Optimization of educational process management in preschool educational institutions. Management activities in a preschool educational institution, its components, methods and means



In modern society, you can often hear the word "management". In the scientific and methodological literature, this concept is interpreted as a set of principles, methods, means and forms of managing social, including educational processes, management is also called the art of management."Pedagogical managementis a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological methods for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness.

Professional knowledge of management presupposes the awareness of three fundamentally different management tools.

The first is the organization , the hierarchy of management, where the main means is the impact on a person from above (using the main functions of motivation, planning, organization and control of activities, as well as the distribution of material wealth, etc.).

Second - management culture, i.e. values, social norms, attitudes, behaviors developed and recognized by society, organization, group of people.

Third, the marketmarket relations, that is, relationships based on the sale and purchase of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

Management, like any activity, is based on the observance of a number of principles. “Principles of management is the fundamental idea for the implementation of management functions. Principles are a concrete manifestation, a reflection of the patterns of management.

Management principles:

1. Loyalty to employees.

2. Responsibility as a prerequisite for successful management.

3. Communications penetrating the organization from the bottom up, top down, horizontally.

4. The atmosphere in the organization, conducive to the disclosure of the abilities of employees.

5. Mandatory establishment of the equity participation of each worker in the overall results.

6. Timely response to changes in the environment.

7. Methods of working with people, ensuring their job satisfaction.

8. The ability to listen to everyone the leader encounters in his work.

9. Honesty and trust in people.

10. Reliance on the fundamentals of management: quality, costs, service, innovation, control of forces and capabilities, personnel.

11. Vision of the organization, i.e. a clear idea of ​​what it should be.

12. The quality of personal work and its continuous improvement.

The organization of the pedagogical process is considered as a complex system consisting of certain interrelated elements. A preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as a preschool educational institution) has its own pronounced specifics: goals, team structure, types and content of information and communication processes. Therefore, today it is impossible to provide favorable conditions for the creative work of the DOE team without purposeful and scientifically based management.

Such requirements are imposed on a modern preschool institution that raising the level of management of a preschool educational institution becomes an objective necessity and an essential aspect of its further development. Leaders are obliged to respond flexibly and quickly to the demands of society, in a constantly changing difficult economic situation, to find ways to survive, stabilize and develop. A well-known specialist in the field of psychological and pedagogical activity L.V. Pozdnyak notes that with the correct management of the institution, it is important for the manager to constantly analyze the current situation, this will allow preschool teachers to be oriented towards an active perception of society's achievements in the field of democracy, openness, and the development of self-awareness.

L.M. Denyakina believes that it is important for a leader to think over a strategy for the development of a preschool educational institution, determining its purpose and place in the education system, its main goals, objectives and functions.

The purpose of the management of the preschool educational institutionis to ensure its optimal functioning, to achieve the effectiveness of the educational process with the least amount of time and effort.

A preschool institution operates in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation", the Regulations on the institution providing preschool education, and operates on the basis of the Charter approved by the founder, the Agreement between the institution and parents (or other legal representatives of children).

The properties of management include purposefulness, openness, awareness, regularity, cyclicity, the combination of science and art.

At the present stage, a personality-oriented approach in the management of a preschool institution is very important. The essence of this approach lies in the fact that for the well-coordinated work of the entire institution, it is necessary to respect each member of the team, to strive to ensure that each of the employees feels like an important part of a common holistic organism, the main task of which is to educate and educate the citizens of our country as a healthy, versatile developed, creative, capable of transformative activity, personality.

The main tasks of a preschool institution are:

– Protection, protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle;

– Ensuring intellectual, personal and physical development;

- Introducing children to universal values;

– Ensuring early socialization of children in a group of peers and adults;

– Identification and development of individual inclinations and inclinations of children;

– Preparation for basic education at subsequent levels;

– Interaction with the family to ensure the full development of the child.

The management of a preschool institution is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the institution and is based on a combination of the principles of unity of command and self-government.

The Council of a preschool institution carries out its activities in accordance with the Law on Education, the Charter of a preschool institution and the Regulations on the Council of an educational institution.

The main tasks of the preschool council:

- Creation, together with the head of the preschool institution, of conditions for ensuring the optimal combination of state and public principles in the management of the preschool institution, involving teachers, parents or their legal representatives in the management.

– Taking part in the development and implementation of internal documents regulating the functioning of a preschool institution, self-government bodies, the rights and obligations of participants in the educational process.

– Development and implementation, together with the head of the preschool institution, of a system of measures aimed at strengthening and developing the material and technical base of the preschool institution.

– Support for initiatives of participants in the educational process aimed at improving the quality of education and meeting the needs of various social groups interested in this education.

The decisions of the council are binding on the teaching staff of the preschool institution, parents or their legal representatives.

The parent asset is a self-governing body of a preschool institution and is created from among the legal representatives of the pupils of this preschool institution.

The main tasks of the parent committee of a preschool institution are:

- All-round strengthening of the connection between the family and the preschool institution in order to establish the unity of the educational influence on the pupils from the teaching staff and the family.

- Involving the parent community in active participation in the life of a preschool institution, in organizing joint work in educating pupils.

– Participation in the organization of propaganda of pedagogical knowledge among parents.

To discuss and resolve the most important issues, the parent asset may convene a general meeting. At the general parent meeting, the presence of the head of the preschool institution is mandatory.

The Pedagogical Council is a body of public administration of a preschool institution. The Pedagogical Council of a preschool institution operates in accordance with the Law "On Education".

The competence of the educational institution includes:

- selection, recruitment and placement of personnel, improving their qualifications;

- monitoring the performance of teaching staff and students of their duties;

– material and technical support of the educational process in accordance with state standards;

- organization and improvement of the methodological support of the educational process;

- development and organization of the approval of curricula and training (working) programs;

- implementation of current control over the assimilation of the program of pupils of the educational institution, as well as analysis of the results of the educational process;

- carrying out other activities not prohibited by law and provided for by the charter of this educational institution.

The educational institution is obliged:

- carry out its activities in accordance with the norms of this Law, regulatory legal acts of state bodies regulating relations in the field of education;

- to carry out the educational process in accordance with the requirements of educational standards, standard curricula and curricula;

- to promote the activities of pedagogical and methodological associations;

- to promote the creation in the educational institution of the necessary conditions for the work of departments of public catering and health care institutions.

The educational institution is responsible for:

- non-fulfillment of functions related to its competence;

- non-compliance of the quality of the education provided with the established requirements;

- actions that entailed violations of the norms for the protection of health and safety of life of students (pupils) and employees of the educational institution, the norms and rules of environmental protection during the educational process;

- non-compliance with the norms of sanitary legislation;

– violation of the rights and freedoms of pupils and employees of the educational institution.

Thus, based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. Management is an integral part of any educational process.

2. Management has its own goals, objectives, principles and functions.

3. For the successful management of a preschool institution, well-coordinated work of the entire team is necessary under the guidance of competent leaders who base their activities on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, on a personal approach to each participant in the educational process.

4. Managers should use in their work a variety of methods and forms of work with the team, based on the principles of leadership.

Used Books:

1. Pronina A.N. / Fundamentals of the course "Management of a modern preschool educational institution" / A. N. Pronina. - Yelets: YSU them. I.A. Bunina, 2005. - 162 p.

2. Belaya, K.Yu. /300 answers to the questions of the manager/ K.Yu. White. - AST, Astrel, 2001. - S. 400.

3. Denyakina L.M. New approaches to managerial activity in a preschool educational institution / L.M. Denyakin. - M: New School, 1997. – 48 s.

4. Pozdnyak L.V. /Management of preschool education: a textbook for students. pedagogical universities / L.V. Pozdnyak, N.N. Lyashchenko. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000. - 432 p.

5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ. Effective: September 1, 2013

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At this stage of the study, it is necessary to analyze the regulatory framework of a preschool educational institution, to identify the essence of management in the field of education, which consists in creating conditions that optimize pedagogical activity and favor activation, awareness, reflection and manifestation by the subjects of educational processes of personal and professionally significant functions.

In the period of profound socio-economic changes in Russia, when the entire system of social relations is being reassessed, the system of preschool education is also undergoing significant changes. Its transformation and development is largely determined by how effectively all its links are managed.

Control is considered as a specialized activity aimed at streamlining relations between people in the process of their joint work and achievement of goals; as an active interaction of the heads of the educational institution and other participants in the educational process to streamline it and transfer it to a new qualitative state, more appropriate for the fulfillment of the tasks set.

Control is considered as a non-linear interactive multifunctional activity of participants in the educational process, equally interested both in obtaining a high result of the work of the organization, and in the preservation and development of the people participating in this process, their relationships and unique subjectivity.

What is common in the definitions is that control- this is an activity to achieve certain goals, which is based on the interaction of people, the coordination of their actions.

Managed by a preschool one should understand purposeful activities that ensure the consistency of the joint work of employees in solving the problems of raising children at the level of modern requirements. Purposeful activity is understood as the impact (with a specific purpose) on the teaching staff (and through it on the educational process). Optimal for the modern approach in management is the purposeful interaction of the managing and managed subsystems to achieve the planned result (goal).

Determining the main goals of the development of a preschool educational institution, each leader, together with the teaching staff, organizes the entire pedagogical process, compares the results obtained with the planned ones. This requires making prompt decisions on the situation, i.e. for specific results.

results management assumes that initially the team is given real, provided with all the resources to fulfill the goal. Such resources include people, time, finances, material and technical base, technologies, methods. When managing by results, each participant in the pedagogical process must be able to link his participation in the common cause with other members of the team. Effective thinking assumes that the leader and subordinate determine the result, and then the performer himself chooses the ways to achieve it, i.e. time, technology and other resources.

In terms of results-based management, an initiative and creative team is a valuable resource. The leader creates an atmosphere of respect, trust, success for each participant in the educational process.

However, the task of the manager is to provide information, analysis, goal setting, planning, execution, control and correction.

Consider levels of results management.

First level is determined by the leader's ability to see the mission of the preschool educational institution.

The social characteristic of any organization includes goals and strategy. The purpose of the organization is a specific image of the desired (expected) result, which the organization can actually achieve by a clearly defined point in time. When determining the purpose of the organization's activities, one should adhere to the structure proposed by V. I. Zvereva (see Fig. 1).

Subject means result

perfection perfection perfection

transformation transformation transformation

Figure 1 – Activity objectives

When formulating goals, the specified sequence of components may not be observed, but their safety is mandatory. The organization's strategy is the basic guidelines where the organization is moving, what means it uses. What resources are spent and where, what people are mobilized for. In an integrated way, the goals and strategy are represented by the mission of the organization. The mission of the organization is its purpose, that is, for the sake of which it exists, what are the differences from surrounding organizations.

Second level proposes to consider the result in terms of the quality of services.

The main service of the preschool educational institution to the population is pre-school education and upbringing of children from 3 to 7 years old.

The quality of preschool education is the organization of the pedagogical process in kindergarten, in which the level of upbringing and development of each child increases in accordance with his personal, age and physical characteristics in the process of education and training.

The quality of preschool education in an institution is a manageable process. There are two approaches to quality management.

One is through the management of the entire pedagogical process and its components. The other is through personal subjective aspects in the management system: the formation of a team and the regulation of the moral and psychological climate in it.

To create a basis for the formation of a modern quality management system for preschool education, you can use the following mechanisms :

1) conducting global monitoring of the spending of budgetary funds of the preschool education system;

2) determination on this basis of flexible standards for financing a preschool institution;

3) regulation of parental fees for kindergarten services, depending on the real costs per child.

The second direction of managing the quality of educational conditions is to improve managerial decisions regarding the issues of staffing the stage of preschool education and increasing the professional competence of teachers.

Therefore, the quality of the work of a preschool educational institution is both a process and a result.

The third level of results management involves considering the result from the standpoint of consumers. This is a family, parents with children of preschool age who need the conditions provided by educational institutions. However, today the picture of parental requests and needs is not fully studied and presented. Studying the requests of parents and creating conditions that help the leader to change the situation flexibly will make it possible to offer children and parents a variety of types of services.

Educational: development of social (mathematical, speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, musical, rhythmic) abilities; special preparation for school, language training; educational games; etiquette and behavior, embroidery, design, etc.

Medico-improving: rhythmoplasty, swimming, relaxation; thermotherapy (sauna), respiratory prophylaxis; sports gymnastics, motor-strengthening; massage.

Social: museum excursions, a musical hour at the Philharmonic, a puppet theater, holidays for adults and children; tourism, excursions; lawyer consulting; tutor services.

The success of the transition to a management system - results-based management - is directly dependent on factors such as the inclusiveness and manufacturability of the system. It should cover all aspects of the activities of an ungraded preschool educational institution or management level (village, district, city, region, etc.)

The management mechanism of a modern preschool institution changes the nature of the performance of managerial functions, generates fundamentally new forms of interaction between the institution and all participants in the pedagogical process.

The structure of these relations is as follows:

Kindergarten - external environment; administration - the public; leader - subordinate; teacher - teacher; teacher parents; teacher - children; child is a child.

Each of the levels of management is necessarily included in the zone of influence of the subjects of management both horizontally and vertically (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 - Functional structure of intragarden management

Two factors stand out in the proposed management structure vertically and horizontally: specialization in the distribution of basic functions with their simultaneous integration and the amount of labor necessary to ensure the educational process. Note that such a model represents a democratically centralized system with a special nature of relations between the subjects (bodies) of control.

This model of intragarden management determines the balance of tasks of all management bodies with the structure of goals; correspondence of hierarchical levels of tasks and management links; optimization of compliance with the tasks, powers and responsibilities of management bodies.

The developing intragarden management can also be constructed according to the matrix structure. The matrix management structure is effective for the period of development and implementation of new projects, i.e. in the conditions of innovative activity of the institution. In this case, the participants in the pedagogical process are united in groups (subsystems) for the implementation of specific projects that make up the development program for preschool educational institutions within a single concept (Fig. 3).

Figure 3 - Matrix structure of intragarden management

This diagram shows three projects that the DOW is working on. It is important that not only the teaching staff, but also the parents of the pupils participate in each of them. Creative groups are created for a specific topic, such groups should include interested, creative teachers. In the work of such a group, a person cannot be forced to work by order, people unite at will, in order to create and implement something new. The task of the creative teams is to develop a more detailed, in-depth development of one of the sections of the project. The connecting link of this structure can be a form of presentation of results for all projects, for example, a conference. This structure indicates a special period of the institution's work - the mode of development, changes in the content and organization of the pedagogical process in order to improve it.

P. I. Tretyakov and K. Yu. Belaya single out the basic principles underlying the renewal of the activities of a preschool institution.

Democratization. This principle implies the distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between all participants in the management process, its decentralization.

Humanization. It provides an equal choice for each individual of the level, quality, direction of education, the method, nature and form of its receipt, the satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process on the personality of the child.

Humanitarianization educational programs, i.e. such a ratio and combination of programs, the use of such didactic approaches, teaching methods and technologies that ensure the priority of universal values, integrity, consistency, continuity and anticipatory nature of education.

Differentiation, mobility and development. These principles presuppose multilevelness, multifunctionality of educational programs of all diverse types of educational institutions. They provide children, adolescents, youth, as they grow up, social development and self-determination, the possibility of moving horizontally (changing class, profile, direction of education), as well as vertically (changing the level, type, type of educational institution).

Openness of education, i.e. providing opportunities for both continuous education in various forms, and general education at any stage, at any level (basic and additional).

multiformity educational system, i.e. qualitative growth and development of the state preschool institution, as well as the opening of a new type of elite educational institutions.

Standardization. This principle presupposes the observance of federal standards for the quality of education, the introduction of regional standards that take into account the national and other characteristics of the region.

All these principles become a guide to action in a developing and developing preschool institution.

In a preschool educational institution subject management are the head and her deputy (methodologist). In addition, collegial bodies are also being created to solve managerial tasks (council of teachers, etc.). The subjects of management in one way or another are teachers and parents. All subjects of management can act separately, contradictory (which leads to complications in the microclimate of a preschool educational institution), or form an integral unity, a system of intragarden management.

object management in a preschool educational institution is the whole system of its life, the main components of which are:

    educational process;

    interpersonal relations of all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents, employees);

    professional development of teachers;

    creation of the necessary material and technical conditions.

To assess the progress of a preschool educational institution in its development, the following performance indicators are analyzed

1. Innovative activity of the institution - updating the content of education and training in accordance with state standards (basic and additional educational services); updating pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work; a combination of introspection, self-control with self-assessment and peer review.

2. Organization of the educational process (UEP) - self-government, cooperation of teachers, children and their parents in achieving the goals of education, upbringing and development; planning and organizing a variety of children's activities, taking into account the interests and needs of children; teacher and child as equal partners in this activity; high level of motivation of all participants in the pedagogical process; a comfortable subject-developing and psychological-pedagogical environment in kindergarten for all participants in a holistic pedagogical process.

3. Efficiency of UVP - comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (assessment of the state of physical and mental health of children, their development: physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, intellectual, social).

Based on the awareness of universal and national values, the following key results of activity are distinguished:

1. Health and healthy lifestyle. The level of health, physical and mental development of the child.

2. Education based on universal and national values. The level of moral, spiritual and moral education of the individual.

3. Education in accordance with personal capabilities and abilities. The level of intellectual development.

4. Willingness to continue education. School readiness level.

5. Adaptability of the educational environment to meet the educational needs of the individual. The level of adaptability of the subject-developing and educational environment.

The management of identified key results is determined by the main factors and conditions (Fig. 4).

The main factors affecting the quality of the final results

Levels of successful achievement of final


1. The quality of medical care, nutrition, environmental comfort and physical culture and health work

1. The system of clinical examination with treatment, the system of physical culture and health work, rational nutrition, a comfortable subject-developing and psychological environment

2. The quality of moral, spiritual and moral education in the process of socialization of the individual

2. The system of moral education and social development of the child

3. The quality of upbringing, education of preschoolers and the organization of various children's activities

3. The system of education and training, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child (goals, forms and methods)

4. The quality of preschoolers' readiness for schooling

4. The system of methodical work with personnel and the creation of a UVP model in comparison with modern requirements of science

5. Quality of scientific and methodological support of the educational process and work with personnel

5. The system of work with children of senior preschool age in preparation for schooling

6. The quality of interaction with the family, knowledge of the psychology of family life, traditions

6. System of interaction, partnership cooperation with the family and all institutions of society

7. The quality of studying the demand for educational services

7. The system of educational services, taking into account the needs and demand


Figure 4 - The main management factors in preschool educational institutions

V. S. Lazarev distinguishes four types managerial actions: planning, organization, management and control, based on the fact that together these actions form a complete management cycle from setting goals to achieving them and therefore are necessary and sufficient. At the same time, he considers these actions as complex, having their own structure and including other actions as components in it.

An analysis of works on the problem of management showed that management largely depends on the complex of personal qualities of the leader and teachers, parents as subjects of management. At the same time, the complex of personal qualities of the leader determines the management style (authoritarian, democratic, liberal). The personal qualities of the leader play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness of the management of the educational process.

The manager, managing the kindergarten, performs certain functions: information-analytical, motivational-targeted, planned and prognostic, organizational and executive, regulatory and corrective and control and diagnostic.

Let's consider these functions in more detail.

Information and analytical function

Updating the management of a preschool educational institution is primarily associated with the formation of a system of information and analytical activities as the main management tool.

The study of the state of information support of management, conducted by the author in a number of preschool institutions, showed that leaders have a lot of information, but its accumulation is random, unorganized. In this unsystematized mass of various information, it is difficult to isolate the main link - the information that is necessary for making an effective management decision.

The trouble is that the heads of preschool educational institutions pay unforgivably little attention to their own information support. Information flows are disordered, there are no elements of novelty in them, primitive means of office equipment are used. The main thing is that there is no information and analytical work culture.

All information is divided into external and internal.

External information includes directive and regulatory documents of the relevant authorities, scientific and pedagogical information, information on advanced pedagogical experience in the system of preschool education. In order for an institution to develop and meet the requirements of the time, its leader must be constantly informed about new trends in pedagogy, psychology, new methods, programs and technologies. He is obliged to receive and carefully familiarize himself with all documents regulating the activities of a preschool institution in a timely manner.

Internal information includes information about a particular preschool institution: about the state of health and the results of the upbringing and education of preschool children; teaching staff; material and technical base; medical care.

It is very important to make high demands on the information, it should be as complete and as specific as possible. The volume and content of information depend on the goals of the preschool educational institution, its type, and the level of qualification of managers.

Analysis it is a method of scientific research by decomposing an object into its component parts or by mentally dismembering an object through logical abstraction.

The activity of a preschool institution is ultimately focused on solving one main task - improving the quality of education and upbringing. But it cannot be solved in abstract form. The purpose of the analysis is to concretize this general task, to present it in the form of interconnected particular tasks.

B. S. Lazarev and M. M. Potashnik propose a movement “from end to beginning”:

Identification of what does not satisfy in the results of the work of the preschool educational institution.

Analysis of the shortcomings of the educational process, generating shortcomings in the results.

Analysis of shortcomings in the conditions that determine the defects of the educational process.

Analysis of results. Any problem reveals itself as a discrepancy between “what is”, “what is required”. Therefore, you should first answer the question: “What requirements should the results of the kindergarten work meet”? These requirements are set in the social order for a preschool institution (children, parents, teachers, school, population, production, government).

Then the requirements of the social order are compared with what the kindergarten actually implements, points are highlighted for which there are the most significant inconsistencies, and thereby a set of problems to be solved is determined.

Analysis of the educational process. Continuing the analysis of the problems, it is necessary to give specific answers to the question, due to what shortcomings in the educational process there is a discrepancy between the results and requirements of the social order, and indicate the degree of discrepancy (“strong”, “medium”, “weak”).

Analysis of conditions. Here it is supposed to answer the question: “Disadvantages, what conditions are the causes of defects in the educational process?” (personnel, scientific and methodological support, material base).

Motivational target function.

It is considered from the standpoint of the characteristics of the goals and the mechanisms of their formation.

There are many definitions of the term "goal". One of its features is the image of the future result, which can be represented in the form of models, concepts, judgments, conclusions.

The image of the future result becomes a goal only when there are needs, motives, a desire to achieve or get closer to the result. Thus, the presence of a need to achieve a future result and striving for it is another sign of the concept of "goal".

So, the goal is a conscious desired result.

Goal selection is considered to be the most creative part of management.

According to the source and method of education, both at the level of an individual and at the level of any organizational system, goals can be either internal, formed by a person or a social system independently, or external, if they are set from outside. For pedagogical systems, goals are set by society. External and internal goals differ from each other in the way they are connected with the needs (individual, group) that motivate the subject to achieve these goals.

There is a connection between goals and needs (motives): the goal or chooses a motive or motives are transformed into goals. Therefore, this functional stage is called the motivational-target stage.

The process of goal formation is followed by a search for conditions and ways to achieve goals. With a student-centered approach in the management of a preschool educational institution, the main meaning of the motivational-target function is that all members of the teaching staff clearly perform work in accordance with the powers delegated to them.

Planning and forecasting function

It is the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle at all levels of management.

With regard to the management of a preschool institution, planning and forecasting consist in determining the zones of the nearest and future development of a kindergarten in the specific conditions of pedagogical analysis.

This is the activity of the participants in the pedagogical process for the optimal choice of real goals, ways to achieve them through a combination of methods, means and influences aimed at the transition of an educational institution to a new qualitative state.

The preparation of a work plan for a preschool institution involves not only the process of developing a plan, but also the mental activity of the leader to justify what needs to be done to achieve the goals.

Planning must meet a number of fundamental requirements.

This is the unity of long-term and short-term planning, the implementation of the principle of combining state and social principles, ensuring the integrated nature of forecasting and planning, the stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts.

Planning will be effective if three main conditions are met:

An objective assessment of the level of work of a preschool institution at the time of planning.

A clear presentation of the results, the level of work that should be achieved by the end of the planning period.

Choosing the best ways, means, methods that will help achieve your goals, and therefore get the planned result.

The essence of planning is to determine the main types of activities, activities, the selection and placement of specific performers and to determine the timing of execution. The activities of a preschool institution are regulated by numerous documents. All of them should be taken into account when drawing up a work plan for the year.

In the process of implementing the plan, it is refined and adjusted depending on objective conditions. However, the number of such amendments can be reduced to a minimum if the principles of scientific character, optimality, complexity, prospects, and collegiality are taken into account when forming the plan.

A necessary condition for real work planning is also taking into account the specific features of a particular teaching staff, preschool institution, real situation and conditions, as well as the individual characteristics of those who will implement the planned activities in practice.

When developing a plan, it is important to take into account the results of the past academic year and, on their basis, build a scheme for the development of the institution for the new period.

Organizational and executive function

The quality of the development of the object depends on this control function.

The concept of "organization" is multifaceted. The object of organizational activity of the head, first of all, are the members of the teaching staff: children, teachers, parents. Their practical activities in fulfilling the work plan of a preschool institution, their interests, professional skills, needs - all these are objects of organizational activity.

The function of the organization involves the implementation of a series of sequential actions: studying the state of the issue; goal setting and definition of specific tasks; business planning; selection of the optimal content, forms, methods of future activities; creation of conditions for the performance of this work; placement of people and setting a specific task for each performer; creating a certain mood for work; direct assistance in the process of implementing a particular case; analysis of the course and results of a particular case.

In this sequential chain of activity elements, it is important for the manager to know well the capabilities of each performer, rely on their strengths, and coordinate work.

In the process of joint activity, organizational relations are established between the members of the team, taking into account certain functions assigned to them. The most important task of the organizational and executive function is to increase the efficiency of the system of these relations.

In order to qualitatively ensure the introduction of all innovations, it is necessary to transform the management structure of preschool education at all levels.

In the structure of the control system of most kindergartens operating in the operating mode, there are three levels of management:

1st level - head of the kindergarten;

2nd level - deputy heads and other members of the administration;

3rd level - specialists and educators.

Each level has its own system of interaction between employees.

All of them are interconnected.

The head of a preschool institution must understand that it is one thing to perform the usual actions within the framework of an established pedagogical technology, but to go beyond this framework, mastering new methods, is something completely different.

During the functioning of the educational system in the traditional mode, the available opportunities are used: financial, personnel, program-methodical, material and technical. In a developing institution, these capabilities are being built up and the efficiency of their use is being increased, new management models are being searched for, forms of interaction between the managing and managed systems.

Changes in the management structure occur in the process of creating temporary creative groups, expert commissions, and schools of pedagogical excellence in the teaching staff. All these created structures should have a clear status.

The construction of new organizational structures of the management system in preschool education is a complex process that requires the leader to know the basic provisions of modern management theory.

The organizational and executive function contains huge reserves for improving the efficiency of managing a preschool institution.

Regulatory-corrective function

It is defined as a type of activity associated with making adjustments to the pedagogical process.

Regulation and correction mean maintaining the entire system of the educational process at a given level and its subsequent transfer to a new qualitative state.

The task of the regulation and correction function is to maintain one or another level of organization of the system in a given situation. But if the situation changes, the regulation function disrupts the stability of the organizational structure, bringing it into line with the new conditions. Violation of such stability is progressive if the search for those organizational measures, methods, interactions that lead to really new optimal, more effective results of activity follows.

The effectiveness of regulation and correction is measured, first of all, by how rationally it is possible to organize the processes to be managed with their help.

Control and diagnostic function

Thanks to control, management acquires a fundamentally important component, without which it cannot exist - feedback.

Control makes management "sighted", sensitive to changes.

Considering control as a type of managerial activity, T. I. Shamova notes that “control allows you to accumulate data on the results of the pedagogical process, fix emerging deviations from planned tasks, and identify the presence of advanced pedagogical experience” .

In other words, control is the main source of information for making managerial decisions. Control involves identifying deviations of actual results from the intended goals.

The pre-school institution received the right to independently control and bear full responsibility for the final results of education, upbringing, development of children and preparing them for school.

This makes it possible, on the one hand, to radically restructure control over the work of each employee, strengthening humanistic principles in control, an individual approach, on the other hand, to increase the manager's responsibility for the results of work, and hence for their objective assessment.

Control is closely related to all management functions, but especially to the pedagogical analysis of information.

During the control, the obtained data are analyzed. Based on the results of the analysis and operational information, the manager gets the opportunity to develop a management decision and carry out regulation (correction) of both the object that was controlled and the management activity itself.

Control and diagnostics should be stimulating in the activities of the leader. This is ensured by the transfer of intragarden control to a diagnostic basis, the introduction of a test state examination - certification of educational institutions.

In the current working conditions of educational institutions, the object of control (examination) by the educational authorities is the managerial activity of the head, and the quality of the work of the teacher, the level of upbringing of children are evaluated from the standpoint of the effectiveness of managing the pedagogical process.

The control process requires reliable feedback between the control and controlled subsystems at any level. It is control in its various forms and methods (methods, means and interactions) that provides such feedback, helps to identify shortcomings in work, establish their causes, and therefore outline ways to eliminate them through correction and regulation of activities.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that in the theory of management of preschool educational institutions, methodological foundations are defined, management principles are formulated, and the main functions and methods of management are singled out. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of managing a preschool educational institution will help the leader clearly define the goals, objectives, content, principles and mechanisms for managing a modern preschool institution and build a management system inherent in a particular preschool institution.

In our time, the organization of a preschool educational institution is a dynamically changing process that has many features. The base that regulated the organization of preschool educational institutions in the Soviet period has changed greatly over time. Despite the fact that the system of preschool education has retained some features inherited from Soviet preschool educational institutions, the mere factor that the sector of non-governmental organization of preschool educational institutions began to actively develop in Russia leaves a special imprint on the current development trends in this area of ​​managerial and organizational activity.

Based on this, we can highlight some practical recommendations designed to help a wide range of people involved in office work and the organization of a preschool educational institution.

The following recommendations relate to such an important aspect as the culture of management planning, and take into account the peculiarities of the interaction of two types of specialists who are equally involved in this process. We are talking about administrators and teachers.

  • The administration of the preschool educational institution should act in a single information field with teachers.

This means that all decisions made regarding the management, educational and other activities of the institution must be carried out with an equal degree of awareness of specialists of the first and second types. The disunity of the activities of teachers and administrators should not be allowed, a special information space should be created between them, in which they will have equal rights and receive simultaneous access to preschool educational plans in various directions.

  • From the above recommendation follows the need for constant feedback between teachers and administrators.

Educators should inform the administration about the results of their work, adhering to their daily plan. Receiving detailed information about the work of teachers in addition to the information that is prescribed by the mandatory reporting documentation, administrators get the opportunity to more accurately adjust pedagogical activities on the spot.

  • The organization of a preschool educational institution should provide for the standardization and optimization of all processes included in it.

If we are talking about a non-state preschool educational institution, the educational standards adopted in it must be correlated with state educational standards. A system of standards should also be developed to measure the qualities of participants in the educational process, i.e. teachers and students. This will allow you to get many advantages: the administration will be able to easily and quickly analyze the activities of teachers, and they, in turn, will be able to easily analyze the results of the educational and educational processes in preschool educational institutions.

  • The modern organization of a preschool educational institution involves the construction of a jointly interacting model of doing business.

Only the use of a model of this type can significantly improve the quality of the work of preschool educational institutions in all directions. All participants in the processes taking place in the preschool educational institution, despite their official duties, must actively interact with each other, according to the service hierarchy. And such a system should be adopted both in large state preschools and in small private preschools.

  • The management of the activities of the preschool educational institution should have a clearly substantiated scientific and methodological basis.

All employees must have high competence and professionalism, confirmed by relevant education and work experience. High demands must be made on the employees of the preschool educational institution, correlated with their official rights and duties. For example, administrators employed in the organization of a preschool educational institution, in addition to professional qualities, must also have the personal qualities necessary for successful team management. These qualities include the ability to find a common language with other administrators, subordinates, parents and children, a high level of responsibility, the ability to respond quickly in unforeseen situations, and many others.

  • As in any other organization, each specific preschool educational institution should develop its own philosophy.

This concept includes the originality of the educational and upbringing processes that distinguish the preschool educational institution from similar institutions, the hierarchy of priorities and values, the creative approach to the work of all participants in the preschool educational institution, some specific customs and traditions characteristic of this preschool educational institution, as well as the successful relationship and cooperation of the preschool educational institution with related organizations

Project activity as a form of organization

educational activities of preschool children.

The development of cognitive interest in various fields of knowledge and activities is one of the components of the success of teaching children at school. The preschooler's interest in the world around him. The desire to learn and master everything new is the basis for the formation of this quality.

Intensive change in the surrounding life, the active penetration of scientific and technological progress into all areas dictate the need for the teacher to choose more effective means of teaching and education based on modern methods and new integrated technologies.

One of the most relevant and effective methods is project method. Based on a student-centered approach to education and upbringing, it develops a cognitive interest in various fields of knowledge, forms cooperation skills. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills.

Any project is a product of cooperation between children, educators, kindergarten specialists and parents. The project involves solving problems of a cognitive, creative nature, experimental activities and the development of communication skills.

Project method- a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of a teacher and a pupil, a way of interacting with the environment, a phased practical activity to achieve the goal.

Basic goal project method in kindergarten is development of the free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of research activities of children.

Development tasks:

    ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

    development of cognitive abilities;

    development of creative imagination;

    development of creative thinking;

    development of communication skills.

Research tasks specific to each age. At a young age is:

    the entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher);

    activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve the problem situation (together with the teacher);

    formation of the initial prerequisites for search activity (practical experiments).

At the senior preschool age it is:

    formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

    development of the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

    formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the task, using various options;

    development of the desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

In the practice of modern preschool institutions, the following types of projects are used:

Role playing(with elements of creative games, when children enter the image of the characters of a fairy tale and solve the problem in their own way).

Research/creative(children explore, experiment, analyze, and the results are issued in the form of collections of essays, reports, reports, newspapers or magazines).

Creative(formulation of results in the form of a children's holiday, children's design - a performance, a fairy tale, a performance).

Since the leading activity of a preschooler is a game, then, starting from a younger age, role-playing and creative projects are used: “Favorite toys”, “My friends”. And etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

    complex: "Theatre", "Tales of grandfather Korney", "Visiting a fairy tale";

    intergroup: "Pets and birds", "Seasons";

    creative: "My friends", "In our garden", "Favorite fairy tales";

    group: "Winter Tales", "If you want to be healthy", "Underwater world", "Lessons of Moidodyr", "Our Army is strong";

    individual: "Me and my family", "Secrets of my grandmother", etc.

By duration they are:

    short-term(1-2 weeks);

    long-term(for example, "Birds are our friends" - for three weeks)

The sequence of the teacher's work on the project:

    the teacher sets a goal based on the needs and interests of the child;

    involves preschoolers in problem solving;

    outlines a plan to achieve the goal (supports the interest of children and parents);

    discusses the plan with families at a parent-teacher meeting;

    together with children and parents draws up a plan - a scheme for the implementation of the project;

    collects information, material;

    conducts classes, games, observations, trips (events of the main part of the project);

    encourages independent creative work of children and parents (search for materials, information, making crafts, drawings, albums, etc.);

    organizes the presentation of the project (holiday, occupation, leisure), composes a book, an album together with children;

    sums up (speaks at the teachers' council, summarizes work experience).

In the project activity, the child's subjective position is formed, reveals his individuality, interests and needs are realized, which in turn contributes to the child's personal development. This corresponds to the social order at the present level.

The work of parents in the implementation of the project:

Work with parents is organized at the level of cooperation. Parents are active participants in all activities, assist in organizing a developing environment. In the course of project activities, parent-child relationships are also developing. The child turns out to be interesting to parents, because he puts forward various ideas, discovering new things in already familiar situations. The life of the child and parents is filled with rich content.


The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, to synthesize the acquired knowledge. Develop creativity and communication skills, which allows him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling.


    Pedagogical design in the preschool educational institution; from theory to practice. Morozova L.D., Supplement to the journal "Management of preschool educational institutions", Sphere, 2010

    Project activity of preschoolers. Veraksa N.E., Veraksa A.N. Handbook for teachers of preschool institutions. – M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2010.-112s.

    Project activity with children of senior preschool age. Shtanko I.V. Journal "Management of a preschool educational institution", No. 4.2004.

    Design technology in the preschool educational institution. Evdokimova E.S. - M .: TC Sphere, 2006

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