Crafts in the garden on the theme of Marshak's fairy tale. Crafts from ear sticks


Rimma Brynza
Application based on the work of S. Marshak "Who will find the ring?"

Application based on the work C. Marshak"Who will find a ring

Purpose z and n I t and I.

Continue to teach children to cut round shapes from a rectangle, make animal figures from separate parts, make figures for a dramatization game. To develop the imagination of children in inventing additional content for the game. Continue to develop interest among preschoolers in the illustrations of the artist V. Lebedev. Pay attention to the design features of the book cover, to the construction of the picture for "Elephant" Kipling, on the artist's ability to convey the features of the beast.

Material. Multimedia equipment for demonstrating a presentation on a topic. Colored paper (rectangles and additional details - in envelopes, which depict figures of familiar animals, scissors, glue, rags.

Preliminary work. Dramatization games based on the fairy tale by S. Marshak"Who will find a ring. Using an animal cap, tabletop theater (finger, box, planar, flannelgraph). The game is played repeatedly until the children memorize the text and begin to fantasize, inventing events with the presence of other characters. Conducting the game applications"Make a figurine".

Course progress.

The teacher invites children to play a fairy tale game "Who will find a ring. Draws attention to the fact that today there will be no puppet theater and the children must make the heroes of the fairy tale themselves, using book illustrations. asks children: “Who drew illustrations for the fairy tale "Who" will find a ring How did you know this?

Then the teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that V. Lebedev, illustrating books, already on the cover introduces the reader to the characters works. At the same time, they do not just sit or stand, they act.

The teacher explains that the children themselves can choose any envelope with colored paper on the table. In each envelope "hidden" riddle to be given answer: "Which hero is hiding here?" Need to make a picture applique so for the hero to live, act, be busy with something. Further, he proposes to consider 1-2 illustrations for Kipling's book "Baby elephant", draws the attention of children to the simplification of the forms used by the artist when depicting animals, to their similarity with an oval, a circle.

Then the teacher invites the children to cut out oval and rounded shapes and make familiar figures out of them, complementing them with the details that are in the envelope. It reminds the rule that when cutting rounded shapes from rectangular ones, the cut off corners should fall off. Then the animal figures are glued onto a sheet of paper.

The game is played as follows. The teacher selects 3-5 characters. Children go out with their "heroes". The teacher starts game: Rolled, rolled Olino ringlet, Rolled, rolled from our porch. Who will get off the porch? Who will find a ring? The children answer in turn in the voice of their character, using the words of the text and explaining what his character is doing so urgently that he cannot help Olya. caregiver He speaks: Do not look for rings, bear (fox, etc., Do not try to roar like that. Our Olenka is small, but she went to look for herself. At the end of the dramatization game, the teacher should praise those who could most accurately applications portray your character and expressively read the text. Clarify which artist suggested with his illustrations for "Elephant" that you can make animals from simple details.

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Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak(1887-1964) - Russian poet, playwright and translator, literary critic, screenwriter. Author of popular children's books. In 1923 he published his first poetic children's books: "The House That Jack Built", "Children in a Cage", "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse". Marshak's books have been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

This section of the site contains poems by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak for children. More than 40 works with illustrations by famous artists!

Read Marshak's poems

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Anna Andreevna Nenashkina

And so September ended. All month we are with the guys traveled through the works of. I. Marshak. His poems and fairy tales bring joy to everyone. Not only children, but also their parents, grandparents know funny, fairy-tale characters from Marshak's works. Why do we love his poems and fairy tales? Because they are kind, funny, interesting and instructive. His poems are easy to remember. Samuil Yakovlevich all his life he was a faithful comrade and good friend of children. He showed that poetry can draw colorful pictures of the world, tell entertaining and instructive stories and fairy tales, you can perfectly ridicule the enemy and you can arouse interest, reflection, sympathy for misfortune in a person, teach you to dream about the future, learn about the world around you.

His acquaintance with the work of S. Ya. Marshak we started with decorating an exhibition of his books.

Look carefully at the illustrations in the books.

We listened with pleasure to poems from the cycle "Children in a Cage" and tried to learn some of them.

It was a lot of fun to play outdoor games ("Owl", "Cat and Mouse", "Sly Fox").

The guys tried very hard to draw stripes for zebras,

and also made spots from napkins to a giraffe.

Also, we have done works C. I. Marshak several collective works:

"Mustachioed - Striped"

"Hedgehog" ("Silent Tale")

We have a lot of interesting things to do this month.

The children enjoyed building the zoo.

We watched the presentation for "The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

At the end project we even tried to put on a little show product C. I. Marshak"The Tale of the Stupid Mouse".

Here are our little artists:

This is how art was introduced Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak.

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About the fairy tales of Sergei Mikhalkov

Many people in our country grew up on the works of Sergei Mikhalkov.

"Who does not know Uncle Styopa? Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone" just as everyone knows from childhood "The Song of Friends", "My Puppy", "What do you have", etc.

Sergei Vladimirovich wrote poems, fables, plays and other dramatic works, scripts for films and cartoons, translated children's poems by Julian Tuvim (from Polish) and Asen Bosev (from Bulgarian), as well as poems by poets from the republics of the former USSR. He wrote the texts of three hymns of the USSR and Russia: 1943, 1977 and 2001. Moreover, all of them were approved on a competitive basis.

Mikhalkov received the greatest fame precisely because of the works for children. They are included in the programs of preschool and school education, in books for reading, translated into many languages.

The most famous fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov - "The Three Little Pigs" - is about the brothers Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf and the wolf. This tale is written on the basis of English folklore.

However, in the original version of the English folk tale, the wolf ate two lazy, frivolous pigs, and by cunning tried to lure the third pig out of the house, but he did not succumb to the tricks of the wolf, but outwitted him himself. He opened the lid of a cauldron of boiling water when the wolf tried to crawl through the pipe to him, and then boiled and ate it.

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