Open a dance school business plan. Real figures for income and expenses of a dance school


The Russians are a people with a broad soul, so they like to have fun and have a good time. Dancing is fashionable and prestigious, it makes it possible to maintain good physical shape. The prospects of this direction are also due to the development of the number of possible directions of dances, especially Latin and Oriental ones. A dance school business plan will be useful for those entrepreneurs who do not have large funds and want the project to pay off quickly. And of course, the love of dancing is welcome!

Project Summary

The business plan for a dance studio looks at a school teaching different styles of dance. The main emphasis will be placed on professional teachers and good design of dance halls. Geographically, the dance school can be placed in the premises of the palaces of culture, art schools or equip your own premises for additional rental.

The payback period of the project will be 20-25 months.

Project marketing

Market Review

Basic concept

The first step is to determine the general concept, dance style and class time. The target group will be active working women who can work out in the evenings in their residential area. The income level of CA is average.

You can choose from the following dance directions:

  • ballroom;
  • classic;
  • oriental dances and belly dances (especially popular lately);
  • strip plastic.

Service list

The main source of dance school income can be a subscriber or hourly payment, it all depends on the number of groups and the schedule of the staff. To increase the profitability of the project, you can rent out your halls during unoccupied hours for other dance groups, as well as for aerobics, fitness and other active sports.


Geographically, a dance school can be located in the building of palaces of culture, dance schools, or you can equip your own premises and earn extra money by renting it out. The location of the dance school assumes the presence of a spacious, well-ventilated room from 120 sq.m. The dance class will occupy a space of 70-80 sq.m., you will also need a room for changing rooms, a shower and a hall.

Room requirements:

  • accommodation on the first floor;
  • optimally - with a separate entrance, since classes at a later time can interfere with the residents of the house;
  • the possibility of re-equipment and repair;
  • the presence of ventilation, air conditioning, soundproofing and placement of showers.


We will need equipment for locker rooms, showers, a reception desk. Since the main requirements for the quality of dance classes will be good flooring (parquet or laminate) and mirrors, such expense items will also be significant. It is better to make the lighting of the class soft or provide for its switching modes.

The documents

To organize the work of a dance school, the following documents will be required:

  • registration of an enterprise - a limited liability company or, as an individual entrepreneur;


One of the components of success and attracting regular customers will be the selection of qualified teachers who can work hourly and in different styles. Also, a competent, responsible administrator is required to conduct organizational issues of the school. In total, the dance school needs the following staff:

  • administrator;
  • teachers with flexible working hours;
  • cleaning woman.

Advertising and promotion

The business plan of a profitable dance school must also take into account the costs of advertising and promotion.

The following activities can be suggested:

Financial plan

Calculation of the main financial indicators. The project calculates the repair of the premises without its purchase with further long-term lease. The main costs will be the purchase of equipment for the dance hall and additional premises. Further ongoing monthly costs will need to be reduced by optimizing the work of the staff.

Primary costs:

  • renovation of the premises - 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment for locker rooms, showers, reception desk, furniture - 100,000 rubles;
  • purchase of floor coverings, mirrors, etc. - 200,000 rubles;
  • registration of enterprise documents - 30,000 rubles;

The total initial investment will be 380,000 rubles.

Monthly costs:

  • rent of premises - 100,000 rubles;
  • staff remuneration - 50-60,000 rubles;
  • promotion costs - 20-25,000 rubles;

In total, monthly costs will amount to 170-185,000 rubles.

Revenue will be in the first three months - 250-300,000 rubles. Further, taking into account the attraction of regular customers, income can be increased by 15-20% every three months. Increasing the profitability of the project can be achieved through the development of individual dance programs, the provision of additional services, sublease, etc. The payback period for the project with such planned income will be 20-25 months.

An activity such as a dance school is a fairly profitable organization. The main service is dance training for everyone. This business is directly related to the personality of the coach, because the entire educational process will be based on it.

Services that can be provided:

  • group dance lessons;
  • private lessons;
  • holding seminars and conferences on dance topics;
  • organization of dance competitions.

Payment system for clients:

  • monthly;
  • one-time.

It is most advantageous if customers pay in full for the month. This will allow you to calculate the business budget for the next month.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

With the opening of a dance school, everything is simple and clear. If you are a class leader, all you have to do is find a space, advertise, and wait for the first customers. If you need to hire employees from the outside, do not be too lazy to spend more time on this, as the future of your company will depend on them.

Steps to implement the plan:

  1. Market and competitor analysis.
  2. IP registration.
  3. Finding a room.
  4. Hiring employees.
  5. Launch ads.


Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

When drawing up a business plan for a dance school, the first thing to do is determine the necessary documents. The list of permits of inspection services below is relevant if the premises are yours. If you rent an area in a sports complex, you only need to have an IP certificate.

List of required documents:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • certificate from SES;
  • permission from the fire department.

Stage 2 - finding a room

The choice of premises should be approached carefully and thoughtfully. It should have excellent illumination, ventilation and be covered with mirrors inside. Also, an important point is the floor on which the training will take place. It should be suitable for dancing, you can easily find the requirements for it on the net.

If this is a building you are renovating for your business, be careful when choosing flooring. Also, in terms of rent, do not forget about sports complexes where you can conclude an agreement, this can give the main flow of customers. The minimum area for doing business of this type is from 100 sq.m.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

Equipment plays a small role in this business. All you need is musical accompaniment and mirrored walls. If you rent a room intended for a dance school, it will be cheaper for you to open, but if it is a regular room, you will have to buy mirrors. Machines may also be located in the hall, as in the sample above, but this depends on the style of the dances being taught.

Stage 4 - recruitment

The staff, in particular the coach, is of the utmost importance. In addition to being highly qualified, he must inspire people, be not just a teacher, but also an educator, and successfully work with the audience. For the first time, you will not need anyone except him, one employee will be able to lead four groups in the dance hall.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

For successful promotion, you need to determine the main target audience. To do this, conduct a survey of those who come to you or call. Basically, dance schools are an example of a gathering of people for new acquaintances and vivid emotions. If you can provide such an environment, your business will prosper.

  • website;
  • distribution of leaflets;
  • posting ads;
  • advertising in social networks;
  • information blocks on city resources.

Financial plan

This financial plan, we brought for a dance school, medium in size, with a ready-made room, rented. This is a list of minimum financial expenses.

Initial spending:

  • rent (from 100,000 rubles);
  • advertising (from 50,000 rubles);
  • employees (45,000 rubles).

Total: 195,000 rubles.

Possible risks

Of the points that can greatly harm such a business, this is bad advertising and injury to those involved. Because of the first factor, there will be few people, and the second, the reputation of the school will suffer. Therefore, the main thing in this case is security, an experienced coach and good advertising. And a ready-made business plan will greatly facilitate your task.

The sample business plan that you can download for free at the end of this article is not a working one. It was created for informational purposes only. How to create your real, working business plan with minimal costs, a real and successful entrepreneur will tell you in this article based on his experience:

Marina Nefedova, an entrepreneur from the Lipetsk region, the founder of a dance school, tells. On the basis of the village club, Marina has created a rapidly growing dance center. The area of ​​the premises is 100 sq. m. The lease is issued with the right to purchase, for a period of 5 years. The school has a personal fitness trainer, 2 dance, ballroom and sports teachers. Income per month, excluding rent, today is about 150,000 rubles.

Dance studio business plan. How it all started

I was born in a small town. After graduating from a local school, she went to study in Moscow, where she entered the university at the faculty of choreography.

I graduated from the university, I was already going to conquer the capital, but I had to urgently return to the village, as my elderly mother became seriously ill.

Moscow is such a city where everything is quickly forgotten - acquaintances, connections, everything flows and changes with time. Going back and starting over was not realistic.

And then I suggested to the head of the rural settlement, to equip the empty building of the former club into a dance school. Naturally, such a proposal was met with enthusiasm, since until that moment, there was not even a House of Culture in the village.

No paperwork was required of me, except for official employment as a teacher (so far the only one), the head of the administration, she did everything herself.

The club was slightly renovated and soon, the newly appeared class was animated by the chirping of the children. I taught them how to dance, and in the evenings, I earned money by leading a group for those over 20.

There were a lot of applicants, the money I earned, I put aside and gradually, I accumulated a fairly decent amount.

I thought, why not rent this building and open a private dance school? It was about the reconstructive expansion of the building and its transformation into an elite dance center.

The accumulated funds, of course, were not enough for me, and I decided to take a subsidy, state support for small businesses. However, I understood that the offered 58 thousand rubles would be enough for me only for floor paint.

Therefore, I went to the city administration with a request for an increased amount of 300,000 rubles. Such money is given out only in conditions of tough competition, but I had a solid support, I was supported by the whole village, together with the head.

What documents are required to receive an increased subsidy

In order to receive funds, I had to do the following:

  • Register in the CZN;
  • Get registered with the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur;
  • Submit a well-written business plan.

The first 2 points are not a problem at all, but I had no idea how to draw up a business plan.

I only knew that it should contain the following points:

  • the purpose for which I am asking for funds;
  • accurate calculation of upcoming expenses;
  • business development feasibility forecast;
  • the approximate time for which I will pay back the money received.

This information was very interesting to me, but where will I get this economic program?

Where to get a working business plan

The gray shabby walls of a city consulting company surprised me a little. Surprise intensified when an employee of the organization, drinking coffee from a mug with chipped edges, told me the amount for which they agreed to help me - 40,000 rubles.

Of course, this cosmic cost for the project, the profitability of which was still a huge question, did not suit me.

I had to do something, so I first downloaded the free 2012 version from the internet.

I went shopping and roughly calculated the cost of repairs, the amount of rent, prices for equipment, furniture and salaries for future employees.

Then, I simply replaced the obsolete numbers in the free version of the template and roughly calculated the required amount.

Satisfied with the result, I went online again and bought a more modern version of the business plan for only 350 rubles.

After that, I printed out a copy of the document and rushed on the last bus to Moscow to visit a friend from the university, an analyst by education and vocation.
They welcomed me warmly.

After about a day, we finished the calculations and data entry. A friend refused to take money from me, so I got the business plan for only 350 rubles, not counting the travel expenses, which I did not regret at all.

Business status today

I was given a subsidy and now my school is one of the most prestigious in the region. People even come to me from neighboring cities to take dance lessons before a wedding waltz, or simply, in an effort to learn how to move rhythmically to modern music.

I managed to lure a personal fitness trainer from the region to work for me, I also hired 2 teachers for ballroom and sports choreography.

Of course, I did not abandon my pupils, the younger group is still studying with me, completely free of charge.

Thanks to a perfectly drawn up business plan, according to a template downloaded from the Internet, the school generates income in the amount of 150,000 rubles per month.

Raisky dance school

Some useful information and a brief presentation of the dance school business plan:

business plan for opening a dance school

Resume-description with a budget

Your attention is presented to the business plan for the implementation of the project "School of Dances" with a two-year cash flow.

So, knowing the idea of ​​the project, we can identify the main goals:

  • Providing the public with the opportunity to attend dance classes to meet the needs of movement and communication;
  • Creation of a profitable enterprise that brings a stable income;
  • Receiving a profit.

The project is financed with the help of a commercial loan in the amount of 2,650,000 rubles at 17.5%.
The nature of the enterprise: the company provides the opportunity to teach dance.
Payback period: about 2 years.
Estimated income received by investors: 180553.33 rubles.
The repayment of the loans taken starts from the first month of the project launch and continues until the moment of full repayment.
Conditional life cycle of the project: 2 years.
Economic benefit from the launch and implementation of the project throughout the life of the project itself: 27972093.5 rubles.

Table number 1. Potential of consumers of services of dance schools in Russia

Distribution of space required for a dance school

To open a school, you need a room with all the necessary equipment.

For a small school, the room should be from 150 sq.m. of which:

  • Hall (15-20 sq.m);
  • Shower (15 sq.m);
  • Lounge (20 sq.m);
  • Dressing room (15 sq.m);
  • Dance hall (<80 кв. м).

For the profitability and payback of the project, the rental rate should not be higher than 65-90 thousand rubles per month.


To be productive, you must have:

  • Full air conditioning system, ventilation grilles;
  • Souls;
  • Lockers for things, with the possibility of closing with a key;
  • Changing rooms;
  • mats;
  • Choreographic machine;
  • Mirror on the entire wall;
  • Several coolers;
  • At least 1 music center;
  • Furniture for school equipment: hangers, chairs, reception desk, locker room furniture;
  • Floor covering (!) Ideally, unpainted parquet.

Also, do not forget, in addition to equipment, you need to have 2-3 professional teachers who can really teach your clients, otherwise the enterprise will not bring the expected income.

Table number 2. Growth of Dance School Market Participants in Russia


Of course, you can teach all kinds of dances in your studio. But it is still recommended to choose a priority direction, starting from which, potential clients will choose your studio for themselves.

You can develop several directions at once, but only one should be the main one.

There are several directions in the modern world:

  • Eastern dance. In particular, belly dancing;
  • Classical dances. A look that will never go out of style. Includes: cha-cha-cha, Viennese waltz, classical waltz, square dance, mazurka, minuet, quickstep, charleston;
  • Latin American group. Incendiary, “hot” dances, such as: rumba, samba, Argentine tango, salsa, jive, bolero;
  • Modern dances. The name speaks for itself. The group includes: break, hip-hop, r'n'b, new style, club-dance, house, girls style, L. A. Style, break-dance.

Remember, for each direction you will need several professionally trained teachers.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 8 minutes


Recently, the popularity of dancing classes has been actively revived. Going to dance school classes is an uptrend, especially among young people. Opening a dance studio is now a promising business direction. This material shows the most optimal course of action when opening such a school from scratch. Recommendations are given for solving the main organizational issues. The formula for calculating your potential profit is given.

We organize a dance school from scratch: a list of required documents

When opening any commercial business, it is necessary to draw up some legal documents. The opening of a dance school is no exception.

In order to understand what documents you will need to open and fully operate such a school, you need answers to the following questions:

  • How many people will appear in the documents as the founders of the school?
  • Will graduation certificates be awarded to graduates?
  • Where will the necessary premises be rented?

If you are the only founder of the school and do not plan to issue any graduation documents, then the easiest way will be with taxation under the UTII system.

Registering an LLC is somewhat more difficult, but this will have to be done if:

  1. The founders of the dance school are two or more people.
  2. It is planned to issue attestation certificates to graduates. This involves obtaining a license for the right to issue such documents.

In both cases, the organizational and legal form in the form of an LLC is mandatory.
Permits may also be required from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES for the right to use the leased premises for the intended purposes. To avoid this, it is recommended to rent premises from organizations that already have such permits. And these are: fitness centers, cultural centers, youth centers, etc.

Dance school for adults or children: choose the target audience

The next important question is the definition of your target audience. You need to understand exactly who your potential customers are. To do this, you need to study the market for similar offers that already exists in your city.

You must find out the following:

  • How many similar schools are already operating in your locality. This shows the approximate level of competition.
  • Is there enough demand for their services? Including among the adult population.
  • What dance styles are the most popular.
  • Approximate price level for subscriptions.

Having received the necessary information, compare it with your goals and capabilities. If your resources allow and there is demand, organize classes for both adults and children. Children should be divided into certain age groups (younger, middle, older) of 15-20 people. Schedule classes based on the wishes and capabilities of your future cadets. As a rule, it is more convenient for adults to study during the day or late in the evening, and for children, depending on their employment in educational institutions.

What kind of space is needed for a dance school?

Meet, as you know, on clothes. And the room in which you will offer your potential cadets to study is just that very “clothes”. After visiting the school, the future dancer should have only positive impressions.

Therefore, when choosing a room, pay attention to the following:

  1. The basis - the dance hall, should be spacious enough, preferably at least 90 square meters. m.
  2. The hall should be bright and equipped with a good hood.
  3. There must be two dressing rooms: men's and women's.
  4. Showers are highly welcome.
  5. The teaching staff should have their own office space.

If all of the above conditions are met, it will be possible to organize a full-fledged dance school.

Where is it better to open a dance school: we decide on the location

Often the place where the school will be located will be the determining factor in the decision of your potential student. The location of the school should be easily accessible, it should be easy to get to it, including by public transport. Near it should be a place for parking cars.

It is desirable that there are no dance studios of your competitors nearby. . When choosing the location of the school, you need to take into account the size and population density of your locality. It doesn't have to be in the city center. Here, as a rule, the cost of renting premises is higher, and their choice is less.

How to arrange a dance school: an approximate design project

When developing a design project for a dance school, it is necessary to take into account the dance styles that will be taught in it. The design of the dance hall contributes to the creation of a certain psychological mood among those involved. This mood should correspond to the type of dance. The easiest way to create harmony between the dance and the mood of the students is to decorate the walls in a certain color palette.

It has long been noticed that yellow and orange colors give a feeling of fun and ease. Green and beige colors are more neutral, give a feeling of confidence, and normalize blood pressure. Red strokes will help add passion and sharpness. Pink color tunes in to a romantic wave.

Therefore, for certain styles of dancing, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations for the color design of the walls:

  • Yellow and orange with elements of red – latin, hip-hop, breakdancing and similar rhythmic styles
  • Green, beige - classical and folk dances, belly dancing, ballroom dancing, etc.

Oriental dances require special treatment . Various color combinations and decorative elements associated with the oriental landscape and their beautiful fairy-tale works are acceptable here.

To paint the walls, you need to use a dense breathable paint that is not washed off with water. You can use vinyl wallpaper. One of the walls should be mirrored. The mirror should start at a height of no more than 70 centimeters from the floor. Width - at least 180 cm. But if more, then better. Gaps and installation angles between component mirrors should be invisible. This will ensure a correct, undistorted reflection. Another wall can be evenly hung with a plain curtain, not very different in color from other walls. She will create an imitation of a stage in a dance hall.

Particular attention should be paid to the flooring . Non-slip matte parquet is considered an ideal floor for dancing. You can use high-density laminate or special stage linoleum. In any case, the floor covering must be dense, wear-resistant and even.

To create a hall lighting system, conventional halogen lamps are suitable. Spot light elements around the perimeter of the mirror will give a special mood and give a useful light stream to the side of the dancers. Directional light elements can be useful. Depending on the wishes, their direction and color can usually be changed. An interesting solution would be to place several elements of a mirror film on the ceiling in addition to them.

All the efforts and expenses associated with the right interesting design of the dance hall will certainly justify themselves more than once.

Equipment needed for a dance school

The dance studio, for the possibility of full-fledged classes, must be equipped with the necessary equipment and related elements.

In addition to the mirror wall already mentioned above, and lighting equipment, you must have:

  1. Quality ballet barre.
  2. Music system with high quality sound.
  3. Equipment for heating and cooling the hall.

At least one wall must be equipped with a ballet barre. This is a special handrail with a diameter of 50 mm, attached at a certain height to the wall. It is usually performed from a tree or duralumin pipe covered with veneer. It is usually used for stretching, as well as for choreography and ballet classes.

The music system must be multifunctional. This means that it can play sound from media files of different formats and various music discs.
Cooling the dance hall is usually done by properly installed split systems. Heating must be provided by a centralized heating system.

Depending on the specifics of certain dance styles, the hall is equipped with other elements in the form of ribbons, poles, etc.

Recruitment for a dance school

Qualitatively selected teaching staff is the basis and main core of your dance studio. It is from these people that the level of preparation of your students will depend, and, consequently, the further image of your school. And these are ratings, and prizes won at various festivals, and the good memory of grateful graduates.

Well, if you revolve in this area. Then it will be easier for you to find real professionals in the field of teaching dance art. These should be people not only with a high class of dance skills, but also with the ability to transfer this skill to their students. He must be able to capture the attention of students, captivate them with the art of dance. . Therefore, in your team of teachers, you should select candidates who combine the skill of a dancer and the ability to teach.

How to attract customers to a dance school: advertising and business marketing

No matter how eminent the teachers in the new dance school are, it will not be possible to attract a sufficient number of customers without advertising and a set of marketing actions. Although in themselves such names in the composition are already an advertisement for the school.

As the main areas for advertising, we can recommend the following:

  • Internet advertising . This is the most effective action in our time. You should advertise your school on Yandex, Google, in a special 2GIS resource, in various social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, etc.)
  • Banner on the building where the school is located. It should attract the eyes of people passing by and passing by.
  • Advertising on local music radio channels .

The range of marketing activities for this business can be quite wide. Here it is important to take into account the specifics and direction of the studio, it is necessary to determine the immediate plans and the desired perspective in its activities.

The most effective marketing actions to attract customers can be:

  1. Carrying out various promotions to purchase your subscriptions at a reduced price. For example - the first two months of classes for 50% of the total cost.
  2. Encourage your students in case they bring other clients to you. For example, bring a friend with you and get a free month of classes.
  3. demonstration performances at local city holidays. This is advertising and marketing at the same time.

As a rule, after starting work, an understanding of what else can attract your target audience gradually appears. Your students themselves will tell you this.

How much does it cost to open a dance school from scratch: a ready-made business plan to help

Your business plan should take into account all possible costs and potential income from the operation of the school. Due to the fact that the financial situation is currently unstable, we will replace some numerical values ​​with Latin letters in the calculations. The cost of opening a school is the sum of all initial investments.

They need to include:

  • Costs for the purchase and installation of the necessary equipment.
  • Expenses for designer renovation of the studio.
  • The cost of an advertising and information sign on the building in which the school is located.

Let's denote this sum as Y.

The monthly expenses include:

  1. Monthly rent (denoted as w).
  2. Salaries for teaching staff (denoted by g).
  3. Advertising expenses (r).

Dance school organized by a private entrepreneur, no permissions and licenses are required for this.

The first step is to check similar services in the current market, as well as to identify the preferences of the population. The school offers the study of various directions and styles of dance. Recently, more popular are: ballroom dancing, belly dancing, striptease, street dancing. The main thing to remember is that a dance school is not a higher educational institution, it is primarily leisure. There is no need to give too much theory, and make you hone your steps to perfection. The business plan suggests taking into account that the best time for classes is early evening.

The business plan, when choosing a place for rent, suggests taking into account the following - a dance hall, this is not a store, its area must be at least 100 sq.m., good lighting, ventilation and mirrors in the walls are also important attributes. A small room should be adjacent to the main room, which will serve as a wardrobe.

The main advantage of the dance school is that you do not need to purchase special equipment - ordinary chairs, benches, lockers for personal items.

To open a dance school, it is good to have a choreographic education. At the initial stage, this will help you save a lot on hiring an instructor. All audio materials for conducting classes can be downloaded on the Internet. In addition to the instructor, it is necessary to hire a cleaning lady and an accountant, they can come and work part-time.

Most of the money at the opening will be spent on renting the premises, the rest should be spent on furniture and advertising. In total, the opening costs will amount to about 220-270 thousand rubles.
On average, dance schools pay off in a year, despite the fact that the average monthly profit will be about 20 thousand.

In recent years, dance classes have become very popular. Everyone is engaged in dancing - children from 4 years old, teenagers, adults, elderly people. That is, having decided to organize a dance school of any direction, you will not be left without clients. The investment in a business dance school can be different - it all depends on the choice of a particular rented room and the type of dance that you are going to teach.

Consider the idea of ​​creating a school of ballroom dancing on the basis of an ordinary high school.
For classes in the evening, you will need to rent the assembly hall of this school for 3-4 hours a day. The assembly hall is equipped with mirrors, parquet flooring - this is enough for classes. Hall rent costs 15,000 rubles per month. The rental price includes cleaning of the premises by the full-time cleaner of the school, payment for electricity.

The owner of the business himself will teach dancing, as he is professionally engaged in sports and ballroom dancing. Therefore, you do not have to spend money on attracting a teacher.
There will be 3 groups per day. The first group - children 4-6 years old twice a week - two groups of 15 people, the second group - individual lessons with a trainer, the third group - adults, twice a week - two groups of 10 people. Total per week 4 mass groups and 7 individual lessons.

The cost of training in groups is 100 rubles for a lesson in a children's group, 200 rubles for an adult, individual 1000 rubles per hour.

Total: income per month is 2*15*100*8=24000
63000 rubles per month.

Subtract the rent - it turns out 48,000 rubles a month net income.
The income is not stable - groups are not always engaged in full strength, in the summer the dance school does not work.

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