Perspective planning in fiction in the senior group. Card file of fiction in the senior group for fgos with goals Reading fiction February preparatory group


Educational area

"Reading Fiction"

middle group

From 3September to 14 September

« BeforegoodbyeIsummer, hello kindergarten!

1. Topic: "Kids and the wolf" in arr.K.Ushinsky th (fairy tale retelling )

Target: to teach children to coordinate words in a sentence, to improve the ability to use prepositions correctly.

Develop the ability to retell a familiar short fairy tale.

Cultivate love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - thin, thick-thick.

31 )

2. Subject: " What is good and what is bad» V.Mayakovsky

(reading a work)

Target: introduce children to a new literary work, teach children to understand the content, evaluate the actions of the characters. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work, use antonyms in speech.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, coherent speech.

To cultivate moral and aesthetic feelings in communication: in everyday life, games.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - an act, bad, good.

Integration of educational areas:


"Autumn. Gifts of autumn»

1. Topic: "Autumn" K. Balmont ( h learning out poems )

Target: introduce children to a new poem, memorize it. Learn to answer questions on the content using lines from the text.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate interest in poetry, aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - sadder, shine, incense.

Integration of educational areas:"cognition"

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summary of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.26 )

2. Topic: "Autumn in the forest" I. Sokolov-Mikitov(reading a story )

Target: introduce children to stories about nature. Learn to answer content questions.

Develop memory, attention, cognitive interests of children.

Cultivate love for nature.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - golden autumn, fine days.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summary of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.30 )

3. Topic: "Spikelet" ( telling Ukrainian fairy talesand)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to follow the development of the action, characterize the actions of the characters. Teach children to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Raise interest in the fairy tales of other peoples, diligence.

Vocabulary work: enrich and activate the vocabulary - mill, spikelet, hardworking, loafers.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "socialization", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summary of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.17 )

From October 1 to October 12 monitoring

1. Topic: “If you are kind ...” ( conversation )

Target: to acquaint children with Russian folk art (proverbs and sayings) and the semantic coloring hidden in them.

To develop attention, thinking, the ability of children to answer questions.

Cultivate positive character traits, encourage good deeds and deeds.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - backfires, responds, unfriendly.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "cognition".

(E.N.Arsenina « Activities for older preschool children"- p.78 )

2.Theme: "Pitch Goby" ( Russian folk storytellingfairy tales )

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions with common sentences or a short story.

Develop attention, memory.

Raise interest and love for Russian folk tales.

Vocabulary work: to activate and enrich the vocabulary - resin, wood, iron, paper.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.5 2)

3. Subject: " About myself and about the guys» G. Ladonshchikova ,

"The Sun in the House" by E. Serov(reading a poemth )

Target: to teach children to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text, to answer questions.

Develop speaking skills and listening skills.

Cultivate a love of poetry.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - moths, the ice will melt, leapfrog.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. 64 )

1. Subject: " Like a dog looking for a friend» (storytelling)

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to answer questions about the content.

Develop memory, imagination, the ability to use homogeneous members of a sentence in speech.

Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples, friendly relations.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - cowardly, unimportant, friendly.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.99 )

2. Topic: "Duck with ducklings." E. Charushin (retelling)

Target: teach children to retell the work close to the text.

Develop monologue speech.

Cultivate love for the environment.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - mud, worms, oars, rake in.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "socialization".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.68)

1. Subject: " Three wonderful colors" A. Severny, "If only..." O. Bedarev (reading a poemth )

Target: continue to acquaint children with new works about the rules of the road, teach them to emotionally perceive and realize the figurative content of a poetic text, and answer questions.

Develop thinking, cognitive interests in children.

Cultivate a culture of behavior on the road.

Vocabulary work: activate the children's vocabulary - transport, traffic light, transition.

Integration of educational areas:"knowledge", "communication", "artistic creativity", "security".

1. Topic: “Riddles about vegetables and fruits» ( acquaintance with small folklore forms)

Target: to expand children's knowledge about the genre features of works of small folklore forms - ditties and riddles, to give new ideas about them. To teach children to guess riddles based on description and comparison.

Develop thinking, memory.

Raise interest in folk art.

Vocabulary work: replenish and activate the children's vocabulary based on deepening knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "health", "knowledge", "music".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.82)

1. Topic: "Birch" S. Yesenin (memorizing a poem)

Target: to teach children to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying admiration of winter nature with intonation. Learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Cultivate love for nature, aesthetic feelings.

Vocabulary work: enrich the dictionary - covered with snow, snowy border, dawn, silver.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.55)

2.Theme: « Little Mouse's Big Journey» ( storytelling)

Target: to acquaint children with a new fairy tale of the peoples of the North, to teach them to answer questions about the content.

Develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive interests.

Raise interest in fairy tales of different peoples.

Vocabulary work: enrich vocabulary - Eskimo fairy tale, north, tundra, ocean.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.75)

1. Topic: "Piggy on the Christmas tree" B. Zakhoder (reading fairy tales )

Target: continue to teach children to emotionally perceive and understand the content and idea of ​​a fairy tale, to notice figurative words and expressions.

Develop memory, thinking, the ability to use comparison techniques.

Cultivate interest in literature.

vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - lambs, important, important, piglet.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "socialization".

(V.Yu. Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.86)

2.Theme: "Christmas Tree" by E. Trutnev (learning a poem)

Target: to teach children to recite a poem by heart, to perceive the work emotionally.

Develop figurative speech, creative imagination.

Develop the ability to listen, answer questions clearly and distinctly.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - ice, snow coat, flock.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V. Guzenko"The Development of Speech. Thematic planning of classes "p.87)

3 .Theme: "Forest Newspaper" by V. Bianchi(reading stories)

Target: continue to teach children to answer questions using the simplest types of complex and complex sentences in speech.

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the life of animals in winter, how they prepare for winter.

Develop thinking, memory, imagination, cognitive interests.

Vocabulary work: activate the dictionary - warm housing, cold winds, stocks for the winter.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(G.Ya.Zatulina "Summaries of comprehensive classes on the development of speech" - p.64)

1. Subject: " Bubble, straw and bast shoes"(reading fairy tale and )

Target: introduce children to a new fairy tale, teach them to understand its content. Teach children to answer content questions with common sentences.

To develop visual and auditory attention in children - the ability to listen to an adult's speech, guess riddles, and look for a way out of problem situations.

Raise interest in the book, in its illustrator.

Vocabulary work: activate the vocabulary of children with adjectives - thin, thick, bold, burst, low.

Integration of educational areas:"communication", "artistic creativity", "music".

(O.A.Novikovskaya"Summaries of complex lessons on fairy tales with children 4-5 years old"lesson number 1)

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Methodology for the implementation of the tasks of the educational area "Reading fiction"





In accordance with the Federal state requirements, preschool education is being modernized in preschool educational institutions. In this regard, new goals, objectives and directions in the work of the preschool educational institution are determined. One of the educational areas is "Reading Fiction".

The task of forming interest and the need for reading (perception) of books, as one of the priorities, is set in the current federal state requirements for the implementation of the content of the educational field "Reading fiction". The need for daily communication with the book forms in children the habit of constant intellectual work, contributes to the development of speech thinking. That is why the standards that are mandatory for the implementation of the basic educational programs of primary education consider interest in reading as one of the leading indicators of a child's readiness for schooling.

The relevance and relevance of this problem is determined by the real needs of the domestic preschool education system. Therefore, the theme of my creative development was determined "The content of the psychological and educational area" Reading fiction ": purpose, forms of work, integration with other areas."

Purpose: to identify the methodological features of the work on the implementation of the educational area "Reading fiction".

Clarify the forms of work for the development of children in the educational field "Reading fiction".

To identify the integration of the educational area "Reading fiction" with other educational areas.

1. Psychological and pedagogical work on the development of children in the educational field "Reading fiction"

Works of fiction reveal the world of human feelings to children, causing interest in the personality, in the inner world of the hero.

Having learned to experience with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of loved ones and those around them. Humane feelings begin to awaken in them - the ability to show participation. Kindness, protest against injustice. This is the basis on which adherence to principles, honesty, and true citizenship are brought up. “Feelings precede knowledge; whoever did not feel the truth did not understand and did not recognize it, ”wrote V.G. Belinsky.

The child's feelings develop in the process of assimilation of the language of those works with which the teacher introduces him. The artistic word helps the child to understand the beauty of sounding native speech, it teaches him the aesthetic perception of the environment and at the same time forms his ethical (moral) ideas.

The child's acquaintance with fiction begins with miniatures of folk art - nursery rhymes, songs, then he listens to folk tales. Deep humanity, extremely precise moral orientation, lively humor, figurative language are the features of these miniature folklore works. Finally, the kid is read author's fairy tales, poems, stories available to him.

The people are an unsurpassed teacher of children's speech. In no other works, except folk, one can find such an ideal arrangement of hard-to-pronounce sounds, such an amazingly thought-out combination of a number of words that barely differ from each other in sound. For example: “There was a bull that was stupid, a stupid bull, the bull had a white lip, it was stupid”; “The cap is not sewn in the style of a cap, it is necessary to recap it, whoever recaps it, that half a pack of peas.” Benevolent banter, subtle humor of nursery rhymes, teasers, counting rhymes - an effective means of pedagogical influence, a good "cure" against laziness, cowardice, whims, selfishness.

A journey into the world of a fairy tale develops the imagination, fantasy of children, encourages them to write themselves. Brought up on the best literary examples of humanity, children in their stories and fairy tales show themselves to be fair, protecting the offended and weak, and punishing the evil.

And aesthetic, and especially moral (ethical) ideas, children should take out precisely from works of art, and not from the moralizing arguments of educators about the works they read, prepared questions on questions. The teacher must remember: excessive moralizing about what has been read brings great, often irreparable harm; “Disassembled” with the help of many small questions, the work immediately loses all charm in the eyes of children; loses interest in it. One must fully trust the educational possibilities of a literary text.

Thus, helping children to master the language of a work of art, the teacher also performs the tasks of education:

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value ideas.

Maintaining interest in books, literary and folklore works of various subjects.

Consolidation of ideas about the genre features of works of art, the development of skills to analyze texts.

Encouragement of creative manifestations in role-playing games based on the plots of literary works, dramatizations and dramatizations, expressive poetry reading, drawing and other activities.

The development of literary speech.

Introduction to verbal creativity, including the development of artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

2) In the context of the implementation of the FGT, any exemplary program includes the educational area "Reading Fiction". The program "Success" says that this is an educational program of a new generation, the development of which is carried out in accordance with the law "on education" and takes into account the social situation in which the development of modern children takes place. At the center of the program is the child of the early twenty-first century. "Success" is based on the fundamental provisions of the world science of childhood, the domestic scientific psychological and pedagogical school (cultural-historical activity, personal approaches to the education of preschool children). The main models for organizing the educational process are the activities of an adult and the independent activities of children. The main result of mastering the Program and an indicator of the full, comprehensive development of the child is a holistic "social portrait" of a 7-year-old preschooler. The program takes into account the principle of integration of educational areas, reflecting the peculiarities of the perception and assimilation of educational material by a preschool child.

In the program "Childhood", on the basis of which the main general educational program of my preschool educational institution was compiled, the main emphasis is placed on an active approach to the implementation of the content of the program in the conditions of active interaction of the child with the outside world. The program was developed on the principles of the unity of all living things, has a secular humanistic character and is aimed at the formation of moral and humane feelings and elements of moral and humane behavior. In unity with the development of knowledge and feelings, the line of creativity is realized. The task of the program "Childhood" is to awaken the creative activity of the child, to stimulate the development of the imagination, the desire to be involved in the creative process.

The pedagogical technology of the program is based on the principles of subjective interaction between the teacher and the child. An individually differentiated approach involves the recognition by the teacher of the individual pace of development of each pupil and the creation of conditions for natural individual personal growth.

The authors of the program suggest that when building the pedagogical process, the main content of the Childhood program is carried out by teachers in everyday life, in joint activities with children, by integrating activities that are natural for preschoolers, the main of which is the game. The novelty of the program "Childhood" is determined by the fact that for the first time it has practically implemented an approach to organizing the holistic development and upbringing of a preschool child as a subject of children's activity and behavior. The organic entry of the child into the modern world is ensured in the program by the wide interaction of preschoolers with various areas of culture: with fine arts and music, children's literature and their native language, ecology, mathematics, play and work. The motto of the program "Feel - Learn - Create" defines three interrelated lines of development of the child, which permeate all sections of the program, giving it integrity and a single direction. The meaningful connection between the sections of the program allows the teacher to integrate educational content in solving educational problems, which makes it possible to develop the cognitive, emotional and practical spheres of the child's personality in unity.

An analysis of psychological work and one's own pedagogical experience made it possible to identify the need for the development and implementation of technology for the educational activity "Reading Fiction".

2. Goals and objectives of psychological and pedagogical work for the development of the educational field

In order to develop a sustainable interest in the book as an independent visual object of literature and create conditions for the active use of the literary experience of children in their creative activity, in mastering the educational field, tasks for children of different ages are defined.

Age 3-4 years.

to develop a desire to learn from books about the world around us, about the existence of good and evil in it, about how to behave, etc. (Socialization, Cognition);

develop the desire to express impressions of what is read by speech and non-verbal means (Communication);

to form interest in the positive characters of works, episodes and situations in which positive characters “defeat” negative ones, help the weak, small, etc. (Socialization).

encourage memorization of short poetic texts (Communication);

develop the desire to talk about what you read (Communication).

encourage the desire to listen to the work, look at illustrations for it, ask an adult about what they have read, show a desire to “read” the work again (Communication);

contribute to the development of emotional responsiveness to the content of what is read (to rejoice at the good ending, the “victory” of the positive hero; empathize with the troubles and misfortunes of the characters protected by the positive hero, etc.).

Age 4-5 years.

On the formation of a holistic picture of the world (including the formation of primary value ideas):

to expand the range of children's reading by including works on new topics, with a large number of characters, a detailed plot, in various situations (everyday, magical, adventure, travel);

to form the ability to understand causal relationships in the read text (for example, the reasons for this or that act of the hero and the consequences that have occurred) (Socialization, Cognition);

to attach to the conversation about the book, characters, their appearance, actions, relationships (Socialization, Cognition, Communication);

develop creative abilities: supplement read books with their own versions of plots, episodes, images (Cognition, Communication, Socialization).

On the development of literary speech (acquaintance with linguistic means of expression through immersion in the richest linguistic environment of fiction):

to focus the attention of children on individual means of artistic expression, which most fully and accurately characterize the characters (appearance, internal qualities), as well as the world around them (living and inanimate nature) (Socialization, Cognition, Communication);

develop a desire to use their reading experience (separate means of artistic expression) in other types of children's activities (Socialization, Cognition, Communication, Artistic creativity, Music).

By initiation to verbal art (development of artistic perception in the unity of content and form, aesthetic taste, formation of interest and love for fiction):

to form a steady interest in the process of reading, memorizing what has been read, working in a book corner;

combine the emerging reading preferences of children with the development of the thematic and semantic diversity of fiction and folklore.

Age 5-6 years.

On the formation of a holistic picture of the world (including the formation of primary value ideas):

to form an interest in the diversity of manifestations of human relations in different circumstances in books and in life, the ability to "see" collisions and conflicts of characters in the content of the read, ways to resolve them (Cognition, Socialization, Communication);

develop the ability to independently establish causal relationships of events, actions of heroes, their emotional states (Cognition, Socialization, Communication);

develop the ability to use book knowledge (about a person, his emotions, states, actions, the nature of relationships with other people, about the world around him) in other types of children's activities (Health, Socialization, Labor, Safety, Communication, Cognition, Music, Artistic creativity).

On the development of literary speech (acquaintance with linguistic means of expression through immersion in the richest linguistic environment of fiction):

stimulate the desire to describe the state of the hero, his mood, his attitude to the event in a monologue form (Socialization, Communication, Cognition);

develop the ability to regulate the volume of the voice and the tempo of speech, depending on which character or situation the child describes (Communication);

contribute to the development of creativity: oral illustration of passages from the text, thinking out an episode, composing a short poem (Cognition, Communication).

By initiation to verbal art (development of artistic perception in the unity of content and form, aesthetic taste, formation of interest and love for fiction):

create conditions for communication with the book to bring pleasure; begin to form an interest in reading works of large forms (reading with continuation);

develop the desire to actively participate in the process of reading, analyzing, staging the texts read, looking at books and illustrations, etc .; . studying fiction preschooler

form the contextual perception of the book by including information about the writer, the history of the creation of the work (Cognition);

to form reader preferences in line with the genre and thematic diversity of literary works (Cognition).

Age 6-7 years.

On the formation of a holistic picture of the world (including the formation of primary value ideas):

to form the need for reading as a source of new knowledge about oneself, other people, human qualities, manifested in ordinary and unusual circumstances, the world around (Knowledge, Socialization, Communication);

develop the desire to communicate with adults and peers on the content of what they read, express their attitude, assessment, make generalizations and conclusions (Cognition, Communication);

develop the ability to independently establish temporal and causal relationships of events (Cognition);

develop the ability to establish conflicts and conflicts of characters in the content of the read, ways to resolve them, correlating with personal experience (Cognition, Socialization, Communication);

to develop the desire to imitate the positive characters of books, to correlate the content of what is read with personal experience (Socialization);

form analytical abilities (compare the same topics, plots in different works, make simple generalizations and conclusions, correlate the content of what is read with personal experience) (Cognition, Socialization, Communication). .

On the development of literary speech (acquaintance with linguistic means of expression through immersion in the richest linguistic environment of fiction):

develop susceptibility to the means of artistic expression, with the help of which the author characterizes and evaluates his characters, describes the phenomena of the surrounding world (Communication, Music, Artistic creativity);

develop the ability to solve creative problems: writing short poems, fairy tales, stories, riddles, while using the appropriate methods of artistic expression (Cognition, Communication).

By initiation to verbal art (development of artistic perception in the unity of content and form, aesthetic taste, formation of interest and love for fiction):

to stimulate a passion for reading and communication with adults and peers on the content of what they read;

continue to generate interest in reading works of large forms (reading with continuation);

develop the ability to emotionally respond to what you read and see in life.

In the work on the development of the educational field for a deeper study, I set the following tasks:

Formation of the need for the study of children's literature, motivation for self-education in matters of literary education for children.

Increasing the professional level in the field of methods of introducing preschoolers to fiction.

Development of the ability to introspection of one's own pedagogical activity.

The introduction of new forms of organizing children's activities on the basis of the educational process based on FGT.

The development of the educational field "Reading fiction" at preschool age is carried out in a variety of methods and techniques. Let's dwell on some of them: a literary lounge, integrated classes, situation games, creative meetings, conversations, book exhibitions and thematic exhibitions of drawings and crafts, reading competitions, literary games and holidays, excursions, viewing filmstrips, cartoons, circle work "Magic World fairy tales”, problem group, theatrical activity, practical workshop, competition, consultations.

3. Methodology for the implementation of the tasks of the educational area "Reading fiction"

1. A graduate of a preschool educational institution must show an aesthetic taste, a desire for constant communication with a book, a desire to teach himself to read.

2. Name your favorite literary texts, explain why he liked them.

3. Know the names of three or four writers, name their works, explain why he likes them.

4. Distinguish the main genres of literary works (poem, fairy tale, story), has an idea of ​​some of their features.

5. Express your attitude to the images of the characters, the ideas of the work.

6. Expressively perform literary works.

7. Expressively convey the images of literary characters in theatrical activities, show creativity, strive for improvisation.

Table 1.

Regime moments

Activities of the teacher with the family

Forms of organization of children










Composing stories.

Learning poetry.

Creative tasks.

Dramatization games.


Theatrical productions.

Puppet show.

Independent activity.

Reading prose, poetry.

The use of counting rhymes, sayings in speech.

Games (cognitive, verbal, developing).


Games in game zones.


Thematic stands.

table 2. Integration of the educational area "Reading Fiction" with other educational areas"

Educational area


Physical education

1. Encourage children to self-narrative, memorize nursery rhymes, songs.

2. To enrich the independent and organized motor activity of children with literary images.

3. To form interest and love for sports based on works of art.

4. Learn to organize p / and independently, come up with game options, your own games.


1. Using the example of works of fiction, instill in children the habit of monitoring their appearance, improving self-service skills.

2. To educate in children the ability to withstand stressful situations, the desire to be cheerful, healthy, optimistic with the help of works of fiction.

3. Form a conscious attitude to your health, awareness of the rules of safe behavior.


1. Involving children in sharing familiar works with the teacher, in their full or partial dramatization.

2. To enrich the play, visual activity of children, design with literary images.

3. To develop in children the ability to sympathize, empathize with the positive characters of works of art.

4. Cultivate love for oral folk art.

5. Lead to an understanding of the moral meaning of the work, to a motivated assessment of the actions and character of the main characters.

6. Participate in the dramatization of familiar works.


1. To teach the child the ability to act in new, unusual life circumstances for him.

2. To teach children the elements of orienteering, to teach the rules of safe movement along the streets and parks of the city.

3. Teach children the simplest ways to provide first aid to peers in extreme situations (sunstroke, etc.).

1. To form in children ideas about mutual assistance, friendship, to arouse a desire to provide all possible assistance to those who need it.

2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

3. To cultivate respect for the daily work of parents, their life experience.

4. Acquaintance with the work of adults (professions).


1. Cultivate interest, love for fiction. Develop the ability to listen to literary works of various genres and subjects, emotionally respond to their content and follow the development of the plot.

2. To acquaint both with the variety of individual works, and with cycles united by the same heroes.

3. Systematize and deepen knowledge about literary works.

4. Form ideas about the characteristic structure, typical characters and plot-thematic units of literary works.

5. To develop the ability for a holistic perception of a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form, to consolidate knowledge about the features of the fairy tale genre.


1. To form an emotional-figurative perception of works of various genres, to develop sensitivity to the expressive means of artistic speech, verbal creativity.

2. Develop the ability to naturally, expressively retell works of art.

3. To form the figurativeness of speech: sensitivity to the figurative structure of the language of a literary work, the ability to reproduce and understand figurative expressions.

4. Learn to understand the beauty and power of the Russian language, use figurative expressions in speech and speak beautifully.

5. Learn to answer questions about the content of the work, to participate in the conversation.

Artistic creativity

1. To develop an attitude towards the book as a work of aesthetic culture - careful handling, the desire to re-listen to the book.

2. To create a favorable atmosphere for children's word creation, game and humorous variations of poetic texts, in particular works of poetic folklore.

3. Develop sensitivity to the expressive means of artistic speech, the ability to reproduce these means in your work.

4. Develop individual literary preferences in children.

5. To cultivate the desire to express their impressions and experiences after reading a work of art in a word, drawing.

6. Bringing children to the transfer of various means of artistic expression into independent verbal creativity, productive activity.

1. The development of poetic hearing, the ability to perceive musicality, the poetry of speech.

2. Development of imagery of speech.

3. In games-dramatizations, to form the ability to introduce elements of creativity into the motor and intonation-speech characteristics of the character.

4. Develop interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

The principle of integration of educational areas is one of the principles on which the content and structure of the general educational program of a preschool institution is built. According to the principle of integration, the tasks of one of the educational areas are carried out not only in the process of organizing the educational activities of this area, but also in the organization of all types of children's activities in other educational areas.

Table 3. Forms of educational activity

Educational activities during regime moments

Joint activities of the teacher with children

Independent activity of children

Joint activities with family

Physical education

Morning exercises "Animal exercise" A. Barto.

Physical education minutes.

P / and "Geese-swans".

"We are funny guys."

Folk game: "Burn, burn bright!"

Joint holiday "Mom, dad, I am a sports family" (learning poems, chants, proverbs).


The use of nursery rhymes when carrying out hygiene procedures: "Oh, frets, frets, frets, we are not afraid of water ...".

“If your nose is sniffling, it means that it is completely clogged ...”.

"Crane, open! Nose, wash yourself! ... ".

Reading works of art: "Moydodyr" - Chukovsky;

"What is good, what is bad?" - Mayakovsky;

"Girl grimy" - A. Barto.

Role-playing game "Veterinary Clinic" after reading Chukovsky's "Aibolit".

Leisure: "Journey to the country of Health".


The use of nursery rhymes when dressing for a walk: "We will quickly dress, get ready for a walk", "We love order in everything ...".

Didactic game "Name the heroes of the fairy tale."

A dramatization game based on the Russian folk tale "like a bunny Toshka was bored."

"Poetic readings" (reading poetry with children and parents).


Morning exercises using the “Road Song” (a strict crow mother taught crows). Conversation on the content of M. Druzhinin's poem "Rules of the road".

Reading: “Tamara and I go as a couple” A. Barto, “Football” A. Usachev.

Role-playing game "Road traffic" (use of poetry).

Design of the book “Call 03 in case of fire” (using drawings and text invented by parents and children).


On walks during observations - reading poems about the seasons, about animals, about nature.

The use of riddles, sayings, proverbs, poems in the classroom for FEMP, design, ecology.

The use of poetry when creating buildings, for example, A. Barto's poems "Builders", "Truck", "Airplane".

"An evening of riddles" (thematic: about nature, animals, seasons, etc.).


Retelling of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Jug", "The Bouncer Hare".

Memorizing tongue twisters, tongue twisters: “The beaver is kind to the beavers”, “Sa-sa-sa - a wasp flew to us.”

Role-playing games "Family", "Kindergarten", "School" - telling familiar tales.

Theater visit.

Artistic creativity

The use of illustrations for works of art during hygiene procedures and regime moments, for example, illustrations for the poem by E. Blaginina "Alyonushka", K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

Didactic game "Choose an illustration" (for a work of art).

Self-drawing illustrations for familiar literary works.

Visiting an exhibition, a museum.


Morning gymnastics to the song from the cartoon "38 Parrots" "Merry Exercise".

Musical and didactic game: "Guess who called?", Cognitive game "Burn, burn clearly!", "Let's dance the Hare!".

Using familiar songs in role-playing games: "Family", "Kindergarten", "Theater".

A dramatization of the fairy tale "Cinderella".


Using nursery rhymes when cleaning toys, things "We play with toys, we put them in their place ..."

Reading "What do crafts smell like", "What do you have?", S. Mikhalkov "Grandmother's hands".

Work in the corner of the book: arranging books according to the subject, repairing books.

Making baby books.

Table 4. hu technologypre-scientific literature in games


Acquaintance with the work (reading, storytelling, viewing filmstrips, video recordings, looking at paintings and illustrations).

Knowledge must be emotionally perceived by the child, therefore, feedback is obligatory (retelling, table theater, outdoor game with characters).

Reflection of the emotional attitude of the child to the object under study in artistic activity (sculpting, drawing, designing, making attributes for games).

Preparation for independent acting out of the plot, preparation of the necessary environment for a creative game, acting out the plot of a work, a theatrical game.


Fiction plays an important role in the development of speech, replenishment of the child's vocabulary. Adults should remember that the child's need to be read to, even if he has already learned to read on his own, must be satisfied. After reading, it is important to find out what and how the child understood. Readings for a child should be chosen taking into account age, interests and development. Children of older preschool age are attracted by the large content of the text, although they are happy to look at the illustrations for the book.

The significance of fiction in the upbringing of children is determined by its social and educational role in the life of our entire people. When carrying out work on the implementation of the educational area "Reading fiction", teachers face complex, multifaceted tasks. A full-fledged work in this area is necessary as the most important means of developing children, since fiction, on the one hand, expands the ideas of preschoolers about the world around them, forms primary value ideas, promotes the development of literary speech, familiarization with verbal creativity; on the other hand, it introduces children to a special, exclusive world of feelings, experiences and emotional discoveries. The kindness of the heroes, their emotional responsiveness is especially important for young children living in a modern information environment, in which there is a lot of aggressiveness and emotions. The solution of the main tasks of psychological and pedagogical work will be possible if the teacher can achieve the most important thing - he will form in children an interest in fiction, which will contribute to the active attitude of young students to what they are reading.


1. Alekseeva M.M. Methods of development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers / M.M. Alekseeva, V.I. Yashin. - M.: Academy, 2012. - 400 p.

3. Babaeva T.I., Gogoberidze A.G. Childhood: Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, Z.A. Mikhailova and others - St. Petersburg:, 2011. - 528 p.

4. Borodich A.M. Speech Development Methodology: Textbook / A.M. Borodich. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. - 256 p.

5. Gurovich L.M. Child and book: Textbook / L.M. Gurovich, L.B. Coastal, V.V. Loginova; Ed. IN AND. Loginova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009. - 62 p.

6. Children's literature: / Ed. HER. Zubareva. - M.: Enlightenment, 2009. - 399 p.

7. Leontiev A.N. Fundamentals of the theory of speech activity / A.N. Leontiev. - M., 2012. - 314 p.

8. Leontiev A.A. Psychology of communication / A.A. Leontiev. - M., 1999. - 256 p.

9. Lobanov A.A. Fundamentals of professional and pedagogical communication / A.A. Lobanov. - M.: Academy. - 2009. - 192 p.

10. Statsenko R. Methods of introducing children to the artistic word: // Preschool education. - 2012.- No. 7-s. 101.

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Elena Shcherbakova
Card file of fiction in different educational areas in the senior group

To art library


in different educational areas in the senior group

According to the program "From Birth to School", ed. N. E. Veraksy

Compiled by: Shcherbakova E.V.

moral education

RNS "The Fox and the Jug" arr. O. Kapitsa Education of good feelings; the formation of ideas about greed and stupidity

RNS "Winged, hairy and oily" arr. I. Karnaukhova Teaching children to understand the character and actions of heroes

X. Myakelya. “Mr. Au” (chapters, translated from Finnish by E. Uspensky

rns "Khavroshechka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy To cultivate manifestations of good feelings towards each other;

RNS "Hare-bouncer" arr. O. Kapitsa To educate the norms of moral behavior

RNS "The Frog Princess" arr. M. Bulatov To cultivate kindness, a sense of mutual assistance.

B. Shergin "Rhymes" Cultivate a respectful attitude towards other people

rns "Sivka-burka" arr. M. Bulatov To form in children the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes, to express their attitude towards them

rns "Finist-clear falcon" arr. A. Platonov Cultivate a sense of compassion for others

V. Dragunsky "Friend of childhood", "From top to bottom, obliquely" To cultivate attentiveness, love, compassion for a close comrade

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?"

Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" arr. K. Sharov Contribute to the education of kindness, attentiveness and responsiveness to relatives

"Goldilocks", trans. from Czech. K. Paustovsky;

cultivate the ability to empathize, howl generous, not to envy others; to cultivate self-respect, mutual assistance in work.

"Three golden hairs of Grandfather-Vseved", trans. from Czech. N. Arosyeva (from the collection of fairy tales by K. Ya. Erben).

V. Dmitrieva. "The Kid and the Bug" (chapters) To feel and understand the nature of the images of the literary


L. Tolstoy "Bone" To educate the moral qualities of a person: honesty, truthfulness, love for the family.

L. Tolstoy "Jump" Awaken in children empathy for the hero of the story

N. Nosov. "Live hat"; To form children's ideas about the norms of morality with the help of children's literature.

S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus" To form the ability to evaluate their actions and the actions of heroes, cultivate friendliness, the ability to interact with peers

A. Lindgren. “Carlson, who lives on the roof, flew in again” (chapters, in abbreviated form, translated from Swedish L. Lungina

K. Paustovsky. "Cat-thief" To cultivate moral qualities: a sense of compassion, empathy

Mitskevich Adam "To Friends"

Generalize and expand children's knowledge about such concepts as "friend", "friendship", "honesty", "fairness"

P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof" To cultivate a sense of kindness, care for the weak

R. Kipling. "Elephant", trans. from English. K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak To foster a culture of behavior, friendship, mutual assistance, care for loved ones

V. Kataev. "Flower-Semitsvetik" To form the ability to present the features of one's personality in a circle of peers, reflecting the achievements and causes of possible difficulties.

The child in the family and in society rns "Khavroshechka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy Introduce different family relationships

Y. Koval "Grandfather, Baba and Alyosha" To form in children the idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other.

V. Dragunsky "Deniska's stories" Formation of ideas about the characteristic qualities of boys and girls.

A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters)

To teach to assess the relationship between close people in the family, to make characteristics of heroes

E. Grigoryeva "Quarrel" To develop the basics of social interaction between boys and girls; friendly attitude towards the opposite sex

A. Barto "Vovka - a kind soul"

E. Blaginina "Let's sit in silence" Continue to shape the idea of ​​​​children about a good attitude towards mother

A. Usachev "What is etiquette" Continue learning the culture of speech communication in kindergarten and at home

"Krupenichka" N. Teleshov Raise interest in fairy tales, in Russian traditions

Self-service, labor rns "Khavroshechka" arr. A. N. Tolstoy To form children's ideas about a hardworking person

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" Education of cultural and hygienic skills

K. Chukovsky "Fedorino grief"

RNS “By the Pike’s Command” To consolidate in children the concept of the importance of human labor

A. Barto "Girl-grimy" To cultivate neatness, respect for personal belongings, belongings of a comrade

Y. Tuvim. "Letter to all children on one very important matter", trans. from Polish. S. Mikhalkova

Formation of the foundations of security S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa-policeman" Fixing the rules of conduct on the streets of the city

E. Segal "Cars on our street"

Cognitive development of FEMP Rhymes

Heroes of fairy tales

S. Marshak "Numbers" Acquaintance with numbers

Introduction to the social world G. H. Andersen

"Snowman" Acquaintance with the New Year's traditions of different countries

S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" Acquaintance with the importance of any profession

"Wonderful stories about a hare named Lek", Tales of the peoples of West Africa, trans. O. Kustova and V. Andreev; Acquaintance with the characteristics of the peoples of West Africa

A. Gaidar "The Tale of a Military Secret, Malchish-Kibalchish and His Firm Word"

Continue to expand children's ideas about the Russian army.

Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo" arr. K. Sharov Acquaintance with the life of the peoples of the Far North

M. Boroditskaya "Waiting for a brother" To form a desire to take care of the kids, to develop a sense of responsibility of respect for younger comrades

A. Tvardovsky "Tankman's Tale" To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe feat of the people who stood up to defend their homeland.

A. Barto "Playing in the herd" To expand the knowledge of children about their kindergarten, draw attention to its history, clarify ideas about the work of kindergarten employees

S. Makhotin "Senior group"

O. Vysotskaya


T. Alexandrova "Domovenok Kuzka" (chapters) Raise interest in the life of Russians in antiquity, love for the history of their people

M. Isakovsky “Go beyond the seas-oceans” Clarify knowledge about your native country.

B. Almazov. "Gorbushka" Introduction to Russian values;

Introduction to the natural world RNS "Hare-bouncer" arr. O. Kapitsa To form a caring attitude of children to nature, a desire to take part in its protection and protection.

L. Tolstoy. "Lion and Dog", "Bone", "Jump" Expand ideas about animal life

G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach"

K. Paustovsky. "Cat-thief" To cultivate love and respect for nature, kindness;

V. Bianchi "Owl" To continue to form an idea of ​​the relationship and interdependence of living beings, an idea of ​​the literary genre "cognitive fairy tale";

B. Zakhoder "Gray Star" To cultivate a sense of empathy and love for nature and man, the ability to resist evil

S. Yesenin "Bird cherry" Help to feel the beauty of nature in a poem

R. Kipling. "Elephant", trans. from English. K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak To develop fine motor skills of hands, attention and interest in the animal world and its diversity

P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof" Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards animals, love for nature

Speech development Development of all aspects of speech

Introduction to genres

Explaining unfamiliar, obsolete words

Artistic and aesthetic development Introduction to art V. Konashevich Acquaintance with illustrators

I. Bilibin

E. Charushin

ART activity Drawing illustrations based on works

Musical activities P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Nutcracker" (fragments) Acquaintance with the musical depiction of heroes and images of works

P. I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" (fragments)

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" (fragments)

S. Prokofiev "Peter and the Wolf"

Physical development

GCD and leisure according to the plots of works

Heroes of works

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The teacher of a preschool educational institution should form an interest in reading fiction among preschool children through games, illustrations and a variety of expressive means and literary genres. In addition, the task of the educator is the development of monologue and dialogic speech of preschoolers, their socialization and preparation for school. To achieve these goals and objectives, it is necessary to correctly plan each lesson.

Goals and tasks of the educator in the classroom for reading fiction

The educator faces important tasks: the upbringing, education and development of children. Fiction is the best assistant in solving problems. Each specific activity must:

  • train attention and memory;
  • develop thinking and speech;
  • cultivate interest in intellectual pursuits.

In addition, all studied works of art are focused on different aspects of a child's life. The most important for children of the preparatory group are:

  • moral education;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • socio-communicative development;
  • development of independence, self-service.

For example, the fairy tale "Tiny-Khavroshechka" belongs to the field of moral education. The specific goal of the lesson may sound like this: “To cultivate a kind attitude towards each other.” The Russian folk tale "By the Pike's Command" refers to the development of independence. By studying it, the educator can set himself the goal of "Explaining the importance of human labor." Social and communicative development occurs when reading the work of D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Medvedko", the purpose of the lesson on this tale: to acquaint with the outside world, with the planet.

Reading in the preparatory school group is given special attention.

Reading fiction, discussion, situational conversation - this is how the goals set are realized in the classroom. The teacher does not explain the meaning of the fairy tale immediately after reading - he gives the children the opportunity to figure it out on their own, helps the children to see and understand the problem described, for example, through conversation.

The use of a question-answer form of communication is the best way to develop verbal thinking in preschoolers.

For example, when studying the fairy tale "Geese-Swans", the following questions can be included in the conversation:

  1. Who is the story about?
  2. Where are mother and father going?
  3. What is the mother asking her daughter for?
  4. How did your daughter behave after her parents left for the city?
  5. What happened to brother?
  6. Who are the swan geese?
  7. What decision does the girl make?
  8. Why did the stove, the apple tree and the milky river not want to help the girl?
  9. Where did the girl run to?
  10. Who did she see in the hut?
  11. How did the girl manage to save her brother?
  12. Why on the way back the stove, the apple tree and the milky river help the girl?
  13. Can it be that the stove, the apple tree and the milky river talk to the girl?
  14. Where can we find talking animals and talking objects?

A series of questions for the conversation should be built logically: first, simple questions (in terms of content), then clarifying, interpretive (“Why ...”), evaluative and creative.

It is important to remember that the lesson has one goal, but several tasks.

The teacher at each lesson solves the following tasks:

  • educational;
  • educational;
  • developing.

For example, when studying the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" the following tasks should be solved. Educational: cultivate a good attitude towards each other. Educational: introduce literature, develop coherent speech, form an understanding of the text by ear. Developing: to develop speech hearing, the melodic-intonational side of speech.

Each session should have a unique theme and purpose, and there may be a subtopic in addition to the main one. Using the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” as an example, one can determine the goal: “Develop the cognitive activity of children, teach them to respect other people’s interests”, the topic “Listening to a fairy tale” and the subtopic “Obedience and self-will in a fairy tale ...” (moral education). During the conversation, the children should understand what obedience and self-will are, what is expressed, what follows them, how to behave, and so on. By motivating children to independently understand these issues, the teacher will achieve the goal.

Reading in the preparatory group should be educational. The teacher, developing a cognitive interest, educates a conscious reader who, during his school years, will independently motivate himself and read books with pleasure.

Motivation of preschoolers in the classroom

In pedagogy, there are four types of motivation for older preschoolers:

  1. Game. It will help the child shift the focus from the technical complexities of the reading process. Didactic games: "Reading fables", "The word got lost", "Know the hero".
  2. Help for an adult. It is based on the desire to communicate with an adult, because he will approve and show interest in joint activities. For example: take pictures of the heroes of a fairy tale and ask the children to help you choose or draw outfits (a sundress for a fox, a shirt for a bear).
  3. “Teach me.” The basis is the desire of each pupil to feel smart, capable. For example: if a child knows a fairy tale, tell him that you forgot the sequence of actions or do not understand the actions of the characters. So he will be more confident in discussing the material being studied.
  4. "With my own hands." Inner interest to do something as a gift to yourself or for relatives. Drawings, crafts, postcards - all this can be done in reading classes, but children must voice all their actions.

As a motivating start to a lesson in reading fiction, you can use games, illustrations for a work, riddles, a problem situation. For example, when studying the Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Jug", the teacher can show the children pictures of a fox, a jug, a river, use elements of theatricalization, games to develop intonation (exclamations of a fox).

Questions for conversation:

  1. What is this story about?
  2. How did the fox get into the jar?
  3. How did she first talk to the jug?
  4. What words did she say?
  5. How did the fox start talking?
  6. What words did she say?
  7. How does the fairy tale end?
  8. What kind of fox is shown in this tale and where is this seen from?

To expand and enrich the vocabulary, you need to discuss the words: greed, stupidity, kindness.

Games for the development of intonation:

  • Guess the intonation;
  • Say it kindly;
  • Say angrily.

When studying the story of L. N. Tolstoy "The Bone", you can also use images of the main characters, plums, elements of theatricalization, didactic games ("Cook compote"). Questions to discuss with children: honesty, fighting temptation, love for family, the ability to confess, to tell the truth.

Materials for the introductory stage can be different, it all depends on the interest and imagination of the educator. For example, when studying the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm "Lady Blizzard", children will be attracted and motivated by music. When studying the Tatar folk tale "Three Daughters", you can use riddles (about mother, sisters, squirrel, bee) to introduce you to the characters and include them in active activities.

  • Who is the cutest person in the world?
    Who do children love the most?
    I will answer the question directly:
    - Ours is cuter than everyone ... (mother).
  • Who loves me and my brother,
    But does she like to dress up more? -
    Very fashionable girl
    My eldest ... (sister).
  • From branch to branch
    Jumping, frolicking
    agile, nimble,
    Not a bird. (Squirrel).
  • Flying over flowers
    Flew over the fields.
    Cheerfully buzzed.
    Got some nectar.
    And took the prey
    Straight to your house ... (bee).

For a lesson on the fairy tale "Puss in Boots" by Ch. Perrault, the teacher can take a cat toy and present it to the children as a guest.

The appearance of such a wonderful guest in class will delight the children.

Lesson structure

Each lesson with children must comply with the structure of the Federal State Educational Standard and consist of the following parts:

  1. Introductory part (creating motivation).
  2. Creation of a problem situation.
  3. Main part.
  4. Activity analysis (after each activity).
  5. Physical education (one or more).
  6. The final part (solution of the problem situation).

When working with children of preschool age, it is necessary to plan the lesson very competently. To make it as productive as possible, it is necessary to alternate different types of activities. In addition to reading fiction, you can use gaming, motor or communication activities.

For example, one of the mandatory elements of each lesson is a physical education minute. It helps children to take a break from vigorous activity, prevent fatigue, improve their emotional state, and so on.

Forms of physical education:

  • general developmental exercises;
  • mobile game;
  • didactic game with movements;
  • dancing;
  • movement to read a poem.

In the classroom for reading fiction, the teacher can use any of the above forms, but most often, movements for reading a poem are used as physical exercises.

An example of a physical education minute for reading a verse

In addition, you need to make a time plan for the lesson. The teacher must remember that classes that last more than thirty minutes are ineffective.

The structure of the reading lesson and the time plan for the older group.

  1. Introductory part. 1–2 minutes.
  2. Creation of a problem situation. 2–3 minutes.
  3. Main part. 23–25 minutes.
  4. Final part. 2-3 minutes

Topic file

Card indexes of fiction are compiled according to different criteria. For example, on lexical topics: fruits / vegetables, trees, bread, seasons, mushrooms / berries, birds, domestic / wild animals, land / water, etc.

  • D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak "Grey Neck";
  • N. Nosov "Cucumbers";
  • G. B. Oster "Kitten named Woof."

Also, a card index can be compiled on moral and patriotic education: homeland, society, family, friendship, holidays, citizen, etc.

  • N. Nosov "Mishkina porridge",
  • D. Gabe "My family",
  • J. Segel "How I was a mother."

The criterion for combining works can also be safety: fires, traffic rules, rules of behavior in nature, and so on.

  • A. Barto "Thunderstorm";
  • O. Smirnov "Steppe fire";
  • G. Shalaeva "Do not eat unfamiliar berries in the forest."

The card file compiled by E.V. Shcherbakova under the program "From birth to school" ed. NOT. Verax. Criteria: educational areas.

From the field of moral education:

  1. Russian folk tale "Kroshechka-Havroshechka";
  2. Russian folk tale "Hare-bouncer";
  3. Russian folk tale "The Frog Princess";
  4. B. Shergin "Rhymes";
  5. Russian folk tale "Sivka-burka";
  6. Russian folk tale "Finist - a clear falcon";
  7. V. Dragunsky "Friend of childhood", "From top to bottom, obliquely";
  8. S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?";
  9. Nenets fairy tale "Cuckoo";
  10. “Goldilocks” (translated from Czech by K. Paustovsky);
  11. K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr".

The book of K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr" must be studied at the preschool educational institution

Table: summary of K. V. Tovmasyan’s lesson on the topic “Honesty in L. N. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “Bone””

GCD stageStage content
Goal and tasksBuild a sense of honesty.
  • educational: to learn to listen and understand the text by ear, to develop analytical thinking;
  • educational: to cultivate the ability to empathize, to understand the emotional state, to cultivate a love of reading and books;
  • developing: develop speech hearing, expand and enrich vocabulary.
  • fairy tale text;
  • portrait of L.N. Tolstoy;
  • illustrations for a fairy tale;
  • pictures with images of different berries: raspberries, plums, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, gooseberries.
Introductory partGreetings and work ethic.
- Good afternoon, good hour!
How glad I am to see you.
looked at each other
And everyone quietly sat down.
– How is your mood?
Game "Find the bone"
- Look at these pictures. Here are the berries. Find among them a berry with a stone.
Acquaintance with the portrait of the writer.
- Look at this portrait. It depicts Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. This is a great Russian writer who gave us a lot of interesting stories, fairy tales, poems and even riddles. He was very fond of children: he opened a school in Yasnaya Polyana (this is an estate in the Tula province), taught them according to the ABC, which he wrote himself.
- Today we will discuss the story of L.N. Tolstoy "Bone". Do you want to know what it is about and why it is called that?
Main partThe teacher reads the story.
Questions for conversation:
What did mom buy?
- How did Vanya behave?
- Who noticed that the plum was gone?
Why did Vanya decide to eat a plum?
Why didn't he confess?
Why was dad worried?
- What should Vanya do?
Physical education minute
The teacher reads the verse to the children and gives instructions on the movements:
  • One, two, three, four, five!
  • Let's jump and jump! (jumping in place)
  • The right side bent (tilts of the torso to the left and to the right).
  • One two Three.
  • Leaned left side.
  • One two Three.
  • Now raise your hands (hands up).
  • And we'll reach the cloud.
  • Let's sit on the path (sat down on the floor),
  • Let's stretch our legs.
  • Bend the right leg (bend the legs at the knee),
  • One two Three!
  • Let's bend the left leg
  • One two Three.
  • Legs raised high (raised legs up).
  • And they held on a little.
  • Head shake (head movement).
  • And everyone stood up together (stand up).

They say: "Everything secret becomes clear sooner and later." Do you agree with this? Give an example from the story "Bone".
- Tell me, is it necessary to hide something and be dishonest if the truth is found out anyway?
Vocabulary work.
- In the story there was an expression "blushed like a cancer." Look at the illustrations for the story. Do you understand what it means? How else could you describe it?
What does the word "considered" mean? Upper room - what is it?

Final partWhat is the name of the story we discussed today?
- Why is it called that?
- What would you do in Vanya's place?
- You all worked very well today, well done.

The quality work of the educator in planning and in the classroom for reading fiction is the key to the productive work of each child. Poems, riddles, didactic games - all this is necessary in the classroom, regardless of the chosen work. Classes in the preparatory group should be positive and exciting for all children, so the tasks should be selected interesting and varied. This is the only way to instill in children a love of reading and literature.

Olga Kopylova
Perspective planning for reading fiction in the preparatory group

Month Name of the work Program tasks

September G. Sapgir "Counting and tongue twisters" fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems, tongue twisters.

Reading and discussion of the poem by A. Barto "To school". fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems; draw children's attention to expressive means.

Cognitive - speech development. Acquaintance with an excerpt from the poem by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "Already the sky breathed autumn.". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems; Encourage children to be interested in the meaning of words.

Cognitive - speech development. Reading and retelling of the work by K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes". Continue to develop interest in fiction; develop the ability to retell meaningfully literary texts, work out the intonational expressiveness of speech.

October Tale of F. Salten "Bambi". Fragments.

Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite

M. Matusovsky's poem "Where does the Motherland begin?" Continue to develop interest in artistic word; replenish letter-tour baggage with poetic works, instill sensitivity to artistic word.

M. Zoshchenko's story "Great Travelers". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; educate the reader, develop a sense of humor in children, continue to introduce illustrations artists.

Reading a poem D. Kharms “Very very tasty cake”. Continue to develop interest in artistic word; replenish letter- tour luggage with poetic works, to develop a sense of humor in children.

Nov-November Works of poets and writers of Russia. Reading and discussion of the poem by Yu. Vladimirov "Orchestra". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite

Russian folklore. fiction "Listen guys" artistically reading

Reading and discussion of P. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite

Reading prose work "Short Wire" E. Vorobieva. Continue to develop interest in fiction; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book; continue to develop independence in children in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

December A holistic picture of the world, primary value ideas. Literary speech. Word art. "Wolf and Fox" (arr. I. Sokolov - Mikitov) reading; replenish literary baggage with fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book, to identify himself with his beloved character; develop a sense of humor in children.

Reading and discussion of Y. Koval's story "Stozhok". Develop interest in fiction characters

Acquaintance with the poem by S. Krylov "Winter's Tale" literary baggage poems to cultivate interest in the knowledge of nature through works of art.

Reading children's poems about the Christmas tree, New Year, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite-Raturny luggage with poems; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Jan-var Russian folklore. Reading and discussion of the epic "Dobrynya and the Serpent" (retelling by N. Kolpakova). Generate interest and need reading, replenish literary baggage bylinami; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale by S. Topelius "Three rye spikelets" (retelling of a Lithuanian folk tale). Develop interest in fiction; learn to retell the text, determine the character characters, to convey, when retelling, individual episodes in persons; help to understand the actions of heroes; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the characters of the book.

Reading and discussion of the poetic work of S. Yesenin "Birch". Continue to develop interest in poetry, replenish literary baggage poems; develop an interest in learning about nature works of art.

Reading and discussion of the Russian folk tale "Cockerel - a golden comb and millstones". Develop literary speech, to attach to verbal art, to instill interest in fiction; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

February The beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work. Poem by P. Voronko "Better there is no native land" (translated from Ukrainian by S. Marshak). Develop interest in fiction, draw the attention of children to the expressive means of the language; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word.

Reading and discussion of the tale by H.-K. Andersen "Ugly duck". Develop interest in fiction; help to understand the actions of heroes, to determine the characters characters; to teach to retell the text, to transfer individual episodes in persons when retelling; to educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and sympathy for the characters in the book.

Russian folktale "Vasilisa the Beautiful". Continue acquaintance with the Russian folk tale, learn to comprehend the characters characters; to form figurativeness of speech, understanding of figurative expressions, to develop creative abilities.

Reading and discussion of the poem by R. Boyko “A soldier is walking down the street, medals are shining on him.”. Continue to develop interest in fiction; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word; expand ideas about the Russian army through reading poems on the subject.

March Tale H.-K. Anderson "Thumbelina". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Russian folklore. song "Mother spring is coming". keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading a folk song; continue to develop in children independence in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

Looking at scene pictures. Introduction to verbal art. A. Prokofiev "Russian birch". Continue to develop interest in fiction; help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instill sensitivity to the poetic word; replenish literary bag of poems.

Reading poetic work of V. Zhukovsky "Lark" (abbreviated). keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading

April Tale "White and Rose", per. with him. L. Kona. Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Reading chapters: "Workout", "What is the view from the window". "Holiday"- from lite-rature work of V. Borozdin "Starship". Conversation on reading. Continue to develop interest in fiction character; improve the ability to use different parts of speech in strict accordance with their purpose and purpose of the statement; help children learn the expressive means of the language.

Looking at scene pictures. Introduction to literary art. S. Alekseev "The first night ram". Continue to develop interest in fiction; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book, to identify himself with his beloved character; ensure optimal motor activity throughout the day, using physical exercises.

Reading and discussion of a literary tale. Sokolova-Mikitova "Salt of the earth". Continue to develop interest in fiction; draw children's attention to the expressive means of language (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons); to educate a reader capable of experiencing compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

May Literary tale A. Remizova "Bread Voice". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book.

Russian folklore. fiction "Listen guys". keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading folklore song - fiction; continue to develop independence in children in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

Reading and discussion of the fairy tale by A. Lindgren "The Princess Who Didn't Want to Play with Dolls". Continue to develop interest in fiction; replenish lite- luggage of fairy tales; to educate a reader who is able to experience compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the book; ensure optimal motor activity throughout the day, using physical exercises.

Reading poetic work "Here comes the red summer." (Russian folk song). keep improving artistically- speech performance skills of children with reading poetic work; continue to develop in children independence in organizing all types of games, following the rules and norms of behavior.

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