Floating NPP Akademik Lomonosov Russia: photo and video. Floating nuclear power plants in the far north

Pl-vu-tea nuclear thermal power plant Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov - the head project of a series of mobile trans-ports white energy-go-blocks of low power.

The energy-go-installation of the FNPP has a maximum electric power of more than 70 MW and includes 2 reactor installations KLT-40S.

JSC OKBM Af-ri-kan-tov is the main constructor, from-to-vi-te-lem and complete supply com-ro-to-va-tion of these re-ac-tor-installations-no-wok with a thermal power of 150 MW each - re-ac-to-ditch, IM CPS, on- co-owls, ob-ru-do-va-niya ob-ra-sche-tion with top-li-vom, auxiliary-mo-ha-tel-no-go ob-ru-do-va-nia, etc.

Floating energy-go-block, pre-la-ha-e-my for energy-go-providing large industrial enterprises, port-cities, complexes for the extraction and re-re-boot-ke of oil and gas on the shelf of the seas was created on the basis of serial energy-ge-ti-che- atomic le-do-ko-lov, tested during their long-term operation in the Ark-ti- ke.

You-full-n-in-sti-tu-ta-mi and pre-pri-i-ti-i-mi GK Ro-sa-tom research-to-va-tion and project-projects -work-bot-ki for-ka-for-whether the possibility of creating a building on the basis of ship-to-vy re-ak-to-ditch energy-go-and- sewage of a new class for commercial-production of electricity, desalinated water, industrial-mice-len-no-go and - that-in-th heat - floating atomic energy-blocks with a power of 3.5 to 70 mega-watts (el.) and more.

A floating energy-go-block (PEB) is an auto-nom-energy-ge-ti-che-sky object, someone is building at a ship-to-build-and-tel-plant as a non-propelled ship and then buk-si-ru-et-by sea or river way to the place of its ex-pl-a-ta- tions.

For-kaz-chi-ku in-be-la-et-sya full-stu in-stro-en-ny, is-py-tan-ny and go-to-to work energy-ge-ti- a che-sky object with residential in-me-sche-ni-i-mi and a complete in-fra-struct-tu-roy, provides-pe-chi-va-yu-schey pro-zhi-va-nie ex-pl -a-ta-qi-on-no-go per-so-na-la and tech-no-che-service of the object itself, that is, re-a-li -zu-et-sya tech-no-logia turnkey delivery.

According to the project, the FNPP consists of a smooth-to-pa-lub-no-go ship with two re-ac-tor-us install-new-ka-mi KLT-40S of the le-do-kol-no-th type, raz-ra-bo-tan-ny-mi "OKBM Af-ri-kan-tov. The vessel is 144 meters long and 30 meters wide.

In-to-from-me-shche-nie - 21.5 thousand tons.
A floating-woo-tea station can be used for generating electric and thermal energy, as well as for depressing sea ​​water.

It can produce from 40 to 240 thousand tons of fresh water per day.
The installed new electric power of each re-ac-to-ra is 35 MW, the thermal power is 140 Gcal / h.

The term of the ex-plu-a-ta-tion of the station so-sta-vit mi-ni-mum is 36 years: 3 cycles of 12 years, between some-ry-mi necessary-ho-di-mo implements - to re-load the active zones of the re-actor installations.

Re-ac-to-ra FNPP building in the pre-pri-i-tia workshop

The construction of the FPU in the factory conditions of the vi-y pos-in-la-et max-si-small-but-reduce the terms and cost-and-bridge of co-equipment station-tion, providing one-but-time-men-but the highest requirements for quality.

Is-key-cha-yut-sya to-ro-go-one-hundred-i-shche construction work at the site of the location of the FNPP. If necessary, ho-di-mo-sti PEB can be re-ba-zi-ro-van from one platform to another.

Floating energy-go-blocks in the best way with-s-poss-le-us for work in hard-to-foot-rai-o-nah on the be -re-gum of the seas or large rivers, remote from the systems of centers-tra-li-zo-van-no-go energy supply.

In Russia, these are, first of all, the regions of the Far North and the Far East, some of which are not covered by a single energy system -my and need-yes-yut-sya in reliable and eco-but-mi-che-ski pri-em-le-my sources of energy.

Here, already at the present time, there is an acute need for several decades of heat-lo-electric power stations of low power for stimu-li-ro-va-niya development of eco-no-mi-che-active activity and provision of modern conditions viy life of places-but-go on-se-le-niya.

The typical villages of the North have from hundreds to several thousand people.

The need for such a village in electric energy composes, respectively, from a few units to several ten cov MW. Ana-logic-we are industrial-mice-len-nye-needs-of-tire-of-ore-ores and mining-o-ha-ti-tel-nyh-com-bi-on-tov .

For export to the coastal regions of countries and regions with a dry climate, once-ra-bo-tan vari-ant atom-but -th energy-go-oppress-ni-tel-no-go-complex-sa (PAEOK), some-ry pro-from-in-dit not only electricity, but also ka- high-quality drinking water from sea water.

In conjunction with such a complex - PEB and a floating water-before-pre-pressing complex, in some rum it can be used either the technology of reverse osmosis (RO), or many ).

In-te-res to such complexes are manifested by many countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, experiencing an acute shortage of fresh water.

Top-li-va, with-me-nya-e-mo-go in the installations of the pla-woo-th-energy-go-blo-ka, do not pre-you- sha-et of the pre-del-no-level, established by the IAEA to comply with the regime of non-pro-non-country nuclear weapons.

This allows-to-la-et to use atomic floating-woo-chie energy-go-and-stove-no-ki within the framework of inter-na-rod-no-go for-ko -but-yes-tel-stva, including in the times-vi-va-yu-shchih-sya countries.

The work of the station in the coastal regions of the world-ro-in-the-ocean raises the question of their stability to ex-tre-small natural influences -actions, such as tsunamis, tornadoes, etc. JSC "OKBM Af-ri-kan-tov" is dis-la-ga-et with a complex of technologies for the production of nuclear power plants -new-ki in such a way that it you-hold-g-wa-la any given level of di-na-mi-che-sky on-groups in the project zok. This is confirmed-zhde-but practical: re-actor-installations of atom-no-under-water-no-go krei-se-ra "Kursk", co-created -nye sp-tsi-a-li-hundred-mi OKBM, not only did you-keep a powerful explosion, but also auto-something-nom-but provide-ne-chi-whether the conclusion is re-ak-to- ra from work, keeping him in a safe state of being. Even the long-term pre-by-va-nie times-ru-shen-no-go-ko-slave-la under water did not lead to the output of radio-ac-tiv-no -sti in the environment.

Barriers to protect floating nuclear power plants, preventing the release of radio-activities into the environment

Floating tea nuclear power station - however, like any other - in accordance with modern standards of safety from-initially-but projects -ti-ru-et-sya with “for-pa-so-strength-no-sti”, pre-you-sha-yu-schim pre-del-but possible in this place-no-sti on- cargoes, such as a tsunami wave hitting a station, a collision with another ship or with a be-re-go-y co-weapon as a result such a blow.

Speaking about the safety of floating nuclear power plants, it is important to note that hundreds of ships and military ships with atomic energy ski-mi install-nov-ka-mi, ex-pl-a-ti-ru-ut-sya in the co-hundred fleets of Russia, the United States, China, We-li-ko- Bri-ta-nii, France.

Atomic ice-to-co-ly, rocket-cray-se-ra, aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are based in ports, often -ko on-ho-dy-shchih-sya near large cities (for example, in the city of Mur-man-sk).

Repair of the station and re-loading the top-li-va will be you-full-taking in the conditions of the existing in our country special-qi-a-li -zi-ro-van-nyh pre-principles of tech-no-lo-gi-che-go-service of atomic ships, races-on-la-ha- yu-shchy need-ho-di-my ob-ru-do-va-ni-em and qua-li-fi-qi-ro-van-nym per-so-on-scrap.

After 40 years of operation, the energy-go-block will be replaced by a new one, while the old one will return to special-a-li-zi-ro-van-noe tech-no -lo-gi-che-pre-pri-i-tie for uti-li-za-tion.

Both in the process and after the completion of the operation of the floating APEC, there is no eco-lo- gi-che-ski of hazardous substances and ma-te-ri-a-lov (principle of "ze-le-noy lu-zhay-ki").

Na-cha-lis is-py-ta-niya pla-woo-whose nuclear power plant "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov"

Sub-pi-san order to start the moorings first in the world of pla-vu-che-go energy-ge-ti-che-th block (PEB) "Aka-de-mic Lo-mo-no-owls". According to the schedule of the construction of the PEB, the is-p-ta-niya will begin on July 1, 2016.
Pro-ve-de-niye of moorings-ty-ny-is-py-ta-ny on the order - this is the most important stage of construction, determining the beginning of its fi- nal stage. Mooring-those tests-ta-ta-niya will pass according to a special technical-but-lo-gi-che-scheme and will be co-me-shche-us with pre-stroy-ech-ny-mi-ra- bo-ta-mi in-me-sche-no-yah pe-re-gru-zoch-no-go complex-sa, app-para-rat-nyh and ma-shin-nyh from-de-le -ny, which requires from the plant you-so-or-ga-ni-zo-van-no-sti and higher safety measures.

Is-py-ta-niya will go on-after-to-va-tel-but, so as not to-put-to-put together building-and-tel-stva and is-py -ta-ny in the same rai-o-nah and in-me-shche-no-yah stro-I-shche-go-Xia PEB. The planned deadline for the completion of the moorings of the tests is October 30, 2017.

After that, the FNPP "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" will already leave the plant as a new facility, someone will be delivered along the North Sea way to the place of work and connected to the be-re-go-howl in-fra-structure-to-re, co-wi-m-e-mine in the port of Pevek. The readiness of the energy-go-block to the trans-port-ti-ditch should be reached by the end of 2017. In September 2019, Ros-energy go-atom "plan-ni-ru-et to get-to-drink to install energy-go-blo-ka to a regular place, and in the fall of 2019 - start testing FNPP and put it into operation.

FNPP "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" (Photo: Ros-energy-go-atom)

PEB project 20870 "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" is a non-propelled vessel with two nuclear reactors -ka-mi "KLT-40" on board, pre-designated for providing electricity and heat for labor-but-to-foot objects -ek-tov in the northern seas, as well as for desalination of sea water. According to the voice of those-ha-rak-te-ri-sti-kam, PEB is able to-so-ben in the no-mi-nal mode you-da-vat in the be-re-go-networks up to 70 MW of electricity and 300 MW of thermal energy, which is up to a hundred precisely to support the life of the city with on-se-le-ni-em 200,000 people.

The term of ex-pl-a-ta-tion energy-go-blo-ka is forty years. At the same time, every three years it is necessary-ho-di-mo to co-ver-shat re-re-for-row-ku re-ak-to-ditch. The ex-pl-a-ti-ro-vat of the PEB will be a one-hundred-yan crew of a vessel of 69 people.

"Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" project-ta 20870 is intended to work in conjunction with a hundred-ve pla-wo-whose atomic heat-lo-electro-tro -stations (PATES). The station is equipped on the re-ac-tor-us-mi install-new-ka-mi KLT-40S, some ways you-ra-ba-you-vat up to 70 MW electricity and 50 Gcal / h of thermal energy in a no-mi-nal working mode.

Floating energy-go-block for-me-nit you-would-va-yu-shchie by 2019 at Chu-kot-ke ge-ne-ri-ru-yu-shche power-no-sti - Bi-li-bin-skuyu nuclear power plant and Cha -unskaya CHPP, which is important from the point of view of ga-ran-ti-ro-van-no-go and stay-chi-vo-go energy-go-obes-pe-che-re-gi-o-na.

Russian Fe-de-ra-tion - ab-co-lute world mo-no-po-list in the field of floating atomic electric stan-qi-yah, some-rye per-spec-tiv-but use in-coastal in-fra-structural-tour construction.

Composition of FNPP with KLT-40 type reactor plant

At the present time, the FNPP "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" (project 20870) is being built at the "Baltiy-sky plant". According to the plan, it should be commissioned in September 2016, but learning the "ex-pe-ri-men-tal-char-ter" of the first FNPP, window-cha-tel- the deadlines for its delivery and the budget remain "pla-va-yu-shi-mi". Despite the agreement with Balt-za-vo-dom on the commissioning of the FNPP in the fall of 2016, Ro-sa-to-me admits that on completion of construction and is-py-ta-niya po-ten-qi-al-but there is time until 2019. Expect that the floating energy-go-block in the spring of 2018 will be shipped from the Baltic plant in Mur-mansk to the site Ro-sa-tom-flo-ta, where in the fall there is a hundred-it-sya for a load of nuclei-but-th top-li-va in a re-ak-tor and a fi-zi-che-start-up of energy -go-blo-ka.

The very idea of ​​​​using atomic energy in transport installations is not new. Similar pro-eks-you-ra-ba-you-va-lissed in England, Germany and in the USA. But these countries, to the present-day-mo-men-tu, from-ka-za-li from the projects of floating nuclear power plants, counting their bes-per-spec- tiv-ny-mi.

For the first time, sailing re-ak-to-ry were used in the USA to provide energy for the Pan-nam-th channel (1966- 1976) and the American research base in An-tark-ti-ke (1962-1972). For example, the American floating tea station Sturgis (capacity 10 MW) since 1976 has been in a non-both co-sto- i-nii at a stop-yan-ke in the state of Vir-gi-nia, and recently from-buk-si-ro-wa-li in Gal-we-ston for uti-li-za-tion.

Recently, the Chinese corporation CGN (China General Nuclear Power Corporation) announced the official launch of the project whose stations with a re-ac-to-rum of low power ACPR50S.

Co-co-shielded by the pre-sta-ve-tel cor-ratio Huang Xiaofei in the city of She-n-chzh-e-n (Province of Gu-an-dong, South China), CGN za-key-chi-la agreement with cor-po-qi-it Dongfang Electric Corporation about the purchase of cor-pu-sa re-ak-to-ra under pressure-le- don't eat.

Chinese FNPP ACPR50S

The ACPR50S project is considered the most op-ti-small re-she-no-em-com-bi-no-ro-van-nyh heat, electric energy and fresh water for work on the development of marine resources, as well as for the supply of electricity and the provision of assistance with nik-no-ve-nii through-you-tea-nyh si-tu-a-tsy in the islands and coastal regions.

In the Soviet Union in the 80s, once-ra-ba-you-wa-whether the project of floating nuclear power plant "Vol-no-scrap 3" with reactor ABV-6 ( power 12 MW) for use on the MO field on Novaya Zemlya. However, work on the construction of this FNPP was terminated at the initial stage.

The first civil FNPP project in Russia appeared in the early 90s. In the course of the completion of the Order of the establishment of the Government of Russia dated June 9, 1992, No. 389 on ways to overcome the crisis of the top liv-no-go energy-ge-ti-che-sko-go complex of the Far East and East Siberia group of ex-perts Mi-na-to- ma in 1993, pre-lo-zhi-la use low-power nuclear power plants (100-180 MW) based on re-ak-to-ditch ship-do-outs and co-ra- white nuclear power plants. Commissioned by Mi-na-to-ma Russia in the period 1992-1994. a number of contests were held for the best project of a low-power nuclear power plant, or-ha-ni-zo-va-no JSC "Small energy-ge-ti-ka" . In the class of re-ac-tor-ing installations over 50 MW, the first place in the competition was awarded to the design of a nuclear power plant based on go-blo-ka with two re-ak-tor-us-mi installations of the KLT-40S type.

The active phase of the construction of the head-of-the-no-go-plan-of-the-go energy-go-block for the first Russian FNPP began in 2007 Ma-lai-zia, In-do-ne-zia, South Korea, Mo-zam-bik, Na-mi-biya, South Africa, India, Viet-nam pro-reveal big in-te-res to the project, and Ro-sa-tom plan-ni-ru-et re-da-vat FNPP on lease to these countries. As a prospective market, Ro-sa-tom races-smat-ri-va-et is also the country of South America.

State-ex-per-tee-for approving the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Russia

Glav-gos-ex-per-ti-for Russia raz-re-shi-la construction of the first floating nuclear power plant on Chu-kot-ke. It should become the northernmost nuclear power plant in the world
As reported by the press service of the Fe-de-ral-no-go auto-no-no-go institution "Main Department of State -noy ex-per-tee-zy ”(Glav-gos-ex-per-tee-za), the agency issued a lo-zhi-tel-noe for-key-che-nie on construction -tel-stvo of the pla-vu-whose atomic heat-and-electric power station (FNPP) "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" in the city of Pevek (Chu-kot-sky av -nom-ny district). It should become the northernmost nuclear station in the world.

In the co-community of the department of the decree-zy-va-et-sya that the project do-ku-men-ta-tion of the pla-vu-whose nuclear power plant is co-ot-rep- there is a need for tre-bo-va-ni-pits of those-no-che-re-gla-men-tov, and the estimated cost of the project is opre-de-le-na-do- one hundred percent.
As previously reported to the RIA Novosti agency, the representative of Ros-ener-go-ato-ma (for-no-ma-et-sya fi-nan- si-ro-va-ni-em pro-ek-ta) Sergey Za-vya-lov, the total cost-and-bridge of the project-ta is up to 30 billion rubles. About 22 billion rubles. composes a hundred-and-bridge of goals-no-go pla-woo-th-go-energy-go-blo-ka, still in a row 7 billion - for-spending-you on a be -re-go-th co-or-zh-niya.

FNPP "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" in accordance with the project should be put into operation by 2019. Its task will be to replace the power of the Bi-li-bin nuclear power plant. In accordance with the plans of the floating tea, the power station will become the main object of the life of the north. no-th district of Chu-kot-ki.
The power plant itself was built in the late 2000s on the territory of the Baltiysky Zavod JSC in St. Petersburg. The head-of-the-energy-go-block was launched into the water back in 2010.

At the beginning of 2017, the launch of a re-ak-to-ra at the station caused a cry-ti-ku from the side of eco-logs, including the organization "Green- pis Russia". Her pre-hundred-vi-te-decree-zy-va-li that nuclear hazardous work in St. Petersburg was banned back in the 1990s. In Ro-ste-x-over-zo-re, in response, they indicated that all work was carried out with strict co-blue-de-no-it obya-for -tel-nyh tre-bo-va-ny without-danger-no-sti.

In the state committee-by-ra-tion "Ro-sa-tom" they declare that the power plant is raz-ra-bo-ta-na with a big for-pa-so -no-sti, someone pre-you-sha-ems all possible threats and makes nuclear re-ak-to-ry invulnerable-vi-we-mi for tsunamis and other natures -nyh ka-ta-stanzas. The floating nuclear power plant is able to withstand a collision with another ship or a be-re-go-y-y-we-we-or-it. Inter-re-gi-o-nal-noe public eco-lo-gi-che-scoe movement "Oka" since 2012 has been conducting an independent mo-ni- to-ring of eco-lo-gi-che-sky, ra-di-a-qi-on-noy and nuclear-noy safety of construction of FNPP "Aka-de-mic Lo" -mo-no-owls". Another pro-ver-ka on-me-che-on for July 2017.

"Based on the basis of our research, we can conclude that when constructing a floating station, strictly observe - all the requirements of the Russian-si-ko-go-to-no-da-tel-stvo and international-native-native norms approved by the IAEA, - from- me-cha-et the chairman of the movement "Oka" Alan Khasiev. - Construction of atomic energy units of the Russian zai-on-half-of-stu-corresponds-to-reply-stu-et-tre-bo-va-ni-yam of Paris-go agreement on climate-mat, all inter- du-on-native norms".

The hundred-and-bridge of the first Russian FNPP is estimated at 21.5 million-li-ar-da rubles. And, according to the words of the pre-se-da-te-la council of the di-rek-to-ditch "In-zhi-ni-rin-go-howl company" 2K "Ivan An-d-ri-ev- Well, already now there is the possibility of building a more powerful, but cheaper station. you are to start a series. Uni-kal-tech-no-lo-gies, use-zu-e-mye in it, open new markets," he ot-metil.

The station will be equipped with two re-ac-tor-us-mi installs-new-ka-mi KLT-40S, some ways you-ra-ba-you-wat before 70 MW of electricity and 50 Gcal / h of thermal energy in a nominal operating mode, which is up to a hundred precisely for a sub-der- zh-niya life-not-de-I-tel-no-sti of the city with on-se-le-ni-em about 100 thousand people. The main con-structor-to-rum, from-to-to-vi-te-lem and to-be-schi-com RU is JSC OKBM Af-ri-kan-tov.

Concern "Ros-energy-go-atom" in accordance with the schedule of construction of be-re-go-out co-equipment ori-en -ti-ro-van for the period of putting the pla-woo-whose station into operation in 2019.

Plan-ni-ru-et-sya that by 2021 the FNPP will reach full capacity, replacing the Bi-li-bin nuclear power plant, you will lead someone by this date from ex-plu-a-ta-tion. "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sov" will become the world's most northerly nuclear station-qi-ey, located in the permafrost zone.

Teach-you-vaya that the PEB "Aka-de-mik Lo-mo-no-sovs" is-la-et-sya head-lov-nym, the beginning of its ex-pl-a-ta-tion pos-in- lit. to talk about the practical use of atomic energy to provide heat and energy from-da-len- nyh paradises-o-news and about re-fe-rent-no-sti for-lo-women-ny in it tech-no-lo-gy.

The accumulated experience of JSC OKBM "Af-ri-kan-tov" in terms of su-do-vy re-ak-to-ditch, pos-vo-la-et to create a re-ac- Torque installations for floating nuclear power units with a power of 3.5 to 70 MW (el.) and more.

Another dangerous project of Rosatom.

The idea is related to the deployment of floating nuclear power plants based on icebreaking reactors of the KLT-40S type in the Russian North and the Far East. Among the proposed sites: Vilyuchinsk (Kamchatka), Pevek (Chukotka), Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region).

Malaysia, Indonesia, South Korea, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, India, Vietnam have shown interest in the project, and Rosatom plans to lease floating NPPs to these countries. Rosatom considers Brazil, Uruguay, Chile as a promising market.

The very idea of ​​using atomic energy in transport facilities is not new. Similar projects were developed in Germany and in the USA. But these countries have by now abandoned the projects of floating nuclear power plants, considering them unpromising. Experts say that in the event of an accident with the release of radioactivity outside the ship, vast territories will be exposed to radioactive contamination. And experience in operating ship reactors and ships with reactor plants.

Moreover, natural hazards (earthquakes, tsunamis), maritime piracy and terrorism are added to the usual list of accident risk factors. In the event of the capture of the FNPP (HEU), they also get a chance for nuclear blackmail.

Possible contracts for the supply of floating NPPs abroad should take into account the requirements for the physical protection of nuclear facilities and control over the nonproliferation of nuclear materials. It is well known how difficult (if not impossible) it is to defend a large vessel from outside attack. The physical protection of the station will require the maintenance of a significant paramilitary guard, that is, the participation of the Russian naval forces. But even with this, it is practically impossible to ensure absolute protection of the station from the side of its underwater part from a torpedo attack or from underwater saboteurs, and on the surface - from a missile and bomb attack.

From an economic point of view, floating reactors are initially an extremely expensive way to generate electricity.

The only floating nuclear power unit in the world, Akademik Lomonosov, passed in tows on the Neva under the cable-stayed bridge of the Western High-Speed ​​Diameter and left the city. Thousands of residents of the northern capital came to see the transportation.

The "atomic battery" was built at the "Baltic Plant". There is no nuclear fuel at the power unit yet, it will be loaded in Murmansk, where the FNPP is being transported now. Hundreds of employees of the enterprise came to the long journey of "Academician Lomonosov". To get to the capital of the Arctic, FNPP will take 18-20 days.

FNPP looks unusual. This is a huge vessel, 110 meters long and 30 meters wide, the height of the side without a superstructure is 10 meters. In terms of size, the Akademik Lomonosov is not inferior to the Project 3310 nuclear icebreakers, which, by the way, are the largest nuclear icebreakers in the world.
At the pier, the station was held in special tugboats. But in order to carry out transportation, the station was attached to three other tugboats. Their task is to get the ship out of the city.

Preparations for towing took longer than expected. Which is not surprising: there is no experience in transporting such objects, this is the first floating nuclear power plant in the world. The start of towing was successful, the platform slowly moved away from the berth and headed towards the Gulf of Finland.

Approximately two weeks before the start of towing, they were subjected to mooring trials. With the help of tugboats, they were taken 13 meters from the shore and kept in a stationary position by means of the very engineering devices with which the Lomonosov would be rigidly moored to the hydraulic structures of the FNPP already at the work site in Pevek.

According to the press service of the Baltic Shipyard, the object was checked primarily for adaptation to the ebb and flow, in which special rods and hinges should provide vertical (about 2 meters) and horizontal (1.3 meters) amplitudes of movement of individual elements and the reliability of their fastening to ship part. The performance test also passed the hoses through which liquids will be supplied and removed inside the power unit and back.

In the course of the activities, a test of the transport entrance from the shore to the FPU premises was carried out. A special bridge was unfolded between the power unit and the shore, and trucks drove in and out of the technological gates of the power unit along it. About 50 people took part in the events. These are engineering and technical workers of the Baltic Shipyard, the captain's service of the enterprise, specialists of JSC "Era". Three tugboats and several cranes were involved.

The towing of the nuclear power plant will take place in two stages. First, the FNPP will be delivered to Murmansk, and in the spring of next year, after all the tests, it will be delivered to the Chukotka city of Pevek. Rosenergoatom expects that the station will be carried out along the Northern Sea Route in tows without the participation of icebreakers. It is planned that the plant will be able to replace the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant and the Chaunskaya CHPP. By the way, now in Pevek itself, coal is used to generate electricity, which is imported from Yakutia from the Zyryansk coal field.

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The Akademik Lomonosov FNPP project was based on KLT-40S ship reactor plants (capacity - 35 MW, the FNPP uses a two-unit unit with a capacity of 70 MW), which have extensive experience in successful operation on the Taimyr and Vaygach nuclear icebreakers and a lighter carrier "Sevmorput". The total electric power of the station will be 70 MW. The FNPP complex includes: FPU - the main (basic) element of the station; hydraulic structures (special pier-berth for the installation of a FPU); coastal infrastructure facilities designed to provide the technological cycle for the transmission of electrical and thermal energy from the FPU to the coastal networks, as well as performing auxiliary functions.

Only auxiliary facilities are being built at the placement site, which ensure the installation of a floating power unit and the transfer of heat and electricity to the shore. According to the project, fuel reloading will be carried out once every 7 years, for this the station will be towed to the manufacturing plant.

The Akademik Lomonosov floating nuclear thermal power plant is the flagship project for a series of low-capacity mobile transportable power units. The FNPP power plant has a maximum electric power of more than 70 MW and includes two KLT-40S reactor units. JSC Afrikantov OKBM is the chief designer, manufacturer and package supplier of equipment for these reactor plants with a thermal power of 150 MW each - reactors, CPS IMs, pumps, fuel handling equipment, auxiliary equipment, etc.

The floating power unit proposed for the power supply of large industrial enterprises, port cities, oil and gas production and processing complexes on the shelf of the seas was created on the basis of a serial power plant of nuclear icebreakers, tested during their long-term operation in the Arctic.

The studies and design studies carried out by the institutes and enterprises of the State Corporation Rosatom showed the possibility of creating a new class of energy sources based on ship reactors mastered in Russia for the commercial production of electricity, desalinated water, industrial and domestic heat - floating nuclear power units with a capacity of 3.5 to 70 megawatts ( e.) and more.

A floating power unit (FPU) is an autonomous power facility that is entirely created at a shipyard as a non-self-propelled vessel and then towed by sea or river to its place of operation. The customer is supplied with a fully constructed, tested and ready-to-work power facility with living quarters and a complete infrastructure that provides accommodation for operating personnel and maintenance of the facility itself, that is, a turnkey technology is being implemented.

The construction of a FPU in factory conditions makes it possible to minimize the time and cost of plant construction, while at the same time ensuring the highest quality requirements. Expensive construction work at the FNPP location is excluded. If necessary, the FPU can be relocated from one site to another.

Floating power units are best suited for operation in hard-to-reach areas along the coasts of seas or large rivers, remote from centralized power supply systems. In Russia, these are, first of all, the regions of the Far North and the Far East, which are not covered by a unified energy system and need reliable and economically acceptable energy sources. Here, there is already an urgent need for several dozen low-capacity thermal power plants to stimulate the development of economic activity and provide modern living conditions for the local population. Typical villages of the North have from hundreds to several thousand people. The needs of such a village in electricity range from several units to several tens of MW, respectively. The industrial needs of most mines and mining and processing plants are similar.

For export to the coastal regions of countries and regions with arid climate, a version of the nuclear power desalination complex (PAEOC) has been developed, which produces not only electricity, but also high-quality drinking water from sea water. Such a complex includes a FPU and a floating water desalination complex, which can use either reverse osmosis (RO) technology or multi-stage evaporation plants (MED). Many countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, which are experiencing an acute shortage of fresh water, are showing interest in such complexes.

The enrichment of the fuel used in the installations of the floating power unit does not exceed the limit set by the IAEA to comply with the nuclear nonproliferation regime. This allows the use of nuclear floating power sources within the framework of international legislation, including in developing countries.

The operation of the station in the coastal regions of the oceans raises the question of their resistance to extreme natural impacts, such as tsunamis, tornadoes, etc. JSC Afrikantov OKBM has a set of technologies for manufacturing a nuclear power plant in such a way that it can withstand any level of dynamic loads specified in the project. This has been confirmed by practice: the reactor plants of the Kursk nuclear submarine cruiser, created by OKBM specialists, not only withstood a powerful explosion, but also autonomously ensured the decommissioning of the reactor and keeping it in a safe condition. Even the long stay of the destroyed ship under water did not lead to the release of radioactivity into the environment.

A floating nuclear power plant, like any other, according to modern safety standards, is initially designed with a “margin of safety” that exceeds the maximum possible loads in a given area, such as a tsunami wave hitting the plant, a collision with another ship or with a coastal structure as a result of such an impact .

Speaking about the safety of floating nuclear power plants, it is important to note that hundreds of ships and warships with nuclear power plants are operated as part of the fleets of Russia, the United States, China, Great Britain, and France. Nuclear-powered icebreakers, missile cruisers, aircraft carriers, and nuclear-powered submarines are based in ports that are often located near large cities (for example, in Murmansk).

Repair of the station and reloading of fuel will be carried out in the conditions of the specialized enterprises for the technological maintenance of nuclear ships existing in our country, which have the necessary equipment and qualified personnel.

After 40 years of operation, the power unit will be replaced by a new one, while the old one is returned to a specialized technological enterprise for disposal. Both during and after the operation of the floating nuclear power plant, no environmentally hazardous substances and materials remain at the site of its operation (the "green lawn" principle).

"Akademik Lomonosov" will have a displacement of 21.5 thousand tons. The length of the vessel will be 144 m, width - 30 m. The crew will consist of 69 people. According to the project, the FNPP will be deprived of its own engines: it will be transported by a tugboat. The station will have two reactors. The power of each reactor is 35 MW, the thermal power is 140 gigacalories per hour. The station can also be used for water desalination. It is capable of producing up to 240 thousand cubic meters. m of fresh water per day.

According to official data from the project developers, such characteristics will allow one floating power plant to supply electricity and heat to a city with a population of up to 200,000 people.

The declared service life of one FNPP is 40 years. After this time, the ship with a nuclear power plant is planned to be towed to the appropriate enterprise to replace the power unit that has worked out its resource. It is planned to install a new unit in its place, after which the floating power plant can be returned to the old duty station or transferred to a new one.

In mid-August this year, it became known that the world's first floating power unit PEB-1 would be built not in Severodvinsk, but in St. Petersburg. The Government of the Russian Federation terminated the general contract with the Sevmash plant and concluded a new one with the Baltic Plant, respectively, and the project deadline was postponed from 2010 to 2011. The motivation for such a castling is simple: Sevmash has recently become very busy with military orders: we are talking about creating a group of nuclear submarines of a new generation in the very near future, and in a somewhat more distant future - five to six aircraft carriers.

At the same time, such a transfer should give a little boost to the stalled implementation of the idea of ​​a floating nuclear power plant. Talks about them have been going on for more than ten years, and the term - 2010 - has so far remained rather a good wish of the state corporation Rosatom and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Rosenergoatom concern. The new deadline - 2011 - is already being named as a concrete and real date for putting the first station into operation. An indirect confirmation of the seriousness of these intentions can be the renaming of the future owner of the plant from FSUE Concern Rosenergoatom to OAO Concern Energoatom almost simultaneously with the transfer of the contract from Severodvinsk to St. Petersburg.

The original idea was put forward back in 1991-1994 and seems quite simple and obvious: if you take an ordinary Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker and lay it up near the shore, then all the energy that it spends on breaking ice can be used to heat houses and generating electricity for them. At the same time, hot on the heels of Minatom (transformed into Rosatom in 2004), the first projects of floating stations were proposed, but things went slowly: no resources were allocated for their further development and serial construction, they found serious opponents both in the Duma and in the government. Now political difficulties have been overcome, only technical and economic ones remain to be overcome. "Sevmash" started construction of the first station, called "Akademik Lomonosov", back in 2007. And if it proves its profitability after the start of operation, then seven more such stations will be built almost immediately.

The advantages of floating stations for Russia are obvious. Only the European part of the country can be considered developed in terms of energy, and beyond the Urals - in Siberia, in the Far East and the Far North - the situation with the supply of heat and electricity is very deplorable. Existing thermal power plants often find themselves without fuel by the beginning of winter, the development of a normal energy infrastructure is hindered by permafrost and low population density.

Laid up near the coastline, the FPU will be a 140-meter non-self-propelled barge with a displacement of 20 thousand tons. Two standard mobile nuclear reactors KTL-40S, 35 MW each, will not only be able to produce enough electricity for a city with a population of about 100 thousand inhabitants, but also provide them with 150 Gcal/h of heat. The idea of ​​an autonomous power supply for a large industrial enterprise looked especially attractive to the designers - in the original version, Sevmash actually acted as such an enterprise. The energy generated by the "Akademik Lomonosov" would go to the creation of new submarines. But for some reason this scenario was not implemented.

The mobility of FPUs implies a fundamentally new tactic in the energy sector: the station is not being built at all where it will be operated. To objects in need of generated energy, they are delivered in tow. Such an object can be "wandering" in itself - for example, if we are talking about explored, but still not developed mineral deposits. In this case, as experts believe, the ability to adjust the position of the “energy center” of the construction site provides important technological advantages. So, if things go well with Akademik Lomonosov, then by 2015-2016 floating nuclear power plants will be waiting off the coast of Vilyuchinsk, Pevek and Nakhodka. In addition, Rosatom officials are counting on active export under a leasing agreement for the services of such stations to the countries of Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam) and Africa (Algeria, Namibia), and, subject to the launch and operation of a floating nuclear power plant in Russia, an application has already been received for supply of electricity and fresh water from the Government of Cape Verde.

From a technological point of view, the idea of ​​a floating nuclear reactor itself does not raise any special questions - such units have long been used on Russian nuclear icebreakers. However, there are two specific problems that need to be addressed along the way, and it is with them that the main objections to the entire project as a whole and the concern of human rights activists are connected. The first difficulty is in the transfer of energy to the consumer. It is assumed that the floating power unit will be installed at a specially equipped pier-terminal, to which power and heat transmission lines will be connected to transport energy to consumers. Among other things, the terminal must also ensure reliable fastening of the power unit near the shore. From 60 to 140 people of specially trained personnel serve the station on a watch basis. The duration of the watch is about four months.

The second difficulty is more difficult to overcome. It is connected with the need to somehow ensure the safe operation of the station. First of all, you need to regularly load nuclear fuel and unload radioactive waste. Fortunately, this can be done quite rarely: once every 12–15 years, remove the station from a joke, replacing another one if necessary, and send it to the factory for reboot. In this, it is quite similar to a nuclear submarine, with the only difference that after a decade and a half of inactivity, this “boat” may have additional reasons to sink along the way. The life of the PEB will also end in complete analogy with the life of a nuclear submarine by cutting out the reactor and burying it in a conventional nuclear repository.

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