Pavel will - biography, information, personal life. Pavel Volya shared a family photo with his children and wife Pavel Volya and his girlfriend


The wedding of the “glamorous bastard” Pavel Volya and the famous gymnast Laysan Utyasheva came as a surprise to the star party. No one had noticed the special relationship between the couple before. The very news of the marriage of Pasha and Laysan appeared on April Fool's Day - so someone preferred not to believe him. Yes, and there was a reason. Remember the Will in the ether - cold, cynical, ironic, lonely. Somehow he didn't seem to be married. But it was Pasha who became for Utyasheva the support that saved the girl from reckless grief after the death of her mother. It was Pasha who consoled her so much that she decided to marry him.

Volya and Utyasheva everything happened like in a movie

But it all started with friendship. The couple met on one of the TV projects - both were its presenters. Warm friendships developed. Correspondence, calls.

Laysan admits:

“If I had seen such a story in the cinema, I would not have believed that this could happen in real life.”

It happened in her life...

The unexpected death of her mother from a heart attack was a huge shock for Utyasheva. But there is no evil without good. It was at this moment that Pasha felt himself most needed for his girlfriend. He surrounded her with care and attention. He helped her survive in this difficult situation. All the irony and cynicism of the "glamorous bastard" behind the scenes flew off Volya like tinsel. With such a person, Laysan wanted to go through life hand in hand.

They try not to rock the family boat

When the wedding was planned, the young already knew that they would become parents. There was no magnificent celebration, since not even a year had passed since the death of the mother of the bride. Utyasheva exposed her pregnant belly to the hot Spanish sun. She was preparing for childbirth, as if for the Olympics. She developed her own method of breathing, physical activity. The efforts of the gymnast were not in vain - the mother gave birth to little Robert in just half an hour. By the way, the Bashkir grandmother Laysan advised to give such a name to the boy. According to her, in their area it is quite common.

And after the wedding, Volya and Utyasheva try not to advertise their relationship. Pavel Volya turned out to be a caring father. If necessary, she will sit with her son, take care of him on an equal basis with her mother. Laysan admits that now she manages to combine career and family. But if she has to choose, she will, of course, choose the latter. After the death of her mother, the girl was convinced that the family is the main thing. Here is how she described her life with Pavel Volya:

“We live quietly and calmly. I am very glad that storm waves pass us by. Yes, and we ourselves try not to rock the family boat, and we are very grateful for what fate has given us.”

Pavel Volya invigorates the country with humor, and Laysan Utyasheva with gymnastics. Watch the video lesson with the athlete:

Pavel Volya is a Russian stand-up comedian, one of the founders of the Comedy Club satirical show, a TV presenter.

Childhood and family

Pavel Volya was born on March 14, 1979 in the family of Alexei Evgenievich and Tamara Alekseevna Volya, factory workers from Penza. Pasha and his 3-year-old younger sister Olga spent their childhood in a typical nine-story panel building in a residential area of ​​the city.

Parents devoted a lot of time to the intellectual and physical development of their children, but never imposed their vision of the future on them. As a child, Pasha dreamed of becoming a tower crane operator, but then his childhood dream was forgotten. He became interested in martial arts (however, the street taught him much more in this regard), went to a theater group and even to memory development courses. As a teenager, he was the host of the youth program "Slam" on the local cable channel.

Some sources claim that the real name of Pavel Volya is Denis Dobrovolsky. And the artist himself spoke about this in one of his speeches, but most likely it was a joke, since he later said that his parents named him Pavel in honor of his great-grandfather, a front-line soldier. And Dobrovolsky is a pseudonym from the time of his work on the radio.

Even in his school years, Pasha began to play KVN. Despite his activity, the guy, who gravitated towards the humanities, studied well and, having graduated from school with a silver medal, entered the Penza Pedagogical University. V.G. Belinsky. By profession, Pavel Volya is a teacher of Russian language and literature.

In his student years, he continued to play in KVN, becoming the captain of the Valeon Dasson university team. It was there that he met Timur Kerimov, who is known today as Timur Rodriguez, as well as Leonid Shkolnik, the future Comedy Club screenwriter. Also, as a student, Pavel worked as a presenter in the Penza branch of Russian Radio.

In 2001, the Valeon Dasson team participated in the Higher League of KVN, and although the guys did not go beyond the 1/8 finals, this was only the beginning of the bright path of Pavel and his comrades in KVN. In the same year, Pavel graduated from high school and moved to Moscow.

Young Pavel Volya in KVN

At first, the capital received the young provincial unfriendly, and for some time he had to work as a foreman at a construction site. Then Pavel managed to break into the scriptwriters for Igor Ugolnikov's Good Evening program, which is broadcast on RTR. The producer of Good Morning was Artur Dzhanibekyan. Later, the program was closed, and Volya got a job as a host on Muz-TV, later switched to Hit-FM and at exactly 7:00 a.m. he lifted hundreds of thousands of listeners out of bed. There is in his early creative biography and the experience of voicing "Masyanya" by Oleg Kuvaev.

Pavel Volya about work on Muz-TV and other early projects

comedy club

After the closing of Good Morning, Artur Dzhanibekyan, also a former KVN player, together with Garik Martirosyan and Artashes Sargsyan, former teammates of the New Armenians, founded the comedy club-type show Comedy Club, inviting talented guys who were ready to perform in a new for Russia in the Stand Up genre. Pavel Volya was among them.

Pavel Volya's first performance at the Comedy Club

For more than a year, the show wandered on TV channels: cooperation with MTV did not work out after the very first release, STS decided that the Comedy Club with its hooligan humor would not fit into the channel's concept. Finally, the leadership of TNT became interested in the cassette with the pilot release of the show, and on April 23, 2005, the premiere of the show took place, which was destined to become the most profitable humorous project in the history of Russian television.

Russian viewers, especially young people, at that time were already fed up with sold-out humorous programs with bearded jokes. Residents of the Comedy Club, without a twinge of conscience, released words that were previously an unspoken taboo on television, and joked on the verge of a foul. Pavel Volya from the first performances secured the stage image of a "glamorous bastard", a person who criticizes other people. Each issue of the Comedy Club opened with his witticisms - usually Volya walked around the guests in the studio.

Pavel Volya insults the audience

In 2007, Comedy Club Production was created - a production company, under whose name Comedy Club came out from now on. CCP has taken over the production of almost all entertainment shows and series on TNT. The first signs were the humorous programs Laughter Without Rules and Killer League, in which new figures were forged for the Comedy Club and affiliated projects. Both projects were hosted by Pavel Volya and Vladimir Turchinsky.

Subsequently, Pavel Volya began performing solo monologues as an independent artist. Now Pavel performs less often at the Comedy Club, but the fans of the program have not lost him - in 2015 he replaced Garik Martirosyan as the host.


In 2007, Pavel decided to try himself in the musical field. He composed simple music using a drum machine, wrote lyrics. Soon he presented to the public his first composition in the rap genre "Show Biz".

“I don’t follow this on purpose, it’s not so important to me ... - no, the result, of course, is important. But I don’t sit in chat rooms, I don’t look at what they write about me, I don’t go on the Internet, I don’t look at ratings, reports, and everything else. The song "Show-biz" occupied some places there, kept in some charts - it doesn't matter, people liked it. After all, at first when we brought it, we were told: “Oh, no, this is terrible! A lot of text, unformatted. Me: “Let him play for a week, then as you wish.” Has been playing for a long time. They don’t remember about the informal format anymore, they say, “yes, no one said that!”.

In the same year, Pavel Volya released an album of two discs "Respect and Respect", two years later the disc "Miracles Happen" appeared. Video clips were shot for three songs (“Everything will be awesome”, “Barvikha”, “Mame”). It was Pavel Volya who wrote the song that opens the series "Our Russia"

Pavel Volya - Awesome

In 2012, the second album "New" was released, which included the song "Boy" (recorded together with the singer Yolka), "Our Russia-2", "Mom, we are all getting old" (together with the group "City 312" ). And the orchestra of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia took part in the recording of "Hussarskaya".

Pavel Volya - Boy (ft. Yolka)

The third album "Thoughts and Music" turned out to be more lyrical and adult. The trend was continued by an audiobook with poems by Pavel Volya, released in 2018 on two discs. Also, the showman, together with Maxim Fadeev and Timati, recorded the opening for the show "Songs on TNT". He owns a small music label Nopassport, which included artists Tantsui, Monoplay, Almapa.


An impressive part of Pavel Volya's income is profit from filming in advertising. So, since 2007, Pavel has been the ambassador of KhrusTeam croutons from the SM-Trade company. Over the years, what images the artist has not tried on: he was Charlie Chaplin, Ivan the Terrible, Count Orlov, Galileo Galilei, Caesar, Alexander Nevsky, Robin Hood, Sherlock Holmes, Casanova and even Iron Man, only a pack of crackers in his hand.

Movie roles

The debut of Pavel Volya in the "big movie" was the role of Tima Milan (for which Dima Bilan was obviously guessed) in the parody tape "The Best Movie".

Tima Milan - Alphabet of Love ("The Best Movie")

After "The Best Film" Pavel Volya began working on the main role in the film "Plato". In this tragicomedy, Pasha played a role close to him - a glamorous Moscow party-goer. The hero of the film is very similar to Pavel Volya himself in all respects. He has an extraordinary mind, attractive appearance, sociability. This allows him to successfully conduct business and be popular with women.

“Platosha is very interesting to me. In Moscow life, he is like a fish in water, anyone knows what he does, how to find him. In the hands of Plato are the levers of fate, he rules the world, no, let's say, the little world in which he lives, "

Subsequently, he appeared with a cameo in TV series produced by Comedy Club Production (“Univer”, “Deffchonki”), played a major role in the romantic comedy “Bride at any cost”. The will could be seen in the TV series "" from his colleague in Comedy Vadim Galygin. Touching was his role in the film "Happy New Year, Mom!" (short story "See Paris, and ..."), where he played a young man who gave his mother (Irina Rozanova) a trip to France. Together with colleagues from the Comedy Club, Volya starred in the sketch comedy Zomboyaschik, which received extremely low audience ratings.

Pavel Volya's personal life

For a long time, the Comedy Club resident enjoyed a reputation as an inveterate bachelor with an impressive Don Juan list. For three years, Pavel met with the MTV host Marika, in the world Marina Kravtsova. They met at the end of 2005 in a nightclub, Pavel sought the attention of this energetic girl for almost a year, and for good reason - their couple was called the most beautiful in Russian show business. But in 2010, the couple eventually broke up, and, as Marika noted in an interview, without any conflicts. They remained good friends.

The famous TV presenter, showman, conversational artist, author and performer of his own songs, actor, resident of the popular show on the TNT Comedy Club channel Pavel Volya does not like to talk about his family and personal life. But fans, of course, are interested in learning as much as possible about their idol.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Alekseevich Volya was born in the city of Penza on March 14, 1979 in a simple family. Parents are Russian by nationality. They have worked in factories all their lives. My son went to a regular school. More drawn to humanitarian subjects. Pavel was a diligent student, as evidenced by many commendable letters and a silver medal at the end of school. Until now, his photograph hangs on the honor roll. Although Will cannot be called a botanist either. He was a lot of hooligans and mischief, but the teachers loved him and forgave some pranks.

At school, Pavel enjoyed playing in the KVN team, held discos, holidays and events, and took an active part in its social life. Even then it was clear that he likes to speak to the public, invent jokes, write scripts.

After receiving the certificate, Volya entered the Pedagogical Institute of the city of Penza at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature. In his student years, he became seriously interested in playing KVN. Soon he headed the Valeon Dasson team, which adequately represented Penza in the First League, but lost in the Premier League in the 1/8 finals.

In parallel with his studies at the Volya Institute, he worked as a DJ on Russian Radio. Here he acquired the first invaluable experience of live communication with the audience. Pavel realized that he did not want to be a simple teacher.

Creative nature required performance on stage. Then he decided to leave Penza for a city where there are more opportunities for successful development.

Moving to Moscow

In 2001, having received a diploma, Pasha moved to the capital. Starting an independent life in a foreign city was not easy. At first he worked at a construction site as a foreman. Lived in a rented 1-room apartment with 7 guys. But all these difficulties did not frighten Paul. He felt that success awaited him here.

Playing KVN at a professional level at one time made it possible to make useful contacts that came in handy upon arrival in Moscow. Igor Ugolnikov invited Volya to work on the Good Evening show, where fate brought him together with Arthur Dzhanibekyan, who later produced the Comedy Club. Then in 2003 there was a job as a DJ on Hit-FM radio. On the Muz-TV channel, Pavel voiced Masyanya in the program “Visiting Masyanya”.

Television career

The real popularity and fame of Volya was brought by residency in a humorous show on the TNT channel. Comedy Club made a splash on Russian TV, presenting a new format of stand-up comedy humor, which is successfully developing in Western countries.

Tired of the sold-out comedians, the audience reacted differently to the peculiar, sometimes vulgar and rude jokes of the residents. Therefore, the show did not immediately take root on television, changing several channels. But Pavel "Snezhok" Volya and the rest of the participants firmly believed in success. They continued to joke, honing their skills, performing in clubs at various events.

The first issue of Comedy Club was released on TNT in April 2005. Volya began the show with his performance, warming up the audience. It was then that he received the title of "glamorous bastard", since his calling card was a frank "banter" over the invited pop stars, athletes, actors and other public figures. He was never afraid to speak straight to the face of the "naked" truth without cuts, but he did it so charmingly that few people were seriously offended. Rather, they laughed at themselves with him. Now Volya is not only a resident, but also the host of the Comedy Club.

No less successful are Pavel's performances in the stand-up style, in which he raises sharp and relevant topics today. The humorist skillfully notices and ridicules the sick and weak sides of modern society. Several solo concerts "Big Stand Up" have already taken place. In addition, Volya was the host of such humorous programs as Laughter Without Rules and Killer League. Currently hosts the show "Comedy Battle", "Improvisation" and "Songs" on the TNT channel.

Musical activities

Since 2004, Pavel Volya has been writing songs. At first, his singles sounded within TNT programs, but then Pasha decided to air the song “Show Biz” on the radio. The premiere was successful. The track fell in love with the listeners and even led in various charts for some time.

Encouraged by such success, Volya began to compose texts for melodies written at different times. As a result, several albums were released, and many singles became hits. Particularly popular are such compositions as:

Albums released:

  • "Respect and Respect" (2007).
  • "Miracles Happen" (2009).
  • "Hot Summer/Cold Summer" (2010).
  • "New" (2012).
  • "Thoughts and Music" (2016).

Now the showman has his own recording studio. When inspiration and free minutes appear, he rushes there to record the next track. Therefore, in the near future, it is likely that a new collection will be released.

Pasha continues his career as a DJ, performing at club parties.

Pavel Volya in cinema

The showman also tried his hand at acting. His even small roles are very bright and interesting:

There is behind him and experience in the voice acting of cartoons:

  • "Catch the wave!".
  • "Paul: secret material".
  • "Parrot Club".

Personal life

For a long time, Pavel Volya remained an inveterate bachelor. In his youth, there were many fleeting novels, but there was not enough time or energy for a serious relationship. Creativity swallowed the showman headlong.

The artist always hid his personal life from prying eyes. He does not like to give interviews on this topic. We only know about his relationship with Maria Kravtsova, MTV presenter. Pavel lived with her in a civil marriage for about 3 years. Everyone believed that things were going to the wedding, but the girl never became Will's wife. In 2010 they broke up. Then Pavel was repeatedly noticed in the company of Nadezhda Sysoeva, an actress from Comedy Women.

At the age of 33, Pasha Volya married a multiple European and world champion in rhythmic gymnastics, Laysan Utyasheva. The wedding took place in September 2012. Although fans learned about this event only in April next year. At first, everyone thought it was an April Fool's joke. It turns out that young people were just friends for several years. The girl didn't take the guy seriously.

The death of the gymnast's mother brought young people closer. Pasha turned out to be a very sensitive and reliable friend. He supported Laysan in such a difficult period for her. Real feelings were born, based on mutual trust and respect. And since both at that time already dreamed of creating a family, they decided to legalize their relationship. The wedding was rather modest. Of the guests, only very close people were present.

In May 2013, Pasha Volya's wife gave him a son, Robert, and 2 years later, a daughter, Sofia. Paul was extremely happy. This has become another source of inspiration in creativity. His monologues rained down on the topic of children, children's toys, books. From the stage, Volya very touchingly confessed his love for his wife, which repeatedly brought her to tears.

Pavel tries to spend all his free time with Laysan and children. The couple have been married for 6 years. The couple does not hide that they are thinking about the birth of a third child. How many children Pavel Volya and Laysan will have in ten years, one can only guess. Looking at this star couple, even the thought does not arise that their marriage can break up. They look so harmonious together.

Myths about Pavel Volya

Various rumors about the showman roam the Internet. He himself often refutes them in his interviews:

You can follow the artist's life by subscribing to his official Instagram page. The showman will not let him get very close to his family, but it is better to have little information, but truthful, than to spread a lot of rumors and gossip.

Volya turned 39 this year. He lives with his family in his own house in the suburbs. Together with his wife, they organized the Willpower Internet courses. Laysan teaches a healthy lifestyle and style, and Pavel leads educational programs. Judging by the reviews, these courses have helped many people become happy. So everyone has a chance to chat with an idol and pick up a couple of tips on how to succeed in life.

Attention, only TODAY!

Volya Pavel Alekseevich is a famous Russian comedian, resident and permanent host of the Comedy Club. At the same time, the guy also played for a long time in the team of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club.

A versatile person showed himself as an actor, TV presenter, comedian and pop artist, without whom not a single concert has been complete for a long time. Will proves that an ordinary guy from a working-class family can become rich, famous, successful, but not arrogant.

Bright and charismatic Pavel releases music albums one after another, as well as soundtracks for popular films, proving that there are no limits to perfection.

In order to know absolutely everything about the comedian, fans will find out his height, weight, age. How old is Pavel Volya - can also be easily determined by the date of his birth.

Pavel was born in 1979, which indicates that the guy is already thirty-nine years old. At the same time, Volya was born under the sign of the Zodiac - Pisces, which determines his dreaminess, ambition, stability, indecision, and an excellent sense of humor.

The eastern horoscope gave Pavel the sign of an economic, thrifty, resourceful, smart, punctual Goat.

Pavel Volya: a photo in his youth and now is still the same joker with sad eyes who will never grow old. His height is one meter and eighty-one centimeters, and his weight is fifty-eight or sixty-one kilograms, depending on the role and season.

Biography of Pavel Volya

The biography of Pavel Volya began from the moment he was born in Penza, however, the name of the baby given to him at birth is not entirely clear. The fact is that according to one version, Pavel Volya is his real name and surname, and another version says that the boy was named Denis Dobrovolsky, and Volya is his stage name and yard nickname.

One way or another, but the Wikipedia article indicates that Volya is the official surname, and the pseudonym for the radio, on the contrary, Dobrovolsky.

Father - Alexei Volya and mother - Tamara Volya - were ordinary workers who had nothing to do with creativity and were not rich. The family also had a sister - Olga Volya - who was three years younger than her brother, she suffered from heart disease, so her parents had to work half the day, and then her mother left work altogether.

The boy studied well at school, was an activist and had a huge number of diplomas, he graduated with a silver medal and left his photo on the honor roll. Of course, Pasha went to enter the Penza Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of his native language and literature.

There he received the nickname Snowball and began to play for the KVN team of this university "Valeon Dasson", at the same time he worked as a DJ on the radio. He continued his career as a radio host on the Moscow radio "Hit-FM", and also, was the host of "MUZ-TV", the screenwriter of the "Good Evening" program and voiced the legendary Masyanya.

Since 2003, he has been a resident and host of a Comedy Club stand-up show, while Volya compares favorably with his colleagues in the image of a bastard and not a simple, but rather glamorous one. He criticizes only the guests at the tables and the stars of show business, but never politicians and does not say nasty things.

The guy starred in the films "The Best Movie", "Univer", "Plato", "Love in the Big City", "Happy New Year, Moms!", "Viy - 2". At the same time, he leads a sea of ​​​​programs, releases music albums and singles, and dubs cartoons.

And he constantly appears in scandalous news, such as Pavel Volya fell from the 2nd floor, which invariably attract the attention of millions of fans. By the way, the fact that Pavel Volya fell from the second floor of the video became known in May last year. There was this little misunderstanding on the set of the next issue of the Comedy Club.

Pavel Volya fell from the balcony, the video turned out to be thoughtful and staged, since the guy has been fond of parkour for several years and decided to amaze the audience in this way.

Pavel Volya's personal life

The personal life of Pavel Volya has always been under the gun of millions of women who wanted to connect their lives with a young comedian. However, the guy considered himself an inveterate bachelor, so he was not going to tie the knot.

It is worth noting that everyone considered him a frivolous man and womanizer, however, the guy was absolutely devoted to one woman. For many years he met with the beautiful and clever Maria Kravets, but it never came to marriage.

At the same time, it suddenly became known that the guy married a girl in whom he always saw only a girlfriend, and not a lover or wife.

Family of Pavel Volya

The family of Pavel Volya is his reliable rear, because the guy always said that in her there is one for all and all for one. Little Pasha was named after his beloved great-grandfather, so he could not bear the name Denis, as critics believe.

The fact is that the family united around Pavel's sister, since little Olechka suffered from a complex heart disease. Pasha constantly took care of his sister, they are incredibly similar not only in appearance, but also in character. The guys work on the Comedy Club program, but only the girl works as a make-up artist.

She is an economist by education, a married woman, she managed to give birth to Plato's son, despite health problems. Pavel is proud of his sister, and he also managed to provide a decent existence for his parents.

Children of Pavel Volya

The children of Pavel Volya are not numerous, but desirable, since they were born in marriage to the most beloved woman in the world. At the same time, kids are the same weather, they have many common interests, and also, they simply adore their parents.

The boy and the girl are brought up in love, since busy parents are often not at home, they are raised by their maternal and paternal grandmothers, as well as their beloved aunt Olya.

The children are quite friendly with their cousin Plato, as they spend a lot of time together, including in developmental classes. At the same time, both the wife and the sister can successfully replace the mother for all the children for a while.

Son of Pavel Volya - Robert Volya

The son of Pavel Volya - Robert Volya - was born in 2013, and Laysan Utyasheva became his mother. When the woman found out about her interesting situation, she immediately went to sunny Spain. It was thanks to this climate and the great love of her husband that Laysan managed to give birth to a healthy boy in one of the Miami clinics.

Robert is incredibly similar to dad, not only in appearance, but also in character, since he is just as active, bright and cheerful. He goes in for sports, including swimming, and also learns English, but so far in a playful way, so that later he does not have problems with learning.

By the way, Volya often takes her firstborn with her to the shooting, so all the residents of the Comedy Club know him well.

Daughter of Pavel Volya - Sofia Volya

The daughter of Pavel Volya - Sofia Volya - is the beloved princess of the famous comedian, who was born exactly two years after her brother in 2015. The fact is that she was born again in the US state of Miami in the same maternity ward as her brother.

She is still small, but quite characteristic, since she can be capricious for quite some time until she is given what she wants. However, the exactingness of the parents can reason with the baby, as well as their attentiveness to the girl's person.

The girl is engaged in swimming and gymnastics under the guidance of her beloved mother, and Laysan already notes that she has all the data for this.

Former common-law wife of Pavel Volya - Maria Kravtsova

The former common-law wife of Pavel Volya, Maria Kravtsova, is a model and TV presenter, fashion designer and actress. At the same time, she is six years younger than her common-law spouse, but as talented as he is.

Maria and Pavel met in 2006 on the set of the Comedy Club program, they began to spend more time together, while relaxing on the beach. At the same time, Volya treated the beauty gently and affectionately, literally blowing dust particles off her.

Masha moved in with him, but the couple never officially married. The civil marriage lasted four years and broke up due to the fact that the relationship turned into a routine, and the children never appeared.

Pavel Volya's wife - Laysan Utyasheva

Pavel Volya's wife, Laysan Utyasheva, was never considered by him as a wife, because the guys were just friends and often talked. But a terrible thing happened, her beloved mother Laysan died, and only Pasha was nearby, who reassured, supported and gave a craving for life.

After a while, all the fans noticed that the girl and the guy began to often appear in public together, but they believed that this was a fleeting romance. In 2012, the comedian and six-time European champion in gymnastics finally reached the registry office and legalized their relationship.

Young people understand each other perfectly, they are happy and dream of a large and friendly family with several kids.

Instagram and Wikipedia Pavel Volya

Instagram and Wikipedia of Pavel Volya are official, but they do not reveal all the secrets of the comedian, actor and TV presenter. At the same time, from the Wikipedia article, it is really possible to find out up-to-date information about childhood, parents, education, the career of a TV presenter and DJ on the radio. There is data on scandals and personal life, spouse and children, filmography and work on television.

9,900,000 people have subscribed to Volya's profile on Instagram, who can enjoy high-quality videos from the film sets, as well as photos from the personal archive. However, it will not be possible to find a photo or video of Pavel's children, because he protects them from the attention of unscrupulous journalists and fans.

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