Why you need to learn English. What is English for?


Interest in foreign languages ​​is becoming more widespread. This is due to many factors: the development of technology, the tourism business, and the following are the most frequent answers to the question "Why do I need to know English?".


Often, to move up the career ladder, you need to acquire additional skills and explore new horizons. Perhaps you work for a company that plans to expand its boundaries and go global in the future. Of course, you can hire an interpreter. However, many managers prefer employees who, in addition to their main profession, have knowledge of a foreign language. One of the strongest arguments for learning English is that you get a significant advantage and increase your chances of success.

Studying abroad

Many seek education abroad. For admission to most universities, you will need a certificate confirming sufficient. Therefore, another significant reason, English, is the successful passing of exams. Each educational institution has its own passing score, so the higher your result, the more likely you are to enter a good university. The dream of acquiring an education in another country and then finding a decent job is a good motivation. And the answer to the question "Why do we need English?" in this case is very clear.

Personal development

Another reason to learn English is that it will help develop many useful personality traits.

  • Memory training. Constant practice and the need to memorize a lot of words, set expressions and grammar rules will greatly improve memory.
  • Flexibility of thinking. The English language is very rich in synonyms. Another of its features is flexibility, which allows the same idea to be conveyed using different formulations. This has a beneficial effect on the development of intellectual abilities.
  • Motivation to develop. A clear understanding of why you need English is the first step towards success. This gives motivation for further action and the desire to develop. Next, you should make efforts and regularly devote time to improving language skills.
  • Strength of will. There are no special exercises for developing willpower. It is strengthened if a person decides to persevere towards his goal and regularly makes efforts. It can be sports training, playing a musical instrument or learning foreign languages. To achieve success, it is important to constantly devote time to learning, which in turn helps to develop such qualities as the ability for long-term concentration, perseverance, the ability to clearly formulate goals and achieve them.

tourist trips

Perhaps one of the most common reasons why English is needed is communication with foreigners abroad. If you like to travel, you need to master the language at least at the initial level (A1), which is also called the Survival level (survival level). And good knowledge will help you get even more pleasant emotions from the trip, because you can not only see the sights, but also communicate with native speakers, get in touch with the culture of another country and expand your circle of friends.

Expanding the boundaries

Learning new things allows you to go beyond the familiar and expand the boundaries of understanding. Any language is not just a set of lexical units and grammatical rules through which people exchange information. When getting acquainted with a foreign language, a new picture of the world is gradually formed, which may differ from the usual system of thinking. After all, any language displays a way of thinking, a system of views, culture, traditions and worldview of the people. Therefore, one of the reasons why to learn English is the opportunity to better understand the people for whom it is native. You will have the opportunity to expand your social circle, find friends among foreigners, and besides, you will feel freer while traveling.

Another advantage is the ability to watch films and read books in the original, to understand the meaning of foreign songs. Sometimes even the highest quality translation is not able to fully convey the essence of what was said in the original language, because there are certain features that are understandable only to native speakers. Therefore, if you are interested in cinema and classic literature in the UK or the US, you should definitely learn the language of these countries.

In addition to all of the above, English allows you to expand your understanding of your own language. Many words in Russian are borrowed from English. Similar examples can be found in any field: business, sports, science, information technology, transport, etc.

If you have already determined for yourself why you personally need English, it remains only to start regular classes. The following are a few simple tips that will help you spend your time and energy more efficiently:

  • Regularity. When you start learning something new, it is very important to devote time to learning every day. Even 30 minutes every day will be much more effective than a three-hour lesson once a week. Reinforcing what you've recently learned will save you a lot of time later on, as you won't have to relearn what you've already learned.
  • Diversity. Besides courses or learning materials, there are many ways to make learning interesting and exciting. This is watching movies, listening to and translating your favorite songs, reading magazines and newspapers. The main thing - choose exactly what you are interested in. Vivid emotions and inspiration increase the quality of memorizing new material.
  • Learning a foreign language means making it your own. It is very important to start putting new words and rules into practice as soon as possible. When starting to study, you should first of all pay attention to the vocabulary that you use in your native language, talking about yourself, your interests and everyday life. This will help build an active vocabulary and polish your speaking skills.
  • Another effective method is to write in the target language. You can keep a diary, recording impressions and new ideas, as well as write essays, articles, or start communicating with foreigners on social networks. Any of these methods will help increase vocabulary and develop writing skills.

It is very important to determine why you need to learn English for you. An accurate understanding of one’s own goals will increase motivation and cope with the doubts that sometimes overcome a person who has chosen one or another path of personal development. In moments of disappointment, it is important to remember why you started everything. This will help to achieve success, despite the obstacles and difficulties!

In Runet you will not find even a tenth of what is in English-language sources. For comparison: from the sites existing in 2017 Usage of content languages ​​for websites. only 6.7% in Russian, and in English - 51.3%.

Having learned English, you will no longer depend on the opinion of copywriters who decide what to translate and what not.

You will search for information not limited to the Runet, read the opinions of foreign experts, study scientific research, check foreign news.

A lot of information can be gleaned from English-language videos on YouTube: from analysis of exercises to cooking recipes and playing musical instruments.

If you decide to learn English online and are looking for a suitable resource, try Puzzle English. This is a serious tool that develops all skills - reading, writing, speaking and listening - and keeps a keen interest in classes. At the moment, with its help, about four million users with different levels of training learn English.

To improve your English skills faster and discover a world of new information, try the Personal Plan from Puzzle English. This is a flexible, customizable learning plan that caters to your language level, interests, and needs. With this plan, you will be able to focus on reading, listening comprehension or vocabulary, which will be useful for mastering any information on the Internet.

2. Watch movies in original

You will finally be able to find out how your favorite actors actually talk, hear their unique intonations. Most likely, many films will open before you in a new way and you will want to review all your favorite films and TV shows - now without translation.

At first, it may be difficult for you to understand English speech, as it will be fast, with special accents, slang words and abbreviations.

To get used to it faster, Puzzle English offers a unique teaching method - Video Puzzles. You watch a short video in English, and then combine individual words into sentences from the video. A fun way to learn that simultaneously builds your vocabulary and teaches you to understand English speech.

3. Get more out of travel

English is the official language in 59 countries around the world. In addition to Great Britain, it is spoken in the USA and Canada, Australia, India, Pakistan, and many African countries. English is understood almost throughout Europe, as well as in many countries popular among tourists.

In English, you will be able to explain yourself faster without fear of being misunderstood, order food in a restaurant without help, explain to a taxi driver where to take you, as well as make acquaintances with tourists from different countries and penetrate deeper into the culture of the visited country.

If you want to learn English for your travels, Puzzle English offers the Puzzle Academy travel course - fun video lessons with a native speaker on the topic of travel. From the lessons of an Irish teacher, you will learn everything you need for a successful trip to an English-speaking country: about transport, food, shopping, housing, culture and much more.

4. Understand what is being sung in your favorite compositions

When you learn to understand English by ear, you will discover the meaning of your favorite foreign songs. It is one thing to read the translation on the site, and quite another to understand in the process of listening.

However, lyrics are filled with parables and slang even more than films, and it takes some experience to translate and understand them correctly. In the section Puzzle English "Songs" you will find many well-known songs with translation and karaoke, as well as video analyzes from which you will learn a lot about set expressions and allegory.

5. Earn more

According to How to write a working resume in English: 5 main rules. HeadHunter, in Russia, in positions requiring knowledge of the English language, the salary of employees is 30–40% higher than in those where this is not required.

As a rule, programmers and testers, financiers, HR specialists, and top managers need a foreign language. If a company is already working with foreign partners or intends to do so in the future, English may be needed by all its employees: from an engineer to a manager.

Knowledge of English, along with other professional qualities, can become a ticket to a foreign representative office of a company or help you get a job in foreign giants like Google.

If you need English for work or business, Puzzle Academy has a Business English course. During the course, a Canadian teacher will tell you how to write a resume, make a presentation, conduct a telephone conversation and much more.

6. Expand your social circle

Communicating with foreigners, you will learn a lot about the culture and lifestyle in different countries, and if you ever decide to travel, pen pals will show you the real country - away from the tourist routes.

You can meet foreigners on specialized sites or through social networks, communicate by correspondence or by calling over the Internet. Talking via video calls is good for language acquisition and just plain fun, but it can be hard to get over the shyness and fear at first.

Today, English is one of the most popular languages ​​in the world. Approximately 1.5 billion people speak English, and somewhere around 1 billion learn it. English has covered all spheres of human life: science, the media, study, work and leisure. Therefore, the question "Why should I learn English?" sounds a little strange today. But not for those who have not yet had time to join the ranks of the students. And in order to master English perfectly, you need strong motivation, which will constantly encourage and inspire a person to new victories.

"You can never understand one language until you understand at least two."
— Geoffrey Willans

In this regard, I think it would be very appropriate to identify the top 10 reasons for learning English.

Perspective job

Everyone knows that in order to get a good and interesting job, you need knowledge not only in the professional field, but also excellent command of the English language. In addition, specialists with knowledge of the English language receive a salary 44% higher than their "ignorant" counterparts. Agree, attending English courses is a good investment in yourself.

Watching movies in the original

Do you still think that everyone's favorite action movie "Die Hard" or the wonderful touching comedy "1 + 1" in the original sound exactly like that? Well, I hasten to disappoint you. Often, film distributors change the titles of films, trying to make them bright and catchy, as a result of which the author's intention is completely lost. If titles are so neglected, imagine what happens to original scripts, interesting dialogues, sparkling expressions. Difficult? Then I recommend to watch "The hangover" ("The Hangover"), "Die Hard" ("Die Hard"), "Lion King" ("The Lion King").

Reading books in the original

Have you ever read Dickens, O. Henry, Dreiser in the original? If not, then get on with the book! You will be surprised by the mastery of the word, amazed by the ability of the authors to accurately convey the emotional state of the characters in words. Decided to try it but don't know where to find it. Then you are here:

Ability to keep up with the times

Almost all international conferences, sports competitions, popular shows are conducted in English. Most of all scientific publications are also in English. Knowing the language, you can access any information, whether it be English-language newspapers and magazines The Times, The Economist or BBC, CNN channels.

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere."
— Chinese Proverb

Education abroad

Fortunately, nowadays getting an education abroad is not a problem. Today, universities offer many options for obtaining education, both stationary and remotely. Interesting? Master English and find what you need on the following sites:


Also, English should be studied by travel lovers, and not only in order to save on a translator, but also in order to avoid various ridiculous situations. Knowing English, you will get much more emotions and impressions from the trip.

New acquaintances

By learning to speak and understand a foreign language, you will be able to make friends living in other countries, thus. you will never feel alone again.

"Language is the blood of the soul into which thoughts run and out of which they grow."
— Oliver Wendell Holmes

Prestigious hobby

Do you have a lot of free time? Start learning English. Immersing yourself in the English-speaking culture, reading original authors, watching exciting films, mastering grammar, you will forever forget what boredom is.

Acquaintance with the culture of English-speaking countries

They say, "How many languages ​​you know - so many times you are a person." Of course, you can learn about the culture of a country without understanding the language. You can learn something, but it is impossible to plunge into a new world for yourself, to understand, to comprehend.


Never before has learning a foreign language been so accessible. Imagine, sitting at home, in a cozy and familiar atmosphere, you can gain knowledge by communicating with highly qualified, energetic, positive-minded teachers.

Friends, are you still thinking about the question “Do I need English?” Rather, join us, otherwise the next time the question "Do you speak English?" you will answer something like this:
— Do you speak English?
- Yes, if you would.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

learning a new language
Learning a new language is not easy. So when we want to learn the language, we should be confident and should not be shy. Therefore, we should practice language as much as we can. To learn the language we should follow certain steps.

As matter as fact, students who wish to learn the language should follow certain steps. First, we should listen to the new language as much as possible. We have better listening to a native speaker that because we will learn pronunciation correctly. Also, we can use radio, audio programs and watching T.V in listening language. We should try ad much as possible listening to the language, moreover, four hours everyday.

Second, to speak a new language, we should be confident. For example, we should be confident and do not fear of our mistakes when we speak. Therefore, if we shy and do not want to make a mistake, we can not speak because we are afraid to make a mistake.

Third, read in the language as much as we can. For instance, read from general books which have topics we like it. Also, read from children's books and read from magazines.

Fourth, to learn writing we should draw our planning and think of what we want to write about. In addition to that we can learn writing by writing our daily.

To conclude, we should practice these skills as much as we can. In addition to that if we have desire we can overcome the abstracts that we face when learning language.

Essay in English - Why learn English with translation

Learning foreign languages ​​is important these days
I think that any educated person must learn foreign languages. But I prefer English to other foreign languages. Why? English is becoming a global language. A half of billion people in the world use English at home or work. English is the language which is known for the most part of our fine, magnificent and surprising world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.

A lot of problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, can not be solved without speaking the same language.

The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.

Some people learn English because they need it in their work; others to travel aboard and for lots of people learning English is just a hobby.

I have been learning English since the age of 11. I like learning English very much. But I like and know well my native language, Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” I agree with him. The knowledge of English helps me to learn Russian.

Why study English
Learning foreign languages ​​is important these days. I think that a cultured and modern person should learn foreign languages. But I prefer English. Why? English is becoming a global language. Half a billion people in the world use English at home or at work. English is a language that is known throughout our beautiful, majestic and wonderful world. English is so widespread that it has become the standard language for all kinds of international communication.

The problems of the 21st century, such as the problems of war and peace, ecology, cannot be solved without speaking the same language.

English is spoken by more than 350 million people, is the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nationalities. This means that every seventh person in the world speaks English.

Some people learn English because they need it at work, others travel abroad a lot, and for many, learning English is a favorite pastime. I started learning the language at the age of 11. I really like him. But I also love my native Russian. The great German poet Goethe once said: "He who does not know a foreign language does not know his own." I agree with him, everything is known in comparison. Knowing English helps me learn Russian.

Most people in the Western world learn English at some point in their lives, but if your high school years are just behind you or you've never had to learn English, you may be wondering why English is such an important language. If you are wondering "Why learn English?" below you will find some of the reasons why learning English is important.

1. English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

Why is English so important? Every fifth person in the world speaks or at least understands English. There are 400 million native speakers of this language on the planet, and English is the official or one of the main languages ​​of communication in more than 50 countries. While Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian and German also boast large numbers of speakers and have grown in importance in recent decades, there is good reason to learn English. It is he who remains the least common multiple for people who meet and work together in different parts of the world.

2. English opens up new opportunities for you.

Another important reason to learn English is that it increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company or starting work abroad. English is the language of business, which is why it is so important for employees to be able to speak English when communicating with colleagues from other countries and foreign clients. In short, learning English will help you make your career, so start learning now!

3. English makes you more attractive to employers

Just imagine: the next time you need to call an English client, you volunteer to do it and impress everyone around you. As mentioned above, a career is a great reason to learn English. You will feel more confident speaking English, even with native speakers, and earn the respect of your superiors.

Do you want to get a promotion or find a new job? We can help you with this, because teaching English is our forte!

  • Learn English online
  • Take the Level Completion Quiz on busuu
  • Get an Official McGraw-Hill Education Certification
  • Add this certification to your LinkedIn profile and to the language proficiency section of your resume

    This way your boss and potential employers will know about your outstanding English skills.

    4. English opens your way to the best universities in the world

    Where do you want to study? Have you ever thought about going to Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Stanford? And what about the prestigious English universities, Cambridge and Oxford? Even if getting into one of these universities isn't your plan, English is spoken in so many countries, so there are thousands of schools offering programs in English. If you speak English, there are many opportunities open to you.

    5. Some of the greatest works of world literature are written in English

    Maybe you always wanted to read the books of great English writers in the original? Learn English online and apply your language skills to read modern classics: JK Rowling's Harry Potter series, Stephen King novels or Lee Child's latest thriller. With each new book you read, you will develop your English skills and be able to go to the old masters of the word: Charles Dickens, Jane Austen or Henry James, and read their works in the original language. Start learning now, and very soon you will be able to read!

    6. English helps you better understand pop culture.

    Has it ever happened to you that a melody is spinning on your tongue, but you can't manage to sing it because you don't know the words? Or, even worse, for someone to catch you singing some of your own text instead of the words of a famous song?

    Has it ever happened to you that you look at the lyrics of a song and realize that for many months, if not years, you have been singing not at all what should be there? Have you ever had to wait for your favorite author's new book to be translated, or suffer from terrible voice acting for your favorite TV series?

    This is a great reason to learn English! You can read the works of your favorite authors in the original, watch movies and TV shows in English without subtitles, and sing along to your favorite song.

    7. English grammar is quite simple, honestly.

    While vocabulary and pronunciation can sometimes be difficult to master, English grammar is much easier than the grammar of other European languages. There are only two grammatical genders, one definite article and one indefinite article each, and cases don't play a role at all... mastering the basics of English is incredibly easy, and it's only a matter of time before you replenish your vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.

    8. English is your passport to the world of knowledge

    Here, in general, everything is simple: most of the content available on the Internet is written in English. Many sites are created in English and then translated into other languages, but some companies don't care about translation at all because so many people speak English. If you know English, you will be able to use information that would otherwise be inaccessible to you!

    9. English improves memory and helps keep the brain in good shape.

    Another, perhaps somewhat unexpected reason to learn English is a good memory! According to research, being fluent in two languages ​​(and just the process of learning a foreign language) can protect the brain from negative age-related changes. Some types of dementia in people who speak at least two languages ​​are diagnosed up to five years later than those who speak only one language.

    10. Just 10 minutes a day is enough to learn English

    This is a great reason to learn English. Many studies show that instead of sitting in language classes twice a week, it is much better to study little by little, but regularly. Download the busuu app and you can learn English online anytime, anywhere, all you need is a couple of minutes to spare. What other reasons do you need to learn English? Study the language for ten minutes every day and soon you will master it fluently.

    As you can see, there are many reasons why you should really learn English. Register today, download our apps for Android or iOS and you can study even on the go.

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