Plan-summary of the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Synopsis of the role-playing game in the middle group "Zoo". Synopsis of the role-playing game "zoo" in the middle group


middle group #6 "Rainbow" Educator: Sargsyan A.Kh.


to provide children with interest in the role-playing game, to help create a playful environment.

Educational task:

  • contribute to the expansion of knowledge about animals, their appearance, characterize them from memory
  • help children learn a new profession "veterinarian"
  • to form in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game using building floor material, to act with it in a variety of ways.

Development task:

  • develop speech, enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation
  • to consolidate the knowledge of children about the names of the cubs of different animal mothers.

Educational task:

  • fostering a good attitude towards animals, love for them, care for them
  • cultivate friendships in the game.

Preliminary work:

  • Animal talks using zoo illustrations
  • reviewing the album "wild animals"
  • guessing and guessing riddles about animals
  • reading fiction about animals
  • the image of animals with stencils, in fine arts (sculpting, drawing, application)


  • telephone
  • construction material (large, small)
  • constructor "lego"
  • set of animals
  • truck with cage
  • white doctor coat
  • thermometer
  • phonendoscope
  • first aid kit
  • cash register
  • cards with the image of a circle, a red spot
  • armband for controller
  • tickets - halves of a didactic game "whose mother"

Split pictures (fruits vegetables)

Vocabulary work:

  • veterinary hospital, elephant - baby elephant
  • veterinarian, tiger - tiger cub
  • mini zoo, lion cub
  • cashier, bear - teddy bear
  • controller, giraffe - giraffe
  • aviary, zebra - foal

hippo - hippo,

monkey - monkey

Methodical methods:

  • surprise moment
  • problematic - game situation
  • conversation
  • poems
  • stories
  • riddles
  • did - aya; development games

Didactic game:

  • "Find Mom"

Educational game:

  • "Collect a picture"

Working with parents:

  • in your free time visit the zoo with your child
  • watching cartoons at home
  • reading series encyclopedias "Animal world"

Method. literature:

  • Smolentseva A.A. "Story - didactic game with mathematical content"
  • Vinogradova N.A., Pozdnyakova N.V. "Story-role-playing games for older preschoolers"
  • Shalaev. G., "Encyclopedia for children" .
  • Collection about wildlife life "Your funny animal friends" .

Example game actions:

  1. part: organizational part;
  2. part: problem situation;
  3. part: veterinary clinic;
  4. part: meeting animals;
  5. part: animal inspection (veterinarian);
  6. part: riddles about animals;
  7. part: buying tickets (cashier);
  8. part: ticket check (controller);
  9. part: talking about animals (guide);
  10. part: treat for animals;
  11. part: summary.

Lesson progress:

1 part: (Organizing time).

“Thai, thai, fly in,
Play an interesting game
We accept everyone and do not offend
And who will be late -
Flying into the sky."

2 part: (problem situation).

(The game begins with the construction of the zoo, the children with the teacher are sitting on the carpet, the teacher's phone rings, answers the call).

Yes, this is kindergarten.

Are 8 animals coming to us?

OK! We will meet all animals (puts down phone).

Did you guys hear? Animals are coming to us.

How much does it travel? (8)

I wonder where we will settle them with you, where will they live with us? (responsible children, at the zoo).

I suggest you make a mini-zoo, which one does it mean? (little).

Who has been to the zoo? (responsible children).

Tell me, what is a zoo? (responsible children).

ZOO - a zoological park, a place where you can see different animals. They were brought from different countries.

Who takes care of the animals at the zoo? (human).

What else does he do? (guards, guards).

What can we make a zoo out of? (from large building material).

And so that the animals do not run away, what do we need to do? (aviaries).

And we will build enclosures (from constructor "lego" ) .

And how many enclosures need to be made (8) .

Why? (because 8 animals).

3 part: (veterinary clinic).

The zoo also has an animal hospital.

It is called - (veterinary).

Works there - (doctor for animals - veterinarian).

4th part: (animal meeting).

A very beautiful zoo. Large and spacious.

The zoo is ready, but there are no animals yet (a truck pulls in and brings in animals).

Let's see what animals came to us? (children list).

How can you call them in one word? (wild animals).

5th part: (examination of animals "veterinarian" ) .

But before we settle the animals in enclosures, they must be examined by a veterinarian. (the teacher appoints a child veterinarian, he examines and listens to each animal).

Well (v-l addresses the child - the veterinarian) all animals are healthy (Yes).

Then we will settle all the animals in your spacious, beautiful enclosures. But now I will make riddles for you, and whoever guesses, he will take exactly the animal whom he guesses. And populate him in his aviary (in-l guesses riddles about animals).

6th part: (riddles about animals).

Jumping briskly through the trees,
Everyone is fooled at the zoo
They only see flaws in others
And their name is... (monkeys).

Huge, gray, with a good disposition,
Walks majestically through the jungle
And with a long nose, like a hand,
He can lift you and me


A carcass emerges from the water.
Oh, and hard on land!
Belly hanging to the ground
This is thick... (hippo)

Eat grass and drink water


There is a mane, but no hooves,
And he does not neigh, but growls.

(a lion)

Long neck and long legs
The animal walks in alarm,
Pinch the leaves.
Visible to the enemy
He is afraid of being caught by a tiger and a lion


*everyone says
That I look like dad -
So clumsy
Such a clubfoot

But only dad
Looks like me -
the same fish hunter,
like me.

(Brown bear).

Sharp teeth, he has no time for games,
Striped and menacing


7th part: (buying tickets "cashier" ) ;

The zoo was built, the animals were settled. Do you want to go to the zoo, on a tour? (Yes).

But what did you need to buy in order to get there? (tickets).

And where can they be purchased? (at the register).

Who will sell them to you? (cashier).

And we will have cashiers today (v-l appoints a child), but she will sell you a ticket only if you correctly name everything that you know (in-l shows signs) round, red. (apple, tomato, ball, hoop, watermelon, beads, candy, ball).

8 part: (ticket check "controller" ) ;

But we still need a controller in order to check whether you have found a match for yourself correctly. (in-l appoints, he checks the child of the controller).

Well, everyone bought the tickets, and the controller checked that all the halves of the tickets matched. Now you can go to the zoo.

9 part: (talk about animals "excursion" ) ;

Yegor, who lives in your enclosure? (tiger).

Tell about it (answer children using the app).

Let's continue our journey through the zoo. Let's go visit Xlon.

Who will tell us about it?

10 part: (treat for animals);

And our animals are hungry, we need to feed them.

What do animals like to eat? (responsible children).

I suggest you come to the table and prepare a treat from split pictures.

11 part: (total).

Did you enjoy the zoo game?

What animals piqued your interest?

What animal would you like to meet in the forest?

Do you think wild animals need our help like pets?

Why can't you have wild animals in your apartment?


TIGER - Gently walks along the paths,
Looks like a big cat
flexible, mustachioed,
The coat is striped.

Even though he looks like a cat
You will not approach him.
There is great strength in the paws -
Can take down a bull

With this beast there is no time for games,
The tiger is very dangerous.

The giraffe is the tallest animal on Earth. Its color is light yellow with black spots. The location and size of the spots are not repeated. They feed on plants, branches and leaves of trees. The neck of a giraffe is long and flexible, it has two horns on its head, and a short brown mane grows on its neck. If he wants to drink water from the ground, he needs to spread his legs wide apart to reach it. The coloring of the hide makes it virtually invisible when it eats in the shade of trees. He has keen eyesight and keen hearing. When attacked, a giraffe kicks with its hind legs or uses its head as a sledgehammer. Even a lion, when hunting a giraffe, is careful, always approaching him from behind! A female giraffe gives birth to 1 calf with small horns. Giraffes live about 15 - 25 years.

The elephant is one of the largest animals. Elephants have excellent hearing. And in the heat, they use their ears as fans. Elephants have good eyesight, long eyelashes protect the eyes of the animal from dust. Long tusks are nothing more than very large teeth that continue to grow throughout life. Elephants use them to dig up roots. Elephants eat grass, tree bark, shoots, leaves, roots, fruits. Elephants need a trunk to drink water from the river, tear leaves from tall trees and put them in their mouths, lift and carry heavy logs, pour water on themselves, and spank a naughty baby elephant. Legs are strong and thick. The skin is wrinkled, in folds. An elephant gives birth to 1 cub, which weighs 120 kg.

Orangutan - translated means "Forest man" . They have long hair. They love fruits, honey, tree bark, mushrooms, insects, small animals. The arms are very long - twice as long as the legs. Animals move by swinging and jumping on tree branches. Orangutans walk on the ground, leaning on their feet and knuckles. With their feet, they can clasp the branches of trees.

Lion - A lion makes a roar or growl. He sleeps during the day and hunts at night. Lions mainly feed on zebras, gazelles, and antelopes. Sometimes they attack giraffes, but never touch elephants, rhinos, hippos.

Zebra - This is a graceful, playful striped horse. She has an excellent memory and good eyesight. Each zebra has a unique pattern of black and white stripes, similar to human fingerprints. The pattern of stripes in zebras never repeats. Foals on this basis find their mothers. In fact, a zebra is black with white stripes, and not vice versa, as some believe. They live in herds. It feeds mainly on grasses and sedges. Zebra brings 1 foal.

Behemoth is "water horse" . He can walk along the bottom and collect succulent aquatic plants, which he willingly feeds on. Hippos usually feed at night and rest during the day. Under water, it can be 8-9 minutes.

Brown bear -

Bears mostly live in the taiga,
And earlier there were more of them in the forests,
For winters - they lie in dens,
And bears spend the whole winter in dreams.

Bears are large, surprisingly dexterous,
And the bear can stand up for itself,
If the bear becomes in combat readiness,
Hardly anyone can run away from him.

Bears are omnivores, they eat what they find.
After all, they need to work up fat for the winter,
Roots and berries - everything goes to food,
In winter, so as not to sleep hungry.

Role-playing game in the senior group "Zoo"
Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge about the zoo and its inhabitants.
1. Form game skills, engage in role-playing interaction with each other.
2. Develop coherent speech in children.
3. To consolidate the meaning of words in children: zoo, veterinarian, veterinary clinic, aviary, cashier.
Preliminary work.
Talk to children about the zoo.
Looking at pictures of animals.
Acquaintance with wild animals.
Role-playing game "Veterinary Clinic"
Memorizing poems about animals.
Learning games and physical minutes about animals.
Reading "Where the sparrow dined."
Game progress:
Children sit on the rug with the teacher. The teacher's phone rings, he answers the call:
Yes, this is kindergarten. Are there 5 animals coming to us? Okay, we'll meet them. Guys, you heard that animals are coming to us. I wonder where are we going to put them all? Where will they live with us? (in zoo)
-What is a zoo? (This is a zoological park. A place where you can see different animals. They are brought from different countries so that anyone can look at them if they want.)
-I propose to build a mini-zoo, which means small. How can you fence off the territory of the zoo? (large building material.) The teacher, together with the children, fences off the territory of the zoo and puts the inscription "Zoo".
-And so that the animals do not run away, what do we need to do? (aviaries). What will we make them from? (from small building material). How many enclosures will we make? -5. The teacher puts 5 rugs, the children fence them off with building material.
Okay, you've made the enclosures. What else is there in the zoo? (veterinary clinic) What is it? (animal hospital). What is it for? (examine animals so that they are all healthy, prescribe vitamins to animals, monitor their proper nutrition, treat if they get sick.
-Who works in a veterinary clinic? (Veterinarian). Who do you think will best cope with the role of a veterinarian? (He puts on a dressing gown for the child, puts the inscription "veterinarian" and offers to equip the workplace. The teacher puts up prohibitory signs at the zoo.
-And who else works at the zoo? (caretaker) He makes sure that all animals have food and water, keeps order. Janitor (he keeps the zoo clean). Cashier (sells tickets)
(Children go to their jobs.)
-Guys, guess which animals will be brought to our zoo:
- Red-haired cheat,
sly head
Red coat - beauty,
And her name is fox.
small, white
Jump-jump through the woods
On the snow poke-poke!
The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
And in winter under a blizzard howl
Sleeping in a snow hut.
He loves to eat bananas.
It's definitely a monkey.
A relative of the domestic cat.
This animal is not timid.
Ussuri predator roams
Along the taiga path.
Children guess riddles, and as they guess, they place pictures with their image on each aviary
Well done children, you guessed which animals will be brought to us (Call) And here they are. Animal car is coming. But before resettling them in enclosures, who should inspect them and why?
Help the caretaker deliver the animals for inspection and settle them in the enclosures.
-Guys, do you want to go to the zoo for a tour? What do you need to do to get there? (buy tickets). And where can I buy them? (Cash desk)
Ticket selling
Excursion: Guys, what are these signs in the zoo?
(Prohibition signs. Children explain their meaning)
Children come to 1 enclosure.
1.Vos-l: Who lives in this enclosure? Tell us what you know about this animal, its appearance, what it eats, where it lives? Its habits. And Daniel will tell a poem about a fox:
You didn't see in the forest
Bright red fox?
This red bastard
He hides his trace very cleverly
That will pass along the branches,
It will turn back.
Don't unravel this trail
There is no end, no edge.
2. Tell us about this animal. And Misha will tell about the hare: The noise of the forest swept
Under the bush, the scythe quieted down,
Ears long pressed
The echo went on for a long time.
-Guys, let's play the game "Fun in the Forest."
Hares got up early in the morning (jumping)
Have fun playing in the forest
On the track, jump, jump, jump
Who is not used to charging? (walking in place)
Here is a fox walking through the forest
Who is jumping there, I wonder? (Sipping - hands forward)
To answer a question
The fox is pulling its nose.
But hares jump fast
How could it be otherwise? (jumping in place)
Workouts help
And the hares run away. (running in place)
3. Tell us about the bear. And Dasha will tell a poem:
Bear with a furry paw
Slowly tearing raspberries
Walks, looking for a clubfoot
Sweet and fragrant honey.
4. A story about a tiger. Elina will tell a verse:
Tigers live in the forests
Skin with black stripes
He has big paws
Claws can scratch.
Though sometimes growls a little.
He's still a big cat.
5. A story about a monkey. Rita will tell a poem:
Through trees and vines
Monkey loves to jump
Tail is her best friend
Together with him, she has 5 arms.
Vos-l: Let's play a game: The deer has a big house.
After the game, Vos-l says: after all, our animals are hungry. I offer to help the caretaker feed them.

Attached files

Technological map of the role-playing game


Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the representatives of the zoo, to form playing skills, to engage in role-playing interaction with each other;

Tasks: To form in children a respectful attitude towards the work of adults;
To develop in children a creative attitude to the game, the ability to use substitute objects;
Learn to work together;
Cultivate a culture of communication, friendly relations.

Educational area: social - communicative development, cognitive development.

Material: children's chairs with animal emblems
For the zoo: animal masks, prohibition signs in the zoo, equipment for the game "Veterinarian", cash desk, tickets.

preliminary work: Zoo conversations,
- outdoor games
- view presentations about animals from different countries.
- finger and speech games about animals
- Riddles about animals
- reading works by V. Chaplina, G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianchio animals,
- productive activity (drawing, modeling, coloring of representatives of the animal world).


The activities of the educator

Children activities

Organization of children

Methods and techniques

Motivational - problematic

Guys, look what I brought you! This morning I went to kindergarten and saw a beautiful poster on the gate. Who knows what a poster is?

Where do you think we are invited?

Tell me which one of you was at the zoo?

Who knows what a zoo is?

Tell me, who works at the zoo?

Does anyone know who a tour guide is?

What is a veterinarian?

Guys, look, whose footprints are these?

Let's follow them and see where they lead!

Guys, where did the tracks lead us?

Right! And now I suggest you play the game "Zoo". But first we need to distribute the roles among ourselves.

- A poster is an announcement about a performance, a concert.

We are invited to the zoo.

I, I, I, I, I

A zoo is a place where animals are shown to visitors.

Director, cashier, cleaning workers, tour guide, cook, veterinarian.

A guide is a person who tells interesting stories about paintings and animals.

A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals.

To the zoo

Located near the teacher

Following in the footsteps of animals

Conversation prompting questions


Who will be the director?

Tour guide? Chef? Veterinarian? Cashier?

Cleaning workers?

Guys, to get to the zoo, we need invitation cards.

Where can we purchase them?

Who sells tickets?


Educator: tell me, please, what does a hedgehog eat?
Guide: the hedgehog eats fruits, mushrooms, and sometimes a snake can become its prey. Educator: I think I can hear the car humming.
Driver: hello, this is a zoo.
Director: zoo!
Driver: accept animals.

Director: we need to call the veterinarian to examine the animals.
Veterinarian: So let's check the throat and nose.
Director: Tell me, doctor, are all the animals healthy?

Veterinarian: Everybody!
Director: then I suggest putting them in cages.
Guide: it's time for lunch.

Guys, our animals are tired and they need to rest. Let's visit them next time. Look, someone's footprints have appeared again!

Hello, come in, now I will tell you about our animals.
The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth. They feed on the leaves of trees. The neck of a giraffe is long and flexible, it has horns on its head, and a short mane grows on its neck.
Monkeys - love fruits, honey, mushrooms. The arms are very long - twice as long as the legs. Animals move by swinging and jumping on tree branches.
Lion is the king of the animals. Emits a roar or growl. He sleeps during the day and hunts at night. Lions eat almost everything that moves. Sometimes, forgetting at the waterfall, he can become the prey of huge crocodiles.
The elephant is one of the largest animals. Elephants need a trunk to drink water from the river, tear leaves from tall trees and put them in their mouths, lift and carry heavy logs, pour water on themselves.

Assign roles

Listen to the tour guide

The name of the veterinarian

Following in the footsteps of animals


Showing the way to do things

Outcome of the game

Let's see where they take us this time.

Guys, look, chest?

Marmalade! This is from the residents of the zoo. They say thank you very much for visiting us.

And we did not notice how we ended up in kindergarten. Our journey has come to an end.

Thanks to all!


Yes, what is there?

Looking for a chest

Located near the teacher

Suggestive questions

Municipal preschool educational institution

« Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 19 "Firefly"

Plot - role-playing game "OUR ZOO", aimed at expanding the ideas of preschoolers about wild animals; acquaintance with animals listed in the Red Book.

Completed by: Antonova N.V.

educator of higher

Purpose: to educate children in the role-playing game, to help children create a playful environment.

Program tasks:


Continue to expand children's knowledge about animals, their appearance;

characterize them;

Introduce children to a new profession - a veterinarian;

To form in children the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game, using a floor builder (small and large), a Lego constructor, and to act with it in a variety of ways.


Develop children's speech, enrich vocabulary, consolidate sound pronunciation;

To consolidate children's knowledge of how cubs are called in different animals;

Train memory and attention.


Develop friendly relationships in the process of playing between children;

Raise a good attitude towards animals, love for them and care for them.

Integration of educational areas: Communication, Cognition, Socialization.

Vocabulary work: veterinarian, veterinary hospital, mini-zoo, aviary, cashier, controller, elephant-elephant, bear-bear, giraffe - giraffe, hippopotamus - hippo, zebra - foal, monkey - monkey, lion - lion cub, etc.

Individual work:

Monitor the speech of children;

Provide assistance in answering questions.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction about animals;

Stories about visiting the zoo;

Showing films and cartoons;

Mobile and creative games;

Conversations about animals;

Finger games;

The use of physical education minutes about animals in other classes;

Reviewing the albums "Wild Animals", "" Animals of Africa";

Guessing and guessing riddles about animals;

Reading encyclopedias from the "Animal World" series.

Equipment: floor builder (small and large), Lego set, telephone, trucks with cages, animal sets, substitute toys, white coat for the veterinarian, thermometer, phonendoscope, first aid kit, cash register, armband for the controller, ticket cards from didactic game "Whose mother".

Methodological techniques: organizational moment, problem-game situation, conversation, building a zoo, children's stories, riddles, didactic game.

  1. Organizing time.

Didactic game "Who lives in the house?". Children sit on chairs in a semicircle in front of the blackboard. The teacher places 2-3 houses with windows on the board and invites the children to help the animals settle in these houses. In the first house you need to settle animals whose name begins with the sound K (cat, cow, kangaroo, crocodile), and in the second house animals whose name begins with the sound L (fox, horse, elk) will live.

(There may be many options).

2. Problematic - game situation.

A balloon flies into the group, and an envelope is tied to the thread.

Educator: - Guys, look what it is? (the envelope is not signed). Some strange envelope, nothing is written on it.

Let's open the envelope and see what's in there. (The teacher opens the envelope, and the envelope contains split pictures and a letter).

There are split pictures in the envelope, let's collect them now, and find out from whom the letter is. (Children collect pictures, the sign "Zoo" is shown in the general picture).

Everything is clear, so the letter was sent to us from the zoo. Now we can read it.

(The teacher reads the letter).

“Hello dear guys! A mini-zoo will stop at your kindergarten. Are you ready to meet our animals?

There are eight in total. See you then." (Zoo director).

Guys, did you hear? Animals are coming to us! How much? (eight). Where are we going to put them? Where will they live? I suggest you build a zoo.

  1. Conversation.

Educator: - I suggest you build a mini-zoo. What does that mean? (little).

Children, which one of you was at the zoo? Tell me, what is a zoo?

The zoological park is a place where you can see wild animals that are not found in our country. They were brought from different countries.

Who takes care of the animals at the zoo? (zoo workers).

What can we build a zoo from? (from builder)

And so that the animals do not run away, what do we need to do? (build enclosures).

What will we build enclosures from? (from Lego). How many enclosures do we need to build? (eight).

Why exactly so many? (8 animals).

  1. Zoo construction.

The zoo has an animal hospital. It's called a veterinary clinic. There is a doctor for animals - a veterinarian.

Let's distribute who will build enclosures, who will build a hospital. We are building a zoo. Who are we now? (builders). We should also not forget that animals from hot countries can also get to us. For them, warm houses should be built in enclosures (from a small builder).

(The work of children. Depending on what kind of animals you will inhabit, you can build a "pond" for waterfowl, a "corral" for horses, you can arrange an aquarium for fish, a monkey house, etc.)

Our zoo turned out to be very beautiful, large, spacious. The zoo is already ready, but there are still no animals.

5. Animal meeting.

The signal of the car sounds and a truck drives into the group, in the back of which there are cages with animals.

Let's see what animals came to us? (children list).

What are all these animals? (wild animals).

  1. Examination of animals by a veterinarian.

Before we settle the animals in enclosures, they must be examined by a veterinarian. (A child is selected - a veterinarian. He puts on a bathrobe, examines and checks all the animals in turn).

And while the veterinarian examines the animals, let's think about who else works at the zoo? (the director who manages the zoo workers; the workers who care for the animals, feed them, clean the cages and the animals themselves; the cashier who sells tickets to visitors; the controller who checks tickets and lets visitors into the zoo). Children, do you think a security guard is needed at the zoo?

7. Riddles about animals.

Educator: - Are all our animals healthy? Then we will settle the animals in your spacious beautiful enclosures. Each of you will take into your enclosure exactly the animal about which he will guess the riddle.

He is not an elephant, not a lion, not a bird,

He lives in the river all year,

Crocodile is not afraid

He is known as a thick barrel (behemoth).

Matches are carried in bags

Yes, important things.

And she her children

Carries in a bag that is with her (kangaroo).

He is not a deer and not a bull,

Used to living in hot countries

Unfriendly, quick-tempered, strict,

It has one horn (rhinoceros).

Strong, brave and playful

He walks with a shaggy mane.

But hide in holes as soon as possible -

He is a very formidable of the beasts (lion).

He's probably ugly

Instead of a nose - a fire hose,

Ears like fanned,

As tall as a tower, he waved (elephant).

He's tall and spotty

With a very long neck

And he eats leaves

High from the trees (giraffe).

All the guys know this acrobat,

Performing at the circus

Banana loves (monkey).

What a miracle! That's such a miracle!

Dish on top, dish on bottom

The head sticks out and the legs.

Who swims in the dish, lives?

Who nibbles grass, drinks water? (turtle)

  1. Buying tickets.

Educator: - The zoo was built, the animals were settled. Do you want to go to the zoo for a tour?

What do you need to buy to visit the zoo? (Tickets) Where can I buy them? (At the box office) Who sells tickets? (Cashier)

Who wants to be a cashier? But the cashier will sell you a ticket only if you correctly name one of the pets.

(Children receive cards - tickets).

  1. Checking tickets by the controller.

Educator: - Now we need to choose a controller who will check your tickets and let you into the zoo.

  1. A conversation about animals is the work of a guide.

And who will talk about animals? There is such a profession - a guide, this is a person who conducts excursions. He knows a lot about animals, and he can talk about all of them in a very interesting way. Let's take it in turns to try to take on the role of a tour guide.

(During the game, discuss with the children the rules of behavior in a public place).

Zhenya, who lives in your enclosure? (elephant) Tell us about him.

We continue our journey through the zoo. Let's visit the tiger. Who will tell us about it? (Information on volume should be small. See appendix).

  1. Making treats for animals.

Educator: - Children, I hear some kind of sound, similar to a trumpet signal. It is the elephant's trumpet, for it is time for dinner. Our animals are hungry, we need to feed them. What do animals like to eat? (children's answers)

I propose to come to the table on which there are: natural material, plasticine, colored paper, waste material and prepare food for our animals.

(Previously unclaimed children in the game act as workers and feed the animals.)

(The teacher reminds about safety precautions when feeding animals).

  1. Summary of the game.

How do you think? Do wild animals need our help and protection? Why can't you have wild animals in your apartment?

What animals did you like the most? Why?


N.F. Gubanova "Development of gaming activity" Publishing house MOZAIKA-SINTEZ Moscow 2010

A.S. Galanov "Games that heal" for children from 5 to 7 years Pedagogical Society of Russia Moscow 2005

S.N. Nikolaev, I.A. Komarov "Story games in the environmental education of preschoolers" Moscow - 2003

Site for adults and children "MAAAM.RU"

Site "Kindergarten".

G.S. Shvaiko "Games and game exercises for the development of speech"


Giraffe- the tallest animal on Earth. Its coloration is light yellow with black spots. The location and size of the spots is not repeated. It feeds on plants, branches and leaves of trees. The neck of a giraffe is long and flexible, it has two horns on its head, and a short brown mane grows on its neck. If he wants to drink water from the ground, he needs to spread his legs wide apart to reach her. The coloring of the hide makes it virtually invisible when it eats in the shade of trees. He has keen eyesight and keen hearing. When attacked, a giraffe kicks with its hind legs or uses its head as a sledgehammer. Even a lion, when hunting a giraffe, is careful, always approaching him from behind! A female giraffe gives birth to one calf with small horns. Giraffes live about 15 - 25 years.

Elephant- one of the largest animals. Elephants have excellent hearing. And in the heat, they use their ears as fans. Elephants have good eyesight, long eyelashes protect the eyes of the animal from dust. Long tusks are nothing but very large teeth that continue to grow throughout life. Elephants use them to dig up roots. Elephants eat grass, tree bark, shoots, leaves, roots, fruits. Elephants need a trunk to drink water from the river, tear leaves from tall trees and put them in their mouths, lift and carry heavy logs, pour water on themselves, and spank a naughty baby elephant. The legs of an elephant are powerful and thick. The skin is wrinkled, in folds. An elephant gives birth to 1 cub, which weighs 120 kg.

a lion- the lion makes a roar or growl. He sleeps during the day and hunts at night. Lions mainly feed on zebras, gazelles, and antelopes. Sometimes they attack giraffes, but never touch elephants, rhinos, hippos.

Hippopotamus is a water horse. He can walk along the bottom and collect succulent aquatic plants, which he willingly feeds on. Hippos usually feed at night and rest during the day. Under water, it can be 8 - 9 minutes.

Rhinoceros- a large representative of the family of artiodactyls. The main habitats of which are Africa and Asia. A characteristic feature of all types of rhinoceroses is the presence of a horn on the nose; in some species of these animals, not one horn, but two. Rhinoceroses have a dense build and thick legs, the skin of rhinoceros, gathered in folds, is very thick and has a gray or light brown color. Rhinos have poor eyesight, which is compensated by a good sense of smell and exceptional hearing. For most of the daylight hours, rhinoceroses sleep, becoming active only at dusk, when they go out in search of food, which is served by grass, tree foliage and young shoots.

Turtles- are the real contemporaries of dinosaurs, who were able to survive to our time, and practically without changing their appearance. Turtles live in water bodies and on the ground, in tropical areas with a temperate climate. The size of the shell starts from 26 cm to 69 cm. The largest of the representatives of the turtles is considered to be the sea turtle. Turtles have a highly developed sense of smell. They can smell not only through the nasal cavity, but also through the mouth. If they begin to sniff, they breathe very strongly and often. The turtle family has color vision. The life span of a turtle depends on the species, and ranges from 90 to 210 years.

Kangaroo- body length 1.5 m, tail 90 cm. Kangaroo males are a quarter larger than females. Ears are large and mobile. The hind limbs are long and powerful. The tail is long, powerful, thick at the base. The fur on the back is orange-gray, on the belly is light. One baby is born. 2 months kangaroo is in the mother's bag. In December, young kangaroos separate from their mother and form a new flock. Kangaroos live in Australia. Fleeing, it is able to jump in length up to 9 meters.

Monkey- in translation means "forest man". They love fruits, honey, tree bark, mushrooms, insects. The arms are very long - twice as long as the legs. Animals move by swinging and jumping on tree branches. They walk on the ground, leaning on their feet and knuckles. Feet can wrap around tree branches.

Purpose: To generalize and systematize children's ideas about animals in our country and other countries; to cultivate a culture of behavior, cognitive interest in objects of nature, to develop in children memory, logical thinking, imagination. Activate the dictionary (veterinarian, guide, poster).


1. Educational:

To contribute to the expansion of knowledge about animals, about their appearance, to characterize them from memory;

Help children learn new professions: "Veterinarian", "Tour guide";

To stimulate the creative activity of children in the game, to form the ability to develop the plot of the game using building floor material;

2. Developing:

To develop the speech of children, to fix sound pronunciation.

Enrich vocabulary.

Train memory, attention.

3. Educational

To form friendly, good relationships between children during the game,

Raise a good attitude towards animals, love for them and care for them.

Preliminary work: reading books of fiction on environmental topics (A.N. Ryzhova) watching DVDs.

Conversations about animals using illustrations about the zoo,

Looking at the album "Wild Animals"

Guessing and guessing riddles about animals,

Reading fiction about animals.

Image of animals stencils,

coloring pictures of animals,

Children sit on chairs that stand in a semicircle. The teacher brings in a large musical poster "Zoo".

Educator: - Guys, look what I brought you! This morning I went to kindergarten and saw a beautiful poster on the gate. Who knows what a poster is? (children's answers).

A poster is an announcement about a performance, concert, lecture, etc., posted in a conspicuous place.

- Let's take a closer look.

Children stand around the table and look at the musical poster "Zoo".

Educator: - What do you think, where are we invited? (Answers of children).

That's right, we are invited to the zoo! Tell me which one of you was at the zoo? (Answers of children).

Who knows what a zoo is? (Answers of children).

The zoo, as everyone knows, is a place where animals living on earth today are kept and demonstrated to visitors.

Tell me, who works at the zoo? (Answers of children).

Answer: director, cashier, cleaning workers, tour guide, cook, veterinarian.

Educator: - Who knows who the guide is? (Answers of children).

A tour guide is a person who tells interesting stories about paintings, animals, and other things.

What is a veterinarian? (Answers of children).

That's right, a veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals.

Guys, look, whose footprints are these?

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the traces of animals laid out on the floor.

Educator: - Let's go along them and see where they lead!

The teacher with the children line up one after another and, to the music from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, “The Beast in the Footsteps of Such”, follow the tracks of the animals in the group and stop in front of the sign “Zoo”.

Educator: - Guys, where did the traces lead us? (Children's answers: to the zoo).

Who lives in the zoo? (Answers of children).

Right! And now I suggest you play the game "Zoo"

Children distribute roles and choose attributes for the game. Everyone takes their jobs.

Educator: - Guys, to get to the zoo, we need invitation cards. Where can we purchase them? (Children's answers: at the box office).

That's right, at the box office. Tickets are sold by the cashier.

Children and the teacher go to the ticket office, get tickets and go to the zoo.

Suddenly there is a phone call from the director (child) in the office:

Hello! Hello! Yes, this is a zoo. Yes, of course, bring it! (Hangs up the phone and says that now 10 animals will be brought to us, but there are no cages for them. They urgently need to be built).

Educator: - Guys, let's build enclosures for animals. Who knows what an aviary is? (Answers of children).

Aviary is plot, fenced area (with canopy or open) where animals are located.

What will we build enclosures from? (children's answers: from a large building material).

Yes, we will build them from large building material. And now I propose to play the game "Who will build the best animal enclosure"

Children, under the guidance of a teacher and to cheerful music, build enclosures from large building materials.

Educator: - Well done! Everyone did it! The cages are ready!

The car horn sounds. A child as a driver delivers a truck with animals.

Educator: - Guys, let's see what animals they brought. Guess the riddles and they will get out of the car.

The teacher makes riddles about each animal. Children are interested in guessing them.

Educator: - Tell me, what kind of animals are domestic or wild? (Children's answers: wild) .

Educator: - And now I propose to show our animals to the veterinarian.

A veterinarian (child) examines animals: appearance, measures temperature, etc.

Educator: - Tell me, doctor, are all the animals healthy? (Answer: yes).

Then I propose to place our animals (toys) in enclosures.

Guys, name the animals that are in our zoo. (Children's answers: bear, elephant, tiger, lion, kangaroo, giraffe, hares, fox, wolf, monkey).

Who sleeps in winter? (Children answer: bear).

Where does he sleep? (Answer: in a den).

What does he like to eat? (Answer: berries, honey).

Look who is it? (Answer: giraffe).

That's right, it's a giraffe. The tallest animal on earth. The pattern of spots on his skin never repeats. Giraffe eats branches, leaves of trees.

Educator: - Guys, which of you can tell about any animal?

Children optionally talk about the animal they have chosen. The teacher completes the children's answers.

Educator: - So it's time for lunch.

The cook (child) brings food to each animal.

The teacher tells the children that it is very dangerous to come close to the cages with animals, you can’t feed them cookies, sweets, stretch out your hands to them, don’t make noise in the zoo.

Educator: - A photographer works in our zoo. If you want to take a picture near the animals, come to the photographer.

A child comes out with a camera and starts taking pictures of children.

Educator: - Guys, our animals are tired and they need to rest. Let's visit them next time.

Look, someone's footprints have appeared again!

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the footprints lying on the carpet.

Educator: - Let's see where they will lead us this time.

The teacher, together with the children, one after another, follow the tracks to the music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" "The Beast in the footsteps of such a" and approach the chest.

Educator: - Guys, look, what kind of chest is this?

The teacher opens the chest, which contains cookies in the form of animals.

Educator: - What treats are there! This is from the residents of the zoo. They say thank you very much for visiting us.

The teacher distributes cookies to the children.

Educator: - We did not notice how we ended up in kindergarten. Our journey has come to an end. All of you are great!

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