Outdoor games for children indoors. Calm games for kids


Play is one of the most important ways for children to explore the world. This is how, in the game, the younger generations are trained in all wildlife. It allows the animals to learn vital skills in a safe way, learn from the older cubs the accumulated experience and find their own ways of interacting with the outside world.

For millennia, mankind has not come up with a better way of learning than games. The complexity of the requirements for a modern person has led to a variety of games that help hone a wide variety of skills and abilities. More and more of them are those that lead to long-term immobility of children. Therefore, outdoor games are so important for indoor children from 7 to 10 years old.

In children of primary school age, intellectual loads increase sharply, the way of life is fundamentally different from preschool childhood. Regular walks and outdoor activities are being replaced by the need to spend many hours in a sedentary state in the school building and doing homework. Outdoor games are designed to soften this transition for children, giving the physical activity necessary for health.

Educational and educational games for younger students help them master the skills of intellectual activity, develop thinking, learn new things easily and with pleasure. Team games, which are actively mastered by children aged 7-10, give them the most important social interaction skills for life. They teach children to achieve their goals, not to be afraid of difficulties.

In children of preschool age, both walks on the street, and in many respects, play activities were organized by adults. Although the independence of younger students is increasing, they still need the help of adults to learn new games and spend their free time more productively. Unlike adolescents, they are ready and willing to take part in the organization of games adults.

Outdoor games

Children 7-10 years old are physically stronger and more resilient than preschoolers. Schoolchildren of this age develop the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems, strengthen ligaments, increase lung capacity, and improve coordination of movements. Therefore, children of this age can play with a sufficiently large physical load for a longer time. The games themselves are becoming more complex and more diverse.

It is optimal for health to play outdoor games, but our climate and the need for schoolchildren to spend a lot of time indoors do not always allow this. Therefore, we will give several outdoor games for children 7-10 years old, which can be played both on the street and in a spacious room.

Boys of this age are especially useful strength exercises. Such as, for example, tug of war or "cockfight".

  • "Rooster Fight". A fairly spacious circle is drawn with chalk, inside which two players become. They should put their hands behind their backs and bend one leg. Jumping on one foot and not helping with their hands, they should try to push the opponent out of the circle. It is considered a loss not only to leave the circle, but also if the player stands on two legs or uses his hands.
  • « Draw out the opponent". Two teams line up in a circle facing each other. The task of the players for some is to drag the enemy into the circle, for others - to pull it out of the circle. This must be done in one or two minutes of individual bouts, pulling the opponent by the belt or arms. The one who was defeated in this short duel is out of the game. Several rounds are played and the team with the most players left wins.
  • Girls, on the other hand, prefer exercises to develop flexibility, a sense of balance or rhythm. Although the boys willingly take part in them.
  • « Go under the tape". A rope is stretched at the chest level of the children. You need to go under it without hitting it. In a more complicated version, the player must bow back at the same time. Then the rope descends lower and lower in succession until one player remains.
  • But most of the outdoor games, which differ from sports games by less rigid rules and a freer composition of participants, are aimed at children of different ages, regardless of gender.
  • « Fisherman". There is one leader here - a "fisherman" with a "net" rope. He stands in the center. The rest of the participants stand in a circle. The fisherman spins the rope on the floor, trying to hurt the players. Their task, bouncing, is to avoid this.
  • « Atoms, molecules". Pupils move arbitrarily until the leader's command sounds. He says a number, like three or five. Players "atoms" must immediately unite into "molecules" from the named number of participants. Anyone who did not have time to hit the "molecules" is out of the game.

Mobile games for children. Mom's school.

Physical education for elementary school

Children 7-10 years old are in the phase of active growth. Nature has laid in them the need for active movement, which ensures the harmonious physical development of the emerging muscles. And society requires, first of all, intellectual development, which is possible only with schooling. Physical exercises in physical education cannot give pupils of primary school age the required level of stress.

Therefore, in elementary school, physical education sessions are necessarily held at lessons and breaks. They necessarily include exercises for various muscle groups. One of the mandatory recommendations for conducting physical education sessions is to conduct them against the backdrop of a positive attitude of schoolchildren. Mobile games help to ensure this.

Physical education sessions often include exercises using various objects..

  1. « Walk blindly". Several pins are placed in a straight line at an equal and sufficiently large distance (about 80 cm) from each other. The player must go from the beginning to the end of the track without knocking them down.
  2. « Tell a friend". Children are lined up along the desks, and in each row, from edge to edge, it is passed to the music of the skittle. The music is stopped from time to time, and whoever has a skittle left at that moment is out of the game.
  3. « Hurry up to grab". Schoolchildren are placed opposite each other at the greatest possible distance. In the middle between them put a chair with skittles. On a signal, a couple of children run to the chair at the same time. The one who grabs the skittle wins.

Educational games

Mobile exercises can be combined with didactic, educational purposes. They suggest clearer rules compared to conventional outdoor games and a learning goal thought out by teachers.

  1. « I believe - I do not believe»: For children 7 - 10 years old for the development of logical thinking. Children become in a circle, and the leader throws the ball, while saying the phrase. The one to whom the host throws must say "I believe" and catch him. If he believes the statement is false, then the ball is not caught and "I don't believe it!" is pronounced. If the reaction was correct, then the players switch roles.
  2. « The words". An educational game with a ball to consolidate knowledge for children 7-10 years old. One participant throws the ball and sets the topic, for example, animals. The one who catches the ball names some animal. Then the one who received the ball throws it to the next of the students, and already sets his own topic.
  3. « hide-and-seek»: On the development of attention and observation in younger students. Children are given time to carefully look at the room. Then they turn away and close their eyes. One or more leaders hide several medium-sized objects in the room. Then, to the music, the rest are looking for the hidden. The winners are those who first found the hidden. If teams play, the one that found the most items wins.

Ball games for schoolchildren

Ball exercises are one of the most popular among children of all ages. Children start playing with a ball from preschool years, and by the preparatory group they are already doing it quite well. In children of primary school age, coordination of movements and endurance reach a new level, so exercises with him are carried out according to more complex rules. Of course, exercises with the ball can only be carried out in a fairly spacious room without breakable objects.

  1. « Try it, take it!". Children are divided into two groups. The host throws the ball. One group needs to throw the ball, preventing it from falling to the ground. The second part of the children interferes with them in every possible way. The player from the second group, who grabbed the ball, changes roles with the one who dropped it.
  2. « Grab a yummy". Real or toy fruits, nuts or sweets are laid out on the table. Children take turns tossing the ball, and until it touches the floor, you need to grab something tasty. Students who fail to do so are removed from the game.
  3. « Green and red". Here you will need two medium balls of different colors, for example, green and red. Children are divided into two teams, in which a captain is selected. The host gives the signal and the captains throw the balls as far as they can. On the second signal, the players each run after their ball. The player who brought the ball to the captain first earns a point for the team. Then everything is repeated for the next pair of students. Only the captain throws the ball. All actions occur only at the signal of the leader.

Team games

As you can see, most outdoor games involve team actions. Children 7 - 10 years old are quite ready for this. But the guys of this age are still very emotional, they can not always control their behavior. Therefore, the organizers of the games should take into account a few rules.

The organization of team games should be especially well thought out, since, unlike just outdoor games, it includes a powerful element of competition. This makes the game more emotional and can provoke conflicts between students when interacting.

It is necessary to make sure that the participants have a good understanding of the rules and the purpose of the game, so as not to give rise to conflict due to their discrepancies among the opposing teams.

The organizers should try to divide the participants into approximately equal groups in terms of strength and skills.

It is necessary to ensure objective refereeing, as children are very sensitive to injustice.

Active exercises should alternate with calmer tasks, uniting in relay race games. Because children of this age with continuous intensive movement for more than 15 minutes can overwork.

The role of play in the formation and development of the child cannot be overestimated. It is in the game that the child learns the world around him, its laws, learns to live by the rules. All children love to move, jump, jump, run a race. Outdoor games with rules are a conscious, active activity of the child, which is characterized by the timely and accurate completion of tasks related to the rules that are binding on all participants. An outdoor game is a kind of exercise with which children prepare for life.

Outdoor games are of great importance in the life of a child, as they are an indispensable means for a child to gain knowledge and ideas about the world around him. They also influence the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, moral-volitional qualities. Outdoor games for children strengthen physical health, teach life situations, help the child get the right development.

Outdoor games for preschoolers

Outdoor games for younger preschoolers

Preschoolers in play tend to imitate everything they see. In the outdoor games of kids, as a rule, it is not communication with peers that manifests itself, but a reflection of the life that adults or animals live. Children at this age are happy to fly like sparrows, jump like bunnies, flap their arms like butterflies with wings. Due to the developed ability to imitate, most of the outdoor games of children of primary preschool age have a plot character.

  • Mobile game "Mice dance"

Purpose: to develop physical activity

Description: before starting the game, you must choose a driver - "cat". The cat chooses a “stove” for himself (it can serve as a bench or a chair), sits on it and closes his eyes. All other participants join hands and begin to dance around the cat with the words:

Mice lead a round dance,
A cat naps on the stove.
Quiet mouse, don't make noise
Don't wake cat Vaska
Here Vaska the cat wakes up -
Will break our round dance!

During the last words, the cat stretches, opens its eyes and starts chasing mice. The caught participant becomes a cat, and the game starts over.

  • Sun and rain game

Tasks: to teach children to find their place in the game, navigate in space, develop the ability to perform actions at the signal of the teacher.

Description: Children sit in the hall on chairs. The chairs are their "home". After the words of the teacher: “What good weather, go for a walk!”, The guys get up and start moving in an arbitrary direction. As soon as the teacher says: “It's raining, run home!”, The children should run to the chairs and take their place. The teacher says "Drip - drop - drop!". Gradually, the rain subsides and the teacher says: “Go for a walk. The rain is over!"

  • Game "Sparrows and a cat"

Tasks: to teach children to jump off gently, bending their knees, run, dodge the driver, run away, find their place.

Description: Circles are drawn on the ground - "nests". Children - "sparrows" sit in their "nests" on one side of the site. On the other side of the site is a "cat". As soon as the "cat" dozes off, the "sparrows" fly out onto the road, fly from place to place, looking for crumbs, grains. The “cat” wakes up, meows, runs after the sparrows, which should fly to their nests.

First, the role of the “cat” is played by the teacher, then one of the children.

  • Mobile game "Sparrows and car"

Another game for children 3-5 years old about sparrows.

Tasks: to teach children to run in different directions, start moving or change it at the signal of the leader, find their place.

Description: Children are “sparrows”, sitting in their “nests” (on a bench). The teacher depicts a "car". As soon as the teacher says: “The sparrows flew onto the path,” the children rise from the bench and begin to run around the playground. At the signal of the educator: “The car is driving, fly the sparrows to their nests!” - the “car” leaves the “garage”, and the children must return to the “nests” (sit on the bench). The "car" returns to the "garage".

  • Game "Cat and Mice"

There are many games for children with cats and mice as participants. Here is one of them.

Tasks: This outdoor game helps to develop in children the ability to perform movement on a signal. Practice running in different directions.

Description: Children - "mice" sit in minks (on chairs along the wall). In one of the corners of the site sits a "cat" - a teacher. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter around the room. The cat wakes up, meows, starts catching mice that run into the holes and take their places. When all the mice return to their burrows, the cat once again walks around the room, then returns to its place and falls asleep.

  • Outdoor game for preschoolers "At the bear in the forest"

Tasks: to develop the speed of reaction to a verbal signal, to exercise children in running, to develop attention.

Description: Among the participants, one driver is chosen, who will be the "bear". Draw two circles on the playground. The first circle is the bear's lair, the second circle is the house for the rest of the game participants. The game begins with the fact that the children leave the house with the words:

At the bear in the forest
Mushrooms, I take berries.
The bear doesn't sleep
And growls at us.

As soon as the children uttered these words, the "bear" runs out of the den and catches the children. The one who did not have time to run to the house and was caught by the "bear" becomes the driver ("bear").

  • Through the brook (an outdoor game with jumps)

Tasks: To teach how to jump correctly, walk along a narrow path, keep balance.

Description: Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 1.5 - 2 meters from one another. At this distance, pebbles are drawn at a certain distance from each other.

The players stand at the line - on the bank of the stream, they must cross (jump) it over the pebbles without getting their feet wet. Those who stumbled - wet their feet, go to dry them in the sun - sit on a bench. Then they get back into the game.

  • Birds and cat game

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game. React to a signal.

Description: for the game you will need a mask of a cat and birds, a large circle drawn.

Children stand in a circle from the outside. One child stands in the center of the circle (cat), falls asleep (closes his eyes), and the birds jump into the circle and fly there, pecking grains. The cat wakes up and starts to catch the birds, and they run around the circle.

  • The game "Snowflakes and wind"

Tasks: Exercise in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, act on a signal.

Description: At the signal "Wind!" children - "snowflakes" - run around the playground in different directions, spinning ("the wind is spinning in the air of snowflakes"). At the signal "No wind!" - squat (“snowflakes fell to the ground”).

    Mobile game "Find a mate"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal, quickly line up in pairs.

Description: Participants stand along the wall. Each of them receives a flag. As soon as the teacher gives a sign, the children scatter around the playground. After the command “Find yourself a pair”, participants with flags of the same color are paired up. An odd number of children must participate in the game and at the end of the game one is left without a pair.

All these outdoor games can be successfully used to play in kindergarten in a group or on a walk. Children of different ages: from toddlers of 3 years old to children of the middle group of 4-5 years old play with pleasure.

  • Outdoor games for children 5-7 years old

In children 5-6, 6-7 years old, the nature of play activity changes somewhat. Now they are already beginning to be interested in the result of an outdoor game, they are striving to express their feelings, desires, to realize their plans. However, imitation and imitation do not disappear and continue to play an important role in the life of an older preschooler. These games can also be played in kindergarten.

  • Game "Bear and bees"

Tasks: practice running, follow the rules of the game.

Description: participants are divided into two teams - "bears" and "bees". Before the start of the game, the “bees” take their places in their “hives” (benches, ladders can serve as hives). At the command of the leader, the “bees” fly to the meadow for honey, and at this time the “bears” climb into the “hives” and feast on honey. Having heard the signal “Bears!”, All the “bees” return to the “hives” and “sting” (salat) the “bears” who did not have time to escape. The next time the stung "bear" no longer goes out for honey, but remains in the den.

    Game "Burners"

Tasks: exercise in running, respond to a signal, follow the rules of the game.

Description: An odd number of children take part in the game, who become pairs and hold hands. Ahead of the column is the leader, who looks ahead. Children repeat the words in chorus:

Burn, burn bright
To not go out
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing!
Once! Two! Three! Run!

As soon as the participants say the word “Run!”, those standing in the last pair in the column release their hands and run along the column forward, one on the right side, the other on the left. Their task is to run forward, stand in front of the driver and join hands again. The driver, in turn, must catch one of this pair before they join hands. If you manage to catch, then the driver with the caught one forms a new pair, and the participant left without a pair will now drive.

  • Mobile game "Two frosts"

A well-known game for preschoolers with simple rules. Tasks: to develop braking in children, the ability to act on a signal, exercise in running.

Description: On opposite sides of the site there are two houses, marked with lines. Players are placed on one side of the court. The teacher chooses two people who will become leaders. They are located in the middle of the playground between the houses, facing the children. These are two Frosts - Frost Red Nose and Frost Blue Nose. At the signal of the educator “Begin!” both Frosts utter the words: “We are two young brothers, two frosts are remote. I am Frost Red Nose. I am Blue Nose Frost. Who among you will dare to set off on a path? All the players answer: “We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost” and run to the house on the opposite side of the site, and the Frosts try to freeze them, i.e. touch with your hand. Those of the guys who were touched by the Frost freeze in place and remain standing like that until the end of the run. The frozen ones are counted, after which they join the players.

  • Game "Cunning Fox"

Purpose: to develop dexterity, speed, coordination.

Description: A line is drawn on one side of the site, thereby designating the “Fox House”. The teacher asks to close the eyes of the children, who are located in a circle. The teacher walks around an educated circle behind the backs of the children, touches one of the participants, who from that moment becomes a “cunning fox”.

After that, the teacher invites the children to open their eyes and, looking around, try to determine who is the cunning fox. Next, the children ask 3 times: "Cunning fox, where are you?". At the same time, the questioners look at each other. After the children have asked for the third time, the cunning fox jumps to the middle of the circle, raises his hands up and shouts: "I'm here!". All participants scatter around the site in all directions, and the cunning fox is trying to catch someone. After 2-3 people are caught, the teacher says: “In a circle!” and the game starts again.

  • Game "Catching deer"

Tasks: practice running in different directions, agility.

Description: Two shepherds are chosen among the participants. The rest of the players are deer located inside the outlined circle. The shepherds are behind the circle, opposite each other. At the leader's signal, the shepherds take turns throwing the ball at the deer, and they try to dodge the ball. The deer hit by the ball is considered to be caught and leaves the circle. After several repetitions, counts the number of deer caught.

    Game "Fishing rod"

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attention, speed of reaction.

Description: Participants sit in a circle. In the center is the leader - the educator. He holds a rope in his hands, at the end of which is tied a small bag of sand. The driver rotates the rope in a circle above the ground itself. Children jump so that the rope does not touch their legs. Those participants whose legs are touched by the rope are eliminated from the game.

  • Game "Hunters and Falcons"

Tasks: practice running.

Description: All participants - falcons, are on the same side of the hall. In the middle of the hall are two hunters. As soon as the teacher gives a signal: “Falcons, fly!” Participants must run to the opposite side of the hall. The task of the hunters is to catch (tarnish) as many falcons as possible before they have time to cross the imaginary line. Repeat the game 2-3 times, then change the drivers.

    Spider and flies game

Description: in one of the corners of the hall, a web is indicated by a circle, in which there is a spider - the driver. All the other guys are flies. All flies "fly" around the hall, buzzing. At the signal of the host "Spider!" flies freeze. The spider comes out of hiding and carefully examines all the flies. Those who move, he leads into his web. After two or three repetitions, the number of flies caught is counted.

    Mobile game "Mousetrap"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: Two participants stand facing each other, join hands and raise them higher. Then they both say in unison:

“How we got tired of mice, they gnawed everything, everyone ate!
We will set up a mousetrap and then we will catch mice!

While the participants are saying these words, the rest of the guys should run under their clasped hands. At the last words, the hosts abruptly drop their hands and catch one of the participants. Caught joins the catchers and now there are three of them. So gradually the mousetrap grows. The last participant left is the winner.

Outdoor games for schoolchildren 7-9, 10-12 years old

Schoolchildren also like to play games during breaks or walks. We have selected games that can be played during after-school walks or during physical education classes in grades 1-4. The rules of the game become a little more complicated, but the main tasks of the games are: training in agility, reaction, speed, general physical development and the ability to cooperate with the guys.

Many outdoor games are universal: both boys and girls can play them. You can divide children into groups of girls and boys or according to another principle.

    Game "Homeless Bunny"

Purpose: to develop mindfulness, thinking, speed and endurance.

Description: A hunter and a homeless hare are selected from all participants. The remaining players are hares, each draw a circle for themselves and stand in it. The hunter is trying to catch up with the fleeing homeless hare.

The hare can escape from the hunter by running into any circle. At the same time, the participant who stands in this circle must immediately run away, since now he becomes a homeless hare, and the hunter now catches him.

If a hunter catches a hare, then the one who is caught becomes a hunter.

  • Mobile game "Feet from the ground"

Objectives: Learn to follow the rules of the game.

Description: The driver, along with other guys, walks around the hall. As soon as the teacher says: “Catch!”, All participants scatter, trying to climb any elevation where you can raise your legs above the ground. Only those who have their feet on the ground can be salted. At the end of the game, the number of losers is counted and a new driver is selected.

    Game "Empty"

Tasks: to develop reaction speed, agility, attentiveness, to improve running skills.

Description: participants form a circle, and the leader is located behind the circle. Touching the shoulder of one of the players, he thereby calls him to the competition. After that, the driver and the participant whom he has chosen run along the circle in opposite directions. The one who first takes the empty space left by the selected player remains in the circle. The one left without a seat becomes the driver.

  • Mobile game "Third extra"

Tasks: to develop dexterity, speed, to cultivate a sense of collectivism.

Description: Participants walk in a circle in pairs, holding hands. The distance between pairs is 1.5 - 2 meters. Two drivers, one of whom runs away, the other catches up. The escaping player can at any time get ahead of any pair. In this case, the back player of the pair he is in front of becomes the one being overtaken. If, nevertheless, the player managed to catch up and overpower, then the drivers change roles.

  • Shootout game

Tasks: to develop dexterity, attentiveness, speed of reaction.

Description: A game is played on a volleyball court. Stepping back 1.5 meters from the front line inside the hall, a line parallel to it is drawn to form something like a corridor. An additional line is also drawn on the other side.

Participants are divided into two teams, each of which is located on its own half of the site from the middle line of the corridor. Both teams must choose a captain. You can't enter the opponent's territory. Each player who has the ball tries to hit his opponent with it without going beyond the middle line. The greasy player is sent prisoner and stays there until the players of his team throw the ball into his hands. After that, the player returns to the team.

Outdoor games on the go

When walking with children in a kindergarten or on an after-school at an elementary school, the teacher needs something to keep the children busy: an excellent solution is to organize outdoor games during a walk. First, the teacher introduces the children to various games, and later the children themselves, dividing into groups, will be able to decide which game they want to play. Outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the development of the child's body and strengthen the immune system. And the time of the walk flies unnoticed.

Before starting the game, the teacher needs to pay attention to the state of the playing field: are there any extra objects, fragments and everything that can prevent children from playing and create a traumatic situation - unfortunately, not only on the street, but also on the site of a school or kindergarten can be found a lot of trash.

  • Game "Train"

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column. Exercise in walking, running after each other.

Description: Children are built in a column. The first child in the column is a locomotive, the rest of the participants are wagons. After the teacher gives the horn, the children begin to move forward (without clutch). At first slowly, then faster, gradually moving to a run, they say “Chu-choo-choo!”. “The train is pulling up to the station,” says the teacher. Children gradually slow down and stop. The teacher again gives a whistle, the movement of the train resumes.

  • Mobile game "Zhmurki"

Tasks: education of dexterity, development of the ability to navigate in space, observation.

Description: Free space is required to play the game. A leader is chosen, who is blindfolded and taken to the middle of the site. The driver is rotated several times around his own axis, after which he must catch any player. The one who is caught becomes the leader.

  • Game "Day and night"

Tasks: exercise in running in different directions, act on a signal.

Description: All participants are divided into two teams. One command is "day", the other is "night". A line is drawn in the middle of the hall or a cord is placed. At a distance of two steps from the drawn line, the teams stand with their backs to each other. At the command of the leader, for example, “Day!” the appropriately named team starts catching up. Children from the “night” team must have time to run away beyond the conditional line before their rivals have time to tarnish them. The team that manages to tarnish the most players from the opposite team wins.

  • Game "Baskets"

Tasks: to exercise in running one after another, to develop speed, speed of reaction, attentiveness.

Description: Two presenters are selected. One of them will be the hunter, the other the fugitive. All the remaining participants are divided into pairs and join hands, creating something like a basket. The players scatter in different directions, and the leaders are separated, the catcher is trying to catch up with the fugitive. The fugitive must run between pairs. Baskets should not catch the fugitive, but for this he calls the names of the participants in the basket that he runs up to.

  • Game "Grab, run away"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to perform actions on a signal.

Description: The teacher is in the center of the circle. Throws the ball to the child and calls his name. This kid catches the ball and throws it back to the adult. When the adult throws the ball up, all the children must run to "their" place. The task of an adult is to try to hit the fleeing children.

In this article, we have given 29 outdoor games with a detailed description of the rules of the games. We hope that this material will help organize children's games at school during breaks and physical education lessons, on a walk in the preschool educational institution and the GPA.

Compiler: Oksana Gennadievna Borsch, primary school teacher, deputy director for educational work.

It is e;t warm now and we often go for walks and play children's outdoor games for preschoolers on a walk.

Since you don’t run too much in the apartment, and every child needs to develop physically.

And in games, moving is much more interesting, especially if the whole company is going to play.

So read, learn and play with your kids!

Funny outdoor games for children outdoors in summer, autumn and spring.

1. In search of treasure.

Take some toy, sweets, etc. as a "treasure". It is best to wrap it in foil. Show the sealed treasure to the children and ask them to close their eyes. Hide the "treasure" on a tree, behind a stump, swing, bench or somewhere else. Let the kids go looking. Whoever finds the treasure first wins.

2. Find a mate.

The host distributes to all the children multi-colored circles or flags (each item in pairs). At the signal of the leader, the children run, and when they hear a clap or the sound of a whistle, everyone must find a mate for themselves by the color of the circle or flag and join hands. An odd number of children can also take part in the game, then one will be left without a pair and leave the game.

3. Animation of objects.

This game is especially suitable for the little ones. At home, cut out funny eyes from paper and take a piece of plasticine and go for a walk with the children. Let the children choose which objects they want to revive - flowers, trees, carousels .. You can even arrange a competition between children - who will “revive” objects faster. It is good for developing imagination in children.

4. Ring.

Children sit on a bench or stand in a row. The host takes a ring or some other small object and pretends to put this ring in the palms of each of the players. Then he says: “Ring, come out on the porch!” and the one who really has a ring left in his palms tries to quickly jump out, while other children try to prevent him from doing this. If the player managed to jump out, then he takes the place of the leader.

5. Find a plant.

The children turn away, and the leader picks a leaf or any plant. The task of the children is to find the same as quickly as possible. Whoever is first becomes the leader.

6.. In the sandbox.

We take some object, ask the children to turn away, and bury this little thing in the sandbox. Children must dig with shovels and find a buried object. (It is very good to play this game on the beach. You just need to delineate the territory for searching).

7. Balloon tennis.

Take badminton or tennis rackets. Inflate a balloon and use it instead of a tennis ball or shuttlecock. The balloon flies for a long time, and the child has time to think a little about where to run and hit the balloon.

8. Winding the rope.

Only two can play this game. If there are more applicants, then you can play alternately with the winner, and the rest are fans. Take two identical branches or sticks and a longer rope (3 or more meters). We tie a branch or stick to each end of the rope. In the middle of this rope we tie a flag or make a knot. Each participant takes a stick, moves away so that the rope itself is well stretched. So, on a signal, the children begin to wind the rope around their stick. Whoever reaches the knot or flag the fastest is the winner!

9. Crow.

One child is blindfolded, and he stands with his back to the children. Each of the players should approach the leader and put his hand on his shoulder. The driver says: "Caw, crow!". The player croaks, and the driver guesses the name of the one who croaked. If he guesses correctly, he changes places with the player.

10. Rain and sun.

We draw a circle on the pavement and ask the children to become in it. When the host says “Sun” - the kids leave the circle, run, jump. And when they hear the word “Rain”, the children should become a circle as soon as possible. Who is the last - lost.

11. Snake.

Children hold hands, and then a whole “chain” is built. The host takes the last one by the hand and leads this “snake”, making various unexpected turns. Children must hold on tight so as not to break the "chain". If the children are long adults, then you can run around with a “snake”.

12. Deaf phone.

Children line up. The first in the row whispers a word into the ear of his neighbor - he repeats this word to the other in a whisper, and so on. The latter calls the word he heard. Usually the named word causes only laughter ….

13. Repeater.

Children become in a circle, the first player shows some kind of movement (for example, claps), the next one repeats everything and adds one more movement. So everyone should repeat all the movements shown in front of him and add his own. Whoever fails is out of the game.

14. Edible-inedible.

For this game, take the ball. Have the children stand in a row or sit on a bench. The driver begins to throw the ball to each player, naming an edible or inedible item. If the named item can be eaten, the children catch the ball, if not, they throw it back to the driver.

15. Quieter you go.

Children stand on the 1st side of the "road", and the leader - on the other, turning his back to everyone. The host says: “You go quieter, you will continue.” - children start to run, trying to run to the finish line as soon as possible. After a few seconds, the host says: “Stop!” - children stop running and freeze. The host turns around, and if he sees any movement of a player, he is out of the game. The winner is the one who runs 1st to the finish line.

16. Hot potato.

Children become in a circle. The driver gives a signal or turns on the music (you can use music from your phone). Children begin to throw the ball to each other, trying to get rid of it as quickly as possible. When the driver gives a signal or turns off the music, then the one who has the ball left in his hands is out of the game. When 1 player remains, the game ends and he is the winner.

17. Fishermen and fish.

Two children are chosen as fishermen, and the rest are fish. Children begin to dance around the fishermen and sing a song: Fish live in the water, No beak, but peck. There are wings - they do not fly, No legs, but they walk. They don't make nests, but they bring out the kids. "Fishermen" join hands together and quickly catch all the scattered "fish". Caught "fish" are already becoming "fishermen". Now these "fishermen" join hands and start catching other children. So the "Network" becomes even larger.

18. Simon speaks.

The facilitator should say the words: “Simon says” and then say what all the children should do. If the words: "Simon says" do not sound, then the command should not be executed. And the children at the same time answer: “Simon did not speak.” For example, the leader says: "Simon says - run!". Children run. Whoever started to execute any command of the leader, without the words "Simon says", he skips a move or leaves the game.

19. At the bear in the forest.

One child squats down in the designated area and pretends to be a sleeping bear. Children walk around him all the time and pretend to pick mushrooms and berries, singing a song in unison: “A bear has Berries in the forest, I pick mushrooms, But the bear is no longer sleeping, He is looking at us! The basket overturned - the Bear attacked us. "Bear" quickly jumps up and starts to catch the children who run away from him. Whom the "bear" catches - takes his place.

20. Owl

The driver stands out - "owl". The players are on the court, and the "owl" is in the nest (the place designated for this). At the signal “The day is coming”, children, imitating the flight of butterflies, dragonflies, birds, beetles and “turning” into other animals, frolic, trying to most accurately show who they represent.On the command “Night is coming,” all players are required to “freeze” in the position in which she found them. "Owl" goes "hunting", moving leads to the nest.

At the signal “The day is coming”, the “owl” goes into the nest, the players “come to life” again. "Owl" changes after 2-3 games.

21. Wolf in the ditch

Two parallel lines about a meter wide are drawn in the middle of the site. "Ditch" can be laid out with jump ropes. One or two "wolves" are selected. They become in a ditch. All other players - "goats" are placed on one side of the site, on the "pasture".

At a signal, the "goats" run to the other side, jumping over the moat. "Wolves". Without leaving the ditch, they try to dump as many "goats" as possible.

The taged "goats" are counted, and the game continues. "Wolves" change after 2-3 runs.

22. Seine

Two of the players are "fishermen", the rest are "fish". "Fishermen", holding hands, catch "fish", surrounding and free hands. The caught "fish" join the "fishermen" - the "net" increases. Fishing continues until there are 2-3 uncaught "fish" left.

"Hare without a home." The players, except for the two drivers, become pairs facing each other, hold hands and settle down on the court. Between the pairs becomes the third - "bunny".

One of the drivers is a "hare", the other is a "hunter". The “hare”, fleeing from persecution, becomes in the middle of the pair, displacing the “bunny” located there.

If the pursuer has stained the evader, they switch roles.

All players form a circle, and one of them becomes in the center and closes his eyes.
Children, holding hands, walk in a circle to the right (left) and say:

Here we are lined up around
Turned around all of a sudden

At these last words, everyone releases their hands and turns 360 degrees, continuing to move in the same direction.

How about we say:
Jump, jump, jump,
Guess whose voice.

The words "hop, hop, hop" are spoken by one who was chosen in advance.

The one standing in the center opens his eyes and tries to guess who said the words "hop, juice, hop." If the driver guessed right, he goes to the middle. If the driver does not guess correctly, he continues to drive - stand in the middle of the circle.

We play such interesting outdoor games for children on the street in spring, summer, and autumn. And what children's games do you play with your children on a walk? Share in the comments!

March 28th, 2011

Preschoolers 4-5 years old will play with pleasure not only outdoor games, but also those where you need to think. Emphasis in games is recommended to be done on the development of observation, memorization, logic, imagination and speech skills, and in outdoor games - on improving coordination, speed, dexterity and attentiveness.

Here are some suitable games:

  1. Cats and mice

Active play. Develops dexterity, speed, attentiveness. It can successfully pass among a company of different ages. Suitable for home and street.
There are two versions of this game.
The first. All but three players join hands and stand in an open circle. A "mouse" and two "cats" run inside. "Cats" must catch up with the mouse, but it's not so easy, because. she can safely run between the players in a circle, but they cannot. After that, all three of them stand in a circle and new cats and mice are selected.
Second option. In one corner, the house of the cat is indicated, in the other - the mink of mice, in the third - the pantry, where there are small objects depicting supplies. The cat falls asleep in the house, and the mice run from the hole to the pantry. At the clap of the leader (or after the words of the rhyme), the cat wakes up and begins to catch mice that are trying to run to the mink. At first, the cat is played by one of the adults, who pretends to catch, but lets the mice run away. You can add verbal accompaniment to the game:
The cat guards the mice
He pretended to be asleep.
Here he hears - the mice came out,
Slowly, closer, closer
From all cracks creep.
Tsap - scratch! Catch it soon!

  1. Carousels

Calmly active round dance game. Develops coordination and synchronism of movements, dexterity, attentiveness. The ability to control the power of the voice. Suitable for home and street.
The leader, together with the children, stands in a circle and everyone begins to slowly and quietly pronounce the text:
Barely, barely, barely
The carousels spin.
(At the same time, the players begin to slowly move in a circle)
And then, then, then
Everyone run, run, run.
(The tempo and strength of the voice increase, while the speed of movement increases. The players start running) The next part is pronounced with a decrease in the tempo and strength of the voice:
Hush hush! Do not hurry!
Stop the carousel!
(With these words, everyone stops).

  1. Kangaroo

Active play. Develops dexterity, speed in movements. It can successfully pass among a company of different ages. Suitable for home and street.
Two teams compete. Holding a matchbox (or similar object) with your feet, you need to jump like a kangaroo to the opposite wall (or chair), stop and say loudly: "I am a kangaroo!" (This statement is also evaluated by the presenter). Then you need to jump back and pass the box to a teammate. The winning team gets prizes.

  1. Superfluous word

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, the ability to combine objects into groups and select generalizing words. Suitable for home and street.
Before the start of the game, the host explains that in Russian there are words similar in meaning. The facilitator lists 4 words to the children, and they name what is superfluous, and explain why they think so. You can play not only with nouns, but also with verbs and adjectives.

  1. sweets

Calm game. Teaches communication, the ability to formulate questions and answers. Suitable for home and street.
A good game to start the holiday, allowing children to be liberated. You will need any sweets or dragees. Each child is offered to take as many sweets as he wants. Then the plate with refreshments is passed around. Then the host announces the rules of the game: each guest must answer the number of questions from the others, equal to the number of candies he took.

  1. hot ball

Calm game. Develops agility, speed and attention. Suitable for home and street.
Gambling: everyone stands in a circle and passes the ball to each other to the music. When the music stops, the player who did not have time to pass the ball and remained with him in his hands is eliminated (you can put him in honorary spectators, you can take forfeits). The last player left without a ball wins.

  1. missing numbers

The facilitator counts up to 10, deliberately skipping some numbers (or making mistakes). Players should clap their hands when they hear an error and name the missing number.

  1. Fluffy

Calm game. Develops discipline. Suitable for home.
An old Russian game. The teams stand against each other, between them is a line that cannot be crossed (for example, a ribbon). The host tosses a feather (you can use a fluffy cotton swab) over the heads of the participants. Task: to blow it to the side of the enemy. Attention, the team that steps up the ribbon or touches the feather with their hands is counted as a defeat.

  1. Chamomile

Calm game. Lets loosen up. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the beginning of the holiday, if the guests feel constrained. For the game, a camomile is prepared in advance from paper. The number of petals should be equal to the number of guests. On the back of each, easy funny tasks are written, for example, crow, jump like a frog or on one leg, repeat a tongue twister, crawl on all fours, etc. Children tear off a petal and complete the task. If the children do not yet know how to read, the task can be depicted in the form of a picture or read to the facilitator.

  1. hedgehogs

Active play. Develops speed and fine motor skills. Suitable for street and home.
Team game. She needs a rope of 1.5 m and 30 multi-colored clothespins attached to it. Adults act as hedgehogs. The players run up to the stretched rope one at a time, as in a relay race, take off one clothespin, run to the “hedgehogs” sitting on chairs and attach it to any place of clothing or hairstyle. It’s good if the distance from the rope to the hedgehogs is 10 meters. The team whose hedgehog bristles better wins, i.e. which will have more clothespins - needles. The second team can be given a prize for the most original / cute / funny hedgehog (according to circumstances).

  1. I go, I go

Active play. Develops speed and attention. Suitable for home and street.
A fun, emotional game that gives young children a lot of fun. Children line up behind the leading chain. He goes and pronounces the following words: "I'm walking, walking, walking, I'm leading the children (an arbitrary number of times), and as soon as I turn around, I'll catch everyone at once." catches them (it's better for kids to pretend to let them run away). The game is well suited for the home, when the host leads from room to room, repeating the first lines. When the cherished “I will catch” is uttered, the children with a screech rush through the whole apartment to the saving place.

  1. Spider and flies

Flickering game. Teaches children to run in different directions without colliding, and freeze on a signal. Develops coordination and attention. Suitable for home and street.
In one corner of the room (platform) a web is indicated in which the "spider" sits. The rest of the children depict flies: they run, circle around the room, buzz. At the leader's signal: "Spider!" flies freeze in the place where they were caught by the signal. The spider emerges from the web and carefully watches who moves. The one who moved - takes him into his web.

  1. Who am I?

Calm game. Develops logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home.
Good for starting a holiday. At the entrance, each child receives a new name - a bear, a fox, a wolf, etc. A picture with a new name is attached to his back, he does not know about it, until, with the help of leading questions, he finds out everything about himself from those around him. Alternatively, you can describe this animal only with adjectives (for example: cunning, red, fluffy ... - fox). The goal is to find out as quickly as possible who is involved.

  1. Seasons?

Calm game. Develops attention, logic, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The host chooses any time of the year and calls it to the players. Then he begins to list the phenomena and objects associated with this season. From time to time he says the wrong words. When they hear a word that is not related to this time of year, the children should clap their hands.

  1. Edible - inedible?

Calm game. Develops attention and logic. Suitable for home and street.
The leader throws the ball to one of the players and says a word. The player must catch the ball if the word denotes an edible item, or discard it if the item is inedible. The most attentive wins. From those who made a mistake, you can take forfeits, according to which funny tasks are then blindly assigned.

  1. Obedient Shadow or Mirror

Calm game. Develops attention. Suitable for home and street.
Two players are selected (for example, with the help of a counter), one is the shadow of the other. "Shadow" should repeat the actions of another player, if possible synchronously. If within a minute the player does not make a single mistake, he becomes the main player and chooses his shadow from among the other players.

  1. treasure hunt

Calm game. Develops the ability to navigate in space, logic, attention, the ability to compare parts, to assemble a mosaic. Suitable for home and street.
A map is drawn up in advance of the place where the treasures are hidden (apartments or streets), cut into pieces, each of which is obtained by the players in the form of a reward for correctly guessing a riddle or completing a task. Having made a map like a puzzle, all invitees are looking for treasure and discover something tasty or interesting. Before this game, it is better to practice and draw up a similar plan with the children, pronouncing how and what is indicated. It is important to draw the children's attention to the fact that the plan is, as it were, a view from above. In case of difficulty in finding the treasure, the leader prompts, directing the children in the right direction.

  1. hot-cold

Calm game. Develops logic. Suitable for home.
Suitable for the start of the holiday, if you hide various souvenirs-trinkets in advance in the room. The incoming guest begins to look for the hidden prize, and the rest tell him if he is walking right. If he approaches a hidden object, they shout "Heat", if it is very close - "Hot", if it moves away "Cool" or completely "Cold".

  1. missing numbers

Calm game. Develops attention and counting skills. Suitable for home and street.
The leader counts, deliberately making mistakes or skipping numbers. Players should clap their hands when they spot an error and correct it.

  1. Hurry up

Calm game. Develops attention, fine motor skills. Suitable for home.
Cubes (or skittles, etc.) are laid out on the floor according to the number of players minus one. Players walk around to the music, and as soon as it subsides, they must grab the cube. Whoever did not get the cube - drops out (or gives a phantom).

  1. Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we'll show you

Calm game. Develops motor skills, imagination, attention, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The facilitator quietly tells the player the profession, so that the others do not hear. The player says "Where we were, we won't tell you what we did - we'll show you" and tries to show without words what people of this profession do. The rest guess. Guessed player - shows next.

  1. In an old closet

Calm game. Develops speech and the ability to distinguish parts of objects, broadens horizons. Suitable for home and street.
The facilitator together with the players says:
In the old closet, with Anna's grandmother,
Where did I go -
Many wonders...
But they are all "without" ...
Next, the host calls the item, and the player he points to must say what part of the item may be missing. For example: a table without a leg, a dress without a pocket, etc.

Number of players: unlimited
Extras: no
The driver takes turns asking all the players questions, these can be absolutely any questions, for example: "What did you eat for breakfast today?" The answer is always the same: "Grandma's pantaloons!!!" The one who laughs loses, who also laughs and becomes the driver.

Dad is a sleeping bear

Number of players: two (dad and baby)
Extras: no
Does the kid want to play? Papa wants to lie down? Let's combine these two pleasures.
One day a big bear and a little bear fell asleep together, and the big bear accidentally pinned the little one. The little one woke up and decided to get out from under the big one quietly so as not to wake him up. We will tell this story to the baby and ask him to lie on his tummy on the carpet. Now gently, relaxed, like on the beach, lie down across, slightly pressing the child to the floor. And sleep. Let the "little bear cub", sniffling, grunting and giggling, crawl out from under you. Ease the pressure, if it is difficult for him, let the task be feasible for him. The result: a fun game and physical exercise for the child and a pleasant holiday for dad.

Number of players: any
Extras: no
Another driver leaves the room for five minutes. In the meantime, we'll talk about it a little.
You can already guess that we are talking about the old game of our grandfathers and grandmothers in "rumour". It usually began with a traditional saying: “I was at the ball, I heard rumors about you; one says you...” and so on. The content of the rumor was most often unpretentious compliments expressed by the players to the address of the one who drives. And then he was asked the question: who expressed such a judgment about you?

Eaglet - a game for children

Number of players: any
Optional: coin
This is an old gambling game, common in many countries.
The meaning of the game is as follows: a coin of any denomination is tossed and the one who guesses which side it will fall on wins it.
Since the probability of getting one of the two options is the same, a similar method is sometimes used when you need to make a decision. For example, before the start of a football match, the referee tosses a coin and thus determines on which half of the field this or that team will start the game.

Opening cans - a game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: plastic cans, small toys
Gather together several plastic jars with lids. All jars should be small so that the child's small hands can open them. In each of the jars, put a bright or interesting toy. Close covers. Give the child one by one each of the cans so that he opens them and takes out toys from them.
Your kid will want to return to this game again and again.

Cake - a game for children

Bag - a game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: old bag, various small items
If the child is naughty and does not want to calm down, then you can use a pre-prepared “bag” to divert his attention.
We take some old bag and fill it with items that are safe for the child, but are of interest and that she has not seen before. We look for them in the closets. Well, what could it be? Various cream jars, tubes, powder boxes, old watches, bracelets, toothbrushes, some kind of clips, key rings, keys, wallets, etc. We put all this in a bag.

Magic box - game for kids

Number of players: any
Optional: box, any small items
The game develops fine motor skills of the hand. Children are very fond of small objects, but you need to be very careful not to put objects in your mouth!
It is not recommended to play with small objects until the age of three.

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