Why Baikal has a great depth. Bottom relief


Lake Baikal for the majority is somewhere very far away. The origin of Lake Baikal is shrouded in legends about great catastrophes on a planetary scale, about gods and their deeds. The scientific point of view also exists - there is no mysticism in it, of course.

Lake Baikal is located on the territory of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. It is considered a lake of tectonic origin. The age of Baikal is estimated differently. Some scientists put 35 million years. But the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences A.V. Tatarinov in 2009 put forward a version that the deep-water part of Lake Baikal was formed 150 thousand years ago, and the modern coastline was only 8 thousand years old. Tatarinov substantiated such results with the results of the Mirs expedition to Baikal. So, with the age of Lake Baikal, everything is also very ambiguous.

Lake Baikal is also called the Siberian Sea.

Lake Baikal contains 19% of the world's fresh water. How much water is in Lake Baikal is estimated at 23,615 km³. There is only one lake in the world, the displacement of which is greater than in Baikal - the Caspian Sea (not everyone knows, but there is a lake along this sea).

Despite the fact that Baikal is located in, there is a lot of sun here. The climatic conditions on Lake Baikal have their own unique features: either the sun is mercilessly hot, but cold winds blow, then fierce storms fly in, then calm and hot weather sets in in summer and tens of thousands of tourists flock to Lake Baikal for a beach holiday. In terms of the number of sunny days, Lake Baikal surpasses many resorts on the Black Sea and Mediterranean coasts.

The maximum depth of Lake Baikal is 1642 m. Many people write that Lake Baikal is shaped like a crescent moon. Rather, sorry if something is wrong - a banana. But very big. The length of Baikal is 620 km (as from Moscow to St. Petersburg approximately), the width reaches 80 km. The length of the coastline is 2100 km.

Lake Baikal has 27 islands, the largest of them. Many islands are sacred to the locals and protected by law. In general, there are many sacred places on Baikal, the history of which is shrouded in mystery and legends. The predominant religion here is rather Buddhism, at least Buddhist symbols and objects of worship are found everywhere.

Lake Baikal water

The water temperature in Baikal is a phenomenon. In summer, only the upper layer of water and shallow coastal bays warm up in the lake. But at a depth the temperature is always constant - about +4 ° C.

The waters of Lake Baikal are a separate mystery. Lakes of this age do not have such crystal clear water, and in Baikal it is very clean. Usually, over time, lakes silt up, and after 10-15 thousand years, swamps are already in their place. Baikal not only does not grow shallow, but also contains clean water that you can drink directly from the lake without fear. In addition, the water of Lake Baikal is saturated with oxygen to a very high degree in comparison with other freshwater reservoirs.

Lake Baikal owes its purity to a small (1.5 mm long) crustacean called epishura. There are a lot of these crustaceans in the water of the lake. They clean the water and are food for the famous Baikal omul and predatory invertebrates.

The transparency of water in Baikal is also very high. In good weather, through the 40-meter water column, you can see the bottom of the lake! In winter, Baikal also has surprisingly transparent ice. You just need to find a place that is not swept up by snow, and so to speak - feel like God - walk on the water. The water above is really frozen, but below it is the same picture - the bottom, fish, and you are walking above them.

Baikal is fed by the waters of more than 300 rivers, and only one river flows out of Baikal -.

Baikal ice

Lake Baikal does not freeze evenly in winter. Bays and bays, as well as the northern part of the lake freezes in November - December. And in the south, ice rises only in February, and if the winter is warm, then even at the end of February.

The thickness of the ice on Baikal by the end of winter reaches 1 m, and in the bays - 1.5–2 m. There is a phenomenon on Baikal that the locals call "stanovye cracks". This is when cracks appear in the ice in severe frost. They break the ice into separate large fields. The length of these cracks is amazing - from 10 to 30 km, and the width is only 2-3 m. As you understand, it is better not to be in such a place at the time of the break. Breaks occur every year and in approximately the same places of the lake. The sound effect is similar to gun shots.

Such gaps save the fish in the lake from lack of oxygen. Here is such a mysterious, but necessary natural mechanism for the lake. And due to the transparency of ice, sunlight penetrates through it, due to which planktonic algae that release oxygen in the water develop rapidly even in winter.

Another amazing phenomenon with ice on Baikal is ice hills. These are hollow cone-shaped ice hills that reach a height of 5-6 meters. In some of them you can find the "entrance", and it is usually located in the direction opposite to the shore. Such an ice tent turns out. Sometimes such tents stand alone, but often they are grouped, resembling mountain ranges, only in miniature.

Another mysterious phenomenon was discovered using space photography - dark rings.

The rings have a diameter of up to 7 km. Scientists came to the conclusion that the rings are formed due to the rise of water from the depths of the lake. Due to the temperature difference, a clockwise flow occurs, reaching different velocities in individual zones. As a result, the ice cover is destroyed, and the shape of the destroyed areas is ring-shaped.

Shores of Lake Baikal

The landscape of the coast is very diverse. The largest part is occupied by the taiga, in some places it is swampy. There are many hard-to-pass places where there are neither roads nor settlements. But there are many such areas that look quite hospitable, sand, pines, cedars, wild rosemary. But from the side of the Tazheran steppe, in the vicinity and on the island, the landscapes of the Baikal region are different - steppes, rocks with forests of Siberian larch.

The terrain on the coast of Lake Baikal is generally mountainous and the transport infrastructure suffers greatly because of this. In many places, in order to travel by road from one settlement located on the coast to another located, you need to make a long detour of tens of kilometers. A quarter of the coast of Lake Baikal has no public roads at all and is practically uninhabited (there are places for the Chinese to settle, I think they are happy).

Bottom relief

Lake Baikal is unique in terms of bottom topography. It has its own underwater mountain ranges, the largest of which are Akademichesky and Selenginsky. These ridges divide the lake into three basins.

Earthquakes are not excluded on Baikal. More precisely, this is a common thing. But tremors usually do not exceed 2 points. But there were other cases:

  • in 1862, an earthquake of 10 points was recorded, as a result of which a land area in the northern part of the Selenga delta went under water
  • there were points about 9 points in 1903, 1950, 1957 and 1959
  • in 2008 - 9 points
  • in 2010 - 6 points

Fauna and flora of Baikal

The flora and fauna here are unique. The lake serves as a safe haven for almost three thousand species of animals and thousands of plants. Many species are found only here. And this despite the fact that, as scientists suggest, more than 20% of the living organisms living in the lake are still unknown to science. Fishing lovers will be fine on Baikal (if the bite goes, of course). Grayling, taimen, whitefish, sturgeon, omul, lenok, golomyanka are common. There are about sixty species in total.

The top of the biosphere on Lake Baikal is occupied by the Baikal seal. There are no other mammals in this reservoir. Until now, there are heated debates about how the Baikal seal, a purely marine mammal, got to Baikal and comfortably settled down here. It is assumed that she got here in the distant times of the Ice Age, moving from the Arctic Ocean along the Angara and Yenisei. Now tens of thousands of animals live here.

Many animals and birds also live along the shores of Lake Baikal. Here you will meet gulls, goldeneye, there are shelducks, mergansers, white-tailed eagles, and other birds. You can see the mass bathing of brown bears (just be careful!). Musk deer, the smallest deer on Earth, lives in the mountainous part of the Baikal taiga.

Where does the name Baikal come from?

Researchers are still arguing about the origin of the name of the lake. Several guesses:

  • Bai-Kul - translated from Turkic means "rich lake";
  • Baigal - from the Mongolian "rich fire";
  • Baigal Dalai - in the same Mongolian means "big lake";
  • Beihai - in Chinese means "North Sea";
  • Baigal-Nuur - Buryat name;
  • Lamu - this is what the Evenki called the lake.

It is believed that the first explorers, who appeared here in the seventeenth century, eventually adopted the Buryat name, but softened the letter “g”, giving the name the current sound.

Tourism and recreation on Lake Baikal

There are a lot of beautiful places on Baikal. On my site you will find many stories of our tourists about trips and holidays on Baikal (see the section "Stories"). A feature of tourism on Baikal is that the places you would like to see are often located at great distances from each other. So if you want to see not everything, but many of the beauties of Lake Baikal, you need to work out a competent route. If you feel that you can’t do it yourself, contact private guides or buy a comprehensive tour to Baikal.

In any case, you will not be able to see everything on Baikal at one time. Baikal is large, to go around it all you will need more than one vacation.

The most massive tourist visit to Lake Baikal takes place, of course. summer. The most popular places are the village of Listvyanka, the Small Sea and Olkhon Island. People with a small budget, and even the most demanding, will find a place for themselves. Lake Baikal is visited not only by Russians, but by many tourists from all over the world. The latter, moreover, sometimes give fabulous money for such a vacation, but they still go.

In general, judging by the reviews, holidays on Lake Baikal are not among the cheapest, especially if you need to travel from other than nearby cities. Nevertheless, Baikal sets attendance records - the number of tourists is estimated at seven figures per year.

In summer, people relax on the beaches, go on bicycle and car tours, and go hiking along the coast. There are rafting on the rivers flowing into Baikal, and much more.

Climbing cliffs, mountains and descents into grottoes and caves are popular in all seasons.


There are a lot of fish in Baikal and lovers find a variety of places in the hope of catching omul or other fish on their own. For the most gambling, there are specialized bases with different levels of comfort. Fishing is done on rented boats.

The most popular places for fishing on Baikal are Chivyrkuisky Bay, Mukhor Bay, shallow bays of the Small Sea and, of course, rivers flowing into the lake.

Lake Baikal in winter

Despite the harshness of the Siberian climate, there are people who like to come to Lake Baikal in winter. The fantastic ice world of Baikal is fascinating. Snowmobiling and dog sledding are popular.

Most Popular Attractions

Many historical and architectural sights, even more monuments of nature and culture are concentrated on Baikal.

One of the most famous attractions is shaman stone. This is a pair of boulders rising above the water at the source of the Angara. Locals have been worshiping these stones since time immemorial and consider them endowed with special powers.

Another rock, the photo of which is unusually distributed on the Internet at the request of "Baikal" and "Olkhon Island" - Rock Shamanka. Also a sacred place for the Buryats, access here for tourists was not always open.

There are also many other religious and historical places on Olkhon Island. Olkhon is good because in the summer you can sunbathe there, swim, and visit a bunch of excursions or travel around the island on your own.

Holiday seasons on Baikal

Baikal is beautiful in all seasons. Summer, as well as throughout Russia, is the most popular season. The warmest from the second half of July to the beginning of August. Since November, it has become not very hospitable here, until the ice rises. In March and early April, tourists flock to Lake Baikal, especially those who like to take photos. The reason for this is the sparkling, transparent ice of Baikal. There is another one - ice fishing. In the spring, Baikal is also very beautiful, there are no more severe frosts and winds. Winter lovers find the combination of weather conditions and the beauty of landscapes very attractive.

Relax on Baikal, enjoy its nature and energy. Take care of Lake Baikal, do not leave dumps behind you, do not arrange logging. This lake is thousands of years old, and after many, many years, it needs to be as beautiful and attractive as it is now.

Since 2008, every second Sunday in October, Baikal Day has been celebrated - the deepest and largest freshwater lake on the planet, a unique natural attraction and a real treasure of Russia.

In contact with

Location, history

In what part of the world is it located. The lake is located in the center of Asia, on the territory of the Russian Federation, on the border of the Irkutsk region and Buryatia. Its length is 636 km.

It is estimated that the lake is approximately 25 million years old. The formation of rift basins (there are three of them in total) took place during the period of seismic activity of ancient mud volcanoes. It was because of this that the earth's crust broke. Also, the origin of Lake Baikal is associated with the location of one part of the mainland on another in ancient times (according to this version, it is the same age as the Himalayas).

Thus, the reservoir is one of the most ancient on the planet. Interestingly, it is mentioned in ancient Chinese chronicles. The Chinese called it "Bai Hai", which means "North Sea".

Attention! Seismic activity in the area continues to this day. More than a hundred earthquakes occur every year, but most of them are very weak, recorded only with the help of special equipment. There is also a large magnetic anomaly.

Interestingly, the formation of basins is still ongoing. Every year, water wins about 2 cm from the land. Some scientists believe that the reservoir can turn into, but this is just guesswork.

Name history

There are many versions of the origin of the toponym "Baikal", but the most important of them is the Turkic one. In Turkic it sounds like "Bai-Kul", which means "rich lake" in translation. A very accurate title.

The Buryats who inhabited this region called the lake "Baigal-Nuur". Perhaps, with the arrival of the Russians, the letter "g" was gradually replaced by "k".

Attention! In Russia, there are several more reservoirs with the exact same name. They are located in the Yakut and Tyumen regions. But, of course, other bodies of water are much smaller than the main one.

Sometimes Baikal is called a sea, compared with the Caspian and Aral, which are the preserved parts of the ancient oceans. This name is quite correct, because storms often occur here, and the waves reach a height of 4-5 meters.


We list the special features of Lake Baikal. Storms and wave formation also occurs here due to winds.. They are very strong and different in their characteristics. Scientists even gave them names:

  • Kultuk;
  • Mountain;
  • Shelonnik.

In many ways, the lake is more like a sea.

Lake Baikal

Size and shape

Its shape resembles a crescent moon. Its area is 32 thousand square kilometers (length - more than 630 meters, width - 80 meters). Interestingly, some European countries could well be completely located on its territory, for example, Albania, Malta, Denmark or Holland. There are many islands on it (-22 in total), but only one is inhabited - Olkhon. The length of the coastline is equal to the distance from Moscow to Istanbul.


The maximum depth of Lake Baikal is 1642 meters (the average depth is 730 meters; however, according to a number of scientists, there are depressions at the bottom, the depth of which is more than 7 km), that is, it is almost 5 Eiffel Towers. But only in 2002, after lengthy research and numerous measurements, this fact was confirmed.

The lake owns 19% of all world fresh water reserves

Amount of water

Baikal owns 19% of all world fresh water reserves. In total - 23 thousand cubic kilometers. This amount of water was formed because more than 300 rivers flow into the reservoir.

What else is the lake famous for? Of course, quality. Her purity is amazing. AT The water is incredibly transparent, through its thickness you can see what is happening at a depth of 40 meters. In terms of purity, it is equated to distilled, since it contains very few minerals. But there are a lot of things that make it useful. In 2000, according to the results of scientific research, it was found that water has a glow.

Attention! In about one winter month, the water freezes completely and is covered with a whole network of cracks. Some of them are up to 30 meters deep. It is unsafe to walk on the surface of Lake Baikal in winter.

The water does not warm up even in summer (the average temperature is only 8-10 degrees, although in some shallow bays the temperature can reach up to 20 degrees), despite the fact that there are a lot of sunny days here (it is because of this that Baikal is also called the "Lake of the Sun" "). Swimming here is limited even for professionals, because so far not a single person has been able to swim across the reservoir. Interestingly, the current here is not very strong, only 10 cm per second. There is a thermal spring nearby. The water temperature in it is over 70 degrees.

The water in the lake is very clear

Flora and fauna

Ecoworld of the Baikal region is unique. A large number of cedars and larches grow along the banks, which are long-lived. Several trees are over 700 years old.

In terms of the number of endemic animals, this area is comparable only to Australia. More than a thousand endemic species live here (most likely, this is due to the fact that mountain ranges and hills are located around). Only in the waters there are more than 50 species of fish (the most famous are the golomyanka viviparous, which almost entirely consists of fat, and the Baikal omul, a fish from the salmon family), and on the banks there are rookeries of seals or seals.

Moreover, scientists still have not figured out exactly how they appeared here (perhaps these are the descendants of the animals of the ancient northern - Arctida).

Every year the region celebrates Seal Day. The event is designed to draw public attention to the problem of poaching in the region.

The water is filtered by shrimp, crustaceans and sponges, which in 100 years reach a size of 1 meter. Thanks to their activities, as well as a special circulation, the water is completely mixed in 5 months, which is why it remains so clean.

Nearby is a large national reserve Barguzinsky, on the territory of which there are many research stations. The qualitative composition of the reserve is 1750 species of plants and animals. All of them are under state protection.


For a long time, scientists have found out that there are rich oil deposits at the bottom of the lake. Almost every year about 5 tons of oil are produced here.

Interesting facts will be useful for children:

  1. The territories of the Baikal region were inhabited by people as early as the 2nd millennium BC. Presumably, these were the ancestors of the Evenks. How many ethnic groups lived here in general is still unknown.
  2. Baikal was discovered by Russian explorers at the end of the 17th century. For the first time he was seen by the Russian Cossack Kurbat Ivanov. At that time, its shores were inhabited by the Buryats, who, in turn, replaced the Berguts who lived here in more distant times.
  3. Scientists have found that at the bottom are the highest mountains on (their maximum height is 7500 meters), scientists also found the remains of dinosaurs here.
  4. There is a cave on the shore where mysterious shamanic rites were held in ancient times. It is located in the Shamanka rock. It is interesting that in ancient times criminals were executed here: they simply put them on the very edge of the cape and waited for a big wave. If a wave washed away a person, then he was guilty. It was believed that the waters of Baikal do not touch the innocent.
  5. Cape Ryty - is considered a cursed place. Only very experienced shamans can enter it.
  6. A lot of people drowned here. Interestingly, July is considered the most disastrous time for travelers and explorers.
  7. Nearby there are more than 20 caves - it's just a paradise for speleologists.
  8. There is a version according to which, somewhere near or, perhaps, at the bottom is the grave of the famous Genghis Khan.
  9. There are also suggestions that somewhere nearby the treasures of the Chinese caravan were hidden, which tried to find shelter here from the Tatar-Mongol, and the treasures of Admiral Kolchak, who hid a large amount of silver here, which was taken to Irkutsk for the fair.
  10. Locals believe that UFOs can often be seen here.
  11. In Russia, a children's carbonated drink called "Baikal" is produced. It has a special taste, which is achieved with a mixture of herbal extracts and essential oils. Interestingly, all the herbs from the composition grow on the banks of the reservoir.
  12. In 1976, Crimean astronomers discovered an asteroid, which was named after the reservoir.
  13. On the lake, as in the deserts, mirages can often be observed.
  14. Interestingly, only one river flows out of the lake - the Angara. One beautiful legend is connected with this fact, according to which Angara is a disobedient daughter who ran away from her father to her lover, the Yenisei.

There are rich oil fields at the bottom of the lake

Attention! If 336 rivers flowing into the lake ceased to feed it, and the Angara continued to flow out, then one would have to wait 400 years to see the bottom.

It takes about a month for the lake to melt completely. The melting of ice begins approximately in March-April. Rest here is the dream of many tourists. Celebrities have also been here, for example, James Cameron, who directed Avatar, spent his 51st birthday here. The current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin participated in a dive inside the Mir submersible, which was used, among other things, during the underwater filming of the movie Titanic.

Locals believe that one cannot get sick from swimming in the cold waters of the reservoir. The last strong earthquake occurred here in 2008. His strength was equal to 9 points on the Richter scale. In 2010, the area was also hit by a 6.1 magnitude earthquake.

12 secrets and wonders of Baikal

History of Baikal! How did Baikal appear?


One can talk about Baikal for a long time. He is incredibly handsome. Its nature and mysteries attract explorers and travelers from all over the world.

The shores of Lake Baikal diverge annually by 2 centimeters

Lake features

The lake is located in a seismological zone; several hundred earthquakes a year occur in its vicinity. For the most part, the intensity is 1-2 points on the MSK-64 scale. The predominant part of tremors can be determined only by highly sensitive equipment. The transformation of Baikal continues to this day.

Baikal winds give pronounced features to the local climate. They often blow up a storm on the lake and have memorable names: barguzin, sarma, verkhovik and kultuk. The water mass affects the atmosphere of the coastal area. Spring here comes 10-15 days later than in neighboring areas. Autumn drags on for a long time. Summers tend to be cool, and winters are not very frosty.

Two large lakes and many streams create the main stream that flows into Baikal. The Selenga River, which flows from Mongolia, provides most of the inflow from the southeast side. The second large tributary is from the eastern bank, from the Barguzin River. The Angara is the only river flowing from Lake Baikal.

The purest waters of Lake Baikal make up 19% of the world's fresh water reserves

The water contains a minimum amount of mineral salts and is abundantly saturated with oxygen to the very bottom. In winter and spring, it is blue and becomes the most transparent. In summer and autumn, it acquires a blue-green hue and is warmed up by the sun to the maximum. Many plant and animal species form in warm water, so its transparency decreases to 8–10 m.

In winter, the surface of the lake is covered with a layer of ice, dotted with many kilometers of cracks. Explosions occur with a piercing crack, resembling cannon salvos or thunder. They divide the ice surface into separate fields. Cracks help fish not to die due to lack of oxygen under the ice. The sun's rays penetrate through the transparent ice. This contributes to the development of planktonic algae that release oxygen. Baikal freezes almost completely, not counting the area near the upper reaches of the Angara.

Baikal as an ecosystem

More than 3,500 species of animals and plants live in water and on land. Numerous studies often discover new species, the list of inhabitants continues to grow. About 80% of the fauna are endemic, found exclusively in Lake Baikal and nowhere else on earth.

The shores are mountainous, covered with forests; around the game is impenetrable, hopeless. An abundance of bears, sables, wild goats and all kinds of wild stuff ...

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Baikal has a large number of valuable fish: sturgeon, burbot, pike, grayling, taimen, whitefish, omul and others. 80% of the zooplankton biomass of the lake is epishura crustacean, which is endemic. It passes through itself and filters water. Living at the bottom of the viviparous golomyanka fish, it looks unusual and contains more than 30% fat. Biologists are surprised by its constant movement from the depths to shallow water. Freshwater sponges grow at the bottom.

According to the stories of local residents, until the 12th-13th centuries, the Baikal region was inhabited by the Mongolian-speaking Barguts. Then, Buryats began to actively settle on the western coast of the lake and in Transbaikalia. Cossack Kurbat Ivanov became the Russian discoverer of Baikal. The first Russian-speaking settlements appeared at the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries.

Mysteries of Lake Baikal

The crystal waters of Lake Baikal hide many mysteries. Often legends and stories about the lake maneuver on the verge of mysticism and real stories. The researchers found at the bottom of Lake Baikal a lot of meteorite fragments and inexplicable linear arrangements of pitfalls. Some believe that the waters of the lake hold Pandora's casket and the magic crystal of Kali-We. Others claim that the gold reserves of Kolchak and the gold reserves of Genghis Khan are hidden here. There are witnesses who claim that a UFO track passes over the lake.

The ice cover hides many secrets, forcing scientists to draw hypothetical conclusions. Specialists of the Baikal Limnological Station found unique forms of ice cover that are unique to Baikal. Among them: "sokuy", "kolobovnik", "autumn". Ice hills are similar in shape to tents and have a hole on the back side of the coast. Satellite imagery reveals dark rings. Scientists believe that they are formed due to the rise of deep waters and an increase in the temperature of the water surface.

There are still scientific disputes about the origin of Baikal. According to one version put forward by the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences A.V. Tatarinov in 2009, after the second stage of the Worlds expedition, the lake is considered young. Scientists have studied the activity of mud volcanoes on the bottom surface. After that, they made an assumption: the age of the deep-water part is 150 thousand years, and the modern coastline is only 8 thousand years. The oldest lake on earth does not show any signs of aging, like other similar reservoirs. According to the results of recent research, some experts are inclined to conclude that Baikal can become a new ocean.

Recreation and tourism on Baikal

Favorable time for recreation on Lake Baikal is from mid-July to mid-August. At other times, it becomes cold in the coastal area, and the conditions are more suitable for fans of extreme recreation. But even in summer, a cyclone sometimes comes with a cold wind, sharp temperature drops day and night. An important condition for a safe holiday is a detailed study of the travel route.

The Circum-Baikal Railway, Sandy Bay, Listvyanka village, the coast of the Small Sea, Sandy Bay, the western coast of Olkhon, the coast near the city of Severobaikalsk are named the most visited vacation spots. Other places that can be reached by SUV are also popular.

Baikal, it would seem, should suppress a person with its grandeur and size - everything in it is large, everything is wide, free and mysterious - on the contrary, it elevates him. You experience a rare feeling of elation and spirituality on Baikal, as if in the mind of eternity and perfection, the secret seal of these magical concepts touched you, and you were enveloped in the close breath of an omnipotent presence, and a share of the magical secret of everything that exists entered you. You already seem to be marked and distinguished by the fact that you are standing on this shore, breathing this air and drinking this water. Nowhere else will you have the feeling of such a complete and so desired fusion with nature and penetration into it: you will be intoxicated by this air, swirled and carried away over this water so soon that you will not even have time to come to your senses; you will visit such protected areas that we never dreamed of; and you will return with tenfold hope: there, ahead, is the promised life...

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin

Baikal is located in the center of Asia, in Russia, on the border of the Irkutsk region and the Republic of Buryatia. The lake stretches from north to southwest for 636 km in the form of a giant crescent.

The length of the lake is approximately equal to the distance from Moscow to the Baltic. The width of Baikal ranges from 25 to 80 km.

Among the lakes of the globe, Lake Baikal occupies the 1st place in terms of depth. On Earth, only 6 lakes have a depth of more than 500 meters. The greatest depth mark in the southern basin of Baikal is 1423 m, in the middle - 1637 m, in the northern - 890 m.

Baikal depression

The Baikal depression is slightly wider than the modern lake, but much deeper than it. The depth of the depression is determined by the height of the mountains above it, the depth of the lake and the thickness of the bottom sediments lining its bottom. The deepest point of the Baikal bedrock lies about 5-6 thousand meters below the level of the world ocean. According to the geologist N. A. Florensov, the "roots" of the basin cut through the entire earth's crust and go into the upper mantle to a depth of 50-60 km. This is the deepest basin of the earth's land. He figuratively called the Baikal depression a window into the bowels of the Earth, helping to understand the essence of its deep processes.

The lake lies in the Baikal depression - a bottomless stone bowl, surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges and hills. At the same time, the western coast is rocky and steep, the relief of the eastern coast is more gentle (in some places the mountains recede from the coast for tens of kilometers).

Lake Baikal is located in Russia. It truly is a wonder of the world. In terms of area (31.5 thousand km2), it ranks seventh among other lakes in the world. The length of Lake Baikal is 636 km, the maximum width is 79 km, and the minimum width is 25 km. The total length of the coastline reaches 1995 km.

In terms of depth, Baikal has no equal among all freshwater lakes in the world. The greatest depth of Tanganyika is 1435 m, Issyk-Kul - 702 m, and Baikal - 1637 m. This deepest point is located off the coast of the largest of the Baikal islands, which is called Olkhon. The average depth of Lake Baikal is 1620 m. This figure is 396 m more than that of the second deepest lake Tanganyika (1223 m).

According to scientists, the average life expectancy of lakes is from 25 to 30 thousand years. Gradually they are filled with mud, algae grow thicker in them, an increasing layer of sediments raises the bottom closer to the surface, and, in the end, the shallow lake is overgrown with water-loving herbs and turns into a swamp. However, contrary to all laws, Lake Baikal is in no hurry to grow old. Scientists, having calculated the annual amount of precipitation falling here, predict a long life for Baikal.

Its depression was formed as a result of earthquakes about 25 million years ago. The second oldest lake - Tanganyika, which is located in Africa, is only 2 million years old.

View of Lake Baikal

The first explorer who left the "Drawing of Baikal and the falling rivers to Baikal", as well as information about fish and fur-bearing animals of the coastal taiga, was the explorer Kurbat Ivanov. In 1643, at the head of a group of Cossacks and industrial people, he reached the western shores of the lake and explored the island of Olkhon.

At the end of July 1662, returning from exile to Dauria, Baikal swam across the archpriest Avvakum, who wrote: “When they landed on the shore, a windy storm arose, and the waves found a place on the shore. Near it are high mountains, stone cliffs and so high that I have traveled more than twenty thousand miles, but I have never seen such ones anywhere. There are a lot of birds, geese, swans - they float on the sea like snow. The fish in it are sturgeon and taimen, sterlet, omul, whitefish and many other genera. The water is fresh, and seals and hares are unusually large.”

In the 18th century, long-term expeditions were engaged in the exploration of Siberia and Kamchatka. At the same time, scientists became interested in Baikal. Omul, golomyanka, seal and other animal species have been described. Over time, instrumental surveys of the area were made on Baikal, and several hydrometeorological stations were organized. Scientists began to conduct regular observations of the water level, magnetic surveys and gravitational measurements. In 1918, a permanent research base-station was established on the lake, which was later transformed into the Limnological Institute. The main research center on Baikal is currently the Baikal Ecological Museum.

Lake Baikal has the cleanest air, there is never exhausting heat, although there are more sunny days a year than in the Black Sea resorts. The lake is also famous for its beautiful, unique water, the volume of which in Baikal is 25 thousand km3, i.e. almost the same as in all five Great Lakes of Canada. This amount corresponds to approximately 20% of all surface fresh water in the world.

Baikal water is the highest quality in the world; it, without fear, you can drink without boiling. It is pure, tasty and transparent. Local restaurants even serve it as a specialty.

Since the crystalline rocks of the bottom and shores are hardly soluble, the water of streams and rivers flowing into Baikal is not saturated with salts. In addition, organic remains quickly dissolve in the Baikal water, so it is very rare to find animal skeletons in the lake. Thus, the main properties of Baikal water can be briefly described as follows: it contains very few dissolved and suspended mineral substances, negligible organic impurities and a lot of oxygen.

Baikal water is called living water for a reason. From the surface to the bottom, the lake is home to a wide variety of life forms. In other deep lakes of the world, the lower layers are dead because they are poisoned by hydrogen sulfide and other gases. In Baikal, on the contrary, the entire water column is permeated with oxygen. Water is constantly mixed by horizontal sea currents that run around the lake-sea and around each of its three basins, as well as vertical ascending and descending currents.

Modern scientists have discovered that, despite the enormous pressure that is created on the Baikal bottom, thermal springs beat there.

Moreover, a small transparent fish calmly sinks to the bottom of the lake, more than half consisting of fat - golomyanka. This is the only representative of viviparous fish from among those that live in the Siberian regions, as well as in the middle lane. It is known that all deep-seated fish have special bladders that save them from strong water pressure. Surprisingly, the golomyanka does not have such a bubble.

Baikal has the ability not only to store, but also to reproduce water. The lake throws ashore fragments of oars, boats, logs.

The cleanliness and health of Lake Baikal are protected by its inhabitants themselves. The crustacean epishura lives in the lake. Although he himself has a small size, no more than 2 mm in length, but its share in the total mass of zooplankton is 96%. Billions of such crustaceans, continuously passing water through themselves, cleanse it of dirt. Golomyanka also plays an important role in maintaining the cleanliness of the lake. She is the most numerous in the lake. Its total weight is about 150 thousand tons, i.e. 67% of the total number of Baikal fish. Golomyankas never gather in flocks, do not hide in algae. At any time of the day, they move throughout the lake: from the surface to the very bottom. During its endless movement, the fish seems to mix the lake water, due to which the latter is continuously saturated with oxygen. Golomyanka never forms spawning shoals, which makes it impossible to catch it commercially. Therefore, the number of this fish in the lake always remains at a constant level. The fish is also interesting because it has an absolutely transparent body that melts in the sun like ice. Previously, the Buryats rendered fat from golomyanka, which they used in everyday life and as a healing agent.

Anyone who comes to the shore of the lake is struck by its extraordinary transparency. With the naked eye, you can see everything that happens at a depth of 30–40 m. Modern instruments show that the water is clear even at a depth of 100 meters.

Siberians call Baikal water love water. It fascinates, it seems unreal, fabulous. Sailing on a boat along the shore, you just want to reach out with your hand to the gem you like, but, putting your hand into the water, you suddenly realize that this is an optical illusion, and the stone lies at the very bottom of the lake.

Even more admirable are the color metamorphoses that take place on the surface of the water. Due to its transparency, it reflects the slightest changes in the weather, the solstice, incoming clouds, haze coming from the taiga. Seasonal changes also influence its color: snow, delicate greenery of summer and multi-colored autumn. The color scheme varies from white-blue, silver-gray to piercing blue or slate-black with white splashes of waves. Artists say that neither with a brush nor with a pencil they manage to capture Baikal as it is.

From time immemorial, Baikal has been called the "sacred sea". For the first time, the Buryat name "Baigal" appeared in the chronicle "Altan Tobchi" by Mergen Gegen, which dates back to 1765, in the part devoted to the genealogy of Genghis Khan. There are many legends, legends and fairy tales about Baikal. So, Buryat myths say that Buryat and Swan swam in the Baikal waters, the Eagle soared over the sacred sea, and on its banks the bull Bukha-noyon roared and the Wolf quenched his thirst. All these animals are considered to be the ancient ancestors of the Buryats.

It is interesting that there is only one of all the main geographical elements on Baikal: one large island - Olkhon, one archipelago - the Ushkany Islands, one large peninsula - Svyatoy Nos, one large bay - Chivyrkuisky, one strait - the Small Sea, one large tributary - the river The Selenga, which carries as much water to Baikal as all the other rivers flowing into the lake, and there are more than three hundred of them. Also, only one river flows out of Baikal - the Angara, which ultimately flows into the Yenisei.

According to the Buryat legend, the gray-haired Baikal had many sons-rivers: Barguzin, Anga, Sarma and others, and only one daughter, beloved by Angara. When the time came to marry her off, suitors hurried to the possessions of Baikal. A fast Irkut galloped on a horse, a calm handsome man Alyat sailed. But none of them pleased the young maiden. One night, Angara ran away from her father's possessions to the mighty batyr Yenisei. Upon learning of this, Baikal became angry and, tearing out a coastal rock, threw it after the fugitive to block her path. But Angara bypassed the barrier and met with the groom.

Almost the westernmost point of the lake is Cape Shaman - one of the monuments of Baikal nature. It can be taken as a symbolic beginning of Baikal.

There are a lot of picturesque bays and capes on Baikal. Peschanaya Bay is one of the most beautiful and cozy corners of the 2000-kilometer Baikal coast. It is located on the western shore of the lake, relatively close to the source of the Angara. Against the background of blue water, the soft outlines of steep banks and rocky capes look very impressive. No wonder A.P. Chekhov compared the coast of Lake Baikal with the Crimean Yalta. Cape Bolshoy Kolokolny protects Peschanaya Bay from the mighty north wind - Verkhovik, or Angara.

Not far from Peschanaya is Babushka Bay. In sunny and warm weather, many tourists rest here. In autumn, already at the beginning of October, when the lake looks especially wonderful and unique, Babushka is deserted.

Rocky Islands of Baikal

To the north of Babushka Bay is Cape Arka, or Gate II. No less attractive is the island of Olkhon, although it has a severe appearance. This is a high mountainous island, which is more than 70 km long and 12 km wide. The highest point of the island is Mount Zhima, which has an altitude of about 1300 m above sea level. It is separated from the western shore of the lake by the Olkhon Gates Strait and the Small Sea. Olkhon is surrounded by many calm and small bays, which are convenient for fishing.

The name of the island comes from the Buryat word "olkhan", which means "dry" in Russian. This refers to one of the winds blowing on Lake Baikal. The winds on the lake are special. Suddenly escaping from the narrow mountain gorges, they can bring a lot of trouble. Each wind is usually called by the name of the river from whose valley it blows: barguzin, kurtuk, verkhovka, gloss, sarma, shelonik, khiuz, siver, etc.

The most insidious of them are considered the barguzin, sung in an old Buryat song, and the ferocious sarma, which rages in the Small Sea in the autumn and winter seasons, opposite the Olkhon Gates. That is why this small strait poses a considerable danger to navigation.

Escaping from the mountains from the valley of the Sarma River into the narrow space of the Small Sea, the wind reaches hurricane force, forms tornadoes and waves up to 4 m high. At the same time, the howling of the wind and the splashing of the waves become so strong that they drown out the sound of a shot.

Baikal winds blow sand from under the trees onto the coast, exposing their roots. So-called stilted trees appear, mostly pines growing along the edge of the beach. The trees take roots deeper and deeper, trying to withstand the pressure of autumn storms. As a result, bizarrely wind-bent plants appear near the shore, which rise 1.5–2 m above the beach on clumsy “props” legs.

Olkhon is the main sacred place of the lake-sea, where shamans of many clans perform tailagan. It is believed that it is on Olkhon that a shaman can enter into a mysterious relationship with the natural forces of Baikal. Through the rite of sprinkling with milk and vodka and prayer spells, you can beg for good weather, good luck in hunting and fishing. Pass tailagans on the island near the sacred places. One of them is Cape Burkhan, or Shaman, which, with its stone ridges, goes far into the Baikal waters. Folk legends say that the lord of the island and surrounding places lives in his cave.

The same sacred place among the Buryats is Mount Zhima. They say that somewhere at the foot of this mountain, an immortal bear is chained. It was through Olkhon on the ice of the lake that the Buryats moved and, thus, settled in the lands on both sides of Lake Baikal. In the epic about Geser, Baikal is referred to only as "Dalai", that is, "borderless", "great", "almighty".

For a long time, the Buryats worship the water element, which, in their opinion, came down from heaven. Each river and lake had its own owners - the kings of the waters of Usan Khan. They were represented in the form of elders, who, together with their servants, live at the bottom of reservoirs. The main one was Usan-Lopson with his wife Usan-Daban. Some kings of the waters patronized fishing and even fishing gear.

In total, there are about 30 indigenous rocky islands on Baikal, 15 of them are located in the Small Sea. Each island is a real miracle of nature. There are also many picturesque peninsulas on the lake. Not only their nature is unique, but also their names: Holy Nose, Kurbulik, Ayaya, Chivyrkuy, Ongokon, Shaggy Kyltygey, Katun, Shargodagan, Kultuk, Tsagan-Morin, Davshe. The smallest island of the Small Sea is called Madote.

On the eastern coast of the lake, the most interesting corner is the Svyatoy Nos peninsula, known for its mysterious singing sands. Such sands are found only in a few corners of the globe. On the peninsula, they form a whole beach 7–10 m wide. The sand here is fine-grained, perfectly sorted, grayish-yellow in color.

Sandy beaches of Lake Baikal

The dry sand at the top of the beach emits a loud creak, like the creak of new leather shoes. If, while walking, raking the sand with your feet, the creaking intensifies and gradually turns into a jerky howl. The same sound appears when sand is raked with a hand or a stick. If you press it vertically or hit it with something from top to bottom, then instead of a creak, only a faint crunch will be heard, as when stirring dry starch. In all likelihood, the "singing" of sand occurs at certain sizes, shape, humidity, roughness and other properties of sand grains. Until the end, the mystery of the appearance of "singing sands" has not been revealed by science.

Lake Baikal not only offers travelers an overview of magnificent views of nature, but also provides shelter for a huge number (more than 2600 species) of animals and plants. Almost all types of flora and fauna of the globe live in the lake. Among them, 50 fish species, about 600 plant species, 300 bird species and over 1200 animal species, with a truly incredible number - 960 animal species and 400 plant species - are endemic.

In terms of the number and variety of unique species, Baikal surpasses all exotic places on earth, such as the Galapagos, New Zealand and the island of Madagascar. However, if relict species survived there, the oldest animals and plants that have long been extinct in other places, then local, relatively young species of flora and fauna arose in Baikal, which appeared here over the past tens of millions of years. More than 50 species of fish are found in the lake, among which there are very common ones, such as pike and perch. But almost half are species of sculpins and other fish that are not found anywhere else. Two exclusively Baikal, unique species belonging to the genus comephorus (golomyankovye) are completely transparent and live at a depth of 503 m in complete darkness.

Most fish species live in the shallow coastal part of the lake. Only five species live at depth: omul (a relative of salmon), Baikal gobies, yellowwing, longwing and two species of golomyanka comephorus. These five species make up three-quarters of the total number of fish in the lake.

Baikal is also often called a living museum because an unusual group of organisms lives in it: amphipods, worms, mollusks, sponges, goby fish.

Among the commercial fish in the lake are grayling, whitefish, sturgeon and, of course, omul. The main food for many fish species are amphipods, which inhabit the entire water column: some of them live in water, others burrow into bottom sediments.

The most famous and very mysterious animal that lives on Lake Baikal is, of course, the Baikal seal, a pinniped mammal belonging to the family of true seals. The seal reaches a length of 1.8 m and a weight of about 70 kg. The main objects of her hunting are gobies and golomyanka. Occasionally, she manages to catch omul if the fish is weakened for some reason. This endemic species has thrived on the lake since time immemorial and currently numbers 70,000 individuals. There are especially many seals near the Ushkany Islands. The legend tells that the ancestors of the Baikal seal came to Baikal from the Arctic Ocean along an underground river. Scientists also suggest that the progenitors of the seals sailed from the Arctic Ocean, but not along the underground river, but along the Yenisei and Angara, which were dammed by ice during the Ice Age. In addition, it has been irrefutably proven that both the Baikal seal and the modern ringed seal descended from a common ancestor.

The Barguzinsky Nature Reserve is located on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal. The flora and fauna of the reserve, its mountains, taiga, lakes and rivers is rich and unique, but the Barguzin sable is considered the most valuable animal of those that live here.

The surroundings of Lake Baikal have been declared a protected area. Here is the Pribaikalsky National Park. In addition to Barguzinsky, there is another reserve - Baikalsky.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning the assumption of scientists who have carefully studied the territory in the area of ​​Lake Baikal. Some geophysicists have suggested that Baikal is turning into an ocean. In the region of the lake, magnetic anomalies similar to those characteristic of the region of the mid-Atlantic fault were found (from the axis of this fault, the continents of Africa and South America are moving apart in both directions).

Scientists have established that tensile forces also act in the Baikal basin, due to which its banks diverge in opposite directions. Some researchers even cite data obtained by them indirectly, arguing that the rate of such a discrepancy reaches 2 cm per year. However, direct confirmation of such information has not yet been found, although it was they that served as the basis for putting forward a hypothesis about the transformation of Baikal into an ocean. On the other hand, if we assume that the expansion rate of Baikal is really such, then in 50-60 million years the width of the lake-sea will be about 1000 km, and this already looks like an ocean. Nevertheless, any scientific hypothesis requires rigorous proof.

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