Read more about the promotion for washing machines in Eldorado for recycling. Utilization of household appliances in Eldorado! Get rid of old equipment, get a discount on a new one


From September 29 to October 26, 2016 in the stores "Eldorado" the action "Utilization". Choose a product marked with a special price tag in the store, return your old unnecessary equipment, get a discount on the purchase of new equipment.

Promotion rules for retail stores

  1. The promotion is held from September 29 to October 26, 2016 inclusive.
  2. A buyer who has handed over old equipment to the Eldorado store gets the opportunity to purchase a certain new product at a discount or receive a promotional bonus (in the amount of 20 to 30% of the value of the goods) on the Bonus Card.
  3. Not all items included in promotion! The list of goods participating in the promotion and the amount of the discount or bonus, check with the seller.
  4. A discount or a promotional bonus for a new product is provided only if the buyer returns the old equipment in accordance with the rules for exchanging old equipment for a new one.
  5. The size of the discount and the size of the promotional bonus are indicated on the price tag.
  6. Parts, components or parts of old equipment are not subject to acceptance, only the main set of equipment is accepted as scrap to participate in the action.
  7. The goods handed over by the buyer are not subject to return.
  8. When the buyer arranges for the delivery of a new product, the goods for disposal are removed from the same address free of charge.
  9. In case of export of the recyclable goods, the buyer must independently dismantle it, prepare it for export and move it to the front door. If this condition is not met, as well as in case of refusal to hand over the goods for recycling, the goods purchased at a discount are returned to the sales store, the amount actually paid for the goods is returned to the buyer.
  10. When handing over a laptop or system unit, the buyer is given the opportunity to transfer data from the old System unit or laptop to a newly acquired one. To do this, the buyer needs to contact the Store's PC Technician. For information about the conditions for providing this service, check with the PC Technician.
  11. Buyers over the age of 18 participate in the promotion. If the age of the buyer is in doubt, the store employee has the right to ask for any identification document.
  12. Check with the seller about the action of the “Utilization” promotion when purchasing promotional goods for certain types of loans.
  13. Exchange of goods purchased as part of the "Utilization" promotion under the "Just choose, easy to change!" is made if the bonus received under the promotion has not been spent. If the bonus has been spent, the exchange under the promotion "Easy to choose, easy to change!" not produced.
  14. Check the effect of additional promotions on goods purchased under the "Utilization" promotion from sales consultants.
  15. In case of partial payment with bonuses, an electronic gift certificate or a gift card for a product participating in the promotion, the promotional bonus is credited to the residual value of the product.
  16. In case of full or partial payment with a corporate gift card, participation in the promotion is not possible.
  17. The promotional bonus can be used after 14 days from the date of accrual, or within 90 days.
  18. The standard bonus provided for by the terms of the Eldorado Club Loyalty Program, as well as double bonuses when buying on the Birthday and within 5 days after, are not credited to promotional goods.
  19. Promotion rules are subject to change without prior notice to buyers.
  20. The promotion applies only to consumers within the meaning of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".
  21. For goods participating in the promotion, bonuses are credited to the bonus card in the amount of: 1%. If the product also participates in a promotion with an increased bonus accrual, the buyer receives a bonus for the promotion with the highest percentage of accrual.
  22. All goods are certified. The quantity of goods participating in the promotion is limited. For information about the list of goods, the size of the discount, other details and the rules for the promotion, check with the sellers.
  23. Return of goods under the action is made at the price indicated in the cash receipt. In the case of an exchange of goods during the action of the promotion, a discount is provided for a new product, according to the terms of the promotion. The goods handed over by the buyer for recycling, in case of return or exchange of a new product, are not subject to return.
  24. Find out the rules of the promotion and other details on the website and in ELDORADO stores.
  25. Organizer of the action LLC "ELDORADO", 125493, Russia, Moscow, st. Smolnaya, 14, PSRN 5077746354450

The Eldorado company congratulates its customers on the past holidays and invites them for bargain shopping.
The promotion runs from March 13 to April 16, 2018 or until further notice to end.

In retail stores:
A buyer who has handed over old equipment to the Eldorado store gets the opportunity to purchase a certain new product at a discount or receive a promotional bonus (up to 6,000 rubles from the cost of the goods) on the Bonus Card.
Not all items included in promotion! The list of goods participating in the promotion and the amount of the discount or bonus, check with the seller.
A discount or a promotional bonus for a new product is provided only if the buyer returns the old equipment in accordance with the rules for exchanging old equipment for a new one.

In the online store:
. Select a product marked with the "Recycling" label
. Check the box "Get Discount" in the shopping cart. Select the group of equipment to be handed over
. Place an order in the online store
. Sell ​​your old appliances!
. Get a discount on the purchase of new equipment

The following items are included in the promotion:
. microwaves
. Refrigerators
. Hobs
. Vacuum cleaners
. Freezers
. gas stoves
. Washing machines
. Ovens

If you place an order with home delivery, we will pick up the old equipment ourselves.
If you have placed an order for self-delivery, return the old equipment at the point of self-delivery upon receipt of the order.
When placing an order on the website of the online store, and after the delivery of a new product, the following items are removed from the same address free of charge: refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, ovens, dishwashers, TVs.
The size of the discount and the size of the promotional bonus are indicated on the price tag.
Hurry up to profitably exchange your old equipment for a new one. As part of the campaign, customers who donate old equipment to the ELDORADO store are provided with discounts of up to 6,000 rubles for the purchase of a new one.

The quantity of goods participating in the Promotion is limited. Specify information about the list of goods, the amount of the discount on the website or by phone 8-800-555-11-11 (toll-free).

Household appliances have long been an integral part of the life of all Russians. However, technological progress does not stand still, and some new items appear in stores almost every day. Naturally, many have a desire to become the owner of a new, more functional technique, but here the question immediately arises: what to do with the old one?

In principle, one of the options here can be a cottage where you can take a TV or a refrigerator of venerable age. Many children used to give their old mobile phones to their parents when they bought them new ones. However, all this is only a temporary way out of the situation - this or that thing will still someday either turn out to be hopelessly outdated, or lose its original qualities, that is, it will break.

At the same time, one should not forget that in almost all such products there is plastic and a certain amount of non-ferrous metals. Therefore, simply throwing outdated equipment in a landfill is not the best option. In Western countries, this problem has long been solved - there are enterprises that specialize in the disposal of household appliances. It is to them that they take down all the trash that has served its purpose.

However, in the Russian Federation the situation is different. According to statistics, no more than 4 percent of used devices are handed over to household appliances recycling points, while the rest is simply thrown away. Moreover, often it is simply placed in a regular garbage container in the yard. This approach is fundamentally wrong, but people simply have no other choice, since an apartment is still not a warehouse, and there are very few companies involved in this.

In 2019, the state program for the disposal of household appliances began to operate in the Russian Federation. However, while talking about it as a solution to the problem, it is clearly premature. The state offers to take away for recycling not all equipment for free, but only washing machines and refrigerators, the service life of which is more than 15 years.

Large retail chains come to the rescue

As mentioned above, one of the most important reasons for replacing old household appliances is to buy new ones. In 2019, Russians got rid of the Soviet mentality a long time ago, when a TV was bought for 15-20 years. Many can well afford to buy a new model every year - it is clear that this is not the main part of the country's population, but, nevertheless.

Manufacturers, in an effort to win as many buyers as possible, release at least one new model a year, and in most cases a whole scattering of new products appears on the shelves. In addition, in 2019, middle-income citizens who made the last such acquisitions 5-6 years ago can change their old equipment for new ones.

Naturally, they would like to do more than just buy something new. The question of how to get rid of old household appliances is still relevant. And here large Russian retail chains came to the rescue, offering their own promotions for the disposal of old TVs, washing machines, refrigerators, and so on. Let's see what conditions retailers offer Russians today.

"El Dorado". In this retail chain, the amount of discounts provided in exchange for old household appliances depends on the category of goods, and not on the amount of the purchase. As a rule, such promotions are held here 1-2 times a year under various names, but their essence is quite clear to buyers. You can change almost any type of household appliances, while the size of the discount provided by the network ranges from 1 to 20 percent. In particular, Eldorado accepts the following technique:

  • video and audio - TVs, stereos, players, and so on;
  • digital - cameras, tablets, smartphones, mobile phones;
  • small and large household appliances - juicers, multicookers, vacuum cleaners, meat grinders, food processors, hoods, gas stoves, washing machines, air conditioners, boilers, refrigerators.

In this case, the degree of damage or breakdowns, in fact, does not matter here. Another advantage of Eldorado's household appliances recycling campaigns is its categorization. This is really a very significant plus in the eyes of potential buyers. The thing is that a person can bring, for example, a mobile phone, and get a discount when buying any product from this category - a camera, tablet, and so on. When ordering delivery of new equipment to your home, the old one will be picked up directly on the spot, that is, you won’t have to carry it anywhere. It should be noted that the distribution network does not accept accessories and consumables.

In "Eldorado" just such an action was carried out, called "utilization". It began on September 29 and lasted until October 26, 2017. According to the terms of the promotion, anyone who returns old equipment to a retail chain store can receive funds on a bonus card in the amount of 20 to 30 percent of the cost of the goods or a discount on certain types of equipment.

One important point should be noted. Not the entire range of goods presented in retail outlets takes part in the action. For more detailed information, it is recommended to contact a sales consultant. A bonus or discount is provided only if the old equipment is returned in full compliance with the current rules. Their size can be found directly on the price tag.

Parts, components or parts of old equipment are not subject to acceptance. As junk that can participate in the promotion, you should bring only the main set. Goods returned by the buyer to the store are non-refundable. If the buyer exchanges a system unit from a computer or laptop, he is allowed to transfer all the data stored there to a new product - for this you need to contact a technical specialist of a particular outlet. Information on the conditions for the provision of this service should be clarified on the spot.

"M Video". This retail chain also periodically holds promotions for the disposal of household appliances, helping people get rid of things that, in fact, only litter the apartment. The retailer first launched this kind of promotion in 2016. Then it lasted 35 days, and received a lot of positive feedback from customers, and deservedly so. There is nothing surprising in this - people simply appreciated the opportunity to get rid of unnecessary things without unnecessary hassle. In addition to the fact that delivery of purchases and removal of old equipment by network employees is free of charge.

On September 27, M.Video launched another such campaign, which ended on October 31, 2017. It is very easy to take advantage of this offer. You just need to simply select the product participating in the promotion and inform the seller about your desire to participate in the free recycling program. It should be noted that its terms and conditions do not apply to products presented in the online store. You can exchange equipment for a new one by contacting any of the traditional outlets of the network.

However, there are certain limitations. In particular, products of such brands as Loewe, Smeg and Miele, as well as other brands belonging to the "substandard" category, do not participate in the promotion. If the buyer orders free disposal, then in this case, discounts on the kit are no longer valid.

You can exchange any product, regardless of the purchase. For example, when purchasing a TV, you can order the recycling of a washing machine. At the same time, before the visit of company representatives, one should prepare in a certain way. In particular, the old equipment intended for removal must be turned off and dismantled. The terms of the promotion also apply to goods purchased in installments under all existing lending programs. At the same time, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities cannot become its participants. Many Russians have already taken advantage of this offer, and, judging by the majority of reviews on the Web, they were satisfied.

Similar promotions for replacing old household appliances with new ones are also available in other large retail chains. The two most typical examples for retailers have been described above. The rest may have some slight differences, while in general the principle is the same everywhere: we give away the old goods, we get the new one on preferential terms. You can actually get more detailed information directly at the outlet - sales consultants will not only tell you everything, but also suggest the most optimal option for you.

The largest boutique selling household appliances Eldorado has been known on the market for a long time. The owners of the market regularly offer customers a variety of offers that allow them to purchase the best models of home appliances at attractive prices. And now, the Eldorado store offers regular and new customers an excellent promotion for the disposal of old, unnecessary washing machines. By making an application on the website or in one of the stores, the buyer gets the opportunity to remove obsolete equipment for free and a discount on the purchase of a new washing machine. Store employees emphasize that the discount and free pickup are due to all participants of the action, regardless of the functioning or breakdown of household appliances.

Offer details

To take part in the Eldorado Washing Machine Recycling 2016 promotion, you must meet the age category of 18+. If a potential participant is younger than this age, he does not participate in the program. After passing the outdated design to the store, the client receives an amount equal to a 20% discount on a certain product on a bonus account. Which models of products are participating in the promotion, you should check with the sellers at this outlet.

To use bonus funds for the purchase of a new product, the buyer has 90 days from the date of bonus accrual.

The recycling program in Eldorado involves the acceptance of obsolete equipment in its entirety. Market employees do not accept parts of household electrical products for exchange. The product must be completed as it was originally. Some discrepancy to the original appearance is allowed, but only on condition that the missing parts were not specifically removed. Plus, if the unit lacks important parts, such products are not accepted for recycling.

Buyer actions

In order for the washing machines under the recycling campaign in Eldorado to be removed, according to the terms of the offer, the owner of the obsolete equipment must prepare the goods for removal. This condition involves independent dismantling, disconnection from communications and moving the unit to the front door. The duties of the store employees include only loading the recycled goods into transport and delivery to the warehouse. If the client refuses to dispose of obsolete equipment, the new model of the washing machine is taken back to the point of sale. In such a situation, the buyer will be refunded the money that he paid for the goods.

To be sure of receiving and using bonus funds, according to the recycling program, the buyer is obliged to keep the receipt throughout the entire life of the household appliances. All information about the price, discounts and the amount of the used bonus is indicated in the receipt.

You should not subsequently demand the return of the disposed equipment. According to the terms, washing machines in Eldorado for recycling 2015 cannot be returned to the previous owner.

Promotional options

Given the great popularity of the campaign held by the Eldorado store for the disposal of old washing machines, the number of promotional models participating in the program is limited. Unfortunately, the buyer can use the discount received under the above program for some models offered in the catalog. More detailed information about promotional models can be found directly in the specific store where you plan to make a purchase. Plus, the managers of this outlet have the right to make adjustments to the list of washing machine models participating in the promotional offer. Given these features, buyers are advised to study the list of promotional models immediately before buying.

Amount of discount

When planning your participation in the Eldorado Washing Machine Recycling Program, remember that the discount is not large. The organizers of the action offer the project participants to receive a discount of 5,000 rubles or 20% of the purchase amount. Given these circumstances, you should choose in the catalog the model of the washing machine, which, taking into account the discount, will be available for purchase. The possibility of purchasing goods on credit, taking into account the promotional discount, is considered by the store employees in each specific case individually.

At the end

The owners of the Eldorado store always go to meet their customers. By creating a campaign for the recycling of washing machines, the organizers have simplified the process of replacing old appliances with new ones for buyers. Now the customers of the store don't have to think about where and how to take out the washer they don't need. Plus, all program participants receive a tangible discount on the purchase of new equipment. Note that a 20% discount on a certain group of goods is an excellent gift for young and low-income families. By participating in the recycling program 2016, Eldorado customers receive an undeniable benefit. Given the positive aspects of the action, every potential buyer and owner of washing machines should take part in it.

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