Cases of nouns. Case declension


Name: Dative.

Dative- one of the indirect cases, in the languages ​​of the world usually expressing some action directed to the subject and derivatives from it (for example, transferring a direct object to an indirect one, from where the name of the case came from).
The dative case often expresses the subject of a perceptual situation.

The main meaning of the dative case is that it expresses an indirect object, that is, the person or object to which the action is directed. Answering questions to whom? why ?, this case is used with the verbs to give, buy, donate, send, speak, prove, promote, allow (or not allow), etc.

In Russian, the dative goes back to the Proto-Slavic, is used independently or with prepositions to, according to, according to.

In addition, the dative case is used with verbs expressing certain feelings directed at someone or something, for example: trust a friend, sympathize with the patient, be surprised at the content, etc. In impersonal sentences, the dative case can refer to a verb or to predicative adverb: the sentry can’t sleep, the mother is unwell, I don’t want to part with you, he is cold, etc.

The dative case is:
1) the form of a noun included in the paradigm with one of the following endings (in spelling form):
singular - earth, swamp, field, bone, daughter, name, path;
plural - lands, swamps, fields, bones, daughters, names, ways;
2) a number of such forms of the noun, united by the system of meanings described below;
3) the form of an adjective or participle included in the paradigm with one of the following endings (in spelling):
singular - blue, blue, strong, strong, fox, fox, aunt, aunt, father, father, acting, acting, broken, broken;
plural - blue, strong, fox, aunt, paternal, active, broken;
4) a number of such forms of an adjective or participle, united by a common syntactic function.

Basic meanings of the dative case-objective and subjective, which
The dative case is combined with simple and derivative prepositions. In combination with simple prepositions k and po, ​​it has an objective meaning (cool off a friend, kind to people, preparing for a lecture, the will to live, missing the family, shooting sparrows, chores) and different types of attributive meaning (including the function of the predicate: Claims - to the quality of goods; Pie - for dinner; Exam - in physics; Movement - on schedule); with the preposition to - also including the function of the necessary informatively supplementing form: refer to the foremost workers ("to be included in the number"); The conversation was reduced to nothing.

The dative case with the preposition po in different combinations expresses distribution over several subjects, objects, points, moments: There is a stork on each roof; The children were given an apple; We do not work on Sundays; Dispersed to the villages; We talked many times; Notebooks - according to the number of students;

This case is combined with the following derivative prepositions and prepositional formations: thanks to, in contrast to, in contrast to, contrary to, following, looking at, on the way to, towards, towards, contrary to, not in an example, towards, in relation to, like , in relation to, according to, according to, in accordance with, accordingly, in proportion, judging by.

In most cases, such combinations are syntactically unambiguous: they have attributive meanings corresponding to the lexical meanings of the preposition.

Why does the Russian verb STUDY require the dative case, and not the accusative? TEACH MATH. (Teaching math is a blame.)

The fact is that the dative case can also have the function of a direct object, as with the verb to teach: to teach what.

The dative case can express:

1) Meaning of the addressee (especially with verbs of speech and conveying a material object): write to the dean / friend
2) The meaning of the direct object: to learn what?
3) Subjective meaning: Brother is 20 years old.
4) Reason: The dog is happy with the owner.

And when used with prepositions:
1) Object: love for whom
2) Place: drive along the road
3) Direction: to the father
4) Time: in the evening
5) Reason: due to distraction, thanks to help
6) Tool: by phone
7) Distribution value: eat an apple
8) Determinative value: a textbook on the Russian language

The question of a student (who speaks several languages) was about where the dative came from with this particular variant (to teach mathematics) - what is the logic or origin of this dative? So he compares with other languages ​​and very analytically approaches the study of a foreign language, trying to understand and explain constructions to himself. There is another option: to learn Russian, to learn words (with the accusative case).
- These are just different lexical-semantic variants of the verb "teach" with different controls.
It is not always possible to explain logically, because even in other case languages, the case forms often do not coincide with the forms of the Russian language.
For example, in German Ich gratuliere dir zum Geburtstag, where after the verb to congratulate is the dative case.
And if we compare more modern languages ​​and look at ancient languages, we can see that cases have different functions. For example, in Latin there is a dative of interest (denoting a person or object in whose interests an action is performed: Non scholae, sed vitae discimus. - We study not for school, but for life (translated into Russian by prepositions for, for the sake of).

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Used to express an action directed at something, carried out in favor of someone, in particular, the transfer of something (hence its name). Very often he appears in conjunction with the accusative, for example, “I will give my mother-in-law an apple”, “I will write a message to my brother” and in impersonal turns like “I am bored”, “my heart is empty”.

How is the dative case formed?

In some cases, such - we emphasize, very common - word usages serve as a kind of cultural marker. Another difficulty associated with the dative case concerns the declension of female names into -and I- Victoria, Lilia, Maria, Natalia, etc. They all have an ending in the dative case -and: Victoria, Lily, Mary, Natalia. This, however, does not apply to Eastern names, in which -and I the stress falls on the last vowel: Aliya, Alfiya, Zulfiya, etc. Such names in the dative case end in -e: Alie, Alfie, Zulfie. There are also 11 neuter exceptions, if the dative case is used with them, the endings of these words will be in -and: burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown and child(this is how the word “child” looks normatively in the dative case).

The Russian language has six cases that express certain roles of nouns in sentences: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional. One of them is the dative case in Russian. It occupies a special place in comparison with other indirect cases, since it is opposed to them by having its own semantics.

The dative case indicates the object to which the action is directed, the addressee (for example, write to the sister, help parents), the object (for example, rejoice at the birth, belong to the child), the object of the state and properties (for example, fidelity to what was said, devotion to the owner). It expresses the attitude that determines the purpose of the object (hymn to labor), is used in impersonal sentences to convey the state of the subject (the child was unwell, he wanted to sleep). The dative case answers the question (you can sometimes mentally substitute the word “give”) “to whom?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “Where?”.

The dative case, in comparison with other indirect cases, can be used with fewer primitive prepositions (“to” and “by”). In the verbal position, the dative case in Russian with the preposition "k" can perform the function of an informative and complementary form (refer to the most famous sayings), have an objective meaning (respect for parents), have a definitive meaning (in place: come to the door; in time : warming by noon; by purpose and purpose: food for dinner).

In the non-verbal position, the dative case with the preposition "to" has the meaning of a predicative feature (the ability to sing), an objective meaning in determination (something bright is missing from this dress), a definitive and adverbial meaning of place and time (it got warmer in the evening). When using the preposition “by” in a prepositional position, the dative case has the following meanings: object (knock on wood, miss your brother), attributive with the meanings of place (to walk along the road), time (sleep at night), reason (to say by mistake), targets (call on verification). In a non-verbal position, these are the meanings of a predicative sign (sickness for the parental home), subjective meaning (everyone has a book left) and attributive meaning (the store does not work on Sundays).

The dative case is combined with such non-primitive prepositions: in contrast to (what was said), thanks to (mother), contrary to (himself), following (company), contrary to (fate), in relation to (professor), according to (contract), in accordance with (goals ), judging by (number). When it is especially worth paying attention to the dative in which the names of the first declension depend on the name itself (masculine and feminine, which end in “-a”, “-ya”) in the dative case, the endings have “-e”, “-i” in in the singular (for example, mom, wall, stories, aunt) and "-am", "-yam" - in the plural (for example, moms, uncles).

Nouns of the second declension (masculine and neuter with and ending in "-o") singular endings have "-u", "-u" (for example, window, table) and plural - "-am", "-yam" (for example, windows, tables) in the dative case. The nouns of the third declension (the endings ending in the dative case have “-i” in the singular (for example, by night, for fabric) and “-am”, “-yam” - in the plural (for example, at night, for fabrics ).

To the question Need a sign: what prepositions are used with what cases (Russian language). Who knows where to find?! given by the author Nieva the best answer is In the textbook of the Russian language for 3 cells, this topic begins there ... . Correlation of case and preposition The case forms of nouns, numerals and pronouns express various relations, for which prepositions are also adapted. There are semantic correlations between the meanings of preposition and case. Each case is assigned its own circle of prepositions. The genitive case combines the largest number of prepositions: without, near, near, along, inside, inside, near, around, in the form, in view of, during, in deed, in sign, in order to avoid, in name, instead of, in the field, in relation to, in continuation, in the light, due to, due to, in the event of, during, for the purposes of, before, except for, due to, from, because of, from under, around, past, on the eve, on the contrary, about, from, behind, across, after, in the middle, before, relatively, from, on the side, behind, from below, along the line, in measure, about, due to, by means of, by, etc. The dative case requires prepositions thanks to, contrary to, after, towards, towards, contrary to, like, towards, according to, respectively, in proportion, etc. The accusative case is served by prepositions in, including, for, excluding, on, not counting, despite on, o, on, under, about, with, through, later, through, etc. Prepositions are used with the instrumental case in connection with, after, for, ending, between, over, on a par with, along with, before, under, according to, in proportion to, according to, etc. The prepositional case of the name is controlled in, on, about, on, at, on the question of, etc. Most of the prepositions are used with the form of the name in one case. This applies primarily to derivative prepositions: thanks to (dat. p.), due to (genus p.), etc. But some of the primitive prepositions can be used with two and three cases. Two-case prepositions are in, on, about (vin. and prepositional p.), for, under (vin. and tv.p.), between (genus and tv.p.). Triple prepositions: by (vin., dat. and suggestion) , s (genus, vin. and tv. n.), for example: walk along the road (dat. n.), knee-deep in snow (vin. n.), miss a friend (preposition p.) .

Answer from Kirill Shkiryak[newbie]

Answer from Ksyusha[newbie]

Answer from Ekaterina Serebrennikova[newbie]
hk, ghk,

Answer from Natalia Lyapunova[newbie]
in pro

Answer from Gulnara Kurbieva[newbie]
The case forms of nouns, numerals and pronouns express various relations, for which prepositions are also adapted. There are semantic correlations between the meanings of preposition and case. Each case is assigned its own circle of prepositions. The genitive case combines the largest number of prepositions: without, near, near, along, inside, inside, near, around, in the form, in view of, during, in deed, in sign, in order to avoid, in name, instead of, in the field, in relation to, in continuation, in the light, due to, due to, in the event of, during, for the purposes of, before, except for, due to, from, because of, from under, around, past, on the eve, on the contrary, about, from, behind, across, after, in the middle, before, relatively, from, on the side, behind, from below, along the line, in measure, about, due to, by means of, by, etc. The dative case requires prepositions thanks to, contrary to, after, towards, towards, contrary to, like, towards, according to, respectively, in proportion, etc. The accusative case is served by prepositions in, including, for, excluding, on, not counting, despite on, o, on, under, about, with, through, later, through, etc. Prepositions are used with the instrumental case in connection with, after, for, ending, between, over, on a par with, along with, before, under, according to, in proportion to, according to, etc. The prepositional case of the name is controlled in, on, about, on, at, on the question of, etc. Most of the prepositions are used with the form of the name in one case. This applies primarily to derivative prepositions: thanks to (dat. p.), due to (genus p.), etc. But some of the primitive prepositions can be used with two and three cases. Two-case prepositions are in, on, about (vin. and prepositional p.), for, under (vin. and tv.p.), between (genus and tv.p.). Triple prepositions: by (vin., dat. and suggestion) , s (genus, vin. and tv. n.), for example: walk along the road (dat. n.), knee-deep in snow (vin. n.), miss a friend (preposition p.) .

Answer from Thomas St[active]
You have to go to school, you will know)

Answer from Denis Shipitsyn[newbie]
The meaning of the prepositional case is very diverse. Answering questions about who? about what? , it is used only with prepositions and can be both verbal and adjectival. The prepositional verbal is used: a) with the preposition about (about, about): talk about work, think about literature, write about the camp, regret the loss, take care of everything; b) with a preposition after (meaning after): after three years, after graduating from school, after reading the manuscript, after receiving news, etc.; c) with a preposition at (to indicate a place, subject, institution, circumstance, state): live at a school, create at a university, be registered at a clinic, be present at a meeting, etc.; d) with the preposition v (in) to indicate the place or object inside which someone or something is located: live in Moscow, swim in the sea, sit indoors, store in the cellar, play in the yard, serve in the fleet, to notice in the eyes, etc.; e) with the preposition on to designate an area or surface where someone or something is, stays, happens: in the West, on the bank of a stream, sit on the floor, lie on hay; to indicate the place, subject, institution, region, team in which someone stays, acts, or where something is done: work on the pier, be in the service, study at the pedagogical faculty, attend a meeting; to designate a person or object that serves as an object of manifestation of activity: focus on solving problems, dwell on thoughts; to indicate the state, circumstances or conditions accompanying the action: to be on vacation, to be retired, to be on watch, to remain at sea; to indicate an object that is an instrument of action or material for the production of an action, as well as to indicate the time of action: ride a bicycle, play the piano, fry in butter, etc.

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