The original names of activities for rallying. Team building games (teamwork)


The program of any friendly or large banquet feast will be made more lively and festive. Such entertainment helps unfamiliar guests to get to know each other, and acquaintances to become closer and more understandable to each other, they are especially good at the beginning of the holiday to warm up and create a warm and friendly atmosphere at the celebration.

Dating games for corporate and friendly parties make a single company out of the guests who have come, ready to enjoy the holiday and communicate with each other. experienced hosts spend at the very beginning of the holiday, and only then arrange more active competitions to unite and entertain guests.

1. Cohesion game "Truth in the ball"

This game is suitable for a close company. For its organization, notes are written in advance with truthful (notes with a red mark) or false statements (notes with a black mark) about each of the guests present, they are placed inside balloons and inflated.

The essence of the game: players take turns approaching a bunch of balls, burst one of them, read aloud the note “obtained” in this way and try to guess who it is talking about, whose truth or lie it is. If he can’t do it on his own, then he asks for “help from the hall”.

The rules of the game are traditional, but the balls give a special festive atmosphere and noise. There are no winners in the venture, it's just an excuse to get closer to each other and have some fun.

2. Game for acquaintance "Zip-Zep - hugs"

The game makes it possible to remember the names of all the guests who have gathered, overcome the tactile barrier and simply recharge with a festive mood.

Terms of the game: the guests stand in a circle, clasping their hands on the shoulders of their neighbors, at the sign of the leader, who stands in the center of the circle, they begin to move clockwise, while loudly shouting their first and last name. At the sign of the leader: "stop" - the round dance stops. If the host points to one of the guests and says “Zip”, then the guest should quickly hug the neighbor on the right and call him by name, and if the host says “Zep”, the neighbor on the left. The one who made a mistake becomes the leader and he continues the game. So the round dance stops many times, until the guests get bored and they remember each other a little.

3. Game for acquaintance "Secret admirer"

Pieces of paper with the names of the guests are collected and mixed into a hat, and everyone pulls out one for himself, without showing anyone what is written. If the participant got his own name, then we replace the piece of paper. So the guests found out whose secret admirer he became and begins to secretly court him (an invitation to a dance, a compliment, a present and other signs of attention), while not disclosing his name, i.e. remaining precisely "a secret admirer or admirer." The host at some point announces: “stop the game” and offers to guess who was whose fan.

6. Unusual acquaintance "Let me introduce myself ..."

You can add a creative note to the acquaintance of guests, for this, prepare several cards with different characters in advance (according to the number of participants). After reading the name of their hero, the participants must introduce themselves to the audience, as if on his behalf, not forgetting to give their real name. For example, if this is a musketeer, then a bow and removal of an imaginary hat and a performance: “The Musketeer of His Majesty’s Guard is Vasily.” The characters on the cards are very different:


A foreigner who does not know Russian



pop star

Pioneer, etc.

7. Competition "Remember everything"

Several couples are called, partners are mixed up, everyone is placed with their backs to each other and they are offered to remember everything about who is standing with their backs to you, imagining it in all details (you can’t peep).
The facilitator then counts the correct and incorrect answers to a variety of questions:

1. how many buttons are on the partner's blouse;

2. what color are the trousers;

3. what is the name;

4. what shoes;

5. eye color;

6. whether there are decorations on the neck and what kind;

7. how many rings are worn on the hands;

8.whether he wears a watch, etc.

The one who remembers his partner better than others gets a prize.

8. Entertainment "Romantic photography"

In a youth company, this game will be to your liking. First you need to choose the one who will photograph. Then explain the rules: alone with the photographer in the room there is a couple in love who wants to take a very romantic photo.

When they decide how it will look like, an assistant will be sent to them, as it were, who will adjust the poses to their liking, or rather take the place of the guy. Then the girl is let into the rooms, and she is already looking to correct herself in the pose of a lover, taking her place. Each time after the "corrections" the photographer takes a picture. There should be a lot of such photos - the more interesting it will be to look at them later.

As a rule, young people are distinguished by a high degree of ingenuity and are not afraid of explicit poses, which greatly enlivens the pictures. Participation in such a funny and spontaneous photo session brings you closer, besides, there will be photos for memory, which is also nice.

9. "Locate the direction of the conspirators"

All players sit at a distance from each other, but so that everyone can see. The conditions for this are as follows: the organizer secretly forms conditional pairs from the “going one” (simply shows who is with whom). At the signal of the organizer, the naked person with his eyes closed (bandage) must determine from the noise and essence of the dialogue between the designated partners that they are in a pair.

The complexity of the game is that everyone starts talking at the same time, and who exactly is with whom, and most importantly, what, it’s not so easy to “bear” it. During the game, the “goal” is changed and in the final of the game they choose the very best of them.

10. The game "The cutest in the yard"

The essence of the game is to determine the most popular guest and the most popular guest. And the criterion will be the number of collected sympathies. Each guest receives a cut out heart and a marker or a felt-tip pen and, in two minutes (if a large company, then increase the time), collects signatures for “his” heart - who will have more time. During the game, you can put musical accompaniment.

11. The game of rapprochement "The knot will be untied."

For this game, you need to prepare three long ropes (from five to ten meters) in advance and make several loose knots on it.

We call for participation in competitions three pairs of ladies and gentlemen. We tie one end of the rope to the girl's wrist, the other to the man's hand. Since the ropes are tied to his hands, the players will have to climb into these knots, which is why the rope must be very long.

Alena Apina's song "The knot will be tied, the knot will be untied" is ideal as a musical accompaniment.

12. Game for acquaintance "Soulmates"

A game of acquaintance similar to the previous one, but without notes.

When playing, even in an unfamiliar company, we can find a person who is closest in spirit. So, those present clench their fists. The participant who decided to be the first to find a like-minded person begins a story about himself in the form of “I like it or not.” For example: “I don’t like noisy cities. I like to race in a car at great speed. P. After each sentence, participants who also do not like it or love it open one finger. The story continues until one of those present opens their fingers. This person will be the closest in spirit to the narrator. And at the end of the toast: "For the kinship of the souls of all the assembled guests"

13. Game for a close company "Victim of intrigue".

One of the guests is chosen as the “victim of intrigue”. The “victim” goes out the door, but first she is told that now the husband / wife, friend or colleague will tell all the honest people something very intriguing from his biography, and when she comes back, she (the victim) will have to find out with the help of leading questions in what such it was declassified.

In fact, no one will talk about anything, but simply everyone will agree that when the question “victim” ends in a vowel, everyone will answer “yes”. If it is a consonant - “no”, we answer the letters “y” or “b” - “it doesn’t matter”.

The “victim” has the feeling that we are talking about something specific, “gives out” one of his secrets after another. It comes out like this:

Did it happen on New Year's Eve?

Everything happened in the toilet?

14. Game "Outstanding Personality".

This game, like most others, comes from children's

Rules of the game: One of the guests thinks of some popular person to himself and “impersonates” him (her), and the task of the other participants is to understand who he has thought of with the help of leading questions.

Before the game begins, the people are explained what to ask, for example, “What songs do you sing?” forbidden. The question should be formulated differently - "Do you have anything to do with the stage?" or “Do you prefer pop or classical?” The one who thought of an outstanding personality has the right to answer only “yes” and “no”.

In total, twenty leading questions can be asked, if no one guesses so, then the goer won.

15. "Psychological target".

This game is more suitable for a friendly party. Four or five people can participate at the same time. They are given sheets of paper and markers. The facilitator asks the players to divide the sheet into four sectors with two perpendicular lines intersecting in the center of the sheet. Then, starting from this center, the players will have to draw five circles to make it look like on a target.

In each of the four sectors you need to write: in the first, smallest circle, the letters "P", "P", "C", "L" in any order. In the second circle from the center, we write numbers from one to four in each sector, also in any order. In the third - one for each sector with the names of birds, fish, animals. In the fourth, we write one adjective each, for example, drunk, gentle, slender, smart. And in the last circle - proverbs.

Signed (so as not to get confused) targets are handed over to the presenter, who pins them on one large easel. Next comes the decryption.

It turns out that the sector marked with the letter "R" reflects everything that the player thinks about his work, "P" - about bed relationships, "L" - about love and "C" - about the family. The numbers placed indicate the place that the player assigns in his life to work, sex, love and family. The adjective in combination with the name of the animal demonstrates how he feels in each of these areas. It is possible that at work a person feels like a dumb camel, but in bed a nimble bunny.

The proverb can be interpreted as a true life credo regarding each of the mentioned aspects of life.

16. "What do you look like?"

In this game, a player is chosen who goes out the door for a short time. During these minutes, all the other guests agree and think of one of those present - it is about him that the guest will ask his questions-associations.

Returning to the room, he begins:

If this person were a car, what brand would it be?

What item of clothing does it look like?

What food (flower, animal, architectural element, etc.) is it associated with? Etc.

Questions are answered by everyone. However, it is necessary to act in such a way that the one who was guessed is not silent, but also gives his own answers-associations. Otherwise, the goer will simply calculate it.

A person wins if he correctly names the guessed one, and the goer has three attempts. Otherwise, he leaves the room again, and everything repeats again.

Specially for the site

And the need for it has been discussed many times. There are a lot of ways to rally the team, you can often find the opinion that conducting a good training on team building is associated with high material costs, and at times this is what repels managers from the frequent use of this tool. Indeed, there are a lot of interesting, but at the same time expensive team building options, for example,.

I would also like to discuss a very important point, that by team building we will mean teaching the team to perform joint actions. In this material, we will talk about how to conduct team building training in an office environment and without large financial costs.

How to build a team in an office environment

To establish a close, trusting relationship, people must experience something together. You must create some kind of event in which all members of the team will be involved and the experience of this event will be remembered by everyone for a long time. At the same time, the event should be similar in terms of the level of relationships to what the employee experiences at work every day.

In order to organize interesting tasks in an office environment, not so much is required - a large room, minimal equipment (markers, flip chat, ropes, chairs), a screen with a projector will help (although this is not necessary), and most importantly, a trainer. The organizer, who sets goals, explains the essence of the task and the rules for passing it.

The role of the coach

In training where you need to evoke feelings, you need a person who can not only speak and hold an audience, you need an emotionally strong leader. This role can be approached by a person without serious experience in conducting trainings. The main thing is the emotional charge that the coach and preliminary preparation will carry. It is important that the trainer tries all the tasks himself. During the execution of some, some commands may get into a stupor and not know what to do, in these cases you need to be able to give hints.

Examples of team building tasks

Below are some examples of team assignments that can be done in an office environment.

Thirty three

Participants stand in a circle, the leader is in the center of the circle. The goal is to count to 33, the coach points to the participant, and he must name the number, the first one pointed to calls 1, the second 2 and so on. At the same time, when you need to name a number that is a multiple of three, or containing three, a person should silently jump or raise his hands. If a person could not restrain himself and called a number instead of bouncing, the task begins to pass again.

The leader sets the pace, he must quickly and unexpectedly point to each participant. So that he gets lost and makes a mistake, while there are always people in the team who start to get nervous and rush, they need to be shown more often than others. It is not forbidden to show 2 times in a row for the same total of the same person.

Important: after the presenter has announced the rules of the task, he must ask the team for how many attempts it will pass the competition. Despite the apparent simplicity, the task is extremely difficult to complete. And in 100% of cases, a team that has not previously passed the task will not meet the number of attempts that it stated.

To complete this task, you need to count very slowly and understand: that it is better to stand "down" than to fail the task, while everyone, including strong players, should slowly count. In addition, you need to count to yourself, even if you are not pointed out. Also in the performance of the task, such traits often appear when the stronger members of the team begin to blame the weak, claiming that they completed the building, and the weak failed.

Summing up, the facilitator should discuss all the mistakes in the behavior of the team. And conclusions should be drawn: the failure of one = the failure of the entire team, we help the weak, we agree on common rules and follow them, if we set a goal, all members of the team should accept it.

This task is best given at the beginning in order to set up the team for work. The seemingly simple task fails and the team has a charge to complete the following tasks. A significant plus is that the task can be performed by any size group.


It is also a task that captivates with its simplicity at first glance, but turns out to be practically impossible to do in practice. The task is ideal for groups of up to 10 people. The goal is to raise and then lower the hoop to the ground. Participants place the hoop on the horizontally extended index fingers of both hands; at the beginning of the task, the hoop should be at the height of bent elbows. After that, the team raises and lowers the hoop, the task is considered passed if the hoop was placed on the ground. During execution, none of the fingers should come off the hoop, if this happens, the task starts again.

The leader monitors the honesty of the task, I immediately want to say that it is almost impossible for a group of 7-9 people to complete this task in less than an hour honestly.

The task of coherence of actions and mutual understanding is very important for the implementation of "not pulling the blanket over yourself" and to achieve coordinated actions.

Climb over the rope

At the height of the belt, a rope is pulled, the length is selected depending on the number of people. The longer it is, the less time the team will need to complete the task. The goal is to get all team members from one side to the other as quickly as possible. You can only climb from above, when crossing the rope you must hold on to another member of the team. You can’t touch the rope, the best teams complete this task in less than 4 seconds.

Coordination exercise. There are a lot of ways to do it.

East market

Each participant writes an animal on six pieces of paper, the main thing is that the animals do not repeat. After that, the papers are folded so that the inscription is not visible (the papers must be folded in the same way). All pieces of paper are mixed and each participant is given six pieces of paper. The goal is to find your papers as quickly as possible.

An extremely interesting task that makes you realize how difficult it is to complete your task if the other participants do not help you. The success of the implementation depends on mutual assistance to each other.

Normal performance for a group of 15 people in 40 seconds.


The team is lined up, sticks are placed horizontally between people (as in the photo). The task is to walk 500 meters without dropping the stick, while making one turn by 90 degrees. The task as a whole is fun and quite difficult with a large number of people. The fewer participants, the easier it is to perform.

The task will teach everyone to work at the same pace and clearly shows the complexity of communications between different departments of the company, when one link does not know what the other is doing.

The main task of the leader in the organizational period of the shift is to promote unity of the detachment, to develop trust between the guys in the detachment. Matching games will help with this.

I love you for...

Participants stand or sit in two circles - inner (boys) and outer (girls), in pairs towards each other. Couples join hands and whisper to each other. What quality do they value most in this person? At the same time, they begin with the obligatory phrase: “(Name of participant), I love you for…” The more detailed the explanation, the better the task was completed. The counselor must play with the children. After 10 -15 seconds, the outer circle takes a step to the right and the couples, changing, repeat all over again. At the end of the game - the analysis of sensations.

Exercise for teamwork "Tossing the ball".

The task of this exercise is to draw the attention of the team to those children who until that time were less noticeable. The task of the counselor is to ensure that the ball really goes into the hands of each child and no one is forgotten. The guys are invited to stand in a circle. The counselor throws the ball to anyone standing in the circle, the one who catches the ball throws it to the next one, etc. the task boils down to the fact that the ball should be in the hands of everyone. This exercise must be completed in one minute. In this case, the following rules should be observed: the ball should not fall twice into the same hands; if the ball fell, the exercise is started from the beginning.

Rock climber.

Participants stand on a bench close to each other, holding their elbows. In turn, each player walks along the edge of the bench, holding onto the people standing on it, without stumbling and not pushing the players off the bench.


Participants line up in a column one at a time, putting their hands on each other's shoulders (if the squad is large, in 2 or 3 columns). The guide explains the rules:

  • can't talk
  • all, except the last one, have their eyes closed (for reliability, you can blindfold your eyes)
  • the last person is the conductor
  • clap on the right / left shoulder - turn right / left
  • cotton on both shoulders - forward
  • double clap on both shoulders - back
  • clap on both shoulders with a shot - stop

The conductor's task is to lead the "train" along the route indicated by the leader (several turns). To continue the game, the last participant gets ahead of everyone else, the route is repeated.

Atomic reactor.

Preliminary work: a circle with a diameter of 3 meters is indicated or drawn on the floor. For each participant, the counselor takes an object that he puts in a basket. Next, the basket is placed in the center of the designated circle. The task of each participant is to get any item from the basket without stepping into the circle. A participant is only allowed to take out an item once, so each participant takes out an item. The circle is the "nuclear reactor". If any of the participants steps into the circle, then everything starts anew. The game does not end until the last item is reached. This game helps to unite the squad, the solution to this problem is possible only with the interaction of the whole team, the child cannot get the item on his own, for this he needs the help of the whole team. The leader should pay attention to safety precautions and ways to solve the problem.

All participants, using improvised materials (pens, pencils, branches, cones, etc.), must lay out an image of an elephant on the floor in a limited time. The task is to be carried out in complete silence. The facilitator carefully monitors the progress of the task: whether everyone is doing the task, who has taken on the role of leader.

Guess who's not.

All participants close their eyes. At this time, the host touches one player, and he silently leaves the room. (at this time you can make some noise). At the leader's signal, everyone opens their eyes and looks who is not there. Whoever first called the name of the absentee becomes the leader.

Red, blue, green.

The players form a circle or line up. The leader (counselor) attaches a sheet of a certain color to each back. On a signal, all participants must line up in columns: red - in one column, blue - in another, etc. Other colors can be used. You can complicate the task: build in complete silence.


Participants become in a tight circle. The right hand is put forward, the left is taken by the right hand of the neighbor opposite. You can’t take one hand together, three of you, you can’t take the hand of a nearby neighbor. Then, by common efforts, it is necessary to unravel. As a result of unraveling, a circle should be obtained.

Electrical circuit.

The participants of the game are divided into pairs. Partners sit opposite each other, where they connect their hands and feet, thus forming an electrical circuit through which current flows through the clasped hands and feet. The task of the participants is to stand up without breaking the electrical circuit. Now combine two pairs with each other to make an electrical circuit consisting of four people. The task remains the same - to stand together without breaking the chain. When this stage is successfully completed, combine the groups again to form an electrical circuit consisting of 8 people. In the end, you will get an electrical circuit formed by all the participants that must rise.

The two main conditions for this exercise are:

  • electric current must flow freely through a closed electrical circuit formed by clasped hands and feet;
  • at each stage, the competitors must take off the ground at the same time.

Tip for the counselor: do not forget to support the children, because it is very difficult for them!

Any number.

Another game that can be presented to the participants as a way to test their ability to understand each other without words. The leader calls by name of any of the players. He should instantly name any number from one to a number equal to the number of group members. The leader commands: "Three-four!". At the same time, as many players as the number named must stand up. In this case, the player who called this random number can stand up himself, or can remain seated. Interestingly, in a classic group of twelve to fifteen people, the error usually does not exceed one person. One of the participants quickly realizes that there are win-win options: you need to either call "one" and jump up yourself, or name the number of members of the group, and then everyone will stand up. It is better for the facilitator to stop the game after one or two successful attempts: the participants are left with a sense of increased group cohesion.


The participants stand one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the host explains that the team is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar must, for example, show how it sleeps; how to eat; how to wash; how does charging; whatever comes to mind.


To play this game you will need a box of matches. More precisely, not the whole box is needed, but only its upper part. The inner, retractable part, together with the matches, can be set aside. In order to start the game, all participants line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose to all participants as quickly as possible, while hands should be behind their backs. If someone's boxes fell, the game starts again. With a good level of squad cohesion, the result can be achieved very quickly.

Blind Geometry.

Everyone stands in a circle and holds hands. Then everyone closes their eyes. The host asks: "Guys! In complete silence, without words, without opening your eyes - build me a triangle ... a square ... a rhombus, etc."

Crossing the river (mainly carried out on older units).

A section of 3-5 m is marked on the floor (depending on the age of the children) - this is a river. The whole detachment must cross from one coast to the other. At the same time, they have the opportunity to make only five touches of the “river” (five for the entire squad). A simultaneous touch with two legs or hands (for example, in a jump) is considered one touch. The more cohesive, quick-witted, organized and mobile the detachment is, the faster they will do everything (it can take from 30 minutes to 1 - 1.5 hours). On in fact, you can go in just three (or even two) touches.


All players stand in a circle, tightly holding each other's hands with a "lock". A rope with tied ends hangs between the first and second participants. The second participant, without separating hands from the first, must thread the rope through himself, like a hoop. The rope is now between the second and third participants, then the third repeats the actions of the second, and so on. round. The main thing: during the rope through themselves, the participants should not separate their hands. Rope length - 1 m.

Eyes to eyes.

Participants sit in a circle so that everyone can be clearly seen, hands are placed under the buttocks. Silently, without using facial expressions, you need to find a mate with your eyes alone (you can’t “negotiate” with neighbors and with those who sit through one). At the leader's signal, everyone stands up and approaches their pair. Most likely, not everyone will be able to “agree with their eyes” right away, so the exercise is repeated, but at the same time, the participants sit down in other places in the circle. The game continues until everyone has their own pair.

Raccoon circles.

A strong rope is needed, the ends of which are tied (a ring is obtained). Participants take the rope with their hands, distributing evenly throughout the circle. Then they begin to carefully lean back, stretching to the sides until they can keep their balance. The following may be suggested to participants:

  • all sit down, and then stand up;
  • let go of one hand;
  • run a wave along the rope (swing the rope).

At the end of the game, there is a discussion: did the participants feel each other's support; did they try to help the neighbors; how careful they were; whether there was a sense of security (or vice versa, fear that you could fall), etc.


Participants sit in a circle and the following legend is read to them: “You are surgeons who have to perform an emergency heart transplant operation. 6 people need it, but you have only one donor heart and it is not possible to find more in the near future. You need to decide which of the patients you will save. ”On the board (or on whatman paper) is a list of those who need to be saved:

  • a scientist on the cusp of discovering a cure for cancer.
  • 48 year old male, high school teacher with 2 children.
  • pregnant girl 18 years old with AIDS.
  • a 28-year-old man who has a sick mother, a young brother and 2 sisters in care.
  • guy 20 years old who had an accident during his honeymoon, his wife is expecting a baby.
  • a 35-year-old woman is a world-class master of sports in race walking.

Then the participants are given 15-20 minutes to discuss. (depending on the number of participants and on the degree of their coordination). After that, the group names its general solution and justifies it. Reflection is extremely important in this game. It should be aimed at removing the depressed state of the group members and the tense atmosphere in general. To do this, the discussion should be directed to the analysis of the interaction of the group: who spoke more; why some remained silent; whether they listened carefully to each other's arguments; how comfortable it was to communicate in a group; why there were problems in communication; opinion, which person was more trusted, why, etc. Total time for discussion: 15-20 minutes. Note: during the discussion, the facilitator carefully observes the participants and notes the behavior of everyone: leaders, aggressors, silent people.

The group must count in order up to N (either equal or greater than the number of participants), with only one person saying each number. You can't agree on who says what. As soon as several people pronounce a number at the same time, or no one pronounces for a long time, the count starts from the beginning. Optional rule: Each person must say at least one number.

Flip the rug.

The whole group is standing on the mat. You need to turn it over to the other side. If someone stepped on the floor, the exercise starts from the beginning.


The participants sit in a circle. The first person draws the sound m-m-m-m-m for a long time ... at a certain height. The moment he finishes, the next one must catch up, and so on in a circle. It is important that the sound is not interrupted.


The group of participants is divided into three subgroups of 10 - 12 people. Instruction: “For special success, we received a bonus in the form of a round-the-world trip. We boarded a beautiful ship and sailed through the Mediterranean, but no one paid attention to the fact that it was the Titanic. catastrophe. But not all is lost, you have three rafts on which you need to hold out until the rescue helicopter arrives. (each team gets three rugs).” Then the game consists of three steps.

Step 1. The groups need to agree and somehow fit on their "rafts", holding out for at least one minute. Mandatory condition: the legs of the team members should not touch the floor (ground). Time for agreement and construction is not limited. If the task is completed, go to step 2.

Step 2. “It's already getting dark, and the sea is raging. Therefore, in order for the helicopter to find you, it is important not to get lost in the dark. Your task is to fit on your rafts, connect them (with the help of arms, legs, clothes) and hold out in such a bundle for a minute.

Step 3. “The sea is raging, so the rafts are starting to fall apart. The team has two mats left. It is necessary to fit on them, maintaining tactile contact with other subgroups, and hold out for one minute. Questions for discussion:

  • how they felt during the fulfillment of the conditions of the game;
  • what helped, what hindered to cope with the task;
  • how to improve team communication next time;
  • What skills have you mastered during the game?

Sticks - ticks.

Material for the game: to play the game, you need to draw a grid of 6 squares on a board or on a piece of drawing paper. Vertically, you need to write the numbers 1-6, horizontally, above the game square, the letters A-E.

A B C D E F 1 . . . . . 2. . . . . 3 . . . . . four . . . . . 5 . . . . . 6. . . . .

Preparatory work: Participants are divided into two teams. Teams determine whether they will mark their turn with a stick or a check mark. For the subsequent discussion of the game, you need to choose 1-2 people as observers, these can be children who do not want to play. Instruction: “Listen to the goal of the game for each team. Teams need to score as many points as possible. One point is five identical signs placed in a row diagonally, or vertically, or horizontally. That is, the team must put down five of its icons in a row. Having determined the goal of the game, the host makes sure that the team understood the task, for this he asks to repeat the given goal. The teams take turns putting their signs on the playing field. You can determine the sequence of the move by drawing lots. The purpose of the observers is to record all the statements made by the teams during the game. At the end, with the permission of the host, they are voiced. During the game, the host interrupts it and reminds the teams of the goal of the game. score points. Even a reminder of the goal of the game does not help. During the discussion, one can hear exclamations from the teams: “And we will block them!”, “But we will not let them!”. The players are so carried away that they do not hear the sound opinions of their comrades that it is so impossible to score points. After finishing the game, the host calls how many points the teams have scored. And he asks the participants to name how many points the teams could score. The answer is 3:3. Practice shows that we can win in case of reconciliation with the opponent. Life shows a different path: if you do not interfere with the opponent, then both win. The host concludes: “Let's live together! Don’t waste your time on showdowns and fighting, and you will win and give this opportunity to others.”


Purpose: to learn to accept the characteristics of another person. For this game, walnuts will be required according to the number of participants. Instruction: “Now you have a bag of nuts in front of you. I ask each of you to take one nut, and then for a minute carefully consider, remember your nut (you can’t put marks on it and you can’t split it). In a minute, all the nuts will be put back in the bag." After the nuts are put in a bag, the leader mixes them up, pours them into the center of the circle and asks each participant to find their nut. When this task is completed, there is a small discussion: on what grounds did you manage to find exactly your nut, how does it differ from others? Based on the results of the discussion, you can draw an analogy between walnuts and people: at first glance they look the same, but in order to see the peculiarity of each, you need to spend time, take a closer look. The value of a nut, as a rule, is judged by what is inside it. It may be a very beautiful nut on the outside, but inside it is completely empty. And vice versa. The same happens with people, so you don’t need to judge a person by some external signs, the nut has a very hard shell, and it needs it in order to protect the delicate nucleolus. Many people also often grow shells around themselves in order to feel safe, and not immediately open up to others, for this they need time.

Secret friend.

It is advisable to play the game at the end of the organizational period, when the children get to know each other better. The game "Secret Friend" can also be played at any time during the shift. On separate sheets of paper, the counselor writes the names of all the children of the detachment (the names and surnames of the girls are in one box, the boys are in another), by lot the boys draw the names of the girls, and the girls draw the names of the boys, and then within the set time (1 - 5 days) secretly give these children pleasant surprises. The main condition is that everyone must keep the secret. After the time has passed, the entire squad gathers in one place, where the counselor surprises the entire squad, after which everyone reveals whose "secret friends" they were and at the same time give memorable presents. At the end, an analysis of expediency and effectiveness is necessary and the need for the game "Secret Friend".

City of masters.

The game is played at the end of the organizational period, after a series of games and cohesion exercises. Material required: scissors, glue, paper, cardboard, plasticine, adhesive tape, rope. According to the prepared lists, the detachment is divided into several teams. The composition of the teams is thought out in advance in order to give everyone in the group the opportunity to be as active as possible and get a new interaction experience for themselves. Instruction: “Today we will create the City of Masters together with you. In the city you need to build a residential building, a club or a theater, a temple, an administrative building or a city hall, a cafe or a bistro. The teams have time to discuss - 10 minutes, during which you need to come up with an idea for the construction and agree on how the team will work. The construction itself will take place in complete silence, a fine will be imposed for violation: the host will take one of the items (scissors, adhesive tape). 20 minutes are given for construction. ”At the signal of the leader, construction begins. It is important for the facilitator to monitor the implementation of the rules and the features of work in teams for subsequent analysis. After the completion of the construction of each structure, a tour of the City is held, a presentation of each structure. After the tour, a discussion is held:

  • how it worked in a team;
  • what was difficult, what was easy;
  • How did they reach mutual understanding?
  • how ideas were born and implemented;
  • what conclusions did you draw for yourself.

The players stand in a circle with their eyes closed, after which the leader, touching his shoulder, appoints two or three of them as sorcerers. Then everyone opens their eyes and begins to make a chaotic movement, shaking hands with each other. Each of the sorcerers can (but is not obliged!) When shaking hands, bewitch the player to whom he shakes hands, imperceptibly scratching his palm. Bewitched, having made two more handshakes with someone, he goes to the corner for the bewitched (leaves the game). The task of the non-sorcerers playing, looking at each other, is to expose all the sorcerers, the task of those, in turn, to bewitch everyone.

The players stand in a circle, alternating by gender (that is, a boy-girl-boy-girl, and so on), in the center is the driver. The players rhythmically clap their hands and say the following words in chorus: “Aram-shim-shim, aram-shim-shim, Arameya-Zufiya, show me! And once! And two! And three! ”, At this time, the leader, closing his eyes and pointing forward with his hands, rotates in place, when the text ends, he stops and opens his eyes. The representative of the opposite sex closest in the direction of rotation to the place shown by him also goes to the center, where they stand back to back. Then everyone else clap their hands again, saying in chorus: “And once! And two! And three!". On the count of three, those standing in the center turn their heads to the sides. If they looked in different directions, then the driver kisses (usually on the cheek), the one who left, if in one, they shake hands. After that, the driver stands in a circle, and the one who leaves becomes the driver.

There is also a version of the game in which for the representatives of the stronger sex, spinning in the center, the words "Aram-shim-shim, ..." are replaced by "Wider, wider, wider circle! He has seven hundred girlfriends! This one, this one, this one, this one, and this one’s beloved!”, although in general it doesn’t matter.

When playing the game at a younger age, it makes sense to replace kisses with scary faces that the two in the center make each other, and at an older age you can kiss on the lips.

Two commands:
1.For 1 min. Show proverb. Your team guesses.
2. Draw on the topic. (Drink). Your team guesses.
3. Compose a story with a rope. Each team is given 2 keywords. One of which must be the last.
4. Topic: "…". Guess as many words as possible (in 1 minute) that a player from his team has previously said

Papers are cut in advance. Then they hide on the floor of the building: in the suitcase, in the corridor, in the wards, in the shower, in the 5th meal room, on the dryer. Then the children are divided into two teams and look for these pieces of paper, each on its own side. The team that finds the most papers wins.

Task: Act out the conversation of the characters:

100 dollars and one penny,
a gold earring and a holey sock,
rusty nail and heel,
dirty dish and toilet soap,
old newspaper and planer.

One person goes out the door, meanwhile the group agrees on what basis to divide and diverge into two groups (for example, those who have laces and those who do not). The task of the person entering is to guess on what basis the group is divided into two parts.

“Now, at the signal “begin,” you will close your eyes, lower your noses down and try to count from one to ten. But the trick is that you will count together. Someone will say “one”, another person will say “two”, a third will say “three”, and so on… However, there is one rule in the game: only one person must say the word. If two votes say "four", the count starts over. Try to understand each other without words.” did the group manage to do it? If yes, how? If it didn't work, then why? What hindered? Who took an active part, who remained silent?

One of the members is called (or chosen by the group - this is even more interesting, because it shows whose opinion and vision, whose feedback the members of the group want to receive first of all) to be the “sculptor”, who will immortalize the group in a “monumental sculpture”. Each character of the sculptural group should have its own role, its own function. The sculpture of the group should somehow be “embodied in stone”, and maybe in some other material, which will help highlight the role of each. “You are a sculptor. So embody what you see, how you feel us. We will be your material - the sculpture will consist of us. Put us in different poses, mold and “carve” anything out of us. And then tell what you wanted to say with your work.” The sculptor starts to work. “Sculptures” in this case can turn out to be different: it all depends on what situation has developed in the group and how the participant sees it. For example, the leader can be put on a chair, at his feet build the participants who unconditionally follow him with their eyes raised to him, someone may be behind the chair on the periphery of the sculptural group and, with fingers in the form of binoculars attached to their eyes, etc. Then follows sculptor's comment. He talks about what he had in mind, giving this or that participant an appropriate pose, choosing for him certain roles in which they were seen. Several of these “sculptural portraits” may be made by different participants.

Everyone joins hands, standing in a circle and begins to get confused. When everyone got confused, and it turned out one big "confusion", you can imagine that the whole group has turned into one huge beast. Now it is urgently necessary to determine where his head is and where his tail is. (“Who will be the head? And who will be the tail?” asks the presenter). When the beast has oriented where its right and where its left is, it must learn to move in all directions, including backwards. And then, the beast must run, and maybe even “eat” someone that got along the way.

Can you imagine talking things? Have you ever had the feeling that the objects around you seemed to want to tell you something? Imagine that some object has learned to speak. What would he say about you? Choose three items from this list and write down everything that each of them could say about you. Write the names of the following items on the board: Toothbrush, bus, coat; shoes, wardrobe, hairbrush; ballpoint pen, mirror, dining table; bed, TV, plate; bicycle, radio, Russian language textbook; soap, desk, lamp; soccer ball, soft toy, pet. You are given approximately 20 minutes for the children to draw three drawings depicting these objects. Then, on behalf of each subject, the child must compose a story about himself and write it down. Now break into groups of four and show each other your drawings and stories. Ask others what they think about this. What subjects have you chosen for yourself? What did you like the most about what the objects said about you? Did the items reveal any of your weaknesses? Whose stories were the most interesting for you? What would the table at which the teacher sits say about you?
Various variations are possible.

This game should be played by both sexes in equal numbers. Representatives of one sex, for example, girls secretly from the representatives of the other “divide” them among themselves, that is, each girl guesses one of the young people (only one and they should not intersect!) Then both groups sit on benches opposite each other and guessed in turn trying to figure out who made them. This is done as follows: a young man approaches the girl he is supposed to and (slightly!) Stomps his foot in front of her, if he guessed it, the girl claps her hands, and they both go on a “romantic journey”, that is, they leave the game. Otherwise, the girl stamps her foot in response and the young man, returning to his place, again waits for his turn. This continues until there is only one, never met couple. All the rest come up with some (preferably funny and kind) task for them, which they perform to the general laughter.

Representatives of the same sex (for example, girls) sit in a circle on chairs facing inward, one seat is free. Representatives of the opposite sex, for example, young people stand behind the backs of chairs, one at a time behind a chair (including an empty one) and hold their hands at their sides. One of the participants who is standing behind an empty chair is trying to lure someone from those sitting to his chair by winking at him (in our example, at her). When one of those sitting tries to run away to a free chair, the task of the one who stands behind him is to prevent him from doing this, that is, to carefully catch and not let him go.

In solving the task of cohesion of the detachment, games and training exercises for cohesion will help you.

It is advisable to hold these games during the entire camp shift (from the first to the last day), taking into account the logic of its development.

During the organizational period, rallying games should be of an introductory nature, contain simple tasks and take a short time. Examples of such games are:

    Atoms-molecules (all)

Participants wander "in chaotic Brownian motion". Each of them is an atom. The host announces how many atoms they should form into a molecule.

    Man to man (everything)

Participants are divided into pairs. Galyachy gives commands that are carried out by each pair. For example: hand to hand, back to back, ear to ear, etc. The figure becomes more complex. After this “Man to Man” command, each participant is looking for a new pair. The task of the gallant is to have time to find a mate. The one left without a pair becomes the new gallant.

    Building (all)

The detachment is divided into 2 teams, which, as quickly and accurately as possible, should line up according to some parameters: height, eye color, hair length, leg size, number of pockets, birthdays, arm length, etc.

    Formation - 2 (senior, middle)

Circle game. Everyone closes their eyes.

Instruction: in complete silence, build a circle, triangle, square, rhombus, etc.

    Crocodile + (all)

It is necessary to depict something using all team members, for example: various letters, shapes; orchestra, electric train, centipede, tank; fans whose team is losing; viewers watching a cool action movie; people in line for sausages; patients at the dentist's office; famous paintings, etc.

    Putanka (all)

The driver turns away. The participants, standing in a circle and holding hands, begin to get confused among themselves, forming a living ball (the counselor himself can confuse, playing with the children). The task of the driver is to unravel this tangle without tearing his hands.

    Caterpillar (all)

The detachment becomes one after another in a column, holding the neighbor in front by the waist. After these preparations, the host explains that the squad is a caterpillar, and now cannot be torn apart. The caterpillar must, for example, show how it sleeps; how to eat; how to wash; how does charging, etc.

    Impulse (all)

The players form a circle and hold hands, the gallant sends an “impulse” - a handshake - to one side. The time for which the “impulse” will return to it is recorded. We need to increase the pace.

  • 33 (senior, middle)

Circle game. The squad in order counts up to 33, and the person who gets a number containing 3 or a multiple of 3 must give his name instead of a number. If an error occurs, the game restarts with that person.

    Sit on your knees (senior, middle)

Participants stand in a circle, look at the back of each other's heads. Their task is to sit on each other's knees and hold out in this position for 30 seconds.

    Gatherings (all)

On the clap of the leader, the players form pairs: one of the participants half-crouches so that the other can sit on his knees.

The last 2 people are eliminated from the game (or join the leader). The game continues until one pair remains.

    Hooray! I am loved (senior)

The participants form a circle. Look at the toes of their shoes. At the clap of the host, they should look one of those present in the eye. If the pair matched, they say the words “Hurrah! I am loved!!!" and exit the circle. The game continues until all pairs match. The game is played with an even number of players.

    Group assessment (middle, senior)

Material: pens, paper.

The participants are divided into two groups. The task of each is to assume (make an assessment)

    the total weight of the opposite group,

    the total length of the shoes of the opposite group,

    the total number of domestic animals of the opposite group,

    the total age of the opposite group,

    overall growth of the opposite group.

Approximately on the 3rd day of the shift, you can hold a camp-wide event "Trail of Trust", where the units are invited to complete various tasks (not for speed, but for quality), moving around the stations.

Each station is a rallying game, selected based on the age characteristics of children and safety precautions. You can come up with some interesting idea. Well, such a game will take place at night, when each station will be marked with a burning candle.

You can also move between stations in a special way: holding hands, putting your hands on your waist, etc.

You can complicate the task and, based on the legend, announce that the team has one blind person (a person is blindfolded), a lame person (a leg is tied up), etc.

Tasks should be aimed at the interaction of children in the detachment and their joint creative solution of various kinds of problems, for example:


A rather winding path is drawn on the ground. One person from the detachment is blindfolded. The task of the detachment is to show him the way in such a way that he walks the path from beginning to end without ever stumbling.


At a short distance from each other, 4-5 "islands" are drawn from large to small, the guys need to move to the last island. Condition: first, everyone must gather on the island, and only then move on.

    blind engine

"Engines" (a column of guys from 3 people, only the last one's eyes are open) must get to a certain object in the room without talking. (The "engines" of the senior units may be "longer", and there may be obstacles in their way).


For this game you need a parapet, a long bench or a side of the pool. Children line up along the edge shoulder to shoulder, facing the leader. Their task is to move from one end of the formation to the other, in turn, facing the guys and holding on to them, with their backs to you.


A "minefield" of 5 by 5 or more is drawn. The leader has a map of the minefield. The task of the detachment is to cross the minefield with the least losses. If a person stands on a mine, the host claps. The person stands at the end of the column.


It is proposed to build a pyramid with the smallest possible base (determined by the number of legs of the entire detachment).


Ropes are stretched between poles or trees at the level of the neck and ankles, and between the ropes - rubber bands that imitate cobwebs.

Only one person can pass through one cell. Rubber bands can not be touched, it is forbidden to talk. The task is to pass through the web without hitting it.


The squad is divided into groups of several people who form a ring standing facing inward, holding hands and leaning back. Their task is to sit down together and stand up together.

    save the little men

A line is drawn on the pavement, players stand on one side of the line, and pencils (little men) are scattered on the other. The task of the players, without using any improvised means and without stepping over the line, is to save the little men.

During the main period of the shift, you can increase the duration of the games for rallying, complicate their tasks. Main period games can be:

    Silent mail (middle, senior)

Material: 2 sheets of paper, 2 markers.

A group of players sit close enough in single file to each other. The first and last players each receive one sheet of paper and markers. The last player draws some kind of image (object, living being, etc.) on a sheet of paper. At the same time, other players should not see the drawing. After that, the last player draws with his finger on the neighbor's back exactly the same image as on a piece of paper. The neighbor, even if he did not quite understand what it was, draws with his finger on the back of his next neighbor what, in his opinion, was drawn on his back. The first player, after having drawn something on his back, must transfer this image to paper. As a result, two options are compared.

    Brownian motion (senior)

Everyone closes their eyes and begins to randomly move around the room, colliding, diverging again. At the signal of the leader, the participants, without opening their eyes, grab the partner closest to them and try to determine who is caught.

    Get to know me (everyone)

One or more participants sit in a circle with their eyes closed. The remaining players approach him / them and hold out their hands. The task of "fortune tellers" is to guess a person by his hand. Modifications to this game are possible. For example, you can recognize a person by voice, knees, etc.

    Item transfer games (middle, senior)


To conduct this game, you need to divide into 2 - 3 teams and prepare 2 - 3 boxes of matches. More precisely, not the whole box is needed, but only its upper part. The inner, retractable part, together with the matches, can be set aside. In order to start the game, all teams line up in a column, the first person puts the box on his nose. The essence of the game is to pass this box from nose to nose as quickly as possible to all members of your team, while hands should be behind your back. If someone's boxes fell, the team starts the procedure again. Accordingly, the winning team is the one that completes the transmission of the box faster.


This game again involves the transfer of an item by two or more teams. This object will now be an apple, and you will need to hold it, holding it between your chin and neck. An apple can be replaced with an orange or a tennis ball.


A similar game, but you need to pass a match, gradually breaking it off circle by circle.

    Running gnome (middle senior)

Children stand in a circle and close their eyes (this is important). The counselor starts the game: he stomps loudly first with his right foot, then with his left. The neighbor, standing on the left, having heard the clatter, transmits the signal further, also, first with the right, then with the left foot. At first, the gnome's run will "slow down", "sink" on someone, but gradually the speed of the stomping will increase and the effect of a gnome running in a circle will appear.

    Japanese theater (all)

In this theatre, there are only three roles: beauty (defeats the knight, defeated by the dragon), knight (defeats the dragon, defeated by the beauty) and dragon (defeats the beauty, defeated by the knight)

The squad is divided into two teams. Teams agree secretly from the other who will be portrayed (one team shows one role). Next is the demo. The winning team gets 1 point.

    Count to twenty (middle, senior)

Participants disperse around the room. They should be evenly distributed throughout the room and in no case form a row or circle. As soon as everyone finds a comfortable place for himself, he closes his eyes.

Purpose of the exercise: the group should count from one to twenty. (With a small number of players, it is enough to count to ten.) The following rules apply: one player cannot name two numbers in a row (for example, four and five), but during the game each participant can name more than one number. If several players call the same number at the same time, the game starts over. Participants do not have to agree on the strategy of the game in advance. You can't talk during the mission.

At the end of the main period, which is the peak of the mood and activity of children (12-15 days of the shift), you can start a long (2-5 days) game "Wish Tree" or "Your Secret Friend"

    wish tree

To start this game, you will need to divide the children into 2 groups, write the names of the children on the pieces of paper and let each of them draw out. In this case, one group pulls out the names of people from another group. Next, the teams choose a name for themselves and draw lots to see which team will start the game. A tree is created in the detachment place, with branches on which the names of the children are written, but the tree is still without leaves. Then each child writes his wish on a piece of paper and attaches it to his branch. One group becomes magicians for two days, fulfilling the wishes of the children of another group. If the child liked how the wizards fulfilled his desire, he paints his leaf with a bright color. Then the roles change.

    your secret friend

This game is similar to the previous one, but here each member of the squad draws out the name of another person and does not tell anyone. For several days, each child secretly gives someone (so that this someone does not guess) gifts, surprises, in general, something pleasant. The counselor plays a big role here as an intermediary. At the end of the game, the secrets are revealed and the children find out who their secret friend has been for several days.

At the final stage of the shift, you can play previous games and see how the quality of the tasks has changed. The features of this period are that the children have learned to understand and accept each other as much as possible, they almost do not need words to complete tasks together, and in solving problems the detachment acts as a single whole. The rallying games themselves of the final period are more serious, for example:

    Rhythm (all)

Performed in pairs. Two people stand facing each other and agree on their roles: one is the host, the second is the mirror. The hands of the participants are raised to chest level and turned palms towards each other. The leader arbitrarily moves his hands, and the one who plays the role of a mirror tries to reflect these movements in the same rhythm. Roles change several times.

    Transfer of feelings by touch (middle, senior)

One of the participants stands in the center of the circle and closes his eyes. He knows that now the rest of the participants will approach him in turn and by touch will try to convey one of the 4 feelings: fear, joy, curiosity, sadness. About what kind of feeling will be conveyed to him, the participants agree in secret from the driver, whose task is to determine by touch what feeling was transmitted to him.

    Magnet (all)

The guys line up against the wall, they are told that they “stuck” to it. One goes to the center. This is a magnet. He closes his eyes, concentrates and begins to "pull" people to him. Whoever feels "pulled out of the glue" joins the magnet and they begin to pull together. Observing the order in which people will “unstick” from the wall, one can look at the attitude towards the “magnet” person, and by the speed of “unsticking” one can judge the degree of cohesion of the detachment.

On the farewell bonfire, along with the "Caterpillar", "Clown", "Crocodile +" you can play the following games:

    My neighbor (middle, senior)

Invite the players to take turns saying what they like and dislike about their neighbor. Then they kiss what they love from a neighbor, and bite what they don’t like.

    Dirty Dancing (all)

It is necessary to stand in a column, holding a neighbor in front of the waist. To the music (it is possible in a personal performance), everyone together begins to dance, for example, a lambada (any other dance is possible). After a while, the music stops and you need to hug the waist of a neighbor who is standing in front of your neighbor in front, the music plays again and everyone dances again, but in a more uncomfortable position. Then everything repeats, only you need to reach out to the one who is two, then three, and so on, the person ahead of you.

    Tangle (all)

Children sit in a circle. The host takes the ball, winds the tip of the thread around his palm, then throws the ball to any participant with the words: “I like you because ...” or “I like the way you ...”. Next, this participant also winds the thread around his palm and throws the ball to another person, continuing the phrase "I like you because ...".

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