Grounds for receiving a social scholarship. How to apply for a social scholarship for a student - procedure and documents


One of the significant means of material incentives for university students is a scholarship provided by the state to those who show good skills in the learning process. There is such a thing as a social scholarship, which relies only on full-time students who study with money provided by the federal or local budget. About what documents are needed for her appointment, who has the right to apply for her and how to draw up the necessary documents will be described in this article.

The procedure for determining, assigning and direct payment of social scholarships is regulated by Federal Law No. 273 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, adopted in 2012, and a list of documents required for this is also provided here. A student who needs social assistance has the right to receive such a regular scholarship, for which he must confirm this status with an appropriate certificate. It is issued by the Department of Social protection of the population at the place of official registration of the student and is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 487 of 06/27/2001.

To obtain such a document, the student needs to collect and submit to the social authority. protection of the population the following official papers:

  1. Civil passport, photocopy of documents
  2. from the university, college, technical school or other educational institution where the student is studying.
  3. A document that confirms the status of a person (orphaned child, injured in the Chernobyl accident, disabled, and so on).
  4. with housing and economic services on the composition of the family (for citizens belonging to the category of the poor).
  5. about the official income of his family members.

It should be noted that the right to receive social Scholarships are awarded exclusively to students who study at the expense of the state budget and on a full-time basis. After submitting a package of documents to social security, the student is issued a certificate of the appropriate form for submission to a college, university, technical school, academy, and so on.

Important! The certificate must be updated every year, and it is provided to the dean's office of the educational institution in September. Otherwise, the issuance of social scholarships are suspended.

In addition to knowing what papers are needed, it is important to remember that to receive social. Scholarships from the state can be applied for by students from families belonging to the category of the poor, living alone and being orphans. Those with a low average per capita income, that is, less than the subsistence minimum, are also entitled to this (Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 301 PP of 07/03/2012). You can also apply for a certificate entitling you to appoint a social scholarship through the MFC, which simplifies and speeds up this task.

All state and communal universities and institutes provide the opportunity to receive social. scholarships, including Lomonosov Northern Federal University (abbr. NArFU).

Documents for a social scholarship for a student

According to the latest changes and additions, reflected in 2018, in order to receive a social scholarship from the state, a student must write an application to the dean's office with a request to accrue this allowance to him. At the same time, he must justify his desire, citing strong evidence that he falls under the appropriate category of students. Regarding what is needed to receive a monthly scholarship, one must also add the need to provide a certificate of what types of scholarships the student receives. Such a document is obtained from the Department of Social Protection of the Population (abbr. USZN).

Important! For non-resident students, the list of required documents is also supplemented by a certificate in form No. 9, which confirms the student's temporary registration in the city.

Regardless of the type of university and its direction in terms of training in specific specialties, a student can apply for a scholarship as a member of a poor family. To do this, you must submit the following additional documents:

  1. A certificate of family composition, which is provided by an employee of the housing department.
  2. A document on the material support of the family for the last 3 months, drawn up in the form.

It is important to note that after all the certificates and documents are collected, the student writes an application addressed to the rector with a request to assign him a social scholarship. After registering the application, the university council checks the documents for authenticity and if everything is in order, as a rule, accepts it. Cash flows through the channels of the pension fund, but there are usually no delays in payments. The scholarship is awarded for 1 year, after which the certificate is updated.

Illness is not a reason to stop accruals, only for this the student must bring a certificate from the doctor without fail. If a person leaves the university, then the accruals stop at the same moment. Usually, the scholarship is paid in cash through the accounting department of the university, but recently many educational institutions have entered into agreements with banks and transfer money to student debit cards (accounts).

You need to understand that social scholarship is awarded only to those who master the material well, pass exams and tests successfully at sessions. So, only those students who study well should take up its design, because otherwise the pedagogical council will simply reject the request and not satisfy the application for the allowance. On a regular basis, the university management provides information to the Ministry of Education on how many people receive social scholarships, which helps to make allocations.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Russian government is taking all measures to encourage and encourage students, even from poor families.

For more information about receiving a social scholarship, you can find out from this video:

State in our country is highly relevant. After all, there are a huge number of different categories of the population that need material support. And students are no exception. That is why now I want to talk about who is entitled to a social scholarship.


Initially, you need to understand the basic terminology that will be used in this article. Thus, a student scholarship is a state payment to a student for his success. Only those who study well and who have a high GPA receive such assistance. This is a great motivation for every student. But at the same time, it should be noted that the state is also trying to help those students who do not have a livelihood. It is in this case that the state can be appointed. It is paid to those students who are considered low-income or in whose life unforeseen difficulties arise. But even here it is important to make an amendment: this assistance is allocated from the federal budget. So only those students who study on a free, that is, state basis, can apply for it.

Payment terms

It should be noted that this type of scholarship can be awarded for the entire period of study. Payments can be stopped for special reasons or at the end of the student's studies at this educational institution. However, universities and colleges often suspend payments in case of poor attendance or poor academic performance. In this case, they can recover after the student corrects the situation. It is important to remember that for the entire period of non-payment, the money is returned to the student in full.

About categories of citizens

Be sure to also tell about who is entitled to a social scholarship. So there is a list of citizens who can apply for it:

  • Upon presentation of a certificate - disabled people of groups I and II.
  • Low-income students, which must also be confirmed by certificates.
  • Orphans or equivalent categories. In this case, the scholarship can only be paid up to the age of 23.
  • Students who have served in the Russian army on a contract basis for at least 3 years.

Additional categories

The categories of the population provided by the state are listed above. However, it should be noted that faculties or even universities can supplement this list at their discretion. So, who is entitled to a social scholarship in this case? There can be a huge number of options, but most often these are:

  • Married couples who raise children.
  • Students from among large families or
  • Students who care for disabled parents or seriously ill relatives.

About the amount

Many are interested in knowing the size of the social scholarship. How much can a student get in this case? The numbers may vary. Generally speaking, at the end of 2015, university students received a little more than 2,000 rubles, and students of secondary educational institutions, technical schools, and colleges received about 700 rubles of social scholarships. It is also important to note that the dean's office may increase payments at its discretion. However, the maximum should not exceed the amount of 15 thousand rubles.

At the same time, it should be noted that in the case of academic leave or maternity leave, such payments are not canceled. This does not depend on the desire of the leadership of the educational institution, which is clearly stated in the law. Another important nuance: the student's social scholarship is indexed annually and increased by a certain amount.

About the appointment of a social scholarship

Having figured out who is entitled to a social scholarship, I also want to tell you more about what is the procedure for obtaining it. Each educational institution prescribes all the nuances in its Regulations. It is this document that regulates the deadlines for submission, the categories of students who may qualify for payments, the time of payments, the frequency and other important points. However, all these nuances should not go against the law. In addition to the payments described above, a student may also be entitled to a regular or increased scholarship (depending on academic performance).

About Documents

No one will argue with the fact that the student will need a certificate for a social scholarship. What documents will have to be collected in this case? It all depends primarily on which category of the population the student belongs to. For example, if the student is disabled, you will need a certificate from the medical and labor expert commission, if he is one of the orphans, an extract about this from In addition, you will need to take a paper from the dean's office about which faculty, in which group and in which university student is studying. If a citizen belonging to the category of low-income requires help, he will need to take a certificate of family composition and income of all its members over the past six months. You will also need a certificate of inspection of housing conditions. If the student belongs to a certain category of citizens, for example, Chernobyl, you will need to bring a copy of the certificate confirming this fact.

Scholarship Process

You should also talk about how, Initially, the student collects all the necessary documents and goes to the social security authorities. It is precisely for this institution that a certificate from the place of study is needed. In the department of social services, the student will have to write a statement. After that, a complete set of documents is submitted to the commission for consideration. Based on the results of its meeting, its members pass a verdict on each individual case: to allow or refuse to appoint a social stipend.

It should be noted that today the largest number of applicants for such payments are low-income citizens. If, during the calculations, the amount received exceeds the subsistence minimum by at least one ruble, you can forget about the social scholarship. You also need to remember that in this case you will have to update the documents regularly, submitting new certificates of income of all family members. Be sure to track exactly in your region, because it may differ, and the desired payments to the student depend on this.

After the student has received confirmation that a social scholarship has been assigned to him by the Department of Social Protection, with this certificate he goes to the leadership of the university and gives a package of documents already in place. Payments will be calculated by the accounting department of the educational institution where the citizen is studying.

Legal nuances

If a student has a regular or increased scholarship, he can still receive a social one. These two types of payments are independent of each other. It should also be noted that the student will receive a social scholarship regardless of academic performance. However, university authorities may suspend its payments as a result of low attendance or poor performance.

A social scholarship is assigned to a student not from the moment of the resolution of the social commission, but from the moment of application. The Regulations of universities may prescribe the deadline for submitting documents for such payments. So you need to be aware of this as well.

The essence of social scholarship is not to motivate the student to study well. Its main goal is to support a citizen of the country in a difficult time for him. However, with low academic performance, such payments can be frozen indefinitely, although no one has the right to suspend them completely. After “defrosting”, the student will receive all the money that he was owed.

And as noted above, in addition to the social scholarship, the student can also receive the usual academic or increased. But he can also calmly and without a twinge of conscience apply for a personal name if he has certain merits to the educational institution.

Each person should receive the entire package of social assistance that he is entitled to at a certain time. There is nothing wrong with this and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Today we will talk about the scholarship, so eagerly awaited by every student who is entitled to it. In particular, we will consider how to apply for a social scholarship, tell you in what cases it is assigned, and what documents you need to collect for this.

A social state scholarship is a monthly payment provided for by law to low-income students who are on a budgetary form of education and whose families have an income below the established subsistence level.

Grounds for applying for a social scholarship

In order to clarify how to apply for a social scholarship, a student needs to contact the dean's office or the relevant committee of their educational institution.

In a mandatory case, a social scholarship must be assigned:

  • Students orphans and those left without a guardian.
  • Disabled disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups.
  • Students who have suffered as a result of radiation disasters and accidents.
  • Students who are legally recognized as veterans and disabled combatants.

The basis for the appointment of a scholarship is the provision of the necessary documents that confirm belonging to a privileged category and a certificate from the social protection service.

For other students who are recognized as low-income, a social scholarship is issued immediately after the mandatory category of persons. The order of appointment of such a scholarship is determined by a specially created commission and depends on the degree of social insecurity of students.

  1. Who have disabled parents of the 1st and 2nd groups.
  2. Who has unemployed retired parents.
  3. Students from a large family.
  4. Students from an incomplete family.
  5. Students with children.

The basis for the appointment of a scholarship is the original certificate from the social protection service. In addition, in some cases, a student must submit documents to the trade union committee, which confirm his belonging to a priority category that needs material support.

How to apply for a social scholarship

To apply for a social scholarship, a student needs to submit to the dean's office of his university or college (sometimes immediately to the accounting department) only one certificate - it is taken from the social service at the place of registration or temporary registration. In addition to the certificate, an application is written addressed to the rector or director (a request to appoint a scholarship on the basis of the issued certificate). The application must be written in order for an order to be issued for the assignment of the requested allowance to you.

To obtain the relevant certificate, the following documents must be submitted to the social service for the protection of the population:

  1. Original passport (returned).
  2. A certificate confirming the student's education in a particular educational institution.
  3. A document from the accounting department of the educational institution on the amount of the accrued scholarship based on the last three months.
  4. Certificate from the passport office from the place of permanent registration on the composition of the family.
  5. Income statement for each family member. Income is considered wages, pensions, subsidies, scholarships, and other various compensation. Non-working family members provide the original work book.

Why do you need to collect so many references?

The fact is that in order to assign you a certain status, you need to calculate the average income for each family member. Since they cannot apply for a social scholarship without grounds, these grounds must be established, and one of them is just the average well-being of each person in your family, if it does not exceed the subsistence level.

By the way, if you receive a significantly increased scholarship for academic success, the amount of which exceeds the subsistence level established in this region, then most likely you will not be given additional money. Or they will pay, but in an exceptional case (for example, if you are the only breadwinner or if you have children, so to speak, your own student family).

What to do next?

After submitting a package of documents to the SZN, within 15 days (in practice - immediately), the authorized department of this organization reviews the submitted documents, calculates the average family income and issues a certificate confirming the student's right to receive the appropriate social scholarship. This certificate is issued in any month and is valid for one year. Therefore, it must be provided annually.

Having received such a certificate, the student submits it to the dean's office of the educational institution along with an application of the appropriate sample for the accrual of a social state scholarship.

The social stipend is paid every month for one year. The amount of the social stipend is determined independently by the educational institution, but cannot be less than the legally established minimum amount of the stipend.

Answers to questions on the topic

Question: Is it possible to assign a social scholarship to a triple student?

Answer: Yes, you can, if it does not have session tails.

Question: why was the payment of the social stipend suspended?

Answer: There are two main reasons:

  1. the student has debts for the session;
  2. when issuing a certificate to the SZN, part of the family's income was hidden, then it was discovered - the grounds for payments were no longer valid.

Question: how to apply for a social scholarship for a student studying at a paid department?

Answer: no way, such scholarships are paid only to state employees. However, this student can receive special awards - a presidential or university scholarship. In addition, for those who pay for their education, there is the possibility of obtaining tax deductions.

In Russia, the minimum established for state academic scholarships in higher education is equal to the amount of 1,340 rubles (training at the educational qualification levels of bachelor, specialist, master). In secondary vocational education - 487 rubles (skilled workers, employees, as well as junior and middle managers), maximum payments are possible in the amount of just over 6,000 rubles (payments to excellent and good students).

For students with good academic performance there is an increased scholarship - from 5 to 7 thousand rubles, for graduate students it is estimated at 11-14 thousand rubles. In order to receive such a scholarship, a student (postgraduate student) must not only study well, but also become an active social and organizational figure, participate in various events, competitions, promotions, and presentations of his educational institution.

The minimum monthly payments of the state to graduate students, doctoral students, postgraduate students or scientific and pedagogical personnel are determined differently and the amounts are higher here. The amount of payments is regulated by the university and is determined by the direction of scientific work, the activity and workload of the student, and other conditions indicated by the leadership of this educational institution.

In addition to the above academic, there are scholarships (presidential and government of the Russian Federation), nominal scholarships in scientific areas. These payments are intended for students who have achieved outstanding results and success in various areas of education, culture and sports.

Social scholarship: what documents are needed for it in 2018-2019

Almost one hundred percent many young people, in particular students, have heard about the concept of "social scholarship". For first-year students, most often this term is completely shrouded in an aura of mystery. Before discussing documents, you need to understand the concept.

What is actually meant by using this term about social scholarship? Let's figure it out together. So, let's start with the meaning of the definition itself. In this context, social - aimed at supporting vulnerable segments of the population, which include a number of categories of citizens, and a scholarship - a regular (monthly) guaranteed payment to the person who requested it. We will reveal the intricacies of awarding a social scholarship in stages.

The first question: who should?

  1. Persons left without parental care and orphans.
  2. Disabled people of the first two groups (І and ІІ).
  3. Persons who fell ill during the liquidation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (infected as a result of other radiation disasters).
  4. Veterans or disabled combatants.
  5. Passing military service under a contract or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for at least 3 years.

This is a legally fixed minimum list, which in practice is most often expanded by the internal regulations of an educational institution, primarily by the category of low-income and poor people. In this case, most undergraduate and graduate students can count on such payments. You can hope to receive them if the total official income for each member of your family is not more than the established subsistence level.

Question two: how is the amount of social scholarship determined?

This situation is also solved locally, within the powers of the educational institution. The institutions also reserve the right to change the amount of the social stipend. In any case, it cannot be lower than the minimum scholarship payments:

  • 2,010 rubles - for university students;
  • 730 rubles - for college students.

In addition, there are increased social scholarships for good students and excellent students. Their size is not less than 6,307 rubles for excellent students of universities of the 1st and 2nd courses.

A small note: payments may be suspended due to the student's academic debts at the end of the session. It resumes immediately after the repayment of the debt.

Please note that the withdrawal of scholarships / termination of payments due to non-attendance of classes / being late for them with positive academic performance is illegal. The legal support in such a situation is Art. 145.1 and Art. 285.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed to apply for regular social payments

So, what documents do you need to collect to receive a social scholarship. The first thing the applicant needs is to go to the regional social security authorities and find out the amount of the subsistence minimum in your region (it may differ locally). Provided that the amount of the total official salary for each family member does not “keep up” to this amount, you can safely go and collect the necessary documents for a social scholarship.

The documents for receiving a social scholarship are as follows:

  • your passport or a document that confirms citizenship (birth certificate);
  • paper on the composition of the family (available from your housing and communal authority). If the student lives in the private sector, a house register showing all residents under one roof is sufficient. The certificate of the student's accommodation in the hostel is similar;
  • paper on salaries for the past few months for each of the family members (the source of income is not only wages, but also pension payments, benefits). It will be provided upon request at the place of study / work / in the Pension Fund or in another authorized institution. Most often, the requested period is six months (6 months) before the start of collecting documents;
  • certificate of receipt (non-receipt) of scholarships or any other registered income of the student;
  • additional documents at the request of the educational institution.

All this is necessary for a certificate confirming the right to receive a social scholarship, which the student brings to the dean's office and attaches to the written application. This scholarship is for 1 year.

What are the options for terminating the payment of social scholarships

The payment of these scholarships is terminated in two cases:

  1. The student has been expelled from this institution.
  2. The grounds on which she was appointed are no longer valid.

The scholarship is a form of incentive for students.

The purpose of its provision is to support students in their development of the educational program.

However, this form of incentive is not available to everyone!

What it is?

This type of scholarship is one of the payment options that are due to full-time students only. In addition, a social scholarship is issued only to those students who study at the expense of appropriations provided from the federal and/or regional and/or local budgets.

The procedure for its issuance regulated primarily by Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012. (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-FZ) paragraph 5 of Art. 36. In more detail, the procedure for providing these payments was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in Order No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

This regulatory document In particular, it says that:

  • the amount of the scholarship is assigned by the educational institution, but taking into account the opinion of the trade union of this institution (if any) and the opinion expressed by the student council of the same institution;
  • at the same time, the amount of the scholarship cannot be less than the amount established by the Government of the Russian Federation. These standards are established taking into account the current inflationary level, for each category of students and the level of their vocational education.

Become acquainted with the size of the social scholarship it is possible in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 899 dated 10.10.13. This Decree was adopted to fulfill the requirements of paragraph 10 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ.


In 2019, it is planned by state regulatory legal acts gradation of social scholarship accruals, based on the indicators of the success of the training process with reference to the grounds for its accrual:

  1. Social Academic Scholarship- due to all first-year students who entered the budget and continue to study successfully. For the 2018-2019 academic years, the amount will be 1482 rubles. This value is fixed and does not require the provision of additional documents and certificates.
  2. Basic social- due to all students, starting from the second semester of the 1st year and until the moment of graduation from a higher educational institution, provided that all session exams are passed not lower than "4". This year, such a payment is equivalent to 2,227 rubles. Unlike academic, it will need to be regularly confirmed after each credit semester.
  3. Social- for students whose marks in all subjects are only "4" and "5". Its value is determined by the educational institution independently, based on the internal documentation and powers of the university within the framework of the regional legislative acts in this area. However, it cannot be less than the basic scholarship.
  4. Increased social This is the privilege of excellence. As a rule, its size is equivalent to the minimum subsistence level in the region where the student is studying.

Thus, the academic social payment is guaranteed to the student in any case, even if the grades are not very good. But the possibility of increasing this amount will need to be confirmed meritorious learning outcomes.

Those categories of citizens who are brought up in an incomplete family, or one of the parents is a disabled person of the 1st group, are entitled to an increased scholarship.

At the end of each semester, progress is evaluated, and if its result allows you to increase the scholarship without supporting certificates, this is done in automatic mode. All documents - about income, benefits are relevant throughout the year. If a student takes an academic leave, accruals are suspended and will resume when he returns to study.

As for secondary specialized educational institutions, there were no significant changes in the order of accrual of scholarship payments and their amount. As before, in 2019 this amount will be 730 rubles monthly. This applies to those who are trained as part of the training of specialists of the middle category, skilled workers and employees. 2010 rubles for students in higher education.

Who is eligible to receive

Paragraph 5 of Article 36 of Law No. 273-FZ presents a large list of those persons who are eligible for this scholarship. These persons include, in particular:

This list is closed. But in addition to this list, there are also two conditions, which determine the right to receive social scholarships and must be observed at the same time:

  • full-time education;
  • and in the budget department.

If the above persons study at a paid department and (or) they have an evening or correspondence form of education, then they are not entitled to count on a social scholarship. However, when assigning social scholarships to students, there are some nuances.

The nuances of the appointment of social scholarships

Law No. 273-FZ provides for the case when a social stipend can be paid in excess of the established standards. This case includes needy 1st and 2nd year students who study at the full-time, budgetary department and receive higher education under the bachelor's and specialist's programs. At the same time, these persons must have grades in their academic performance of at least “good and excellent”. The social scholarship for such students is increased to 10,329 rubles (excluding the regional coefficient). And it is appointed according to the results of the intermediate certification.

But in order to receive this scholarship, you need to document prove financial position student families.

If a student falls into (before the child reaches the age of three), due to pregnancy and childbirth, or takes an academic leave, then for this period the payment of a social scholarship does not stop. So it is established in paragraph 16 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 1000 dated 08.28.13.

Regarding the scholarship nonresident students, then Law No. 273-FZ and other regulatory documents adopted in accordance with it do not establish a restriction on receiving social scholarships based on the registration criterion. Therefore, the specified student receives a social scholarship on a general basis.

Design rules

First of all, a scholarship is awarded from the date when the student submitted a document to the educational institution, which confirms his compliance with one of those categories of persons specified in Law No. 273-FZ in Article 36. This document is Certificate issued by the local social security authorities.

To get this help would need:

  • passport (or other identification document);
  • a certificate indicating the form of study, course and other similar data. This document is issued by the educational institution where the student is studying;
  • certificate of the amount of the scholarship for the last three months. It is issued by the accounting department of an educational organization.

For nonresident students additionally required:

  • a copy of the certificate of registration in the hostel, or a certificate in the form No. 9. This form is a document confirming the local registration of a nonresident person. Receive it at the place of registration;
  • receipts confirming payment for accommodation in the hostel. Or you need to submit a certificate issued by a passport officer at the student's place of residence, stating that he does not live in a hostel.

For poor citizens Additionally, you must submit:

As soon as everything is collected, the social security authority draws up a certificate for receiving a social scholarship, which is transferred by the student to his educational institution. It is worth noting that very often it is required to submit the specified certificate during September so that the student can quickly receive the necessary assistance. These terms should be clarified with the educational institution itself.

As soon as the certificate is submitted, the scholarship is awarded. The basis for the actual payment of this income is the administrative local act issued by the head of the educational institution. The scholarship is paid every month. But the certificate confirming the right to a social scholarship is valid for only one year. Therefore, for the next academic year, you will have to draw it up again.

It is worth noting that the scholarship payment can be terminated if the student is expelled or there is no reason to receive it (i.e., a certificate from the social security authority is not submitted).

Who can receive this type of state assistance is described in the following video:

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