Bourget singer. The star of the show "Voice" Methodie Bujor told how to make a woman happy

When Methodie sang, Tamara Ilyinichna wept, not hiding her tears.

The second MAGOMAEV? No, FIRST Methodie BUJOR!

When the remarkable singer "of all times and peoples" Muslim Magomayev passed away, some performers tried to sing songs from his repertoire - at concerts, at memorial evenings, in retro programs ... There were two such bold categories: "etradniki" and "opera". The first frankly fell short, squeaked, wheezed and often did not “leave” even due to drama and artistry. In short, they were frankly funny, absurd and, in addition to laughter, also evoked a feeling of pity: well, where did you go?! Why be embarrassed? The latter had good vocal abilities, but they didn’t have that charm, that energy, that magnetism that the great Magomayev possessed either, and the songs turned out to be flat, inexpressive, sort of semblances of former splendor, faded reproductions. Willingly or involuntarily, but the viewer began to compare - that the "variety players", that the "operators" - with the original, and the comparison in a hundred cases out of a hundred turned out to be not in favor of the first.

When women sang - well, all right, at least the female voice differs from the male one in any case and the comparison method no longer worked. As a result, most connoisseurs of both a good song and Muslim Magomayev's fans developed a reflex: they hear a song from his repertoire in a different performance on some channel - and immediately switch the channel. I also developed this reflex. Although I don’t watch TV either - why? To cling to the negative? But somehow my good friend sent me a link - knowing that I don't watch TV. There was a postscript: "Listen - you will not regret it." I open: The first Russian channel, the show program "Voice". I winced. I always cringe at variety shows. She wrinkled even more when she saw the inscription under the video clip: “Method Bujor and Evgeny Kungurov. "Blue Eternity" "Blue eternity" is associated exclusively with Muslim Magomayev. This song is also colloquially called "Oh sea, sea". Again, I think, they will squeal or squeal, spoil a good song ... But I decided to listen, at least for ten seconds - for some reason my friend sent me this link?
There she is:

Evgeny Kungurov & Methodie Bujor - Blue Eternity

Opened. And disappeared. She disappeared for two hours. At first I listened to this song - five times in a row, then I found other videos where Methodie Bujor performs songs by Muslim Magomayev. And I realized: for the first time in my practice, a fan of Muslim Magomayev found a performer of his songs, at the sight of which I will not switch the channel. Moreover, if I get such an opportunity, I will go to his “live” concert. Because even on a dead screen you can feel absolutely crazy energy, not to mention talent and inimitable vocal abilities - Metodiye has a deep baritone rich in overtones.
I would have listened for more than two hours, but it was time to sleep. The next day I read everything I could find about Bujor.
But first, about the impression - maybe someone else has not seen or heard it. By the way, I look forward to the pleasure that Bakuvians will get when they hear this wonderful voice! Tall, charming, slender, intelligent Moldavian, with the already mentioned baritone and what is called "charisma". At the same time - very, well, just very, very similar in appearance to Muslim Magomayev. Some even consider Methodie either a younger brother or a son of Magomayev. But this is not so, and Metodie himself says that he is “not a clone and not a double of Magomayev.” Apparently, this similarity, which literally catches the eye, got him: facial features, height, become, motor skills of movements, timbre of voice - everything painfully resembles the late Magomayev. But Methodie does not imitate Muslim Magometovich at all, he just was born that way (just as the former Baku resident Andrey Ofitserov, who is considered the best performer of Vysotsky's songs in the entire post-Soviet space, does not imitate Vysotsky - God also simply sent him a voice, like two drops of water similar to Vysotsky's voice).

And here's what I found out about the new wonderful singer. It turned out that Muslim Magomedovich himself was familiar with Methodie, was delighted with him and said the following: “If I pronounce a melody, then Methodie sings it with my heart.” Hearing such praise from the lips of the master is worth a lot. And it turned out like this. Methodie Bujor, at forty years old, is not at all a novice on the stage, he is a well-known singer in opera circles, he sang solo parts at the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater, at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, at the Opera Theater in Leipzig, soloed at the St. ballet. He is a laureate of international competitions for opera singers in Spain, Romania, Russia and Italy. The singer's touring geography is also extensive. As a soloist in opera performances, as well as with concerts, he performed and collaborated with opera houses in the USA, England, China, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Holland ... And now, against the background of his work in the opera, he suddenly "feels ill" with Magomayev. And not at all because it is similar both in appearance and in voice. The young singer just suddenly realized what a huge spiritual wealth is the work of Muslim Magomayev, and realized that he can and should carry this immeasurable wealth further, giving it to the audience and listeners and instilling in them, spoiled by the vulgar stage, a taste for good music and good stage . In an interview, Metodiye Bujor said: “I grew up on the world classics, and now I have fallen in love with the classical Soviet stage with all my heart. This is some kind of storehouse of brilliant melodies and heartfelt verses, wonderful orchestrations - a huge bouquet of beautiful and very interesting works for a serious singer. Of course, I would be glad to replenish my repertoire with the works of contemporary authors, but now they don’t write like that ... ”Magomaev is a model for him, but not for imitation, but for further improvement, a titan whose repertoire is not suitable for every voice, but if mastered - success is guaranteed. The main thing is not to drop the banner, not to lower the bar set by the great singer.

And when Methodie realized all this and began to sing not only songs from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev, but also other performers of the classical stage of the 60-80s, a turning point happened in his fate: he met Muslim Magomayev and Tamara Sinyavskaya, and this acquaintance outgrew then friendship.

Muslim Magometovich, as you know, regularly maintained his own website, on which he noted not only what was connected with his work. There were entire pages devoted to young talents, and not only in the field of vocals. On February 15, 2007, an entry appeared on the page of this site (the spelling style of M. Magomaev is given without changes):
“Yesterday the singer METODIE BUJOR came to visit. Moldovans are famous for their BEAUTIFUL VOICES! And this bass-baritone exceeded all our expectations with T. I.! :-) I heard a lot about Him, but, "LIVE" ... :-))) We played music ... I played Escamilio for him, and then He wanted to sing songs to me from my repertoire :-) I thought ... "WELL WELL" :-) We know how you - opera singers - sing songs - like ONE VARIAGIAN GUEST !!!: - ((But what I heard - SHOCKED. Between the young MM and G. OTSOM :-)) Only... If I, in some intimate confessions, utter the music - He sings it with His Heart!!:-) Yes!!! It turns out that Musicians-Singers have not TRANSITIONED :-)!!!”
This is such an emotional post. He also speaks about the breadth of the soul of Muslim Magometovich - without the slightest jealousy to admit that there are still wonderful performers, and about the work of Methodius - to know, in fact, an excellent performer, since Magomayev himself has such an opinion about him.

When Muslim Magomayev left us, the fame of Methodius as the best performer of the great singer's songs began to spread, and the further - the faster. Because the young opera singer managed the main thing: to become his own, close person - for every viewer. For those whose youth coincided with the rapid rise of the young Magomayev, for younger admirers of his work. The former not only enjoyed the skill of the singer, but also involuntarily plunged into memories, while the latter discovered the “planet of Magomayev”, whose unique beauty and harmony was conveyed to them by Methodie Bujor.

It was also pleasant that the singer was excellent at lyrical, dramatic, and funny songs from the repertoire of the great Magomayev. Each work is not only impeccable in terms of vocals, but it is precisely solved in terms of mood, artistic decision, plasticity and motor skills of the artist. He does not imitate Magomayev in movements - these movements are natural for him, I personally checked by looking at Metodie's recordings when he sings opera arias or pop songs of other performers.
Watching Methodie, you become infected with his energy, you get wildly delighted and goosebumps run all over your body. It’s not that the effect of Magomayev’s presence arises, no, the voice is still different, but it differs not as beautiful from good, it’s just that he’s not a clone, in fact! He is different, he is a personality, and he brings something of his own to each song of Magomayev, but at the same time he manages not to get out of the style of the time in which the song was written, and to preserve the spirit of the great maestro. And you understand - here it is, skill! And you don't understand how it's done? And you understand something else: when you don’t see how it’s done, then this is a sign of mastery.

Sings Methodie Bujor and in a duet. With the same Evgeny Kungurov and other performers. For example, with the Honored Artist of Azerbaijan, soloist of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater Dinara Aliyeva. In a duet with this magnificent singer, he performs several songs from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev, including Blue Eternity. Methodie Bujor almost alone sang the entire second part of the concert "Thank you for everything ...", dedicated to the memory of the great Magomayev in St. Petersburg. This concert was generally significant in the cultural life of Russia: during this period there were many concerts dedicated to the memory of Muslim Magomayev, and he was recognized as one of the best. It was broadcast by all channels, it is fully posted on YouTube, and the number of views has exceeded several hundred thousand. Interest in Muslim Magomayev did not fade away with his death, and this is not surprising: the work of Muslim Magomayev is a whole era in the musical culture of the USSR and other, later independent republics, more than one generation grew up on his songs. Magomayev became a legendary singer very young and deservedly enjoyed incredible fame and absolutely fantastic love of viewers and listeners all his life. They say about such people - "a true folk singer." Accordingly, the organizers of the concert faced the most difficult task: to match the level of the legendary maestro, to convey his highest performing and acting skills, the exceptional aesthetic beauty of his art.

Therefore, the main hope for success was Methodie Bujor, who by that time in the musical circles of Moscow and St. Petersburg had already been recognized as the best performer of songs from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev. By that time, Methodie had already performed on many channels in Russia with Magomayev’s songs, participated in various shows, including “Property of the Republic”, where Tamara Sinyavskaya personally chose the best performer of her beloved husband’s songs. When Methodie sang, Tamara Ilyinichna wept, not hiding her tears.

The degree of success is very difficult to measure, as well as to find an exact definition for it. Yes, you probably shouldn't. It seems to me that something else is important here: the bright, talented singer Metodiye Bujor convincingly, dignifiedly, skillfully reached out to a huge audience. Before that, opera lovers knew about him, now - largely thanks to the songs of Muslim Magomayev - the entire Russian-speaking space, as well as admiring Europe and America, knows about him. And ahead - new frontiers. And new countries to conquer. I would very much like him to conquer Azerbaijan as well. Probably nowhere else will Methodie Bujor find such love and understanding of his work as we do. I would very much like the relevant officials from the Ministry of Culture to pay attention to him and arrange a tour for him in Baku. Public satisfaction guaranteed!


"Tell, girls, to your girlfriend"

"Ferris wheel"

"Golden ray of sunshine"

"Only once in a lifetime meeting"

Methodie Bujor - Return to Sorrento


TV projects "Two Stars".

Methodie Bujor is a Russian opera and pop singer.

International Competition of Opera Singers. Francisco Viñas, Barcelona, ​​Spain, 2001
Elena Obraztsova International Competition for Opera Singers, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001,
International Competition of Opera Singers. Hariclei Darkle, Braila, Romania, 2002,
International Competition for Opera Singers in Sarzana, Italy, 2004.

He began his career in the troupe of the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater under the direction of Evgeny Kolobov, graduating from the Chisinau Academy of Music. Gabriel of Music. He made his debut as Sparafucile in Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto. He performed the parts: Gremina in the opera Eugene Onegin by Tchaikovsky, Cecil in the opera Maria Stuart by Donizetti, Salieri in the opera Mozart and Salieri by Rimsky-Korsakov and many others.
After winning the Elena Obraztsova competition in St. Petersburg, Methodie Bujor was invited as a soloist to the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theatre.

In 2003-2005 is a guest soloist at the Leipzig Opera, Germany.
In 2008 he was invited as a soloist in the premiere performances of the Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre: Mascagni's Rural Honor, Leoncavallo's Pagliacci, Donizetti's Love Potion.
During his operatic career, Metodie Bujor became a laureate of many international competitions.
In 2007, in the life of Methodie Bujor, a fateful acquaintance with Muslim Magomayev took place. After this meeting, the classical pop song began to occupy an increasing place in the work of Methodie. And in 2009, Methodie Bujor makes a decision that completely changes his career, he leaves the opera, choosing the stage. He begins performing at music festivals and gala concerts in his beloved St. Petersburg. The result of the rapidly growing popularity was the first solo concert on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Grand Concert Hall on May 24, 2012.
In the summer of 2012, Metodiye Bujor auditioned to participate in the Voice program, and was invited to the team of singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. His performance, voice and delivery, captivated the audience and the judges.
After the completion of the Voice program, Channel One invited Metodiye Bujor to participate in one of the highest rated TV projects "Two Stars". Prima ballerina Anastasia Volochkova became the partner of Methodie Bujor.
Organization of Metodiye Bujor performances for your event by phone on our official website, also to invite Metodie Bujor to a celebration or order a Metodiye Bujor performance at a corporate event, call, the contacts of the direct concert agent Metodie Bujor are listed on the site.

Methodie Bujor was born on June 9, 1974 in Chisinau (Moldavian SSR), in a large family, where he was brought up with three more brothers. Mom was a medical worker, father was an engineer and inventor. Metodie loved to sing since childhood, but he never had an outstanding vocal talent.

Bujor managed to start singing really only at the age of 21, being a student at the Agricultural Academy. Graduated from the Moldovan Academy of Music in 2000. The first place of work of the singer was the Moscow theater "New Opera". He performed popular parts, among which were works by Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rimsky-Korsakov, and others. In 2001, he won first place at the competition. E. Obraztsova in St. Petersburg. A talented performer was noticed and got into the Mariinsky Academy of Young Singers. In 2003 he became a guest artist at the Leipzig Opera (Germany).

Conquest of the stage

In 2009, Methodie Bujor set the task of realizing himself as a pop performer. The idol of childhood, Muslim Magomayev, pushed the opera singer to such a decision. Opera singing imposed a lot of restrictions on the performance of works, unlike pop music. Bujor's popularity began to grow, and in 2012 he performed with a solo program on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.

Participation in the show "Voice"

Methodie got into the team of Alexander Gradsky at a blind audition. In the next round, a vocal duel took place between Bujor and another favorite - Evgeny Kungurov. Alexander Gradsky could not give preference to one of the participants for a long time, and entrusted the choice to a blind lot.

Gradsky decided which of the two young people would remain on the project, simply by tossing a coin. Luck smiled at Bujor's opponent. Methodie left the project, which was dissatisfied with numerous viewers.

TV project “Two Stars”

After the end of "Voice", Bujor was invited to a new show. The singer's partner was the ballerina A. Volochkova. During filming, Methodie managed to give two solo concerts in the city on the Neva. The peculiarity of the concert was the performance of opera classics, along with pop hits. Some time later, the singer left the project, citing a heavy work schedule and some negative moments. However, Bujor gained invaluable experience by spending a lot of time with artists of various genres.

Further variety activities

After the end of filming in the project "Two Stars". Bujor organizes a big tour around the cities of the Russian Federation. For almost all performances, tickets are sold out in advance. A huge jump in popularity is explained by participation in two major television projects, in which the audience fell in love with the singer. Among the countries hosting the performer were Spain, the USA, China, England, Switzerland.

Recently he released his first album and is preparing to visit his native Moldova with a concert, where he has a huge number of fans of his talent. At the end of 2016, Metodie began collaborating with the famous Moldovan composer Valentin Uzun. In 2017, several songs were recorded, including duets with Jasmine and Soso Pavliashvili, the composer was Uzun.

Family and hobbies

The Bujor method differs in a private life that is quite closed from the public eye. With his wife Natalia, they met at one of the concerts. In 2016, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. The family lives in St. Petersburg, where the main screenwriting activity of Metodiye takes place. In addition to excellent vocal abilities, Bujor paints pictures. He is fond of biology and masterfully speaks several languages. Lately, I have been seriously interested in sculpture.

At one of the festive concerts in the Oktyabrsky, the stars performed one after the other. They were received warmly, respectfully, and when the presenter announced: “Methodie Bujor sings”, the audience almost did not react to the new name. But as soon as a handsome 37-year-old man stepped onto the stage and sang in a baritone: “But I'm flying with you again ...”, the hall came to life. A whisper was heard: “God, how he looks like Magomayev, this is the spitting image of Muslim!” Metodie finished singing “Ferris Wheel” in loud applause, and after “Ah, this wedding sang and danced ...” the hall burst into applause ...

Methodie, you started out as an opera singer. They were born and raised in Moldova, in Moscow they worked at the Novaya Opera with Yevgeny Kolobov, then they began to sing at the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theater, collaborated with Valery Gergiev, won several international competitions ... And suddenly, having sharply changed their role, they hit the stage, began perform the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev!
- Meeting with him completely changed my role. In 2001, I met Elena Obraztsova at her competition in St. Petersburg, where I won the second prize. Elena Vasilievna took an active part in my fate, and we became friends, this friendship has been going on for ten years, there were moments when it was very difficult for me (both in creativity and in ordinary life), and she extended a helping hand to me. And in 2007, when I was working in Germany, at the Leipzig Opera, Elena Vasilievna, having become the artistic director of the Mikhailovsky Theater Opera Company, invited me to the troupe. She saw me and said: “God, over the years you have become so similar to Muslim, how did I not notice this before ... Let me introduce you!” She called Magomayev, arranged a meeting, I arrived, Tamara Ilyinichna opened the door, and behind her - Muslim Magometovich. They looked at me, there was a long pause, and then they smiled warmly...

I don't know, maybe it's fate. Many say that there is a similarity - both in vocals and in the manner of speaking, in the stage manner. Although this happened by itself - I did not copy anything, I grew up in Moldova, studied opera and knew almost nothing about Magomayev. At first I didn't really like these parallels, but then, having learned deeply about his work, his personality, I realized that this is a very flattering, very lofty comparison. I began to reach for this bar. I realized that the bar had been raised so high that I would no longer be able to do opera and classical music at the same time. You have to choose something if you want to achieve serious results, if you want to justify the trust of Elena Vasilievna, Tamara Ilyinichna, all the admirers of Muslim Magomayev, who are still faithful to him and his work.

And why did you choose not Moscow, but the Northern capital?
- At the competition in St. Petersburg, I met my beloved, the only woman - Natalia, who became my wife. She was a singer, now she has changed her occupation, became a teacher, director of a kindergarten, one of the best in the Krasnogvardeisky district.

Oddly enough, but very few opera singers can sing pop songs well ... Why do you think?
- The canons of good singing were established long before our days. The great Caruso said: to become a good singer, you don't need to have a big voice, you need to have a big heart, a little intelligence and a little bit of a voice... For classical performers, these tips from a wonderful singer are simply priceless.

And yet - you are not at all embarrassed by the role of a double, a clone?
- But I am not a double or a clone ... I would like to be called the successor of the traditions of the classical Soviet stage. And not only Muslim Magomayev, because the Soviet stage is a golden reserve of melodies, heartfelt poems and wonderful voices. Variety lovers can remember the situation, how at the beginning of the journey they said about Philip Kirkorov that he is a double of Sergei Zakharov. But over the years, the similarity diminished, their paths diverged ...

Methodie, what are your hobbies outside of the stage?
- I like to swim, and for long distances. I know several languages ​​- Romanian, Moldovan, Italian, English, German... Any opera singer must be a polyglot in order not only to communicate with everyone on tour, but also not to sing their parts thoughtlessly. I love to draw, I am also a sculptor, I studied this, and I was so pleased to know that Muslim Magomayeva was a sculptor too.

When I sing the songs of Muslim Magomayev, I understand: this is what people need today. It is as necessary as to break out into pure nature. There is so much dirt, noise and dust around, so many fakes, artificiality ... But the soul still asks for something real, and every normal person wants not only to consume more and more, but also to believe in something beautiful, kind, eternal.

Interviewed by Mikhail ANTONOV

Photo from the community of fans of creativity Metodiye Bujor

Interview with Methodie Bujor

Method Nikolaevich Buzhor(rum. Metodie Bujor, b. June 9, 1974, Moldavian SSR) is a modern Russian opera and pop singer.

Born on June 9, 1974 in the Moldavian SSR. In 2000, after graduating from the Chisinau Academy of Music. Gavriil Muzichesku, began his career in the troupe of the Moscow Novaya Opera Theater under the direction of Evgeny Kolobov. He made his debut as Sparafucile in Giuseppe Verdi's Rigoletto. He performed the parts: Gremina in Tchaikovsky's Eugene Onegin, Cecil in Donizetti's Maria Stuart, Salieri in Rimsky-Korsakov's Mozart and Salieri and many others.

After winning the Elena Obraztsova competition in St. Petersburg, Methodie Bujor was invited as a soloist to the Academy of Young Opera Singers of the Mariinsky Theatre.

In 2003-2005 is a guest soloist at the Leipzig Opera, Germany.

In 2008 he was invited as a soloist in the premiere performances of the Mikhailovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre: Mascagni's Rural Honor, Leoncavallo's Pagliacci, Donizetti's Love Potion.

During his operatic career, Metodie Bujor became a laureate of many international competitions.

In 2007, in the life of Methodie Bujor, a fateful acquaintance with Muslim Magomayev took place. After this meeting, the classical pop song began to occupy an increasing place in the work of Methodie. And in 2009, Methodie Bujor makes a decision that completely changes his career - he leaves the opera, choosing the stage.

He begins performing at music festivals and gala concerts in his beloved St. Petersburg. The result of the rapidly growing popularity was the first solo concert on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Grand Concert Hall on May 24, 2012.

In the summer of 2012, Methodie Bujor auditioned for participation in the Voice program, which began broadcasting in November 2012 on Channel One. He performed the song "Tell me, girls" at the first stage of the project - "Blind Audition". And he was invited to the team of singer and composer Alexander Gradsky. His performance, voice and delivery, captivated the audience and the judges. But at the next stage of the competition, "Battle", Alexander Gradsky could not make a choice between his favorites - Methodie Bujor and Evgeny Kungurov. And he determined his further fate by tossing a coin. Eagle - Methodie Bujor, tails - Evgeny Kungurov. It came up tails, and Metodie was out of the competition. Gradsky's act caused great indignation among the audience and journalists, who considered Methodie Bujor one of the main contenders for victory in this project.

Participation in the TV project "Two Stars"

After the completion of the Voice program, Channel One invited Methodie Bujor to participate in one of the highest rated TV projects - Two Stars. Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova became the partner of Methodie Bujor, with whom 12 duets were recorded. The first broadcast of the Two Stars program took place on February 15, 2013, and the final on June 7, 2013.

During filming on Channel One, Metodiye Bujor performed two solo concerts on the stage of the Oktyabrsky Grand Concert Hall in St. Petersburg on December 23, 2012 and March 9, 2013, which were sold out.

Tour 2013-2014 "Memories ..."

In August 2013 Metodiye Bujor began his first tour "Memories ..." in 67 cities of Russia, which will continue in the fall of 2014.


International Competition of Opera Singers. Francisco Viñas, Barcelona, ​​Spain, 2001

Elena Obraztsova International Competition for Opera Singers, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2001,

International Competition of Opera Singers. Hariclei Darkle, Braila, Romania, 2002,

International Competition for Opera Singers in Sarzana, Italy, 2004.

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