Organization and conduct of business discussions. Psychological features of conducting a business discussion and public speaking

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As a rule, business conversations are planned in advance. In the process of preparation, the subject of the conversation, the range of issues that it is advisable to discuss, the main intentions that need to be implemented are determined. When conducting interviews, a variety of documents and materials are often used, they also need to be prepared in advance. Particular attention should be paid to working out the course of the conversation: think over the questions that need to be asked to the interlocutor; determine the desired end result; establish the rules and place of the conversation; determine its strategy and tactics. On the other hand, you can not interrupt the speech of the interlocutor; negatively evaluate his statements; emphasize the difference between yourself and your partner; drastically speed up the pace of the conversation; intrude into the personal zone of a partner; try to discuss the issue, not paying attention to the fact that the partner is excited; not wanting to understand the mental state of the partner at the time of the interview.

Proper conduct of business conversations contributes to an increase in labor productivity by 20-30%. Some firms abroad have in their staff specialists-talkers who perfectly master the art of business conversation.

The structure of a business conversation

A business conversation consists of five phases:

  1. the beginning of the conversation;
  2. transfer of information;
  3. argumentation;
  4. refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor;
  5. making decisions.

A very important part of the conversation is its beginning. The initiator of the conversation needs to develop a correct and correct attitude towards the interlocutor, since the beginning of the conversation is a "bridge" between partners in business communication. Tasks of the first phase of the conversation: establishing contact with the interlocutor; creating a pleasant atmosphere for conversation; drawing attention to the subject of the interview; awakening interest in the conversation; seizing the initiative (if necessary).

Researchers have identified factors that allow a business conversation to be successful:

Professional knowledge makes it possible to realize high objectivity, reliability and depth of presentation of information, as well as to master the situation;

Clarity allows you to link facts and details, avoid ambiguity, confusion, understatement;

Visualization - the maximum use of illustrative materials (documents, information sources, tables, diagrams, etc.), well-known associations and parallels - reduces the abstractness of the presentation of information;

Constant focus - you should constantly keep in mind the main tasks of the conversation and to some extent introduce them to the interlocutor;

Rhythm - increasing the intensity of the conversation as it approaches the end;

Repetition - repetition of the main provisions and thoughts helps the interlocutor to perceive the information;

The element of surprise is a thoughtful, but unexpected for the interlocutor, linking details and facts;

- "saturation" of reasoning - it is necessary to ensure that during the conversation "ups" alternate, when the interlocutor requires maximum concentration, and "downs", which are used to respite and consolidate the thoughts and associations of the interlocutor;

Framework for the transmission of information - the French writer and thinker Voltaire once said: "The secret to being boring is to tell everything";

Humor and irony - in a certain dose and situationally appropriate, they raise the spirit of the interlocutors, their readiness to perceive even the unpleasant aspects of the conversation.

Thus, the success of business communication depends on communication skills that need to be not only studied, but also developed.

2. Discussion in situations of business communication

2.1. Concept of business discussion

A business discussion is an exchange of views on an issue in accordance with more or less certain rules of procedure and with the participation of all or some of its participants. Almost every enterprise or firm discusses business issues at meetings of groups or commissions. Many business meetings and meetings are also held in the form of discussions. In a mass discussion, all participants, with the exception of the chairman, are in an equal position. Specially prepared speakers are not appointed, at the same time, everyone is present not only as listeners. A special issue is discussed in a certain order, usually in accordance with strict rules and under the chairmanship of an official.

A group discussion is different in that a specially trained group discusses the issue, discusses in front of an audience. The purpose of such a discussion is to present possible solutions to the problem, discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues, and present new information. As a rule, this kind of discussion of the dispute does not resolve or incline the audience to any uniformity of action. In a group discussion, from three to eight to ten people can participate as opponents, not counting the leader. The main communicative means is a dialogue that only two participants conduct each time. The number of participants in a group discussion may vary in one direction or another, depending on the margin of time, the complexity and relevance of the problem, and the availability of competent specialists who can participate in the discussion.

Experts invited for discussion sit in a semicircle, facing the audience, and the leader sits in the center. Such an organization of the spatial environment allows each participant in a group discussion to see and hear each other as best as possible.

It is very important that the participants in the discussion be well prepared, have statistical data and the necessary materials with them. Of great importance is also their manner of speaking, the culture of speech communication, as well as the style of its demonstration: at ease, in a lively manner, precisely formulating questions and succinctly commenting on answers or brief remarks. It is advisable that participants call each other by their first and middle names. The audience watching the discussion should be constantly in the center of attention of the speakers, it is necessary to maintain not only non-verbal, but also verbal contact. The leader of the discussion regulates its course, all procedures, introduces the topic and speakers, monitors the time limit, directs the exchange of opinions, and delivers the final word.

A business dispute as a type of communication is widely used when discussing disagreements, in a situation where there is no consensus on the issue under discussion. There is no common understanding of the term "argument" in the literature on communication, but most experts qualify it as a procedure in which one proves that some thought is true, and the other - that it is wrong. IN AND. Kurbatov in the book "Strategy of Business Success", believes that the peculiarity of the dispute is not the proof of the truth of one's own thesis, but a verbal competition in which everyone defends his point of view on a particular controversial issue. In practice, often disputes are conducted in disordered, unorganized forms, as well as in non-compliance with generally accepted rules and principles. A dispute as a type of business communication has the following characteristics:

1) the dispute involves the presence of at least two subjects, one of which is more appropriate to call the proponent, and the other - the opponent;

2) the parties to the dispute have the same rights in the process of exchanging opinions, according to the degree of activity, according to the types and forms of direct and feedback with each other;

3) the subject of the dispute is a provision about which each of the parties has its own opinion, called a position or thesis;

4) the difference in the positions of the parties makes the dispute a discussion at the level of the phenomenon, and not at the level of essence. Therefore, any dispute is a rather superficial discussion of a controversial provision;

5) the positions of the parties contradict each other and most often have an openly negative character;

6) the procedure for the exchange of opinions in accordance with the mutually exclusive characteristics of the theses is expressed in the struggle of opinions;

7) the struggle of opinions in a dispute often reaches its highest form - a conflict or struggle of opinions, when each side insists on the truth of its thesis and the falsity of the opponent's thesis. Each argument in this type of argument is a negation of the opponent's argument. The nature of the discussion takes the form of a refutation, rejection, denial, rejection, elimination;

8) the subject field of discussion of a controversial issue is usually not clearly defined. Its vagueness is also due to the fact that the dispute is not about the essence, but about the surface characteristics of the subject;

9) a dispute as a type of business communication is not regulated either in procedural, spatial or temporal terms.

Thus, the subject of communication and the attitude of the participants to it is very important for a business discussion. The ability to understand the subject positions of partners (that is, the idea of ​​the situation, the problem) and one's own subject position is a necessary condition success business communication.

2.2. Organization and conduct of discussions

In order for a business meeting to be fruitful and not turn into a farce, the presiding manager must master the technique of organizing and conducting discussions. Their organization requires certain efforts on the part of the organizers and, above all, the chairman himself. The main thing is to strive to conduct a group discussion in a civilized manner. This implies the presence of delicacy in the relations of the debaters and, therefore, excludes the use of opposite means of arguing one's point of view in the form of ridicule, interruption of opponents, sharp attacks on them, and sometimes obvious rudeness (in a word, everything that is so famous for discussions of our homegrown parliamentarians) But in order for the discussion to acquire a truly civilized character, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the business dispute between the participants in the discussion is definite and has time limits, and also to prevent becoming personal. Involving in a dispute as one of its participants, first of all, clearly formulate the position that is justified or rejected, and also precisely define the basic concepts so as not to argue about completely different things. The terminology of the dispute should be clear to all present.

In the process of conducting a business discussion, it is necessary to carefully and completely listen to the arguments of the opponent, soberly weighing and evaluating them. At first, only strong arguments are given, and weak ones are talked about later and, as it were, in passing. In the process of a dispute, it is necessary to try to convince, and not to sting the opponent. No need to persist in denying the arguments of the opponent, if they are clear and obvious.

Also, it is undesirable to enter into discussions and disputes unprepared. It is necessary to prepare for them in advance, draw up at least the most general plan for the struggle for truth, select the most weighty and obvious arguments that no one doubts. Particularly impressive are the precise figures that cannot be refuted.

When conducting a meeting, one should proceed from the fact that one often has to deal with the same characteristic types of participants in the discussion. Below are tips on how to deal with them or how to neutralize them.

Table 1

Psychological types of participants in business discussions

Psychotype Discussion Tactics
Wrangler Maintain equanimity. Leave the group to refute his claims.
Positivist Offer him a summing up, deliberately draw him into the discussion.
know-it-all Call on the group to take a stand on his statements.
Talkative Tactfully interrupt. Remind me of the rules.
Shy Ask simple questions, strengthen his confidence in his abilities.
Negativist Recognize, evaluate his knowledge and experience. 1. Specificity of business communication 4
1.1. Culture of business communication: general characteristics and specific features 4
1.2. Forms and culture of business communication 7
2. Discussion in business situations 12
2.1. Concept of business discussion 12
2.2. Organizing and leading discussions 15
Conclusion 22
References 25

At the heart of any interaction between people is communication. Its correct organization determines the effectiveness of activities in all spheres of life.

To organize communication in a production environment, executives have to spend about 80% of their working time. Therefore, it is no less important than direct knowledge and business experience.

Communication differs in content and saturation. Its quality largely depends not only on the main content, but also on the form. The right form helps you achieve important goals faster.

One of the most common is discussion. This is a kind of exchange of thoughts, which differs from others in a special way. It is determined by the opposing nature of the actions of the participants in the conversation.

The discussion is a public discussion (for example, at a production meeting, planning meeting, team meeting, etc.) of some controversial issue. With the help of this type of communication, problems are solved through comparison, clash of thoughts and different positions, as well as through their assimilation and mutual enrichment of the essence of the problem being solved.

When properly organized, the discussion helps to direct it to perform such functions as searching for new areas of work, starting promising events, monitoring ongoing cases, exchanging information, communicating with employees of the same business area, maintaining business contacts, developing ideas and ideas, etc.

In this aspect, the discussion is the most democratic form of conduct that allows for a free exchange of opinions and the adoption of decisions that are developed by common agreement with subsequent approval by the leadership.

Discussion is, first of all, the skillful use of such methods as persuasion, correct emotions, compromise solutions, selective selection of information, building reasonable relations between supporters of different positions.

As a communicative tool, discussion aims to promote ideas and personal beliefs. At the same time, it is not logic that dominates, but emotions. In this regard, when conducting a discussion using such a tool, it is necessary to make communication as constructive and calm as possible.

After discussions, many remain dissatisfied with its results, as their ideas were rejected. Therefore, it is important to be able to use the discussion only in cases where it is really justified. Sometimes it makes more sense to replace it with dialogue or combine them for greater productivity. Also correct is the use of "brainstorming", which allows ideas to be put forward in a more spontaneous form, making it much less painful for the participants to weed them out. And the most important point: any group discussion is, first of all, the ability not only to speak, but also to listen to others. This is much more than just an argument.

Discussion- the process of promoting and resolving problems by comparing, colliding, assimilating, mutually enriching the subject positions of the participants (opinions on the essence of the problem being solved).

The purpose of the discussion may be:

  • collection and ordering of information on the problem under discussion;
  • search for alternative approaches to solving the problem, their justification;
  • selection of the optimal alternative.

There are many different ways to make contact. This is “attaching from above”, “from below”, “on an equal footing” (through posture, gaze, pace of speech, initiative).

a straight posture, the chin is raised so that its line is parallel to the floor line, a hard unblinking gaze or no contact at all in the gaze, slow speech with pauses - all this personifies "dominance from above." Humiliation, constant eye movements up and down, a fast pace of speech are signs of the position of "submission from below." Relaxation, muscle relaxation, synchronization of the tempo of speech, the equality of its volume demonstrate communication "on an equal footing".

For a business discussion, the subject of communication and the attitude of the participants to it are very important. The ability to understand the subject positions of partners (i.e., the idea of ​​the situation, the problem) and one's own is an indispensable condition for the success of business communication.

The leader plays an important role in the discussion. He must:

  1. Formulate the purpose and topic of the discussion (what is being discussed, why the discussion is needed, to what extent the problem should be solved).
  2. Set the time for discussions (20 - 30 - 40 minutes or more).
  3. To interest the participants in the discussion (state the problem in the form of some contradiction).
  4. Gain a clear understanding of the problem by all participants by checking this with follow-up questions or by asking participants to ask questions.
  5. Organize an exchange of views (wishing or in a circle).
  6. Activate passive participants (turn to the silent one with a question, asking for help).
  7. Collect as many proposals as possible regarding the solution of the problem under discussion (express your proposals after the opinions of all participants have been heard).
  8. Do not deviate from the topic (tactfully stop, remind about the goals of the discussion).
  9. Clarify unclear provisions, suppress value judgments about the personality of the participants.
  10. Help the group reach a consensus.
  11. A clear summing up, formulation of conclusions, a range of decisions, comparison of the goals of the discussion with the results obtained, determining the contribution of each to the overall result, expressing gratitude to the participants.

"Techniques" - Technology for preparing a presentation. List the types of tricks. Select the type of reception. Flowers. internal presentations. Private presentation. external presentation. Table seating rules. Table setting rules. Three types of presentations. Napkins. Menu compilation. Seating plan. Drawing up a scheme or procedure for the presentation.

"Preparation for the performance" - Psychological mood. obedient body. Relaxation. Energy. The perfect speaker. Relationship with the audience. Dangerous advice from a "specialist". Direction of thought. Control List. Room requirements. Flexibility in communication. Group accommodation. Appearance. Psychological bases of preparation for performance.

"Conducting business negotiations" - Balancing method. The stage of greeting and making contact is the beginning of direct, personal business contact. It may happen that the proposed compromise solution exceeds your competence. Detailed substantiation of proposals (argumentation). Conduct of negotiations. Preparation of business negotiations. Integration method.

"Organization of a round table" - Equipping the premises with standard equipment. Script preparation. The idea of ​​"round tables". Speeches of the debaters and. Moderator's speeches. Moderator selection. Methodology for organizing a round table. Scenarios of round tables. Mini-museums in libraries. Problem selection. Carrying out "information attack". Preparation of the necessary materials.

"Business negotiations" - 3. Task After receiving the information, the climax of the initiative is a proposal for joint action. *Business conversation; *Business negotiations; * Organization of negotiations; *Functions of negotiations; *Negotiation strategy; *Stages and tactics of negotiation implementation. Business Negotiations Purpose: reaching an agreement on the participation of the parties in activities, the results of which will be used for mutual benefit.

"Business communication on the phone" - Curb your phone. No negative information. Professional ability to communicate on the phone. Misunderstandings. Exchange business information. Opportunity to speak in person. Business communication on the phone. Sorry and hang up. The main rule. Predict your calls. Break off the conversation.

There are 18 presentations in total in the topic


1. Specificity of business communication

1.1 Culture of business communication: general characteristics and specific features

2.1 Concept of business discussion



Dialogue is the most common type of communicative activity. Dialogue organizes interpersonal communication of equal partners with equal activity.

The basis for dialogue is the problem and the difference in how it is resolved. Dialogue can be viewed as a system of question-answer interaction, where there is also a change in the positions of the questioner and the answerer. By its nature, the dialogue can represent an intellectual competition, a battle of ideas, a clash of thoughts, etc.

Discussion as a form of dialogue involves managerial communication based on arguments and arguments in order to find the truth through a comprehensive comparison of various opinions. The essence of action in the discussion is to defend or refute the thesis.

To conduct a successful discussion, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the principles and norms for conducting such discussions so that opponents in the process of interaction can come to a positive result.

The purpose of this work is to consider the specific features of the discussion in situations of business communication. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

1. Consider the specifics of business communication

2. Reveal the features of the discussion within the framework of business communication.

Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, the main part of two chapters, divided into paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references.

The theoretical basis of the work was educational and methodological manuals on the disciplines of rhetoric and culture of speech by such authors as: I.A. Gerasimov, G.G. Khazagerov and others. The methodological basis of the study was: the method of comparison and generalization, analysis, synthesis, etc.

Specificity of business communication

1.1 Culture of business communication: general characteristics and specific features

The most massive form of communication between people in society (society) is business communication. It is indispensable in the sphere of economic, legal, diplomatic, commercial, administrative relations. The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper, and much more has now become an integral part of the professional culture of a person: a manager, a leader at all levels, a referent, an employee. To achieve high performance in almost any type of commercial activity, it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, forms and methods of doing business, about the principles of business communication.

The culture of business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners and competitors, largely determining their (relationship) effectiveness: whether these relations will be successfully implemented in the interests of partners or whether they will become of little content, ineffective, or even completely stop if the partners do not find mutual understanding.

"Business is the ability to communicate with people", "the only way to set people up for vigorous activity is communication with them," believe true leaders and entrepreneurs. In this regard, a modern person must master the science of business relations, be able to establish and maintain civilized relations with people, overcome contradictions, resolve conflicts, take on the role of an intermediary if necessary, must be able to direct their activities for the benefit of other people, as well as their work, your business.

A specific feature of business communication is its regulation, i.e. subordination to established rules and restrictions.

Depending on the various characteristics, business communication is divided into:

Oral - written (in terms of the form of speech);

Dialogical - monologue (in terms of unidirectional / bidirectional speech between the speaker and the listener);

Interpersonal - public (in terms of the number of participants);

Direct - indirect (from the point of view of the absence / presence of a mediating apparatus);

Contact - distant (in terms of the position of the communicants in space).

All these factors of business communication form the characteristic features of business speech. So, if business written speech has a book coloring:

"The Tenant undertakes to bear full responsibility for all losses that he may cause to the Landlord as a result of using the provided space for other than its intended purpose in accordance with this agreement ...", then business oral speech incorporates features of different styles, including colloquial: "Dear Sirs! I would like to present to your court a report entitled “Securities banking in Russia.” I will say right away: “Money must work! I will try to give a number of arguments ... ".

A monologue in business communication is a long statement of one person. It is relatively continuous, consistent and logical, has a relative completeness, complex in structure.

The dialogue is intended for interaction between two or more interlocutors, and in the exchange of information, speech partners can change roles. The dialogue is spontaneous (as a rule, it cannot be planned in advance), elliptical (phrases are more convoluted, shorter than in a monologue), expressive.

Distant, mediated communication (telephone conversation, mail and fax, paging, etc.) differs from direct contact by increased attention to the intonational pattern of speech (oral communication), brevity and regulation, the impossibility of using gestures and visual objects as carriers information.

Business communication is a wide range of genre varieties of written and oral communication.

Written business speech, in which dialogical relations are realized, is represented by all types of business letters, documents fixing social and legal relations - contracts (contracts), agreements and all types of related documents.

Oral business speech, in which dialogic relations are realized, is represented by the genres of business negotiations, meetings, consultations, etc.

Meetings, meetings are a special type of protocol communication, in which for the most part monologue business speech is presented, not only of a written nature, but also existing in two forms at once - oral and written.

Advertising, secular communication. Today, the scope of business communication is expanding. Advertising, secular communication become an integral part of business communication. The success of an enterprise and business today largely depends on the ability to present one's positions in the most favorable light, to interest a potential partner, and to create a favorable impression. Therefore, in addition to the "readable" monologue speech, prepared but "unreadable" monologue speech (presentation speech, solemn speech, opening speech at various meetings), congratulatory letters, etiquette toasts are increasingly being included in the practice of business communication.

Thus, the possession of all the listed genres of business communication is included in the professional competence of a modern leader, manager.

business communication discussion communication

1.2 Forms and culture of business communication

Revealing aspects of business communication, one cannot fail to recall two quotes: one - by the philosopher of antiquity Gaius Sallust Crispus: "With agreement, insignificant things grow, with disagreement, the greatest perish" and the second - the legendary S.P. Korolev, who lifted Russia into space: "Who wants to work, they are looking for" means ", who does not want -" reasons "". The generally accepted forms of business communication in the work of managers, lawyers, reliterators are business conversations, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, various business meetings. The development of market relations in our country, the intensification observed at all levels of entrepreneurial communication as a result of evolution in the field of informatics, give rise to the need for a quick and unhindered dissemination of business information, and therefore the organization and conduct of innovative forms of business communication, such as presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs.

Features of each form of business communication include the following criteria:

The purpose of the event (why?);

The contingent of participants (who?, with whom?, for whom?);

Regulation (how long?);

Communicative means of realization of intentions (how?);

Organization of the spatial environment (where?);

Expected result (what?, what is the "output"?).

The most common contact method is conversation. In a business conversation, clearly meaningful goals, intuitive reasons and unconscious motives vary. Unlike conversation, conversation is a form of situational contact. The purpose of such communication is the exchange of information on a specific issue. There are at least two participants, the time limit depends on the degree of importance of the subject and on the possibility of the participants in the conversation. Communication means, as a rule, are typical for any conversation: exchange of remarks, questions and answers, opinions and assessments.

Situational contact usually includes the following elements:


Request (question, request for information or description of the situation);

Answer (presentation of information or description of the situation);

Coordination of actions (interaction);

Expected result (joint actions, agreements, decisions).

To achieve the expected result, it is necessary that all components of the conversation are justified and motivated, and the spatial environment is organized in such a way that there is no external interference and, if necessary, confidentiality is maintained (without witnesses).

The effectiveness of a conversation, like all communicative genres, may depend not only on the competence of its participants, but also on the manner of holding on, moving, speech culture and the ability to listen, self-management and the ability to "lead one's own line", formulate one's own judgment, substantiate objections, etc. "The most fruitful and natural exercise of the mind is conversation. The living word both teaches and exercises. Judgments that are contrary to my views do not offend me, but only excite and give impetus to mental forces" (Montaigne). “If you want to be smart, learn to ask intelligently, listen carefully, answer calmly and stop talking when there is nothing more to say” (I. Lavater, Swiss thinker of the 18th century).

The main functions of any business conversation include the following: the beginning of innovative activities and processes; control and coordination of already started events, actions; information exchange; mutual communication of employees of one organization, interpersonal and business contacts; maintaining business contacts with partners in the external environment; search, promotion and operational development of new ideas and designs; stimulating the movement of human thought in new directions.

As a rule, business conversations are planned in advance. In the process of preparation, the subject of the conversation, the range of issues that it is advisable to discuss, the main intentions that need to be implemented are determined. When conducting interviews, a variety of documents and materials are often used, they also need to be prepared in advance. Particular attention should be paid to working out the course of the conversation: think over the questions that need to be asked to the interlocutor; determine the desired end result; establish the rules and place of the conversation; determine its strategy and tactics. On the other hand, you can not interrupt the speech of the interlocutor; negatively evaluate his statements; emphasize the difference between yourself and your partner; drastically speed up the pace of the conversation; intrude into the personal zone of a partner; try to discuss the issue, not paying attention to the fact that the partner is excited; not wanting to understand the mental state of the partner at the time of the interview.

Proper conduct of business conversations contributes to an increase in labor productivity by 20-30%. Some firms abroad have in their staff specialists-talkers who perfectly master the art of business conversation.

The structure of a business conversation

A business conversation consists of five phases:

1. start a conversation;

2. transmission of information;

3. argumentation;

4. refutation of the arguments of the interlocutor;

5. decision making.

A very important part of the conversation is its beginning. The initiator of the conversation needs to develop a correct and correct attitude towards the interlocutor, since the beginning of the conversation is a "bridge" between partners in business communication. Tasks of the first phase of the conversation: establishing contact with the interlocutor; creating a pleasant atmosphere for conversation; drawing attention to the subject of the interview; awakening interest in the conversation; seizing the initiative (if necessary).

Researchers have identified factors that allow a business conversation to be successful:

Professional knowledge makes it possible to realize high objectivity, reliability and depth of presentation of information, as well as to master the situation;

Clarity allows you to link facts and details, avoid ambiguity, confusion, understatement;

Visualization - the maximum use of illustrative materials (documents, information sources, tables, diagrams, etc.), well-known associations and parallels - reduces the abstractness of the presentation of information;

Constant focus - you should constantly keep in mind the main tasks of the conversation and to some extent introduce them to the interlocutor;

Rhythm - increasing the intensity of the conversation as it approaches the end;

Repetition - repetition of the main provisions and thoughts helps the interlocutor to perceive the information;

The element of surprise is a thoughtful, but unexpected for the interlocutor, linking details and facts;

- "saturation" of reasoning - it is necessary to ensure that during the conversation "ups" alternate, when the interlocutor requires maximum concentration, and "downs", which are used to respite and consolidate the thoughts and associations of the interlocutor;

Framework for the transmission of information - the French writer and thinker Voltaire once said: "The secret to being boring is to tell everything";

Humor and irony - in a certain dose and situationally appropriate, they raise the spirit of the interlocutors, their readiness to perceive even the unpleasant aspects of the conversation.

Thus, the success of business communication depends on communication skills that need to be not only studied, but also developed.

2. Discussion in situations of business communication

2.1 Concept of business discussion

A business discussion is an exchange of views on an issue in accordance with more or less certain rules of procedure and with the participation of all or some of its participants. Almost every enterprise or firm discusses business issues at meetings of groups or commissions. Many business meetings and meetings are also held in the form of discussions. In a mass discussion, all participants, with the exception of the chairman, are in an equal position. Specially prepared speakers are not appointed, at the same time, everyone is present not only as listeners. A special issue is discussed in a certain order, usually in accordance with strict rules and under the chairmanship of an official.

A group discussion is different in that a specially trained group discusses the issue, discusses in front of an audience. The purpose of such a discussion is to present possible solutions to the problem, discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues, and present new information. As a rule, this kind of discussion of the dispute does not resolve or incline the audience to any uniformity of action. In a group discussion, from three to eight to ten people can participate as opponents, not counting the leader. The main communicative means is a dialogue that only two participants conduct each time. The number of participants in a group discussion may vary in one direction or another, depending on the margin of time, the complexity and relevance of the problem, and the availability of competent specialists who can participate in the discussion.

Experts invited for discussion sit in a semicircle, facing the audience, and the leader sits in the center. Such an organization of the spatial environment allows each participant in a group discussion to see and hear each other as best as possible.

It is very important that the participants in the discussion be well prepared, have statistical data and the necessary materials with them. Of great importance is also their manner of speaking, the culture of speech communication, as well as the style of its demonstration: at ease, in a lively manner, precisely formulating questions and succinctly commenting on answers or brief remarks. It is advisable that participants call each other by their first and middle names. The audience watching the discussion should be constantly in the center of attention of the speakers, it is necessary to maintain not only non-verbal, but also verbal contact with it. The leader of the discussion regulates its course, all procedures, introduces the topic and speakers, monitors the time limit, directs the exchange of opinions, and delivers the final word.

A business dispute as a type of communication is widely used when discussing disagreements, in a situation where there is no consensus on the issue under discussion. There is no common understanding of the term "argument" in the literature on communication, but most experts qualify it as a procedure in which one proves that some thought is true, and the other - that it is wrong. IN AND. Kurbatov in the book "Strategy of Business Success", believes that the peculiarity of the dispute is not the proof of the truth of one's own thesis, but a verbal competition in which everyone defends his point of view on a particular controversial issue. In practice, often disputes are conducted in disordered, unorganized forms, as well as in non-compliance with generally accepted rules and principles. A dispute as a type of business communication has the following characteristics:

1) the dispute involves the presence of at least two subjects, one of which is more appropriate to call the proponent, and the other - the opponent;

2) the parties to the dispute have the same rights in the process of exchanging opinions, according to the degree of activity, according to the types and forms of direct and feedback with each other;

3) the subject of the dispute is a provision about which each of the parties has its own opinion, called a position or thesis;

4) the difference in the positions of the parties makes the dispute a discussion at the level of the phenomenon, and not at the level of essence. Therefore, any dispute is a rather superficial discussion of a controversial provision;

5) the positions of the parties contradict each other and most often have an openly negative character;

6) the procedure for the exchange of opinions in accordance with the mutually exclusive characteristics of the theses is expressed in the struggle of opinions;

7) the struggle of opinions in a dispute often reaches its highest form - a conflict or struggle of opinions, when each side insists on the truth of its thesis and the falsity of the opponent's thesis. Each argument in this type of argument is a negation of the opponent's argument. The nature of the discussion takes the form of a refutation, rejection, denial, rejection, elimination;

8) the subject field of discussion of a controversial issue is usually not clearly defined. Its vagueness is also due to the fact that the dispute is not about the essence, but about the surface characteristics of the subject;

9) a dispute as a type of business communication is not regulated either in procedural, spatial or temporal terms.

Thus, the subject of communication and the attitude of the participants to it is very important for a business discussion. The ability to understand the subject positions of partners (that is, the idea of ​​the situation, the problem) and one's own subject position is a necessary condition for the success of business communication.

2.2 Organizing and leading discussions

In order for a business meeting to be fruitful and not turn into a farce, the presiding manager must master the technique of organizing and conducting discussions. Their organization requires certain efforts on the part of the organizers and, above all, the chairman himself. The main thing is to strive to conduct a group discussion in a civilized manner. This implies the presence of delicacy in the relations of the debaters and, therefore, excludes the use of opposite means of arguing one's point of view in the form of ridicule, interruption of opponents, sharp attacks on them, and sometimes obvious rudeness (in a word, everything that is so famous for discussions of our homegrown parliamentarians) But in order for the discussion to acquire a truly civilized character, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the business dispute between the participants in the discussion is definite and has time limits, and also to prevent becoming personal. Involving in a dispute as one of its participants, first of all, clearly formulate the position that is justified or rejected, and also precisely define the basic concepts so as not to argue about completely different things. The terminology of the dispute should be clear to all present.

In the process of conducting a business discussion, it is necessary to carefully and completely listen to the arguments of the opponent, soberly weighing and evaluating them. At first, only strong arguments are given, and weak ones are talked about later and, as it were, in passing. In the process of a dispute, it is necessary to try to convince, and not to sting the opponent. No need to persist in denying the arguments of the opponent, if they are clear and obvious.

When conducting a meeting, one should proceed from the fact that one often has to deal with the same characteristic types of participants in the discussion. Below are tips on how to deal with them or how to neutralize them.

Table 1 Psychological types of participants in business discussions

Psychotype Discussion Tactics
Wrangler Maintain equanimity. Leave the group to refute his claims.
Positivist Offer him a summing up, deliberately draw him into the discussion.
know-it-all Call on the group to take a stand on his statements.
Talkative Tactfully interrupt. Remind me of the rules.
Shy Ask simple questions, strengthen his confidence in his abilities.
Negativist Recognize, evaluate his knowledge and experience.
Showing no interest Ask him about work. Give examples from his area of ​​interest.
"Big Bump" Avoid direct criticism, use the "yes, but" technique.
questioner Address his questions to the group.

Along with the psychological types of participants in business discussions discussed above, there are other, no less detailed classifications. Among them is the classification of participants in such meetings, who play blocking roles in them. Consider this classification, as well as those techniques that help neutralize their negative role.

"Blocker". Such a person stubbornly disagrees with anyone, gives examples from personal experience, returns to issues that have already been resolved.

Need to: Remind about the purpose and subject of the discussion. Ask him questions like: "Does what you say relate to our goal or to this discussion?". Tactfully remind the "blocker" that he is moving aside.

"Aggressor". He criticizes everyone in a row, belittles the status of participants, does not agree with what is proposed.

It is necessary: ​​For any of his statements and refutation, ask the question: "What do you propose?". 2. Remind him that excessive criticism dampens constructive ideas.

"Jumping from topic to topic." Constantly changes the topic of conversation.

It is necessary to: Stop with questions like: "Have we finished considering the problem?" Or: "Does what you say refer to our meeting?"

"Retired". He does not want to participate in the general discussion. Scattered. Talks about personal topics.

Necessary: ​​Invite him to speak and make his proposals: "What do you think about this...?" Or: "What suggestions do you have?"

"Dominant". Tries to seize power and manipulate those present.

It is necessary: ​​Calmly and confidently stop his statements with counter ones: "Your proposal is only one of the possible alternatives. Let's listen to other proposals."

"Devil's Advocate" Specifically asks sharp questions, obviously leading to a dead end. By all means blocks the meeting. Strives for its failure.

It is necessary: ​​1. To assess the severity of his questions: "Your new question does not exacerbate the problem under consideration, but only takes us away from it." 2. Focus on the unjustified polemical or provocative nature of his statements. 3. Forward his question to him for an answer: "And what do you think about this issue?" Or: "We would like to hear your answer to your own question."

"Seeking Recognition" He boasts, talks a lot, seeks to assert his status.

Necessary: ​​Ask questions that show that his statements are arguments about himself, and not about the case: "What you told us, can be used to resolve the issue under discussion?"

"Rake". Spends the time of the audience, "showing off", tells entertaining stories, anecdotes. Careless and cynical.

Need: Ask him the same question each time: "Does your statement fit the topic of the meeting?"

When holding a meeting, you should follow the general rules for conducting a dispute. Entering it, you must:

It is clear to distinguish on which issues it is possible to argue and which it is better to refuse to discuss;

Try to object in such a way as not to cause hostility and irritation of the interlocutor;

Do not allow a dispute regarding business problems to turn into a showdown of personal relationships;

Do not confuse the interlocutor in the presence of others, demonstrating his incompetence;

Lose and win with dignity. When defeated, do not get angry and do not get lost. When winning, remain calm and humble. Give the losers the opportunity to "save face";

In all cases, thank the participants for the fact that the business conversation took place, for the criticism expressed and for the accepted proposals.

During the discussion, you have to criticize the interlocutor. Criticism, even constructive, should be used very carefully and in limited doses. No matter how objective, calm, comradely criticism we may be subjected to, it does not give us pleasure. Parsing arguments, analyzing them, whether we like it or not, nevertheless convicts the opponent, presents him in an unfavorable light. Any criticism is a very subtle and delicate thing. Therefore, for its successful use, it is advisable to follow a number of rules that have been developed by many years of experience in business discussions.

1. In the process of criticism, the manifestation of irritation and anger should be avoided. Don't be reminded of past mistakes. Dissatisfaction can be demonstrated only by the tone of voice, but not by gestures and facial expressions.

2. In general, it is best to criticize in private, since the presence of strangers weakens the perception of criticism and increases the defensive reaction. It is absolutely unacceptable to criticize behind your back when the interlocutor does not have the opportunity to object.

3. You can not demand from the interlocutor an open recognition of their own mistakes. It is enough that he carefully listened to the critical remark.

4. Any criticism is best to start with self-criticism. The conversation should be conducted without emotions, in a calm tone and so that the interlocutor does not have a feeling of hopelessness.

5. You should never apologize for criticism, because this is not a sign of politeness, but rather a lack of confidence in one's rightness.

It is necessary to be able not only to criticize, but also to listen to criticism. The following tips can be given here:

Do not think that the critic is hostile and wants only evil;

Remain completely calm, hide your bad mood, show attention to what the critic says;

Don't laugh it off or try to change the subject;

If the critical remark is not expressed strictly, it should be clarified what exactly the critic had in mind, and not ascribe to him what he did not say;

Make it clear that criticism is accepted and all comments will be carefully studied and, if possible, taken into account.

Unforeseen situations in discussions can arise not only because of deliberate attempts by opponents to interfere with the adoption of planned decisions, but also because of their imbalance and too high emotionality. The calm appeal of the chairman to maintain order, emphasized patience and perseverance will help to normalize the situation here. To overcome difficult emotional situations, American psychologist David M. Martin recommends acting as follows:

1. Stay calm all the time.

2. Write down facts or opposing opinions without immediately commenting on them. Hasty comments can only make matters worse. The longer one or more participants talk without interference, the more they are able to overcome the pressure they feel. It is necessary to try to convince everyone that the participants speak separately and wait without interfering until one person finishes talking.

3. Have the participant talk longer and explain the reason for the loss of self-control. If you ask neutral questions, thus trying to solve the case as much as possible, this may reduce the heightened interest in such a situation.

4. Try to relax the participants with soft drinks, allowing them to smoke or even taking a break. The purpose of the break is to allow time for reflection or reflection, as well as for putting feelings and thoughts in order.

5. When resuming the discussion, double-check and clarify the facts. This will allow you to find out suspicious facts and opinions, and therefore, find out what the essence of the collision and its causes are.

6. Give participants as much time as possible to calm down. The more, the better, because then the higher the likelihood that the meeting will go on track.

7. If possible, seek a delay in the decision, this will give the chairman time to investigate the contentious issue.

8. When making a decision under pressure, one must be careful and try to avoid precedents. In general, in such cases it is better to make decisions that are temporary.

9. If an interim decision is made, the date and time must be entered in it so that the disputed issue can be subsequently reviewed and a final decision taken.


The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently and correctly draw up a business paper, and much more has now become an integral part of the professional culture of a person: a manager, a leader at all levels, a referent, an employee. To achieve high performance in almost any type of commercial activity, it is necessary to possess a certain set of information, knowledge, ideas about the rules, forms and methods of doing business, about the principles of business communication.

The culture of business communication contributes to the establishment and development of relations of cooperation and partnership between colleagues, managers and subordinates, partners and competitors, largely determining their (relationship) effectiveness.

These rules are determined by the type of business communication, the form, the degree of officiality, the specific goals and objectives facing those communicating, as well as national-cultural traditions and social norms of behavior.

They are fixed, drawn up in the form of a protocol (business, diplomatic), exist in the form of generally accepted norms of social behavior, in the form of etiquette requirements, and time limits for communication.

The generally accepted forms of business communication in the work of managers, lawyers, reliterators are business conversations, meetings, meetings, negotiations, conferences, various business meetings. The development of market relations in our country, the intensification observed at all levels of entrepreneurial communication as a result of evolution in the field of informatics, give rise to the need for a quick and unhindered dissemination of business information, and therefore the organization and conduct of innovative forms of business communication, such as presentations, round tables, press conferences, shareholder meetings, briefings, exhibitions and new product fairs.

In the traditional genres of business communication (public speeches, interviews, commentary, consultation), under new conditions, communicative strategies of firms or business partners are implemented, which require not only the ability to present themselves, but also the ability to promote the company's philosophy, organizational values, corporate culture, as well as knowledge of consumer market, financial market, contact audiences, power structures, etc. The multi-purpose nature of these genres requires their own communication strategies, technologies, procedures and operations.

Disputes, discussions, polemics, debates, debates can be considered specific genres of business communication, which are often components of such forms of business communication as meetings, meetings and conferences, and may also have independent significance.

A business discussion is an exchange of views on an issue in accordance with more or less certain rules of procedure and with the participation of all or some of its participants. Almost every enterprise or firm discusses business issues at meetings of groups or commissions.

A group discussion is different in that a specially trained group discusses the issue, discusses in front of an audience. The purpose of such a discussion is to present possible solutions to the problem, discuss opposing points of view on controversial issues, and present new information.

For a business discussion, the subject of communication and the attitude of the participants to it are very important. The ability to understand the subject positions of partners (that is, the idea of ​​the situation, the problem) and one's own subject position is a necessary condition for the success of business communication.

The universal rules that contribute to the fruitful conduct of a business discussion are quite simple. In the process of conducting a business discussion, it is necessary to carefully and completely listen to the arguments of the opponent, soberly weighing and evaluating them. At first, only strong arguments are given, and weak ones are talked about later and, as it were, in passing. In the process of a dispute, it is necessary to try to convince, and not to sting the opponent. No need to persist in denying the arguments of the opponent, if they are clear and obvious.

Also, it is undesirable to enter into discussions and disputes unprepared. It is necessary to prepare for them in advance, draw up at least the most general plan for the struggle for truth, select the most weighty and obvious arguments that no one doubts. Particularly impressive are the precise figures that cannot be refuted.

When conducting a meeting, one should proceed from the fact that one often has to deal with the same characteristic types of participants in the discussion. It’s good if the leader of a business discussion understands psychological characteristics.

Thus, conducting discussions within the framework of business communication requires not only the knowledge of simple rules and principles of communication, but also the ability to recognize the psychological types of people with whom it is necessary to conduct a discussion.

List of used literature

1. Gerasimova I.A. Introduction to the theory and practice of argumentation: Textbook - 2nd ed. – M.: Logos, 2009. – 312 p.

2. Golub I.B., Rozental D.E. Secrets of good speech. - M .: International relations, 2004. - 289 p.

3. Goykhman O.Ya. Speech communication. Textbook. 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Higher education, 2006. - 272 p.

4. Golub I.B. Stylistics of the modern Russian language. - Ed. 2nd, rev. and additional - M .: Higher School, 2001. - 327 p.

5. Khazagerov G.G., Lobanov I.B. Rhetoric. Textbook for universities / Ed. G.G. Khazagerov - Rostov on / D, 2006. - 381 p.

6. A literate person: Textbook - 2nd ed., Revised. and additional / Ed. L.D. Bernadskaya - M.: Nauka, 2009. - 168 p.

7. Kuzin F. A. Do business beautifully. Ethical and socio-psychological foundations of business: A practical guide. M.: INFRA-M, 2002. - 328 p.

8. Murashov A.A. Rhetoric. Theory and practice. Textbook - M.: MPSI, 2006. - 528 p.

9. Pochikaeva N.M. The art of speech. Proc. allowance - M.: March, 2005. - 320 p.

10. Russian language and culture of speech. Textbook / Ed. E.V. Makhnitskaya - M.: March, 2005. - 304 p.

11. Khazagerov G.G., Lobanov I.B. Rhetoric. Textbook for universities / Ed. G.G. Khazagerov - Rostov on / D, 2006. - 381 p.

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