Resting with a book: summer reading. Guidelines


"Summer Under the Book Umbrella"

It has already become a tradition for all libraries in the region to work with books during the summer holidays under the summer reading programs. After all, summer readings activate children's interest in the book, introduce them to the culture of reading, develop children's imagination and creative abilities. In addition, summer readings to some extent solve the problems of employment of children and adolescents during the holidays.

This year, the libraries of the RMBUK "Tatar MPB" worked under the program "Summer under a book umbrella".

The program consisted of:

Regional competition: "Merry Travelers", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Zoshchenko;

District competition "Library Vernissage" for library workers, which helped to attract readers to the library through the design of original book exhibitions;

Regional competition "Anniversary Vernissage", to promote children's books - anniversaries of 2014;

Mass events.

The purpose of the program: to raise the status of books, reading, the role of the library in organizing the leisure of children and adolescents. To take the book and reading beyond the scope of the library, to show the society the possibilities of the library in the reading development of children and adolescents.

For June - August 2014 libraries visited 21466 children and teenagers. Re-registered - 1114 human. Was issued 42557 copies of literature. Conducted 510 public events attended by 8679 human. More than 30 book fairs and themed shelves.

To date, the results of the regional competition "Merry Travelers", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of M. Zoshchenko, have been summed up, in which 89 children.


Readers of the City Children's Library No. 5 - librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Kamaltynov Timur, 10 years old, Tatarsk

Osipov Sasha, 11 years old, Tatarsk

Sergeeva Julia, 10 years old. Tatarsk

Fedotova Tatyana, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Golubtsov Maxim, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Kozlyuk Danil, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Readers of the Kochnevskaya rural library, branch No. 13 - librarian Gridina Natalya Anatolyevna

Chernova Valeria, 10 years old, p. Kochnevka

Mullabaeva Alina, 10 years old, p. Kochnevka

Beloslyudtseva Daria, 8 years old, p. Kochnevka

Reader of the Krasnoyarsk rural library, branch No. 14 - librarian Semyonova Natalya Petrovna

Guprin Roman, 10 years old. With. Krasnoyarsk



Baranova Ksenia, 9 years old, p. Uvalsk

Reader City Children's Library No. 5 - librarian Kamaltynova Svetlana Nikolaevna

Saglaeva Daria, 9 years old, Tatarsk

Readers City Library No. 2 - librarian Britova Natalya Mikhailovna

Egorushkina Daria, 10 years old, settlement Bulk

Pirogov Vasily, 11 years old, settlement Bulk

Sushkova Daria, 8 years old and Dolbina Elena, 7 years old, settlement of Bulk

Readers Mykolaiv Rural Library, Branch No. 18 - Head Gromak Natalya Vladimirovna

Stengauer Alyona, 11 years old, p. Nikolayevka

Gritsenko Alena, 10 years old, p. Nikolayevka

Stengauer Victoria, 10 years old, p. Nikolayevka

Readers Sevetotar rural library, branch No. 30 - librarian Lyudmila Viktorovna Fisher

Scarf Veronica, 9 years old, p. Severotatarsk

Logunova Elizaveta, 9 years old, p. Severotatarsk

Kuznetsov Alexey, 8 years old, p. Severotatarsk

Fisher Danil, 11 years old, p. Severotatarsk

Radionova Maria, 11 years old, p. Severotatarsk


Readers Uval rural library, branch No. 31 - librarian Laktyushina Elena Viktorovna

Lyshova Daria, 11 years old, p. Uvalsk

Usova Elizaveta, 11 years old, p. Uvalsk

Zinina Maria, 10 years old, p. Uvalsk

Reader Assumption Rural Library, branch No. 28 - librarian Svetlana Mikhailovna Kotlyar

Miroshnik Elena, 11 years old Uspenka

Reader Kyiv Rural Library, branch No. 10 - librarian Sidorova Evgenia Vladimirovna

Gunkina Anastasia, 10 years old, p. Kievka

Reader Krasnoyarsk rural library, branch No. 14 - librarian Semyonova Natalya Petrovna

Yudina Polina, 9 years old, p. Krasnoyarsk

Readers Kazatkul rural library, branch No. 8 - head Areshchenko Evdokia Aleksandrovna

Karamyshev Vladimir, 9 years old, p. Kazatkul

Baranova Diana, 10 years old, p. Kazatkul

Readers Platonovskaya rural library, branch No. 25 - librarian Pauls Marina Anatolyevna

Alenich Alexey, 11 years old, Platonovka village

Adamson Tatiana, 9 years old, Platonovka village

Vatrushkina Ksenia, 11 years old, Platonovka village

Readers Novopervomaisky rural library, branch No. 29 - librarian Azup Ekaterina Igorevna

Abdrakhmanova Alexandra, 11 years old, p. Novopervomaiskoye

Sidorova Ksenia, 11 years old, p. Novopervomaiskoye

Guryanova Julia, 9 years old, p. Novopervomaiskoye

Saenko Stepan, 9 years old, p. Novopokrovka

The results of the contests: "Library Vernissage" and "Anniversary Vernissage" will be summed up after September 10th.

In all libraries, the presentation of the summer program "Summer under a book umbrella" was held on June 1, International Children's Day, during the festive program and action in support of reading "Read with us! Read it yourself! ”, as the start of work with children in the summer. In the rural libraries of Kazachemysskaya, Kievskaya, Uvalskaya, Novoaleksandrovskaya, Kazatkulskaya, Nikolaevskaya, theatrical programs “This is what summer is”, “Land of happy childhood”, “Hello, summer!” were held.

Novoaleksandrovskaya rural library, branch No. 20

Festive theatrical program "Hello, summer!"

In city libraries No. 5, No. 3, entertainment and game programs “So that the sun shines, so that it is enough for everyone”, “Children are more important than all kings”. Children took part in literary, game and music competitions and in the summer competition of drawings on the pavement "Rainbow of Childhood". Children received prizes for artistry and originality.

On International Children's Day, a large festive event was held in the Kochnevskaya rural library, together with club workers "Journey with a flower - Semitsvetik", which helped to make a trip to a fairy-tale glade, where miracles and fairy-tale heroes awaited everyone!

At the end of the event, a tea party was organized for children at the festive table. The holiday was bright and colorful, there was an atmosphere of good mood and comfort. The children received a lot of positive emotions and positive impressions. The event was attended by 23 children, aged 6 to 12 years.

Love for the motherland... Today we are sometimes embarrassed to express this feeling - one of the noblest in a person. You can not force to love the Fatherland. Love must be nurtured. This is the goal pursued by the work of libraries in this important direction. Events held on the occasion of the Day of Russia, the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the Day of the Russian Flag, were held without exception in all libraries.

The events dedicated to the Day of Russia were very interesting and meaningful: thematic lessons “I live in Russia”, “Russia begins with you” in the Krasnoyarsk s/b and city library No. 4; literary and poetic composition "Take care of Russia, we can't live without it!" in the city children's library No. 5 and Kazatkul s / b. At the events, children read poetry and sang songs about Russia.

City Children's Library No. 5

Musical and poetic hour "Take care of Russia, we can't live without it!"

June 22 is the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow in our country. On this day, in many libraries of the region, memory hours were held: “Unforgettable 41st”, “Remembers the saved world”, “Everyone was a hero there”, dedicated to the courage of those who defended our Motherland in the terrible days of the Great Patriotic War.
In the Assumption rural library, the librarian told the schoolchildren invited to the event about the first days of the war, the strength of the enemy and the heroic actions of Soviet people in the rear and at the front. The children learned about the main battles of the Great Patriotic War, about its turning points. At the event, poems by front-line poets - K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky were heard. The event participants laid flowers at the monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War and honored their memory with a minute of silence.

Assumption Rural Library, Branch No. 28

A lesson in courage "Everyone was a hero there..."

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the First World War, all libraries hosted the “One more war, one more victory” hour of history and information.

All events were held with the aim of forming a patriotic position among readers, educating the defenders of the fatherland and the blessed memory of those who died fighting for the Motherland.

Local history is one of the most important areas in working with children in the library. Talks, quizzes, information hours, etc. were held in all rural branches.

The virtual tour "My land, a drop of Russia" in Uvalskaya village was very interesting. Traveling virtually, the librarian showed the richness of the flora and fauna of our region, and the children enthusiastically shared their impressions of the local places where they had been with their parents and read poetry. The virtual tour contributed to increasing interest in the study of the native land.

Children love to express their love for their small homeland in drawings, so Novopokrovskaya, Kozlovskaya, Uskyulskaya, Nikolaevskaya rural libraries could not do without the contest “My Native Village”.

Ecological education of children and adolescents is an important activity of libraries. What we do today determines what our planet will be like in the future. To acquaint children with the ecology of our region and its problems, the ongoing events on this topic are called upon: the quiz "The Earth is our common home" and "The mighty nature is full of miracles" - Uvalskaya s / b, information day "Rare and endangered plants, animals" - city ​​library No. 4, the competition program "On the forest paths" - Kazachemysskaya s / b.

As part of the regional competition "Let's make the world around us clean and beautiful!" The Uskyul village library has done a great job. The librarian compiled and implemented the project "Bright Summer". The purpose of this project was to form an ecological culture of the younger generation and to attract the attention of adolescents to the problem of environmental pollution with household waste and their disposal. And the result of the project was the design of a fabulous corner in the courtyard of the administration from solid household waste.

The project turned out to be fruitful, and its presentation was bright and memorable.

The children from the school camp of secondary school No. 4 took part with pleasure in the game-competition "The sun shines on everyone" - the Regional Children's Library.

They conducted a "biological" examination "Whose leaves are these?", answered the questions "Is it true that ...?", played games: "Water, air, earth and fire" and "Garbage". Also, the Regional Children's Library for children from the school camp of secondary school No. 3 held an ecological marathon "Various nature", fun and interesting. With the help of multimedia, they guessed the voices of birds, recalled medicinal plants growing in the Tatar region. For the Fairy Birds competition, an exhibition of books was arranged, in which the bird was necessarily present, and the children had to find it. This event once again showed the children that our nature must be protected so that we can listen to the birds singing, admire the beauty of forests, rivers and fields.

Our libraries are constantly promoting the benefits of a healthy lifestyle among the younger generation. We held a series of events on the theme: "To grow strong for us."

The Day of Health “Hot Day in Sportlandia” was very interesting in the Novoaleksandrovskaya rural library. Sports competitions were held outdoors. The program includes 12 different types of competitions. The children left the party tired, but very happy!

Events were also held to mark the anniversaries of writers, artists and books.

As part of the Pushkin Day in Russia, events were held in all libraries. City Library No. 5, for school No. 9, held a KVN game based on the work of A.S. Pushkin “Collection of colorful chapters”, a drawing competition based on fairy tales, grades 2-4, 25 people were present.

“We will dedicate our holiday to Pushkin, filling the hall with wonderful poems. We are talking about Pushkin today. Poetry with magical words"- with such lines, the competitive game program “Through the centuries and generations, he will not tire of surprising” opened in the Kazatkul rural library. A wonderful journey into the wonderful world of the author's work was made by children from the school camp (50 people). Connoisseurs of Pushkin's fairy tales answered quiz questions, completed the contest tasks "Tell me words", "From which fairy tales objects were lost", etc. The event was very interesting.

To the 215th anniversary of A.S. Pushkin in the Regional Children's Library, an exhibition-quiz "Through the lines of Pushkin's poems" was designed. The exhibition consisted of sections: "The Word about Pushkin", "Let's read Pushkin" and the quiz "Cat of the Scientist". Everyone who wanted to take part in the quiz on Pushkin's fairy tales chose a question for themselves and looked for an answer from books and objects that were at the exhibition. After answering 3 questions, the reader received a coloring book based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin.

District Children's Library

Quiz "Through the lines of Pushkin's poems"

Events dedicated to other anniversaries were also held: Literary hour “Boys of my childhood” / to the 100th anniversary of the b.d. Yu Sotnik, game program "Laughter therapy" / to the 120th anniversary of Dr. M. Zoshchenko - Krasnoyarsk s / b; Day of anniversaries "Lermontov for children", matinee "On the anniversary of the writer" / dedicated to the writers Yu Sotnik, E. Veltistov, N. Aseeva, M. Zoshchenko - Novoaleksandrovskaya s / b; quiz based on the works of M. Zoshchenko “Remember and laugh” - Uvalskaya s / b, etc.

The formation of a reading person begins at an early age, which means that the main process of initiation to reading is carried out, first of all, in the family and the library. Despite the existing problems in the field of children's reading, it can be said with confidence that the BOOK still occupies an important place in the lives of children. This is facilitated by all the daily, creative and truly selfless activities of librarians, who direct their efforts to introduce children to reading.

So in Novoaleksandrovskaya s / b at the beginning of summer in the library was announced the action "We have a rest with a book in the summer." Wednesday - each week was declared Book Reading Day, and Friday - the Day of Mass Events. For the first year, the library organized a Book Reading Day with the participation of members of the Read-ka club. The reading days were devoted to the following topics: "Our Motherland - Russia"; selection of poems and a competition for expressive reading “Oh, this summer”, Courage Day, Anniversary Day “Books are invited to the anniversary”, reading and discussion of the book “Take care of honor from your youth”, “Lermontov for children”, “Funny and instructive stories by M. Zoshchenko ".

Library activities in the summer were not limited to the walls of the library. To attract readers and increase interest in reading, the librarian of the North Tatar S/B organized a summer playground "Library outside the walls", they went out with books to courtyards, forest clearings, where they held various literary games, quizzes, and such as a book picnic - "Summer Extravaganza",

literary landing - "With a book on a bench"!

Summer holidays are a time of moral hardening of children, their spiritual enrichment, a test of strength in work, a time of vivid impressions, amateur creativity, active knowledge of the new in nature, comrades and in oneself.
At the same time, summer is the time for exciting games, competitions, colorful holidays. And the organization of leisure of our readers in the summer has become an integral part of the work of the Assumption Rural Library. It is the library that turns the children's summer holidays into an exciting journey, taking into account the interests of the children, their age characteristics. The library held - 18 events on various topics: the ecological expedition "For the purity of the native land", the Day of Friends "Long live friendship", the folklore holiday "By word of mouth",

entertainment and game program "Breakfast on the grass", etc.

The Assumption Library at the beginning of the summer created its own page on the Odnoklassniki website, where it posted information about the events held and shared its experience. Based on the results of working with children in the summer, Kotlyar S.M., a librarian at the Assumption S/B, took 1st place.

I would like to note the work of the Novopokrovskaya rural library. The librarian held the following events: the Summer Festival of Umbrellas, the folklore festival "Mouth to Mouth", the literary hour "The Rebellious Genius of Inspiration" based on the works of M. Yu. A cycle of various thematic exhibitions has also been arranged. The Novopokrovskaya rural library presented its report on working with children in the summer in the form of a presentation "Rainbow over the Book Sea" (see below)

“Report on working with children in the summer (June 2015) at the playgrounds of the Syktyvda CLS For every rural library, summer is a unique opportunity to create for children...”

Report on working with children in the summer

(June 2015)

at the playgrounds of the Syktyvdinskaya CBS

For every rural library, summer is a unique opportunity

creating bright, colorful, educational and interesting activities for children

during the first month of school holidays. Most branch libraries by summer

holidays develops a program of events.

Traditionally, in June, the Central Children's Library worked on

a separate plan with children's recreation areas, kindergartens and a labor and recreation camp in the village of Vylgort. In total, 21 events were held for 8 groups - these are 625 children readers and 18 children's reading leaders.

Book lending amounted to 2785 copies.

Among the events held, local history educational games can be distinguished: the trip "Many Faces of Parma" - about specially protected natural areas of the Komi Republic. Our northern forest has many faces. The Komi even have several names for it - parma, vr, yag. The children got acquainted with different types of forests. We looked at how the natural zonality changes with the ascent to the mountains. We learned about the virgin forests of Komi, which are a monument of the world cultural and natural heritage of UNESCO. We saw amazing corners of northern nature in the film - Mount Manaraga, the Shchugor River, the Manpupuner Plateau, the famous moose farm of the Pechoro-Ilychsky Reserve.

What kind of "plums" float in the river? Why is it necessary to protect the swamp? What kind of beard is growing on the tree? Why is a bull-calf a sculpin and a goose a white-fronted goose? - the children, together with the librarian, searched for and found answers to these and many other questions.

So, in a playful way, young readers touched on an important state issue - nature protection.

"Catch, fish, big and small" - for the All-Russian Day of Fishing. The children learned what types of fish are, what they eat, how they breathe. A presentation was shown about the most amazing and unusual fish, and to make it more fun to learn, the guys “caught fish” with various questions, riddles and signs.

Two local history excursions were also held: the virtual “Native streets of Vylgort” and the route to the village. Ust-Vym - "Villages of the Syktyvdinsky district."

The first virtual tour - "Native streets of Vylgort" was dedicated to the memorable places of the village associated with the Great Patriotic War.

The guys remembered the names of fellow countrymen - Heroes of the Soviet Union Nikolai Oplesnin and Nikolai Gushchin, General Dmitry Dubrovsky (Sivkov), front-line poet Ivan Vavilin. We carefully examined the memorial to the fallen soldiers on the anniversary square of the village. How much, it turns out, this memorial can tell! And about the dead fellow countrymen, and about the home front workers, and about veterans of local military conflicts.

Young readers did not forget about Chapaev Street either. The legendary division commander - a participant in the civil war - became a role model for both of his sons. Both Alexander Vasilyevich and Arkady Vasilyevich Chapaev became military personnel. The eldest went through the entire Great Patriotic War, and the youngest died in the tests of a fighter aircraft shortly before it began.

Of course, there were no hostilities on the territory of Komi, but how many interesting things you can learn about the Great Patriotic War by getting acquainted with the names of the streets of your native village.

The center of Christianization of the Komi region is the ancient village of Ust-Vym. On the route excursion “Villages of the Syktyvdinsky District”, children and adults got acquainted with the interior of a peasant hut, learned about household items, utensils, Komi tools, hunting and fishing tools, and agricultural tools. The textbooks of the middle of the last century, the newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda, collected in the hut, aroused great interest among schoolchildren. The second part of the tour was dedicated to the educator of the Komi region Stefan of Perm. Library readers visited the Church of St. Stephen, the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk Monastery, the holy spring. On the way, the librarians conducted a local history excursion, talking about the settlements of the northern bush of the Syktyvdinsky district - Palevitsy, Chasovo, Zelenets, about the Ezhvinsky district, the Orbita microdistrict and the suburban village of Nizhny Chov in Syktyvkar.

In cooperation with the center of the State Inspection for Small Vessels of the EMERCOM of Russia, a meeting was held with rescuers "Rules for safe behavior on the water in the summer." Pupils of the playgrounds of Vylgort schools, participants of the summer labor and environmental camps learned the basic rules of safe behavior on the water, first aid for a drowning man, remembered the emergency numbers.

The inspectors - the head of the Syktyvkar branch of the GIMS Center Alexander Molchanov and the state inspector of the Syktyvkar branch of the GIMS Center Vladimir Terentyev - arrived at the library not empty-handed. They brought the first means of helping a drowning man, reminders of safe behavior on the water, a special hovercraft.

The means of helping a drowning man - a lifebuoy and a lifeline - were demonstrated in action.

The miracle machine - a hovercraft - aroused the greatest interest among the children. After all, due to its qualities and high cross-country ability, the boat can save people from the most inaccessible places: where an ordinary ship cannot pass.

In order to get acquainted with the literature on improving the health of children, an informative conversation "How to become a Non-Sick!" was held.

The basis of the conversation was an acquaintance with wonderful children's books - "50 Health Lessons" by N. Korostelev, "Be strong, healthy!" V. Krapivnik, "Fizkultminutka!" E.A. Subbotina.

“Health comes in spools, and leaves in pounds,” says folk wisdom. These are the "spools" - simple rules to improve their health and the guys discussed. This is the correct brushing of teeth and washing, physical activity, healthy nutrition, daily routine, hardening.

Summer is a great time for tempering procedures. We hope that the good advice of wise books will come in handy for the children - to improve their health and fully armed to enter the new school year.

On June 6, the whole country celebrates Pushkin's Day in Russia. 5 groups participated in our fabulous journey through the Lukomorye.

A literary and educational game based on the works of A.S. Pushkin “Journey to the Land of Lukomorye” was held for the children of playgrounds.

In a creative and improvisational atmosphere, girls and boys made a trip with the Cat Scientist based on the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich, competed in competitions based on the works of Pushkin: they collected "golden"

nuts, caught a goldfish, guessed a fabulous crossword puzzle, learned fairy tales from illustrations. The children were also offered contests: “Show a fairy tale”, “Follow the tracks of unknown animals” and “My light, mirror, tell me”.

The librarians were delighted that the children knew Pushkin's fairy tales, some even quoted lines! The children performed all tasks with interest, and some wanted to take fairy tales to read at home.

Fabulous fun starts visited almost all playgrounds. During the holidays, children just want to run, play, joke.

The guys guessed riddles, sang songs from fairy tales, passed books in a chain at speed, recognized the heroes of the works by the phrases they said. This last task was difficult, but the readers did it. Moreover, even the authors of fairy tales and stories were named!

Successfully passed the competition of captains. They were supposed to continue the name of the fairy-tale character. They named everyone.

In general, it was fun and noisy - the team spirit was felt, the children actively "cheered" for their own.

“Everyone should remember that you can’t play with fire!” - under this name, a competitive and entertainment program for pupils of the playground of the Vylgort school No. 2 was held in the children's library.

Children got acquainted with the good and evil deeds of fire. We learned why in ancient times people worshiped fire as a deity and how they used fire. Where does fire work today and how does it help people? When and under what circumstances does fire become dangerous to us. They answered the questions: “Is fire our friend or foe? How should you behave when smoke and flames appear? Two teams - "Sparkles" and "Fireflies" - fought among themselves for the title of "Best Fireman". They put on the uniform of a fireman for speed, rescued the inhabitants of the fabulous "Lukomorye" from the fire. They called the fire brigade, got out of the smoky room, found fire hazardous objects. Having shown strength, speed and dexterity, the guys guessed riddles, sorted out difficult fire situations, sang ditties on a fire theme.

The result of the meeting was the consolidation of fire prevention measures and the correct behavior in a fire. The children correctly answered the questions and offered a way out of the current situation.

“Let books come into houses as friends” - under this motto a meeting was held with pupils of kindergarten No. Vylgort. The kids learned with interest about the history of printing; what were the very first books; what modern books look like and what parts they consist of; who writes them and who makes them so bright and colorful; what is the difference between books for adults and books for children; how to properly handle a book.

Children looked at and leafed through bright and colorful panorama books, folding books, tactile books, pocket books, toys that develop logic and fine motor skills with pleasure.

Of course, they could not do without reading an interesting fairy tale: the children listened to the wise and instructive fairy tale of the Komi writer Solomonia Pylaeva “Shanezhka”, and the puppet heroes revived the plot of the fairy tale.

The highlight of this year on the playground in the central children's library was the meeting with Tatyana Dashkevich, which took place within the framework of the project “One Faith - One Holy Russia. Orthodox Book Festival”, implemented by the Special Library for the Blind of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Louis Braille.

Tatyana Dashkevich is an Orthodox writer. All her works touch upon the themes of the Orthodox faith, spirituality, love and compassion. She is the author of several collections of poetry, books for children, a biography of Saint Blessed Valentina of Minsk (co-authored with Priest Theodore Krivonos), and the book The Life of Elder Seraphim. For the book from the Life of Remarkable People series about Alexei Fatyanov, she was awarded the Andrei Platonov Smart Heart Prize and the Imperial Culture Prize in the Musical Art nomination. Laureate of the television competition "Golden Gramophone" (2000), winner of the film festival "Borodino Autumn". For spiritual activity she was awarded with a diploma of the Patriarchal Exarch of All Belarus.

Young and adult readers of the central children's library listened to poems and songs, got acquainted with the writer's books and CDs, watched a video clip for the song "My Father", performed by Dmitry Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov.

June 24 in Zelenets in the Zelenets Library - a branch of them. A.A. Lyyurov opened the Little Free Library. The guys from the playground helped to open.

Today there are more than 20 thousand such libraries in 40 countries of the world.

Books are taken from there free of charge and they are not registered anywhere. The principle of operation is simple: take it, read it, return it or bring your own. That is, if you really liked the book, you can keep it for yourself, but the library should not be empty, and in return you need to bring another book. We want the rural environment of Zelenets to become more interesting and diverse, and Zelenets themselves to become happier and more positive.

On June 18, a role-playing game "What is tolerance" was held. The purpose of this event was to acquaint the children with the concept of "tolerance", to identify the main features of a tolerant personality, to form the correct idea of ​​tolerant behavior: respect for each other, for the customs, traditions and culture of different peoples, internationalism, communicative culture of communication and mutual understanding, tolerant attitude of classmates between themselves.

On June 26, an educational game "Talk about the family" was held. The guys “built a house” called “Family”, the foundation of which is “Love”.

Traditionally, in the summer, the Nyuvchim branch library works on the playground at the elementary school. The main goal of the library is to raise the status of books, reading, to interest and organize interesting events for children and adolescents. So, in June, for the children of the playground, an "Ecological Kaleidoscope" was organized in the form of a game.

The purpose of the event: education of a humanitarian attitude to nature, a sense of responsible attitude towards all living things. The event was attended by children 7 years old. The journey, which was virtual in nature, was accompanied by a slide show about nature, then the librarian learned in the form of a conversation that the guys love nature, read about animals, plants, and natural phenomena.

After the conversation, the children were divided into 2 teams, Guessed fascinating riddles about the forest. The next contest "Environmental Signs" was dedicated to knowledge of the rules of behavior in the forest. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to behave properly in the forest. The participants of the game promised not to get confused and remember all the rules of behavior in the forest!

The "Literary Auction" competition is very unusual, it was necessary to name in turn a fairy tale or a literary work in which animals are mentioned. For example, "The Fox and the Crane" - which team calls the last one, that one wins.

The event ended with the Black Box game: according to the description, it was necessary to guess which plant was hidden in the box. We emphasize that this plant is taken under protection (located in the Red Book).

On International Friends Day “Tell me how you say hello, and I'll tell you who you are…” in the Yb village library, children learned where the custom of greeting each other came from, how people in different countries greet each other.

Games were also held to identify children with a leadership position, allowing each child to show individuality, creativity, personal leadership qualities, and get the attention of the group. They emphasize the importance and equal opportunities of each child in the team.

The children were offered the games “Family Photo”, “Rope”, “Counting”, etc.

This event "discovered" several children with leadership qualities.

It is planned to pay special attention to them in further work, to involve them as organizers of games, quizzes, etc.

The intellectual game "Fairytale quiz" is a multimedia presentation, the questions of which were divided into 5 categories: "From which fairytale", "Continue", "Fairytale number", "Who is this?", "About everything and everyone" and are arranged from simple to the complex.

The last event of the library with. The presentation “The Great Storyteller Hans Christian Andersen” was on the playground: young readers were offered a presentation, thanks to which they “find themselves” in the Danish city of Odense, Andersen’s homeland, “walked” along its streets, saw the house in which he was born, and also visited the museum named after him, which houses 200 paper clippings and toys made by the storyteller. The children were presented with a small book exhibition consisting of Andersen's fairy tales. Then there was a viewing of cartoons based on the stories of the storyteller: "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "Spruce", "Old Street Lamp".

In the Library-branch of the village of Lozym, on the day of protection of children, a holiday called "City of Childhood" was organized for preschoolers. The guys were divided into two teams "Lightning" and "Race McQueen".

Preschoolers visited the station "Toy", where they were met by Kubik Kubych. They planted flowers in the City of Childhood. The next station is "Artistic", where the children, together with Blot, drew Winnie the Pooh. The third station, "Delicious Lane", they were met there by Maya the Bee, who asked them riddles about various sweets. And then everyone went to the "Sportivnaya" site, where they, together with Dumbbell, were able to compete in various sports.

The Sludsk Library Branch hosted a merry celebration of "Balloons", which was dedicated to the Children's Day. The organizers of the holiday were the employees of the House of Culture and the library. The holiday was held by the "Queen of Candies" and "Funny Gosha".

Fun games and a comic quiz were organized for children.

The Pazhga Library invited children from the playground to an amazing country - Igralia to the "Festive parade of riddles, quizzes and charades."

The girls' team "Iskorki" and the boys' team "CSK" participated in a variety of games: "Mysterious Assortment", in "Fairytale Explainers", where it was necessary to recognize a fairy-tale hero by three clues, in a quiz - presentations "The most, most, most".

The guys learned what a charade is and deciphered the words-charades. During the “audio question” tour, it was determined by the sound which of the cartoon characters sings a song or says a phrase.

On June 1, the Pazhgin Library opened the exhibition "The World of Incredible Adventures, Fascinating Stories." The literary liner invites you to take a cruise for the whole of June!

On June 10, an educational hour “State Symbols of Russia” was held at the Pazhgin Library for the children of the playground, the children were told about the state holiday - the Day of Russia and History, the Russian coat of arms, flag and anthem.

The national anthem of Russia was played during the event. The materials of the book exhibition "Own country - our common home" supplemented the information about the symbols of Russia.

The children's answers to the quiz questions helped them remember better when the history of Russia began, what its main symbols mean for every citizen of our country.

On June 11, the Pazhgin Library took part in the republican charitable campaign "Good Book - Good Way".

Kindergarten pupils were introduced to their favorite fairy tale writer - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

The children got acquainted with the children's writer's fairy tales, listened attentively to his biography, answered the quiz questions and watched the cartoon "Fedorino's grief".

The Vylgort library-branch of the settlement of Pichipashnya devoted the first month of summer, vacations and the playground not only to public events, but also to book exhibitions, leaflets of recommendations and design of street windows. For example, "Our Pushkin"; "How to become a poet?"; "Good books"; "New books - for girls and boys"; “We must not forget about that war…” – these are all book exhibitions; "What should I become?" according to the book by G. Shalaeva, "Get acquainted with the new book" - a big book of professions, "What do you know about Pushkin?" these are all leaflets; "Our Pushkin" and "Magazine Mosaic" - the names of the design of street windows.

For kindergarten students, we read stories about good deeds:

"Life is given for good deeds." The children were explained what the moral concepts of kindness, mercy, compassion are; quizzes “Guess the word”, “Continue the proverb” were also held; preschoolers took part with pleasure in the construction of the “Good House” from bricks-kind words; at the end, we watched and discussed cartoons on the themes of kindness and compassion.

At the educational game-fairy tale "Teach me to create ...", the children learned that each work is creativity that the master "creates"; what is needed to master the skill of the profession; competitions, quizzes, "professional" tasks were held ... The children of the kindergarten in the Palevitsky branch library got acquainted with the "Red Book of the Komi Republic". The children learned why the book is called that and what it is about. The book is large, and everyone could touch how heavy it is. This means that many species of plants and animals that are on the verge of extinction are included in this book. We talked with the guys about why this is happening and what needs to be done to save all animals and plants, and flipped through the pages of the Red Book to remember who needs special protection and protection.

The children became very sad when they found out that there is also a Black Book, in which already disappeared animals are included. And Oleg Gazmanov's song about the poisoned river, smoking factories, and the desert that the earth can become if people do not come to their senses touched their children's hearts to the very depths of their souls.

Children looked into the eyes of animals that no one will ever see on Earth, and they felt sorry for these animals to tears ... What can be found in the old forest, what can be seen and heard? It turns out that there is a lot of interesting things there, you just have to take a closer look and listen. And if together with friends, traveling through the stations - how many interesting things!

Two teams of the children's camp "Druzhba" at the Palevitskaya school enjoyed a game-journey with stops: "Edge", "Forest Sounds", "Questions from Aunt Owl", "Flowers and Birds", "Glade of Fun".

Berendey's friends answered environmental questions, guessed riddles, solved crossword puzzles and fun tasks about nature and animals, completed tasks, sang songs and played. And at the end of the journey, they took an oath that they promised to protect nature and become its friends and defenders.

In the Shoshkinskaya branch library, the playground started with the "Feast of Joy and Laughter", which took place on June 1, brought together kids from kindergarten and schoolchildren of the playground. On this holiday, the Dunno from the fairy-tale city, a smart Dwarf with books, came to visit, who ordered the children not to forget to read fairy tales in the summer, to come to the library. Then a competition of drawings on asphalt was held “Let there always be sunshine and children of the whole earth be friends. Various events were held for schoolchildren of the DOL in June.

“Hello summer, holidays“ Hurray ”- a journey through the stations, where children at each station solved riddles, sang songs, danced, answered questions from various quizzes, played sports games. And the very last station was "Sladkoezhkino", where the children received sweet prizes. "How to protect yourself"

the firefighting lesson taught Baba Yaga and the children that one should not play with matches, kindle fires, they showed in a playful way what to do if a fire breaks out.

After that, everyone went outside, where the children were shown how a fire extinguisher works. On the day of Russia, a thematic lesson “We are all different, but the Motherland is one” was held, and on the Day of Memory and Sorrow, the action “Living St. George's Ribbon” was held and marigolds were planted near the obelisk.

In June, in the branch library with. The game-quiz "My land" was held for an hour. Divided into teams, the guys found answers to all questions.

Children with pleasure demonstrated their knowledge of the history of the republic.

They know geography and nature, famous people of our small homeland. At the same time, during the game, the participants learned a lot of interesting and informative things from history, about famous and prominent people of their region, about the cities of the Republic.

The branch hosted the “Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales”: a fairy land was painted on the floor. Children threw a dice and, by answering a question, earned points and moved through the fairyland. For the correct answers, the participants received tokens, and the winners were awarded with prizes. The book exhibition “Fairytale Journeys” was designed for the event.

The children from the playground took part in the literary relay race. All teams showed themselves actively, competed with passion. The participants flew on the stupa like a baba yaga; put on cardboard "boots"; jumped like a princess frog; found out who owns the fabulous thing.

The children learned about the properties and popular names of medicinal plants from a quiz about medicinal plants. The young erudite have successfully completed all rounds of the game, demonstrating their knowledge and ingenuity.

A cheerful and fighting spirit did not leave the children in the game "Green Riddle Rhymes".

The book exhibition offered to young readers introduced them to books about medicinal plants.

In the Zelenetsky Library - a branch of them. A.A. Lyyurov events for the playground were timed to coincide with the Day of the Russian Language and the birthday of A.S.

Pushkin. Russia has given the world many talented people. The whole world admires our poets, writers, composers, scientists. But there is a name that has become the personification of Russia - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. June 6 at the Zelenets Library-branch named after A.A. Lyyurov, events were held for the playground for the Day of the Russian Language and the birthday of A.S. Pushkin.

In the Ybskaya library, the children got acquainted with the biography of Pushkin, made a virtual tour of Pushkin's places: they "visited" the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, Boldino, St. Petersburg, Moscow; saw places associated with the poet, monuments dedicated to him. The students were presented with books by Alexander Pushkin available in the library. Of course, fairy tales aroused the greatest interest. Then there was a viewing of cartoons based on the works of A.S. Pushkin.

In the Palevitsky Library, the event was held under the name "Pushkin is our everything!" On June 6, they celebrated Pushkin's Day in Russia and the Day of the Russian Language. This event was dedicated to the event on the playground in the Palevitsky school. We talked with the children about A.S. Pushkin, his work, and then held a quiz for the best connoisseur of Pushkin's fairy tales. It turned out that the children know and love Pushkin.

Many cited Pushkin's works by heart, immediately called the answers to questions, none of the tales was forgotten. However, the leaders were determined almost immediately. Among the younger ones, Sofya Golysheva became the best connoisseur of fairy tales. And among the older children, a serious battle broke out. The leaders actively showed their knowledge, unanimously answering the most tricky questions: when was Pushkin born, and how many children did he have, and who killed the poet, what was the name of the nanny and what poem is dedicated to her ... “The friend of my harsh days, my dove is decrepit!” - Olya Selivanova was the first to remember these lines - she was congratulated on her victory.

The action "Reading Pushkin together" was held in the Sludsk branch of the library for children. Children got acquainted with the works of A.S. Pushkin, read excerpts from fairy tales, participated in the quiz "According to Pushkin's fairy tales". And then they all held a flash mob together in enterprises and on the streets of the village, finding out from the population what associations the name of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin evokes in them.

Everyone was in a great mood, the guys and other participants of the flash mob got a lot of positive emotions, remembered and recited the poet's poems by heart.

In the branch library of the village of Pichipashnya, the exhibitions “Our Pushkin” and “How to become a poet?”, Recommendation leaflets: “What do you know about Pushkin?”, “For lovers and connoisseurs of Pushkin’s fairy tales”, “Define a fairy tale by illustration”, “ Invitation to participate in Pushkin events”; interesting stories from the life of the poet were also told, poems were read, fairy tales were guessed, and a competition of fairy-tale drawings was also held.

Pushkin events in our library network are becoming more and more popular, and their genre is becoming more interesting and creative.

The central children's library, the branch libraries of the villages of Pazhga and Shoshka prepared for the Independence Day of Russia and held meetings with their "summer" readers.

A literary and musical composition “I love you, my Russia!” was held in the central children's library. based on poems and songs of poets of the Syktyvdinsky region.

The event, timed to coincide with an important public holiday - Independence Day of Russia - was designed to show the beauty and uniqueness of our native country. But then, on reflection, we decided that it was necessary to use the poems of not famous Russian poets, whose works schoolchildren already study according to the school curriculum, and the poems of our fellow countrymen - the poets of the Komi Republic. Moreover, Syktyvdin poets. After all, our region and the Komi Republic are part of the greater Russia. Who can best tell the children about the beauty and grandeur of their native land, if not fellow countrymen poets?!

They read poems by Ivan Vavilin, Alexander Nekrasov, Vladimir Timin, Gennady Yushkov, Anania Razmyslov. Each poem was preceded by a story about the author and his small homeland. Photographs helped to imagine the place referred to in the poem. Many children first heard about the villages of Chasovo and Palevitsy, the village of Garya, the small river Pozyalom.

In the next block there were poems-sketches about the river and the forest, which have always been the breadwinner for the Komi people. And that is why such respectful and reverent lines were dedicated to them by the authors. And then - sketches about the life of the Komi village.

During the meeting, we did not get tired of repeating that the poet is like an artist, only he paints not with paints, but with words. “Listen carefully,” we said,

- and you will see the picture that the poet described. And the kids listened. And before their eyes there was a picture of the first mowing and embarrassment that happened to a teenager when, not knowing how to mow, but wanting to show off, he tangled the scythe in tall grass. And it became clear to the guys why the hero of the poem so remembered the girl who extended a helping hand to him at such an unpleasant moment.

And how many emotions young listeners were evoked by Gennady Yushkov's poem "Initiation into Men"! You won’t immediately understand from the title that this is a poem about a bathhouse ... We read all the poems in Russian, in translation, although their originals are in Komi. At this moment, we also drew the attention of the guys, and wished them to read poems in Komi. It's no secret that many words and expressions cannot be translated into another language.

On June 12, the Pazhgin Library held a poetry hour on the street “I love you, my Russia!”. Anyone could read their favorite poems about the Motherland, about love, about the beauty of their native land. The villagers are especially fond of poems by A.

Pushkin, S. Yesenin, V. Timin, G. Derbeneva, L. Rubalskaya, V. Tushnova. This poetic hour was attended not only by children from the playground, but also by everyone.

The Shoshkin Library on the Day of Russia was held a thematic lesson "We are all different, but the Motherland is one."

And on the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, the action "Living St. George's Ribbon" was held and marigolds were planted near the obelisk by Shoshkin's librarians and children from the playground.

Poets once again gathered in the Zelenets Library on June 22 to read their poems, sing the best songs about the war, and on June 24 a meeting of veterans with a platform "in memory of the burning years of the Great War" was held.

The memory of the flaming years of this war is still alive in the hearts of grateful descendants. A collection of poems by our poets "Let's Bow to the Soldier for Peace...", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, has been published.

As can be seen from the report, the Syktyvda centralized library system in June was full of events for children, there were playgrounds in almost all branches, and the theme and number of events are pleasantly pleasing: librarians try to be creative and active.

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2016 - "Free electronic library - Educational, work programs"

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During the summer, the municipal libraries actively worked on the program "Summer Readings", which is part of the city's program "Izhevsk Holidays".

This year, 22 libraries took part in the implementation of the program. They offered young Izhevsk residents up to 14 years of age to spend their leisure time during the summer holidays with benefit and interest. The themelet in each library was determined in accordance with criteria such as relevance, diversity and demand.

Due to the fact that 2013 was declared the Year of Environmental Protection in Russia, many activities for children were dedicated to nature and respect for the environment. Some libraries raised the issue of the ecological state of both the entire planet and, in particular, the city of Izhevsk.

For example, the Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky called her summer program "Library ECOForest".

In the library. V. G. Korolenko - “The Sun on the Pages”.

Library them. N. A. Ostrovsky - "Ecological Primer".

Library-branch No. 18 - "On a visit to the summer with the Green Professor."

Branch Library No. 20 - "Summer in the Book Forest".

Library them. V. V. Mayakovsky - “This Summer is Ecoleto!”.

Library-branch number 19 - "Brighter the sun shines."

Library them. P. A. Blinova - “Literary and ecological assortment “Forest Newspaper”.

Library them. Yu. A. Gagarina - "Summer with a book under an umbrella."

Library them. S. Ya. Marshak - "Forest Robinsons".

Library them. I. D. Pastukhova - "Summer Ecological Train".

Library-branch number 24 entails the "Wind of Wanderings".

In library No. 25, Summer Readings were also devoted to the topic of ecology. All events were united by a single program "Library Hippodrome", the symbol of which was a horse. This contributed to the education in children of kindness, sensitivity to lesser friends, the development of harmony and inner beauty in them.

In the library. N. K. Krupskaya from the first sunny days began the "Summer hunting season, or Bibliofishing."

Library them. I. A. Krylovaopened the door for its young readers to the world of magic, kindness, joy, hope. Their summer program was called"Magic book".

Library No. 23 devoted the summer program to nature, history and secrets of the native land. Their theme is “Myths of the Big City”.

In the library L. N. Tolstoy the program was called "Make, play, read - bring joy to the soul."

Library them. V. M. AzinaWorked under the program "Young local historian".

Library them. A.P. Chekhova went with her readers to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Book Galaxy".

Library them. M. Jalil wandered with the guys "On the book paths of summer."

In connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization in Udmurtia in blibrary them. F.G. Kedrov was truly "Pioneer Summer". The children were invited to plunge into the times when their parents and grandparents were pioneers.

« Biblion Movement” was organized by the library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn. in the summerthe guys got acquainted with the history of the pioneer movement, created a "biblion squad" in order to help the inhabitants microdistrict.


In the library. I. A. Krylova in the foyer, the poster "Pink Elephant" invited guests to spend a "magic" summer in the library. And on the doors of the reading room, a magical “seven-colored flower” “bloomed”, telling about the events held every day in the reading room.

In the summer, the entire library to them. Y. Gagarina adorned herself with umbrellas and balloons. They were on windows, at exhibitions, on bookcases.

Between the trees in front of the entrance to the library number 20, a banner with the name of the program "Summer in the Book Forest" attracted the attention of passers-by all summer long.

In the premises of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, one could clearly see the symbols of the pioneer movement: red ties, flags, posters with pioneer slogans.

Library them. N.K. Krupskaya thematic composition on the theme of fishing, safish events and a program of summer readings supplemented the general three-dimensional composition in the showcases of the children's department of the library.

Library exhibitions

There are no libraries without books and without library exhibitions! In the summer, they house, as usual, the most interesting books and magazines. And there can also be children's crafts, drawings, games, quizzes.

For example, in the library V.G. Korolenko in the design of the exhibition of books about nature "Give nature kindness" used fresh flowers, children's crafts, figurines of animals. The game exhibition-quiz "Favorite lines carnival" is designed in the form of a tree. The trunk and roots of the tree are twisted from wrapping paper, the leaves are cut out of colored paper. In the branches, birds and animals made of painted cardboard. In such a frame, the poems of F. Tyutchev, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin and A. S. Pushkin attracted the attention of many readers.

"Magic Book" "opened" its pages in the reading room at the book exhibition of the library. I.A. Krylova Its unusual design created a fabulous atmosphere. The most "magical" book is "Eragon: A Guide to the Land of Dragons" by Christopher Paolini. The section of the exhibition "Little Folk", which presents fairy tales about magical creatures, is supplemented by a quiz "Wizards, sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers". The section "Fairyland" contains wonderful fairy tales about winged sorceresses and the quiz "Magic Means". And the section "Workshop of Danila the Master" is crafts made by the hands of readers and books to help them.

The environmental theme of the summer is reflected in library exhibitions. For example, a table exhibition was organized in the library of V. Mayakovsky "Read the Lawn" with quizzes, questions,Ecological serpentine.

Library No. 18 organized the exhibitions "Ecological Around the World", "Green Man - Viktor Tuganaev".

The game book exhibition "Forest Robinsons" pleased the children of the library. S.Ya. Marshak. The "Living Book" section presents fiction books by naturalist writers, the "Green House and its inhabitants" section consists of popular science books about animals and plants.

In the library. M. Jalil during the summer on the subscription passed a series of book exhibitions-quizzes "Academy of Forest Sciences" = "Urman fә nn ә re academiyase": "Pefather of native nature” (M. Prishvin); "The Amazing World of Birds"; "The Wonderful World of Plants"; "In the animal world". The children were happy to guess riddles, proverbs and sayings about nature, about the inhabitants of the forest, and they also invented them themselves. It turned out that young readers know medicinal plants well and will be able to use them.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky decorated a colorful library exhibition about the animal world“You and I are of the same blood” under the headings: “Neighbors on the planet”, “Formula of goodness”, “Stories from furry ones”. The section "Stories from the furry" offered children books about the adventures of animals, told by themselves. For example, Samarsky M. “Rainbow for a Friend”, “Formula of Kindness”, Pennak D. “Dog Dog”, the collection “My Dog Thoughts”, etc. In the design of these exhibitions, hoops representing the Globe were used. Animal toys were placed in a circle: monkeys, a tiger, birds, snakes, butterflies. Butterflies, beetles, a ladybug “fluttered” on the ceiling space above the exhibition. The addresses of the websites of organizations providing assistance to animals, quotes and statements of prominent people about love and mercy for wildlife were posted. On the floor and on the wall there were imprints of traces of animals and birds.

Library-branch No. 25 offered its young readers such exhibitions about nature: "Library Hippodrome", "Commonwealth of Books and Nature".

Many exhibitions in libraries were devoted to the work of children's writers-anniversaries, summer fun adventures and vacations.

Library named after F.G. Kedrova chose a different theme: the children's subscription included the Pioneer Summer book exhibition, which offered modern children an alternative to the computer: interesting reading, various games, both mobile and erudition, funny songs, etc.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn with the helpof originally designed book exhibitions-quizzes based on the works of Arkady Gaidar and other writers, sought to instill in the children a love for their native land, to instill a sense of patriotism and humanism.

Many libraries, with the help of literary quizzes and bibliographic games, give exhibitions a playful character. Contact games and quizzes can be not only an additional element of the exhibition, but can also have an independent character.

Contact games

Children of the city could come to the library in the summer not only to read a book or take part in a library event, but also to do some favorite thing on their own or just play.

Didactic (discontact) games are games with ready-made rules. This should include such educational games: literary crosswords, correspondence quizzes, bibliographic puzzles, mosaics, lotto, dominoes.The development of new bibliographic games (informographic) has firmly entered the practical activities of libraries.

Library them. Yu. Gagarina prepared contact quizzes for young scholars, to which the guys answered with pleasure: “Around the world in a balloon” (about nature), “The world of animals”, “The ABC of nature”, “The best”, “Journey through fairy tales” , "Inhabitants of the Sun City", "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", "Fairy-tale objects", "Hello, Mary Poppins", "Fairy-tale ballooning".

Library them. S.Ya. Marshaka supplemented the book exhibition about nature with such games: “In the kingdom of flora”, “Guess the animal”, “Bird conversations”.

In Library No. 23, all exhibitions were accompanied by quizzes and contact games. Among the most successful are Urban Legends, Taste of Dumplings, Once Upon a Time, Mythological Zoo and Mythological Puzzles, etc.

In the Central Children's Children's Hospital named after M. Gorky, in each department, new thematic contact games are prepared annually for the summer. For example, at the subscription, kids could check their erudition and erudition on their own with the help of such games: encryption "Funny Journey", geographical game "Dog Stories", rebus "Ecoscience". Cats and mice, the Risk version rebus, the Brainstorming eco-rebus, the fairy-tale quiz "On the rights of the child", the code game "Dog's devotion", etc. In the reading room, children and teenagers could study on their owncrossword “Flowers”, lotto “Pearls of the plant kingdom”, lotto “Merry summer” (based on the verses of the writer-jubilee V.D. Berestov), ​​quiz “On the seas around the earth” (based on the book of the writer-jubilee S.V. Sakharnov); the crossword "The golden symbol of Udmurtia - italmas" (according to the book of the Udmurt scientist Buzanov V.A. "Pearls of the plant kingdom"); teaword "Entertaining geography" (based on the book by A. Usachev "Geography for children"); games "Language of Flowers" and "Flower Clock" (based on the books "Entertaining Botany for Kids" and "I Know the World: Plants"), etc.

“Catch a book, both big and small ...” such a diary book was developed in the library. N. Krupskaya. This is a psychological individual correspondence form of work with children. The diary contains psychological advice, recommendations, exercises, questions and reflections on the read works.


One of the main goals of the "Summer Readings" program is the organization of leisure time for city children during the summer holidays through books, reading and various play forms. In summer, libraries also cooperate with camps at schools, with children's courtyard clubs and kindergartens, and various social organizations.

At the beginning of June, in all libraries serving children, the opening and presentation of the program "Summer Readings" was bright and festive. Usually this holiday coincides with Children's Day.


There are dates that libraries celebrate every year. One of them is the date of June 6 - A.S. Day. Pushkin. On this day, libraries arrange mini-exhibitions of the works of the great poet, talks and loud readings.

For example, in the library Y. Gagarin, the children answered the quiz questions based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. On this day, in Library No. 25, children also competed in the intellectual quiz "Pushkin's Horseman". The book exhibition “I have known Pushkin for a long time” helped them to work on the quiz. The great poet is known, remembered and loved.

In the library. I. A. Krylov successfully passed the literary game "At Lukomorye". Connoisseurs of Pushkin's fairy tales recognized fairy-tale heroes by "literary portraits", selected rhymes for Pushkin's lines, and so on. The extended colorful exhibition "Lukomorye" on the subscription was supplemented by the quiz "Traces of unseen animals" and was decorated with "Golden chain on that oak ...".

With Pushkin readings, the library named after I.D. Pastukhova went out to the pupils of nearby kindergartens. The children learned new biographical facts and interesting stories from the life of the great poet, played fairy lotto, recited their favorite Pushkin lines. They also watched a puppet show prepared by the library's young artists.

In the library. M. Jalil, on the day of memory of A. S. Pushkin, conversations were held, reviews were held at the book exhibition: “Pushkin and Tukay are the sun of Russian poetry and the soul of the Tatar people.” Little readers on A.S. Day remembered their favorite heroes of the great poet's fairy tales. Pushkin "At Lukomorye green oak" in the library. V.G. Korolenko.

In connection with the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Republican Ecological Readings “In Accordance with Nature”, a number of libraries hosted events dedicated t V. V. Tuganaev’s grumbling.

For example, in libraries P.A. Blinova, im. N. Ostrovsky, them. V.M. Azina, them. V.G. Korolenko went through cycles of high-profile book readings"Green house and its inhabitants" (Tuganaev V.V.)

In the library named after P.A. Blinov held a theatrical presentation of the book by Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev "The Green House and Its Inhabitants", which the librarian held together with the grasshopper Chick and the moth butterfly. This was followed by quizzes, games and artistic numbers.

Ecological process"But we care" repeatedly took place in the library. I.A. Krylov. It was a judgment on a civilized Man, on himself. The accusatory material was the books of Tuganaev V.V., a biologist, professor, “The Green Man of the Year”. All those present at the trial had the opportunity to admit guilt or not. But everyone agrees that Man has created so many things that it will be very difficult or impossible to fix it at all.

In the library. A.P. Chekhov's children attended an informative conversation on the work of Tuganaev "I want to know everything."

In the library. M. Jalilseveral times a literary and theatrical performance based on the book by V. Tuganaev "The Green House and its inhabitants" was held.

In the children's library No. 18, the “Chair of the Green Professor” functioned all summer long, which was dedicated to the work of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev.

Forms of work

During the summer, libraries used various forms of work and library activities, which were diverse. For example, traditional library forms include loud readings and thematic conversations for children of primary school age.

Loud Readings

Such a form as loud readings has become more actively used in libraries. It is much more interesting and easier for modern children to listen to the reading of a librarian or a peer than to do it themselves at home. During the summer, children listened to loud readings of Udmurt fairy tales “With a box-basket, along forest paths” in the library. V.M. Azina. Tuesdays at the library. F.G. Kedrov held loud readings with discussion. Books about pioneer heroes found a great response among the children. Many took these books home for independent reading. Of great interest were the works of A. Rybakov "Dagger", "Bronze Bird", A. Gaidar "The Fate of the Drummer", G. Belykh, L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" and others.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky throughout the summer, the guys, together with the librarian of the subscription, read in a “circle” and discussed the books of such wonderful writers as Vitaly Bianchi, Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shim, Evgeny Charushin and others.

They read aloud in the summer about horses in library No. 25. The guys got acquainted with the books of V. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”. E. Shima "How horses sleep", V. Bulvanker "Horses on a pedestal", Y. Korinets Y. "The smartest horse", etc.

A good tradition to pitch a tent on Fridays in a clearing near the library and arrange loud readings in the fresh air appeared in the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn.


Talks are a traditional form of library events. At the present stage, they are often accompanied by an electronic slide show in the program. PowerPoint and supplemented by test questions to consolidate the learned material. This enhances the cognitive function of the conversation and makes this form modern and relevant.

A cycle of slide talks about the living world was held in the library. I.A. Krylov. It:

"Crocodile, Asterisk and others"; "White-tailed eagle - bird of 2013"; “The Frog Princess, or the Frog Party” and “Bird Castle, or the Housing Problem” about bird nests, etc.

In library No. 20, a series of conversations about the right lifestyle was very popular among the children: “On the benefits of exercise”, “Hygiene is the key to health”; “Oh! Vitamins are a thing!”; "Health: eight magic letters". All conversations were supplemented by mobile strengthening games, which made the listeners very happy.

Library named after V.G. Korolenko held a series of interviews“We are friends with nature”: “Green house and its inhabitants” based on the work of V.V. Tuganaev; "Pharmacy under your feet"; "About the circus" to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Durov V.L.; "Korolenkov Readings": to the 160th anniversary of the birth of the writer, etc.

In the library named after I.D. Pastukhov held an informative conversation "Holland - traditional and fashionable." The audience got acquainted with the traditional and modern architecture of this country. The girls were interested in historical, folk and modern costumes. Acquaintance with Dutch needlework ended with the participation of all those present in the "design" competitions.

A cycle of informative conversations was listened to by young readers of the library. F.G. Kedrova. Stories about the pioneers, about their friendly social life, have always had an ecological bias. Who has always collected waste paper, scrap metal? Who helped wounded animals in trouble, took care of them in living corners? Who knew how to go hiking correctly, without harming nature? These are all pioneers! This was discussed at conversations: “A pioneer and an example in ecology”, “Green wealth”, “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy”, “Everyone has only one Earth”, etc.


Informing children and involving them in reading is impossible without traditional thematic literature reviews. Bibliographic reviews of literature can be both an independent event and an integral part of a complex event. Literature reviews are often held at thematic exhibitions, or at exhibitions of new arrivals. Reviews may also be accompanied by slide shows.

A review of books about whales and dolphins "Inhabitants of the Deep Sea" was held in the library number 20. It was accompanied by an impressive video sequence. The guys became interested in the story about the life of fish with the most unusual names: moon fish, sword fish, needle, belt, oar king, saw fish, etc.

The presentation of the library exhibition with a review of animal literature “We are of the same blood” was held several times at the TsMDB named after I. M. Gorky.

Library No. 18 repeatedly conducted reviews of literature on the exhibition "Green Man - V. Tuganaev".

Lessons and hours

Despite the fact that summer is a vacation, children can benefit from educational lessons and hours in libraries.

Library them. S. Ya Marshak invited young readers to an hour of nature based on the works of the wonderful writer V. Bianchi “Into the forest in riddles”. The guys “visited” the “bird canteen”, found out who eats what, “Whose nose is better” and “Who sings what”. Then they guessed riddles about birds and read the Forest Newspaper. In the same library, an ecological hour "Look into the Red Book" was held. The children got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Red Book, read sad stories about how people exterminated animals (about the tour, about passenger pigeons, about the sea cow). Then they showed erudition: according to the description of the animal, it was necessary to determine its name. The ecological hour ended with the zoological lotto "Earth and its inhabitants".

Legal lesson “Environmental protection. The rights and obligations of citizens "was held in the library. I.D. Pastukhova. The guys got acquainted with Articles No. 42, No. 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the main regulatory legal acts in the field of the environment, presented at the library exhibition "Children's Legal Planet", and also tried their hand at "legal hunting". The purpose of this hunt was to obtain legal knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

The educational hour "Ecology and Transport" was held in the same library. The children listened attentively to the story about how closely the history of transport development and ecology are connected. The game "Earth, water, air, fire" was devoted to the methods of movement. During the games "On Board the Ship", "Train" and "Auto Racing", children performed the role of both "drivers" and "passengers" of vehicles. Divided into two teams, they answered questions and fantasized about what the transport of the future would be like.

For the musical and poetic hour "Valde but kytky - oh, oh, urome!" (“Harness, lads, horses!”) Everyone was invited to library No. 25. Children read poems with pleasure and sang songs about faithful and kind horses, which from ancient times helped a person, both in the household and in battle.

game forms

Instilling in children a love of reading should not be boring or intrusive. The use of game forms in group and individual work with children draws their attention to the book, turns the process of learning new material into an exciting activity. Games, or game elements, are present in almost every event for children. Young visitors of all libraries are happy to take part in intellectual and literary games. A feature of this summer is the combination of intellectual tasks with outdoor games in a number of libraries in one event.

Children were attracted to the Central Children's Children's Hospital named after M. Gorky by the intellectual and sports game "Tricks of Vukuzyo". The mythological characters Vukuzyo and Inmar asked the children about their knowledge of Udmurt mythology, made riddles about animals and birds. Then it was necessary to name familiar objects in Udmurt. In a mobile relay race, it was necessary to carry and not splash water through conditional swamps, mountains and ravines. In the end, Wumurt got naughty and tried to drag the players into his pool - whoever he dragged, he himself became Wumurth.

In the same library took place eecological tournament "Fantasies of the flower country". Teams guessed riddles about flowers,told legends and fairy tales, remembered songs about them. Then the players showed their practical skills: how to properly cut flowers for a bouquet, identify a flower by its aroma. The questions of other competitions concerned the symbolism of flowers, the benefits of medicinal plants and signs associated with flowers. The team game activated and rallied the guys.

In the intellectual game "Taiga Robinson" young nature lovers took part in the library. S. Ya Marshak. It was a kind of initiation into the Robinsons, a test of knowledge about the forest. It was necessary to name famous landmarks in the northern forest, list ways to kindle a fire without matches, make a menu of edible plants in the forest, list medicinal plants to help, find out the weather from folk signs. The city guys coped with the tasks!

In the library. P.A. Blinov, the game "Tales of the Forest Edge" was held. During the event, the children were asked various questions to Olesya. Then there was a literary show jumping "The most attentive" and a quiz "Medicinal plants".

In the library. Y. Gagarin passed the literary games "Have you met them", "Trap for the bookworm", "Literary jumble" and sports and environmental: "The sun and I are best friends", "Big jumping ropes".

In the library. I.A. Krylov was fascinated by the children's game "100 to 1" on the environmental and local history theme.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge in the library. F.G. Kedrov, the game was similar to the game "Brain": each field of the lined square shows how many points can be earned by answering the proposed literary question. If a smiling “smiley” is depicted on the field, then points are given just like that, if the “smiley” is sad, then you also need to answer an additional question.

Library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna confidently uses such a form as a quest game. This summer, too, the young friends of the library took part in the Biblioner's Quest with pleasure. They had to look for a magic book hidden by evil spirits, as well as the most important "biblical" attributes. The goal of the game is to collect clues and follow the directions to find the hidden object. During the game, the children got acquainted with all corners of the library and learned how to use the catalog.

The discovery of the summer in the library number 23 was the "Mythological Quest". Moving around the stations, the participants of the outdoor game solved puzzles, remembered mythological characters, got acquainted with the myths of different countries and the urban mythology of Izhevsk.

In the library. V. Mayakovsky, search tasks for opposing teams were invented by the children themselves.

Outdoor games

The warm summer weather and the declared Year of Environmental Protection and Ecology contributed to the fact that not only for the intellectual, but also for the physical development of children, many outdoor activities were held.

Yes, in the library. Y. Gagarin at the beginning of summer there were fun games called “Upside down and backwards”, which included such competitions: “Tanitolkaev race”, running with tied legs, “Giant steps”, the game “How many seconds are in a glass of water”, the competition “ Guess the opponent", the game "Bumps and Swamp", running with a balloon, etc.

In the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn guys also strengthened their health and engaged in physical development with the help of various sports competitions and competitions. For example, in July there was a sports role-playing game « Biblioner games.” Based on the previously acquired knowledge in the field of life safety and environmental biblioners, they took part both in outdoor sports competitions and in intellectual quizzes. Each team had its own route sheet with tasks.

The game "Forest Robbers" was attended by readers of the library. S.Ya. Marshak.

In the library named after F.G. Kedrov, before the next morning library event, the children gathered for morning exercises at 9.30 to improve their health and physical development. The readers of the same library took part in the pioneer library game Zarnitsa.

Thematic days and holidays

I would like to note that, especially during the summer holidays, it is advisable to hold complex thematic events that require thorough preparation and the help of the children themselves in carrying out.

Holidays held within the walls of the library also belong to complex events. Real holidays are significant events, such as the opening and closing of the "Summer Readings" program in libraries, theme days.

At the beginning of summer in the library. V.G. Korolenko hosted the holiday "The Sun on the Pages". Children took an active part in quizzes about the environment, got acquainted with the main environmental problems, decided how to behave in difficult situations in nature, watched the Three Butterflies puppet show about friendship and the interconnection of all living things in nature. A large screening of new literature for children “Read it first!” Was designed.

It is not the first year that Library No. 25 has been inviting its readers to the Chocolate Festival, which this year was called “Do Horses Eat Chocolate?”. On this day, a test was conducted on knowledge of facts about chocolate and its properties. Then the participants of the holiday played the show game "Manege of Miracles" and "Chocolate and Candy Blind Man's Bluff". All the children enjoyed the sweet day.

The chocolate holiday "Medicine for the sweet tooth" was also celebrated in the library No. 23. With the help of puppet theater, the audience was told the story of a chocolate tree and a drink made from cocoa beans, about the benefits of chocolate and its non-traditional uses. Young connoisseurs with a sweet tooth took part in fun quizzes.

In the same library, "Neptune's Day" has become traditional and, as always, it brought a lot of positive emotions to the guests. The children remembered books about famous seafarers, got acquainted with the marine terminology, plunged into the sea abyss and sang songs pleasing to the ruler of the seas - this is only a small part of what the guests of the holiday were doing.

Library them. L.N. Tolstoy celebrated the calendar holiday Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, the children read N. Gogol's story "The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala", remembered folk customs, made dolls from flowers, herbs, wood chips, made "suns" from straw, painted herbs and flowers.

At the end of summer, many libraries of the most active participants in the Summer Readings program were invited to fairs, fruit and berry banquets and watermelons (Library No. 20, named after S.Ya. Marshak, named after I.A. Krylov, etc.)


And in the library. P.A. Blinov held a competition called "Pets". Children willingly showed their pets, talking about their habits, nutrition and features. A quiz about animals was held, and then a mobile relay quiz, in which the children were asked to divide into two teams, each of which overcame its stage by guessing the correct answer to the question from the three options presented.

Children's holiday with the participation of pets was organized in the library. S.Ya. Marshak "Four paws, wet nose". It has been held here for over a year now. First, the guys talked about their four-legged friends (competition "business card"). The next task is training. The dogs showed remarkable performance of basic commands. Then the pet owners competed: who would name the most dog breeds and list the professions of dogs, recall works with dog characters, etc. Then everyone listened to a review of Pozharnitskaya's book “Traveling with Pets”.

Theatrical events

Conducting library events with elements of theatricalization, where librarians or children themselves act as actors, arouses great interest among readers from preschool to high school students and contributes to the popularization of reading and literature.

At the presentation of the summer program in early June at the TsMDB im. M. Gorky children were greeted by the forest king Berendey and his assistants Lesovichok and Kikimora. The Seasoned Traveler told the children about the coming summer. Carefree Butterflies have played several games. The roles were played by both the librarians themselves and the child activists.

And at the end of the summer in the library. A.P. Chekhov was shown the ecological fairy tale "The Gray Hat and the Wolf", which was prepared by the children themselves.

An initiative group of readers gathered in the children's library No. 18, together with whom several small performances and skits were staged. Not a single event passed without theatricalization. Children themselves prepared costumes and makeup, learned songs and put on dances. Actors of different ages were selected: from 1st to 10th grade. By participating in the Summer Readings, the children not only overcame shyness and revealed their talents, but also made new friends.

The puppet theater acts as a playful form of library work, uniting the theater - the puppet - the book. Experience has shown that puppet theaters created on their own at libraries attract young readers, arouse in them a genuine interest in art, theater and literature.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky continued its activities the theater of the book “Golden Key. In the summer, child actors for unorganized readers showed such puppet shows: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” for Pushkin Day; local history and environmental performances "The Rooster and the Fox", "The Old Man and the Birch", "Kotofei Ivanovich"; environmental performances "Curious Hare", "Hunter and the Snake", "Once in the Forest", "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Knaughty Bunny", etc.

In the library. N.K. Krupskaya in the summer, puppet shows were shown: “By the command of a pike”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Dragon”, etc.

In the library. M. Jalil's puppet theater has been working since June 1 " A kiyat "-" Fairy tale ". Fairy tales were shown to children: "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Goat and Ram" (G. Tukay). A performance was staged based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha". The amateur theater "Chulpan" showed for children c valuation of "About the Grasshopper" based on the book by V. V. Tuganaev "The Green House and Its Inhabitants".

In the library. V.G. Korolenko worked on Fridays in the summer for the children's theater studio "Tales of the Learned Cat".

Library number 19 and TsMDB them. M. Gorky on City Day went to an open city site with an ecological mini-performance and a quiz.

Summer, sun, holidays! Some activities were not limited to the walls of libraries and the proximity of bookshelves and shelves.

In the library. Y. Gagarin, librarians and young readers repeatedly left the library premises. For example, they organized the environmental action "Spring" to clean up the spring closest to the library. Simultaneously with the action, a conversation was held about the importance of water in human life “Water, water, water all around”. And a few more times they went out for a walk "With an umbrella and a magnifying glass in a summer meadow." Children got acquainted and looked at plants growing in the adjacent territory, guessed quizzes about plants.

Library them. S.Ya Marshaka arranged a walk in the Cosmonauts Park for her readers. In the same place, a conversation was held in the open air about medicinal plants, and about the plants of meadows and fields. Children got acquainted with the legends about flowers, took part in a quiz about flowers, guessed riddles.

The readers of Library No. 25 were lucky to feel the horse, its soft touch. They visited Ksyusha's Stable. The guys got acquainted with the horse Belka, the pony Rute and the camel Liza. Learned their history of appearance in our area. Children came to visit the animals with gifts, treated them. And then ride from the heart!

Readers of the library of V. Mayakovsky went to visit the library number 25 and visited the museum of local lore. N. Ostrovsky with young readers went on a walk in the forest in search of medicinal herbs “It is more useful for us from all diseases.”

Library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna never ceases to amaze with new ideas. On July 31, a promotion was held in this library "Anthill of good deeds." The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the industrial region to the library, books and reading, to make all residents kinder and happier. Activists and friends of the library came out with positive flyers. On this day, even young biblioners helped passers-by carry heavy bags, escorted them home in the rain under a large umbrella and arranged “hugs”. In total, 20 biblionaires took part in the action, 60 announcements were posted, 40 passers-by were hugged, 30 good deeds were done!


In all libraries, a weekly schedule was drawn up - on certain days, children drew on a given topic, made crafts or composed.

In library No. 20, a master class was held on creating "environmentally friendly" crafts from recycled materials called "Nine Lives of One Thing".

All summer in the library. Yu. Gagarin operated an eco-workshop "100 ideas from unnecessary things." The guys made voluminous paper balls, kusudama flowers, made bookmarks (scrapbooking), made key chains from buttons, made funny clothespins.

Throughout July in the library. L.N. Tolstoy, a puppet workshop worked, where from different materials (clay, candy wrappers, herbs, sticks, fabric) one could learn how to make puppets and play with them. The "Gallery of children's drawings" was designed. By the end of the summer, the library opened the exposition "Museum of Children's Creativity".

In the library. I.D. Pastukhov's classes in the creative workshop were devoted to the recycling of old things: the guys made trailers from foam and paper for the future train; from plastic bottles and old fabric - toys, old denim and satin ribbons were used to create new handbags and other accessories.

In the library. V.M. Azin's children learned how to make amulets for happiness.

All summer visitors to the children's library. I.A. Krylov was pleased with the art exhibition of the best children's drawings "Bird of the Year", which was organized as part of an environmental project. Young artists received incentive prizes. And in the library number 24, the children drew the library of the future.

In Library No. 19, the children watched a film about how cartoons are created and got acquainted with the work of the writer V. Suteev. Then they tried their hand at creating a cartoon based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple".

The most important achievement of this summer in Library No. 20 was the creation of the author's cartoon based on "Edible Tales" by Masha Traub "Porridge Manya". The technical side of the process was provided by a specialist, a library employee. And a friendly team of five creative young readers created "muffled" characters from cereals and plasticine, cut out the scenery, discussed the script, and posted individual frames.

Video views

In libraries, if technical means are available, children are invited to video screenings of cartoons and films on certain topics, or film adaptations of literary works with their subsequent discussion.

In the library. I.A. Krylova films and cartoons were shown: "The Secret of Yegor, or extraordinary adventures in an ordinary summer." This film is a participant of the Stalker International Human Rights Festival. Cartoon "Epic" is a fascinating story about the protection of nature, about deceit and honesty, about evil and good. The Library Summer event at this library is a retro screening of a filmstrip based on Jack London's White Fang. For the first time in their lives, modern children watched a filmstrip. Personal participation in the creation of a miracle: the preparation of a darkened room, the artistic reading of the text for the frames, their rewinding, left an unforgettable impression on the children. In the library. V.G. Korolenko watched cartoons on Wednesdays all summer. In the library. F.G. Kedrova, im. V. Mayakovsky and some other libraries, viewing of cartoons was accompanied by a discussion.


In summer, children not only rested, played and read. Young assistant librarians took part in landscaping flower beds, caring for flowers, repairing dilapidated books, processing new literature, dusting library collections.

Residents of st. Bummashevskaya were surprised by the young assistants of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, who took patronage over the garden beds.

In May, the library F.G. Kedrov, with the help of readers, an ecological map of the microdistrict was developed, on which the places of unauthorized dumps or simply poorly cleaned, ownerless territories are indicated. Over the course of the summer, the environmental library troopers did their best to change the look of this map, where instead of danger icons, flowers bloomed.

In library No. 25, young assistants took part in a labor landing: repairing children's magazines and books, dusting library collections.


In the library. S.Ya. Marshaka reading screen was created - "Gifts of the Forester". The children attached the leaves to the birch. On the sheets (in the form of birch leaves) the name of the participant and the points earned were recorded. From these leaves, a beautiful birch turned out at the end of summer!

In the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, every good deed was rewarded with library currency - “librarians”, and was taken into account in a special personal file.

In library No. 25, at the end of summer, an auction "Finish" was held, where children bought stationery with the library currency "horseshoes" they earned. Throughout the summer in the library named after L.N. Tolstoy's children kept travel diaries. In the library. V.Mayakovsky children earned "beacons" - library currency. The number of bibloons earned over the summer by readers of the M. Gorky amounted to a record 16,000 conventional units.

Press. mass media

Information about ongoing library events is communicated to the public in various ways: from announcements in each library and handouts on the street, to print and electronic media, television and radio communications.

The press release for the coming summer could be read on the website.

City Guidethe program of "Summer Readings", which includes the activities of the MBU CLS, is placedon the website of the Administration of Izhevsk .

Krasnoperova Natalia Vladimirovna, deputy director for work with children of the MBU CLS of Izhevsk, told about reading and summer events in municipal libraries live on air "Persona" on the State TV and Radio Company "My Udmurtia".

Throughout the summer, the library to them. I.A. Krylova visited the reporter of Radio Russia (Pesochnaya, 13) Dina Sedova and took several interviews, both with child readers and with librarians, leaders of children's reading. Notes about summer events were repeatedly posted on the portal of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

About the work of the library. M. Jalil under the program "Summer Readings-2013" was filmed by the branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Udmurtia". The success of the library. V.G. Korolenko was also covered by local television. Other libraries also provided information to the local press. In summer, libraries cooperate with municipal, social and public children's organizations.

For example, June 1, Children's Day Library. S.Ya. Marshak took part in the children's holiday microdistrict Stolichny together with the Center for Aesthetic Education of the Industrial District. There were games and quizzes.

For children from MBU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Industrial District of Izhevsk "Tepliydom" in the library. P.A. Blinov held three events during the summer.

In TsMDBim. M. Gorky for children with disabilities from KTSSO No. 1, slide conversations, viewing of feature and animated films with quizzes were held.

In June, the children's library. Y. Gagarina held three events for the pupils of the juvenile correctional colony No. 9 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Udmurt Republic.

Library them. I.A. Krylova prepared and conducted summer events for the children of the Children's Hospital No. 7 (needy children of the Oktyabrsky and Industrial districts).

Library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna collaborated with the MKU SRTSDN in Izhevsk and the Children's Department of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Library No. 25 held events with children from the Family Center, which included children with disabilities and children in difficult life situations.

For children of the children's department of the psychoneurological dispensary and the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Juveniles, the library named after. I.D. Pastukhova organized and conducted a number of events. Library them. F.G. Kedrova collaborated with school No. 96 (boarding school) and correctional school No. 23.

In the Palace of Children's Creativity at the presentation of the book "What is the Motherland?", which was published in connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization, children, young readers of the library named after. I.A. Nagovitsyn with art numbers.

That was such an exciting and fruitful summer in the municipal libraries of the city of Izhevsk. At the end of the summer, the best participants of the program "Summer Readings-2013" of the MBU CBS were invited to the Cosmonauts Park for the holiday "So the summer has passed." They watched the performance of the "High Five" theater of the children's art school No. 1,

Department of Information and Library Services.

During the summer, the municipal libraries actively worked on the program "Summer Readings", which is part of the city's program "Izhevsk Holidays".

This year, 22 libraries took part in the implementation of the program. They offered young Izhevsk residents up to 14 years of age to spend their leisure time during the summer holidays with benefit and interest. The themelet in each library was determined in accordance with criteria such as relevance, diversity and demand.

Due to the fact that 2013 was declared the Year of Environmental Protection in Russia, many activities for children were dedicated to nature and respect for the environment. Some libraries raised the issue of the ecological state of both the entire planet and, in particular, the city of Izhevsk.

For example, the Central Municipal Children's Library. M. Gorky called her summer program "Library ECOForest".

In the library. V. G. Korolenko - “The Sun on the Pages”.

Library them. N. A. Ostrovsky - "Ecological Primer".

Library-branch No. 18 - "On a visit to the summer with the Green Professor."

Branch Library No. 20 - "Summer in the Book Forest".

Library them. V. V. Mayakovsky - “This Summer is Ecoleto!”.

Library-branch number 19 - "Brighter the sun shines."

Library them. P. A. Blinova - “Literary and ecological assortment “Forest Newspaper”.

Library them. Yu. A. Gagarina - "Summer with a book under an umbrella."

Library them. S. Ya. Marshak - "Forest Robinsons".

Library them. I. D. Pastukhova - "Summer Ecological Train".

Library-branch number 24 entails the "Wind of Wanderings".

In library No. 25, Summer Readings were also devoted to the topic of ecology. All events were united by a single program "Library Hippodrome", the symbol of which was a horse. This contributed to the education in children of kindness, sensitivity to lesser friends, the development of harmony and inner beauty in them.

In the library. N. K. Krupskaya from the first sunny days began the "Summer hunting season, or Bibliofishing."

Library them. I. A. Krylovaopened the door for its young readers to the world of magic, kindness, joy, hope. Their summer program was called"Magic book".

Library No. 23 devoted the summer program to nature, history and secrets of the native land. Their theme is “Myths of the Big City”.

In the library L. N. Tolstoy the program was called "Make, play, read - bring joy to the soul."

Library them. V. M. AzinaWorked under the program "Young local historian".

Library them. A.P. Chekhova went with her readers to "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Book Galaxy".

Library them. M. Jalil wandered with the guys "On the book paths of summer."

In connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization in Udmurtia in blibrary them. F.G. Kedrov was truly "Pioneer Summer". The children were invited to plunge into the times when their parents and grandparents were pioneers.

« Biblion Movement” was organized by the library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn. in the summerthe guys got acquainted with the history of the pioneer movement, created a "biblion squad" in order to help the inhabitants microdistrict.


In the library. I. A. Krylova in the foyer, the poster "Pink Elephant" invited guests to spend a "magic" summer in the library. And on the doors of the reading room, a magical “seven-colored flower” “bloomed”, telling about the events held every day in the reading room.

In the summer, the entire library to them. Y. Gagarina adorned herself with umbrellas and balloons. They were on windows, at exhibitions, on bookcases.

Between the trees in front of the entrance to the library number 20, a banner with the name of the program "Summer in the Book Forest" attracted the attention of passers-by all summer long.

In the premises of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, one could clearly see the symbols of the pioneer movement: red ties, flags, posters with pioneer slogans.

Library them. N.K. Krupskaya thematic composition on the theme of fishing, safish events and a program of summer readings supplemented the general three-dimensional composition in the showcases of the children's department of the library.

Library exhibitions

There are no libraries without books and without library exhibitions! In the summer, they house, as usual, the most interesting books and magazines. And there can also be children's crafts, drawings, games, quizzes.

For example, in the library V.G. Korolenko in the design of the exhibition of books about nature "Give nature kindness" used fresh flowers, children's crafts, figurines of animals. The game exhibition-quiz "Favorite lines carnival" is designed in the form of a tree. The trunk and roots of the tree are twisted from wrapping paper, the leaves are cut out of colored paper. In the branches, birds and animals made of painted cardboard. In such a frame, the poems of F. Tyutchev, A. Tolstoy, S. Yesenin and A. S. Pushkin attracted the attention of many readers.

"Magic Book" "opened" its pages in the reading room at the book exhibition of the library. I.A. Krylova Its unusual design created a fabulous atmosphere. The most "magical" book is "Eragon: A Guide to the Land of Dragons" by Christopher Paolini. The section of the exhibition "Little Folk", which presents fairy tales about magical creatures, is supplemented by a quiz "Wizards, sorcerers, magicians, sorcerers". The section "Fairyland" contains wonderful fairy tales about winged sorceresses and the quiz "Magic Means". And the section "Workshop of Danila the Master" is crafts made by the hands of readers and books to help them.

The environmental theme of the summer is reflected in library exhibitions. For example, a table exhibition was organized in the library of V. Mayakovsky "Read the Lawn" with quizzes, questions,Ecological serpentine.

Library No. 18 organized the exhibitions "Ecological Around the World", "Green Man - Viktor Tuganaev".

The game book exhibition "Forest Robinsons" pleased the children of the library. S.Ya. Marshak. The "Living Book" section presents fiction books by naturalist writers, the "Green House and its inhabitants" section consists of popular science books about animals and plants.

In the library. M. Jalil during the summer on the subscription passed a series of book exhibitions-quizzes "Academy of Forest Sciences" = "Urman fә nn ә re academiyase": "Pefather of native nature” (M. Prishvin); "The Amazing World of Birds"; "The Wonderful World of Plants"; "In the animal world". The children were happy to guess riddles, proverbs and sayings about nature, about the inhabitants of the forest, and they also invented them themselves. It turned out that young readers know medicinal plants well and will be able to use them.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky decorated a colorful library exhibition about the animal world“You and I are of the same blood” under the headings: “Neighbors on the planet”, “Formula of goodness”, “Stories from furry ones”. The section "Stories from the furry" offered children books about the adventures of animals, told by themselves. For example, Samarsky M. “Rainbow for a Friend”, “Formula of Kindness”, Pennak D. “Dog Dog”, the collection “My Dog Thoughts”, etc. In the design of these exhibitions, hoops representing the Globe were used. Animal toys were placed in a circle: monkeys, a tiger, birds, snakes, butterflies. Butterflies, beetles, a ladybug “fluttered” on the ceiling space above the exhibition. The addresses of the websites of organizations providing assistance to animals, quotes and statements of prominent people about love and mercy for wildlife were posted. On the floor and on the wall there were imprints of traces of animals and birds.

Library-branch No. 25 offered its young readers such exhibitions about nature: "Library Hippodrome", "Commonwealth of Books and Nature".

Many exhibitions in libraries were devoted to the work of children's writers-anniversaries, summer fun adventures and vacations.

Library named after F.G. Kedrova chose a different theme: the children's subscription included the Pioneer Summer book exhibition, which offered modern children an alternative to the computer: interesting reading, various games, both mobile and erudition, funny songs, etc.

Library named after I.A. Nagovitsyn with the helpof originally designed book exhibitions-quizzes based on the works of Arkady Gaidar and other writers, sought to instill in the children a love for their native land, to instill a sense of patriotism and humanism.

Many libraries, with the help of literary quizzes and bibliographic games, give exhibitions a playful character. Contact games and quizzes can be not only an additional element of the exhibition, but can also have an independent character.

Contact games

Children of the city could come to the library in the summer not only to read a book or take part in a library event, but also to do some favorite thing on their own or just play.

Didactic (discontact) games are games with ready-made rules. This should include such educational games: literary crosswords, correspondence quizzes, bibliographic puzzles, mosaics, lotto, dominoes.The development of new bibliographic games (informographic) has firmly entered the practical activities of libraries.

Library them. Yu. Gagarina prepared contact quizzes for young scholars, to which the guys answered with pleasure: “Around the world in a balloon” (about nature), “The world of animals”, “The ABC of nature”, “The best”, “Journey through fairy tales” , "Inhabitants of the Sun City", "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all", "Fairy-tale objects", "Hello, Mary Poppins", "Fairy-tale ballooning".

Library them. S.Ya. Marshaka supplemented the book exhibition about nature with such games: “In the kingdom of flora”, “Guess the animal”, “Bird conversations”.

In Library No. 23, all exhibitions were accompanied by quizzes and contact games. Among the most successful are Urban Legends, Taste of Dumplings, Once Upon a Time, Mythological Zoo and Mythological Puzzles, etc.

In the Central Children's Children's Hospital named after M. Gorky, in each department, new thematic contact games are prepared annually for the summer. For example, at the subscription, kids could check their erudition and erudition on their own with the help of such games: encryption "Funny Journey", geographical game "Dog Stories", rebus "Ecoscience". Cats and mice, the Risk version rebus, the Brainstorming eco-rebus, the fairy-tale quiz "On the rights of the child", the code game "Dog's devotion", etc. In the reading room, children and teenagers could study on their owncrossword “Flowers”, lotto “Pearls of the plant kingdom”, lotto “Merry summer” (based on the verses of the writer-jubilee V.D. Berestov), ​​quiz “On the seas around the earth” (based on the book of the writer-jubilee S.V. Sakharnov); the crossword "The golden symbol of Udmurtia - italmas" (according to the book of the Udmurt scientist Buzanov V.A. "Pearls of the plant kingdom"); teaword "Entertaining geography" (based on the book by A. Usachev "Geography for children"); games "Language of Flowers" and "Flower Clock" (based on the books "Entertaining Botany for Kids" and "I Know the World: Plants"), etc.

“Catch a book, both big and small ...” such a diary book was developed in the library. N. Krupskaya. This is a psychological individual correspondence form of work with children. The diary contains psychological advice, recommendations, exercises, questions and reflections on the read works.


One of the main goals of the "Summer Readings" program is the organization of leisure time for city children during the summer holidays through books, reading and various play forms. In summer, libraries also cooperate with camps at schools, with children's courtyard clubs and kindergartens, and various social organizations.

At the beginning of June, in all libraries serving children, the opening and presentation of the program "Summer Readings" was bright and festive. Usually this holiday coincides with Children's Day.


There are dates that libraries celebrate every year. One of them is the date of June 6 - A.S. Day. Pushkin. On this day, libraries arrange mini-exhibitions of the works of the great poet, talks and loud readings.

For example, in the library Y. Gagarin, the children answered the quiz questions based on the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. On this day, in Library No. 25, children also competed in the intellectual quiz "Pushkin's Horseman". The book exhibition “I have known Pushkin for a long time” helped them to work on the quiz. The great poet is known, remembered and loved.

In the library. I. A. Krylov successfully passed the literary game "At Lukomorye". Connoisseurs of Pushkin's fairy tales recognized fairy-tale heroes by "literary portraits", selected rhymes for Pushkin's lines, and so on. The extended colorful exhibition "Lukomorye" on the subscription was supplemented by the quiz "Traces of unseen animals" and was decorated with "Golden chain on that oak ...".

With Pushkin readings, the library named after I.D. Pastukhova went out to the pupils of nearby kindergartens. The children learned new biographical facts and interesting stories from the life of the great poet, played fairy lotto, recited their favorite Pushkin lines. They also watched a puppet show prepared by the library's young artists.

In the library. M. Jalil, on the day of memory of A. S. Pushkin, conversations were held, reviews were held at the book exhibition: “Pushkin and Tukay are the sun of Russian poetry and the soul of the Tatar people.” Little readers on A.S. Day remembered their favorite heroes of the great poet's fairy tales. Pushkin "At Lukomorye green oak" in the library. V.G. Korolenko.

In connection with the Year of Ecology in Russia and the Republican Ecological Readings “In Accordance with Nature”, a number of libraries hosted events dedicated t V. V. Tuganaev’s grumbling.

For example, in libraries P.A. Blinova, im. N. Ostrovsky, them. V.M. Azina, them. V.G. Korolenko went through cycles of high-profile book readings"Green house and its inhabitants" (Tuganaev V.V.)

In the library named after P.A. Blinov held a theatrical presentation of the book by Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev "The Green House and Its Inhabitants", which the librarian held together with the grasshopper Chick and the moth butterfly. This was followed by quizzes, games and artistic numbers.

Ecological process"But we care" repeatedly took place in the library. I.A. Krylov. It was a judgment on a civilized Man, on himself. The accusatory material was the books of Tuganaev V.V., a biologist, professor, “The Green Man of the Year”. All those present at the trial had the opportunity to admit guilt or not. But everyone agrees that Man has created so many things that it will be very difficult or impossible to fix it at all.

In the library. A.P. Chekhov's children attended an informative conversation on the work of Tuganaev "I want to know everything."

In the library. M. Jalilseveral times a literary and theatrical performance based on the book by V. Tuganaev "The Green House and its inhabitants" was held.

In the children's library No. 18, the “Chair of the Green Professor” functioned all summer long, which was dedicated to the work of Viktor Vasilyevich Tuganaev.

Forms of work

During the summer, libraries used various forms of work and library activities, which were diverse. For example, traditional library forms include loud readings and thematic conversations for children of primary school age.

Loud Readings

Such a form as loud readings has become more actively used in libraries. It is much more interesting and easier for modern children to listen to the reading of a librarian or a peer than to do it themselves at home. During the summer, children listened to loud readings of Udmurt fairy tales “With a box-basket, along forest paths” in the library. V.M. Azina. Tuesdays at the library. F.G. Kedrov held loud readings with discussion. Books about pioneer heroes found a great response among the children. Many took these books home for independent reading. Of great interest were the works of A. Rybakov "Dagger", "Bronze Bird", A. Gaidar "The Fate of the Drummer", G. Belykh, L. Panteleev "Republic of ShKID" and others.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky throughout the summer, the guys, together with the librarian of the subscription, read in a “circle” and discussed the books of such wonderful writers as Vitaly Bianchi, Nikolai Sladkov, Eduard Shim, Evgeny Charushin and others.

They read aloud in the summer about horses in library No. 25. The guys got acquainted with the books of V. Astafiev “The Horse with a Pink Mane”. E. Shima "How horses sleep", V. Bulvanker "Horses on a pedestal", Y. Korinets Y. "The smartest horse", etc.

A good tradition to pitch a tent on Fridays in a clearing near the library and arrange loud readings in the fresh air appeared in the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn.


Talks are a traditional form of library events. At the present stage, they are often accompanied by an electronic slide show in the program. PowerPoint and supplemented by test questions to consolidate the learned material. This enhances the cognitive function of the conversation and makes this form modern and relevant.

A cycle of slide talks about the living world was held in the library. I.A. Krylov. It:

"Crocodile, Asterisk and others"; "White-tailed eagle - bird of 2013"; “The Frog Princess, or the Frog Party” and “Bird Castle, or the Housing Problem” about bird nests, etc.

In library No. 20, a series of conversations about the right lifestyle was very popular among the children: “On the benefits of exercise”, “Hygiene is the key to health”; “Oh! Vitamins are a thing!”; "Health: eight magic letters". All conversations were supplemented by mobile strengthening games, which made the listeners very happy.

Library named after V.G. Korolenko held a series of interviews“We are friends with nature”: “Green house and its inhabitants” based on the work of V.V. Tuganaev; "Pharmacy under your feet"; "About the circus" to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Durov V.L.; "Korolenkov Readings": to the 160th anniversary of the birth of the writer, etc.

In the library named after I.D. Pastukhov held an informative conversation "Holland - traditional and fashionable." The audience got acquainted with the traditional and modern architecture of this country. The girls were interested in historical, folk and modern costumes. Acquaintance with Dutch needlework ended with the participation of all those present in the "design" competitions.

A cycle of informative conversations was listened to by young readers of the library. F.G. Kedrova. Stories about the pioneers, about their friendly social life, have always had an ecological bias. Who has always collected waste paper, scrap metal? Who helped wounded animals in trouble, took care of them in living corners? Who knew how to go hiking correctly, without harming nature? These are all pioneers! This was discussed at conversations: “A pioneer and an example in ecology”, “Green wealth”, “Temper yourself if you want to be healthy”, “Everyone has only one Earth”, etc.


Informing children and involving them in reading is impossible without traditional thematic literature reviews. Bibliographic reviews of literature can be both an independent event and an integral part of a complex event. Literature reviews are often held at thematic exhibitions, or at exhibitions of new arrivals. Reviews may also be accompanied by slide shows.

A review of books about whales and dolphins "Inhabitants of the Deep Sea" was held in the library number 20. It was accompanied by an impressive video sequence. The guys became interested in the story about the life of fish with the most unusual names: moon fish, sword fish, needle, belt, oar king, saw fish, etc.

The presentation of the library exhibition with a review of animal literature “We are of the same blood” was held several times at the TsMDB named after I. M. Gorky.

Library No. 18 repeatedly conducted reviews of literature on the exhibition "Green Man - V. Tuganaev".

Lessons and hours

Despite the fact that summer is a vacation, children can benefit from educational lessons and hours in libraries.

Library them. S. Ya Marshak invited young readers to an hour of nature based on the works of the wonderful writer V. Bianchi “Into the forest in riddles”. The guys “visited” the “bird canteen”, found out who eats what, “Whose nose is better” and “Who sings what”. Then they guessed riddles about birds and read the Forest Newspaper. In the same library, an ecological hour "Look into the Red Book" was held. The children got acquainted with the history of the creation of the Red Book, read sad stories about how people exterminated animals (about the tour, about passenger pigeons, about the sea cow). Then they showed erudition: according to the description of the animal, it was necessary to determine its name. The ecological hour ended with the zoological lotto "Earth and its inhabitants".

Legal lesson “Environmental protection. The rights and obligations of citizens "was held in the library. I.D. Pastukhova. The guys got acquainted with Articles No. 42, No. 58 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the main regulatory legal acts in the field of the environment, presented at the library exhibition "Children's Legal Planet", and also tried their hand at "legal hunting". The purpose of this hunt was to obtain legal knowledge in the field of environmental protection.

The educational hour "Ecology and Transport" was held in the same library. The children listened attentively to the story about how closely the history of transport development and ecology are connected. The game "Earth, water, air, fire" was devoted to the methods of movement. During the games "On Board the Ship", "Train" and "Auto Racing", children performed the role of both "drivers" and "passengers" of vehicles. Divided into two teams, they answered questions and fantasized about what the transport of the future would be like.

For the musical and poetic hour "Valde but kytky - oh, oh, urome!" (“Harness, lads, horses!”) Everyone was invited to library No. 25. Children read poems with pleasure and sang songs about faithful and kind horses, which from ancient times helped a person, both in the household and in battle.

game forms

Instilling in children a love of reading should not be boring or intrusive. The use of game forms in group and individual work with children draws their attention to the book, turns the process of learning new material into an exciting activity. Games, or game elements, are present in almost every event for children. Young visitors of all libraries are happy to take part in intellectual and literary games. A feature of this summer is the combination of intellectual tasks with outdoor games in a number of libraries in one event.

Children were attracted to the Central Children's Children's Hospital named after M. Gorky by the intellectual and sports game "Tricks of Vukuzyo". The mythological characters Vukuzyo and Inmar asked the children about their knowledge of Udmurt mythology, made riddles about animals and birds. Then it was necessary to name familiar objects in Udmurt. In a mobile relay race, it was necessary to carry and not splash water through conditional swamps, mountains and ravines. In the end, Wumurt got naughty and tried to drag the players into his pool - whoever he dragged, he himself became Wumurth.

In the same library took place eecological tournament "Fantasies of the flower country". Teams guessed riddles about flowers,told legends and fairy tales, remembered songs about them. Then the players showed their practical skills: how to properly cut flowers for a bouquet, identify a flower by its aroma. The questions of other competitions concerned the symbolism of flowers, the benefits of medicinal plants and signs associated with flowers. The team game activated and rallied the guys.

In the intellectual game "Taiga Robinson" young nature lovers took part in the library. S. Ya Marshak. It was a kind of initiation into the Robinsons, a test of knowledge about the forest. It was necessary to name famous landmarks in the northern forest, list ways to kindle a fire without matches, make a menu of edible plants in the forest, list medicinal plants to help, find out the weather from folk signs. The city guys coped with the tasks!

In the library. P.A. Blinov, the game "Tales of the Forest Edge" was held. During the event, the children were asked various questions to Olesya. Then there was a literary show jumping "The most attentive" and a quiz "Medicinal plants".

In the library. Y. Gagarin passed the literary games "Have you met them", "Trap for the bookworm", "Literary jumble" and sports and environmental: "The sun and I are best friends", "Big jumping ropes".

In the library. I.A. Krylov was fascinated by the children's game "100 to 1" on the environmental and local history theme.

To consolidate the acquired knowledge in the library. F.G. Kedrov, the game was similar to the game "Brain": each field of the lined square shows how many points can be earned by answering the proposed literary question. If a smiling “smiley” is depicted on the field, then points are given just like that, if the “smiley” is sad, then you also need to answer an additional question.

Library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna confidently uses such a form as a quest game. This summer, too, the young friends of the library took part in the Biblioner's Quest with pleasure. They had to look for a magic book hidden by evil spirits, as well as the most important "biblical" attributes. The goal of the game is to collect clues and follow the directions to find the hidden object. During the game, the children got acquainted with all corners of the library and learned how to use the catalog.

The discovery of the summer in the library number 23 was the "Mythological Quest". Moving around the stations, the participants of the outdoor game solved puzzles, remembered mythological characters, got acquainted with the myths of different countries and the urban mythology of Izhevsk.

In the library. V. Mayakovsky, search tasks for opposing teams were invented by the children themselves.

Outdoor games

The warm summer weather and the declared Year of Environmental Protection and Ecology contributed to the fact that not only for the intellectual, but also for the physical development of children, many outdoor activities were held.

Yes, in the library. Y. Gagarin at the beginning of summer there were fun games called “Upside down and backwards”, which included such competitions: “Tanitolkaev race”, running with tied legs, “Giant steps”, the game “How many seconds are in a glass of water”, the competition “ Guess the opponent", the game "Bumps and Swamp", running with a balloon, etc.

In the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn guys also strengthened their health and engaged in physical development with the help of various sports competitions and competitions. For example, in July there was a sports role-playing game « Biblioner games.” Based on the previously acquired knowledge in the field of life safety and environmental biblioners, they took part both in outdoor sports competitions and in intellectual quizzes. Each team had its own route sheet with tasks.

The game "Forest Robbers" was attended by readers of the library. S.Ya. Marshak.

In the library named after F.G. Kedrov, before the next morning library event, the children gathered for morning exercises at 9.30 to improve their health and physical development. The readers of the same library took part in the pioneer library game Zarnitsa.

Thematic days and holidays

I would like to note that, especially during the summer holidays, it is advisable to hold complex thematic events that require thorough preparation and the help of the children themselves in carrying out.

Holidays held within the walls of the library also belong to complex events. Real holidays are significant events, such as the opening and closing of the "Summer Readings" program in libraries, theme days.

At the beginning of summer in the library. V.G. Korolenko hosted the holiday "The Sun on the Pages". Children took an active part in quizzes about the environment, got acquainted with the main environmental problems, decided how to behave in difficult situations in nature, watched the Three Butterflies puppet show about friendship and the interconnection of all living things in nature. A large screening of new literature for children “Read it first!” Was designed.

It is not the first year that Library No. 25 has been inviting its readers to the Chocolate Festival, which this year was called “Do Horses Eat Chocolate?”. On this day, a test was conducted on knowledge of facts about chocolate and its properties. Then the participants of the holiday played the show game "Manege of Miracles" and "Chocolate and Candy Blind Man's Bluff". All the children enjoyed the sweet day.

The chocolate holiday "Medicine for the sweet tooth" was also celebrated in the library No. 23. With the help of puppet theater, the audience was told the story of a chocolate tree and a drink made from cocoa beans, about the benefits of chocolate and its non-traditional uses. Young connoisseurs with a sweet tooth took part in fun quizzes.

In the same library, "Neptune's Day" has become traditional and, as always, it brought a lot of positive emotions to the guests. The children remembered books about famous seafarers, got acquainted with the marine terminology, plunged into the sea abyss and sang songs pleasing to the ruler of the seas - this is only a small part of what the guests of the holiday were doing.

Library them. L.N. Tolstoy celebrated the calendar holiday Ivan Kupala Day. On this day, the children read N. Gogol's story "The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala", remembered folk customs, made dolls from flowers, herbs, wood chips, made "suns" from straw, painted herbs and flowers.

At the end of summer, many libraries of the most active participants in the Summer Readings program were invited to fairs, fruit and berry banquets and watermelons (Library No. 20, named after S.Ya. Marshak, named after I.A. Krylov, etc.)


And in the library. P.A. Blinov held a competition called "Pets". Children willingly showed their pets, talking about their habits, nutrition and features. A quiz about animals was held, and then a mobile relay quiz, in which the children were asked to divide into two teams, each of which overcame its stage by guessing the correct answer to the question from the three options presented.

Children's holiday with the participation of pets was organized in the library. S.Ya. Marshak "Four paws, wet nose". It has been held here for over a year now. First, the guys talked about their four-legged friends (competition "business card"). The next task is training. The dogs showed remarkable performance of basic commands. Then the pet owners competed: who would name the most dog breeds and list the professions of dogs, recall works with dog characters, etc. Then everyone listened to a review of Pozharnitskaya's book “Traveling with Pets”.

Theatrical events

Conducting library events with elements of theatricalization, where librarians or children themselves act as actors, arouses great interest among readers from preschool to high school students and contributes to the popularization of reading and literature.

At the presentation of the summer program in early June at the TsMDB im. M. Gorky children were greeted by the forest king Berendey and his assistants Lesovichok and Kikimora. The Seasoned Traveler told the children about the coming summer. Carefree Butterflies have played several games. The roles were played by both the librarians themselves and the child activists.

And at the end of the summer in the library. A.P. Chekhov was shown the ecological fairy tale "The Gray Hat and the Wolf", which was prepared by the children themselves.

An initiative group of readers gathered in the children's library No. 18, together with whom several small performances and skits were staged. Not a single event passed without theatricalization. Children themselves prepared costumes and makeup, learned songs and put on dances. Actors of different ages were selected: from 1st to 10th grade. By participating in the Summer Readings, the children not only overcame shyness and revealed their talents, but also made new friends.

The puppet theater acts as a playful form of library work, uniting the theater - the puppet - the book. Experience has shown that puppet theaters created on their own at libraries attract young readers, arouse in them a genuine interest in art, theater and literature.

In TsMDB them. M. Gorky continued its activities the theater of the book “Golden Key. In the summer, child actors for unorganized readers showed such puppet shows: “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” for Pushkin Day; local history and environmental performances "The Rooster and the Fox", "The Old Man and the Birch", "Kotofei Ivanovich"; environmental performances "Curious Hare", "Hunter and the Snake", "Once in the Forest", "Hedgehog in the Fog", "Knaughty Bunny", etc.

In the library. N.K. Krupskaya in the summer, puppet shows were shown: “By the command of a pike”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Dragon”, etc.

In the library. M. Jalil's puppet theater has been working since June 1 " A kiyat "-" Fairy tale ". Fairy tales were shown to children: "Teremok", "Cat, Rooster and Fox", "Goat and Ram" (G. Tukay). A performance was staged based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotuha". The amateur theater "Chulpan" showed for children c valuation of "About the Grasshopper" based on the book by V. V. Tuganaev "The Green House and Its Inhabitants".

In the library. V.G. Korolenko worked on Fridays in the summer for the children's theater studio "Tales of the Learned Cat".

Library number 19 and TsMDB them. M. Gorky on City Day went to an open city site with an ecological mini-performance and a quiz.

Summer, sun, holidays! Some activities were not limited to the walls of libraries and the proximity of bookshelves and shelves.

In the library. Y. Gagarin, librarians and young readers repeatedly left the library premises. For example, they organized the environmental action "Spring" to clean up the spring closest to the library. Simultaneously with the action, a conversation was held about the importance of water in human life “Water, water, water all around”. And a few more times they went out for a walk "With an umbrella and a magnifying glass in a summer meadow." Children got acquainted and looked at plants growing in the adjacent territory, guessed quizzes about plants.

Library them. S.Ya Marshaka arranged a walk in the Cosmonauts Park for her readers. In the same place, a conversation was held in the open air about medicinal plants, and about the plants of meadows and fields. Children got acquainted with the legends about flowers, took part in a quiz about flowers, guessed riddles.

The readers of Library No. 25 were lucky to feel the horse, its soft touch. They visited Ksyusha's Stable. The guys got acquainted with the horse Belka, the pony Rute and the camel Liza. Learned their history of appearance in our area. Children came to visit the animals with gifts, treated them. And then ride from the heart!

Readers of the library of V. Mayakovsky went to visit the library number 25 and visited the museum of local lore. N. Ostrovsky with young readers went on a walk in the forest in search of medicinal herbs “It is more useful for us from all diseases.”

Library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna never ceases to amaze with new ideas. On July 31, a promotion was held in this library "Anthill of good deeds." The purpose of the action is to draw the attention of the inhabitants of the industrial region to the library, books and reading, to make all residents kinder and happier. Activists and friends of the library came out with positive flyers. On this day, even young biblioners helped passers-by carry heavy bags, escorted them home in the rain under a large umbrella and arranged “hugs”. In total, 20 biblionaires took part in the action, 60 announcements were posted, 40 passers-by were hugged, 30 good deeds were done!


In all libraries, a weekly schedule was drawn up - on certain days, children drew on a given topic, made crafts or composed.

In library No. 20, a master class was held on creating "environmentally friendly" crafts from recycled materials called "Nine Lives of One Thing".

All summer in the library. Yu. Gagarin operated an eco-workshop "100 ideas from unnecessary things." The guys made voluminous paper balls, kusudama flowers, made bookmarks (scrapbooking), made key chains from buttons, made funny clothespins.

Throughout July in the library. L.N. Tolstoy, a puppet workshop worked, where from different materials (clay, candy wrappers, herbs, sticks, fabric) one could learn how to make puppets and play with them. The "Gallery of children's drawings" was designed. By the end of the summer, the library opened the exposition "Museum of Children's Creativity".

In the library. I.D. Pastukhov's classes in the creative workshop were devoted to the recycling of old things: the guys made trailers from foam and paper for the future train; from plastic bottles and old fabric - toys, old denim and satin ribbons were used to create new handbags and other accessories.

In the library. V.M. Azin's children learned how to make amulets for happiness.

All summer visitors to the children's library. I.A. Krylov was pleased with the art exhibition of the best children's drawings "Bird of the Year", which was organized as part of an environmental project. Young artists received incentive prizes. And in the library number 24, the children drew the library of the future.

In Library No. 19, the children watched a film about how cartoons are created and got acquainted with the work of the writer V. Suteev. Then they tried their hand at creating a cartoon based on the fairy tale by V. Suteev "Apple".

The most important achievement of this summer in Library No. 20 was the creation of the author's cartoon based on "Edible Tales" by Masha Traub "Porridge Manya". The technical side of the process was provided by a specialist, a library employee. And a friendly team of five creative young readers created "muffled" characters from cereals and plasticine, cut out the scenery, discussed the script, and posted individual frames.

Video views

In libraries, if technical means are available, children are invited to video screenings of cartoons and films on certain topics, or film adaptations of literary works with their subsequent discussion.

In the library. I.A. Krylova films and cartoons were shown: "The Secret of Yegor, or extraordinary adventures in an ordinary summer." This film is a participant of the Stalker International Human Rights Festival. Cartoon "Epic" is a fascinating story about the protection of nature, about deceit and honesty, about evil and good. The Library Summer event at this library is a retro screening of a filmstrip based on Jack London's White Fang. For the first time in their lives, modern children watched a filmstrip. Personal participation in the creation of a miracle: the preparation of a darkened room, the artistic reading of the text for the frames, their rewinding, left an unforgettable impression on the children. In the library. V.G. Korolenko watched cartoons on Wednesdays all summer. In the library. F.G. Kedrova, im. V. Mayakovsky and some other libraries, viewing of cartoons was accompanied by a discussion.


In summer, children not only rested, played and read. Young assistant librarians took part in landscaping flower beds, caring for flowers, repairing dilapidated books, processing new literature, dusting library collections.

Residents of st. Bummashevskaya were surprised by the young assistants of the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, who took patronage over the garden beds.

In May, the library F.G. Kedrov, with the help of readers, an ecological map of the microdistrict was developed, on which the places of unauthorized dumps or simply poorly cleaned, ownerless territories are indicated. Over the course of the summer, the environmental library troopers did their best to change the look of this map, where instead of danger icons, flowers bloomed.

In library No. 25, young assistants took part in a labor landing: repairing children's magazines and books, dusting library collections.


In the library. S.Ya. Marshaka reading screen was created - "Gifts of the Forester". The children attached the leaves to the birch. On the sheets (in the form of birch leaves) the name of the participant and the points earned were recorded. From these leaves, a beautiful birch turned out at the end of summer!

In the library. I.A. Nagovitsyn, every good deed was rewarded with library currency - “librarians”, and was taken into account in a special personal file.

In library No. 25, at the end of summer, an auction "Finish" was held, where children bought stationery with the library currency "horseshoes" they earned. Throughout the summer in the library named after L.N. Tolstoy's children kept travel diaries. In the library. V.Mayakovsky children earned "beacons" - library currency. The number of bibloons earned over the summer by readers of the M. Gorky amounted to a record 16,000 conventional units.

Press. mass media

Information about ongoing library events is communicated to the public in various ways: from announcements in each library and handouts on the street, to print and electronic media, television and radio communications.

The press release for the coming summer could be read on the website.

City Guidethe program of "Summer Readings", which includes the activities of the MBU CLS, is placedon the website of the Administration of Izhevsk .

Krasnoperova Natalia Vladimirovna, deputy director for work with children of the MBU CLS of Izhevsk, told about reading and summer events in municipal libraries live on air "Persona" on the State TV and Radio Company "My Udmurtia".

Throughout the summer, the library to them. I.A. Krylova visited the reporter of Radio Russia (Pesochnaya, 13) Dina Sedova and took several interviews, both with child readers and with librarians, leaders of children's reading. Notes about summer events were repeatedly posted on the portal of the Administration of the city of Izhevsk.

About the work of the library. M. Jalil under the program "Summer Readings-2013" was filmed by the branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Udmurtia". The success of the library. V.G. Korolenko was also covered by local television. Other libraries also provided information to the local press. In summer, libraries cooperate with municipal, social and public children's organizations.

For example, June 1, Children's Day Library. S.Ya. Marshak took part in the children's holiday microdistrict Stolichny together with the Center for Aesthetic Education of the Industrial District. There were games and quizzes.

For children from MBU Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children of the Industrial District of Izhevsk "Tepliydom" in the library. P.A. Blinov held three events during the summer.

In TsMDBim. M. Gorky for children with disabilities from KTSSO No. 1, slide conversations, viewing of feature and animated films with quizzes were held.

In June, the children's library. Y. Gagarina held three events for the pupils of the juvenile correctional colony No. 9 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in the Udmurt Republic.

Library them. I.A. Krylova prepared and conducted summer events for the children of the Children's Hospital No. 7 (needy children of the Oktyabrsky and Industrial districts).

Library them. I.A. Nagovitsyna collaborated with the MKU SRTSDN in Izhevsk and the Children's Department of the Republican Clinical Psychiatric Hospital. Library No. 25 held events with children from the Family Center, which included children with disabilities and children in difficult life situations.

For children of the children's department of the psychoneurological dispensary and the Social and Rehabilitation Center for Juveniles, the library named after. I.D. Pastukhova organized and conducted a number of events. Library them. F.G. Kedrova collaborated with school No. 96 (boarding school) and correctional school No. 23.

In the Palace of Children's Creativity at the presentation of the book "What is the Motherland?", which was published in connection with the 90th anniversary of the pioneer organization, children, young readers of the library named after. I.A. Nagovitsyn with art numbers.

That was such an exciting and fruitful summer in the municipal libraries of the city of Izhevsk. At the end of the summer, the best participants of the program "Summer Readings-2013" of the MBU CBS were invited to the Cosmonauts Park for the holiday "So the summer has passed." They watched the performance of the "High Five" theater of the children's art school No. 1,

Department of Information and Library Services.

In summer, the library becomes a kind of center for leisure and creativity. Leisure activities are one of the main tasks of summer projects. That is why the form of leisure organization should be built in such a way that children take part in it with pleasure. All libraries of the district work on creative summer reading programs:

    "Island of Chitalia on the planet Leto" (Regional Children's Library)

    "Traveling around the world, together with the book summer"

    "Book temptations of summer" (Kamarchag and Bolsheungut rural libraries)

    "At full sail into the summer" (Kolbinsk rural library)

    "Summer reading is an adventure"(

    "33 Secrets of a Sunny Summer" (Novonikolskaya Rural Library), etc.

It is a pity, of course, that the programs are not supported financially. Book exhibitions of summer readings are arranged in all libraries:

  • "Summer book be with me", "Summer - the time of bookworms" (District Children's Library)
  • Book exhibition "Magic of book summer" (Vyezzhelogskaya rural library)
  • Book exhibition "Literary Galaxy" (Upper - Esaulovskaya rural library)
  • Tolowerand Iexhibitiona advertisinga“In order not to be bored in the summer, choose what to read”

    "Summer Book Review" (Tertezh Rural Library)

    For the children, various mass events are held in form and subject.

On July 28, the Tertezh Library held an "Interesting Book Day". The children were able to take part in the photo session “I advise you to read” and in the loud reading “We read the stories of Viktor Dragunsky together”.

During the month of July in the Sugrista rural library, the children did the following work: they read books together, held quizzes, and games. They were painting. Of particular note is the "Inhabitants of the Oceans" quiz. During this event, answering the questions asked, the children got acquainted with the inhabitants of the water space of our planet. We learned about their habits, features. We listened to interesting stories, short stories about sharks, whales, dolphins and other inhabitants of the water element.

On July 15, a literary quiz "Summer reading - this is an adventure" was held in the Upper Yesaulovskaya rural library. All children love to read books, but most of all they love to read fairy tales. After all, fairy tales are magic. The librarian held competitions on the topic: “The best knowledge of fairy tales”, a token was awarded for the correct answer. The tasks were related: with the title of the works, the heroes of fairy tales, or with the authors who wrote them. The children took part with great interest in the competitions: "Guess the hero of a fairy tale", "Magic chest", "Intellectual". Each of them tried to show his knowledge, assessed himself how well he knew his favorite fairy tales. At the end of the event, the results were summed up, as the token count showed, the winners were: Sofia Ivanova, Leila Kirkova, Marina Lazareva, Liza Litvinova.

As an encouragement, they were awarded small prizes.

In the Nizhne-Esaulovsky rural library for children 7-10 years old, an informative hour was held with great interest under the mysterious name “Without a face in a disguise”

This exciting event was dedicated to the origin of riddles and diversity in our speech.

On the zhutable books about the work of great artists - Korovin K.D., Shishkin, Repin, Serov, etc. Many books from the fund of M. Prokhorov. All library users on this day were able to learn more information about great artists, take part in quiz "Beauty and Joy of Life" Children took part in the drawing competition "We draw the world".

In Nizhne- Esaulovskaya rural library passedPeducational program with game elements dedicated to checkers. The program was attended by middle-aged children.

In the program of the summer holiday: presentation "History of checkers in faces", Pcognitive quiz "Checkers great game", master class "Checkers for the little ones", chess competition.

July is the most appetizing time. Summer is in full swing! On July 12, an educational competitive program was organized at the Regional Children's Library -"Chocolate Fantasies" , dedicated to World Chocolate Day.

On this day, readers were pleasantly surprised, as pleasant surprises awaited them. The originality of the event aroused interest and brought the children together for the holiday, despite the height of summer. The librarian Chekhlova O.V. told the children about how chocolate is made, why it is called that, where cocoa beans are brought to us from, how to properly store chocolate, what useful properties this product has. And the brightest part of the "chocolate day" was the holiday, where the guys learned interesting facts "from the life" of chocolate: its homeland, creator, monuments and much more, took part in the "chocolate quiz" and took part in the chocolate sprint "Who will eat a chocolate bar faster ". The festive atmosphere was supported by contests and quizzes. Children took an active part in the auction for the name of chocolates. The children vied with each other to name chocolates. All contestants received sweet chocolate prizes that could be picked from a chocolate tree that grew right in the library. A festive and solemn atmosphere reigned at the event. Many events will be remembered by our readers this summer, because according to tradition, summer in the children's library is an interesting, colorful, cheerful and noisy holiday, where there is everything for interesting communication and acquaintance with the book. All participants were offered delicious chocolate prizes.

July 20 celebrated all over the worldInternational Chess Day .

A chess tournament was held in the Regional Children's Library. And this is no accident, because chess, like no other game, develops the intellect, in particular memory and logical thinking.

A chess master class was held for children. The children got acquainted with chess pieces, played various games, guessed puzzles and riddles.

And lovers and experts in chess that day tested their abilities at the chessboard. In a word, the chess theme captured many!

On July 28, an information hour "Orthodox Rus" was held at the Regional Children's Library, dedicated to the Day of the Baptism of Russia. The event was held for children, during which a presentation "Orthodox Russia" was shown. In an accessible form, it reflected the history of Christianity in Russia from St. Andrew the First-Called to Vladimir the Red Sun, discusses the further spread and establishment of faith in the state, and also shows the historical significance of the Baptism of Russia and its influence on the further development of countries

News from Pervomansk.

July 15, 2016 the children of the senior and preparatory groups of the MBDOU kindergarten "Kolosok" came to visit the Pervomansk rural library. Library staff showed and told what kind of books are in the library, big and small, musical and speaking, puzzle books and 3D.

Activists of the library club "Country of Childhood" showed a puppet show "The Fox and the Rooster". But the miracles did not end there, the magician (Shtark Vadim) showed a trick with a magic wand and a magic hat, the magician (Semina Dasha) a trick with magic water, and the magician (Daniil Urbel) the chemical trick "Volcano".

After such adventures, the guys, together with magicians, went on a literary journey through fairy tales. With the help of adults, the guys did an excellent job with the task of the leading magicians, and everyone learned that children love and know many fairy tales.

And at the end of the event, the “terrible bandit” (Egor Witner) who was not called, but he himself came, and turned out to be kind and handsome, handed sweet prizes to all the guys.

Ecological tournament of experts "Mysteries in the forest at every step"

Cognitive program "Neighbors on the planet"

Living Water Day

Ecology Hour "Blue Eyes of the Planet"

Hour of creativity (Zherzhul village library)

The year of Russian cinema and the 80th anniversary of Soyuzmultfilm.

"Magic Cinema" - acquaintance with the work of E. Ptashkov. "Heroes of books on the screen" - viewing the fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" (Pokosinskaya rural library)

Viewings of video films in the Summer Cinema "Favorite heroes of books on the screen" (Nizhne-Esaulovskaya rural library)

Watching cartoons "Masha and the Bear" (Novonikol rural library)

"Journey to Multi-Pultia" (Sugristinskaya rural library)

Screening of video films "The Book on the Screen" (Sosnovskaya rural library)

Film screening "Children's session"(Pervoman rural library)

Bibliomultichas. Showing cartoons. Museum-film platform "Shooting a movie!"

Movie quizzes and video screenings. "Kino-pier" (Kolbinsk rural library)

Every Wednesday, watching and discussing films and cartoons "Journey through movie tales" (Novomikhaylovskaya rural library)

Library cinema "Heroes of books - on the movie screen" (Anastasinskaya rural library)

Multi-day. Cinema in the library (Tertezh rural library)

world chocolate day "Informative competition program" Good healers of the child's soul "(Vyezzhelogskaya rural library)

Cognitive competitive program "Chocolate Fantasies" (District Children's Library)

Cognitive program "Chocolate Country" (Pokosinskaya rural library)

World Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

    "Under the family lampshade" (Vyezzhelogskaya rural library)

    Competitive program "Family chest" (Pokosinskaya rural library)

    Campaign "Chamomile of happiness"( Nizhne-Esaulovskaya rural library)

    The action "I will set my heart on love" (Regional children's library)

    Game family program "Boys and girls, as well as their parents" (Novonikol rural library)

    Creativity Hour "Create! Make it up! Try it!(Pervoman rural library)

    Family Reading Day. "It's fun to read together!" (Bolsheungut rural library)

    Hour of information "Peter and Fevronia - our main love story"(Kamarchag rural library)

    Exhibition-holiday "The World of Family Hobbies" (Anastasinskaya Rural Library)

Almost all libraries have divided the space of their already small buildings into different areas:

Corner of creativity "Sunbeam" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya rural library),creative workshopCarlson(Novonikol rural library),workshop of a young artist and “Skillful Hands” (Sugristinsky rural library), creative circle “Kalyaka-Malyaka” (Kolbinsk rural library), workshop of craftsmen “Masterilka” (Novomikhaylovskaya rural library), “Plyushkin Workshop” (Pokosinskaya rural library), creativity corner "Workshop of the Tube" (Nizhne-Esaulovsky rural library).

Game zone "Igroteka" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya rural library, Nizhne-Esaulovskaya rural library),game goal "To make it interesting"(Pervomansk rural library),goal of games "Game library for the whole summer"(Kamarchag rural library).

Recreation and reading area "Reading" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya rural library), tolower saloon on the balcony(Pervoman rural library).

A platform for watching cartoons and films "Cinema for the sun" (Verkhne-Esaulovskaya village library), toforeign screening "Children's film show"(Pervomansk rural library), Film studio "CHILDHOOD" (Kolbinsk rural library), "Dunno cinema hall" (Nizhne-Esaulovskaya rural library), cinema hall of brownie Kuzi(Rregional children's library)

Regional festival "Vysotsky and Siberia" 2016

Children's library playground "Summer Fun"

On July 15 and 16 at the bard festival "Vysotsky and Siberia" the library playground "Summer Fun" was open.

It is not the first year that the librarians of the district hold various games and competitions for any age category. Not only children play with enthusiasm, but also adults.

A cheerful bright clown (L.P. Shcherbatenko, head of the Nizhne-Esaulovsky rural library) invited everyone to play on our site.

Great popularityused the game "Field of Miracles"dedicated to the Year of Russian cinema and the 80th anniversary of Soyuzmultfilm, which are celebrated this year, where a super-connoisseur of cartoons, a real multiman, was revealed!

Everyone received small prizes for participating in competitions. Games and competitions at the site "Summer Fun" were held by librarians of the district: head of the children's library - Kasyanova N.K., Vetvista village library - Zimmermann E.I., Nizhne-Esaulovsky rural library - Shcherbatenko L.P., Verkhne-Esaulovsky rural library - Bulova O.V., Stepnobadzhey rural library - Eric N.G., Kiyai rural library - Butikova E.S., Pokosinskaya rural library - Kaminskaya V.

Both the players and the hosts received a charge of vivacity and positive. It's so nice to give people joy and good mood!

Museum-film platform "Shooting a movie!"(Bolsheungut rural library)

Many activities take place outdoors.

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