Why Bobik died - a stronghold of scattering lovers.


Telegram - lightning! Urgently from the cemetery to print! From the severe St. Petersburg diarrhea pupated in a direct flow to the ridiger, the well-known hairy wimp, a native Jamaican German, Bobi Farrell, better known as a member of the Boni-M group and a rap performer of a song about Rasputin. Pruflink

God, you can shit in the eye. But only once. What was clearly proved by one Jamaican monkey, whose tail fell off right on the St. Petersburg dead swamps. So why shouldn't Bobik be smoking ganjubas in a hammock in sunny Jamaica, mating curvy Jamaicans, selling palm-bark whistles and farts to stupid white tourists, and burping his reggae to death at the end of a long healthy life? Fuck! Bes beguiled! I wanted to taste mortal sins. Well, welcome to the country of white people, indistinguishable from a snowdrift.

Having sold kidneys from a muse for thirty pieces of silver, our fifteen-year-old hero succumbed to the persistent production of a lustful German pedophile. In return, he received shiny heu-tight leggings, glass beads and the opportunity to shake muddies on stage to the accompaniment of disenfranchised blacks easily produced in all holes. An outlandish circus of talking island monkeys gathered entire stadiums, bringing gold to the producer, and glory and silver to the singers. The impudent islanders, who spat in the face of God and fled from the Jamaican paradise to the fart stinking hell of European cities, should have stopped there. However, the temptations of Satan are great, and our Bobik touches the wrong satanic ghoul of their gloomy peter: Bobik's calling card appears, the song "Ra-ra-Rrrasputin". Like "the rush is far away, but the loot of the fans is close," Bobby thought, jumping around the stage. "You're jumping on me, black-assed macaque," thought Rasputin, turning in his grave every concert of the indefatigable Bobby.

In such a "random" way, the boy Bobby, who loved money very much, in his old age was dragged by Satan into the very heat of hell, into snowy Russia on New Year's Eve. Satan and the spirit of Rasputin personally wanted to see how a funny uncle from Jamaica would grimace on stage and vilify their dark names. First Bobik famously danced in front of the local gopota from AvtoVAZ in distant Samara, the presence of which is known to half a percent of the world's population. God sent a warning and a day marinated the raging dancer at the airport in Samara, the size of one bathroom in the artist's mansion. But that's what rashka is for, a country of endless greed and shamelessness.

In the gloomy city of Peter the dancer was awaited by a gang of feudal elites of the local Gazprom at a closed private party near the Yusupov Palace. Grigory Efimovich, who had settled there and exactly a day and a century earlier, also looked at the parties of the royal rich thieves. Bobik twitched a bit on the stage, sang "ra-ra-rasputin", as he looked into the hall - and there Satan himself looks so seriously from the portrait on the wall, and at the table his especially approximate devils rage: fat, plump, arrogant, they eat ordinary Russians and they drink oil from cups, and from a dark corner of the room Rasputin himself glares with a severed dick and threatens with a bony finger. The devils took Bob under the black handles - "you won't drink with the peasants" - and they poured vodka into him half and half with cocaine. And the bean died.

Do not go children to rashenka for a walk
In Rashenka sharks of the oprichny oil "business"
Gop stop gorillas, angry dire bear
And Satan himself rules the ball there.
Jamaican folk song


And my Bobik died immediately!
- And mine - no-ee! Gave her this pill...
- What do they sell in the village council?
- Well, yes ... for forty-five rubles ... I put it in bread, gave it, I thought everything - she left, she was gone for three days, then I look - she comes, as if nothing had happened!

The conversation of three elephant-like matrons on the platform attracted my attention.
- And my whelped under the barn in the winter. They tried to get it, but it didn’t work out - the snow had to be shoveled. Then they got out, four puppies. I put poison on her, the dog, she brought puppies ... everyone died.
- My everything was not given in the hands. She came to the yard, but to approach - no! Wild!
“They don’t trust, and they do it right, it turns out,” I thought.
- I still tell my friend: shoot the dog, and he: “I haven’t shot dogs yet!”

Matriarchy! The women took this dirty business into their gentle hands. Mokrushnitsy!
- Apparently, I'll have to buy two pills, - the unfortunate poisoner thought aloud, - puppies will immediately die from them, and for an adult dog, the dose should be larger.

Only recently I watched the program on TV: the dispute was between dog hunters and animal lovers. Then the actor Leonid Yarmolnik defiantly left the studio, refusing to be in it with the dog hunter.
The conversation was about the fact that stray dogs began to attack people, and even killed one kid about 10 years old, whose corpse was found on the outskirts of Ufa.
But Yarmolnik left even before the mention of the corpse.
We agreed that people's safety should come first.
essentially justifying the doghunters.

As it turned out, the reason for such aggression towards dogs in the village is simple - many breed birds, and chickens of all possible types of birds cheerfully march through the streets: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, and turkeys.
For dogs left to their own devices, they are ready-to-eat, easy prey,
and no one wants to be responsible for their four-legged animals, some of which are already feral. And since “one tablet is enough”, then everything is clear: no dog, no problem.
Meanwhile, in the courtyard of one such matron, there are two barrels filled to the top with long loaves and loaves of stale bread - for livestock. Where? Yes, the son works as a security guard in the bakery! But just feeding your dog, which obviously eats less than a calf, is weak. It's easier to go for a pill.
This is the cruel truth of life.

Although, I know other examples of attitudes towards animals. The tram driver, a fragile girl, in winter, at the last stop in the industrial zone, always fed the dogs, who, having heard the tram, came running and waited for the door to open and a miracle to happen. As it turned out, this is a tradition among drivers. Another time, a young guy specially went to the store, bought a loaf of bread and fed it all to the four dogs that came running ...
But of course they don't raise chickens...

I. Pritsko


There are different people. I also sometimes distribute pre-prepared bones to dogs at the garbage heap.
And another time you come and there is not a single dog. By the way, they began to throw out purebred dogs, I have been seeing a resenschnauzer, a pit bull terrier and a kurutshar at the garbage dump for half a year! -They are usually caught and slaughtered by homeless people, they cook stew from them.

I also sometimes see thoroughbreds: sometimes a bulldog ran at the bus stop, then yesterday I met a beautiful hunting dog ... yes, unenviable fate ... they say that the life of a homeless dog is reduced to 4 years, and then there are hungry homeless people and hunters for homeless, catchers, because millions are allocated to catch them ... most likely, most of the amount ends up in the pockets of officials, this is such an area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity that is just for thieves ...

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Part 2: "And the decay of the fatherland is sweet to them" (trademark of plutocrats)

To the rhetorical questions “Who is to blame and what to do?” The Yandex search engine produces 9 million answers, but none of them is a universal key to Happiness. Which involuntarily suggests the idea of ​​the subjectivity of the concept, which does not have parameters in the form of weight and dimensions, national standards and world standards ...

And why don't we, fucking fools, talk on Freedom Day, for example, about the responsibility of voters and politicians?

What was it?

To say that the Maidan arose on its own and for more than a month (“the active phase” lasted from November 22 to December 26, 2004) held out on the bare enthusiasm of the masses - this is disingenuous and, to put it mildly, greatly underestimate the role of the organizers and the financial contribution " sponsors." The American trace of the “Orange Revolution” scenario and the contribution of the oligarchs to the material support of this holiday (or, to choose from, the Sabbath) are so obvious that only people who are absolutely incompetent in the organizational and technical issues of holding mass events can deny this. By the way, it is precisely in matters of organizational and material support that one of the reasons for the subsequent disappointment of the Maidan participants was “buried”. For Viktor Andreevich turned out to be a banal lucky man, "who entered power on someone else's hump." And people who find themselves in a leadership position due to a random combination of circumstances tend to underestimate the efforts of others and exaggerate their own importance ...

But, on the other hand, it’s even funnier to listen to the statements of the “blue-whites” that all participants in the revolution were “paid extras” or fooled “loshariki”. Yes, at the headquarters one could get free train tickets to Lvov. Probably, it is possible to hire a dozen people for money who will spend the night in tents on Bankovaya or Khreshchatyk when it is minus ten. But even the funds of the US State Department will not be enough to pay not only for the rent of a stage for speeches by politicians and communication satellites for live television broadcasts, but also for hundreds of artists, directors and composers, joke writers, cooks, etc.. Not to mention dozens thousands of participants in the crowd. Only those citizens who have not personally seen the human rivers in Kyiv and the creativity that the Maidan participants literally gushed can believe in such garbage ...

Hmm, and for what money can you buy a gag included in the "golden fund" of the Maidan - the performance of Lyudmila Yanukovych? This is a masterpiece, created disinterestedly! Charm!


It is very difficult to convey in words the spirit of the Maidan. And not because I don't have the right words, but only because of the subjectivity of citizens in matters of world perception. Well, how can you understand the extraneous assessment of the color scheme and the temperature scale of the Maidan, if you yourself have never felt the positive energy of the masses?

I arrived in Kyiv on November 22, 2004 exhausted (after a day's work in the electoral commission and an exhausting trip to Ivankov with fucking bags of documents). The weather is gloomy, there is no condition - I crawl out of the metro to the Maidan ... and then bang - a heat stroke of a thousandth mass of positive energy. It seems that your "dead batteries" were turned on for recharging - just there was "no" and then everything became unimportant to you. Official feeling! Probably, only on the Maidan it was possible to plunge into nirvana without the use of drugs ...

The story of a lost chance

It's hard, you know, to grow cucumbers outdoors in the month of February. But it is even more difficult to instantly change the consciousness of millions of people and direct this collective energy into a constructive channel. This is me to the fact that the positive aura of the "orange revolution" did not arise suddenly and did not appear out of nowhere. By and large, despite the fact that the Maidan was a burlesque of national romanticism, first of all, figuratively speaking, it was a declaration of the middle class about its civic position, and further aspirations and desired directions.

The concept of "middle class" is so vague that anyone can be included (as well as deleted) in this category. But here and today, by the middle class I mean people who have achieved a certain level of material well-being in the economic chaos of the nineties. And these people were so fed up with adrenaline surges under force majeure conditions that they wanted transparent and understandable “rules of the game” that would allow them to run and develop their business. It is possible that I am mistaken in my assumptions, but it seems to me that a significant part of businessmen have morally matured to the point of deliberately “narrowing the profit margin” in exchange for guarantees of stability.

Whoever and whatever they say, but the politicians had at hand a critical mass that allows them to rely on it. How was this energy used by them? – this is a completely different question.

When something goes WRONG, the answer to the question “Who is to blame?” - everyone knows. Although, of course, there are so many answers that it is just right to assume that EVERYONE is to blame. This is not true. The roles in society are clearly defined: voters dash taxpayers - customers, politicians dash hired managers - performers.

Let me give you a simple but relevant parallel - if I went to the airport, chose a route and paid for a ticket to the European capital, then my responsibility is limited to choosing a route. And if the plane suddenly landed in the middle of nowhere in the shabby Khoruzhevka, then the fault for this lies with the unfortunate pilot. I, sorry, do not e # ut weather conditions and force majeure circumstances. So Viktor Andreevich, having received an advance from the Maidan, did not have the slightest moral right to deviate from the declared route.

Misunderstandings "in the cockpit" - we, as customers, do not concern. That's why he is the commander, to restore order in the team entrusted to him. If there is no order, then there is no commander from it. Yushchenko turned out to be a pretentious loser who deceived his voters. Dot.

Stew from Liberty

How did it happen that Maidan won and its participants lost? Nothing special. Viktor Andreevich acted like a real banker - he cashed out the Maidan advance and transferred it to his bank account. It was voters who didn’t get a damn thing on their credit of people’s trust, but Yushchenko “walked for fame”: he met with world leaders, signed decrees, restored Baturin (now there is Yushchenko Street there - cool!), Built monuments to the Holodomor and a personal dacha. And you grumble that there is no result!

Events such as Maidan-2004 are unique. It is impossible to repeat them. But, hand on heart, Viktor Andreevich could be forgiven for everything. After all, where were those leaders of the national-democratic forces who were obliged, figuratively speaking, to punch the tyrant "in the face with a teapot"? The collective responsibility of political forces has not been canceled!

But there is a nuance! Collective responsibility is one thing, but the individual actions of the guarantor of the Constitution are quite another. We have not had a higher act of civil society than the Maidan. And a lower betrayal than Yushchenko's presidency. It was he who with his own hands transferred power into the hands of Ham, against whom the color of the nation was gathered in the main square of the country.

And it was he who served the stew from our Svoboda to the table of the Ukrainian plutocracy!

Covered me with truffles
Artichokes stuffed in the stomach
Salami was laid out on the chest,
They filled their mouths with braggarts,

Instead of eyes - two stupid olives
Stuffed, between the legs - sausage,
Cream was smeared on the knees,
They fixed the dumpling on the nose,

They put an onion broom in the ass,
They pumped brine through the ears,
Celery decorated the penis
And served on the festive table.

© Copyright: Merry Wolf, 2007

Okay, I will not overload you with letters - it's time to wrap up.

The summary will be short:

Bobik of illusions is dead. But is it bad to escape from this captivity?

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And, as expected, hysteria spread throughout all instances ...
Only talk about what a wonderful and wonderful person our Alexander Isaich was.
At the same time, when some part of the enlightened - in the sense of those who not only read his works (and, in particular, mastered the multi-volume "Archipelago"), but also understands the issue at least a little - tries to accurately suggest to the hysterical mass that "Sashok- he was a rotten dude", they immediately begin to hiss from all sides.

At first, with bestial hatred: "Yes, how can you! This is a great man! Yes, you are nothing compared to him! Yes, he ... Yes, you ..."

And when direct evidence is shoved right under the noses of citizens and that all the "accusatory" works of the aforementioned pretzel are lies and slander, the hissing becomes quieter, the defenders calm down somewhat. But, not wanting to hand over their shrine to the accursed fanatics, they raise the last banner: "de mortuis aut bene, aut nihil" (Latin - "it's either good about the dead or nothing / nothing").

True, being not very knowledgeable, citizens. I don’t know where this saying came from, and what it generally serves. You can go through educational program, for example,.

In short, then

However, the phrase is attributed not to the Romans, but to the ancient Greek sage Chilo and, apparently, goes back to the archaic, to the cult of ancestors. The dead were revered and feared - and, accordingly, they tried not to wake famously.

In our enlightened time, aut bene, aut nihil usually plays the role of the villain's last resort. When some special reptile expires, the choir of smaller reptiles disciplinedly starts a goat song about the high sacrament of death, the inadmissibility of dancing on bones and spitting on the grave, about good manners and bestiality of the crowd. Along the way, wishing a painful death to all those who honestly call the deceased a scum and commemorate all the evil that he managed to commit while he defiled the earth with his presence.

For example, let's remember the citizen Boris Nikolic - Tsar Boris I. Then exactly the same situation was repeated - hysteria was inflated almost artificially, thanks to the media and orders from above. True, it was more difficult there, because, perhaps, none of the former rulers caused as much evil to the Russian people as Boriska. Therefore, the people were not so saddened by this "loss" that they practically stood with a stake in their hands in order to stick the ghoul (yes, the very one that Stalin is always called) somewhere deeper. Then, for all the services to the Fatherland and the People - to the drunk, the thief and the traitor - not only had they given a full indulgence before, they also named the library in his honor. The people quietly went nuts, but endured (we generally have a very patient people).

Now the artists have joined in. who vying with each other began to paint - what kind of Sashulka was the beacon of the demo ... Russian conscience and all that. The people believe in artists, but they hardly know about Solzhenitsyn, except for the Archipelago and what they say about him. And therefore - do not even be indignant.

And the festivities are already being prepared: they are going to mint a nominal coin, gryat, a thirty-ruble coin, and declare mourning throughout the country. Well, of course, once again the multi-volume editions of the mega-writer will be released in huge circulation. at the expense of the state budget, of course. The country must know its heroes...

Who really was a wonderful person Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn - you can read, for example, here. But few people will know about it, because on TV once again they will show "In the first circle." Yes, and everything else is being filmed, including the mega-opus "The Gulag Archipelago" - for the damned totalitarian past must be firmly condemned. For such is the covenant of the current policy - from the "Bastards" to the "Penal Battalion" with the "Apostle", and beyond.

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