The tequila singer and football player Tarasov are brothers. Singer Tequila: biography, personal life, creative achievements


Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, under the pseudonym T-killah, is a Russian rap / hip-hop / R'n'B artist. The artist is known for joint projects with Russian pop and rock artists. The number of viewers of T-killah's videos is breaking records on YouTube.

Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov was born on April 30, 1989 in Moscow. Mom - Elena Tarasova, father - Ivan Alekseevich. Ivan Tarasov in the 80s headed the ZIL plant, after the collapse of the USSR he went into the construction business. Alexander went to school with an economic bias. He played volleyball, basketball and kickboxing.

After graduating from school, the future rapper entered the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. But he did not work in his specialty, he took up music. Connecting life with show business did not prevent the lack of musical education. Alexander's desire to engage in creativity caused support from Ivan Alekseevich. The father, according to the musician, was his best friend.


The creative biography of Alexander Tarasov began in 2009. T-killah's public debut took place when "In contact with" the rapper's composition "To the Bottom (Owner)" appeared. The music video for the song has over 2 million views on YouTube. The song "To the Bottom (Owner)" was followed by the song "Above the Earth", recorded together with a member of the "Star Factory". The composition was played on radio and music channels. The popularity of rapper T-killah was consolidated by the 2010 composition "Radio", performed in conjunction with.

The video for the song "I'll be there", included in the album "Boom", was filmed in the Arabian Desert, with Bedouins and camels. T-killah sang it in a duet with the ex-soloist of the Tatu group. The clip is dedicated to the eternal theme - the relationship of two lovers. The heroes of the song "I'll be there" have to decide what to choose - a fleeting hobby or a serious relationship. Filming the video, the creative team traveled through the desert, visited nomadic settlements and made sea voyages.

The scale of the rapper's joint clips even struck, which T-Killah also did not ignore, recording a cover of the song "Best Songs". T-killah's next disc "Puzzles" was released in 2015. It included both the rapper's solo compositions ("Hello, how are you", "Fly away", "Invisible"), and duets.

In the fall of 2015, a video was released for the duet of the 58-year-old rock musician and the 26-year-old rapper T-killah "I'll Remember". The clip was filmed in the green area of ​​the center of Moscow, decorated as a cemetery. In the song, the main character dies, becoming an angel for his beloved. The song was included in the disc "Puzzle".

In February 2015, rapper T-killah had an unpleasant incident with iTunes. Alexander signed a contract with iTunes for the release of the Puzzle disc. A month before the official release of the disc, a photo of the unedited disc cover and the rapper's duets with Alexander Marshal and the Vintage group, included in the new album, leaked to the Web. The American company called into question further work with Tarasov and threatened with a fine.

T-killah's video for the song "Alcoholic" was not taken into rotation by any TV channel in Russia. The reason for this was a large amount of alcohol that appears in the frame. Despite the refusal of music channels, many fans of the rapper watched the video clip on the Web. The clip was filmed in a student village near Amsterdam and according to T-killah, the video looks exactly like any party he's in.

For the filming of the 2016 video for the song "Good Morning", the musician's creative team invited 7 girls with luxurious forms to the set. According to the plot of the clip, the beauties replace one another in the singer's dreams. The heroines doused with colored paint add brightness to the “dreams” of the rapper.

In 2016, the rapper's album "Drink" was released. A real sensation was made by the composition "Heel", which was included in this album and appeared on the air on August 25, 2016. The video clip for the song collected more than 1 million views in less than a day. The video for the song "It's OK" has collected more than 18 million views on YouTube. The album includes the popular songs "Piggy Bank", "The World Is Not Enough", etc. In addition, the album includes the song "Let's Forever", performed by the artist in a duet with.

Personal life

In July 2016, Alexander's beloved father died of a second heart attack. The family struggled with Ivan Alekseevich's illness for 5 years. In 2017, T-killah released the song "Your Dream" and a video clip for the song "Papa", dedicated to the memory of his deceased father.

For Alexander Tarasov, as for many rappers, the train of fame of a womanizer stretches. Learn about the personal life of the artist from "Instagram" difficult - T-killah does not post photos of girls. According to rumors, Alexander's unsuccessful first novel left an imprint on the artist's creative biography. The debut composition "At the Bottom" is dedicated to these relations.

Alexander was credited in the media at various times with relations with Olga Buzova, Katrin Grigorenko. A long romance connected the rapper with the director of the T-killah project Olya Rudenko. The couple started dating in 2010 and lasted 4 years. The rupture of relations, according to rumors, occurred due to Alexander's unwillingness to bind himself by marriage.

Now the press is discussing Tarasov's probable romance with the host of the Russia 24 channel. For a long time, the artist hid his relationship with the ex-wife of businessman Ilya Lichtenfeld. The relationship of the couple became known at the wedding of the artist Black Star and Maria Gural. Maria and Alexander came to the wedding together and in every possible way demonstrated tender feelings for each other in public.

T-killah now

In March 2017, a joint clip of T-killah and a participant in the show “Dom-2” and “Voice. Season 4". The clip is called "Your Dream". One of the latest clips of T-killah "Monkeys" was created in collaboration with a blogger, known as the host of the "Khach's Diary" channel. The clip "Vasya in the dressing" was watched by more than 6 million YouTube users.

On August 3, 2017, the premiere of T-killah's song "Legs are done" took place on YouTube, and on September 4, 2017, the T-killah video "Burning - Burning" was shown on the channel "Khach's Diary". In addition to creativity, artist Alexander Tarasov is a businessman: he runs the Star Technology production company, helps aspiring artists together with the Garage raver production center.

Tarasov invests in interesting IT projects, created several Internet portals with like-minded people. The artist, together with famous artists, took part in the charity program "Looking for a home", the purpose of which is to give shelter to homeless animals. He loves fishing and sports.


  • 2013 - "Boom"
  • 2015 - "Sak Noel, T-Killah, Veigar - GTFO"
  • 2015 - Slider & Magnit feat. T-Killah
  • 2015 - "Puzzles"
  • 2015 - "Floors"
  • 2015 - "It's OK"
  • 2015 - "I will remember"
  • 2016 - Good Morning
  • 2016 - "Drink"
  • 2016 - "Monkeys"

In the Russian sky, new stars now and then light up - some fade quickly, some linger longer. One such artist, who appeared in show business relatively recently, is Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, known to a wide audience as T-Killah.

A little about hip hop

It is in this genre that T-Killah works. Hip-hop is often confused with rap or generally considered these concepts to be synonymous, which is fundamentally wrong. Rap is the reading of lyrics to music in the form of recitative. Fragments of rap performance can be interspersed not only in hip-hop, but also in various other genres - in rhythm and blues, and in pop music, and so on. Hip-hop (from the English "jump-hop") is the combination of various art forms. In addition to music, this includes dance and graffiti. The musical direction of hip-hop is music with certain percussive rhythms, both with and without vocals. It originates from the music of African Americans, in America it began to develop widely in the 70s of the last century, and only then it flooded the whole world.

T-Killah: biography

Sasha Tarasov was born in Moscow on April 30, 1989. His father is a well-known businessman Ivan Tarasov (he was engaged in construction, he died last year), his mother's name is Elena. The family was quite wealthy, intelligent, and Alexander received an appropriate upbringing. At school, according to the memoirs of the artist himself, he studied well - mostly for fours, although there were also threes. At the same time, Sasha was not a good boy: once he even dyed the teacher's hair right during the lesson.

With friends in his teenage years, young T-Killah went to clubs, led a nocturnal lifestyle. Thoughts about music did not arise in his head then, as, indeed, about a serious education. However, Sasha's father, having learned about the adventures of his son, decided to direct him "on the right path." With the light hand of his father, Alexander ended up at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - for nothing that the school in which he studied was also with an economic bias. He studied smoothly at the institute, was known as a favorite among his peers and teachers. He says that tests and exams were mostly easy. The direction of "finance and credit" the future artist graduated in 2010. However, at that time he was no longer a “future”, but a “real” artist. How did it all work out?

The beginning of the way

T-Killah's biography doesn't go into much detail about this, but as usual in life, it all happened because of a girl. Academy student Sasha Tarasov recorded a song for a friend, which she posted on the World Wide Web. Laudatory reviews appeared, and for the first time Alexander thought about making music at a professional level.

Then he chose a pseudonym for himself not T-Killah - Taras: that's what his friends called him. Later, having plunged more deeply into this field of activity, Sasha decided to change his stage name. He recalls that he certainly wanted to leave the first letter "T" - in honor of the surname, but he could not think of anything further. The case saved the case - at a party, Alexander went over with tequila, then inquired what the meaning of this word was, and discovered that in medicine there is a drug with a similar name, whose purpose is to kill harmful cells in cancer. Thus, from Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov, T-Killah appeared, whose vocation determined the purge of the stage from poor-quality performers.

Career takeoff

Sasha's first song, which conquered the charts, was called "At the Bottom". He recorded it in 2009, and she also owes her appearance to the girl: it was love suffering that prompted the young man to work. The song soared to the top of the charts, and the video for it collected several million views on Youtube. Sasha was first talked about. But for complete success, this was not enough - the next song was required, which would also become a hit. And Sasha remembered his school friend - Nastya Kochetkova. While still teenagers, they agreed to record a joint track sooner or later. Then Nastya got on the popular project of the First Channel "Star Factory", took up creativity. The girl responded with joy to Alexander's offer to work. Thanks to their tandem, the song "Above the Earth" was born, which in the shortest possible time became a hit and strengthened the position of T-Killah on the Russian stage.

And then - everything started spinning. Sasha wrote songs, shot videos. In 2013, his debut album Boom was released, two years later - the second disc called "Puzzle". The artist recalls that for a long time he did not tell his parents about his hobby. Having learned about Sasha's occupation, mother did not believe in his success for a long time - until two girls approached her on the street and asked her to say hello to her son. The father, according to Alexander, always supported his undertakings. In memory of him this year, Sasha released the song and video clip "Papa".


Duet creativity occupies a special position in the biography of T-Killah. In addition to the song with in the artist's archive, there are works with Victoria Daineko, Olga Buzova, Loya, Anastasia Stotskaya. By the way, his first disc consists of almost duets. Among the singer's latest collaborations, one can note a recording with Alexander Marshal, the Vintage group, Vera Brezhneva.

Personal life and social activities

T-Killah doesn't talk too much about his personal life. For a long time, he reported that he didn’t have a girlfriend at all, he was free, in search, and, like the hero of his Good Morning video, wakes up every morning in the arms of a new girlfriend. All this secured the image of Casanova for Sasha. However, recently there have been allegations that T-Killah still has a girlfriend. Allegedly, since October last year, the artist has been meeting with Maria Belova, the host of one of the Russian TV channels. Together with her, Sasha appeared at the wedding of one of the popular musicians and, according to witnesses, did not leave her a single step.

But there is more information about social activities in the biography of T-Killah. He is engaged in production, owns the production company Star Technology, is actively involved in charity work, and helps homeless animals.

  1. Since childhood, he has been involved in sports, recently he has become interested in crossfit.
  2. Likes to play football but hates to watch.
  3. He loves dogs and hates cats, he is allergic to the latter. There are two dogs at home.
  4. From my mother I took over the love of extreme sports.
  5. I love the work of Kanye West.
  6. He loves action movies, dreams of acting in films in this genre.
  7. Sasha's height is 193 centimeters.
  8. One of Sasha's dogs, nicknamed Marshal, got its name in honor of Alexander Marshal - it was during the recording of the duet with the artist that this dog was acquired.

There is an opinion that there are two ways to get into the domestic show business - either give someone very influential a lot of money, or through bed. Sasha T-Killah is a prime example of how to achieve success on your own, bypassing both, and without having a musical education. So if there is talent, everything will certainly work out.


Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:

singer, musician

The weight:
89 kg

192 cm

Biography of Alexander Tarasov (T-Killah)

T-Killah is a famous Russian performer (real name is Alexander Tarasov). The main genres in which the singer works are rap, R'n'B and hip-hop.

Alexander Tarasov aka T-killah

The childhood of Alexander Tarasov

The future star of domestic hip-hop was born on April 30, 1989 in Moscow. Since childhood, Alexander has been involved in sports - basketball, volleyball, kickboxing. The guy's education began at a school with an economic specialization, then continued at the Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It seemed that the future of the guy was predetermined, and there was no place for music in it. However, the creative beginning took its toll, and Alexander decided to start a career in show business, despite the lack of musical education.

Alexander Tarasov is a fan of Lokomotiv

The beginning of the career of Alexander Tarasov

In 2009, T-killah's efforts to break into the big stage were crowned with long-awaited success after the release of the song "To the Bottom (Owner)". The song scattered across the Russian-speaking Internet and became one of the most listened to songs on the VKontakte social network. A little later, a video of the same name appeared, which collected several million views on Youtube.

T-killah - "Down Under (Master)" (2009)

Tarasov managed to consolidate his success thanks to his joint work with Nastya Kochetkova, a member of the Star Factory. Their common video for the song "Above the Earth" literally "broke" radio stations and music channels. The song stayed at the top of various charts for a long time. Another duet composition that finally won the hearts of T-killah fans, “Radio”, recorded together with Masha Malinovskaya, was released in 2010.

T-killah ft. Masha Malinovskaya - "Radio" (2010)

T-Killah debut album

The artist has been preparing for the release of the first album for several years, and finally in 2013 the debut album of T-Killah called "Boom" was released.

T-killah's first album is called "Boom"

The album consisted mainly of collaborations with other artists. In addition to Kochetkova and Malinovskaya, Tarasov recorded songs and videos with the star of Dom-2 Olga Buzova, the "manufacturer" Victoria Daineko, the singer Loya, the actress and politician Maria Kozhevnikova, the ex-tattoo Lena Katina, the winner of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest Nastya Petrik, Anastasia Stotskaya and other stars domestic stage.

T-killah ft. Nastya Kochetkova - "Above the Earth" (2010)

The scale of the artist's joint work amazed even DJ Smash, whom T-Killah also did not deprive of attention by recording a cover of his composition "Best Songs".

T-killah clips are full of outrageous

After the stunning success of the first disc, T-killah hurried to release the next album, released in 2015 - "Puzzles", which clearly demonstrated that the performer does not sit still, but is diligently developing creatively. The album finally included T-Killah's solo hits, however, it was not without joint recordings. The duets with Alexander Marshal and the Vintage group especially fell in love with the audience.

T-killah ft. Alexander Marshal - "I will remember" (2015)

After the release of the album, Alexander Tarasov pleased the fans with a couple more new compositions: "Floors" (a duet with Vera Brezhneva), "It's OK", "Good Morning" and "Monkeys".

The shooting of the video "Floors" took place in extreme conditions

Social activities of Alexander Tarasov

Alexander Tarasov has an active lifestyle, so music is far from all that this young man is fond of.

Becoming the author of the project of the production company Star Technology, Tarasov gave a chance to many novice performers to fulfill their dream of the stage. "Star Technology" represents the interests of newcomers in the field of music, as well as established celebrities such as Lena Katina and members of the Romanian group Morandi.

T-killah helps homeless animals

Tarasov was successfully engaged in charity and social activities. He actively participated in the charity project "Looking for a home", helping homeless animals. T-killah is also interested in Internet technologies and actively invests in various IT startups.

T-Killah's personal life

The guy's first love, or rather, her collapse, had a powerful influence on T-killah's career. It was the sunset of these relations that the rapper dedicated his debut successful work “At the Bottom”. Now, the image of Casanova is firmly entrenched in the guy, which is supported by the media and by Alexander Tarasov himself.

T-killah and Olga Buzova are just good friends

Journalists attributed the guy novels with almost all of his creative partners, including Olga Buzova, Lera Kudryavtseva and even Victoria Secret angel Ksenia Delhi. However, the rap artist prefers to keep the intrigue and not reveal the name of his chosen one - or chosen ones.

T-killah and Olga Rudenko broke up in 2014

However, despite the scandalous image, for several years the guy was in a relationship with the director of the T-killah project, Olya Rudenko. They met in 2010 at a mutual friends party. Young people met for 4 years, but Tarasov never made an offer to his beloved. This is called one of the most likely reasons for their breakup.

Model Katrin Grigorenko is the new T-killah girl

In April 2016, T-killah was seen in the company with another beauty. This time, the likely girlfriend of Alexander Tarasov was the winner of the beauty show jumping "Miss Kazakhstan 2016" Katrin Grigorenko.

Alexander Tarasov - T-Killah today

One of the latest T-Killah clips is "Monkeys", recorded with the participation of video blogger Amiran Saradov (leads a channel called "Khach's Diary").

T-killah & Khach's Diary - "Monkeys"

2016-07-28T09:40:18+00:00 admin dossier [email protected] Administrator Art review

Rapper T-Killah, also known to everyone as Alexander Tarasov, spoke in a microblog about the terrible tragedy that befell his family. The beloved father of the performer, businessman Ivan Tarasov, passed away. The 69-year-old businessman died in the intensive care unit of one of the capital's clinics after suffering two strokes.

Rapper T-Killah remained silent for several days about the trouble that came to their house. And only nine days after the funeral, he decided to inform the fans about the bereavement that had befallen his family. The 27-year-old young man admits that he still cannot come to terms with the death of his father, with whom they were very close.

“It's been a little over nine days, but I still can't believe it. You are for me, as you were the most important example in life, and you will remain forever. Forever in my heart. I promise to love and protect our mother. Your son,” rapper T-Killah wrote in his microblog, posting a joint picture with his father.

The piercing post was not ignored by the fans of the rap artist. In the comments, they write words of grief, support and sympathy to Alexander Tarasov. “San, hold on, we are with you”, “It is very difficult, accept condolences, be strong!”, “People, appreciate your parents while they are alive. Sasha, condolences!”, “Eternal memory! Dads never die, they just stop being around”, “Kingdom of heaven! A great loss for family and loved ones. The most precious thing we have is our parents, ”his subscribers responded to the grief of the performer.

According to some reports, the father of rapper T-Killah Ivan Tarasov suffered a stroke for the first time five years ago. After this terrible diagnosis, all the forces and means of the family were thrown into the restoration and rehabilitation of Ivan Alekseevich. It is known that Ivan Tarasov was engaged in the construction business, in the 80s he was the director of a large plant for the production of trucks - ZIL. He approved of his son's choice to make music and supported him as best he could. According to the performer, his father was his best friend and adviser.

Recall that for the first time about the rapper T-Killah, as a promising musician, they started talking in 2010, when, in a duet with a graduate of the Star Factory project, he performed the song “Above the Earth”.

// Photo: Instagram Rapper T-Killah

Every year, new luminaries light up in the sky of Russian pop music. One of these supernovas is TARAS - the benchmark. Who it is is of interest to anyone who has fallen in love with his music.

Russian rap scene

Rap originated on the expanses of American soil as the protest music of blacks who sang the life of criminal black ghettos. However, the musical techniques and styles that were invented by the representatives of this movement turned out to be so popular that they crossed the borders of the continents. Now French, German, and even Chinese performers can subscribe to the word "rap".

The theme of the songs has expanded significantly and began to relate primarily to the problems that a person faces, as well as love and club topics.

It is safe to say that Russian hip-hop (or, what is the same, Russian rap) has a sufficient degree of originality to be considered an independent musical genre, on a par with the work of blacks in the United States. Key Russian-speaking hip-hop artists - Decl, Casta, Basta, Delfin, Guf - occupy a prominent place in the world of Russian music.

A separate and one of the most significant trends in Russian rap is the so-called gangsta(or "street") rap dedicated to the problems of ordinary guys from not always prosperous families. One of those who sings of their way of life is the rapper TARAS.

Rapper TARAS: who is it?

Under the pseudonym TARAS hides Krasnoyarsk musician Dmitry Tarasov, which performs in the genre of street rap. He quickly won the favor of the audience and all-Russian fame with his simple texts, which take the soul and at the same time do not hide the "dirty" sides of life.

When working with fans, TARAS actively uses all the possibilities of the Internet:

  • His VKontate group has several tens of thousands of people;
  • In the iTunes online music store, it occupies the top lines among the representatives of the genre.

The popularity of the performer grew so rapidly that in July 2016 he became a welcome guest on the Morning Coffee program of the local private TV channel Afontovo.

He is a fan of the Krasnoyarsk football club Yenisei.

Despite the harshness and frankness of the text, Taras does not hesitate to help society: in the summer of 2016, in particular, he, together with the public of motorists Antikop, participated in an event to help the orphanage.

Album "In Flight Mode"

In 2016, TARAS released his debut album, which was recorded with the participation of the following colleagues:

  • Kuban;
  • Andrew Toronto;
  • Sergey Titov (made a remix);
  • Its.

Some tracks from the album were recorded long before its release. For example, the songs “Alive with her” and “Naked buzz” made a lot of noise in Runet. A clip was then filmed for the latter. Also, the video was made based on the song "Patriotic".

Having conquered his hometown, Tarasov began in May 2016 a tour throughout Russia with a new album. According to the program, performances are planned in cities not only in Siberia, but also in Central Russia.

Comparison with the Caspian Cargo group

Another street rap group was founded in Azerbaijan and soon became one of the most significant in its genre. The guys began to create at the beginning of the 2000s, but real fame came to them only after they were noticed by the largest Russian-speaking hip-hop artist - Alexei Dolmatov, known under the stage name "Guf" (Guf). The latter offered to shoot a joint video, which became a hit in the Russian music industry.

The main theme of the songs is the life of people who find themselves in a rather difficult life situation, but get out of the trap thanks to perseverance and willpower.

The group consists of two members:

  1. Anar Zeynalov(also known as "Ves") - he was interested in rap culture from childhood, but was engaged not only in listening to other people's tracks. He studied in detail someone else's manner of performance in order to develop his own style. And his efforts were not in vain - the tracks that he posted on the Internet began to be popular;
  2. Timur Odilbekov("Brutto") - somewhat younger than his partner. For the time being, his passion for music was limited only by listening to the compositions of popular groups.

The last member of the group - "Brutto" is very similar to the rapper TARAS in his manner of performance. This is noted by fans of both artists. The similarity between the two rappers is so striking that it is often very difficult to blindly determine who performs this or that track. For example, the song "Naked Kaif" was attributed to Brutto for a long time, until Dmitry Tarasov gained a significant army of fans.

Who else bears the pseudonym Taras?

The pseudonym Taras (namely, in the Latin version) belongs not only to the young Krasnoyarsk hip-hop star. Under this name, the recognized master of the genre T-killah , in the world known as Alexander Ivanovich Tarasov. His songs also belong to the rap genre, but he won the love of the audience much earlier - in 2010, after recording the song "Above the Ground".

The very name T-killah (“tee-killa”) is an allusion to the favorite drink of nightclub patrons - tequila. At the same time, the word killah in colloquial English is a truncated version of killer, that is, "murderer". The idea to take such a pseudonym was thrown to Alexander by his beloved girl, whom he met during his school years.

Alexander actively spoke on television - on Channel One and on TNT, thanks to which he became known to the mass audience.

The portfolio of the Moscow rapper Taras includes a couple of albums:

  1. Boom ("Boom") - recorded in 2013;
  2. "Puzzles" - came out two years later.

So, now you know that as many as two performers are known under the name Taras rapper. Who it is depends on how the creative pseudonym is written. If you type the name in capital letters - TARAS - then we will talk about a young Krasnoyarsk star. If the name is written in lowercase letters (Taras), then, most likely, one of the nicknames of the singer T-killah is meant.

Videoclip TARASa

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