Why don't some people have auras? And why is it sometimes cold from a photo of a living and healthy person? What does it mean if a person has a black aura.


October 12th, 2012

What happens to the aura of a person after his death? This question was asked by the Russian professor K. G. Korotkov, who, with a group of operators of a gas-discharge apparatus that allows you to see and film a person's aura, conducted an experiment on its "illumination" in 1992 in the mortuary of the First Medical Institute in St. Petersburg.

The methodology and results of the experiment are described in detail by Korotkov in his book "Light after Life" (1994). In total, 10 series of sessions were held from 3 to 5 days (the group was obliged to return the dead to the judicial authorities within the time limits specified by legal norms). The bodies of men and women aged 19 to 70 years were received 1-3 hours after death.

The hand of the deceased was chosen as the object of analysis (corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR A.I. Veinik emphasized: "Experiments show that the most characteristic emitters of a person are his eyes and fingertips"). Gas-discharge photographs of the fingers were taken every hour and subjected to computer processing. The very first observations showed that the body of a person "shines" even after his death, "extinguishing" as he smolders. But on the first day, all bodies are characterized by a strong rise in energy and an increase in the "glow". Moreover, its intensity depended on the cause of death. So, in the case of a calm senile death, the intensity of the "glow" gradually weakened after two days, remaining stable after the third day from the moment of death.

On the contrary, in the event of an unexpected death for 48 hours, the aura was full of flashes, until, finally, the last burst of energy occurred - and the "glow" went out, as if the internal source that supported the movement of energy in the body was turned off. After that, the dead flesh "shone" evenly and constantly. The most dramatic fluctuations of signals (almost "Morse code"!) were noted during the entire session of observing the body of a suicide. The impression was that inside the body there was a "struggle of energies" - dead and alive. The latter did not want to leave the body, so suddenly dead. This energy "shouted, protested, feeding more and more bursts with internal heat." Even more unusual sensations were experienced by the participants in the experiment. Entering the basement of the institute, where there was a corpse with devices connected to it, Professor Korotkov felt "a gaze directed from the side of the deceased. The presence was felt quite clearly.

As if someone was nearby and was watching all my actions. There was no hostility in this "presence". Just the fact of observation. And returning to the door, I felt this look directed at the back until the very exit. And when I slammed the metal door behind me, I realized how tired I was during these twenty minutes of working with the corpse. "The rest and the rest of the researchers felt overwhelmed in the same way. Checking their energy with a gas discharge showed a strong drop in the intensity of the aura, as evidenced by the photographs, “Apparently,” Korotkov concludes, “dead bodies, being in a “transitional” state, open a channel connecting “our” world with the world of “another” reality.

Energy leaves through this channel, and when a person enters the field of action of this channel, he becomes involved in the sphere of powerful cosmic forces. Laws are beginning to operate that strongly affect our condition and our lives, but we are still very far from understanding them. "A similar experiment conducted in the 1980s at the Leningrad Laboratory of Physiological Research revealed the prevalence of the human biofield at a distance of 4 m. And the device continued to register this radiation from the body in the absence of brain and heart activity, to the considerable embarrassment of doctors. The phenomenon of the "living dead" of resuscitators was especially alarmed. In one case, the radiation after clinical death turned out to be stronger than that of the living present, which plunged the doctors into a panic!

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The black aura is an unnatural shade, but the result of an evil magical effect or the development of a deadly curse. And also black is a reflection of human nature, character, behavior and karma. Is black often associated with something good? As a rule, it reminds of darkness, death, negativity and fear. Let's figure it out.

Many people love dark tones in clothing and interior style, and no one is wary of this color. Alternative magical institutes for the study of the biofield (AMIB) believe that black does not mean anything bad, but indicates the saturation of emotions, because if you mix the three primary colors (red, blue, green), then the output is a black light beam.

Such an aura can be found in a purposeful person who is ready to fight and compete. These individuals can, despite obstacles, move towards the goal without sparing themselves. The environment characterizes them as sensitive, natural, decent and diligent.

Black color is the expression of true rebellion, the last degree of chaos, which pushes for change, but sometimes pulls into the abyss. The dark color of the field is rather a sign of freedom and rebelliousness, reincarnation in darkness. Such people clearly limit their personal space and strive to improve the sexual sphere of life through the knowledge of the subtle astral body. They are always reciprocated and quickly become attached to them.

The only negative in such dark energy is the impossibility to give a real assessment in a situation where the energy is in full swing and pours over the edge. In case of incorrect calculation of possibilities, disappointment will come, and the subtle body will simply flow out of the shell, the person will feel emptiness and pain.

The main character traits of the carriers of such energy are rage and anger. Sometimes in extreme situations, a person literally glows red-hot. A black biofield with gray notes speaks of prolonged depression, a melancholy state, a breakdown that leads to suicide, thoughts or a desire to harm other people. Envy is also black.

Unfortunately, for the owners of such a biofield, a positive interpretation of dark energy is used extremely rarely. The black spectrum of the aura, as a rule, is attributed to the destructive element, suggesting that this tone kills the flesh and soul.

What to do

Often the aura acquires a dark color due to third-party influences. For example, damage is a powerful energy attack that changes the character of a person, slowly absorbs the soul, and the vitality leaves the person, turning him into a zombie.

As a result of this, damage is done to spiritual values, the level of physical development and, of course, the central nervous system. Corruption manifests itself as a black border near the natural aura and attracts death and destruction.

We find out the reason

In fact, damage breaks the connection between the astral shell of the body and the physical. This is an invasion of a normal human aura by a malicious program that will not allow you to receive vital energy. An imbalance between the spiritual and material world will make a person irritable, vulnerable and touchy. And if the black aura was acquired as a result of the imposition of damage by someone, then the black biofield will sooner or later lead to a painful perception of the world.

Damage signs:

  • isolation in oneself, rejection of positive and denial of positive energy;
  • constant headaches, change in appearance, dizziness, increased sweating;
  • loss of sleep, aching bones, loss of strength and depression;
  • death of pets and loved ones.

If a person who wishes evil to another does not have enough abilities in the field of dark magic, he can turn to a necromancer for damage or an evil eye.

We clean ourselves

The energy of the conspiracy will help to eliminate the black aura thus obtained. You can only remove the mark from a person on a new moon.

Go outside at the moment of the scarlet dawn and take water with you in an unused dish before. Look at the sky and say the text:

“There are 3 dawns in heaven: the first is me, the second is my sister, and the third dawn is my will. 3 dawns, 3 sisters reflect in the water, bury yourself in the crack of the fence from the servant of God (here say the name of the person who suffered from the influence of someone else's will). Whoever takes this water from the gap of the fence, he will only kill my will over the servant of God (name again). Go, 3 sisters, 3 dawns through the mountains of Ararat, through damask knives, through holy blood. I close the gap with the holy key, I close my words. Whoever takes this water from the crack will only kill my will over (name). In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, pour the enchanted liquid over the fence.

Alternative way

In addition to corruption, a dark aura arises due to energy vampirism. The influence of a powerful infernal force is reduced to a radical deformation of energy with painful sensations.

The following practices will help:

  1. Joy in the soul and spiritual progress. Happiness is a strong assistant in the struggle for the purity of the aura. Get rid of moral negativity, let go of resentment and bring goodness and joy. Only such emotions should accompany you on an ongoing basis.
  2. Meditation. Cleanse the aura by activating the necessary chakras and connect the flows of light energy. No less useful will be physical exercises, for example, from the Qigong system, which also eliminates the negative and lingering phenomena related to the biofield.
  3. Autotraining. Destroy the dark energy with your willpower. If faith in yourself is not enough, turn to spiritual healers or psychics.

Do not hesitate, often due to a sharp loss of energy, a person simply dies.

Influence on character

It is believed that black means the absence of light. A person with such energy rejects life, does not accept it as it is. Failures, illnesses, quarrels are attracted to the black field. This color expresses terrible intentions, panic thoughts, hatred, anger, aggression. The more black there is in a person, the less room there is for God.

It has long been believed that such an aura is a sign of negativity, characteristic of sorcerers and witches who have undergone an initiation ritual. Often these people are considered lycanthropes or vampires, taking strength from the environment and adding gloom and gloom even to their personal lives. According to one version, a person with a dark biofield is pure evil, a Devil familiar or simply a bearer of the evil eye. And all because black is the color of death.

If you have met a person whose energy is in the black tones of the biofield, stay away from him, he can harm and even take a particle of the soul. It's about superpowers and simple negative emotions. These people are too selfish, therefore, for the sake of goals, they are able to betray friends and take the side of enemies. Such do not know pity and regret.


If everything suddenly became bad in your life, think about whether you have crossed someone's path. Seek professional help if you don't want to lose your identity or life.

Esoteric secrets to the site

There are people - ardent skeptics. Or those who believe in God. There is a person who does not care, he does not argue, does not prove. He has no time - he works, improves himself. What is esotericism? Religion? Faith in God? In people? To the supermind? Or maybe in yourself? Many do not think about such things, and when they think about it, they do not find answers to their questions.

Esotericism is secret knowledge that is not available to people who are ignorant of magic, mysticism, and the occult. At least that's what they used to be. Knowledge and skills that everyone could not have. Only the chosen ones.

Having read various tapes on the Internet, you can get only scattered data and a weak idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat esotericism is. Only by deciding to change yourself and your life for the better, gathering your strength and going through a course of video seminars built by experts so that everything falls into place, you can succeed.

The concept of esotericism and why you should not be afraid of it

Esotericism is a huge section of human life, helping to find oneself through the knowledge of the world. Its study is not given to everyone. It's not just religion or science. This is the same thread that connects all the nuances and aspects of the ordinary world and the area of ​​unknown magic that surrounds us.

The very first such secret society was the Pythagorean school. It was divided into ordinary and esoteric. Her secret part took a lifelong oath not to disclose what the members of the society were taught. And what kind of knowledge they received there, humanity still does not know. Now the esoteric is not hidden from everyone. There is available information presented in video seminars or master classes. Why are people afraid or unwilling to touch the unknown and explore the unknown areas of their own lives?

Consider the main criteria for human unwillingness:

  1. Many do not want to learn a new religion. In fact, esotericism is not only a religion, although it is closely related to it. It helps to reveal oneself and one's own hidden inner potential. Yes, there is religion here - faith in yourself and the world around you.
  2. Lack of faith in the ability to change your life. Thought is always material. And desires are always fulfilled. Everything is possible - you just have to believe and go through this difficult path to knowledge.
  3. Reluctance to acquire new knowledge, as there is already success in personal life. Esotericism makes it possible to gain success not only in one area of ​​human activity. It allows you to balance all the criteria that are extremely important. To achieve the desired and the most intimate comprehensively.
  4. Fearful attitude to the concept of magic. It is worth noting that the unknown is not only magical. It's just unfamiliar. After passing the seminar, it becomes clear that what is often considered magical is what seems incredible, impossible.
  5. Lack of free time. Naturally, it takes a lot of time to get through the training. But in the future, the hours spent will pay off handsomely. Life is balanced, everything falls into place and everything happens in its own moment.

An already established branch, science, like psychology, has long reckoned with esoteric opinion. He resorts to her methods. Favorably refers to the practice of secret knowledge.

What gives esoteric knowledge?

Why is it believed that esoteric knowledge is not given to everyone? Only the chosen ones? Because not everyone is ready to say goodbye to the old world, three-dimensional space, a sense of the shaky stability of their lives. Each person is the smith of his own happiness. Those who understand this strive for the best.

What is esoteric - answers to the site

To transform yourself. From within. Starting with thoughts. And thoughts are what happens to us. Esoteric practices give people not only knowledge. They help to feel the surrounding space. Start thinking differently than before. Wake up one day and realize what is happening. What you need to do to be successful in your desired industries. Understand that the world is not three-dimensional. He is generally limitless. Consciousness is omnipotent.

Why does a person come to esotericism?

Different paths can lead to this or that knowledge. Events, people, chance? In any case, esotericism appears in a person's life when it is needed. The reasons may be different:

  1. Search for new, unprecedented sensations. When it becomes boring, the world loses its attractiveness, others do not bring their former joy. Esotericism will help you look at everything in a different light, see something new and believe in a miracle.
  2. Search for a method of treatment. When conventional medicine fails. When the pills didn't work. And we are talking not only about habitual diseases, but also about constant depression, about the disease of life itself, when, no matter how hard a person tries, he cannot achieve his goals. The man turns in despair. And esotericism, magic, rituals help to heal.

Esotericism and magic are ancient sciences. This is knowledge accumulated over many years and centuries. This is a great wisdom that can be comprehended by anyone who really wants it. And help yourself overcome difficulties. Let go of gravity and be free. Achieve results and be happy.

It is easier to say what esotericism is, as follows. This is an attempt to explain the complex structure of the visible and invisible world and the processes that take place in these worlds and affect a person, his actions and even fate. Almost everyone has heard of the extraordinary experience of altered consciousness. Most modern commercial practices for achieving financial success, the practices of fulfilling human desires or shaping events are built on this principle.

Esoteric practices are aimed at achieving a sustainable expansion of human consciousness, which would allow for a more perfect perception of the world. In a narrower, applied sense, all esoteric teachings are aimed at studying the inner world of a person, his hidden abilities and developing specific techniques for self-realization and spiritual development. There are esoteric currents in all world religions, although there are many independent esoteric systems.

There are theoretical worldview systems that consider only the spiritual development of the individual through the accumulation of special knowledge and meditative practices. There are currents aimed at achieving the final result with the help of rites, rituals and other things. These include the occult, which involves the use of magic, appeal to the unrecognized forces of spirits, natural forces and the inhabitants of parallel worlds. An interesting attitude to the question of what esotericism is among representatives of religious systems. For example, there is an opinion that any esoteric practices are prohibited by Christianity, and the appeal to such knowledge or practices is regarded as a grave sin, for which harsh punishments are provided.

But such an attitude of the church does not stop those who see esotericism as a means to solve their life problems. This state of affairs, in our opinion, is also due to the fact that the official church imposes a strict ban without explaining the real possibilities of esoteric practices. At the same time, there is a huge number of specific rites related to the so-called church magic, which are available for review and are widely used. It is useful for a modern person to know the answer to the question: “Esoterica - what is it?”, As this is an opportunity to learn more about one’s internal structure, nature and the world around. Knowing about the esoteric methods of cognition, a person will not be afraid to make mistakes, and problems will not seem to him an insurmountable obstacle to happiness.

In recent years, the views of scientists on the structure of the World have changed a lot. Today, the concepts of the structure of matter and man proposed by them allow us to confidently speak and partially explain the possibility of the emergence and life of "uninvited guests" in the human body, but the role and consequences of their activities are clearly underestimated, and most often simply not considered.

My practice of working with patients shows that the reason for the origin of many diseases of the physical body, mental disorders, family and industrial troubles, speaking in the language of the household level, lies in the conditions imposed by the essential to the human body. Our Planet is the intersection of positive and negative Worlds (energies), which we consider as good and evil.

Essences are woven from negative energies of black-gray and dirty-colored tones. They have a mind, possess multifaceted psychic and extrasensory abilities and can manifest them through the human body. With the energies bestowed on me, I manifest them, get in touch with them and determine what they are woven from. What power they have, where and whom they serve, what are their goals, and what are the timing of their programs.

With the manifestation of the essence, a person undergoes drastic changes in his appearance, look, voice, behavior. During the dialogue with the essence, I build ways to expel it. The practice of exile and the experience of negotiations allow me to draw the following conclusions. Energetic entities instill and connect to a person at the time of stress, infliction of damage, curses, meditations, through the sleep channel, during alcoholic and drug relaxation, when a person creates a field of envy, evil, resentment, hatred, slander inside himself.

Inhabiting a person (in any of his organs), energy entities make “connections” and pull positive energy from a person (they feed on his energy), influence the course of his thoughts, actions and actions. The human body begins to collapse, and the person himself turns into an experimental creature, sick and suffering, both physically and mentally. There are also other symptoms: inside a person feels a moving lump (of various sizes), someone's evil obsessive thoughts.

Many have now rushed to master magic and are turning to "specialists" in inflicting damage on death, in eliminating rivals, in a love spell ... But none of them think about the fact that at this moment he becomes a conductor or servant of the forces of evil. After an examination by doctors, for example, a woman came to me with a complaint about the deterioration of her health (gradual loss of vitality). Doctors could not determine the cause. When manifested, I discovered that a black channel stretched from it into space. I revealed the reason for the origin of this channel: a year ago I went to the “specialist” for a love spell for my husband. After her repentance, awareness and several sessions, her health returned to normal.

Due to the new energies that come to Earth, many people have their third eyes open, they begin to see the invisible to ordinary people. It must be remembered that the forces of evil are always active, they can appear in the images of saints, relatives, loved ones, loved ones ... Appearing in a dream or in reality, entities draw the energy of love through these images, causing a person to suffer. In a woman, the image of a man in black constantly appearing in a dream formed a strong sense of fear. And there are many such examples, in all cases images of evil spirits appeared at the sessions.

No wonder it is said in the Bible: "The time will come, and the angels of darkness will appear to people in the clothes of angels of light." Over the years, in the spaces manifested through a person, many different laboratories have been discovered for growing robotic entities, viruses of various diseases, computer viruses for laying and destroying human consciousness, programs for destroying love and families, human spirituality. And this is being done by the forces of evil to capture our Earth (they say it is a very beautiful planet), to enslave people. Their program is "More Evil and Discord on Earth". We all need to think seriously, cleanse ourselves of inner evil, envy, flattery, cunning, servility, passion and help people, cleanse themselves of these vices, do not forget to pray, only then we will protect ourselves and our beloved mother - the Earth.

About foul language.

There are words that carry Light. Everyone around perceives them correctly, without duality. Swear words are originally built in a negative plane. By pronouncing them, a person is already a generator for generating negative energy. In the case when a person swears too often, the "essence" of the demon level is attracted to him, which can move in and live inside him, only increasing the generation of obscene expressions. Both at the level of words, and in thoughts, thoughts.

There is an opinion that obscene language is an integral part of the Russian language. In my opinion, this position is wrong. Obscene expressions in spiritual people, as a rule, do not cause anything but persistent rejection. And fortunately, they are absolutely not interested in whether the obscenity is such an integral part of their native speech, they are always ready to stop foul language. I am well acquainted with the problem of foul language already in childhood. If you build a conversation with the child competently, confidentially, then he will tell about everything that worries, and that he is afraid to tell his parents. Often, showing the situation, I see - the child swears with obscene words, and I ask a specific question. Most often, it is recognized immediately.

Some children report that they do not say bad words out loud. They are present in their thoughts. This is connected, as a rule, with the introduction of the “essence”. But children are not able to distinguish where their thoughts are, and where others', invested. Over time, having lost control of consciousness, they begin to use foul language in words. In conversations with children, I always explain what swear words carry, what destructive power they have. I recommend taking a piece of paper in a cage, and if swear words are spinning in your head, write them on a piece of paper until your head is clean, free of them. Then fold in four to burn with the words: “As this sheet is burned, so are my obscene words burned.” And so you should work on yourself every day, several times a day, until there is a mat either in thoughts or in words. I recommend that parents initially monitor this tendency in children and take measures to eradicate it.

Essences of fear in dreams.

Many of those who come to see me tell their dreams. It is rare to find a person who does not pay attention to his dreams or does not have them at all. And it often happened that unpleasant events occurred after they had dreams that they felt were significant and remembered by them. During sleep, the mind that controls our body is turned off. The body rests, gains strength, we do not control what is happening to us. Having accumulated sufficient experience, I now know that a sleep channel passes through a person, connecting him with other worlds, and through this channel an impact on the consciousness and subconscious of a person can occur - a kind of laying of programs for his further perception of the surrounding world and behavior. The dark forces do not miss this opportunity, and then the further implementation of their programs is entrusted to this person. If he believes in the future reality of his negative dreams and inspires this confidence in others by communicating with them, then he takes the next step towards the materialization of these dreams, and he himself becomes a conductor of dark forces.

So, a woman approached me, alarmed by the fact that she often sees dreams that portend troubles and misfortunes to her acquaintances, and these dreams, as a rule, come true. By nature, this woman was a sympathetic and benevolent person. Seeing someone close to her in a dream, she was in a hurry to convey to people the contents of her dream. She was very worried that the predicted misfortunes were coming true, and a tense situation developed around her. She began to be afraid. I asked: “Are there positive, good dreams?” She replied that very rarely. I began to go to the reason for what was happening and asked if she saw the same dream several times? It turned out that there was such a dream: some kind of chase, a feeling of fear and danger. This dream was notable for its clarity and, repeated from time to time for twenty years, took away a lot of strength from her, while the inner feeling of fear increased. Then this recurring dream was replaced by a series of "prophetic" dreams, which further increased her inner anxiety and fear, and they brought her to me.

I asked her to remember that dream in detail, and through these memories I mentally entered the dream space of twenty years ago. When this space manifested, it turned out that at that time damage was done to her, and dark forces connected to her, which blocked her consciousness and organized their own channel from negative energy - the channel of negative dreams. Through this channel, she saw everything very clearly and, being a sensitive person, she succumbed to the reality of dreams, their fears.

Instead of fighting her fear, she began to spread it among her loved ones, hurrying to tell them dreams in all details. She absorbed the received negative information as a program and gradually became the conductor of these negative programs. Inside her, fear was created and grew, which went beyond her. After working with a woman, I removed the damage. Her dreams were gone. The life of the herd to normalize. She no longer felt the wary glances of her loved ones. I felt more warmth and love from them.

About the infusion of dead souls into the bodies of the living.

On one of my usual visiting days, a young woman came to me. Her appearance was unhealthy: a pale face, dull lifeless eyes. A casual conversation began, from which one could understand that her life from the outside, both at work and at home, may seem prosperous, but she is more and more seized by a state of complete indifference. By nature, she is an energetic person, she tries not to succumb to a bad mood and does everything for this, suppressing her inner apathy and melancholy, but she is afraid that her strength will not be enough for a long time, because a feeling of dead space begins to arise around and inside her. Work has begun. By manifesting her space and asking her questions along the way, I began to find out the cause of her condition. I ask:
- Which of your friends, relatives or relatives, recently died or drowned?
“I had a childhood friend,” he answers, “we were friends with families. Relations between us were very close and warm, but he died in a car accident that happened in front of me. His name was Andrey. I was very upset by what happened, and then I began to see him in a dream. We talk as if in reality, just like before. But lately I've been noticing that I often use his words or do things the way he would. I even started talking like him. There are a number of other unexplained phenomena. Andrei often had a headache, and now I have the same headaches. And yet, I began to notice that I had become very coarse, I had masculine character traits. All this bothered me very much, and I decided to turn to you.
The session continued. In the area of ​​the solar plexus and abdomen, the woman felt an icy cold. Her stomach began to retract, as if trying to stick to the spine. I began to examine this cold clot of energy, already knowing that it was the energy of a dead soul, I was familiar with the coldness of this energy. I ask a question:
- Who are you?
“Andrey,” the woman gives me the answer, having heard these words inside herself.
"Why did you possess a living person?" I ask persistently, reproachfully.
“I died instantly during the catastrophe,” Andrey says through a woman, “my soul flew out of the physical body, and for some time I could not figure out what had happened. I saw my friends from above, who were following me in the car. I saw how scared they ran up to my body, I saw their grief. But I did not have enough energy, I acutely felt the need for it and went to this woman. I did not know what to do, and ... entered the body. Now I understand that I did it illegally, no one gave me permission, but then I did not find another way out. I feel guilty, I understand that the living does not need dead energy, especially she, because I treat her with great respect. I now pray to God to take my soul and I am very grateful to the angels who brought me to you. I beg you to help my soul go to God.
Andrei said goodbye through me to his loved ones. I conveyed some wishes to my family and asked for forgiveness from everyone. A heavenly channel was lowered to him, and the angels took him away. At the moment when the dead soul left the body of the woman, she sobbed heavily, but there was a separation of his soul from her body, immediately after this a deep breath, exhalation, and the woman's sensations completely changed. Her eyes sparkled and filled with life, light, joy.

Usually, when a person dies, a channel descends over him, through which angels send his soul to a place determined by it according to earthly developments. In the case of sudden, instantaneous death, this may not happen. And so it happened with the soul of Andrew. The soul can move into a person whom the deceased loved very much. This is a difficult test for the soul, and being in a hopeless state, it can move into the body of a loving person, it attracts this soul. If the soul is weighed down by the heavy, negative energies of its sins, then it can be abducted by dark forces. The moment of a person's departure from life is one of the most important. The Church helps believers. But any person can be caught by sudden, sudden death. Take care of your soul.

Conversation with essence.

After reading the book “Take care of your soul and body”, a young man came to the reception. His name was Oleg. He could not explain why in his life there was no place for love, joy, and literally all actions were subordinated to some kind of program. Inside, he felt a constant struggle, anxiety, fear. At the same time, sometimes, it seemed to him that he was very strong, powerful, and his brain was able to work like a computer. The feeling of superiority over people led to a firm understanding that he could somehow influence people and subordinate their will to himself. This feeling of inner split hindered him, made him uncomfortable.

During the session, he began to shake violently, his arms twisted unnaturally, his head was constantly tilted to the side. It was difficult to straighten up, for a short time. I offered to try to manifest in the universe. Oleg agreed without hesitation, because he felt that the symptoms of the capture of the "entities" of the human body, which I described in the book "Take care of the soul and body", are inherent in him.

I showed "essence" and she began to talk to me through a man. I should note that the “essence” turned out to be highly developed. These are rare, you can say that I had a good catch that day. It was a robot with some human structures from another dimension. Feeling the level, I set out to get as much information as possible from him to help people. He was clearly unhappy with being discovered. He moved into Oleg when he was 4 years old. And lived in the body for about twenty years.

The conversation was interesting and intense. And I decided, having recorded the conversation with the permission of Oleg on a dictaphone, to convey to you, readers. My task is to help you prevent the possible introduction of uninvited guests into your life and not lose your human qualities, energies, and not become robots. The conversation turned out to be long, more than three hours. We touched on a wide range of issues. For better understanding, it turned out to be appropriate to group the entire conversation by topic. Without changing anything, I cite the most interesting passages from our communication with the “essence”. In the above dialogue, I. is me, and S. is "essence."

Start of a conversation. Who is in front of me?

I. Are you a man or a woman?
C. Man.
I. From Earth or another planet?
C. From another space.
I. Of what energies are you woven?
C. Earth, stone, fire.
I. What was the purpose of moving into Oleg?
S. I just live, I just exist.
I. And what right did you have to move into a human body?
S. Why not? Everyone has to live somehow.
I. But the physical body is created by God and no one is allowed to live in it except the Divine soul.
C. Possibly. But at the moment there is an opportunity, why not take advantage of it.
I. But now Oleg came to me for a session. And you understand that you will be expelled from the physical body.
S. Yes, I understand. But you do not think that everything is so simple and everything will work out right away.
I. If God brought Oleg, then the exile will go with God's help.
S. Let.
I. Your strength is falling?
S. I am still strong enough to do whatever I want.
I. What do you own?
C. I can control a person's thoughts and partly his actions, but not yet constantly.
I. Can you control the thoughts of Oleg or other people?
S. I only work with one person who is subordinate to me.
I. It turns out that Oleg is robotic?
C. Not completely. I can't regularly exercise control over everything.
I. You are from evil, so at some points you control Oleg so that he becomes worse?
S. Someone is worse, someone is better.
I. It’s better for you, but for Oleg it’s worse. Are you influencing Oleg's soul?
S. Probably not. Rather, I'm interested in the energy of the physical body.
I. Tell me, what causes evil in a person?
S. Due to the burning of various thoughts in Yourself.
I. And emotions?
S. Yes.
I. What are you like? Do you have an image?
C. Mask, shell.
I. So you're a shell?
S. Yes. And protection.
I. Explain.
C. On the one hand protection. On the other hand, everything that comes from inside and outside remains in me. I release some kind of energy, both inward and outward.
I. And what are these energies?
C. Mostly negative and many people feel it.
I. What is your program?
S. My program is to live on my own and support my life activity at the expense of human energy. If a person cannot support my life, then he will leave.
I.I.e. Oleg is alive as long as he can keep you alive?
S. Yes.
I. Suppose he leaves. What will happen to you?
S. I am moving into another space.
I. What do you have there, in your space, you have?
C. Only the owner can know this.
I. And who is your master?
S. I never saw him. But it is something very powerful. He gives me various orders, wishes.
I. Do you accept them at the level of vibrations?
S. Yes, at the level of vibrations.
I. What is life like in your space?
C. One owner. Everyone is subject to him, doing his will. What he wishes and according to our law.
I. Is there no other choice?
S. No.
I. As I understand it, you have both men and women?
S. Yes, men and women. It depends on how it is easier for us to interact with a person. We don't know where we're coming from, but we clearly know what kind of person we can interact with.
I.I.e. you come to earth for a specific person?
C. If we are told that we can interact with any particular person, then this is always the case.
I. How do you move into a person? How do you come from another space?
S. I can't answer exactly. I don't have such information.
I. How do you get into the human field?
C. Through his environment, parents.
I. Through the parent field?
S. Yes, through parents and people who are often around.
I. Do they form a positive or negative field?
C. They form different fields. But, as a rule, a person is already ready to do business with us.
I. So, you create a negative field. Or does the person who creates it provoke another to some actions, thoughts?
C. Or vice versa, it does not provoke.
I. And if it doesn’t provoke, then the Human experiences stagnation?
S. Yes. And then he is forced to look for where he can get additional information. He must constantly exchange information with someone. With certain people, certain fields.
I. Oleg communicates with different people, works with information of different levels. Are you collecting it?
C. Collection, analysis. Subjugation of those who can be subdued. Make people dependent on you. Then they weaken and for some reason it is beneficial to me.
I. Are you an information gathering robot?
S. This is one of my tasks.
I. What other tasks?
C. Prepare other people.
I. For the resettlement of the same robots?
S. I don't know who will be resettled in them. I speak only for myself. I don't have access to higher information. I only get final orders. I know that I received an order, and I must carry it out. The one who gives the order is the master.
I. And in what organ are you mainly located?
C. Part of the spine and head. My center is in the head. And for the rest, I imagine, as I said earlier, something like a shell covering a part of the body, the chest. And masks on the face, sometimes I look through the eyes of Oleg.
I. Specify if Oleg wants, for example, to smile, but you don’t want to. What then?
C. Very simple. So he won't smile. But this should not arouse the suspicions of others. He should not be an outcast among people, he should be in constant contact with people.

Beauty is in the understanding of "essences".

I. Earth is a very beautiful planet, do you like it?
C. Beauty is a subjective concept.
I. I understand. In your understanding, what is beauty?
C. Beauty is a manifestation of strength. Just a show of strength.
I. Well, give an example.
S. For example, there is some person. Not Oleg, but another. And I managed to suppress him, he was under my influence. I like this picture. It's beautiful, agree.
I. I don't understand it. I do not understand how beauty can be found in the enslavement of man.
C. Then tell us about your understanding of beauty.
I. Beauty is the work of the soul, its radiation of light energies. The space that is inside a person goes to the level of the Universe. And the man himself harmonizes everything around him, develops a worldview. Such is the powerful energy of a pure, unpolluted soul. This is what beauty is.
S. I don't understand.
I. I know you don't understand, but it's beautiful. That is why you, taking advantage of the opportunity, especially in childhood, block the souls. You know that they can become strong in the future, they will have a huge potential, a range, if they are not enslaved. I agree?
C. Possibly.
I. The Heavenly Father is the Creator. The soul is a part of it, and it creates through a person.
S. Well then. The only thing I can say is that we are beings of different planes and with different energies. The creator of the soul interests me insofar as he can prevent me from controlling a person.

The struggle between "entities" for a person.

I. Are there many "entities" on earth?
S. Yes.
I. Do you have a fight with some of them?
C. If it is noticeable that something exists in a person and this something is rather weak, then if there is an order from the owner, this “essence” can be completely forced out.
I. Do you force such people out?
C. Yes
I. Where do they go? Are you destroying them?
S. We only repress. They go somewhere outside, leaving an empty place. Where they go, I don't care.
I. Is there a struggle for the human body?
S. Yes.
I. And how are the animals? Do you also live in animals? Or do they have a different kind of "entity"?
S. I suppose a different kind. My aim is to live in a human team. It is quite difficult for any dog ​​to subdue people, you must agree.
I. Unfortunately, there are some people who have already begun to obey the animals. This is already present on Earth. I faced.
S. Well, there is something to work on.
I. There is an eternal struggle around man. It turns out that the human body, like a computer, is a complex system. And this system must be able to manage. If you govern incorrectly, then, consequently, you are subject to some kind of universes.
S. Right. Any error in the program leads to various consequences.
I. Then why are there no rules on Earth that clearly define what exactly a person is?
S. Who needs it? Who needs to write such rules?
I. It turns out that a person is like a laboratory, and certain experiments are carried out on him?
C. Everyone has their own goals. I have one, maybe someone is guided by others.
And good. Streams of Light energies are flowing through me, and I really want the human body to be freed from any "essences".
C. Exempt for what? To be controlled by some other force?
I. No. The body has a soul. It is important to give it development. Then a sense of peace will develop. The energies of Love, joy will become the norm for a person. People will begin to strive for harmony, respect for each other, for everything Light. Heavenly Father created man to be happy. Created on a living, beautiful planet Earth. The human soul works for creation, and you only for destruction.
S. Well, how about creation. Agree that man was created in such a way that sooner or later he will collapse. We are destroyed from the moment we are born.
I. And why do people get destroyed?
C. There probably is such a program.
I. But who made a mistake in the program? The soul is infused into a person at the moment of birth, right?
S. Yes.
I. It is instilled so that a person can be happy. The Bible says the same thing.
C. There is much written in the Bible. I have read this work. Yes, there were people and righteous people who lived, if my memory serves me, 800-900 years. But then they left. Because they had their own program. They could not help but leave, because the body is not eternal, it was created that way. This means that there is a program for the destruction of the body. Is not it?
I. The program of destruction may exist, but the matter is different. I will continue my thought. A person is given a soul at birth. The soul on Earth evolves, gains experience, and then goes to another space. This living substance goes into the Light space. And the fact is that there are people whose soul functions correctly. They live in harmony, Love. Light around them. Yes, they encounter difficulties and hardships on the way, but they overcome them with dignity. Because they control their body, thoughts, emotions, actions. They, not you, are "entities". These are strong souls, strong people. Yes, the body is destroyed. If the human soul functioned correctly, then at the end of the life path it will go to the Light Space. She will succeed easily, because she is filled with Light energies.
S. Very interesting.
I. Yes, yes. At least life is easy without you. Not the way Oleg has to now - hard, difficult. You feel good, you are still the owner of Oleg's body. Therefore, for control, he put into Oleg's head a stable idea that a person is destroyed from the very beginning, from birth. Nothing like this. Oleg came to me to destroy your program. So that he can live happily, get married, raise children and always enjoy life, cultivating Love. That is why he came. You don't belong in his body.
I. Tell me, can you enter another person's field without his permission?
S. In any case, it is necessary to establish contact and find some gap.
I. Vulnerable spot?
S. Yes. After that, you can make an impact.
I. On Earth, this can be attributed to the level of psychology, the ability to establish contact.
S. Yes, contact must occur. I say a lot. Usually so many words are spoken in four days. I do not like it.
I. Is it a loss of energy for you?
S. Yes.
I. As I understand it, you stand up for life on Earth. If it is not there, then you cannot exist.
S. Yes.
I. Tell me about cloning. It is clear that in such a shell there will be no Divine soul. Are these "entities" preparing bodies for themselves? Will you be able to inhabit such a body, or will there be certain protection systems?
S. Yes, "entities" do it. Who exactly is behind this, I do not know. Prepare shells for yourself. Who will be settled in them, I also do not know.
I. And what level of information is of the greatest interest to you?
C. Mostly about the strengths and weaknesses of people. What they can get hooked on. Or what they can do to us. Interested in everything. We have to exist somehow. The person is perfect for us.

Some consequences of the influence of "entities".

I. The long-term practice of my work allows us to conclude that most of the "entities" tend to destroy people. You may be the exception, but that doesn't matter. Tell me, do you have information about their varieties on Earth?
S. I don't.
I. And I see that there is.
S. I have seen some, but I cannot say how many there are. I just know they exist. There are aggressive ones who try, being in a person, to quickly destroy him.
I. Are there those who bring people to psychiatric hospitals?
C. These including.
I. What are these "essences"?
C. They, having settled into a person, do not orient themselves to him. Execute their program. Unfolding, they trample on subtle structures, the physical body of a person. Some of the people can resist, but some centers quickly turn off for someone, and he becomes what he becomes.
I. Robotic?
C. Someone yes. And someone "essence" leaves, leaving an empty shell.
I. Is there a capture of the soul? Or something different?
S. I personally have not come across such people, I cannot say. The only option that I observed was that a strong “essence” came into a person, trampled certain centers inside him. Received a large amount of energy during the destruction of a person and then left the body. What was left of the man was a mangled shell.
I. What, then, is a person?
C. He remains a person unable to perform any functions. Sometimes it is destroyed on the physical level, and then it cannot be restored, sometimes on the mental level. In this case, he can still be helped to return to reality by feeding with energies, if you concentrate them on a destroyed place.
I. I thank you for the information, an interesting conversation. Do you know what pleases me the most?

One of the darkest areas of science - thanatology- in recent decades has become widespread, both in Russia and in the West. Based on the experience of medicine, psychology and sociology, she tries to comprehensively investigate the act of a person leaving life from a materialistic position, which, according to a number of esoteric scientists, has nothing to do with the true science of death.

Terrible harbingers

The sacred act of death has interested mankind since time immemorial. Thus, the famous Tibetan "Book of the Dead" was devoted to the field of esoteric thanatology. It gave valuable advice on how to prepare for the transition to another world, and what a person should do at the time of death, described what kind of warnings about the approaching death providence sends to a person, and what wanderings the soul is doomed to after death.

In particular, the ancient Tibetans considered an omen of imminent death a bird or a butterfly that flew into the dwelling, a fire suddenly extinguished in the hearth, a dog that howls, lowering its muzzle. A sure sign of the approaching death among many peoples is the appearance of a double of a person who is about to die soon. For example, it is known that shortly before the death of their counterparts, the Russian Empress Anna Ioannovna and Catherine II, the English Queen Elizabeth I saw their twins.

On the day of Lenin's death on January 21, 1924, who was at that time in Gorki near Moscow, the guards saw in the corridors of the Kremlin a double of the leader of the world proletariat ...

The Slavs believed that a forest bird, sitting on a horse at home, a woodpecker or a magpie, pecking the corner of the hut with its beak, and a fly that appeared in the house in winter, warned of the approaching death of the owner.

In Russia, crumbs falling out of a person’s mouth, cracking walls of a wooden hut, an egg laid by a chicken with two yolks, a cat lying on the table served as an omen of an imminent death.

According to esotericists, the appearance of such signs is an extremely important element of the macrocosm, designed to prepare a being (animal or human) for the transition to another existence. This was very well known in ancient cultures, whose representatives did not experience such horror before these signs, which is familiar to modern man.

vanishing aura

Modern parapsychologists assure us that one or another person will soon die can be judged not only by terrible omens and signs, which few people know about these days, but also by the special radiations of a person behind whose back, figuratively speaking, , worth death.

In particular, it is known that every living organism is surrounded by a biofield that has different shades depending on the emotional or physical state. Psychics, who call the biofield an aura, define its healthy colors as pale pink, blue, bright yellow or silver. The darkening or lightening of these shades indicates certain deviations in the state of health.

For example, in people suffering from cancer, a brown or gray palette predominates in the aura. If a person is terminally ill, then with the approach of his life finale, the color of his aura also fades, which disappears completely a few minutes (in rare cases, a few hours) before death. This phenomenon can be explained by the extinction of the metabolic function in the body and, as a result, a decrease in the strength of its energy field.

But a complete mystery for psychics and esotericists is the phenomenon of the sudden disappearance of the aura, in a matter of minutes after which the sudden death of a sometimes completely healthy person occurs. Thus, the American psychic Erich McClain describes the case when in 2009, while on the top floor of one of the New York skyscrapers, he suddenly saw how five people who entered the elevator car suddenly lost their aura. The elevator doors closed, and a second later the cabin fell off and collapsed into the shaft. All the passengers in it died.

Krasnoyarsk parapsychologist Andrey Verbin witnessed a similar incident in the summer of 2011. Standing at the bus stop, he saw a young woman get into a taxi. The moment the passenger slammed the car door behind her, her aura disappeared.

The car reached the nearest intersection, and a truck crashed into it at full speed. The taxi driver was thrown onto the road from the impact. The man was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. His passenger died at the scene of an accident...

Invisible link

Practice shows that not only psychics or parapsychologists can see the approach of death. Often people, and sometimes animals, feel the approach of the death hour of a person with whom they are in close and long emotional connection. It is well known how subtly mothers feel the condition of their children, even those who are away from them. So, at the end of August 2007, a curious and at the same time tragic incident happened to Irina M., a resident of Tomsk, whose son was serving in one of the motorized rifle units in the Far East. The day before, the woman received a letter from him, in which the young man informed his mother that everything was going well for him, he had no problems with his superiors or colleagues. And in the early morning of the next day, a woman who had previously been completely healthy began a severe epileptic seizure, which almost cost Irina her life. Recovering herself, she suddenly declared that trouble had happened to her son. And indeed, it soon became clear that at the very moment when the mother had a seizure, her son died, falling under the wheels of an armored personnel carrier ...

How to prepare for it

A modern person who becomes aware of his imminent death goes through, according to psychologists, five successive emotional stages:

  • denial of the possibility of one's own death;
  • anger at an unfair fate;
  • a “deal” with providence, when, through his emphatically good attitude towards others, the doomed person tries to distance himself from the moment of death;
  • depression from understanding the inevitability of one's end;
  • accepting the act of one's own death.

According to esotericists, such an emotional struggle, which a person is engaged in at the final stage of his life, burdens his soul, or, as the Hindus say, - atmu, an extra karmic burden, makes the path of the soul in the subtle worlds thorny and difficult. For this reason, in esoteric thanatology, much attention was paid to preparing a person for departure to another world.

This, in accordance with the traditions of the East, included the singing of appropriate mantras, sometimes associated with meditation, and ritual ablutions, and special techniques designed to teach the dying person to direct his consciousness-energy through the central channel through the crown of the head to the "red Buddha of Infinite Light".

Such actions were aimed at causing a person at the time of death not to be terrified of an unknown inevitability, but to feel happy and free the soul from fear and doubt. This, according to the teachings of the East, made it possible, within a few minutes after stopping breathing, to painlessly transfer the energy-consciousness of a deceased person to the “Pure Land of Devachan”, so that after a short, by the standards of Eternity, period of time filled with true bliss, again return to the school called "Earth".

Science has long proved that a person has around him a kind of invisible shell that radiates the energy of the body. This energy consists of the natural release of heat by the physical body and the intangible component of a person - his thoughts, emotions, experiences. The radius of this shell is usually equal to a meter.

This energy substance is called the aura or biofield. Human biofield can be photographed using special devices - biosensors. From the picture, you can determine whether a person is healthy. The fact is that all the processes occurring in the body are reflected in the state of our aura. And if a person is sick, then gaps form in his biofield. Gaps indicate not only the presence of the disease, but also its imminent appearance.

For comparison, here is an approximate state of a healthy strong biofield (on the right) and a weak one (on the left)

The disease first of all damages and breaks through the energy of a person, and only then the physical body. I would like to believe that in the future medicine will reach a level where it will be possible to predict the appearance of a particular disease by analyzing the state of the biofield. That will help prepare a person, strengthen the immune system, and may even prevent the disease.

Scientists have made an interesting discovery by studying the biofield of dead people. In a person who died a natural death, the aura gradually faded away. Smoothly and smoothly, until it goes out completely. If a person did not die a natural death, then his biofield seemed to protest - there were bursts of activity that lasted quite a long time.

Our biofield is subject to blows not only from biological diseases, but also from informational blows. The evil eye, damage and the like - this damages our shell. And today, in the age of high technology, radiation from electromagnetic sources such as telephones, computers, televisions, and so on, our aura holds their blows. Scientists do not deny that in the future, this disease may become the main one for humanity. Destruction of the biofield.

You probably know that animals are able to take away negative energy from humans. Moreover, our pets can treat us. Animals also have their own aura, biofield, but it is much weaker than a human one. A weak biofield has the ability to absorb the bad energy of a strong one. This explains the fact that animals treat people.

But human energy, his biofield, can be restored on his own Thoughts and emotions are the building blocks for our aura. With the help of positive thoughts, you can “treat” a battered biofield. A positive way of thinking, bright positive emotions, good mood - all this strengthens the immunity of the human biofield.

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