Why did Dmitry Borisov betray his friend Andrei Malakhov? Borisov disappointed in the role of the host "let them talk" The new host Borisov.


Last week, viewers of Channel One, turning on the talk show “Let them talk” in the evening, for the first time did not find Andrei Malakhov there. The departure of the TV presenter has become, perhaps, the most discussed topic of this summer. The place of the people's favorite was taken by his colleague Dmitry Borisov, whose work in the frame is now being discussed by the whole country. In an instant, the attention of others was riveted to the 32-year-old journalist. Many argue how well he looks in a new place, how he copes with the task of the host of the show, which raises very difficult topics of human destinies. While the public is wondering how successful the personnel changes on Channel One can be called, and is studying, Borisov himself shared his impressions of working in a new position. On Monday morning, the television man became a guest of the Good Morning program, where he was asked in detail about the appointment.

“Unusual, but it's always a challenge. Every unusual role that falls to us is such an experience. Any experience is useful, ”Dmitry shared.

Speaking about the increased interest in his own person, Borisov noted that he does not feel any serious changes in this regard. According to the TV presenter, he can afford to move around the city calmly and not experience discomfort.

“Insane popularity, fortunately, is not felt at all now, because there is no time,” Borisov explained. - We constantly have recordings, broadcasts, so much work that it is impossible to think about it. Moreover, listen, I've been on TV for 12 years. I don't think much will change."

TV viewers are accustomed to seeing Borisov as the host of news releases, where he talked about the main events of the day. According to the confessions of the journalist himself, it was not so difficult for him to adjust to the new format of work. On the contrary, he only rejoices at the changes that accompany the transition to a new place. “This is not news. Finally, I have someone to talk to in the studio, - said Dmitry. “Because you always turn to the audience, whom, of course, you feel, love, understand that they are there, but now it’s great that in the studio, besides me, there are a large number of living people with whom there is something to discuss, something to talk about.”

Also, the TV journalist managed to immerse himself in the topics that are raised in the new issues of “Let them talk” and could not remain indifferent to the heroes of these stories. When asked by the hosts of the Good Morning program about whether he had to somehow abstract himself in order to avoid stress, Borisov confidently stated that this was an impossible task.

“Yes, it’s impossible to turn off. These are stories that touch the soul. If they do not touch, they are not interesting, - the man is convinced. - It is impossible to disconnect from them and, of course, you have to worry, without it you can’t go anywhere. But it’s the same in the news too - there are stories that you can’t disconnect from, you somehow immerse yourself.

The personnel reshuffle on Channel One provoked heated discussions and disputes about how successful the choice of leadership was. Someone decided that Borisov was not in his place. Others, on the contrary, actively support it. The television man himself is convinced that now everything is working out for him.

Dmitry Borisov is a talented journalist, TV presenter, documentary film producer and enviable bachelor. He is not used to publicizing his achievements and, nevertheless, his name appears in all media reports as the owner of TEFI and other prestigious awards.


D. Borisov was born on August 15, 1985 in Chernivtsi, one of the most magnificent cities in western Ukraine. His parents were philologists, they taught the Russian language and the culture of speech at the institute. From them, he adopted a love for word creation and valuable knowledge of grammar, linguistics, and phonemic structure.

When the future journalist was one year old, Dmitry's father and mother decided to move to Moscow for permanent residence. The Chernobyl disaster and the fear of getting radioactive contamination, as well as the desire to develop their creative and scientific abilities, became the fundamental reasons for this. Despite the fears of distant relatives, they quickly settled in the new city, found a good job, and assigned their grown son to a linguistic gymnasium. By the way, Borisov Sr. still teaches and is the head of the Museum of Literature.

Student years and first performances

While still a student of the faculty of journalism, Dmitry Borisov heard the Gazprom radio broadcasting channel, which was called Ekho Moskvy. He was very passionate about his program and wanted to become an employee of the radio station. Since students were not taken there, Borisov had to make a lot of efforts to be listened to, and at least they began to consider his candidacy. Youthful perseverance and a keen interest in the profession bear fruit - Dmitry was approved for the position of a technical service specialist (ordinary radio journalist). However, thanks to the endless desire to learn and develop, he quickly became an editor and host of author's programs.

Research activities

Despite a busy work schedule, Dmitry wanted to continue studying linguistics:

  1. In 2007, he received a diploma of higher education from the Russian State Humanitarian University with a degree in history, literature, culture of Russia and Germany.
  2. In 2008 he was invited to graduate school at the Humanities University;
  3. In 2009, successfully mastering his scientific activities, he decided to take an additional course in "French dramaturgy".
  4. In 2010, he moved to the magistracy on special grounds, absolutely free of charge.

Serious offer from Channel One

In 2011, Dmitry Borisov was invited to Channel One to work on the Vremya program, which airs every day at 18:00 Moscow time. He became one of the main presenters of the project, showing himself from an exceptionally positive side. In addition, he himself declared himself as "the highest quality Ru.net microblogger", with giving people news and interesting facts from all over the world.

Work in "Echo-Moscow"

Rapid career growth and the discovery of new opportunities did not lead to the fact that Dmitry Borisov gave up his favorite pastime - the conduct of author's radio programs. He is still one of the main technical specialists of Echo-Moscow, creates unique products and delights his listeners with unique digital content.

Olympic Games and personal sports contribution

The last most significant event in the life of a journalist was the Sochi 2014 Olympics, which started on the eve of the Winter Games on October 7, 2013 in Moscow. D. Borisov decided to become one of the many torchbearers who were supposed to carry the fire from Borovitskaya Square to Prechistenskaya Embankment.

According to him, “it was difficult, because the organizers did not give any instructions about the transfer of fire and did not say anything about how to properly hold it. But I did it!"

Personal life and family

Many fans of Dmitry attributed to him a relationship and marriage with singer Yulia Savicheva. Yes, they really were in a relationship, but they were not legally bound by marriage. Dmitry and Yulia met on one of the Echo-Moscow broadcasts in 2009, and then met on Channel One within the framework of the program about show business.

For a long time there were no serious feelings between young people. They did not participate in joint projects, did not appear together in public and did not show their interest in any way. But close friends saw how they look at each other and wanted the couple to get together. Finally, in 2012, Dmitry decided to take the first step and sang a song for Yulia on the air of Echo-Moscow, confessing his feelings. She accepted his courtship and for a long time was with him in a civil marriage. However, their personal life did not work out. Loyal fans of their couple believe that this was due to a long-standing romance between Yulia and Alexander Arshinov, which lasted more than 10 years.

11/08/2017 - 22:18

It is no secret that this year the new TV season will begin with big changes, one of which will be the appearance of a new presenter in the popular talk show Let Them Talk. Yes, yes, Malakhov is leaving, and his whole team is leaving with him. And to be precise, the team has already packed up and moved to Russia 1. Now the country will see its favorite TV presenter there.

And young and ambitious Dmitry Borisov will take the place of Malakhov. The first episodes with the new TV presenter have already been filmed, the first photos have even appeared on the network. Many fans of the show are interested in: how can such a young man conduct such a complex program? After all, many episodes of Malakhov were broadcast on the air? Who is Dmitry Borisov anyway?

Publication by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) May 24, 2017 at 9:28 PDT

By the way, Dima himself said several years ago that the audience, looking at his photo, say they know him, but they can’t remember where they saw him.

Dmitry is a talented journalist, TV host and documentary film producer. He was born in Chernivtsi (Western Ukraine) on August 15, 1985 in a family of philologists. Mom taught people the Russian language and culture of speech. Because of the Chernobyl disaster, the family moved to Moscow. Then little Dima was less than a year old.

At school, the boy became interested in journalism and since then dreamed of working in the media. At the age of 16, Dima heard the broadcast of the Gazprom radio station Ekho Moskvy and became very interested, and after some time he received the position of a radio journalist in the information service. He managed to work as an editor, and also read the news feeds as a presenter. Regularly led night broadcasts.

Publication by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) Mar 2 2017 at 1:49 PST

A little later, Dmitry began to conduct training and broadcasts about show business. He talked with the most famous and interesting people. He interviewed movie stars and even presidents. He visited both Beslan and Eurovision.

Publication by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) Jun 15 2017 at 1:45 PDT

Dmitry Borisov has a philological education. In 2007 he received a diploma of a specialist in the field of history, literature of Russia and Germany. Graduated from the Russian State Humanitarian University, continuing his postgraduate studies at the university.

For the first time, Dmitry was invited to Channel One in the spring of 2006. He began his career as a regular morning and evening newscast. In 2008 he was awarded as the most outstanding presenter of the television season.

Publication by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) Aug 5, 2017 at 9:24 PDT

Posted by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) Jun 23, 2017 at 9:13 PDT

Today Borisov is one of the most successful TV presenters. Despite such a rapid career growth, Dmitry is very restrained and responsible.

Posted by Dmitry Borisov Dmitry Borisov (@ddborisov) Nov 4, 2016 at 7:06 PDT

It is known that for a long time Dmitry Borisov met with singer Yulia Savicheva, but in 2014 she got married. Borisov does not cover his personal life.

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Dmitry Borisov is one of the most popular TV presenters. Now he hosts two programs on Channel One. One of them is the program “Let them talk”, in which he replaced another famous television presenter Andrei Malakhov, who left for RTR due to a conflict with the leadership of Channel One. The second is devoted to solving various issues. In a short period of time, the program has become incredibly popular. It draws a large number of spectators.

Little is known about the personal life of our hero. He himself does not want to disclose anything that concerns him personally. For a long time it was believed that Dmitry was married to one of the Russian pop stars - Yulia Savicheva. But after some time it turned out that the artist and the star of Channel One are friends.

Recently, a photo appeared on the Instagram page in which the TV star was photographed with a rather beautiful girl. Fans wanted to know more about this, but Borisov does not want to satisfy their curiosity. He wished people to go about their lives and not climb into someone else's.

Our hero's day begins with exercises and a contrast shower. It helps, he says, to get in shape.

Dmitry Borisov, a photo in his youth and now considered by many television lovers, has an average height of 176 cm. And the weight of a young man is 64 kilograms. The journalist has been fond of various sports since childhood. A man can pull himself up more than 20 times, run a hundred meters quickly. To maintain physical fitness, the star of Channel One often visits the gym.

At first, the star of "Let them talk" was little known. Nobody knew about him. The television audience began to look in various sources for our hero's height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Borisov is easy to answer by referring to his biographical data. The television presenter in the family circle recently celebrated his 33rd birthday. On his Instagram page, the star said that one of his friends congratulated him most unusually. He woke him up at 3 am and read a congratulatory poem written by himself. The journalist is in adulthood. He has not yet fulfilled everything he planned, but he hopes that he will accomplish much more.

The biography and personal life of Dmitry Borisov not so long ago became interesting for a multimillion-dollar TV audience. The young man began to host the popular show program "Let them talk", replacing the bright star of television - Andrei Malakhov.

The birth of our hero took place in one of the small towns located on the territory of Ukraine, with the beautiful name Chernivtsi, in the mid-80s of the last century. But here the boy did not live long. Mother - Borisova Elena Borisovna paid great attention to her son and two daughters. Father - Bak Dmitry Petrovich was forced to move often at work, and his beloved wife and kids traveled around the Soviet Union with him.

Soon the boy, together with his parents and sisters, moved to Lithuania, on the territory of which he spent his childhood. Here, the future journalist learned to speak Lithuanian fluently. He and his friends living in nearby houses played football, walked on the playground, which was made especially for children by their parents. Dima learned to twist the sun, pull himself up and perform various difficult tricks on the bungee. At the same time, the boy began to roller skate. Subsequently, he developed his skills and brought to perfection.

The future television star went to first grade in the capital of the Russian Federation. In the early 90s, difficult times came in the Baltics, so the parents decided to take their children away. In addition, father and mother were invited to work at the Russian University for the Humanities.

During his school years, the boy studied quite well. He was especially successful in humanitarian subjects, for which Dima received only five. Borisov read poems with feeling, comprehended history and literature. He is proud that in adolescence he mastered all the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. The guy especially liked the stories included in "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka."

The future TV presenter studied at a music school. He's pretty good at playing the guitar. Dmitry went in for sports. He played football and volleyball, went in for swimming and running. The guy at various sporting events defended the honor of the school.

Borisov attended a school drama club, in productions he played exclusively princes and heroes. Often, the parents of the star came to the performances, who watched with interest what was happening on the theater stage.

In high school, a talented TV presenter was fond of history. He studied with pleasure what was happening in this or that period on Russian or German territory.

Having received a certificate, our hero goes to study at the Russian State University for the Humanities, where he comprehends the cultural and literary traditions that existed on Russian and German territory. The future star specialized in dramatic works in France. After receiving a diploma, he studies at the graduate school of his university.

In his youth, he worked for some time at one of the Russian radio stations. First he edited, and then he led information blocks. Then he was the host of a popular music program that aired at night. His co-host was Alexander Plushev. In parallel, Dmitry goes on trips, from where he brings reports. The guy worked at Eurovision, held in Russia. He went to hot spots, and then talked about what was happening there on the news. Borisov worked at the Beslan school, talking about the disturbing events taking place.

In 2006, he began to conduct morning broadcasts of the TV channel that became his native. Then Dmitry began to conduct news programs that air during the day and in the evening. In 2008, Borisov was entrusted with leading the Victory parade. A talented young man from that time began to regularly conduct festive events.

Dmitry was the host of the information program "Time" for 6 years. He invariably appeared on the screens in the evening news broadcasts.

Borisov was entrusted with carrying the torch at the Sochi Olympics as the fire was carried through the streets of Moscow. Then he commented on sports competitions at the winter games.

In 2017, he hosted a Live broadcast, where he asked questions from numerous viewers to V.V. Putin. His co-host was Tatyana Remizova, who also works on Channel One.

In the same year, Dmitry began to broadcast “Let them talk”, replacing Andrey Malakhov, who left due to disagreements with the leaders of Channel One. At first, viewers believed that the man would not be able to adapt to the pace that was characteristic of the former presenter. Currently, Borisov has joined the team. His viewers consider him an excellent presenter, without whom they can no longer imagine television broadcasting.

In addition to "Let them talk", the journalist began to host the TV program "Exclusive", which airs on weekends.

During his work on Channel One, our hero received several prestigious state awards.

Little has been written about the personal life of the popular TV presenter. Today he is free. He has no wife and children. Fans believe that this will not be long, and soon Borisov will start a family and become a wonderful father.

The family and children of Dmitry Borisov have not yet been born. He devotes all his time to work, but he does not remain for his personal life. In a recent interview, a popular TV presenter said that he has a girlfriend who will soon become his wife. But he did not name and occupation, as well as age.

An example for a popular TV presenter has always been his parents. They have done a lot in their lives for their children.

Dad is a famous journalist throughout the post-Soviet space. He writes articles on philology, critical notes, translated texts from several world languages. He is fluent in Russian, German, English, French, Ukrainian, Lithuanian and Polish. For a long time, the man worked at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Today he is in charge of the museum, which bears the name of Vladimir Dahl.

Mother taught Russian language and literature in one of the Russian institutes. She spent a lot of time with her children.

Our hero has two sisters. They chose ordinary professions for themselves. The girls are married and have children.

The popular TV presenter is currently single. He has not yet met the one who would become his life partner. In 2009, Dmitry began to appear at all events along with the popular pop singer Yulia Savicheva. Numerous fans of the Star Factory participant became interested in him. The artist has only recently become one of the participants in the famous Eurovision. Borisov interviewed her. This is how their first meeting took place.

The girl in an interview said that she sang her first song in public at the age of 4. Then, together with her dad, the girl often took part in events in her hometown. Julia learned to play the guitar herself, and she learned the basics of vocals at a music school in her town.

The girl was noticed at a concert performance by the famous Russian producer Maxim Fadeev, who invited her to the Star Factory show, which the man began to lead. The singer was talented, which is why she won that year. Since that time, she has gained a large number of fans.

Numerous fans of pop songs began to say that the artist had already married Dmitry, but they are trying to hide their true feelings in public.

The pseudo-wife of Dmitry Borisov - Yulia Savicheva is happily married. She became the wife of another man, from whom she gave birth to her beloved daughter. But fans believed and still believe that this is PR. The girl is just hiding her true feelings. Meanwhile, Dmitry Borisov and Yulia Savicheva, whose wedding was expected any day, continued to communicate. They posted pictures together on their Instagram page.

In mid-2012, the star of the First TV channel performed a song on the radio, which he dedicated to his friend. The listeners instantly decided that there was in the form of Julius. In their opinion, the young man so confessed his feelings for the artist. They waited for the announcement of the wedding, but this never happened. In addition, our hero became the godfather of a baby daughter who was born a singer.

Dmitry Borisov and his wife are still a request for the future. The young man has a large number of girlfriends with whom he often takes pictures. In 2017, Instagram subscribers saw pictures from Chulpan Khamatova, with whom our hero has a long friendship.

Recently, the TV presenter starred with a rather beautiful girl. Who is it - guess numerous fans and do not find the answer. Borisov himself is in no hurry to reveal the secret. He laughs at people and advises to get on with his life.

On one of the August days in 2017, it became known that the popular television presenter Andrei Malakhov refused to further renew the contract with the leadership of Channel One. The man has repeatedly stated that he wants to issue a decree instead of his wife. This caused a disagreement with Konstantin Ernst, who offered other solutions to this problem. Andrei suddenly suddenly disappeared, having gone on a trip to the countries of the Mediterranean Sea. It was from there that he sent a letter of resignation. Immediately after that, the man got a job on the RTR channel. Here he hosts several popular programs.

Immediately after the departure of Malakhov, viewers began to be tormented by the question: “Who will now go on the air in the program“ Let them talk ”. It seemed to many that no one could hold the releases of the popular show better than Andrey Malakhov.

When our hero began to lead the program, it seemed to many that this was not for long. Soon, according to the audience, there will be someone who will lead the program constantly. But a month after the first broadcast, the channel's management announced that the TV presenter "Let them talk" was Dmitry Borisov. He himself spoke with his predecessor, who wished him to be the face of the show. Now the man is no less popular than Andrei Malakhov.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dmitry Borisov are available. Here you can find a lot of information about the popular TV presenter.

On the Wikipedia page, you can find out where the man was born, how he spent his childhood and youth. Here information is given about the development of the career of a television presenter, his work on radio and television. But there is no information about the bride and wife. Our hero keeps this side of life a secret.

In social networks, the man is quite popular. He maintains his own blog, in which he shares the secrets of success with subscribers. He often posts pictures of Borisov on his Instagram page. He is photographed on them with friends, including a large number of women, relatives, and colleagues. Quite often you can see pictures with your favorite dog. By the way, she has her own page on the Internet.

Dmitry Borisov is not only a brilliant TV presenter, but also produces modern documentaries. He was born on August 15, 1985 in Chernivtsi (Ukraine), but lives and works in Russia. Dmitry's parents are philologists, they met while studying together at the university.

Dmitry was not yet a year old when a terrible tragedy happened - the Chernobyl disaster. The family makes a difficult decision to move to Moscow with their son. After some time they left for Lithuania. After a certain period of time, the family moved to Siberia. Dima at that time went to an ordinary comprehensive school, after which he entered the Russian State University for the Humanities. Already in 2007, Dmitry was a certified philologist. However, it seemed to the young man that he had not achieved enough and he entered graduate school.

At the age of sixteen, Dmitry Borisov begins his career at the Echo radio station. His career began as a simple decorator, then he became the host of a news program.

Since 2006, Dmitry's television career began. On Channel One, he was the host of morning, afternoon and evening newscasts. By 2008, the young and promising host was awarded the best host of the season.

In 2011, Borisov was appointed permanent host of the Vremya program. Such rapid and rapid professional development in no way contributed to the development of star disease. Dmitry always treats the assigned tasks with particular seriousness, at work he has shown himself to be a rather restrained and responsible person.

At present, Dmitry's work has doubled: in addition to cooperation with Channel One, he continues to work on his native Echo radio. In addition, he still manages to devote time to sports, leads a fairly active lifestyle.

Dmitry Borisov prefers not to make his personal life public. For some time, a rumor was actively spreading that he was preparing for a wedding with the famous popular singer Yulia Savicheva. However, not so long ago, Julia played a wedding with another person, which put all the points. Dmitry, according to the latest data, remains an enviable bachelor and has no children.

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