Positive character traits of a girl. The main features of women


Personal qualities of a personare complex, biologically and socially determined components of personality. By bringing together all the personal qualities of a person, you can get a complete psychological portrait of him.

Personal qualities are usually divided intopositive and negative. What are these qualities and can a person consist of only positive qualities?

personality traitsexpressfeatures of mental processes, states and properties of an individual, his character traits, temperamental characteristics, specific behavior, interaction with other people, the environment, himself, that is, all individual psychological characteristics of a person. In addition, the personality traitsincludehis knowledge, skills and abilities.

There are many classifications of personality traits and even more personality typologies based on these classifications. Psychologists have always been interested in the mystery of the human personality and they tried to sort it out “on the shelves”.

But why does an ordinary person (not a professional psychologist) need to know what personal qualities are? The fact is that knowledge generates self-awareness, increasesawareness. A person who knows what personality traits exist candefine them for yourself, and then indicate the paths and directionswork on yourself.

Also, knowing about personality traits, you can understand more aboutsurrounding peoplelearn how to build and maintain relationships.

The first stage of a relationship of any kind involves getting to know each other, which in essence is the clarification of personal qualities. When two people meet for the first time (be it a job interview or a first date between a man and a woman), there is alwaysneed to knowWhat kind of person is in front of you. It is not for nothing that in the resume it is required to indicate not only your work experience and basic data, but also list personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities.

So, if you need to know your personal qualities in order to understand how to further develop your personality, then knowing the personal characteristics of another person is important insofar as it allows you to determine compatibility with him and suggest what kind of relationship can develop.

Positive personality traits are usually supported, reinforced and developed, while negative people try to correct, change or eradicate.

But the division of personality traits into positive and negativeconditional! It is based on generally accepted rules and norms of morality and ethics. You need to understand that such subtle matter as a person's personality, in fact, cannot be decomposed into “black” and “white”.

Personal qualities, which are usually called negative, are not absolute, butrelativelynegative as well as positive qualities. For example, in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, aggressiveness (which is usually considered a negative trait) becomes necessary and simply necessary.

Personal qualities of a person can becongenital, and acquired. Certain personality traits are developed either under the influence of the environment and society (upbringing) or are a consequenceself-education.

Many qualities, traits, features of behavior, abilities, skills a person can develop in himself,work out, so eradicate.

Of course, there are such personality traits that are practically not amenable to change, but still you shouldn’t hang up “labels” (both on yourself and on others)!

A person can always, if not radically change, then at least learn to compensate for some of his qualities at the expense of the development of others.

Negative qualities of a person, which are undesirable and require correction, all together would have formed not just a large, but a huge list. Therefore, here are just a few of them:

All these personality traits give rise to the correspondingbehaviorSo, a deceitful person lies all the time and to everyone, a lazy and negligent person is in no hurry to do the work, and an irresponsible person constantly lets himself and others down.

The presence of this or that negative quality spoils the life of the person himself and / or other people, but in any case, thisnot a sentence. By working on yourself, you can improve the quality of your life, relationships with others, and become happier.

Positive qualities of a person

The list of positive qualities in a person is as endless as the list of negative traits. Perhaps the most revered and welcomed suchpositive traits, how:

These positive qualities give rise to correspondingskills and abilities: the ability to make friends, love, learn, create, work, and so on.

In the article "" You will find another informative list of positive personality traits.

As you can see, both the list of negative qualities of a person and the list of positive ones include not only those qualities that express the attitude of the individual to other people and society, but also to himself, work, things, the world as a whole. All because the personal qualities of a personappear in everything: from who he works to what colors he prefers in clothes.

It is rare to find a person in whose personality there are only positive human qualities. But there are many people in whose personality structuredominated such qualities.

In any person, there are always conditionally negative personality traits, those that are worth working on, but their presence should not be a problem, but an incentive for development and growth.

Make it so that there is less negative, and positive personality traits prevail,available to every person!

In what direction do you often have to work on yourself?

Trait - it is a stable form of behavior in connection with specific, typical situations for this type of behavior. One can talk about any trait as a stable characteristic of a person if the probability of its manifestation in a certain situation is high enough. However, the probability means that this feature is not always manifested, otherwise it would just be a matter of mechanical behavior. A character trait includes a certain way of thinking, understanding. In the most general form, character traits can be divided into main, leading, setting the general direction for the development of the entire complex of its manifestations, and secondary, determined by the main ones.

Volitional character traits of a person. The group of volitional traits includes those character traits that are associated with manifestations of a person's will. On the one hand, this includes such character traits as purposefulness, perseverance, determination, confidence, perseverance, the desire to solve problems and overcome obstacles - all these qualities relate to the character of a person with a strong will. On the other hand, character traits corresponding to people with a weak will are also included here. This is spinelessness, compliance, lack of life goals, lack of will, unpredictability, inconsistency, etc.

Business personality traits. Business character traits are manifested in the area where human activity is carried out. This can be an attitude to work, to one's duties, to business or any other type of activity. These character traits can also be attributed to two poles: positive and negative. The positive pole of business traits will correspond to diligence, responsibility, conscientiousness, accuracy, dedication, etc. The negative pole includes: laziness, negligence, irresponsibility, dishonesty, slovenliness, etc.

Communicative traits of a person's character. Communicative character traits are those features of a person that are manifested in relationships with other people. The range of this type of human character traits is extremely wide. These are all the properties that are revealed when people communicate with each other. These are honesty and adherence to principles, kindness and disinterestedness, responsiveness and gentleness, sociability and attentiveness, modesty and restraint, calmness and rationality. At the same time, these are deceit and anger, callousness and selfishness, isolation and resentment, aggression and neglect, impulsiveness and cunning, vindictiveness and contempt. All this is manifested through the expression of emotions, through communication with others.

E. Kretschmer singled out and described the three most common types of body structure or human constitution, each of which he associated with character types:

1. Asthenic type characterizes a small thickness of the body in profile with an average or above average height. Asthenik is usually a thin and thin person, who, due to his thinness, seems to be somewhat taller than he really is. The asthenic has thin skin of the face and body, narrow shoulders, thin arms, an elongated and flat chest with underdeveloped muscles and weak fat accumulations. This is basically the characteristic of asthenic men. Women of this type, in addition, are often small.

2. Athletic type characterized by a strongly developed skeleton and muscles. Such a person is usually medium or tall, with broad shoulders, a powerful chest. He has a thick, high head.

3. picnic type differs in highly developed internal cavities of the body (head, chest, abdomen), a tendency to obesity with underdeveloped muscles and musculoskeletal system. Such a man of average height with a short neck sitting between his shoulders.

Asthenic and athletic types are distinguished by aristocracy, subtlety of feelings, alienation, coldness, selfishness, dominance, dryness, lack of emotions.

The picnic type is characterized by gaiety, talkativeness, carelessness, sincerity, energy, easy perception of life.

Character types. As shown above, there are a large number of character traits, each of which, to one degree or another, may or may not be present in a person. In connection with such a variety, it is clear that it is rather difficult to single out the types of characters, since they are completely different for different people. Nevertheless, in psychology there are various typologies of characters, which are based on one fact: the totality of traits that is included in the structure of a person’s character is not random. All traits of a person's character form quite definite combinations, which just the same make it possible to single out the types of people's characters.

One example of the classification of characters by type is their division into extroverts and introverts. The basis of such a classification of types of characters is the predominance of external or internal interests in a person's life. Extraversion and introversion how types of characters are manifested through the openness or isolation of a person in relation to the world around him and the people around him.

Personality type: extrovert. The extrovert character type corresponds to sociable people, who clearly show interest in the outside world, in everything that happens around them. Usually these people are active, energetic, inquisitive. They live by what surrounds them, their world is connected with what is around them. The life of people with this type of character is determined by their external interests, by the events that take place in the outside world. For an extrovert, the external world is above his internal subjective state.

Personality type: introvert. The introvert type of character is characteristic of closed people, whose attention is directed to themselves, to their own inner mental experiences. Such a person usually sooner or later becomes the sole center of his own interests. People with an introverted type of character put their individual inner world above what is happening in the world around them. Often they manifest such character traits as alienation, detachment, anxiety. At the same time, they are usually independent and practical individuals, whose life is based on the dynamics of their own internal mental state.

As mentioned above, there are many other options for distinguishing different types of characters. There is no single strict classification here - the variety of character traits, the formation of which begins from early childhood, is too great.

The second typology, the founder of which is K. Jung, connects characters with the orientation of the personality and identifies a number of psycho-sociotypes. Psychosociotype, from the point of view of C. Jung, is an innate mental structure that determines a specific type of information exchange of a person with the environment.

K. Jung identifies four types of character:

1. Extraverted - introverted;

2. Rationalistic - irrationalistic;

3. Thinking (logic) - emotional;

4. Sensing (sensory) - intuitive.

Each of these four types can be combined with any other to form new types of character.

Recently, a typology of character has become widespread, linking its features with accentuation - the excessive severity of individual character traits and aggregates. (K. Leonhard, A. E. Lichko and others)

Hello. It would seem that we know all the positive qualities of a person, but we cannot always say what this or that characteristic means. In addition, there are so many of them that you can make a long list. See our list of good qualities in a person and add to it in the comments!

What positive qualities of a person are valued when applying for a job

It is very important for every person to find a good job, but it is becoming increasingly difficult to do this. Therefore, we will analyze the most important good character traits that need to be highlighted when applying for a job. Of course, you need to name only your positive traits. There is a whole list of positive qualities, but we will name the more significant ones.

How would you best describe yourself for the job? What does an employer value more?

First of all, he appreciates:

  • Accuracy is not only a desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy is manifested in external neatness, caring attitude to things, accuracy and thoroughness in business.
  • upbringing These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. An educated person is polite to others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and implementation of the rules of behavior in society, respect for other people's property, nature, society. For an educated person is never ashamed.
  • Discipline It is the ability to follow rules and regulations. A disciplined person not only strictly observes the established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time in such a way that it is enough for all important things.
  • A responsibility- this is the ability of a person to be responsible for what he is entrusted with, the ability to make difficult decisions and evaluate their consequences. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything shows himself as an independent and mature person.
  • Punctuality is compliance with rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the absence of delays, the ability to complete assignments on time, to comply with agreements. Especially appreciated in industries where "time is money". But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.
  • Sociability is the ability to make contacts. A person who does not have communication barriers easily enters the team and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any area of ​​life.
  • industriousness It is the ability to have a positive attitude towards one's own work. Diligence is not only the willingness to give one's strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person who systematically shirks from work and is not able to perceive his work with interest is the burden of the entire team.
  • perseverance is the ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people who do not succumb to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows strength of character and unshakable spirit. Persistent individuals achieve heights on their own.

Equally important are the personal qualities of the employee. They appear in everything, even in the manner of dressing, therefore, when going to get a job, you need to dress beautifully, but not pretentiously.

But it turns out that all personal qualities are not as important for the employer as business ones. True, each job has its own merits.

We have already identified common features, but how to praise yourself so as not to seem like an upstart, but give yourself a worthy description.

Rules for compiling a resume

For a resume, you need to choose especially noticeable advantages, because the employer will read it without seeing you. What is there to grab him? First of all, it is necessary to highlight:

  • stress tolerance;
  • not conflict;
  • tolerance;
  • the ability to get along with people;
  • work in a team.

To characterize, you will need to write only 5-7 sentences, therefore, you should try to highlight the best features of your character, give such arguments that out of a dozen applicants, only you want to be hired.

Arriving for an interview, be prepared for the fact that the recruiter can stop you at one of the points, then ask you to give examples from your life. When preparing a resume with all responsibility, work out this important point.

If you specified initiative, then by all means tell us how, for example, you implemented a new sales strategy.

Try to answer the questions for yourself:

  • Why am I better than others?
  • Why should I get this position?
  • What can I do better than others and how do I differ from my colleagues?
  • What is the most significant thing I have done in my career?
  • What are the achievements in my life?

Now answer these questions to get away from the standard characteristics. Emphasize personal accomplishments and your strengths.

Do not focus on education, the employer may not even read it, he is interested in your achievements. Indicate the place of your work, starting with the most recent. Be sure to list achievements in this job. If you speak languages, then this is a plus for your characteristic.

How to get rid of negative traits

Every person has both negative and positive traits. But each person can consider his negative qualities as an incentive to overcome them, to begin to grow good character traits in himself.

How to do it? Let us give an example of how to show the best human qualities in relation to impolite, that is, bad people.

You have been insulted, what should you do? Don't answer, switch to another object. In this case, the landfill example is illustrative. Passing by the landfill, you smell an unpleasant smell. You will not stand at the landfill, sniffing its unpleasant aromas, but simply turn around and leave as soon as possible. Soon you will forget about this smell, so here, why respond with an insult to the attacks of an unhealthy person ?!

What qualities are most valued in men and women

If you ask a man and a woman what qualities they consider the best, the answers will be different. Men appreciate spiritual manifestations in a woman:

Women value moral qualities in men.

  • Loyalty. A faithful companion is a rarity, but every woman dreams of meeting just such a person. This is an important side of the relationship between a man and a woman, because such a negative trait as jealousy is associated with it. Loyalty speaks of the reliability and constancy of a person with this quality.
  • caring, honesty- this is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality speaks of decency, morality and strong character.
  • Generosity is the willingness to share with others, absolutely not wanting to get something in return. Even the most selfless people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.
  • Appreciate good character. Kindness is hard to resist for any girl.
  • Confidence. Women are crazy about confident men.
  • Mind, ambition. A person who strives for self-improvement is very attractive to girls.
  • Self-sufficiency and communication skills. Girls like guys who will always find a common language with other people.
  • Sense of humor. Girls love to laugh.
  • Appearance. Girls always pay attention to the clothes of their boyfriend.

To the characteristics of men and women, one can add all the qualities of a good person that attract them to each other.

Good qualities of character at all times

At all times, such a quality as nobility. Over time, this quality began to be less often remembered, but noble people always stood out from the crowd with their unusual features.

A noble person feels the need to serve the good. Only a noble person knows such concepts as honor, valor, mutual assistance. In a difficult situation, he will come to the rescue, without thinking about himself, about some kind of benefit or gratitude.

Moral, is also valued at all times. This concept refers to the internal rules that guide a person. Internal rules are laid down under the influence of many factors: family, upbringing within the walls of the school, on the street, in society.

We believe that a moral person should be good-natured, honest, and courageous. It is moral qualities that make it possible to do good, lend one's shoulder when required. Moral people respect elders, they are tactful, decent, modest, faithful in life and love.

Each person has certain characteristics, which are expressed in emotional manifestations, the selection of specific actions and reactions. All this happens automatically and is defined by people as character traits. There are many personality types for quickly determining what kind of person is happening.

We all know what character is. This is a set of qualities that are inherent in a particular person. Character is developed throughout life. In childhood, he is flexible and quickly changing. Over the years, it acquires greater stability and at the end is fixed .. What is it and what features does this phenomenon have, the article will tell.

What is the nature of a person?

Each person faces the character of another personality. What it is? This is a characteristic of the psyche, which combines permanent and stable qualities that determine the behavior and attitude of the individual. Translated from Greek, character means "feature", "sign". This is a stable characteristic that affects behavior, responses, activities and individual manifestations of a person.

We can say that the character of a person determines the whole life of a person, his fate. They say that fate is predetermined. In fact, a person who does not obey specific rules and strategies creates his own destiny, which he then lives.

By changing the character, you can change the fate, because the character determines the reaction, behavior, decisions of a person that he takes in a particular situation. If you look closely, you can see that people who are similar in character live the same life. Only the details differ, but their ways and behavior are the same.

Character is formed throughout a person's life. At any moment it can be changed, which in adulthood is possible only under the influence of one's own desire and willpower. If a person cannot change his character, then his life does not change and its development is predictable.

Personality traits

The character changes depending on the type of activity, society, social circle, attitude towards oneself and the world as a whole. If any of these aspects change, then this can affect the change in the quality of character. If everything in a person's life remains unchanged, then the character traits remain unchanged.

Personality traits

The character of a person is also formed under the influence of the values ​​and moral beliefs that a person uses. The more stable they are, the more a person is fixed in his behavior and manifestations. The main feature of a personal character is its certainty, where one can note the leading features, of which there are always several. The certainty of character disappears if there are no stable qualities.

Character is also based on the interests that a person has. The more stable and constant they are, the more a person becomes purposeful, persistent and whole in his manifestations.

You can determine the characteristics of the character of another person by his actions and their orientation. Both the actions and the results that he achieves at the end of their commission are important. They are what characterize a person.

Temperament and personality

The interrelation and character of the personality is looked through. Although these characteristics are determined by the human psyche, they are different values. Temperament is determined by the structure of the nervous system, which makes it an innate quality, the manifestations of which cannot be changed, but you can just do something.

Character is a flexible aspect that develops throughout life. A person can change it, which is determined by his life activity.

Character is formed on the basis of the temperament with which a person was born. Temperament can be called the basis on which the entire branch of his character traits is built. At the same time, the temperament does not change from external circumstances and the type of activity.

Temperament is characterized by three directions, each of which has its own complex structure:

  1. Mobility (activity). It manifests itself in vigorous activity, self-expression, manifestation of oneself, which can be both sluggish and overly active.
  2. Emotionality. There is a variety of moods and flow of feelings. Defined:
  • Lability is the rate of change from one mood to another.
  • Impressibility - the depth of perception of external emotional stimuli.
  • Impulsivity - the speed at which an emotion transforms into a motivating force for taking actions without thinking about it and making a decision to carry it out.
  1. Motility.

Personality character types

Psychologists of different times tried to identify types of personality characters to identify specific groups of people. E. Kretschmer identified 3 groups of people according to their body type:

  1. Picnic people, prone to gaining excess weight, short in stature, with a large face, neck, plump. They are easily adaptable to the conditions of the world, sociable and emotional.
  2. Athletic people, characterized by well-developed muscles, are tall and broad-shouldered, hardy and with a large chest. They are not impressionable, domineering, calm and practical, restrained in gestures and facial expressions, and do not adapt well.
  3. Asthenic people, characterized by thinness and underdeveloped muscles, a narrow face, long arms and legs, a flat chest. They are stubborn and serious, withdrawn and poorly adapted to change.

K. Jung proposed another typology that divides people according to the type of thinking:

  • Extroverts. Very sociable and active people who tend to make many acquaintances. They are straight and open. They love to travel, have parties, be the soul of the company. They are guided by objective circumstances, and not by the subjective opinions of people.
  • Introverts. Very closed and fenced off from the world people. They have few friends as it is difficult for them to make contacts. Constantly analyze everything that is happening. They are very anxious and prefer solitude.

Another classification divides people into 4 psychotypes depending on their combination of character and temperament:

  1. Cholerics are unbalanced, fast, impulsive, passionate people. They are quickly depleted due to the senseless expenditure of strength. Prone to emotional outbursts and mood swings.
  2. Phlegmatic people are stable in their manifestations, emotions and views, unhurried, unflappable people. They are inclined to calmness and poise, perseverance in work. Outwardly they do not show emotions.
  3. Melancholic people are vulnerable people who are prone to constantly experiencing emotions. Very impressionable, sharply react to external manifestations.
  4. Sanguine people are lively, mobile and active people. They react quickly to external circumstances and tend to receive many impressions. Productive at work. Easily tolerate failures and troubles.

The psychological nature of the personality

The changes that occur in the psychological character of a person are divided into regular (typical) and individual (atypical).

Regular changes occur as a person grows up and goes through certain changes in his body. Children's features disappear, being replaced by adults. Childish traits include capriciousness, irresponsibility, fears, tearfulness. For adults - wisdom, life experience, tolerance, reasonableness, prudence, etc.

Much here is determined by the situations that a person often encounters. Communication with people, various circumstances, successes and failures, tragedies determine the change of views and values ​​in a person. This is why people in the same age group differ from each other, because everyone had their own life experience. Here individual traits are formed, which depend on the life circumstances through which each person passes.

Traits change faster if they are similar to or include previous traits.

The social nature of personality

The social character of a person is understood as those qualities that should be characteristic of absolutely all people of this or that society. Going into society, a person must show not only individual traits, but also those qualities that are considered acceptable, approved, normal. Such a set is formed by society, the media, culture, upbringing, educational institutions, religion, etc. It should be noted that parents raise their children also depending on the framework and norms that are accepted in society.

According to E. Fromm, the social character of a person is a way of adapting a person to the society in which he is located. This is an unpunished and free way of existence in a particular society. He believed that no society allows a person to realize himself in full force, since he always dictates his own rules and norms, which should be above individual characteristics and desires. That is why a person is always in conflict with society when he must obey in order to be accepted, or tries to protest, which can be punished.

Society will never allow a person to express himself in full force, which prevents him from realizing his inclinations and harms the individual himself. There must be a distortion of character, when everyone adjusts himself to certain limits and norms accepted in society. Only by developing a social character in a person does society make him safe for himself. It is not the personality that is important here, but its safe manifestations, which will be acceptable in society. Otherwise, there will be punishment for any individual self-expression that does not fit into the framework.

Personal character accentuation

Under the accentuation of the character of the personality is understood a set of qualities that are clearly manifested by the individual within the normal range. It is divided into:

  • Hidden - traits that appear infrequently or never at all. However, under certain conditions, they can appear.
  • Explicit - features that appear to the extreme degree of the norm and are characterized by constancy.

K. Leongrad identified types of accentuation:

  1. Hysterical - a thirst for attention, egocentrism, a need for reverence and approval, recognition of individual characteristics.
  2. Hyperthymic - sociability, mobility, a tendency to mischief, excessive independence.
  3. Asthenoneurotic - anxiety, high fatigue.
  4. Psychosthenic - indecision, a tendency to demagogy, analysis and introspection, suspiciousness.
  5. Schizoid - detachment, isolation, lack of sociability.
  6. Excitable - periodic dreary moods, accumulation of irritation.
  7. Sensitive - increased touchiness, sensitivity, shyness.
  8. Infantile-dependent - a delay in childhood when a person does not take responsibility.
  9. Emotionally labile - mood variability.
  10. Unstable - a tendency to idleness, pleasure, entertainment, idleness.


The nature of a person often helps in understanding the person himself, since everything revolves around his inner world, which has manifestations in the form of reactions, emotions, behavior, actions, and even achievements that are currently available. Considering different types of character can lead to the following result - a quick and easy understanding of people.

Character is a flexible characteristic that can be changed at any time. It can change both unconsciously and under the influence of the willpower of a person who controls the manifestation of a particular quality. The longer a person manifests a particular quality, the more it is fixed and becomes one of his characteristics that influence the future development of life.

Character is a unique set of qualities that determine the uniqueness and uniqueness of each individual person, his personality and behavior. Understanding the character facilitates the process of communication between people, helps to avoid controversial or conflict situations. The very concept of "character" is of Greek origin and denotes the features of the psycho-emotional manifestation and expression of the individual.

Character traits

Each of us, without much thought, can easily and quickly name various character traits. This list can be very long. But in order to determine the characteristic type of a particular individual, one should know not only its main features, but also be able to designate which of them are defining, and which are only complementary. In modern psychology, there are:

  • leading features, which in fact are the determinants of character in general;
  • secondary features that complement and individualize a particular personality.

Knowledge of the leading features allows you to determine the essence of all morality, its "backbone".

The presence of two identical traits in two people does not indicate the identity of their disposition. So, both have truthfulness and timidity at the same time. If the former has fearfulness leading feature, then, most likely, he will not outwardly express his disapproval of the actions or behavior of others that contradict his inner convictions. He would rather remain silent, in his soul arguing about the wrongness of those around him. And vice versa, if another has a leading quality of truthfulness, and a secondary timidity, then he will not fail to point out to those around him that they are wrong, fearing only in the depths of his soul the consequences of his statements.

Characteristic features are divided into the following major groups in relation to various household aspects:

  • attitude towards people around (tact, friendliness, rudeness, sociability, isolation, sincerity, truthfulness, deceit, etc.);
  • attitude to work, activity (responsibility, diligence, dishonesty, laziness, irresponsibility, etc.);
  • attitude towards oneself (self-criticism, narcissism, modesty, arrogance, self-confidence, pride, vanity, etc.);
  • attitude to property and property (generosity, thrift, accuracy, carelessness, carelessness, etc.).

The dominant group is the first (i.e. attitude towards others), since man is a social being, the main features of his behavior are formed and manifested in society. Evaluation of behavior by others affects the formation and understanding of character as a whole.

character structure

In the structure, features of both individual properties and those common to a certain group of people are distinguished: national, age or professional. The way and way of life, the peculiarities of everyday life, even the language and national structure have their influence on the formation of common features for groups and even for entire nations. So, people of one nationality differ from another in their way of life, habits, type of thinking, etc. At the ordinary level, typical common features create certain stereotypes. Most of us have our own idea about the inhabitants of a particular country, about their habits and customs: about Italians, French, Japanese, etc.

All this is true to some extent: character is not an innate or hereditary trait, it formed in the process of personality development as a member of a group or community. This is a product of society, which can explain similar or different features in the mores of people of different groups.

accentuation- this is an increased development of certain traits characteristic of the individual. So, there are extroverts (open and sociable people) and introverts (closed and uncommunicative).

There is the following classification of character according to accentuation, according to which the following types of character are distinguished:

  1. Hyperthymic. The defining properties of this type are: talkativeness, sociability, such people have well-developed facial expressions. Along with this, such people are often irritable and frivolous, however, they are very energetic and proactive.
  2. distymny. The features that define this species are isolation and pessimism. Such people avoid noisy companies, but highly value friendship, they have a heightened sense of injustice. When making important decisions, they are often slow and clumsy.
  3. Cycloid. For this type of accentuation, the defining feature is a frequent change of mood, depending on which they are either closed in on themselves, or, on the contrary, sociable beyond measure.
  4. Excitable. A distinctive feature of this type of accentuation is conflict. Such people are difficult to communicate, often authoritarian in the family, and quarrelsome in the team. They are neat and attentive when they are calm, but in a bad mood they are often irritable and quick-tempered.
  5. stuck. These are very intractable individuals who love to teach everyone. Often they are the cause of various conflicts. The demands they make on others (as well as on themselves) are very high.
  6. Pedantic. The defining feature of this species is an increased (sometimes excessive) attention to detail. Such people do not strive for leadership, they are conscientious, but they like to grumble for any reason.
  7. alarming. Individuals with this type are insecure. They tend to avoid conflict situations, and in such cases they seek support from others. Friendliness and self-criticism are also defining features of their character, but the lack of proper willpower often makes them the subject of jokes or ridicule.
  8. Demonstrative. Representatives of this type of character easily make contact, can adapt to any situation, are prone to intrigues. One of their defining properties is self-confidence, which often causes disputes and conflicts. People with this character are artistic and courteous, they have non-standard thinking. They can often be boastful, hypocritical and selfish.

In modern psychology, there are many classifications.

Types of temperament

Temperament has a huge influence on the formation of one or another type of character, which has been noted since the time of the Ancient World. So, even Hippocrates divided all temperaments into four main types:

  1. - a cheerful, cheerful, balanced person, soberly assessing the situation and acting deliberately.
  2. Choleric- a person who quickly reacts to external events, often he can be unreasonably harsh and inclined to commit rash acts. As a rule, choleric people are quick-tempered and unbalanced.
  3. - a person who is distinguished by emotional stability and endurance. It is almost impossible to bring him out of a state of peace of mind and peace.
  4. melancholic- an individual with increased nervous sensitivity, nervous stress and shock are categorically contraindicated for people of this type.

It should be noted, however, that in the so-called pure form, these types of temperaments are extremely rare. As a rule, temperament is mixed (one type may have some features of both phlegmatic and sanguine, both choleric and melancholic).

The relationship between temperament and character of a person

Often the words "character" and "temperament" are compared with each other, often they replace each other.

In psychology, there are four fundamental views on the relationship between them:

  1. the unity of temperament and character, their identification (according to the teachings of E. Kretschmer and A. Ruzhitsky);
  2. opposition of temperament and character, their antagonism (the teachings of P. Viktorov, V. Virenius);
  3. recognition of a person's temperament as the core or element of his character (according to S. Rubinshtein, S. Gorodetsky);
  4. recognition of temperament as the natural basis of the whole character (according to L. Vygotsky, B. Ananiev).

Both types of temperament and types of human character depend on the characteristics of his physiology and on the type of nervous system. The character of a person is formed when his temperament is quite developed. Temperament is the basis of character, but does not predetermine it. People with the same type of temperament may have different character traits. The type of temperament can influence the assistance or obstruction for the formation of certain character traits. For example, it is much more difficult for a phlegmatic person to cultivate sociability in himself than a sanguine person, and a choleric person needs much more effort to become balanced than a phlegmatic person, etc.

The character and temperament of a person are closely interconnected with each other, together they make up the individuality of a person, the basis and description of his behavior.

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