Description of Bazarov's death. The symbolic meaning of Bazarov's death


“... And after all, I also thought: I’ll break off a lot of things, I won’t die, where! There is a task, because I am a giant! And now the whole task of the giant is how to die decently, although no one cares about this .. ”
I.S. Turgenev

  • Leading students to the answer to the question: why does Turgenev end the novel with the scene of the death of the protagonist?
  • To see the spiritual wealth and fortitude of Bazarov.
  • Clarify the features of the author's position in relation to the main character.
  • Through artistic analysis, come to a conclusion about the role of the episode in the novel.
  • Compare students' findings with critics' opinions.

Registration. On the board, write the topic of the lesson: "The social doom of Bazarov."

  • Bazarov and Kirsanovs (struggle of ideas).
  • Bazarov and Odintsova (unrequited love).
  • Bazarov and parents (different upbringing, worldview).
  • Bazarov and Kukshina (vulgarity).
  • Bazarov and the people (misunderstanding).

During the classes

1. Posting the topic of the lesson


2. Working with text


(Homework check)

Selection of phrases and text proving Bazarov's loneliness, his doom in society.

First group.

Bazarov and the Kirsanov brothers (gap for ideological reasons).

Chapter 10, 6: – You are destroying everything “But you must also build”.

“It's none of our business anymore. First you need to clear the place.

“I don’t understand how it is possible not to recognize principles!

“At the present time, denial is most useful.

Second group.

Bazarov and Odintsova (unrequited love).

Chapter 26:“it can be seen that Bazarov is right, curiosity, only curiosity, and love for peace, selfishness ...;

Third group.

Kukshina and Sitnikov - Bazarov (vulgarity and insignificance).

Chapter 19:“I need such rumors. It’s not for the gods to burn the pots!”

Fourth group.

Bazarov and Arkady (denial of friendship - softness of Arkady).

Chapter 26:“We are saying goodbye forever, and you yourself know it, you are a nice fellow, but you are still a soft, liberal barich.”

Fifth group.

Bazarov and parents (people of different generations, different development).

Chapter 21:

“I'm leaving tomorrow. It’s boring, you want to work, but you can’t here.”
“He got bored with us. One is now like a finger, one!”

- With whom does Bazarov consider himself close? In whom he finds understanding, in his opinion (with the people).

- Is it really?

3. Reading creative works - miniatures "Bazarov and the people."

(Individual homework)

Bazarov believes that he speaks the same language with the people, considers himself close to him. "My grandfather plowed the land." However, he himself is a master for his men, and they do not understand and do not want to understand him.

Bazarov looks down on the people, somewhere even looks down on them, with such feelings there can be no mutual understanding.

- So why does Turgenev doom him to death?

(He considers him doomed. Two reasons: loneliness in society and the hero’s internal conflict. The author shows how Bazarov remains lonely.)

– But Turgenev does not simply state death, he assigns special significance to the episode of death. Which? We will talk about this after reading the text.

4. Expressive reading of the episode.

5. Conversation. Episode analysis.

6. What qualities of Bazarov appeared in the episode?

Chapter 27:

  • Courage. “I am infected, and in a few days you will bury me”, “I did not expect that I would die so soon”, “tomorrow my brain will resign”.
  • Willpower “ He had not yet lost his memory and understood what was said to him; he was still fighting. “I don’t want to rave,” he whispered, clenching his fists, “what nonsense!”
  • Convinced materialist. “After all, they also commune the memoryless”, “do not interfere with me” (refusal to confess). “Have you ever seen that people in my position do not go to the Elysees?”
  • Pity for parents. "Mother? Poor fellow! Did she feed someone with her amazing borscht?”. “I’m not refusing if it can console you, but I don’t think there’s any need to rush?”
  • Strong love. The ability to admire, to love. “Magnanimous! Oh, how close, and how young, fresh, clean in this nasty room! Live long, that's the best, and use it while it's time."
  • Romanticism of science. What means of artistic expression does Turgenev resort to to show the romanticism of Bazarov?
    Metaphors: a half-crushed worm, a giant, a dying lamp.
    Epithets: young, fresh, clean, dying.
    Why such poetry in the hero's speech? What can be said here about Turgenev's position? Bazarov is a romantic at heart, but he believes that romanticism has no place in life now.
    And life took its toll. Turgenev sees him as an unfulfilled poet, capable of strong feelings, possessing fortitude.
  • Quoting critics about the last episode. (Individual homework)
    “The whole interest, the whole meaning of the novel lies in the death of Bazarov ... The description of Bazarov’s death is the best place in Turgenev’s novel, I even doubt that there is anything more remarkable in all the works of our artist.”
    “To die the way Bazarov died is the same as doing a great feat.”
    DI. Pisarev


Why, after all, does Turgenev end the novel with the scene of the death of the hero, despite his superiority over other heroes?

Bazarov dies from an accidental cut on his finger, but death, from the author's point of view, is natural. Turgenev defines the figure of Bazarov as tragic and "doomed to die."

Turgenev was very fond of Bazarov and repeated many times that Bazarov was a “clever” and a “hero”. The author wanted the reader to fall in love with Bazarov (but by no means Bazarovism) with his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dryness.


Write creative work.

I option.

Episode analysis. Chapter 27, from the words "Bazarov suddenly turned on the sofa ..."

II option.

Episode analysis. Chapter 27, from the words “She looked at Bazarov ... and stopped at the door ...”

Episode analysis.

Algorithm of work at the lesson.

The role of the episode of Bazarov's death, analysis of the episode from the novel.

Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

Episode - a Greek word, has three interpretations: "Case", "Insert", "Outsider". There are two meanings in the explanatory dictionary:

  1. A case from one's life. Just an episode.
  2. A part of a work that has independent meaning. Episode from the work. Thus, in order to analyze an episode, it is necessary to determine its boundaries. Having determined the topic, the main idea and titled, you can start the analysis according to the plan:
  1. What part of the work does he occupy (i.e., the role in the composition)?
  2. Condensed retelling. Name the first events (the plot), the main event (the climax), the last event (the denouement) of the incident, if they were not highlighted by the students during the transition of the plot.
  3. Next, we look at how the episode is built. An episode is a single piece of text, which implies the presence of an introduction (message of revenge and time of action) and a conclusion (consequence). Having defined the main part with the boundaries of the tie, divide it into parts (you can make a plan). Find out where the climax is.
  4. Let's ask the question: What qualities of the hero's character appeared in the episode?
  5. If you look at the whole work, then what role does this incident (episode) play in the fate of the hero, what did or did not change in it, but could it?
  6. If you look at the plot of the whole work, then what is the role of the episode in the plot (is it the plot, one of the passing events of the action, the climax, the denouement)?
  7. Author's position. How does the author feel about the protagonist? What words or expressions characterize the character or what is happening? What is the author's assessment in them?
  8. Features of the writer's language. You can pay attention to the language of the characters, the language of the author or narrator (if any). Vocabulary, neologisms, syntactic structure, aphorism and more.
  9. What artistic techniques does the author use in this episode?
  10. Thus, we come to the issue of the episode, its connection with the artistic whole.

When working with an episode, the main attention should be paid to understanding its artistic features, in other words, to suggest a path from artistic features to problems, and not vice versa. In other words, with this way of analysis, the student learns to “read” everything from the text, and not to illustrate with the text the positions taken from where (at best, from the words of the teacher or from the textbook) positions taken from nowhere.

Literature lesson summary

The theme of the lesson is "Trial by death". Illness and death of Bazarov. Analysis of the episode of death.

The purpose of the lesson: to reveal the strength of the spirit of the protagonist of the novel "Fathers and Sons", his inner world, by analyzing the episode "Bazarov in the face of death."

Tasks: literature Roman Turgenev

  • 1. Educational:
  • 1. Systematization of the studied material.
  • 2. Developing:
  • 1. Development of skills in analyzing an episode of a work of art.
  • 2. Systematization of knowledge on the theory of literature.
  • 3. Educational:
  • 1. Education of love for the native word.
  • 2. Education of a competent, thoughtful, attentive reader.

Equipment: the text of the novel, a video fragment from the film "Fathers and Sons" (screen adaptation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev. Director V. Nikiforov. Film Studio "Belarusfilm", 1984).

During the classes

  • 1. Organizing moment. Greeting. Recording the date and working (preliminary) topic of the lesson.
  • 2. Teacher's words:

How do you remember the main character of Turgenev's novel? (Students name the characteristics of the main character and write them down in notebooks). Educated, Sacredly believes in nihilism, Strong convictions, Inner core, Flint, Wu is convincing in a dispute, Undeniable, irrefutable arguments, Brutal, Negligence in clothes, The material side does not bother him, Strives to be closer to the people, Raised himself, "Wonderful fellow, so simple", Mysterious, etc.

Teacher: What is He, Bazarov? On the one hand, a firm and implacable, denying everything and everything nihilist. On the other hand, he is a “raw” romantic, struggling with a strong feeling that has come over him - love. What qualities of Bazarov's character appear in scenes with Odintsova?

Bazarov in love - capable of compromise, suffering, spiritually beautiful, admits his defeat. Bazarov's individualism - exclusivity - romanticism

Teacher: How has the reader's opinion about Bazarov changed?

Students: He has changed. Recognize the romance. He is tormented by doubts. Bazarov is trying to resist, to remain faithful to his nihilism. The reader feels sorry for Bazarov, because love brings him suffering and mental pain. His feelings and behavior command respect.

3. Analysis of the episode "Death of Bazarov".

Teacher: How does Bazarov appear before death?

Before reading the episode, students should be told about Turgenev's attitude to death (briefly), and also pay attention to the statements of famous people about this scene in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

A.P. Chekhov: "My God! What a luxury "Fathers and Sons"! Just though the guards shout. Bazarov's illness was made so strong that I became weak, and there was a feeling as if I had contracted it from him. And the end of Bazarov? It's the devil knows how it's done."

DI. Pisarev: "To die the way Bazarov died is like doing a great feat."

Teacher: What do these statements have in common?

Pupils: The novel "Fathers and Sons" is written very talentedly and strongly. Bazarov's death is not weakness, but his greatness.

Reread the scene of the meeting of the dying Bazarov and Odintsova (Thank you, he spoke intensely ... ch.27)

Teacher: What means of expression did Turgenev use to describe Bazarov in the death scene?

We make a table.

means of expression

Their role in the text

A prostrate, powerless body

The physical weakness of Bazarov, who is not accustomed to being seen as weak. Fate has pronounced its verdict. Bazarov is weak in the face of death.


He loves Anna Sergeevna sincerely, truly.

Epithets, gradation.

Young, fresh, clean...

She is life. It is Odintsova who entrusts the care of his parents.


I'll break off a lot of cases ... After all, I'm a giant!

Strength is not only physical, but above all the strength of the spirit.


Old joke death...

My own form is decaying

Trying to hold on, not show weakness


Blow on a dying lamp and let it go out


Confession completed. Now he is ready to die.


Worm crushed

Feeling embarrassed in front of the woman he loves.

exclamation marks

At the start of a conversation.

Emotionality and tension of the moment. He is still brave, trying to keep at ease.

At the same time - regret that he did not have time to fulfill his plan.


Especially at the end of the monologue.

Not only because Bazarov is dying and it is difficult for him to speak. These are his last words, so he carefully chooses and considers them. The patient's voice gradually weakens. A moment of real physical tension.

Phraseologisms and vernacular

Phew! Got hit by a wheel. I won't wag my tail.

This is the former Bazarov, whom we saw at the beginning of the novel.

Teacher: Do you agree with the words of Pisarev and Chekhov? What new things did you discover in the image of Bazarov?

Students: He is sincere, as in confession. Open and honest. Real. There is no need to save face, to defend your position. Death doesn't care. And he is afraid of death, which denies everything, even himself. Feelings are mixed: and pity, and respect, and pride. Bazarov in this scene is an ordinary person, not at all an unbending giant, but a soft, sensitive, loving son (how amazingly he speaks of his parents!), A loving person.

Teacher: Surprisingly, many writers foresee their death. So in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" M.Yu. Lermontov very accurately described his death in the scene of Pechorin's duel with Grushnitsky. Turgenev also foresaw his own death. Such insights in art are not so rare. Read some quotes.

Prince Meshchersky: “Then his speeches became incoherent, he repeated the same word many times with increasing effort, as if expecting someone to help him finish his thought and falling into some irritation when these efforts turned out to be fruitless, but we, unfortunately couldn't help him at all."

V. Vereshchagin: “Ivan Sergeevich was lying on his back, his arms were stretched out along his body, his eyes looked a little, his mouth was terribly open, and his head, strongly thrown back, slightly to the left, was thrown up with every breath; it is clear that the patient is choking, that he does not have enough air - I confess, I could not stand it, I cried.

Ivan Turgenev, describing the death of his hero, according to his confession, also cried. There are striking coincidences between romance and life. “Bazarov was not destined to wake up. By evening, he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died.

In the mouth of his hero, Turgenev put the very words that he himself could not pronounce: "And now the whole task of the giant is how to die decently." The giant did the job.

4. Conclusions. Summarizing. Homework.

What is the novel about? About life. And the ending is life-affirming. The scene of Bazarov's death is not the denouement, but the culmination of the novel. It is in this scene that we see the true greatness and sincere simplicity and humanity of Bazarov. In the death scene, he is real, without feigned negligence, rudeness and brutality. Another quote to think about.

Michel Montaigne: “If I were a writer of books, I would compile a collection describing various deaths, providing it with comments. Who teaches people to die, teaches them to live.

At the end of the lesson, watching an episode from the film adaptation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev (4 series).

Homework: compose a message on the biography and work of F.I. Tyutchev.

Bazarov in the face of death is one of the most striking images created by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in his famous work Fathers and Sons. This work became a landmark for the generation that grew up in the 60s of the XIX century. Many perceived this hero as an ideal, a role model.

Roman Turgenev

Bazarov appears in the face of death at the very end of this novel. His actions take place in 1859, on the eve of the peasant reform, which forever abolished serfdom in Russia. The main characters are Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov. These are young people who come to visit the Maryino estate with their father and uncle Arkady. Bazarov develops a difficult and tense relationship with the older Kirsanovs, as a result of which he is forced to move out of them. Arkady, carried away by his comrade, goes after him. In a provincial town they find themselves in the company of progressive youth.

Later, at a dinner party at the governor's, they meet Odintsova, perhaps the main female character in the novel. Bazarov and Kirsanov go to her estate called Nikolskoe. Both of them are infatuated with this woman. Bazarov even confesses his love to her, but this only frightens Odintsova. Eugene is again forced to leave. This time again, together with Arkady, he goes to his parents. They love their son too much. Bazarov is soon frankly tired of this, so he returns to Maryino. There he has a new hobby - the girl's name is Fenechka. They kiss, and it turns out that Fenechka is the mother of Arkady's father's illegitimate son. All this leads to a duel between Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Arkady's uncle.

Meanwhile, Arkady himself goes to Nikolskoye alone and stays with Odintsova. True, he is not fond of the mistress of the estate, but of her sister, Katya. Bazarov also comes to Nikolskoye. He explains with Odintsova, apologizes for his feelings.

The fate of the heroes

The novel ends with Bazarov, having said goodbye to his friend, leaving for his parents. He helps his father in a difficult task - the treatment of patients with typhus. During the operation, he accidentally cut himself during the autopsy of another deceased and contracted a fatal infection.

Before his death, he asks Odintsova to see him for the last time. The fate of the rest of the characters is as follows: the progressive Pavel Petrovich goes abroad, Nikolai Petrovich marries Fenechka, and Arkady Kirsanov marries her sister, Katya Odintsova.

Problems of the novel

In Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons", as a result of Bazarov, it turns out to be in the face of love and death. The author's decision to complete his work with the death of the protagonist says a lot about the intention that the creator had. Turgenev's Bazarov dies in the finale. Therefore, it is so important to understand why the author treated him this way, why the description of this death is so important for understanding the meaning of the whole work. A detailed study of the episode dedicated to the death of the central character helps to answer these questions. How does Bazarov find himself in the face of death? You can find a summary of the denouement of the novel in this article.

The image of Evgeny Bazarov

Describing the main character of his work, the author notes that Bazarov was the son of a doctor. When he grew up, he decided to continue the work of his father. The author himself characterizes him as an intelligent and cynical person. At the same time, somewhere inside, in the depths of his soul, he remains attentive, sensitive and kind.

Bazarov has a specific life position, which in subsequent years received a large number of adherents and supporters. Eugene denies any moral values ​​of contemporary society, as well as morality and any ideals. Moreover, he does not recognize any art, he does not perceive love, which is sung by many poets, since he considers it to be pure physiology. At the same time, he does not recognize any authorities in life, believing that each person should focus only on himself, not following anyone.


Bazarov is a supporter of nihilism, but at the same time he differs from other young people who adhere to a similar philosophy, for example, from Kukshin or Sitnikov. For them, the denial of everything around is nothing more than a mask that helps to hide their own failure and callous deep vulgarity.

Bazarov is not at all like them. He does not prevaricate at all, defending his views with his characteristic ardor. He believes that the main thing for which a person should live is work that benefits the whole society. At the same time, Eugene condescendingly treats most of those around him, even despises many of them, puts him below himself.

Meeting with Odintsova

This life philosophy of Bazarov, in the inviolability of which he was sure, changed radically after meeting with Odintsova. Bazarov truly falls in love for the first time, and after that he realizes how much his beliefs diverge from the truths of life.

The collapse of ideals

The main character of Turgenev's novel feels that love is not only physiology, but also a real, strong feeling. An epiphany sets in, which changes a lot in the hero's worldview. All his beliefs are crumbling, and after them his whole life loses its meaning. Turgenev could write about how this person eventually abandons his ideals, turning into an average person. Instead, he puts Bazarov in the face of death.

It is worth recognizing that the death of the hero happens stupidly and largely by accident. It becomes the result of a small cut that was obtained during the autopsy of the body of a person who died of typhus. However, death was not at all sudden. Knowing that he was ill, Bazarov was able to evaluate what had been done and realize the extent of what he would never accomplish. It is noteworthy how Bazarov behaves in the face of death. He doesn't look scared or confused. Instead, Eugene is strong, surprisingly calm and steadfast, almost unflappable. The reader begins at these moments to feel for him not pity, but sincere respect.

Bazarov's death

At the same time, the author does not let us forget that Bazarov is still an ordinary person who has various weaknesses. No one perceives his death indifferently, and therefore Eugene frankly worries. He constantly thinks about what he could still do, about the power that is in him, but has remained unspent.

At the same time, Bazarov remains ironic and cynical to the last in the face of death. Quote "Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. She denies you, and that's it!" it only confirms. Here, behind the irony of the hero, we can consider bitter regret about the passing minutes. In the last moments of his life, he longs for a meeting with his beloved woman, with whom he could not be together. Bazarov, in the face of death, asks Odintsova to come to him. She fulfills this wish.

On his deathbed, the protagonist softens to his parents, realizing that in reality they have always occupied an important place in his life, shaped his essence and worldview. Everyone would probably like to look like Bazarov in the face of death. He calmly analyzes everything done during his short but fruitful life, which he devoted to science, wanting to benefit his country. Death for the protagonist is not only the cessation of physical existence, but also a sign that Russia does not really need him. All his dreams to change something end in virtually nothing. The physical death of the protagonist is preceded by the death of his views. Together with Bazarov, his genius also dies, as well as his powerful character and sincere convictions.

Bazarov's death

The protagonist of I. S. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" - Yevgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov - dies at the end of the work. Bazarov is the son of a poor district doctor, continuing his father's work. Eugene's life position is that he denies everything: views on life, a feeling of love, painting, literature and other forms of art. Bazarov is a nihilist.

At the beginning of the novel, there is a conflict between Bazarov and the Kirsanov brothers, between a nihilist and aristocrats. Bazarov's views differ sharply from the beliefs of the Kirsanov brothers. In disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, Bazarov wins. Therefore, there is a gap for ideological reasons.

Eugene meets Anna Sergeevna Odintsova, a smart, beautiful, calm, but unhappy woman. Bazarov falls in love, and, having fallen in love, he understands that love appears to him no longer as “physiology”, but as a real, sincere feeling. The hero sees that Odintsova highly appreciates her own calmness and measured order of life. The decision to part with Anna Sergeevna leaves a heavy mark on Bazarov's soul. Unrequited love.

The "imaginary" followers of Bazarov include Sitnikov and Kukshina. Unlike them, for whom denial is just a mask that allows them to hide their inner vulgarity and inconsistency, Bazarov, with confidence in his abilities, defends the views close to him. Vulgarity and insignificance.

Bazarov, having arrived at his parents, notices that he is getting bored with them: neither with his father nor with his mother Bazarov can talk like he talks with Arkady, even argue like he argues with Pavel Petrovich, so he decides to leave. But soon he comes back, where he helps his father treat sick peasants. People of different generations, different development.

Bazarov likes to work, for him work is satisfaction and self-respect, so he is close to the people. Bazarov is loved by children, servants and peasants, because they see him as a simple and intelligent person. The people are his understanding.

Turgenev considers his hero doomed. Bazarov has two reasons: loneliness in society and internal conflict. The author shows how Bazarov remains lonely.

Bazarov's death was the result of a small cut that he received while opening the body of a peasant who died of typhus. Eugene is waiting for a meeting with his beloved woman in order to once again confess his love to her, he also becomes softer with his parents, deep down, probably still realizing that they have always occupied a significant place in his life and deserve a much more attentive and sincere attitude. Before death, he is strong, calm and imperturbable. The death of the hero gave him time to evaluate what he had done and realize his life. His nihilism turned out to be incomprehensible - after all, both life and death now deny him. We do not feel pity for Bazarov, but respect, and at the same time we remember that before us is an ordinary person with his own fears and weaknesses.

Bazarov is a romantic at heart, but he believes that romanticism has no place in his life now. But nevertheless, fate made a revolution in the life of Eugene, and Bazarov begins to understand what he once rejected. Turgenev sees him as an unrealized poet, capable of the strongest feelings, possessing fortitude.

DI. Pisarev claims that “It’s still bad for the Bazarovs to live in the world, even though they hum and whistle. There is no activity, there is no love - therefore, there is no pleasure either. The critic also claims that one must live, “as long as one lives, eat dry bread when there is no roast beef, be with women when one cannot love a woman, and generally not dream of orange trees and palm trees, when there are snowdrifts and cold tundras underfoot.”

The death of Bazarov is symbolic: for life, medicine and the natural sciences, on which Bazarov relied so much, turned out to be insufficient. But from the author's point of view, death is natural. Turgenev defines the figure of Bazarov as tragic and "doomed to perish." The author loved Bazarov and repeatedly said that he was “clever” and “hero”. Turgenev wanted the reader to fall in love with Bazarov with his rudeness, heartlessness, ruthless dryness.

He regrets his unspent power, his unfulfilled task. Bazarov devoted his whole life to the desire to benefit the country, science. We imagine him as a smart, reasonable, but deep down, sensitive, attentive and kind person.

According to his moral convictions, Pavel Petrovich challenges Bazarov to a duel. Feeling embarrassed and realizing that he is sacrificing his principles, Bazarov agrees to shoot with Kirsanov Sr. Bazarov slightly wounds the enemy and gives him first aid himself. Pavel Petrovich keeps well, even makes fun of himself, but at the same time both he and Bazarov are embarrassed / Nikolai Petrovich, from whom the true reason for the duel was hidden, also behaves in the most noble way, finding an excuse for the actions of both opponents.

"Nihilism", according to Turgenev, challenges the enduring values ​​of the spirit and the natural foundations of life. This is seen as the tragic guilt of the hero, the cause of his inevitable death.

Evgeny Bazarov can by no means be called an "extra person". Unlike Onegin and Pechorin, he does not get bored, but works hard. Before us is a very active person, he has "immense strength in his soul." One job is not enough for him. In order to really live, and not drag out a miserable existence, like Onegin and Pechorin, such a person needs a philosophy of life, its goal. And he has it.

The worldviews of the two political directions of the liberal nobles and the revolutionary democrats. The plot of the novel is built on the opposition of the most active representatives of these trends, the commoner Bazarov and the nobleman Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. According to Bazarov, aristocrats are not capable of action, they are of no use. Bazarov rejects liberalism, denies the ability of the nobility to lead Russia to the future.

The reader understands that Bazarov has no one to convey to anyone what little, but the most precious thing he has - his convictions. He does not have a close and dear person, and therefore, there is no future. He does not think of himself as a district doctor, but he cannot be reborn, become like Arkady either. He has no place in Russia, and perhaps abroad, too. Bazarov dies, and with him his genius dies, his wonderful, strong character, his ideas and convictions. But true life is endless, the flowers on the grave of Eugene confirm this. Life is endless, but only true...

Turgenev could have shown how Bazarov would gradually abandon his views, he did not do this, but simply “killed” his main character. Bazarov dies from blood poisoning and before his death recognizes himself as an unnecessary person for Russia. Bazarov is still alone, therefore doomed, but his fortitude, courage, stamina, perseverance in achieving the goal make him a hero.

Bazarov does not need anyone, he is alone in this world, but he does not feel his loneliness at all. Pisarev wrote about this: “Bazarov alone, by himself, stands at the cold height of a sober thought, and it’s not hard for him from this loneliness, he is completely absorbed in himself and work”

In the face of death, even the strongest people begin to deceive themselves, to entertain unrealistic hopes. But Bazarov boldly looks into the eyes of inevitability and is not afraid of it. He only regrets that his life was useless, because he did not bring any benefit to the Motherland. And this thought gives him a lot of suffering before his death: “Russia needs me ... No, apparently, it is not needed. And who is needed? A shoemaker is needed, a tailor is needed, a butcher is needed ... "

Let us recall the words of Bazarov: "When I meet a person who would not give in to me, then I will change my mind about myself." There is a cult of power. “Hairy,” Pavel Petrovich said about Arkady's friend. He is clearly jarred by the appearance of a nihilist: long hair, a hoodie with tassels, red, unkempt hands. Of course, Bazarov is a working man who does not have time to take care of his appearance. It seems to be so. Well, what if it's a "deliberate shocking of good taste"? And if this is a challenge: as I want, I dress and comb my hair. Then it's stupid, immodest. The disease of swagger, irony over the interlocutor, disrespect ...

Speaking purely humanly, Bazarov is wrong. In the house of a friend he was greeted cordially, however, Pavel Petrovich did not shake hands. But Bazarov does not stand on ceremony, he immediately enters into a heated argument. His judgments are uncompromising. "Why should I recognize authorities?"; "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet"; he reduces high art to "the art of making money." Later, Pushkin, and Schubert, and Raphael will get it. Even Arkady remarked to a friend about his uncle: "You insulted him." But the nihilist did not understand, did not apologize, did not doubt that he had behaved too boldly, but condemned: "Imagine himself a sensible person!" What is the relationship between a man and a woman...

In the X chapter of the novel, during a dialogue with Pavel Petrovich Bazarov, he managed to speak out on all the fundamental issues of life. This dialogue deserves special attention. Here Bazarov claims that the social system is terrible, and one cannot but agree with this. Further: there is no God as the highest criterion of truth, which means, do what you want, everything is permitted! But not everyone will agree with this.

There is a feeling that Turgenev himself was at a loss, exploring the nature of the nihilist. Under the pressure of Bazarov's strength and firmness, the writer was somewhat embarrassed and began to think: "Maybe it's necessary? Or maybe I'm an old man who has ceased to understand the laws of progress?" Turgenev clearly sympathizes with his hero, and treats the nobles condescendingly, and sometimes even satirically.

But one thing is a subjective view of the characters, another thing is the objective thought of the whole work. What is it about? About tragedy. The tragedies of Bazarov, who, in his thirst for "long work", in his enthusiasm for his god-science, trampled on universal values. And these values ​​are love for another person, the commandment "Thou shalt not kill" (shot in a duel), love for parents, indulgence in friendship. He is cynical about a woman, mocks Sitnikov and Kukshina, narrow-minded people, greedy for fashion, miserable, but still people. Eugene excluded from his life lofty thoughts and feelings about the "roots" that feed us, about God. He says: "I look at the sky when I want to sneeze!"

The novel "Fathers and Sons" by I.S. Turgenev ends with the death of the main character. Understanding the reasons why the author ends his work in this way is possible through an analysis of the episode "Bazarov's death". "Fathers and Sons" is a novel in which the death of the protagonist is certainly not accidental. Perhaps such an ending speaks of the failure and convictions of this character. So, let's try to figure it out.

Who is Bazarov?

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death is impossible without understanding what this character is like. Thanks to what is told about Eugene in the novel, we imagine a smart, self-confident, cynical young man who denies generally accepted moral principles and ideals. He considers love to be "physiology", in his opinion, a person should not depend on anyone.

Subsequently, however, Turgenev reveals to us in his hero such qualities as sensitivity, kindness, and the ability for deep feelings.

Bazarov is a nihilist, that is, a person who denies all generally accepted values, including he does not share the enthusiasm of amateurs. In his opinion, only that which brings practical benefit is significant. Everything beautiful he considers meaningless. Eugene designates his main "work for the benefit of society." His task is "to live for the great goal of renewing the world."

Attitude towards others

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death in Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" cannot be carried out without understanding how the relationship of the protagonist with the people who made up his social circle was built. It should be noted that Bazarov treated others with contempt, he put others lower than himself. This was manifested, for example, in the things he said to Arkady about himself and his relatives. Attachment, sympathy, tenderness - all these feelings Eugene considers unacceptable.

Lyubov Bazarova

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death requires mentioning that, with all his disdain for lofty feelings, he, ironically, falls in love. His love is unusually deep, as evidenced by the explanation with Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Realizing that he is capable of such a feeling, Bazarov ceases to treat him as physiology. He begins to consider the existence of love possible. Such a change of views could not pass without a trace for Eugene, who lived with the ideas of nihilism. His former life is destroyed.

Bazarov's explanation of love is not just words, it is a recognition of his own defeat. Eugene's nihilistic theories are shattered.

Turgenev considers it inappropriate to end the novel with a change in the views of the protagonist, but decides to end the work with his death.

Bazarov's death - an accident?

So, in the finale of the novel, the main event is the death of Bazarov. Analysis of the episode requires remembering the reason why, according to the text of the work, the main character dies.

His life becomes impossible due to an unfortunate accident - a small cut that Bazarov received during the autopsy of the body of a peasant who died of typhus. Ironically, he, a doctor doing a useful job, cannot do anything to save his life. The realization that he was going to die gave the protagonist time to evaluate his accomplishments. Bazarov, aware of the inevitability of his death, is calm and strong, although, of course, being a young and energetic person, he regrets that there is so little left to live.

Bazarov's attitude to death and to himself

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death is impossible without a deeper understanding of how the hero relates to the proximity of his end and death in general.

Not a single person can calmly realize the approaching end of his life. Eugene, being a man, certainly strong and self-confident, is no exception. He regrets that he did not fulfill his main task. He understands the power of death and speaks of the approaching last minutes with bitter irony: "Yes, go ahead, try to deny death. It denies you, and that's it!"

So, the death of Bazarov is approaching. Analysis of the episode, which is one of the key ones in the novel, needs to understand how the character of the protagonist has changed. Eugene becomes kinder and more sentimental. He wants to meet his beloved, once again to say about his feelings. Bazarov is softer than before, treats his parents, now understanding their importance.

An analysis of the episode of Bazarov's death shows how lonely the protagonist of the work is. He does not have a close person to whom he could convey his beliefs, therefore, his views have no future.

Understanding True Values

In the face of death they change. Understanding what is really important in life comes.

An analysis of the episode “The Death of Bazarov” based on the novel by I. S. Turgenev requires an understanding of what values ​​the protagonist now considers to be true.

The most important thing for him now is his parents, their love for him, as well as his feelings for Odintsova. He wants to say goodbye to her, and Anna, not afraid to get infected, comes to Evgeny. With her, Bazarov shares his innermost thoughts. He comes to the understanding that Russia does not need it at all, it needs those who do their usual work every day.

It is harder for Bazarov to come to terms with his death than for any other person, because he is an atheist and does not believe in life after death.

Turgenev ends his novel with the death of Bazarov. The principles by which the hero lived are destroyed. Stronger, new ideals did not appear in Bazarov. Turgenev notes that it was precisely the deep commitment to nihilism that killed the protagonist, which forced him to abandon the universal values ​​that allow him to live in this world.

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