Fatherland home country. Fatherland is native land


FATHERLAND, fatherland, pl. no, cf. the country where the person was born and to whose citizens he belongs. "We are not defending secret treaties, we are defending socialism, we are defending the socialist fatherland." Lenin (1918). || the country with which ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Cm … Synonym dictionary

FATHERLAND, a, cf. (high). The country where the person was born and to the citizens to which he belongs. Love for the fatherland. Defense of your fatherland. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

See Patriotism (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." www.foxdesign.ru) ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Fatherland- the political, social and cultural environment in which people live and work. This is a complex social phenomenon, covering a set of diverse aspects of the life and activities of society: social relations, a system of political relations and ... ... Scientific Communism: Dictionary

fatherland- , a, cf. ** Socialist Fatherland. Soviet Russia. Soviet Union. Ilyenko, Maksimova, 283. ◘ The party strengthened the sacred feeling of love of the Soviet people for the socialist Fatherland. IKPSS, 547. ** I glorify the Fatherland, which is, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of the Language of Soviet Deputies

fatherland- With. (only singular) fatherland, baldiokhan boa, na; our Fatherland of the USSR bue Fatherland of the USSR ... Russian-Nanai dictionary

Fatherland (Eph. 3:15) The words “every fatherland” in the original means: “His whole family”, “His all”. (see people) ... Bible. Old and New Testaments. Synodal translation. Bible encyclopedia arch. Nicephorus.

Ex., s., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? fatherland, why? fatherland, (see) what? fatherland than? fatherland, about what? About the Fatherland Your fatherland is the country where you were born and live. Defend the fatherland. | He has big... Dictionary of Dmitriev

Fatherland- (other Russian - father) - the place of birth of a person, the place of his historical, spiritual and cultural roots. This is the land where a person grew up, where the house of his parents is located, where the people to which he belongs live, this is the faith and language of this people, its history ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)


  • Fatherland, V. Peskov. From the author's preface: "Everything in this book seems like a great journey for me. In fact, everything is so. I have been working for Komsomolskaya Pravda for fifteen years, fifteen years ...
  • Fatherland, comp. Sushkov Yu.M.. The Sverdlovsk Railway publishes the works of veteran writers collected in one book in honor of the 55th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War ...

The subtext of this concept is so emotional that it is not easy to identify it. When a person just explains that the Fatherland or Fatherland is the land of ancestors, that is, fathers, wanting to clarify precisely the semantic component of this word, a hot wave of feeling is born in his soul. None of the morally healthy people is alien to patriotism.

War as a factor in history

And the defender of the Fatherland is basically a warrior. It so happened that the war in any state is the most important factor in the history of the Fatherland, and, for example, the Russians practically did not have absolutely peacetime. At all times, either the defense of their lands was required, or the elimination of the interests of the country beyond its borders. These are the conditions for the existence of Russia - it needs both geopolitical integrity and cultural-historical integrity. Therefore, here a military person always enjoys a special attitude: they trust him, respect him, they are afraid of him. It is his memory that is immortalized most often. It is thanks to him that the country, located on the sixth part of the earth, is alive. The phrase itself usually refers to soldiers, officers, sailors and military people of all specialties, because defending the Fatherland is their job. But even here words have a much larger and broader meaning.


A military threat to our country - therefore, the entire centuries-old history of the Fatherland - is a war, endless and bloody to varying degrees. Thus, behind the gray veil of incredibly distant time, it was formed, as it were, with a mobilization type of development. Suffice it to recall the Stalinist modernization in the thirties of the last century, when the entire society, all the resources of the country worked to solve military and political problems. The creation of an army and navy in the first case and a powerful military-industrial complex in the second. And these are not the only examples.

Memory of generations

In the sixteenth century, Russia fought for forty-three years, in the seventeenth - forty-eight, in the eighteenth - sixty-one years, in the nineteenth - already sixty-seven. Twentieth century - The Soviet Union survived two world wars. World War II is the main tragedy of world history. With an unprecedented number of victims. The armed forces of Russia and other republics of the Soviet Union defeated Hitler's fascism, when the entire civilization was threatened with destruction. It is all the more strange and even regrettable to hear how some people who are not close to history discuss such a topic that is now burning. The history of the Fatherland is the memory of generations, their spiritual state and healthy self-consciousness, therefore it is necessary to protect our past from falsifications. Without protection, the thread of historical events that binds the people for many centuries is lost. If we forget how to respect our own army, we will have to respect someone else's on our own land.

Vladimir Lenin and the defense of the fatherland

This is the whole history of Russia, its exceptional position both in terms of geography and in terms of the foreign policy situation require the presence of powerful armed forces. The rest of the world knows about the colossal natural reserves, and will certainly begin to build relations with Russia - only from a position of strength. War is war - discord. Vladimir Ilyich notes that the defense of the Fatherland is also not always true. Thus, he shares the lies of the imperialist wars, which for the period of hostilities replace all rights and all democracy with violence, in fact fighting only for the replenishment of profits by the elite of the exploiters. Civil and Patriotic wars are waged exclusively in the interests of the people, not by the force of money, but by common forces and public consent. Not the redistribution and robbery of colonies and not the division of spheres of influence, but the mass movement of the people overthrowing national oppression is a just war. Isn't it easy to bridge the century from the research of V.I. Lenin to modern events? Today's wars are characterized precisely by lies: you have an oil field, but there is absolutely no democracy, we are coming to you. Lenin also wrote about the modern information war, when even such a phrase had not yet been born. Philosopher of genius in perspicacity. He turned out to be right in the fact that the Fatherland is we, all the people. Therefore, the defense of the motherland is entirely our task.

Vladimir Dal about the Fatherland

In the first words, the great lexicographer says the same thing as everyone else: the Fatherland is the native land where our ancestors lived and died, and where we would like to live and die. He asks: who does not love the earth?! Vast and strong, our homeland gives everyone pride in the fact that he was born a warrior-warrior, and the whole history of the Fatherland is a continuation of the glory of the father in grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He remembers the year 1812, when both the old and the young girded themselves with sabers: the Orthodox Kingdom did not perish! You need to defend your homeland at any time, - a Dane by blood, but a Russian by the breadth of his soul, tells us, - because the homeland is both your house and your coffin, a cradle and a domina, your daily bread and life-giving water. The Fatherland is our shelter and protection. It is impossible to renounce the Russian land, because the Lord will renounce such a villain.

Actions to protect the Fatherland are a function of the state

The most important direction in the work of the state is to ensure independence and integrity. The primary reason for this is national interests in the form of military, economic and political doctrines, concepts and programs. The forms and means of protecting the security of the Fatherland are those that are most effective in achieving the goals set by the state, but created on the principles of universal humanism. Here, first of all, the defense of the country, the protection of sovereignty, the guarantee of military security, as well as the integrity and territorial integrity are important. All this is provided by specially created state organizations - the Armed Forces and other military formations.

Fatherland - native country, Motherland. The word fatherland denotes the country of ancestors, fathers, a person, and also has an emotional connotation, implying that some have a special, sacred feeling for the fatherland, which combines love and a sense of duty.
The origins of love for the fatherland
The Fatherland evokes a special feeling among some of its inhabitants (patriots) for the following main reasons: The Fatherland is the collective property of the people who live in it. This is a source of wealth, which, according to the patriots, must be honored and protected.
In the fatherland, as a rule, the young years of a person pass, during which the formation of his interests, habits, and character takes place.
The Fatherland and its people invest in each new citizen the costs, efforts and labor that contribute to its formation. It is believed that as a result of this, a debt arises that must be repaid.
For many, the fatherland is a country blessed by the Gods - a sacred land.

Fatherland and ideology
There is a point of view according to which the stability of the state and the social system is largely related to how strongly the dominant ideology can formulate the need to serve the fatherland in this particular form. There are the following ideological justifications for such a need: Fatherland is associated with God. Thus, serving the fatherland and its rulers is the same as serving God.
Fatherland is associated with the principles on which the state is built. For example, the principles of capitalism: freedom, equality, democracy. To save them, you need to support the fatherland. Communism advances serving the class interests of the working people as the basic principle of serving the fatherland.
Fatherland is associated with a particular nation. Thus, serving the fatherland contributes to the preservation of the national characteristics of the people inhabiting it.
The fatherland is presented as a collective defense against external enemies who seek to destroy it and thereby threaten personal security, the usual way of life and the well-being of the people.

In each particular situation, the official ideology represents a combination of these principles.
Fatherland in art
In almost every state there are artists who serve the official ideology and present themselves as "singers of the fatherland." Famous examples from the history of Russia: Demyan Poor.

But there are also artists who sincerely love the fatherland: Sergei Yesenin
Vladimir Mayakovsky

Feats performed in the name of the fatherland
Alexander Matrosov.

Alternative view of the fatherland
There are people who are extremely negative about the fatherland and seek to emigrate from it. An example is the poet and religious thinker V. S. Pecherin (1807-1885), who wrote in one of his poems: “ How sweet it is to hate the Fatherland and eagerly await its destruction...»
Interesting Facts

the fatherland is kindly, the fatherland is
, fatherland- home country.

The concept of the fatherland denotes the country of the ancestors (fathers) of a person, and also often has an emotional connotation, implying that some have a special feeling for the fatherland, which combines love and a sense of duty (patriotism).

motherland(derived from Slavic - clan; Ukrainian motherland - “family”, Bulgarian. motherland - “homeland, place of birth”,

  • 1 Etymology
  • 2 Evolution of meaning
  • 3 Fatherland and patriotism
  • 4 The concept of Fatherland in fiction
  • 5 See also
  • 6 References Literature
  • 7 Notes


The concept of "Fatherland", "Fatherland" (from father) is widespread in the Indo-European languages: the Russian word semantically corresponds to words in many other Slavic languages ​​(Polish ojczyzna, Ukrainian vіtchizna, etc.), lat. patria (whence patriotism) and related Romance words, as well as English. fatherland and German. waterland. in a number of languages ​​there are also slightly different synonyms, derived from the word “mother” (English motherland) and with the meaning “native, their places” (Russian Motherland, English Homeland, German Heimat, Swedish fosterland (et), etc. .).

The evolution of meaning

The word fatherland, fatherland in the Old Russian and Middle Great Russian language until the 17th century. meant not only "country of the fathers", but also "genus"; "chosen country"; and "inheritance, ancestral rights". One of the versions of the icon-painting image of the New Testament Trinity was also called (where God the Son is depicted as a youth on the lap of the Father); the same origin of the word patronymic. The word homeland is of the same origin, but later; according to Sreznevsky, its terminology was also completed by the 17th century.

According to the observations of V. V. Vinogradov, the word “fatherland” had a particularly “acute socio-political and, moreover, revolutionary meaning” in the generation of the Decembrists and Pushkin, while the word “motherland” in this era was still neutral and simply meant “native places ”, “city or village where a person was born”, etc. A similar shade arose under the influence of the French Revolution (where “patriot” actually meant “revolutionary”); back in 1797, Paul I ordered the word “fatherland” to be removed from the language and replaced with the word “state” (together with the words citizen, society, etc.)

During the Nazi era, the word Vaterland "fatherland, land of ancestors" (as opposed to Heimat "homeland") was widely used in German propaganda, and later in Allied counter-propaganda, in connection with which the corresponding English word fatherland received Nazi connotations, and in neutral contexts after of war, the word homeland is preferred. This did not happen in the German language itself, and the word Vaterland is mentioned once in both stanzas of the modern German anthem.

Fatherland and patriotism

"For Love and Fatherland". Motto of the Order of Saint Catherine

The concept of the Fatherland is one of the most important national values ​​in the basic laws of a number of countries, for example, Russia and the Czech Republic:

"Protection of the Fatherland is the duty and obligation of a citizen of the Russian Federation"
RF Constitution, Article 59

Determined to build, preserve and develop the Czech Republic in the spirit of the inviolable values ​​of human dignity and freedom as a fatherland (vlast) of equal free citizens, aware of their duties towards others and their common responsibility ...
Constitution of the Czech Republic, Preamble

Monument to the Austrian patriots who fell in the fight against Napoleon in 1809 "for God, the Emperor and the Fatherland (Fatherland)"

The commentary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “... The names of the Russian Federation and Russia are defined as equivalent, that is, as synonyms. in the same sense in the preamble and in Art. 59 the words "Fatherland" and "Motherland" are used.

The word "Fatherland" is part of the chorus of the Anthem of the USSR and the Anthem of the Russian Federation. The term acts as a designation of the Russian state in a number of other names: Defender of the Fatherland Day, the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the school and university course "History of the Fatherland".

According to the current Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: "If the commander (chief) in the order of service congratulates the serviceman or thanks him, then the serviceman answers the commander (chief):" I serve the Russian Federation ", but before the changes of 2008 instead of" I serve the Russian Federation " used the wording "I serve the Fatherland!"

The article by N. P. Ovchinnikova is devoted to the discussion of the relationship between the concepts of fatherland and patriotism. On the question of the concept of "Fatherland"

The word Fatherland (like Motherland, Motherland) is often written with a capital letter, and this tradition dates back to the 18th century in Russia. “According to the Lomonosov tradition, the word Fatherland is written with a capital letter everywhere, with the exception of tragedies and the phrase Father of the Fatherland”

During the wars, the call to defend the Fatherland was widely used by many states (the slogan “Fatherland is in danger” during the French Revolutionary Wars, “For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland” in Russia until 1917, “The Socialist Fatherland is in danger!” during the Great Patriotic War, and etc.)

The liberation wars themselves in historiography often receive names associated with the Fatherland - the Patriotic War of 1812, the Great Patriotic War.

Critical analysis of the concepts of "motherland", "fatherland", "state" is devoted to the essay by B. B. Rodoman Images of the State, introduced into the mass consciousness.

The concept of Fatherland in fiction

The slogan "Long live the Motherland!" ("祖国万岁", "Zuguo wansui") over Shanghai
  • Derzhavin's line "Fatherland and the smoke is sweet and pleasant to us" (imitation of Horace) was subsequently used by Griboedov in "Woe from Wit" with a rearrangement of words ("And the smoke of the fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us") and was further quoted by other poets, including Tyutchev.
  • A. Rosenbaum (a popular performer of author's songs, holder of the medal "Defender of the Fatherland") in the song "Romance of General Charnota":

"Mon cher ami, we are here with you Michelle,
There is no Fatherland and there are no patronymics either,
Here there is no Fatherland and there are no patronymics either ... "

see also

  • Fatherland is one of the iconographic variants of the icons of the Holy Trinity.

Links Literature

  • Dal V.I. What is a fatherland?
  • Karamzin N. M. On love for the fatherland and national pride // Works, vol. 3. - St. Petersburg, 1848
  • Makarov VV Fatherland and patriotism. - Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. University, 1988
  • In Runet launched a website with a list of "traitors to the Motherland"


  1. P. Ya. Chernykh. Historical and etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1993, v. 1, p. 611.
  2. There.
  3. Sreznevsky IP Materials for the dictionary of the Old Russian language; St. Petersburg, 1893-1912; Same: GIS, 1958
  4. V. V. Vinogradov. History of words. M., 1999, p. 998.
  5. A. A. Morozov. Notes to "Selected Works" by M. V. Lomonosov

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Fatherland Information About

FATHERLAND, -a, cf. (high). The country where the person was born and to the citizens to which he belongs. Love for the fatherland. Protecting your fatherland.

Watch value FATHERLAND in other dictionaries

Fatherland Wed.— 1. The country where someone was born. and to whose citizens he belongs; homeland. 2. trans. unfold The place where something originated.
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Fatherland- fatherland, pl. no, cf. the country where the person was born and to the citizens to which he belongs. We do not defend secret treaties, we defend socialism, we defend the socialist........
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Fatherland- -a; cf. High [capitalized]. The country where the person was born and of which he is a citizen; homeland. Love your own O. Serve the Fatherland. Protection of the native Fatherland.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Fatherland- Formed in Old Russian from otts - "father" according to the method of tracing paper from the Greek patria.
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Fatherland- (Eph 3.15) - the words "every fatherland" in the original means: "His whole family", "His all". (See people)
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Socialist Fatherland In Danger!- Decree-appeal of the Council of Nar. Komissarov, adopted on 21 Feb. 1918. Publ. Feb 22 1918 at a time when Germany, taking advantage of the disruption of peace negotiations in Brest (see Brest ........
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