Why there will always be twelve signs of the zodiac. The thirteenth sign of the zodiac


How many zodiac signs are there? Even a child of 12 can answer this question! Like months in a year.

But now everything has changed: those who were born between the end of November and mid-December are born under the sign of Ophiuchus.

Where did Ophiuchus come from?

Zodiac signs are magical entities, faceless persons or objects. But not Ophiuchus, who appeared thanks to a real person named Imhotep, an Egyptian who lived in the 27th century. BC. It is believed that Imhotep was one of the first healers. The idea of ​​the 13th sign of the zodiac was proposed by astrologer Steven Schmidt, and some of the "colleagues" supported him. But many astrological schools refused to recognize Ophiuchus because of the violation of the classical division of the year into 12 equal parts. Until now, among astrologers there is no consensus on how to relate to Ophiuchus. But since the sign exists, let's see who it patronizes.

So, you were born between November 29 and December 17?

Congratulations, your sign is Ophiuchus. The element of Ophiuchus is Water, the symbol is a man with a snake, your stone is apatite. Peacefulness, the desire for knowledge, luck and daydreaming are the main character traits of Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus subtly feel music, have creative abilities and love bright colors in clothes. And they are trusted by the rulers. At the same time, the character of Ophiuchus is contradictory, they do not like everyday routine and crave change. Developed intuition, amazing charisma, creativity combined with intellect, violent temperament and sensuality - do you still doubt that Ophiuchus can turn life into fireworks? Still, after all, among their negative features, polygamy, jealousy, the instinct of the owner and ... irresponsibility are distinguished. Ophiuchus never store useless things, whether it is last year's snow or a once close friend. However, there are signs of the zodiac that are compatible with this enchanting and mysterious snake carrier. Harmonious relations with Ophiuchus can be built by Capricorns (they have common goals), Pisces (they have a lot in common, especially dreaminess), Cancers (soul mates), Libra (intellectual intimacy). It is recommended to run headlong from Ophiuchus to Sagittarius, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus ... In general, to everyone else.

How many signs of the zodiac Total? Some argue that 12, others insist on the number 13, and still others claim that there are 24 at all. So who is right? Let's try to figure it out.

In general, it is generally accepted that there are only twelve signs of the zodiac. They were simply divided according to the number of months in a year. For the convenience of the account, so to speak. But the thirteenth sign still exists and its name is Ophiuchus. He, in theory, is between Scorpio and Sagittarius, but somehow this sign was guilty before astrologers, and they simply removed it from the zodiac circle. If you take into account Ophiuchus, when compiling horoscopes, then they will not be entirely correct and accurate.

After all, it is not without reason that many who were born at the junction, for example, of the actions of the signs Aquarius and Pisces, feel the influence of Aquarius, and not Pisces, although the date of birth comes during the reign of the second sign. This Ophiuchus is joking. After all, if justice is restored and introduced into the zodiac circle, then the entire general characteristic of the signs of the zodiac will come to naught. And Pisces born in mid-March will become Aries, Aries born in mid-April will become Taurus, and so on - according to the list.

Some astrologers know exactly the answer to the question " How many signs of the zodiac? They'll say 24, and they'll be right. Indeed, in addition to the main zodiac circle, there is also the Upper Zodiac. It is simply, as it were, “superimposed” on a typical Zodiac, connecting the periods of action of certain signs. That is, for example, the sign of the Zodiac Whale: the end of the action of Aries and the beginning of the action of Taurus. Or the sign of the Zodiac Knight: the end of the action of Leo and the beginning of the action of Virgo.

It is impossible to determine the belonging of a particular person to the Upper zodiac circle without astrological methods and techniques. Because at the time of his birth, some significant event should have occurred in the sky: either a parade of planets, or a cluster of stars in the zodiac constellation, or a comet flying over planet Earth. And such grandiose galactic events do not happen every year.

A person born under a lucky star, or rather, under their cluster, is incredibly talented and endowed with superpowers. That is why people born under the same zodiac constellation in the classical sense have common character traits, but at the same time remain completely different. It all depends not only on the date of birth, but on the second in which a person was born.

All those born at the junction of Pisces and Aries can start all over again, crossing out their whole life in one fell swoop. This property gave them the sign of the Upper Zodiac Hours. The Hunter sign is inherent in those who were born at the junction of Taurus and Gemini. These people have a powerful potential, and they do not even know about it. Sign Ship - moored between Gemini and Cancer. Its representatives always strive for the cherished goal and will definitely achieve it. The sign of the Sphinx (Capricorn-Aquarius) gives the gift of foresight to all those born under it. These are just some examples of what the signs of the Upper Zodiac represent.

In general, opinions are divided. And how many signs of the zodiac in fact, no one knows for sure. No, of course they know, but they cannot come to a common denominator. If you need a detailed, accurate horoscope, then only a professional astrologer can make it, taking into account the signs of the Upper Zodiac. But the majority is content with general forecasts based on the classical Zodiac.

Incredible Facts

The latest news about the emergence of a new zodiac sign - Ophiuchus excited many astrology lovers, especially the sign Sagittarius , which partially coincides with the alleged new zodiac sign.

What does this mean? Does Sagittarius remain Sagittarius or become Ophiuchus?

It all depends on when exactly your birthday is, since the coincidence is not complete, and besides, not everyone is convinced that Ophiuchus is generally the 13th sign of the zodiac.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus: dates of birth

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus falls on dates between November 29 and December 17, while according to the usual horoscope, those who were born between November 22 and December 21 belong to Sagittarius.

If you were born between November 22 and November 28, or between December 18 and December 21, then you are either Libra/Scorpio or Sagittarius in the new horoscope.

Ophiuchus made a significant rearrangement in the zodiac system. The addition of a new sign (between Scorpio and Sagittarius) means that all birth dates are shifted.

This is the main reason that upset many, since in this case you turn out to be a different sign of the zodiac. So, for example, in November there are now as many as three signs of the zodiac: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius.

New horoscope: 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus

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Ophiuchus is the only sign in the horoscope that is based on a real person. This man was Imhotep, who lived in ancient Egypt in the 27th century BC. Historians believed that Imhotep brought the art of healing to mankind.

It also belongs to the constellation "Ophiuchus" (Ophiuchus from the Greek. "carrier serpent").

Astrologer Steven Schmidt proposed the idea of ​​the 13th zodiac sign in the 1970s, and some astrologers supported his idea. However, other astrological schools, such as Indian astrology, do not recognize Ophiuchus as an official sign, as this contradicts the general idea of ​​the zodiac, divided into 12 equal parts.

Disputes over the official recognition of the 13th sign of the zodiac are still ongoing. However, the zodiac sign Ophiuchus itself is rather controversial.

New zodiac sign Ophiuchus

Element: water

Cross: mutable

Symbol: a person carrying a snake

Lucky number: 12

Colour: magenta

A rock: apatite

Main features:

Peaceful and wise, constantly in search of knowledge

· Lucky

· Dreamer

Purposeful, striving for novelty and for the better

Enjoys the favor and trust of those in power

Loves family, often has many children

Good builder or architect

Prefers bright colors and clothes

The ability to feel music, musical talent

Creative and innovative in many aspects of life

Ophiuchus: characteristics of the sign

Positive features

Joyful and positive

Despite many controversies, Ophiuchus is positive most of the time, has a good sense of humor, which is very contagious, especially considering their creativity and intelligence. Since they are easily adaptable, they easily get along with people of different temperaments, even if the relationship will be short-lived due to their temperamental nature.

Truthful and honest

In essence, Ophiuchus does not like to waste time, especially on lies, which complicate everything around and can negatively affect their lives.

Intelligent and smart

This is a rather rare quality for a sign to be both intelligent and creative at the same time. But, like other mutable signs, Ophiuchus gives priority to emotions and feelings than to intellect.

Accepts change and dislikes routine

Since the water element still prevails, Ophiuchus uses it to adapt to changes. They hate stagnation and love the challenge that comes with new beginnings. They are always on the lookout for something new and exciting, especially if it brings a change in their lives.


The signs of the horoscope, which are dominated by emotions and feelings, are instinctive and intuitive. They listen to their heart, which gives them a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, whether the decision they made is the right one or not.


Ophiuchus possess remarkable charisma, combining intelligence and wit, and at the same time, demonstrating a character and a creative streak with a desire to be the best in everything they do, which does not go unnoticed by others.

Creative and imaginative

Ophiuchus, like Pisces, is a creative person and is gifted with a rich imagination. The main difference between them is that they show their creative imagination as they have a competitive spirit.

Striving for success

This is another controversial trait, as the sign has a passion for winning and loves attention. At the same time, they hate routine, and they try to develop qualities in themselves that would help them succeed.

Likes to be on top

They like to be the center of attention because they are the center of attention. They try to be the best in order to get praise.


Many emotional people are secretive, and although they prioritize feelings and emotions, they don't like to share them with others.

Negative Traits


Few zodiac signs will like this fact, especially considering that half of them are jealous and possessive. It's worth mentioning that monogamy is a modern model that helps us stick to commitments, but that doesn't excuse Ophiuchus, especially given the following.


Despite the tendency to polygamy, they are very jealous. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are well aware of the feelings when they are cheated on. This once again confirms how contradictory the sign is.


Ophiuchus can be very critical, especially if someone hurts their feelings. They base their opinion on what they see and what they feel. The first impression leaves a long mark on Ophiuchus.


Ophiuchus has a rich creative imagination, which also means that he can be irresponsible in certain areas of life. Such people often create their own little imaginary world without considering what is happening around them.


Like other intelligent zodiac signs, Ophiuchus can be very restless and cannot stay in one place for too long. The water must be in motion, or it begins to stagnate. The sign follows exactly this principle.

Tendency to procrastinate

This is another trait inherent in creative people. They like to dream and don't like to put things into action, which is why many creative ideas are left for later and do not see the light of day.


Ophiuchus is known for fits of anger, which, however, do not last long. Since they are emotional and at the same time have high intelligence, they tend to lose their temper, especially if someone hurts them. However, after the anger subsides, they again return to their complacent mood.

Keep only what they need

They leave only what is useful to them, even friends and acquaintances. This may also apply to relationships that they value in order to get something from them.

Compatibility with the zodiac sign Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is a new sign. To say that this changes a lot is to say nothing, especially considering the fact that many zodiac signs themselves have undergone changes.
Therefore, compatibility can only be judged in general terms. According to the new zodiac order, each sign has 5 harmonious / compatible and 8 disharmonious / incompatible signs.

Signs compatible with Ophiuchus (harmonious relationship)

This relationship can work, as they understand each other well. They like a challenge, they don't like stagnation, and they love to travel, spend time in new places and find new experiences. They also have an agreement regarding their secrets, which they do not want to talk about.

W Meenos - Capricorn (previous dates: December 22 - January 19, new dates: January 20 - February 16)

Capricorns are career-oriented, unlike Ophiuchus, who is competitive and goal-oriented. They will get along as they both want the same thing. Ophiuchus need not worry about Capricorn's loyalty, as they are workaholics and very loyal to their partners. They also have good intellectual compatibility, as both love to have intellectual and creative conversations.

Ophiuchus - Pisces (previous dates: February 20 - March 20, new dates: March 11 - April 18)

Pisces is considered the most compatible zodiac sign with Ophiuchus, as they have a lot in common. Both are dreamers, creative individuals and easily adapt to their environment, both are mutable signs and value feelings and emotions. Their good qualities compensate for the negative ones.

Ophiuchus will find a kindred spirit in Cancer. Both zodiac signs will be able to keep each other busy by making sure they satisfy each other emotionally and physically. They may have outbursts of jealousy, but they make up for the sake of love and care for each other.

Ophiuchus - Libra (previous dates: September 23 - October 22, new dates: October 30 - November 23)

The intellectual needs of Libra are fully satisfied here. Ophiuchus does not like to be tied to one place, which makes him a good partner for Libra, who loves to discover new things and seek creative inspiration in new experiences. They will find much in common with the field of creativity and art.

Signs incompatible with Ophiuchus (disharmonious relationship)

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Ophiuchus as a water sign will be difficult with signs with the predominant elements of air and fire. Since the new sign was introduced, the horoscope has changed, and the earth signs, which were considered compatible with the water signs, are also considered disharmonic.

Ophiuchus - Sagittarius (previous dates: November 22 - December 21, new dates: December 17 - January 20)

The windy Sagittarius may seem like a too good match for the restless Ophiuchus, but problems arise when both zodiac signs try to outdo each other.

Ophiuchus - Aquarius (previous dates: January 20 - February 19, new dates: February 16 - March 11)

Aquarius's mood swings can get on Ophiuchus' nerves, especially given the fact that the new sign doesn't like to take the time to deal with the emotions of others.

Ophiuchus - Aries (previous dates: March 21 - April 20, new dates: April 18 - May 13)

The main difference between the signs is that they are both impatient. Aries is aggressive in their decisions to get their way, while Ophiuchus deals with impatience with emotional outbursts.

Ophiuchus - Taurus (previous dates: April 21 - May 20, new dates: May 13 - June 21)

All a Taurus needs is security and stability in relationships and finances, and while Ophiuchus can provide financial stability, they will inevitably clash when it comes to relationship stability. Taurus are homebodies and love the comfort of home, while Ophiuchus is looking for every opportunity to visit new places and explore.

Ophiuchus - Gemini (previous dates: May 21 - June 20, new dates: June 21 - July 20)

At first, the flirtatious Gemini will manipulate the jealousy of Ophiuchus. Although monogamy is not the new sign's strong point, it is important to note that they can be very emotional and easily hurt, especially if the partner does not take the time to spend with him.

Ophiuchus - Leo (previous dates: July 23 - August 22, new dates: August 10 - September 16)

Leo and Ophiuchus want the same thing, but in different forms. Ophiuchus tends to be competitive, as he wants to be praised for his work, while Leo just wants to be praised. A clash of ego and pride is inevitable in this relationship.

Ophiuchus - Virgo (previous dates: August 23 - September 22, new dates: September 16 - October 30)

Both signs are intellectual, but Ophiuchus will never understand Virgo's need to spend more time on a task, as Virgo strives to bring everything to perfection. Such scrupulousness can be considered a waste of time by Ophiuchus, and Virgos will not like the secretive and disorderly nature of Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus - Scorpio (previous dates: October 23 - November 21, new dates: November 23 - November 29)

Although Ophiuchus is known for being jealous and emotional, nothing beats Scorpio's possessiveness and jealousy. Scorpio will never come to terms with Ophiuchus' need for polygamy, and will hardly accept the windy nature of the new zodiac sign.

Have you already managed to get scared about the fact that your zodiac sign is no longer yours? And do not say that you do not believe in horoscopes and that you absolutely do not care how many signs are 12 or 13. Surely you look at such information if it catches your eye, or turn up the radio louder when they broadcast an astrological forecast. Or maybe you even build your life by checking it with an astrological clock.

Our material will be of interest to those who believe in astrologers, and those who consider them to be pseudoscientists. Because it will be, first of all, about astronomy and NASA.

What's happening?

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) published an article on the educational portal of the NASA Space Place agency, which tells about the change in the position of the stars in the modern sky in relation to their location during the time of the astronomers of Ancient Babylon. It was the ancient Babylonians who first formulated a system of 12 key constellations - the zodiac. They divided the ecliptic into 12 sectors of 30 degrees. Each sector was assigned a sign of one of the zodiac constellations, where the Sun is located in the corresponding month.

After 3 thousand years, the position of the earth's axis has noticeably changed, and the pattern of the starry sky has also changed. So people who, for example, were born under the sign of Leo, are actually Cancers, the scientists noted.

In the same article, it was mentioned that in fact there are not 12, but 13 zodiac constellations.

This caused panic among those who believe in horoscopes. And the news that the thirteenth constellation appeared in the zodiac was presented as a scientific discovery.

What is the 13th constellation?

The 13th sign of the zodiac is called Ophiucus (Ophiuchus), which is located in the sky between Scorpio and Sagittarius. The Sun, according to NASA, passes through the ecliptic through the constellation Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 18. Its sign is the Latin letter "U", crossed out by a wavy line similar to the "tilde" sign - "~".

Did you just find out about the 13th constellation just now?

No, in fact, the ancient Babylonians were aware that there were thirteen constellations of the zodiac. But their calendar included 12 months, in accordance with the Moon, and the 13th constellation broke all the harmony, so they simply threw Ophiuchus out of the horoscope.

As for science, back in the late 1920s, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) revised the concept of a constellation, defining it as a section of the celestial sphere between boundaries drawn along celestial parallels and meridians. A complete list of 88 constellations and the exact outline of the boundaries between them were approved in 1931. Then it turned out that the line of the ecliptic crosses a small section of the sky, assigned to the constellation Ophiuchus.

That is, the signs of the zodiac still moved?

Strictly speaking, yes. Moreover, scientists explained that the sizes of the constellations differ from each other, and the Sun spends an unequal amount of time in each of them: in Virgo - 45 days, in Scorpio - 7. And in Ophiuchus - 18. But the Babylonians not only pretended that no Ophiuchus exists, but they also divided the zodiac horoscope into equal intervals.

True, it should be remembered that NASA does not consider astrology a science and the article was published precisely in order to explain why horoscopes cannot be trusted.

What do astrologers think about this?

Most of them are sure that nothing needs to be changed in the Zodiac system.

"Psychotypes of people depend primarily on a specific sign of the zodiac, that is, a specific celestial sector, and then on a particular constellation," astrologer Oleg Kasyanuk explained in an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The astrologer from Kyrgyzstan, Cholpon Kurmanalieva, is of the same opinion.

"The boundaries of the Signs of the Zodiac are not shifting anywhere! Their main ones, as they were 12, will remain so. Sagittarius remain Sagittarius, Scorpio Scorpio. The zodiac circle is divided into 12 equal parts (360/12 \u003d 30 degrees), there is no place for Ophiuchus.

12 houses of the horoscope, 12 months, the dial is divided into 12 digits along which the arrow moves (day and night are divided into 12 hours), the minute hand moves 12 times faster than the hour hand, 12 pairs of edges, every 12 years Jupiter returns (coincides with the eastern "beast" of the Chinese lunar calendar, in the year of which they were born), 12 animals of the eastern horoscope ... well, 12 signs of the zodiac," she stressed.

What to do for those who believe in horoscopes, but do not feel like either Sagittarius or Scorpio?

There are many such people. Even the famous writer Viktor Pelevin noted in an interview: “I have a very interesting sign. The fact is that there are not twelve, but thirteen zodiac constellations. There is a constellation between Scorpio and Sagittarius, it is called Ophiuchus, or Serpentine…”

"Ophiuchus has an additional influence for those born from November 27 to December 17. Ophiuchus, as one of the 88 constellations, is only an addition to the characteristic of the main zodiac sign. Sagittarius remains Sagittarius, Scorpio Scorpio, just those born in the above period have the property of burn bridges and rise like a phoenix (burn bridges and be reborn like a Phoenix)," said astrologer Cholpon Kurmanalieva.

And yet what is known about the sign Ophiuchus?

The constellation Ophiuchus is strongly associated with the name of Imhotep, the Egyptian vizier and priest, one of the great doctors of antiquity. Actually, the first real great doctor known to us. Imhotep was the only real person to have an astrological sign named after him.

Ideas about the fate of a person born under the sign of Ophiuchus are also associated with Imhotep. It is believed that an outstanding architect or builder can come out of him (as well as from Imhotep), that he strives for wisdom and knowledge and therefore becomes much smarter during his life; that those in power will treat him well. For some reason, some assume that he will strive to dress well, and choose bright colors. Well, his lucky number is 12.

So NASA is not going to change the zodiac system?

No, it's not going to. After the hype rose, NASA spokesman Dwayne Brown (Dwayne Brown) officially explained that the original article was just trying to explain that astrology is not a science, but an ancient relic and has nothing to do with astronomy. Brown assured readers that NASA has no interest in their zodiac signs, especially since the agency is not going to change anything in them.

If you were born between November 30 and December 17, then you, quite possibly, are not Sagittarius in your zodiac sign, as you thought all your life. You, excuse me, Ophiuchus, because the Sun during this period is located just in this constellation.

The ancients knew about it very well. Some timidly suggested including Ophiuchus in the official zodiac. Many years ago, Viktor Pelevin said in an interview with journalist Karina Dobrotvorskaya: “I have a very interesting sign. The fact is that there are not twelve, but thirteen zodiac constellations. There is a constellation between Scorpio and Sagittarius, it is called Ophiuchus, or Serpentine…

A few years ago, a real fuss arose: the respected and serious astronomer Park Kunkle proved to the public on his fingers that everything had changed in the sky and it was necessary to shake up the whole system of ideas about the zodiac and, accordingly, astrology.

The concept of the 12-sign zodiac was introduced in the 4th century BC, but since then the axis of the Earth, as it should, has slowly shifted (this phenomenon is called precession). And now the Sun is, for example, in the sign of Pisces not from February 21 to March 21, as it was in antiquity - it spends half of this period already in the constellation Aquarius. Moreover, scientists insist that in fact the Sun does not spend equal periods of time in the constellations. According to the new calculations, Scorpios are those born between November 24 and 29 (yes, that's only six days!), Ophiuchus - from November 30 to December 17, and Sagittarius - from December 18 to January 20.

That is, when you read your horoscope in the newspaper (provided that you read and believe in it), you are actually reading about the fate of someone else.

Sign with a human face

The constellation Ophiuchus is strongly associated with the name of Imhotep, the Egyptian vizier and priest, one of the great doctors of antiquity (in fact, the first real great doctor known to us). He lived around 2625 BC. e., and, in addition to his passion for medicine, he was a great architect - many believe that he was the first to come up with the idea of ​​​​using columns in the construction of buildings. Imhotep, centuries after his death, was elevated to the pantheon of deities - in any case, the Egyptians came to his temples to pray for healing. (By the way, it was Imhotep who was depicted as the main villain in the Hollywood films The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, although, of course, this monster has nothing in common with the real priest.)

The Greeks identified Imhotep with the healer-god Asclepius (in the Roman tradition, Aesculapius), the son of Apollo, raised by the centaur Chiron. When he grew up, he learned not only to heal, but even to resurrect the dead. And the symbol of Asclepius is a poisonous snake, which is still considered one of the symbols of medicine, it is no coincidence that its image is found in many pharmacies. According to legend, Asclepius killed the snake that attacked him, and then he saw another with a blade of grass in its mouth, and thanks to this blade of grass, he brought the first one back to life.

For centuries, the legends have been confused, flowing one over the other, and yet it is believed that it was Imhotep who became the only real person, after whom the astrological sign was named.

Ideas about the fate of a person born under the sign of Ophiuchus are also associated with the Egyptian vizier. It is believed that an outstanding architect or builder can come out of him (as well as from Imhotep), that he strives for wisdom and knowledge and therefore becomes much smarter during his life; that those in power will treat him well. For some reason, some assume that he will strive to dress well, and choose bright colors. Well, his lucky number is 12.


Why are astrologers against

Professional astrologers took the astronomers' suggestion that the system needed to be changed with hostility. The thing is, they patiently explained, that Western astrology uses the so-called tropical zodiac, based on the 12 sectors of the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the plane in which the Earth revolves around the Sun; the first sector (from 0 to 30 degrees) is the sign of Aries, the second (from 30 to 60) is the sign of Taurus, and so on. Yes, 2000 years ago it coincided with the constellations of the same name, which is why the signs of the zodiac got their conventional names. But, roughly speaking, the movement of the Earth is much more important here than the constellations. So don't worry, Sagittarians are still Sagittarius.

As for Kunkle's assumptions, he, according to many astrologers, simply decided to mock them once again. After all, everyone knows that astronomers, like serious scientists in general, consider astrologers to be swindlers (or, at best, sincerely mistaken people) and do not miss the opportunity to kick them, the poor. Kunkle made no secret of the fact that with his research he wanted, among other things, to draw the attention of people who compare their lives with horoscopes to real astronomy.


What do Alisa Freindlich and Sergei Svetlakov have in common?

Photo: Russian Look

Celebrities born under the sign of Ophiuchus include singers Sinead O'Connor, Taylor Swift, Patricia Kaas, Nelly Furtado and Britney Spears, actresses Julianne Moore, Alice Freindlich, Kim Basinger,

Jennifer Connolly and Milla Jovovich, actors John Malkovich, Ian Somerhalder, Gael Garcia Bernal, Alexander Baluev,

Sergei Svetlakov, Ben Stiller and Jeff Bridges, director Woody Allen, as well as Jim Morrison, Winston Churchill,

Walt Disney, Frank Sinatra, Mark Twain, Georgy Zhukov, Afanasy Fet, Fedor Tyutchev, Nikolai Nekrasov, Alexander Solzhenitsyn,

Nikolai Karamzin, Heinrich Heine, Gustave Eiffel, Ludwig van Beethoven, Jane Austen.

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