, who also sat down next to the children to watch the game: he leaned forward and, it seems, he would have run out onto the field if he could!

Among the audience there are both boys and girls. There are schoolchildren, and there are children who do not go to school yet. Behind the goalkeeper stands a rosy-cheeked boy in a tracksuit, who, apparently, was not taken into the game. There is resentment in the way he stands with his hands clasped behind him and his belly thrust out. But interest in the game does not allow him to leave here.

Only a white black-eared yard dog curled up in a corner of the field is not interested in what is happening on the field.

Composition based on the painting "Goalkeeper" Grigoriev

The artist Sergei Grigoriev is known to the audience for many of his paintings, but one of them brought him popularity and fame. This is the plot canvas “Goalkeeper”, which anyone can currently see in the Tretyakov Gallery.

The plot of this picture is very significant, as it brings the viewer back to the distant 1949, when the childhood of children born after the war and growing up at that time was not so happy.

Many children did not have parents, and in every family there was a grief of loss and death of one of the family members, which is not forgotten for a long time.

It is known that artist Sergei Alekseevich painted his picture of the post-war childhood of children in 1949, when the country was only gradually returning to peaceful life, because not much time had passed - only four years.

Devastation still reigned everywhere at that time, the standard of living of people who had gone through such hard trials by the war was not high, but the main thing was that the whole people had great hope for a happy future life. This is what the plot of the painting by Sergei Grigoriev is about, only he makes children the main characters of his paintings, who at that time often worked together with adults, helping them after the devastation.

Little by little, the country was recovering, and the children began to have time to get together and spend this time with enthusiasm and fun.

And while the girls were playing with rag dolls, the boys with great pleasure returned to their favorite sport - football.

The artist tried to convey in the picture the general atmosphere of that time, when it seemed to be still difficult and difficult, but the childhood of the children again became happy and carefree.

The artist himself saw that in the post-war years everyone played football: the children had no toys, but they could always find the ball. Therefore, the guys playing football cheerfully and enthusiastically could be found everywhere: in the yards, at school, in parks, just on the streets, and even in a wasteland. It was such an abandoned wasteland on the outskirts of the city that the artist Sergei Alekseevich depicted on his canvas.

The central image of the painting "Goalkeeper" is a boy who protects the goal of his football team. And although he is not located in the center of the canvas itself, all attention is primarily paid to him, since he is a goalkeeper.

The pose of the boy shows how tense he is, as he is waiting for a shot on his goal and does not want to let his team down and miss this decisive blow. Most likely, on how this goalkeeper will be dexterous, savvy and efficient depends on which team will win.

The boy is wearing a dark sweater and small athletic shorts.

Leaving for school, he specially put on sports shoes to make it more convenient to play football.

The child's right leg is bandaged, it can be seen that he fell before, trying to catch the ball that flew into the goal, so he decided this time to bandage his leg and soften the blow.

By the way the goalkeeper behaves, one can understand that he knows perfectly well everything he needs to do while defending the goal and this is not the first time he has done this. Maybe he is a reliable goalkeeper that the whole team is proud of.

The guys do not have real gates, so they use their schoolbags for their borders.

They are old and a bit shabby, but textbooks and notebooks fit perfectly in them, so the guys will need them for a few more years to go to classes with them, and in winter ride them like sleds, and use them as football goals in summer.

It can be seen that the guys did not go home immediately after school, but went together to the wasteland, which became their stadium for games. They probably spent the whole day thinking about this decisive match.

In the foreground of Sergei Grigoriev's painting, you can see that the surface of the field, where several halves are played, is uncomfortable and uneven. But this does not bother young players at all. They don't pay any attention to it at all.

The author of the picture does not show the game itself, because the main thing for him was to portray those people who were participants or fans at that time. And so he chooses the peak of the game, when the decisive ball should be punched, which will determine which team won.

But by the seriousness of the faces of the guys playing, and the tension of the fans, it is noticeable that all this time the match was interesting and exciting.

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Among the spectators gathered guys who are still very small and do not go to school. Therefore, they also cannot get into the football team yet, but they feel great fans and worry about every moment of the game. To better watch the game, they sat on a tree that was blown down by a strong wind.

Among the audience there are not only kids, but also an adult man. Most likely, he was passing by, but he saw the game, and he became interested. Therefore, he sat down next to the fans and actively began to worry about the outcome of the game.

But the most passive fan is the dog, which rejoices that his little owners have stopped running and frolicking and now she has moments of rest and tranquility.

The most active fan is a boy in a light red suit. He is probably a primary school student and has been dreaming of becoming a member of one of the teams participating in this game for a long time. He closely follows the entire course of the game, but most of all he is interested in the goalkeeper, for whom he stood up.

Maybe he also dreams of being a goalkeeper, but for now he just wants to study.

Cheerful and optimistic mood is created by the artist Sergei Grigoriev with his painting, where the war has already been left behind and, despite the destroyed houses and fallen trees, the childhood of children again becomes peaceful, bright and happy.

Composition based on the painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper"

Description of actions. Composition based on the painting by S. A. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". Speech development lesson Grade 7

Lesson objectives: n prepare students to describe the actions of the people depicted in the picture; n consolidate the ability to use gerunds in your speech; n collect material for writing an essay on the picture; n to give the concept of the composition of the picture as one of the means of expressing the artist's intention.

S. A. Grigoriev (1910 -1988) Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker. He gained wide fame as the author of works on the theme of family and school.

The best canvases of the artist dedicated to children. Among them, paintings are known: "Discussion of the deuce", "Fisherman", "First words", "Young naturalists". The well-deserved fame was brought to the artist by the painting "Goalkeeper".

"Friends-buddies" 1947 "Pioneer" 1951 "Sea Wolf" 1950

Goalkeeper. 1949.

What time of year and day is shown in the picture? How did you define it? Where does the action in the picture take place?

Who is the main character in the picture? How did the artist portray the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.

Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalkeeper. What is his role in the film?

How did the artist show the audience's interest in playing football? Who is particularly passionate about what is happening? Describe them by choosing adverbial phrases. Who is indifferent to what is happening on the field?

Why is the picture called "Goalkeeper"? What do you think the artist wanted to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

- Consider how the picture is built. Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. Grigoriev depict the main character, the goalkeeper? - Who is depicted in the background of the picture? - What do you see in the background?

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture? Do you like this picture?

Composing plan 1. Theme and main idea of ​​the picture. 2. Description of the painting by S. A. Grigoriev “The Goalkeeper”: a) in a wasteland on a fine autumn day; b) a fearless goalkeeper; c) a boy in a red suit; d) fans and spectators. 3. Features of the composition of the picture. 4. The role of details in the picture. 5. The color of the picture. 6. My attitude in the picture.

Composition plan 1) Behind the school on a fine autumn day. 2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant. 3) Spectators "get sick" in different ways. 4) The skill of the artist: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Vocabulary work An exciting match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, not touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

Vocabulary and stylistic work Taking possession of the ball, throwing the ball, throwing the ball, scoring a goal, attacking the goal, attacking the goal, closing the goal, covering the goal, rushing to the goal, bending slightly, putting his foot back, rushing from his place, starting a long run, starting the game, reacting quickly, slowing down instantly

Vocabulary and stylistic work 1. The boy went to the gate .... 2. No one could, with such sharpness as a player, rush from a place and ... slow down just as unexpectedly. 3. He powerfully accelerated and ... struck on the move.

sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit For reference: n Not reaching the ball two steps, just before hitting; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, not semen

Vocabulary and stylistic work 1. The boy was walking towards the gate, slowing down and changing direction. 2.

No one could, with such sharpness as a player, rush from a place and, without losing the ball, stop as unexpectedly. 3. He powerfully accelerated and, without changing the rhythm of steps, not semen, struck on the move. 4.

Not reaching the ball two steps, just before the blow, he sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit.

"Football is a fascinating spectacle." Football is a very interesting game. "Football is interesting for everyone"

Samples of essays based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”.

n Before me is a painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. The boy is about ten or eleven years old. He is completely focused on the game. He has gloves on. It seems to me that he is a good goalkeeper and that in the future he will become a professional goalkeeper. Behind the goalkeeper is a boy in a red uniform.

Probably, this boy really wants to go on the field and help the team he supports. Carelessly thrown briefcases serve as goalposts for the guys. We can say that the children went out to play football after school. In the middle plan, improvised stands are depicted. Spectators of an exciting football match sit on them.

It can be said that the game is mobile and interesting and that the audience watches the game with interest. Everyone is watching, even the dog does not close his eyes. On the left are two brothers, an older and a younger one. They are watching the game. Behind them is a diligent girl, she was probably attracted by the game. The boys are next.

Everyone is watching the game, everyone has interest on their faces, except for one. He was apparently upset that his favorite team was losing. In the background is a wasteland. Behind him, the artist depicted buildings. I think these are buildings from the fifties and sixties. Probably, in the picture there is some big and beautiful city, perhaps Moscow.

In general, I really liked this picture, because football is the number one sport in the world and because I love football.

n Before me is a painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". In this picture, the main character is the goalkeeper. In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He is standing at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he is professional in his duties. The goalkeeper has a very serious look. He has a bandage on his right leg, probably, he got injured in the last games.

He himself may be expecting a penalty. Behind him stands a boy in a red suit. Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and therefore they have briefcases instead of barbells. The audience is in the background. They are all enthusiastic about the game.

Each of them is especially interesting, but most of all I like the dog because she is the only one who does not watch the game. The uncle, sitting on the side, is watching with great enthusiasm what is happening. As if he remembers those years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. He has a book in his hand. So he accidentally watches the game, because.

he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children sit next to him. One girl is especially interesting to me because it is not clear what is in her hands, either a fish, or a doll, or a baby. Another girl in a red hat bent over to better observe what was happening. It can be seen that she is not very good at it, because the man blocks the entire view of the guys.

A boy peeks out from behind a girl. He follows the game so closely that he even got all twisted up. Next to him is a girl with a big bow, and below is a boy with his younger brother sitting on his lap, wrapped in anything - he must be hot. Large houses are depicted in the background of the painting. So they are in Moscow. The picture is autumn.

The sun is already setting, because the sky is starting to redden on the left side. It's time for the kids to go home. I didn't really like the picture because it was boring. It's time for the kids to go home and do their homework.

n I see a painting by S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper". This painting shows spectators and a goalkeeper during football. In the foreground of this picture is a boy, it is clear from his appearance that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very focused face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he is about to get a penalty kick.

The goalkeeper has a bandaged leg, which shows that this boy regularly plays football. He is twelve years old, I think he is a medium student. Perhaps in the future he will become a good player. Behind the goalkeeper is another boy, smaller. He is very sad that he was not taken to the team. He stands with a pouted face. He is in about third grade.

He is very confident in himself. After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he stands on the field. The guys play in the yard, not intended for playing football. Instead of bars, they have briefcases on their sides, which indicates that they play football after school.

In the middle ground, the spectators are sitting on a bench, obviously fascinated by the game, except for the dog, which is thinking about something of its own, most likely about food. On the bench, in addition to the children, an adult uncle is sitting, obviously extremely passionate about the game. He probably remembers his school days. Two girls are sitting next to their uncle.

The first one - in a raincoat with a hood - also follows the game very carefully, the second one is also no less interested in what is happening. I think the second girl is mandatory. She has a small child in her arms. Two boys are sitting next to her, clearly interested in the game. The first boy bent down to better see the game, and the second craned his neck, because he could not see anything behind his uncle.

Behind this boy is a girl. I think she is a good student. She is dressed in a school uniform with a bow on her head. Nearby is a boy with his little brother. I think that this boy is very responsible, he helps his mother all the time and takes care of his younger brother.

All spectators are very passionate and focused on the game, even the younger brother of the last boy looks at what is happening with interest. It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them. Buildings are in the background.

I think the action of this picture takes place in a large city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, around the time of Khrushchev, in the years 50 - 60. The sky seems cloudy to me, yes, and it's not so hot outside. This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people symbolize the number of players in the team, and the black and white dog symbolizes a soccer ball. In general, I liked the picture, but it would be better if it depicted the entire field and all the players.

Compositions based on the painting by S.A. Grigorieva "Goalkeeper"

. Compositions based on the painting by S.A. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper".

To learn how to write essays, you need to write them, write as often as possible. The school curriculum provides for systematic work on the development of students' speech. But the teacher will not be able to do anything if the students do not have a desire to think, to hone their speech skills.

Of course, you need to remember according to what plan the essay is written on the picture.

An approximate plan for an essay on a painting.

2. Main part. What a picture. Her theme:

a) foreground;

b) background;

c) the color of the picture, its meaning;

d) the ideological content of the picture.

3. Features of the composition of the picture (if any).

4. Your attitude to this work of art.

I offer the work of students of the 7th grade.

S.A. Grigoriev is a People's Artist, the author of many paintings: “At the meeting”, “He returned”, “Goalkeeper”. He was awarded two Stalin Prizes, three orders and medals.

The most famous was his painting "Goalkeeper", which depicts the game of football. We see the goalkeeper and several spectators of the match taking place somewhere outside the city, in a wasteland.

Most likely, it is already the middle of autumn, because you can see a yellow bush in the distance, the sky is covered with clouds, and the clothes of the characters in the picture are autumn: the audience is in raincoats, jackets, some of the guys are wearing hats.

The picture describes the moment of the game itself. We see that the eyes of the fans are fixed on that part of the field that is not depicted. In the foreground is the goalkeeper. Slightly bending his knees, he looks ahead. He must be keeping an eye on the ball.

His right knee is bandaged, he may have hurt himself during the game. He has gloves on his hands. Clothes are simple, comfortable for the game: sweater, shorts, boots. Behind him we see a younger boy who was not taken to play.

Spectators - fans, depicted in the background of the picture, show great interest in the game. The children came right after classes, school bags lying on the ground, marking the borders of the gate, testify to this.

All the people depicted in the picture are enjoying the game, perhaps for the last time: after all, it is already late autumn, it will soon become very cold and snow will fall. But no one is discouraged, because in winter there are many other interesting activities.

The painting does not evoke special feelings in me, but looking at it, I can imagine what feelings each character depicted by the artist experiences: excitement, excitement, pleasure derived from the game.

Olesya Naprienko

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev is a People's Artist, the author of many paintings: “At the Meeting”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Discussion of the Two”, “Goalkeeper”, he was awarded two Stalin Prizes, three orders and medals.

I look at Grigoriev's painting "The Goalkeeper". This picture shows a football match taking place in a vacant lot. But of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted.

Judging by the gloves put on his hands, by the face expressing seriousness, by the sinewy legs, the goalkeeper is a very experienced player and has stood at the gate more than once.

He came to the wasteland immediately after class, this is evidenced by his briefcase lying instead of a barbell.

In the background - a boy at the gate and fans who are closely watching the game. Probably, the boy in a red suit, standing outside the gate, plays football well, but they didn’t take him because he is younger than the players.

The scene of the picture is Moscow, Stalin's buildings are visible in the background. Autumn is in the yard, apparently, the last warm days, because the guys are dressed lightly enough.

I liked this picture because it is alive. I feel the emotions of the audience with which all the characters in the film "Goalkeeper" are overwhelmed.

Elizabeth Sukhoterina

Grigoriev Sergey Alexandrovich is the author of many paintings: “At the meeting”, “Returned”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Discussion of the deuce”, “Goalkeeper”. He has the title People's Artist of the USSR. His work was marked by two Stalin Prizes, three orders and medals.

In front of me is Grigoriev's painting "Goalkeeper", it depicts a football match, but not the one we are used to watching. The very composition of the picture is already interesting: we do not see the game, the ball - the goalkeeper and the fans are presented to our attention. The author set himself the task of showing what feelings overwhelm everyone who became a participant or spectator of this match.

In the foreground of the canvas is a goalkeeper, he is the main character of the picture. After classes, the boy decided to play football in a vacant lot. Perhaps it was his lot to be a goalkeeper, it seems to me that he really wants to be a player, fight for the ball, be in the center of the game and help his team.

In the background, a boy is depicted, who himself is not averse to playing, but he is still small. The picture also depicts other fans closely following the game. Each of them is interested in what will happen next, who will win. Even a man passing by sat down on a bench and watched the game with boyish enthusiasm.

Ekaterina Trishina

Of course, the compositions are all different, but they also have something in common: the picture did not leave the guys indifferent, although this is a completely different era, people are completely different in their inner world.

The material was prepared by the teacher of Russian language and literature Pletneva L.G.

Composition based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”

  • Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev and his painting "Goalkeeper".
  • The plot and composition of the picture.
  • The image of the goalkeeper.
  • Sergey Alekseevich Grigoriev was born in 1910. The theme of youth, physical and spiritual health of a person plays an important role in the artist's work. Grigoriev's children's and school themes are especially frequent.

    The best works of the artist are dedicated to children. The painting "Goalkeeper" brought Grigoriev well-deserved fame. For some works, including the "Goalkeeper", Grigoriev received the State Prize.

    It is this picture that will be discussed in this paper.

    This picture is very dynamic. The plot is the following. Autumn reigns on the canvas, as evidenced by the dark cloudy sky, yellowing and falling leaves. The guys were returning from school and went to the wasteland to play football.

    The wasteland is located relatively close to the city, some buildings are visible on the horizon, even the domes of the church are visible. The guys built a gate out of briefcases and school bags, just throwing them on the ground, and an exciting game ensued.

    The fact that the game is gambling is evidenced by the undisguised interest of the fans. Spectators sit on a stack of boards.

    The central character of the picture is the boy-goalkeeper. The goalkeeper is standing, bent over, his posture is tense, he is watching the game with concentration. By his posture, it can be assumed that the ball is still far from the goal.

    But at any moment the boy is ready to enter the game and defend his goal. The hero wants to be like a real goalkeeper. He has the pose of a professional football player, gloves on his hands.

    A knee wrapped in a bandage indicates that this is not the first time a goalkeeper has stood on the football field, and he always defended the goal, even at the cost of his own knees.

    There is a feeling that the boy often watched the game of football and seeks to imitate the players even in clothes. On the boy's feet are lowered stockings and galoshes tied with braid. It can be seen that the goalkeeper is a brave, fearless boy, passionate about his work.

    Standing behind the goalkeeper with his hands behind his back is a little boy in a red suit. It seems that he also considers himself almost a professional football player, with the air of a connoisseur, the child follows the game. But he has not yet been accepted into the team.

    The eyes of all fans are directed to the right, where there is a tense struggle for the ball. The rest of the players with the ball are not depicted on the canvas, but the intense attention of the audience indicates a hot fight. The man in the hat and jacket seems to be completely captured by the spectacle of the game and seems to want to take part in it himself.

    In his pose, the artist managed to portray tension and readiness for impetuous movements. The man sits with his legs slightly apart, hands resting on his knees and leaning forward and sideways to where the players are fighting for the ball. The young man is probably a good football player himself.

    Or perhaps he remembered his own childhood and the same races with a ball in a wasteland.

    The boy in the ski suit and red tie is just as passionate about the game. He looks with his head stretched forward and his mouth open. A boy with a baby in his arms and a girl in a school uniform with a red bow in her hair are also watching the game attentively.

    Other girls sitting on the boards - with a doll, in a hood, in a red hat - are more relaxed about the game, but nevertheless they are watching it carefully. The most calm, even indifferent to the game, characters in the picture are a baby in a downy scarf and a white shaggy dog ​​with a black ear.

    The child calmly leaned against his brother, and the dog curled up in a ball and doze.

    The painting is called "Goalkeeper", and this name reflects the essence of the artist's idea. Grigoriev sought to depict a boy standing guard over the gate.

    Despite the fact that the audience does not see the actual football match, it can be understood that Grigoriev displayed one of the most poignant moments of the game. This is felt in the goalkeeper's pose - tense, full of expectation, and in the obvious interest of the audience.

    To reveal the idea, Grigoriev uses such means of painting as lighting, color, composition. The construction of the picture is quite simple and reflects the author's intention as much as possible. As we have said, the central place is occupied by the goalkeeper, the main character of the canvas.

    The goalkeeper is shown in the foreground, separate from the other players on the team. In the background, you can see children and a young man. In the background of the picture, the city, high-rise buildings, residential buildings are guessed. Details play an important role in the perception of the picture.

    Attention is drawn to the gate built from briefcases and bags, the goalkeeper's bandaged knee.

    The picture is solved in warm colors. The artist uses shades of yellow, light brown, red. The earth in the picture is light brown, trampled down, devoid of vegetation, and the viewer understands that this is not the first time a football game has been held on this wasteland.

    On the bushes and the field you can see golden leaves, reddish-yellow boards play the role of benches for fans. The red tones are reflected in the little boy's costume, bow and cap of the girls. Such colors help the artist convey the intensity of the action, the match.

    Grigoriev's painting conveys a feeling of airiness, transparency of the autumn air.

    The landscape in this work plays the role of a background, it is unobtrusive and executed in rather muted colors: like a foggy city in the background, dark and warm tones of the earth, light soft shrubs.

    Everything in the picture is subordinated to the main idea of ​​the artist and subtle psychologist: to most accurately portray the young goalkeeper, who is completely passionate about the game and responsibly relating to his role. Grigoriev's painting is a story about children playing football.

    This page searched for:

    • goalkeeper essay
    • Composition based on the painting by Grigoriev Goalkeeper
    • composition based on the picture of Grigoriev goalkeeper
    • essay on the picture of the goalkeeper with grigoriev
    • S Grigoriev goalkeeper

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