From what the mother of Camerena died. Family business: Elina Kamiren and her mother worked as an escort


Anna Yakovleva:
Good afternoon fellow community members! I am writing here, because who else might be interested :) and I want to open the truth.
All this is not a secret, because it all happened in front of the entire microdistrict.
I want to tell the real story of Elina Kamiren.
Everyone is already accustomed to her stories that she is a jewelry master, that she has an oil business in Tyumen, that she has 2 educations, and they achieved everything with their mother thanks to their father, who is the kind of person she dreamed of for herself, that is, her father is her ideal. Mom is a very decent woman, and so on.
I say right away that I never condemn people for their material lack of support, but I don’t like balabols.
How do I know - her mother worked as a cleaner for my uncle, who died and I can let you in on the dirt that was in her life. Which she hid under the mask of a tough and greedy buffoon.
She was born into a family of alcoholics. Her mother married a man who drank very hard. They lived in the second district of the city of Tyumen. My father drank and beat my mother. She also drank and wandered around the area in torn things. Elina was born, grew up and went to school number 62, in the same second district. And then it went that she now shows herself and pours out on others, humiliating. At school, she was humiliated, beaten, her nickname was "ostrich and heron." She lived in an area where everyone was impudent, like she is now. Soon her mother began to cheat on her alcoholic husband. It's just that throughout the whole area she was called the "Zarechensk prostitute" (not my words, I convey what they told me). And the woman had a salon - the best in Tyumen. She received it from a married man, whom Elina now calls her father. The humiliation did not stop, so far in Tyumen she does not have much friends. You can see it yourself, she comes here and sees her mom.
Yes, her mother worked as a cleaner for my uncle, the work book is attached. I don’t blame this, but, I repeat, all the hypocrisy and dirt, all the balabolism is impossible to listen to, about what she has achieved.
Yes, they now live securely, the middle class, which is rare in Russia, but at what cost.
And actually, look, they say, people who are humiliated in childhood become very good people, in my opinion this cannot be said about Elina.

Elena Kamiren calls on the failed son-in-law to change his mind. The parent of Elina Kamiren is sure: Sasha Zadoinov could be a good dad, but in this situation it is better for him to abandon the child and never appear in her life.

Sasha Zadoynov
Photo: Instagram

Elina Kamiren has already admitted that she intends to deprive Sasha Zadoinov of parental rights to little Sashenka. The star of "DOMA-2" told how a man really treats a child, that he does not want to see her, and at rare meetings he tries to capture everything on camera to show subscribers on Instagram.

However, the Kamiren family cannot yet deprive Zadoinov of the truth about the child. Therefore, they urge Sasha to voluntarily abandon her daughter, since she is a burden to him.

“It turns out that it is very difficult to deprive the rights of an insolvent father. Society is humane. We saw what he is. He did not need to take such steps as the recognition of the child! All for subscribers. Now here is the alimony ... He is not worthy to bear the title of father. Yes, he doesn't need to. And Sasha, of course, will decide for herself. After. And now we decide. The most shameful thing for a man is to leave his children, to hide from alimony. Elina has no grudge against him. It is necessary to mature at the root, ”wrote Kamiren’s mother.

Little Sasha believes that she has no father
Photo: Instagram

Elena also noted that little Sasha seriously believes that she does not have a father. So far, she has not been told any fictional story why dad does not come to her every day, but soon the girl will ask such a question, and it will be hard for everyone.

Netizens advised Elena to remember how her daughter behaved with Sasha at one time: they say, this is the root of the whole problem. However, Kamiren Sr. insists: Elina wanted to give birth, but behaved no worse than Zadoinov. According to the mother of the TV star, even an idiot and a rogue can be a good parent, and if Sasha didn’t become one, then he didn’t really want to be with his daughter.

Why does Elina hide the break in relations with Zadoinov?

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 15.03.2016

Ex-participant of "House 2" Elina Kamiren no longer lives with her daughter's father, Alexander Zadoinov. Despite the fact that on March 14, the Tyumen woman posted their family photo, the girl’s mother, Elena Kamiren, told what is really happening in the relationship of the star couple.

Elina Kamiren no longer lives with her lover

Elina Kamiren recently not only did not publish joint photos with her lover, but also ignored fans' questions about their personal lives. However, from time to time, the Tyumen woman kept saying that Alexander was not helping her in raising her daughter. This was confirmed by a recent post on Instagram, where. Elina's health let her down so much that she was forced to call a doctor and refuse hospitalization - there was no one to leave little Sasha with.

Meanwhile, Alexander Zadoynov advertises on his page. And only once a week he allows himself to post a photo report that he saw his daughter. Presumably, with the same frequency he sees the child.

The day before, the couple posted identical photos where they ride on a boat and admire the beauties of Moscow at night. Most likely, Elina and Sasha want to create the appearance of a good relationship and stop all sorts of talk about parting.

Elina Kamiren's mother told what is happening in her daughter's family

Only now, Tyumen’s mother, Elena Kamiren, opened up with her followers on Instagram and told what really happens between lovers. According to her, Elina is offended to admit that everything that the girl was warned about has come true. Alexander could not come to terms with the "appetite" of his beloved, who dreams of a beautiful starry life. In addition, the failed mother-in-law said that Zadoinov treats her daughter as his ex-wife.

  • Elina Kamiren is a former participant in the TV project "Dom 2", a TV presenter. The girl built a bright relationship with Alexander Zadoinov on the show. They have a common daughter, but the matter never came to the wedding.

Elina Kamiren, a former participant in the TV show, boasted of a luxurious gift that her mother gave her. While Elena lives in Moscow and helps her daughter with her granddaughter Sasha, who will turn three in December. Elina Kamiren does not resort to the help of nannies and is engaged in raising Alexandra with her mother. She plans to appear in Moscow only for the filming of her projects. Therefore, the baby will go to kindergarten already there.

“Mom bought an apartment located in a village near Olympus Park at the end of April,” says Elina. - The place is gorgeous, 800 meters from the sea, and the windows offer a view of the snow-capped mountains. A good area - quiet, not partyy - what you need for a quiet life. The house of the club plan, very beautiful - in stone, stucco. Apartment with its own large terrace. Repairs began immediately, but it was delayed, because due to the proximity to the park, where Kinotavr, Formula 1, and New Wave take place, during these events it is impossible to move the heavy equipment necessary for transportation of building materials. But we have a safe zone, the village is guarded by the FSB, plus very cool neighbors.”

The design project of the apartment for Elina and Elena was helped by a professional designer. The dwelling will be decorated in Provence style. In conclusion, Elina Kamiren said that in addition to this apartment, her mother bought another one in the center of Sochi for 9 million rubles. Now the followers are trying to remember when Elina told the truth, because she was repeatedly caught cheating.

Model and businesswoman Elina Karyakina, later Kamiren, was born in January 1986 in the city of Tyumen. Her height is 179 cm, according to the zodiac - Capricorn, according to the eastern horoscope - a fiery tiger.
Childhood passed in Tyumen. She was raised by a single mother, without a husband. Mom had her own beauty salon.

At an early age, Elina is engaged in artistic gymnastics, received a second youth category on uneven bars. But because of his high growth, he had to quit gymnastics. Later in school he plays basketball.
After leaving school, Elina leaves for England, where she improves her English, and also visited other European countries. At the age of 19, Elina returns to Russia, where a tall and beautiful girl was noticed by a modeling agency. A contract was signed. This work bored her and after the completion of the contract, the girl does not renew the contract.
Elina found a job in a large investment company, and at the same time she is studying in absentia at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. At work in the company, she rose to the position of deputy director.

In April 2011, Elina Karyakina came to the Dom 2 project for the first time. She developed a serious relationship with Alexei Samsonov, they left the project. But outside the perimeter, they parted, did not agree on the characters.
In May 2013, Elina reappeared on the Dom 2 television project, but under a different surname Kamiren. Alexander Zadoynov began to look after her beautifully, they had a beautiful couple. After some time, quarrels and scandals began, and in April 2014 Elina left the project. But after a couple of weeks, she finds out about her pregnancy. The couple reunited and started all over again.

A week after the birth of their daughter, the whole family left the TV project. In real life, Elina and Alexander broke up, but remained good friends. Alexander often visits his daughter.


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