The singer, who literally immediately captivated the audience with her beauty and unique vocals. Singer Natalie showed the consequences of plastic surgery


The youth of the singer Natalie

Natalya was born in Dzerzhinsk in a simple family, her mother, Lyudmila Pavlovna, worked as a laboratory assistant at a chemical plant, and her father, Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, was the deputy chief power engineer in the same organization. There are three children in the Minyaev family: singer Natalie, the eldest daughter, as well as twins, Olesya and Anton, who were born four years after the birth of Natalya. In the 80th year, Natalia begins her studies at school number 37. During her school years, she gained not only knowledge and true friends, but also the first skills of working on stage in front of the general public, as well as experience in writing. In addition to studying at a general education institution, Natalia has been actively attending a music school for seven years, which she later graduated in piano. At the age of sixteen, she was lucky enough to get a leading role in a film dedicated to the anniversary of her hometown. Around the same period, she was offered to become the soloist of the Chocolate Bar school group. As part of the same musical group, despite his young age, Natalya's younger brother actively worked as a drummer, who contributed to the emergence of a young singer in the group. Also in 1990, Natalie visits a recording studio, where she records several songs.

The creative path of the singer Natalie

Even before graduation, Natalie releases two music albums. In 1991, Natalya became a student at the local pedagogical school, and also married Alexander Rudin. According to Natalie herself, it was Alexander who made her decide to record her own songs. Probably, the future husband managed to discern the talent in Natasha long before she appeared to the whole world in the image of the singer Natalie. After graduating from college, Natasha gets a job at school No. 22, where she becomes a teacher of elementary grades. Despite her teaching activities, she does not forget about the development of her creative abilities, she continues to compose songs and perform them at school holidays with her beloved students and other teachers. In 1993, she moved to Moscow, where in 1994 she managed to publish her own musical album, The Little Mermaid. Natalia is the author of almost all compositions from this collection. In 1996, an album called "Snow Rose" and a video of the same name were released. This collection has become much more popular than the first. Then the singer released the third album, "The wind blew from the sea." Natalie's fans liked his main composition with the corresponding title so much that the collection showed truly record sales. For many people, the image of the singer Natalie is inextricably linked with this song to this day. In 1999, the collection "Counting" was released, Natalie noted the year 2000 with the collection "First Love". In 2002, she released an album called "Don't fall in love."

Since 2002, the singer has been traveling around her homeland and foreign countries with tours, participating in various projects. In 2011, Natalie appeared in the Musical Ring show. The song "The wind blew from the sea" made the viewers again inspired by the image of the incomparable singer Natalie. In 2013, she broke into the music charts with an unprecedented hit "Oh God, what a man!", Which is still a regular at many festive events today. A music video was released the same year. For more than eight weeks, this hit occupied a leading position in the Golden Gramophone. In 2013, in honor of the birthday of the singer Natalie, a special edition of the TV show “Let them talk” was shown with , in which the audience was finally able to see the full version of the sensational clip. In the same year, the singer received an award in the "Sometimes They Come Back" nomination, as well as the "Comeback of the Year" award. At the end of 2013, the composition "Nikolai", recorded by Natalie and Baskov, was actively discussed on the Internet. In 2014, the singer participated in the Just the Same program, where she was able not only to score a fairly high score, but also to win the love of the general public again. In the same year, Natalia's new clip, "Scheherazade", appeared on television. The album of the same name became the 12th in the list of all the collections released by the singer.

Natalie dedicated his debut to her fortieth birthday. In the same year, Natalie and Baskov won the Best Video Clip nomination. Since October 25 of the same year, the singer participated in the HIT program, where she was able to win a well-deserved victory. Natalie also voiced the role of Joy in the cartoon "Inside Out", which was released on movie screens in the summer of 2015 and took part in the program "People Will Judge" as a TV presenter.

The personal life of the singer Natalie

Despite numerous rumors from the press, as well as Natalya's number of novels with famous people, it is worth noting that Natalie has been married for many years, has two children and hardly gives rise to such gossip. Natalya and Alexander Rudin got married on August 24, 1991. Since then, two sons have appeared in their family: Arseny (2001) and Anatoly (2010).

In 1974, in the small town of Dzerzhinsk, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, a little blond girl was born. Mom Lyudmila Minyaeva named her daughter Natasha.

Natalie. Biography

She had the usual childhood of a Soviet child from a simple family. Kindergarten, then school. Natasha was distinguished by her easy character, benevolence and artistry. She managed to find a common language with both teachers and peers. The girl fell in love with music from childhood. He masters the guitar on his own, and at the music school he learns to play the piano. She enjoys participating in school amateur performances and vocal competitions. He begins to write poetry, selects music for them, and performs the resulting songs during concerts at holidays.

Natalie. Biography. The beginning of the way

In 1990, Moscow filmmakers came to her city to make a film about the 60th anniversary of Dzerzhinsk. They noticed an artistic, pretty girl and offered to take part in the filming. After graduating from the 37th secondary school, Natalya enters the pedagogical school. In parallel, in 1991, she became a member of a group with the sweet name "Chocolate Bar". In the same year, she marries Alexander Rudin. After graduating from college, Natalya Anatolyevna worked for some time at the school. Her students liked her very much, they boasted that their teacher was the most beautiful and good. In 1992, Natalia moved to the more famous Pop Galaxy group. Professional musicians work in its composition, the young singer receives much-needed experience. At the same time, work is underway to record the album in the studio. Under the title "Star Rain" it was released on audio cassettes and was appreciated by the first listeners.

Natalie. Biography. First albums

It is no longer possible to combine pedagogical and creative activities. After a year of work, Natalia leaves school and goes to Moscow. There, the purposeful girl was able to meet the right people. In 1994, she released her solo album on CD, it gets the romantic name "The Little Mermaid". A year later, a new album "Snow Rose" was recorded, and in 1996 the first video was shot for the same song.

The first success of the singer Natalie. Biography

A resounding success came to Natalie in 1997. The superhit "The wind blew from the sea" was recorded, which was included in the top five most popular songs of the year. At the same time, an album of the same name was released in large numbers. The singer constantly goes on tour, concerts are always sold out. In 1999, a new album "Counting" was recorded. Further, the popularity began to decline, although the singer continued to travel around the regions, record new songs and participate in retro-themed music programs.

Singer Natalie. Biography. A family

In 2002, Natalie becomes a mother. Her eldest son Arseny is born. The singer continues to tour in Russia and neighboring countries, in 2008 she participates in the Superstar 2008 show. Her second son was born in 2011. She named him Anatoly in honor of her father.

Second wave of success

2013 was marked by a new surge in popularity. Her new hit "Oh God, what a man" is playing on all radio stations. For this song, the 39-year-old singer received a large number of awards. This year she has taken part in many TV shows. How many years has Natalie - a singer, mother and just a woman - managed to stay afloat, stay in great shape, at forty look like a maximum of thirty?! The secret is in the love of life and faith in one's own strength.


Natalie will be the next guest of the Secret to a Million program. On NTV, the artist will remember how she left Dzerzhinsk to conquer Moscow, why she was looking for a husband from the age of 13 and how she was able to maintain her only happy marriage for 25 years.

Viewers will find out what diets the singer chooses and how she relates to plastic surgery, and will also be able to look into her apartment. Natalie will reveal her secret of youth and confess how at 44 she manages to look ten years younger. The mother, sister and sons of the singer will take part in the program.

Singer Natalie biography family children photo, how old is she?: Personal biography

Natalie's biography will be able to interest not only fans of her work, but also just people who are interested in the life paths of Russian stars. The future singer was born in Dzerzhinsk, which is located in the Nizhny Novgorod region, in March 1974. Natasha began her studies in her hometown, at secondary school number 37. As she herself later mentions more than once, it was an unforgettable time. Already from childhood, many noted her organizational talent, which later helped the singer a lot.

From early childhood, Natalie showed organizational skills and endless activity, she could not sit idle for a minute. At school, she studied perfectly, at the same time managing to take part in all creative activities. The girl was also popular with her classmates, who easily recognized her as their informal leader, thanks to her benevolent nature and sociability. The teachers also could not get enough of the talented and intelligent student, who was an example of ideal behavior.

In 1983, Natalie, along with her friends, visited a music school, after which she persuaded her parents to send her to a piano class. At school, the girl also studied vocal performance for seven years. Natalie began to compose songs, and also taught herself how to play the guitar. She actively participated in music competitions, and later, together with her team, performed at city festivals.

In 1990, the girl was invited to take part in the filming of a documentary film dedicated to her hometown. Natalie not only successfully passed the casting, but also got the main role in the film. She also went to St. Petersburg to the legendary Lenfilm studio to sound the tape. Filming in the film to a large extent contributed to the increase in the popularity of the artist in her hometown.

Despite her active musical activity, Natalie dreamed of becoming a teacher and using her talents to teach children. In 1991, she easily entered the Dzerzhinsk Pedagogical School, and after graduation, the girl got a job as a teacher at a local school. In 1993, she and her husband moved to Moscow.

Singer Natalie biography family children photo, how old is she?: Family

As for relatives, if Natalie's family was connected with art and creativity, it was very remotely. Mom and dad worked at a local chemical plant. Anatoly Minyaev worked as the head of the energy service, and Lyudmila worked as a laboratory assistant at an adjacent workshop. Some time after the birth of Natalie, two more children appeared in the family. These are twins, who were named Anton and Olesya.

This information is not particularly distributed, but joint photos can be found on the Global Network. Parents from an early age prophesied a great future for the girl, therefore they contributed in many endeavors - they helped to enter a music school. Where, by the way, Natasha studied vocals and playing the piano.

As you know, fans are always interested in the offspring of stellar personalities. Of course, Natalie's children are no less interesting topic for those who follow creativity. Despite several unsuccessful pregnancies, the singer did not despair, and soon, she managed to give birth to her first child in 2001.

Nine years later, another child is born. It is noteworthy that the star did not show them to reporters for a long time - as she herself claims, she was afraid of the evil eye. But after some time, the veil subsided, and in the spring of 2017, the news headlines again began to “talk” about Natalie, the singer gave birth to her third child.

Natalie's first son, Arseniy, was born in 2001. Parents were very happy with their first child, because, as mentioned earlier, the singer could not bear the pregnancy to the end. Before the birth of her first son, Natalie often went to the hospital, because she was afraid for her health and the health of the baby. But fortunately, everything worked out, and Arseny was born.

As she herself mentions in many interviews, faith in God helped with this. For some time, the singer did not want to show it to reporters, but this period has passed, and now there are enough photos on the Internet in the family circle, among parents and two brothers.

The second son of Natalie - Anatoly was born nine years later, after the first child, in 2010. Already with her second child, the singer began to participate in various photo shoots, and at the moment you can clearly see the similarities between the star mother and son.

Natalie is even dedicated to one of the episodes of the popular program “Let They Speak”, where she was invited along with the children. Many fans have been looking forward to this release, and anyone interested can find it freely available on the Internet. There, the singer talks about her personal life, about the life of a star and a simple mother, who always has time for her family.

Natalie's third son, Eugene, was born relatively recently, in the spring of 2017. Despite this, you can already find photos of a happy married couple. With the appropriate request, fans find footage directly from the hospital after discharge, along with newborn Eugene.

By the way, the last, at the moment, child broke the tradition in the singer's family - all male names began with the letter "A". Natalie decided to deviate from such principles. The rest of the children and the husband were looking forward to the return of the star mother from the hospital and carefully prepared for this event.

Natalie's husband, Alexander Rudin, was born in 1970, and he has known the future singer since his school desk. Despite the turbulent times, the wedding was played in the summer of 1991. It is noteworthy that the age difference was almost four years, so Natasha's parents had to submit false certificates regarding their daughter's pregnancy. The marriage took place, and the happy family lives together until now.

Their relationship began to develop after Alexander's proposal to record several songs, and subsequently, let them out into the world. The husband did not stand aside, and in every possible way helped the aspiring singer to conquer the Russian show business.

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Singer Natalie

Unlike most of the stars of our show business, Natalya (the real name of the singer is the site) does not hide from her fans what sacrifices she makes for the sake of beauty. The other day she posted a photo that shows that the artist's face is bandaged with an elastic bandage. “You didn’t guess, it wasn’t the dentist who tried! This is a battle for beauty ”(hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - note .. It turns out that the singer has done facial contouring. This cosmetic procedure in the form of injections tightens the skin and removes wrinkles.

Unfortunately, bruises remained after such injections. But the always smiling blonde, because of such nonsense, was not upset, but rather laughed. In turn, the fans wrote the artist a lot of compliments, and also decided that she looks great even without such procedures.

And as if to confirm the words of her fans, the singer published several photos from the rest, including in a bathing suit. Subscribers just howled with delight, the artist looks so gorgeous in the pictures. "Doll!!! Where do you get rejuvenating apples??? wow! freaking beauty! you are in great shape, keep it up! Just a girl! Keep it up! Super figure! Goddess! Statuette! The figure is stunning!!!" (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved, - note ..

Natalie (singer)

Natalie (real name - Natalya Anatolyevna Rudina, nee - Minyaeva). She was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region. Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer, songwriter.

Natalya Minyaeva, who became widely known under the stage name Natalie, was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

Father - Anatoly Nikolaevich Minyaev, Deputy Chief Power Engineer of the Dzerzhinsky Plexiglas chemical plant.

Mother - Lyudmila Pavlovna Minyaeva, laboratory assistant at the workshop of the Monomer plant.

Has a younger brother and twin sister - Anton and Olesya (born in 1978).

According to Natalia, she grew up as a “hyper-obedient child”, never argued with her parents, and at the same time was very serious: “Mom told me: they play with me, laugh, and I look at me with such a heavy, serious look, not a shadow of a smile on my face.”

She studied at secondary school number 37.

From an early age, she had a good musical ear and voice. She graduated from music school in piano.

In 1990, she became a soloist of the school vocal and instrumental ensemble "Chocolate Bar", where she was brought by her younger brother Anton, who at the age of 12 was already the drummer of this group. In May 1990 she participated in the ensemble in the city rock festival.

In the same 1990, she was noticed by employees of the Lenfilm film studio, who were filming the film My City in Dzerzhinsk, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the city, played one of the main roles - the schoolgirl Natasha.

Natalie in the movie "My City"

In the summer of 1990, she recorded her first compositions at a local recording studio, incl. and songs of his own composition. Then, even before graduation, she released two magnetic albums called "Superboy" and "Pop Galaxy".

In 1991, she joined the more famous group "Pop Galaxy".

In 1991 she graduated from high school and entered the Pedagogical College of Dzerzhinsk. After graduating from college, she worked as a teacher in the junior classes of secondary school No. 22 in Dzerzhinsk. In parallel, she continued to write songs, performed them with colleagues, students and their parents.

In 1993, she came to Moscow and a year later, under the pseudonym Natalie, she released her first album, The Little Mermaid, in which she performed as a performer and author of almost all the songs.

In 1995, the single "Pink Dawn" appeared. In 1996, the second album "Snow Rose" was released, which was sold in large numbers. In the same year, her first video clip for the song "Snow Rose" was released.

Widespread popularity came to the singer in 1997 thanks to the song "The Wind Blowed from the Sea" (an album of the same name was also released). According to the results of 1997, the composition entered the top five most popular and became the hallmark of the singer. The album "Wind from the Sea" was released in 1998 in a record edition.

Natalie - The wind blew from the sea

In 1999, the album "Counting" was released. Video clips were filmed for three songs from the album, including the title track. The album, among other things, included a rehash of Arkady Khoralov's song "New Year's Toys", performed in a duet with the composer himself.

In September 2000, Natalie released the album First Love. In the same year, the singer had a new hit - the song "Turtle". In 2002, she released a new album, "Don't Fall in Love", in 2003, a video for the song "The Sea of ​​the Color of Jeans" was released.

In 2008, she took part in the Russian team at the Superstar 2008 show. In 2009, she released the album "Seventeen Moments of Love", and also wrote several songs for her brother Anton, who performed under the pseudonym Max Volga. In 2011, in the Musical Ring on NTV program, she played for the Queen of the 90s team.

In 2013, Natalie released the song “Oh God, what a man!”, Recorded in November 2012. The composition was on the first line of the Golden Gramophone of Russian Radio for more than 8 weeks. On February 6, 2013, the official video clip was released, which immediately gained immense popularity.

Natalie - Oh my God, what a man!

In 2013, Natalie was awarded the Russian Music Award of the RU TV channel in the "Sometimes They Come Back" nomination. At the Fashion People Awards-2013 she was awarded a prize in the special nomination "Return of the Year".

At the end of 2013, the author's composition "Nikolai" appeared, performed by the singer in a duet with Nikolai Baskov, a video was released for the song. On May 31, 2014, at the fourth music award of the RU TV channel, Natalie, along with was awarded the nomination "Best Video Clip" with the song "Nikolai".

In 2014, the singer took part in the TV show “Just Like It” on Channel One, where, according to the results of the jury voting, in 6 episodes out of 14 she scored the maximum possible number of points (25) for the images of the following artists: Marina Ladynina in the image of Galina Peresvetova from the film "Kuban Cossacks" with the song "What were you"; Masha Rasputina with the song "Tea Rose"; Kristina Orbakaite with the song "The World I Live in"; Sergei Zverev with the song "Alla"; Lyudmila Senchina with the song "Cinderella"; CC Ketch singing "Heaven and Hell".

In addition, in the show “Just Like It” she presented the following images: Lyubov Orlova in the image of Anyuta from the movie “Merry Fellows” with the song “Tyukh-tyukh-tyukh-tyukh”; Nadezhda Kadysheva with the song "A Stream Flows"; Valeria with the song "Watch"; Valentina Tolkunova with the song "I'm standing at a half-station"; Tatyana Bulanova with the song "Don't Cry"; Olga Zarubina with the song "Music plays on the ship"; Alena Apina with the song "Electric Train"; Alsu with the song "Sometimes".

It is worth noting that in the image of Natalie herself in 2015, the participants in the third season of the show, Elena Temnikova and Anna Shulgina, performed.

March 31, 2014 Natalie released a video called "Scheherazade". Also in 2014, the album "Scheherazade" was released, which became an anniversary - the singer released it in honor of her 40th birthday.

In 2014, she took part in the television show "HIT", in the final of which she won with the song "Come with me for the stars" (words and music by Alisa Bushueva).

She voiced the main role in the animated film "Inside Out" (the role of Joy).

In 2015, she was a co-host of the talk show “People Will Judge” on the Russia-1 TV channel.

The growth of the singer Natalie: 165 centimeters.

Personal life of the singer Natalie:

Married. Spouse - Alexander Rudin.

How, while still a teenager, she strove to get married quickly and build a strong family: "From the age of 13, I was looking for a husband. I was friends with the boys in this direction."

Her future husband approached her along with a teacher from a music school with an offer to record a song in the studio. The singer appreciated the extraordinary and pleasant gesture on the part of the young man. “I look: he didn’t seem to have any such ambiguous views on me. I immediately appreciated that he was not a womanizer. Moreover, he didn’t invite me anywhere. He just went to see me home. , and it became more and more interesting for me to communicate with him, "the performer shared. At the same time, Natalie admitted that she had conducted a kind of test to her lover, telling Alexander that she had a young man with whom she wanted to be. And her future husband let her go without scandals. After that, she, of course, returned to Alexander. Soon, the young people decided to legalize the relationship when the artist was still a minor, so her mother got a certificate that Natasha was pregnant, after which their marriage was formalized.

The children were not easy for the singer - in total she lost four babies. She became pregnant for the first time at the age of 17. However, she had a miscarriage. Soon the girl managed to get pregnant again, but they also lost this child. Moreover, the singer developed mastopathy, she even had a puncture. A few years later, Natalie again tried to know the joy of motherhood, but for the third time she could not bear the baby, she was diagnosed with fetal fading.

And Natalie gave birth to her first child at the age of 27. According to her, Natalie begged her son - she stood in line at the relics of St. Panteleimon. The first-born Arseny was born in 2001.

Nine years later, in 2010, she gave birth to her second son, Anatoly.

She really wanted to give birth to a girl. Soon after the birth of her second son, the singer found out that she was in an interesting position. However, constant stress, according to Natalie, led to the fact that she had another missed pregnancy. The star took the news very hard. The artist had to urgently go to an abortion, otherwise she was threatened with blood poisoning.

Natalie with older children

The singer carefully monitors her appearance. She said that: "After giving birth, I corrected my breast shape, and so far this is the only plastic on my body."

According to the artist, a big belly gave her special discomfort. “I redid everything that I didn’t like! For example, my stomach, as for Indian dance, left when I got to the chiropractor. She “corrected” my insides through the navel in a special way so that the stomach “grown” to the back " , she said.

In her youth, she really did not like her lips, as she believes, too thin. “I even rejoiced when herpes appeared, because due to his lips increased. Over time, of course, I solved this problem differently,” she said.

“I regularly do Botox. If it weren’t for him, I would have a stern face. And after the procedure, such a cute expression appears ... Usually, if you are tired, a wrinkle appears between the eyebrows. But Botox does not allow this wrinkle to form. Or are you not having fun - and the tips of the lips are still raised, as if in a smile," the performer confessed.

Natalie - Million Dollar Secret

Filmography of Natalie:

1990 - My city - Natasha, a schoolgirl

Discography of Natalie:

in the Pop Galaxy group:

1990 - Superboy
1991 - Star rain


1994 - The Little Mermaid
1996 - Snow Rose
1998 - Wind from the sea
1999 - Counting
2000 - First love
2002 - Don't fall in love
2004 - All I need
2009 - Seventeen Moments of Love
2014 - Scheherazade
2016 - Oh, God, what a man!

Singles by Natalie:

1995 - "Pink Dawn"
1996 - "Snow Rose"

1997 - "The wind blew from the sea"
1998 - Clouds

1999 - "Counting"
1999 - "New Year's Toys" (duet with Arkady Khoralov)
2000 - Turtle
2000 - "First Love"
2001 - "Often-often"
2002 - "Sweetie"
2002 - "The World Without You"
2003 - "Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe color of jeans"
2003 - "All I need"
2004 - "That's How"

2009 - "Do not take away my happiness, wind"
2012 - “Oh God, what a man!”

2013 - "New Year" (Version 2013)
2014 - "Scheherazade"
2014 - "Dress on the straps"
2014 - "Come with me for the stars"

2015 - Volodya
2016 - "Ask Prigogine"
2017 - "I only have you"

Video clips of Natalie:

1996 - "Snow Rose"
1996 - "A Star Called the Sun"
1997 - "The wind blew from the sea"
1998 - Clouds
1999 - “I couldn’t stand it, I didn’t fall in love”
1999 - "Counting"
2000 - Turtle
2000 - "First Love"
2001 - "Often-often"
2002 - "Sweetie"
2002 - "The World Without You"
2003 - "Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe color of jeans"
2003 - "All I need"
2004 - "That's How"
2006 - "The wind blew from the sea" (Remake 2006)
2013 - “Oh God, what a man!”
2013 - "Nikolai" (duet with Nikolai Baskov)
2014 - "Scheherazade"
2014 - "Dress on the straps"
2014 - "New Year" (Version 2013)
2015 - "You are so" (duet with MC Doni)
2015 - Volodya

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