Features of the plot of the composition of the language of this genre. What is composition in literature: techniques, types and elements


| Hydrodynamic accidents

Fundamentals of life safety
8th grade

Lesson 26
Hydrodynamic accidents

Presentations for the lesson

What to do in case of hydrodynamic accidents

HYDRODYNAMIC ACCIDENT- this is an emergency event associated with the failure (destruction) of a hydraulic structure or part of it, and the uncontrolled movement of large masses of water, causing destruction and flooding of vast areas. The main potentially hazardous hydraulic structures include dams, water intake and water collection facilities (locks).

Destruction (breakthrough) of hydraulic structures occurs as a result of the action of natural forces (earthquakes, hurricanes, erosion of dams) or human impact (strike with nuclear or conventional weapons on hydraulic structures, large natural dams, acts of sabotage), as well as due to structural defects or errors design.

    The consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are:
  • damage and destruction of waterworks and short-term or long-term termination of their functions;
  • defeat of people and destruction of structures by a breakthrough wave formed as a result of the destruction of a hydraulic structure, having a height of 2 to 12 m and a speed of 3 to 25 km / h (for mountainous areas - up to 100 km / h);
  • catastrophic flooding of vast areas with a layer of water from 0.5 to 10 m or more.


If you live in the territory adjacent to the hydroelectric complex, specify whether it falls into the zone of impact of a breakthrough wave and possible catastrophic flooding. Find out if there are hills near where you live, and what are the shortest routes to them.

Study for yourself and acquaint family members with the rules of conduct when exposed to a wave of breakthrough and flooding of the area, with the procedure for general and private evacuation. Specify in advance the place of gathering of the evacuees, make a list of documents and property taken out during the evacuation.

Remember the locations of boats, rafts, other watercraft and improvised materials for their manufacture.


Upon receipt of information about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately, in accordance with the established procedure, exit (leave) the danger zone to the designated safe area or to elevated areas of the terrain. Take with you documents, valuables, essentials and a supply of food for 2-3 days. Move the part of the property that you want to keep from flooding, but cannot take with you, to the attic, the upper floors of the building, trees, etc.

Before leaving the house, turn off the electricity and gas, tightly close windows, doors, ventilation and other openings.


In case of sudden flooding, to save yourself from the impact of a breakthrough wave, immediately take the nearest elevated place, climb a large tree or the top floor of a stable building. In the case of being in water, when a breakthrough wave approaches, dive into the depth at the base of the wave.

Once in the water, swim or use improvised means to get out to a dry place, preferably on a road or dam, along which you can get to an unflooded area.

If your house is flooded, turn off its power supply, give a signal about the presence of people in the house (apartment) by hanging a flag made of bright fabric from the window during the day, and a lantern at night. Use a self-powered radio for information. Move the most valuable property to the upper floors and attics. Organize the accounting of food and drinking water, their protection from the effects of incoming water and economical use.

In preparation for a possible evacuation by water, take documents, essentials, clothes and shoes with water-repellent properties, improvised rescue equipment (air mattresses, pillows).

Do not attempt to evacuate yourself. This is possible only if there is a clear view of the unflooded territory, the threat of a deterioration in the situation, the need for medical care, the consumption of food and the absence of prospects for receiving outside help.

If you find yourself in a flood zone, stay on the upper floors and roofs of buildings, trees and other high places until help arrives. Self-evacuation can be carried out only in case of a real threat to your life (flooding of the location).

Do not eat food that has been in the water, and do not use untested water to drink. Wells with drinking water can be used after preliminary drainage (complete water purification).

Before entering the building, make sure that there is no danger of its further destruction.

When entering the premises, do not use matches or other open flames as a source of light, but use battery lights. Do not use power sources until the electrical network has been checked. Open all doors and windows to dry out the building, remove debris, and allow floors and walls to dry.


After the water level drops, as a rule, people are in a hurry to return home.

In doing so, keep in mind the following precautions:

Beware of torn and sagging electrical wires.

Damage and destruction of water, sewer and gas mains must be immediately reported to the relevant life support services.

Products that have fallen into the water should not be used for food without boiling.

Water supplies should be checked before use, and existing wells with drinking water drained by pumping contaminated water out of them.

It is necessary to make sure that the structure of the buildings has not undergone obvious damage.

Before entering the building, make sure that there is no significant damage to floors and walls. Ventilate the building to remove accumulated gases. Do not use open flame sources until the room is completely ventilated and the gas supply system is checked for proper operation. Check the condition of the electrical wiring, gas supply pipes, water supply and sewerage. It is allowed to use them only after the conclusion of specialists about serviceability and suitability for work. Dry the room by opening all doors and windows. Remove dirt from floors and walls, pump out water from basements. Do not eat food that has been in contact with water.

Compliance with these rules allows you to reduce damage and save lives.

1. What types of hydrodynamic accidents do you know?
2. Name hydrodynamically dangerous objects.
3. Name the main damaging factors of hydrodynamic accidents.
4. What are the dangers of natural dams?
5. Explain what a hydrodynamically dangerous object is and what is its danger.
6. Name the causes of hydrodynamic accidents.
7. Explain the concept of "a zone of catastrophic flooding."
8. Tell us about the consequences of hydrodynamic accidents.
9. Name the secondary damaging factors of hydrodynamic accidents.
10. What protective measures are carried out in advance in the places of operation of hydraulic structures of the pressure front? Name the main measures to protect the population.
11. What should be done when warning about the danger of dam failure?
12. What can not be done after the water drains?
13. What should be done when returning to the building after the water has disappeared?
14. Name the safest places where you can hide from flooding.

Task 25. Among the listed causes of accidents, select those that are typical for hydrodynamic accidents:
a) misuse;
b) sudden stop of turbines at hydroelectric power stations;
c) destruction of the base of hydraulic structures;
d) the absence of special devices indicating an increase in water pressure;
e) military operations;
e) insufficiency of spillways.

Check your answer with the one at the end of the textbook. What causes of accidents at hydraulic structures are not listed among those listed? Name them and describe them. Check the correctness of your answers according to the text of the textbook.

Task 26. Imagine that the settlement where you live is located 10 km from the dam on the river bank. At night, you were awakened by the sound of a siren and horns. Turning on the radio, you heard a message from the Civil Defense Ministry about the overflow of water over the crest of the dam and the possible flooding of some settlements, including yours. The population is advised to leave their homes and urgently go to safe places.
a) what your family should do in case of a flood alert;
b) a list of things to take when evacuating from the house;
c) safe places where you can wait out the flooding.

Check the correctness of your answers according to the text of the textbook.

Task 27. From the listed damaging factors, select those that are characteristic of a breakthrough wave:
a) the damaging effect of various objects involved in the movement;
b) reduced concentration of oxygen in the air;
c) elevated ambient temperature;
d) direct dynamic impact on the human body;
e) the traumatic effect of building debris;
e) air shock wave.

Check your answer with the one at the end of the textbook.

Fundamentals of life safety. 8 cells : textbook for general education. institutions
/ S. N. Vangorodsky, M. I. Kuznetsov, V. N. Latchuk, V. V. Markov.
- 5th ed., revised. - M.: Bustard, 2005. - 254, p. : ill.

The consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are:

· Damage and destruction of hydraulic structures and short-term or long-term termination of their functions;

· The defeat of people and the destruction of structures by a wave of breakthrough;

flooding of large areas.

The main damaging factors of catastrophic flooding are:

Destructive breakthrough wave;

water flow;

Calm waters flooding land and objects.

The impact of a breakthrough wave is in many ways similar to the impact of an air shock wave generated during an explosion, but differs from it in that the acting body in this case is water.

A breakthrough wave in its movement along the riverbed continuously changes its height, speed, width and other parameters. It has phases of water level rise and subsequent level drop. The phase of intense water level rise is the front of the breakthrough wave. The breakthrough wave front can be steep when the breakthrough wave moves in the sections of the channel close to the destroyed GOO (hydrodynamically dangerous object), and relatively flat - at a considerable distance from it.

Following the front of the breakthrough wave, its height begins to increase intensively, reaching a maximum after a certain period of time, called the crest of the breakthrough wave. As a result of the rise of water, the floodplain and coastal areas are flooded.

The area and depth of flooding depend on the parameters of the breakthrough wave and the topographic conditions of the area. After the cessation of the rise, a more or less long period of flow movement begins, close to the steady state. This period is the longer, the larger the volume of the reservoir. The last phase of the formation of the flood zone is the decline in water levels.

After the passage of the outburst wave, the riverbed is usually strongly deformed due to the high velocity of the water flow in the outburst wave.

The destructive action of the breakthrough wave is the result of a sharp change in the water level in the downstream and upstream pools during the destruction of the pressure front.

A breakthrough wave can destroy a large number of buildings and structures located in its zone of action. The degree of their destruction depends on the height of the water level rise and the speed of the current, as well as on the characteristics of the building (structure) itself and its foundation.

Due to major hydrodynamic accidents, people die, the supply of electricity to power systems is interrupted. In addition, settlements are destroyed or are under water, communications and other infrastructure elements are disabled, the life of the population and the production and economic activities of enterprises are disrupted, great damage is caused to the natural environment, including as a result of landscape changes.

Secondary consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are pollution of water and terrain by substances from destroyed (flooded) storage facilities, industrial and agricultural enterprises, mass diseases of people and animals. Secondary consequences can also be fires - due to breaks and short circuits in electrical cables and wires; landslides, landslides due to soil erosion, etc.

The long-term consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are associated with residual flooding factors - sediments, pollution, changes in the landscape and other elements of the natural environment.

The consequences of accidents are expressed using indicators of material damage.

Material damage is estimated by the number of units of destroyed, damaged, out of order objects and structures, as well as in monetary terms.

Direct damage includes:

Damage and destruction of hydraulic structures, residential and industrial buildings, railways and roads, power lines and communications, reclamation systems;

Loss of livestock and crops;

Destruction and spoilage of raw materials, fuel, food, feed, fertilizers;

Costs for temporary evacuation of the population and transportation of material assets to non-floodable places;

Washing off the fertile soil layer and filling the soil with sand, clay and stones.

Indirect damage includes:

Costs for the purchase and delivery of food, clothing, medicines, building materials and equipment, livestock feed to the affected areas;

Reducing the production of industrial and agricultural products slowing down the pace of development of the national economy;

Deterioration of living conditions of the local population;

The impossibility of rational use of the territory located in the zone of possible flooding.

Important measures to protect against hydrodynamic accidents are:

- reduction of the maximum water flow by redistributing the flow over time;

Regulation of flood flows with the help of reservoirs; strengthening and timely repair of hydraulic structures, enclosing dams (swells);

Carrying out bank protection and dredging works, filling low places.

Prompt preventive measures include:

Notification of the population about the threat of an accident;

Early evacuation of the population, agricultural animals, material and cultural values ​​from potentially flooded areas;

Partial restriction or termination of the functioning of enterprises, organizations, institutions located in areas of possible flooding, protection of material assets.

Rules of conduct in the event of a threat and during hydrodynamic accidents

When a forecast or alarm is received, the population is notified through the radio and television broadcasting network.

At the warning signal of the threat of flooding, the population must evacuate immediately. When evacuating from home, you must take with you documents, valuables, essentials, a supply of drinking water and food for 2-3 days.

Before leaving the house, apartment, it is necessary to turn off the electricity and gas, tightly close the windows, doors, ventilation and other openings in the building.

In case of a sudden onset of catastrophic flooding, in order to escape from the impact of a breakthrough wave, it is necessary to know the nearest elevated place, climb the trunk of a large tree, the upper tiers of solid structures.

If there are no suitable buildings nearby, you need to hide behind any obstacle that can protect from moving water: a road embankment, large stones, trees (preferably the most distant and firmly rooted). It is necessary to hold on to a tree, stone or other protruding objects, otherwise the air wave and water flows can drag over stones, other solid objects, and hit them.

If you are in the water when a breakthrough wave is approaching, dive into the depth at the base of the wave.

Once in the water, by swimming or using improvised floating means, try to get out to a dry place, preferably on an embankment of a road or a dam, along which you can get to an unflooded area.

After the waters subside, people rush to return to their homes. In this case, you should remember the precautions.

Watch out for broken or sagging electrical wires. Damage and destruction of water, gas and sewer lines must be immediately reported to the relevant services and organizations. Products that have fallen into the water are strictly forbidden to be used for food.

Drinking water supplies should be checked before use, and existing drinking water wells should be drained by pumping contaminated water out of them.

Before entering buildings after a flood, you should make sure that their structures have not undergone obvious damage and do not pose a danger to people. Before entering the room, it is necessary to ventilate it for several minutes by opening the front doors or windows. When examining the internal rooms of a building (house), it is not recommended to use matches or candles as a light source due to the possible presence of gas in the air. For these purposes, it is best to use electric lights. Before checking the condition of the electrical network by specialists, it is impossible to use sources of electricity.

The implementation of these basic rules of behavior and actions of the population can significantly reduce possible material damage and save the lives of people living in dangerous areas and exposed to water.

Questions for self-control:

1. What branches of water management do you know?

3. What is the purpose of dams?

4. Give a classification of dams.

5. What is a hydrodynamic accident?

6. Name the consequences of hydrodynamic accidents.

7. What measures of protection against hydrodynamic accidents do you know?

8. What is the procedure for the population during a hydrodynamic accident?

See Rusak O.N. Security basics. Page 12. St. Petersburg, 2005.

1. Plot and composition

ANTITHESIS - opposition of characters, events, actions, words. It can be used at the level of details, particulars (“Black evening, white snow” - A. Blok), or it can serve as a technique for creating the entire work as a whole. Such is the contrast between the two parts of A. Pushkin's poem "The Village" (1819), where in the first part pictures of beautiful nature, peaceful and happy, are drawn, and in the second - in contrast - episodes from the life of a disenfranchised and cruelly oppressed Russian peasant.

ARCHITECTONICS - the relationship and proportionality of the main parts and elements that make up a literary work.

DIALOGUE - a conversation, conversation, dispute between two or more characters in a work.

STAGE - an element of the plot, meaning the moment of the conflict, the beginning of the events depicted in the work.

INTERIOR - a compositional tool that recreates the atmosphere in the room where the action takes place.

INTRIGA - the movement of the soul and the actions of the character, aimed at searching for the meaning of life, truth, etc. - a kind of "spring" that drives the action in a dramatic or epic work and makes it entertaining.

COLLISION - a clash of opposing views, aspirations, interests of the characters of a work of art.

COMPOSITION - the construction of a work of art, a certain system in the arrangement of its parts. Differ composite means(portraits of actors, interior, landscape, dialogue, monologue, including internal) and compositional techniques(montage, symbol, stream of consciousness, self-disclosure of the character, mutual disclosure, image of the character of the hero in dynamics or in statics). The composition is determined by the peculiarities of the writer's talent, genre, content and purpose of the work.

COMPONENT - an integral part of the work: in its analysis, for example, we can talk about components of content and components of form, sometimes interpenetrating.

CONFLICT - a clash of opinions, positions, characters in a work, driving, like intrigue and conflict, its action.

CULMINATION - an element of the plot: the moment of the highest tension in the development of the action of the work.

Keynote - the main idea of ​​the work, repeatedly repeated and emphasized.

MONOLOGUE - a lengthy speech of a character in a literary work, addressed, in contrast to the internal monologue, to others. An example of an internal monologue is the first stanza of A. Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin": "My uncle has the most honest rules ...", etc.

INSTALLATION is a compositional technique: composing a work or its section into one whole from separate parts, excerpts, quotations. An example is the book of Evg. Popov "The beauty of life".

MOTIVE - one of the components of a literary text, part of the theme of the work, more often than others acquiring a symbolic meaning. Motif of the road, motif of the house, etc.

OPPOSITION - a variant of antithesis: opposition, opposition of views, behavior of characters at the level of characters (Onegin - Lensky, Oblomov - Stolz) and at the level of concepts ("wreath - crown" in M. Lermontov's poem "The Death of a Poet"; "it seemed - it turned out" in A. Chekhov's story "The Lady with the Dog").

LANDSCAPE - a compositional means: the image in the work of pictures of nature.

PORTRAIT - 1. Compositional means: image of the character's appearance - face, clothes, figure, demeanor, etc.; 2. A literary portrait is one of the prose genres.

STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS is a compositional technique used mainly in modernist literature. The scope of its application is the analysis of complex crisis states of the human spirit. F. Kafka, J. Joyce, M. Proust and others are recognized as masters of the "stream of consciousness". In some episodes, this technique can also be used in realistic works - Artem Vesely, V. Aksenov and others.

PROLOGUE - an extra-plot element that describes the events or persons involved before the start of the action in the work ("The Snow Maiden" by A. N. Ostrovsky, "Faust" by I. V. Goethe, etc.).

DENOUGH - an element of the plot that fixes the moment of resolution of the conflict in the work, the result of the development of events in it.

RETARDATION - a compositional technique that delays, stops or reverses the development of action in a work. It is carried out by including in the text various digressions of a lyrical and journalistic nature (“The Tale of Captain Kopeikin” in N. Gogol’s “Dead Souls”, autobiographical digressions in A. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin”, etc.).

PLOT - a system, the order of development of events in a work. Its main elements are: prologue, exposition, plot, development of action, climax, denouement; in some cases, an epilogue is possible. The plot reveals causal relationships in the relationship between characters, facts and events in the work. To evaluate various kinds of plots, such concepts as the intensity of the plot, "wandering" plots can be used.

THEME - the subject of the image in the work, its material, indicating the place and time of action. The main theme, as a rule, is specified by the theme, that is, a set of private, separate topics.

FABULA - the sequence of unfolding events of the work in time and space.

FORM - a certain system of artistic means that reveals the content of a literary work. Categories of form - plot, composition, language, genre, etc. Form as a way of existence of the content of a literary work.

CHRONOTOPE - spatio-temporal organization of material in a work of art.

Bald man with a white beard - I. Nikitin

Old Russian giant – M. Lermontov

With dogaress young – A. Pushkin

Falls on the sofa – N. Nekrasov

Used most often in postmodern works:

Under it is a stream

But not azure,

Above him ambre -

Well, no strength.

He, having given everything to literature,

Full of its fruit tasted.

Drive, man, five-kopeck piece,

And do not annoy unnecessarily.

Desert sower of freedom

Gathers a meager harvest.

I. Irteniev

EXPOSITION - an element of the plot: the situation, circumstances, positions of the characters in which they are before the start of the action in the work.

EPIGRAPH - a proverb, a quote, someone's statement, placed by the author before the work or its part, parts, designed to indicate his intention: “... So who are you finally? I am part of that force that always wants evil and always does good. Goethe. "Faust" is an epigraph to M. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita".

EPILOGUE - an element of the plot that describes the events that occurred after the end of the action in the work (sometimes after many years - I. Turgenev. "Fathers and Sons").

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