Payment for the invasion of the world of the dead: the tragic deaths of magicians from the "Battle of the Psychics". Nadezhda Kurganskaya Professional activities of a psychic


The show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT has always been very popular and gained high ratings in comparison with other programs. This is quite understandable by the audience's mania to look beyond the unknown world, where the dead speak to the living, objects move by themselves, the causes of mysterious deaths and events are unraveled. For 18 seasons, dozens of psychics took part in the filming. Some of them turned out to be charlatans, others showed real miracles: they saw through the walls, guessed where the hidden object was, negotiated with evil spirits.

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Many reality show participants become celebrities. “Battle of Psychics” on TNT is no exception. Fans of the program are interested in how the further life of the clairvoyants participating in it developed. The tragic “Battle of psychics” after the project - in the editorial material.

One of the brightest participants in the seventh season of the “Battle of psychics” and “Psychics are investigating” shocked fans of the TV show. The clairvoyant died on June 13, 2017, after falling out of the window of her own house on Enthusiast Highway.

If you believe the official verdict, Novoselova drank alcoholic beverages with her boyfriend, after which a quarrel broke out between them. The girl climbed onto the window, threatening the guy with suicide, but lost her balance and fell. However, fans of the “Battle of Psychics” star have doubts about this version.

A participant in the 10th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Konstantin Yampolsky died on January 16, 2018. The cause was acute coronary insufficiency. Information about the death of the black magician appeared on the official page of the faculty of the Voronezh Institute of Arts.

Yampolsky died at the age of 33. Fans discussed the situation online. Some wrote that the magician was a wonderful person, others claimed that he himself ruined his habit of drinking.

The sorcerer Alexei Fad, the finalist of the 3rd season of the TV show, died unexpectedly of a heart attack on the day of his 50th birthday. Fans of the project and the magician himself could not believe that Fad's death was due to natural causes. Many of them are sure that the unexpected heart attack of one of the favorites to win the “Battle of Psychics” is directly related to his line of work.

No less talk was caused by the mysterious death of a participant in the 9th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Yuri Isparyants. The cause of the magician's death was a cerebral hemorrhage. It is curious that earlier Isparyants did not complain about his state of health and felt great.

Fans of the TV show are sure that the psychic died at the hands of evil spirits, because his further life after the project was closely connected with exorcism.

The death of Nadezhda Titova, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, is shrouded in secrets and omissions. The healer died in early 2013, and there is no information about the causes of her death in open sources. The tragedy of this story is added by the fact that Titova left several sons and daughters. Fans are still wondering why one of the best healers in Russia passed away.

Attitude towards psychics can be anything, but the fact that they spend a lot of effort and energy is an indisputable fact. Of course, this is a matter for professionals, not charlatans. Among the recognizable faces that can help a person and solve problems, there is an excellent healer Nadezhda Titova-Kurganskaya.

She is the psychic who "passes" through herself the pain, suffering and problems of those who applied. Her indifference to every visitor leads to a difficult morale, but a woman cannot refuse a request. Another fact that convinces that Hope is a powerful magician is education, higher and professional. The healer graduated from a higher medical school, successfully defended her work in graduate school. But still, Titova-Kurganskaya decided to devote herself to healing with folk methods.

Incredible talent allows the clairvoyant to make accurate diagnoses, get rid of serious diseases on which doctors have already put a fat cross. With her herbs, infusions, Nadezhda encourages the human body to work in harmony and balance. In her work, she often refers to the ancient conspiracies of healers, reads prayers.

Hope for the "Battle of Psychics"

While participating in the TV show, Nadezhda went through difficult tasks "excellently". But it is worth considering that casting and tests involving the strongest magicians are two big differences. She was among the 10 powerful healers and clairvoyants, she profiles herself as a healer.

Nadezhda helped the film crew solve difficult problems, find a person, recognize who is hiding behind a mask. As a result, by the decision of the jury, she became the owner of the 7th place. But her ability to heal and help people was highly appreciated.

After the reality show, Titova-Kurganskaya is doing her favorite thing - helping people. The woman recommends to her clients to be treated with herbal infusions, to drink as many decoctions based on medicinal plants as possible. With her magic hands, she relieves tension, salt deposits, makes the body work like a “clock”.

Professional activity of a psychic

The Titova-Kurganskaya technique allows you to get rid of toxins, toxic deposits, normalizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation, and metabolism. It can also restore the functioning of the brain, raise the lowered organs, under the influence of Titova-Kurganskaya, neoplasms and growths resolve. Best of all, the healer copes with diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal systems, respiratory organs, and the nervous system. After visiting Nadezhda, patients forget about joint pain.

In the spiritual realm, a psychic can help harmonize family relationships, help resolve business issues, remove damage and curses. Nadezhda Titova-Kurganskaya does not consider herself an unusual person. Everything she owns is a gift from God, and she is sure that God and Nature heal patients. In everyday life, the healer is not pretentious, does not seek wealth and fame. Accepts everyone who needs her services.

The popular TV show "The Battle of Psychics" is being released on the TNT channel, in which people demonstrate their talents. The show balances on the verge of mysticism and realism, and although the presenters do not tire of warning that it is not worth paying psychics for an appointment, the audience believes in otherworldly forces and reveals all its secrets to the participants. For example, the 3rd season of the show was remembered by a whole bunch of extraordinary participants and a large number of mystical coincidences. It seemed that everything was not going according to plan. Even the finalists were not three, but four. This list also includes Alexei Fad. Some time later, the man passed away. What is the cause of death of Alexei Fad?

There's a "Battle"

Of course, the show lives off the ratings, and therefore the producers cannot categorically state that there are many charlatans among psychics. But it is encouraging that the results of each test are summed up. Relentless statistics suggest that in the entire history of the show there was no participant who perfectly passed all the tests. Therefore, the viewer must choose for himself whether to believe what he sees or remain a skeptic. The rules of the show are simple. It all starts with the qualifying round, when each applicant is given the task - to feel a person in the trunk of a car, and the car is in a huge garage among hundreds of its iron "brothers". Everyone has their own search method and the results are also different. Sometimes the facilitators may question the result achieved and offer to repeat the search. Next, another test task is proposed, for example, to feel the energy of an object behind a screen.

Based on the results, 16 participants of the "Battles" season are selected. Then the real tests begin, during which the participants will have to deal not only with invented riddles, but with mysterious criminal cases, disappearances of real people and natural puns. Now it is easy to see which of the participants was lucky in the selection, and who really has the ability.

Season 3

The third season of "Battle" was interesting due to the intensity of passions and a large number of violations of the rules. There were four finalists in the final - two men and two women. The strong half of humanity occupied the upper steps of the pedestal. The Iranian clairvoyant 34-year-old dentist Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa received the victory and the symbolic "blue hand". He says that he is also a healer and received a gift from his great-grandfather. But the second place was awarded by the audience to the pagan sorcerer Alexei Fad. The third step went to the Kazakh clairvoyant and healer Sulu Iskander. The top four was closed by Victoria Zheleznova, who received a gift from the Scandinavian magicians. She intensively developed her powers in America, communicating with magicians and sorcerers known in their field.

In addition to the clear favorites, there were many strong personalities this season. For example, the gypsy Vadim Selin could look into the past and see it in a set of pictures. But Adelina Karaeva showed herself as a search engine. She was able to help many in the search for the group of Sergei Bodrov Jr. By the way, Karaeva is also a media personality. She lit up on the project "Dom-2".

The best healer in Russia - Nadezhda Titova-Kurganskaya - proved to be an interesting person, but her gift seemed too narrow-minded, and therefore she did not reach the final. Unfortunately for many spectators, Olga Aleksandrova, who knew how to control equipment and inspire people with her desires, also left the race.

basic information

It will be about the finalist of the season Alexei Fade. He was born in Zaporozhye, in June 1959. He called himself a hereditary sorcerer from an ancient family, leading its branch from 1564. The gift in their family is transmitted only through the male line. It is quite logical that the son of Alexei Roman also decided to come to the show to show his strength.

Fad received his gift from his great-grandfather at the age of 5. But his grandfather was shot in 1933, accused of witchcraft. It turns out that the boy had to grow up early and take on such responsibility as the gift of clairvoyance. Alexei did not have a higher education, but he left behind a son and a daughter. He lived for a long time in Cheboksary, where he sometimes used his powers to help in love, business, or illness.

Fad followed the show for a long time, but he didn’t go to auditions himself, he felt that there would be an invitation. And so it happened. In 2007, it became clear that Aleksey Fad was a finalist in the Battle of Psychics-3.

Path on the project

How did Aleksey Fad prove himself? The biography of this person is not overshadowed by negativity. The media does not mix his name with anything impartial. On the "Battle" he plunged into a kind of trance with the help of his rosary, staff, African tambourines and amulets. After the show, Fad and his family moved to Moscow, where he opened an office. Alexei was called "Slavic" and "Zaporozhian sorcerer", giving a reference to the time when such people were needed in the Zaporozhian army. Developing, Fad switched to African-Caribbean Voodoo magic and learned many secret rituals, but declared that he would not dare to use them for personal benefit. The man only developed every year, but, having reached the age of 50, he died. What is the cause of death of Alexei Fad?


The audience really liked the sedate and reasonable Fad, and therefore the tragedy of his family was so close. They say that the cause of death of Alexei Fada is a sudden heart attack that happened on his own birthday, which he and his family celebrated in Turkey, at the Marmaris Hotel. The man was taken to the clinic, but they were late. After his death, like a house of cards, a friendly family began to crumble. The son of Roma began conflicts with his grandmother. It turned out that the relatives could not share the abandoned apartment, which was inherited by the children, mother and wife. In the same period, Fada's father was dying hard and money was needed. After the sale of her share in the apartment, the elderly woman was left with nothing, for which she blames her grandson. And Roman Fad prefers not to meet his grandmother and develops a business in the magical field.

Thinking out loud

The cause of Alexei Fada's death may not be as simple as it seems. Even during his lifetime, the magician noticed that his rejection of himself was punished by the universe. As a boy, he did not want to delve into human problems, solve them, but he could not resist his essence. The first experience of magical orientation was the reduction of a bruise from the leg of a young nurse. Then the guy felt his strength and began to develop it. Until the age of 33, Fad kept his talent in check. The universe "threatened", and in 1980 the man was overtaken by clinical death. After 12 years - the second. The reason for the death of Alexei Fada could be that he spent that period being carried away by the stock exchange. The money from this was excellent, but the consequences could be disastrous.

His words

What did Alexei himself say about his gift? He recited spells from memory and always thanked the spirits for help. He considered himself a border guard guarding two worlds, and he looked for the cause of all diseases in karma. He called himself an example of the latter statement. So, he saw problems with the sciatic nerve as a consequence of fear for today. Similar health problems occurred during the period of perestroika, and the stress was obvious. As soon as Fad realized for himself the ephemeral nature of his worries, the pain disappeared. Since then, the magician has led an absolutely healthy lifestyle, did not drink alcohol and avoided stressful conditions. He did not offer his strength, although he did not refuse to help people. But he refused to help the special services in memory of the fact that they shot his grandfather.

From personal

If we talk about what Alexei Fad was like, his personal life will give comprehensive answers. He was a good family man, loved his loved ones, paid them a lot of attention, despite his constant employment. He gave the gift to his son at the age of 18, but even before that he told him a lot about magic. More than once, Fad entered universities, but he was bored there and never received a diploma. According to the traditions of the family, Fad could not marry a woman with a gift. And he did not want to transfer his strength to his daughter Alina. Alina trained as a psychologist and works in her specialty. So Aleksey Fad left promising offspring. The cause of his death (according to official data) is a heart attack, and there were no prerequisites for such a death, since Fad was in excellent health and did not suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Many fans of the magician were dissatisfied with such a simple explanation of his death. There were doubts about whether Aleksei Fad had died by his own death. The cause of death began to seem mystical, especially since it happened on the anniversary of the sorcerer. There are suspicions of involvement in the death of a man Rudolf Zagainov, a sports psychiatrist, whom Alexei Fad publicly called the killer.

Life after...

Alexei Fad and Nadezhda Titova passed away. The cause of death of both is banal, but their earthly affairs, quite likely, are not over yet. At least that's what their mutual friend Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa thinks so. Not so long ago, he stated that it was his deceased friends who convinced him to return to the Psychics Investigate project in order to help people for whom magic is the last hope.

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