The concept of someone else's speech direct and indirect speech. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech


someone else's speech is the opinion of other people.

Someone else's speech can be transmitted by direct and indirect speech.

Direct speech- this is a literal transmission of someone else's statement, accompanied by the words of the author.

In direct speech, the statement retains its lexical, syntactic and stylistic features.

Direct speech is independent, connected with the words of the author only in meaning and intonation.

Direct speech is marked with quotation marks.


Anton said: "Tomorrow we are going out of town."

Indirect speech- this is a way of transmitting someone else's speech, in which only the content of the statement is reproduced, without preserving its lexical, syntactic and stylistic features. The statement changes depending on the context and goals of the author.

Syntactically, indirect speech is a complex sentence, where the words of the author are transmitted in the main sentence, and the statement itself is conveyed in the subordinate clause.


Anton said that tomorrow we will go out of town.

When transmitting other people's words in direct speech, appeals, interjections, introductory words are preserved, and in indirect speech they are omitted.

For example:

Hey Petya, did you pass the exam? Nadia asked direct speech).

Nadia asked Petya if he passed the exam ( indirect speech).

Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech.

If direct speech is after the words of the author: a colon is put after the words of the author. Direct speech is marked with quotation marks. ATTENTION! If the sentence is declarative, then closing quotes are first put at the end, then a period. If the sentence is interrogative or exclamatory, then a question (exclamation) mark is first put at the end, and only then closing quotes. Mom said, "It's time for dinner." Mom asked: "Is it time for dinner?" Mom called: "It's time for dinner!"
If direct speech is before the words of the author: quotation marks are opened; after direct speech, the following punctuation marks are put: - in a declarative sentence - closed quotation marks, a comma and a dash; - in an interrogative sentence - a question mark, closed quotes and a dash; - in an exclamatory sentence - an exclamation point, closed quotes and a dash. "We're going home," said dad. "We are going home?" Dad asked. "We are going home!" Dad exclaimed.
If direct speech is interrupted by the words of the author: - direct speech begins with quotation marks. - before the words of the author - a comma and a dash; - after the words of the author - a dot, a dash, and the continuation of direct speech begins with a capital letter. At the end are closing quotes. BUT! If, as a result of a break in direct speech, its first part loses semantic completeness and creates a feeling of understatement, then a comma is placed after the words of the author, and the continuation of direct speech begins with a lowercase letter. "Let's meet," Danil suggested. "Let's go to the cinema." “Come on,” Danil suggested, “we’ll meet today, we’ll go to the cinema.”
If direct speech is inside the words of the author: - a colon is put after the words of the author; - further in the declarative sentence: quotation marks, direct speech with a capital letter, quotation marks, comma, dash, words of the author with a lowercase letter. A question (exclamation) mark and an ellipsis are placed before closing quotation marks. He said, “I passed the exam with an A,” and smiled. He asked, "May I come in?" - and opened the door. He exhaled, "Wow!" - and shook his head. The boy said: "I would like ice cream now ..." - and sighed.

Ticket number 28

Sentences with direct speech, dialogue and punctuation marks with them.

Direct speech when transmitted in writing requires special punctuation. It depends on the position of direct speech and the words of the author relative to each other.
The following cases are possible:

"It's good that you stopped by," said the neighbor.
"I'm so glad to see you!" the neighbor said.
"Will you come tomorrow?" the neighbor asked.

The neighbor said: "It's good that you stopped by."
The neighbor said: “How glad I am to see you!”
The neighbor asked: “Will you come tomorrow?”

r.a.: "P.r."
r.a.: "P.r.!"
r.a.: "P.r.?"

“It’s good,” the neighbor said, “that you stopped by.”
"Olenka! the neighbor said. - I'm so glad to see you!"
“Olenka,” the neighbor asked, “will you come tomorrow?”

"P.r., - r.a., - p.r."
"Etc.! - r.a. - Etc.!"
“P.r., - r.a., - p.r.?”


If the first part of direct speech ends with a dot, question mark or exclamation point, then the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.
If the first part of direct speech ends with a comma, semicolon, dash, colon, ellipsis, i.e. if the sentence is not completed, then the second part begins with a lowercase (small) letter.

For example:
“Paris is the capital of France,” he corrected his younger sister. “Not Italy.”

"Paris," he corrected his younger sister, "is the capital of France, not Italy."

He immediately corrected his younger sister: "Paris is the capital of France, not Italy" - and left the room so as not to interfere with the girls to communicate.

Saying: “Goodbye!”, He left the room so as not to interfere with the girls to communicate.

Dialogue is a conversation between two or more people. Each line of dialogue usually starts on a new line; a dash is placed before the replica, and quotes are not put. For example: He crawled closer to the broken bird, and he hissed right into her eyes: - What, are you dying? Yes, I'm dying! - answered the Falcon, sighing deeply. - I lived a nice life! .. I know happiness! .. I fought bravely! .. (M. G.) -

Dialogues and polylogues (conversation of several persons) in fiction, journalism, and more precisely, in printed publications are drawn up without the use of quotation marks.

A dash is placed at the beginning of dialogue lines, for example:

“The crowd was noisy, everyone was talking loudly, shouting, cursing, but it was really impossible to make out anything. The doctor approached a young woman holding a fat gray cat in her arms and asked:

– Could you please explain what is going on here? Why are there so many people, what is the reason for their excitement, and why are the city gates closed?
– Guardsmen do not let people out of the city...
Why aren't they released?
- So that they do not help those who have already left the city ...
The woman dropped the fat cat. The cat plopped down like raw dough. The crowd roared."

(Yu. Olesha, Three fat men)

Separate replicas can also be decorated with a dash:

“When he came to, it was already evening. The Doctor looked around.
- What a shame! The glasses are broken, of course. When I look without glasses, I probably see as a non-short-sighted person sees if he wears glasses. It's very annoying."

(Yu. Olesha, Three fat men)


If direct speech is combined with the author's speech, then different punctuation schemes can be used. Punctuation will vary depending on the relationship between direct speech and the author's speech. But the quotes are not needed. Direct speech is separated by a dash.

1) R.a.: - P.r. For example:

Then he grumbled about the broken heels:
- I'm already small in stature, and now I'll be an inch shorter. Or maybe two inches, because two heels broke off? No, of course, only one vershok ... (Yu. Olesha, Three Fat Men)

2) – P.R., - R.A. For example:

- Guard! - shouted the seller, not hoping for anything and kicking his legs (Yu. Olesha, Three Fat Men).

3) R.a.: - P.r.! - r.a. For example:

And suddenly the guardsman with a broken nose said:
- Stop! - and raised the torch high (Yu. Olesha, Three Fat Men).

4) –P.r., - r.a. - Etc. For example:

- Stop screaming! he got angry. How can you scream so loud! (Yu. Olesha, Three fat men)

That is, the logic of the design of direct speech and the speech of the author is preserved, but quotes are not used. Instead, a dash is put at the beginning of direct speech every time.

Ticket number 29

Suggestions with indirect speech. Replacing direct speech with indirect speech.

indirect speech This is a paraphrase of someone else's statement.

The sentence with indirect speech is complex in structure: the 1st part of the main part of the complex sentence) corresponds to the words the author in direct speech, and the 2nd part (dependent) conveys the content of the statement and corresponds to direct speech.

Petrov said: "I want to find the treasure myself". - Direct speech.

Petrov said he wanted to find the treasure himself.- Indirect speech.

indirect speech

The statement transmitted using indirect speech undergoes some changes.

Direct speech sentences Changes Suggestions with indirect speech
“I really want to see real aliens,” Mishka said in a whisper.. Pronoun and verb forms change Mishka said in a whisper that he really wants to see real aliens.
“Anyuta, dear, please bring more ice cream,” the sister asked. Calls are omitted, replaced by other means The sister affectionately asked Anyuta to bring more ice cream.
“What a great idea you came up with!” – admired Petrov. Exclamatory and interrogative sentences: interjections, emotional particles disappear, and the emotionality of the statement is conveyed descriptively. Petrov exclaimed admiringly that I very great thought of everything.

Not every statement can be translated from direct speech into indirect speech:

Speech errors - mixing sentences with:

A message, an inducement or a question (direct or indirect) can be translated into an indirect form.

Sample Questions

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech:

Ticket number 30

Quotes and punctuation when quoting.

Quote- this is a complete or partial statement from the author's text (scientific, artistic, journalistic and other literature or report) with an indication of the author or source.

Quotations are formatted in the following ways:

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Page creation date: 2017-06-11

Statements or individual words belonging to other persons may be included in the author's narration. There are several ways to introduce someone else's speech into a sentence or text: direct speech, indirect speech, indirect speech and dialog.

1. Punctuation in sentences with direct speech


P- direct speech, starting with a capital letter;
P- direct speech, starting with a lowercase letter;
BUT- words of the author, starting with a capital letter;
a- words of the author, beginning with a lowercase letter.

An exercise

    And his father told him
    _ You, Gavrilo, well done!_

    Everything will be decided_ _ he thought, going up to the living room_ I will explain myself to her_. (Pushkin).

    He sat down in an armchair, put his cane in a corner, yawned and announced_ _ that it was getting hot outside_ (Lermontov).

    I did not ask my faithful companion_ _ why he did not take me straight to those places_ (Turgenev).

    Suddenly the coachman began to look to the side and, finally, taking off his hat, turned to me and said _ _ Master, would you order me to return? _ (Pushkin)

    No, no, she repeated in despair, it’s better to die, it’s better to go to a monastery, I’d better go after Dubrovsky.

    Oh, my fate is deplorable! _
    The princess tells him
    If you want to take me
    Then you deliver to me in three days
    My ring from okiyana_.

    I answered indignantly_ _ that I, an officer and a nobleman, would not enter into any service with Pugachev and could not accept any orders from him_ (according to Pushkin).

    Sometimes I say to myself_ _ No, of course not! The little prince always covers the rose with a glass cap at night, and he watches the lamb very much ..._ (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

    The girl tells him
    _ But look, you're gray;
    I am only fifteen years old.
    How can we get married?
    All the kings will start laughing
    Grandfather, they will say, took his granddaughter!_

    He reported_ _ that the governor ordered his officials on special assignments to wear spurs_ (according to Turgenev).

    He sat down next to me and began to say_ _ what a famous surname he was and an important upbringing_ (according to Leskov).

    It doesn't matter, Petrusha_ _ my mother answered me_ this is your imprisoned father; kiss his hand and let him bless you ... _ (Pushkin)

    You used to stand, stand in a corner, so that your knees and back would ache, and you would think_ _ Karl Ivanovich forgot about me; it must be easy for him to sit on an easy chair and read hydrostatics - but how do I feel?

    You are not our sovereign_ _ Ivan Ignatich answered, repeating the words of his captain._ You, uncle, are a thief and an impostor!_ (Pushkin)

    The next day, at breakfast, Grigory Ivanovich asked his daughter_ _ whether she still intended to hide from the Berestovs_ (Pushkin).

The statement of another person, included in the author's narration, forms someone else's speech. foreign speech, reproduced verbatim, while preserving not only its content, but also its form, is called direct speech. Alien speech reproduced not verbatim, but only with the preservation of its content, is called indirect.

Direct and indirect speech differ not only in verbatim or non-verbatim transmission of someone else's speech. The main difference between direct speech and indirect speech lies in the way in which both are included in the author's speech. Direct speech is an independent sentence (or a series of sentences), and indirect speech is formed as a subordinate part as part of a complex sentence, in which the main part is the words of the author. Wed, for example: The silence went on for a long time. Davydov turned his eyes to me and said muffledly: “I was not the only one who gave his life to the desert” (Paust.).-Davydov turned his eyes to me and said muffledly that he was not the only one who gave his life to the desert. When translating direct speech into indirect speech, if necessary, the forms of pronouns change (I - he).

The lexical distinction between direct and indirect speech is by no means necessary. For example, direct speech can reproduce someone else's speech not verbatim, but necessarily with the preservation of its form (in the form of an independent sentence). This is evidenced by the words with the meaning of the assumption introduced into the author's speech: He said something like the following ... At the same time, indirect speech can literally reproduce someone else's speech, but it is not formed independently, cf .: He asked: “Will father come soon?”(direct speech). - He asked if his father would come soon(indirect speech).

With the convergence of the forms of transmission of someone else's speech, i.e. direct and indirect, a special form is formed - improperly direct speech.

For example: A gloomy day without sun, without frost. The snow on the ground had melted during the night, lying only on the roofs in a thin layer. Grey sky. Puddles. What kind of sled are there: it’s disgusting even to go out into the yard (Pan.). Here, someone else's speech is given verbatim, but there are no words introducing it, it is not formally singled out as part of the author's speech.

Direct speech

Direct speech conveys:

1) another person's statement, for example: Startled, he asked: “But why do you go to my lectures?” (M. G.);

3) unspoken thought, for example: It was only then that I straightened up and thought: “Why is my father walking around the garden at night?” (T.).

The author's speech usually contains direct speech words. This is first of all verbs of speech, thoughts: say, speak, ask, ask, answer, think, notice (in the meaning of “say”), speak, object, shout, turn, exclaim, whisper, interrupt, insert, etc. Direct speech can also be entered verbs characterizing the target orientation of the statement, for example: reproach, decide, confirm, agree, assent, advise, etc. In addition, sometimes used and verbs denoting actions and emotions accompanying the statement, for example: smile, be upset, be surprised, sigh, be offended, indignant, etc. In such cases, direct speech has a pronounced emotional coloring, for example: "Where are you?" - Startsev (Ch.) was horrified; "Also, please tell me!" - grinned Dymov (Ch.); “Yes, where are we going?” Spouses giggled (Pan.).

Some words are sometimes used as introductory words. nouns. Like verbs that introduce direct speech, they have the meaning of statements, thoughts: words, exclamation, question, exclamation, whisper and others, for example: "Did the boy lie down?" - Pantelei's whisper was heard a minute later (Ch.).

Direct speech can be located in relation to the author's in preposition, in postposition and in interposition, for example: “Tell me about the future,” she asked him (M. G.); And, when he held out his hand to her, she, kissing her with hot lips, said: “Forgive me, I am guilty before you” (M. G.); And only when he whispered: “Mom! Mother!" - he seemed to feel better ... (Ch.).

In addition, direct speech can be torn apart by the author's words, for example: “The signorina is my constant opponent,” he said, “doesn’t she think that it would be better in the interests of the case if we get to know each other better?” (M. G.).

Depending on the location of direct speech, the order of the main members of the sentence in the author's speech usually changes. The words that introduce direct speech are always next to it. So, in the author's speech preceding the direct, the verb-predicate is placed after the subject, for example: ... Kermani cheerfully said: "A mountain becomes a valley when you love!" (M. G.).

To be able to convey other people's words, including them in your text, is necessary not only for graduates, but also for schoolchildren in grades 5-8.

The most important thing for them is the practical application in writing of different ways of transmitting someone else's speech.

Alien speech is usually called words belonging either to the speaker himself or to another person.

Reading works of art, we meet the statements of the narrator and the character, separated from the moment of speech by some time distance.

Someone else's speech is speech in speech, it always contains someone else's word, which is easy to recognize by certain markers.

Among the ways of transmitting someone else's speech are direct, indirect, improperly direct speech, quoting. You can also use additions that convey the topic of speech, introductory constructions and special particles that express the meaning of reliability. Consider examples.

EXAMPLE ONE: direct speech

1) "Don't worry! 1 - their guide said 2 .- This is us in an instant, without witnesses 3 . Not the first time I climb here... 4 »

In the example with direct speech - sentence numbers are numbered at the end - you can select the words of the author (second sentence) and direct speech (1, 3, 4 sentences).

EXAMPLE TWO: indirect speech

2) He told 1 how he had to celebrate Easter in Moscow 2 as a boy.

Here is a sentence with indirect speech. The first part of the complex explanatory sentence (main) has the author's speech and the verb of speech "told", the second part (subordinate) contains a retelling of the speech of another person.

EXAMPLE THREE: improperly direct speech

3) And Berlioz shuddered again. How does a madman know about the existence of the Kyiv uncle? Ege-ge, isn't Homeless right? Well, how are these fake documents?

This is an improperly direct speech, since these sentences represent the inner speech of the character, his mental monologue with himself. In this speech, the original phrases and word order of the speaker, his emotions and intonations, characteristic of direct speech, are preserved. But such a statement is transmitted on behalf of the author, not the hero.


4) I involuntarily want to repeat the words of A.P. Chekhov: "... on the Yenisei, life began with a groan, and it will end with prowess, which we never even dreamed of..."

This method involves the literal transmission of other people's words without any distortion, being in fact one of the forms of expressing direct speech.

EXAMPLE FIVE: quotation element

5) Then she turned to Azazello, wanting to get an explanation for this ridiculous “ba!” ...

One foreign word is introduced into this sentence as an element of a quotation.

EXAMPLE SIX: addition

6) The teacher talked to the children about happiness.

In the sentence, with the help of an object expressed by a noun in the Prepositional case with the preposition O, the main topic of the conversation is briefly conveyed.

EXAMPLE SEVEN: introductory construction

7) According to the children, happiness is world peace.

The introductory phrase replaces the words of the author.


8) He, they say, did not want to offend him. Nikanor Ivanovich, in some bewilderment, objected that, they say, foreigners are supposed to live in the Metropol, and not at all in private apartments ...

Particles SAY, MOL help to express someone else's speech indirectly.

EXAMPLE NINE: non-union complex sentence

9) The great French sculptor Rodin said that a sculpture is created like this: a stone is taken and everything superfluous is removed.

In this example, a non-union complex sentence is used instead of direct speech.

So, other people's words are accurately reproduced in direct speech and when quoting, their main content is conveyed in indirect speech and with the help of introductory constructions and particles, and additions name only the topic of the statement.

When direct and indirect speech are mixed, there are grammatical errors. Let's find out what changes direct speech undergoes when translating it into indirect speech. First, the use of pronouns and word order change. Secondly, the mood forms of verbs change and different explanatory conjunctions are used. Thirdly, the appeal is eliminated or used as a member of the sentence.

Converting direct speech to indirect

1) He told me: I leaving tomorrow Yu to the village". He told me that tomorrow he leaving no to the village.

In indirect speech, the pronoun 3 person is used instead of 1 person.

2) I asked him: " You leaving eat to the village tomorrow? I asked him as I left. no whether he to the village tomorrow.

The 3rd person pronoun is used instead of the 2nd person. To express a question in indirect speech, we use the conjunction LI.

3) He asked me: “Come and to to me tomorrow". - He asked me to I come l to him tomorrow.

The pronoun of the 1st person is used instead of the 2nd person and the indicative mood of the verb is used instead of the imperative. Motivation in indirect speech is expressed with the help of the union TO.

4) The brother asked his sister: “ Masha, wait and me!" The brother asked his sister Masha, to she is wait la his.

The appeal "Masha" becomes a member of the sentence, the pronoun 3rd person is used instead of 1st person.

Task: translate direct speech into indirect speech

"It looks like it's going to rain," Mom suggested.

Pasha said: "Probably the weather will change."

"Is it really that far away?" - asked the grandfather.

Ivan thought and asked the boy: “What is your name?”

"Seryozha, did you like the movie?" Misha asked.

"Open the window, please!" - asked Light.


Mom suggested that it would rain.

Pasha said that the weather would change.

Grandpa asked if it was a long way.

Ivan thought and asked the boy about his name.

Misha asked Seryozha if he liked the film.

Sveta asked to open the window.

Task: and now translate back: indirect speech into direct speech.

I was told that the book had already been published.

And then I remembered that they forgot the gun ...

The grandmother sternly asked her grandson when he had holidays.

Inka asked Ivan where he used to study.

He asked me to bring him a book.

I was told to go to the director.


They told me: "The book has already been published."

And then I remembered: “The gun was forgotten ...”

"When do you have holidays?" Grandma asked sternly.

“Ivan, where did you study before?” - asked Inka.

He asked me: "Bring me a book, please."

"Come to the director!" - told me.

We analyze and correct grammatical errors in sentences with indirect and direct speech.


P.I. Bagration said about himself that I would donate the last drop of blood to Russia.

Correctly: P.I. Bagration said about himself that he would donate the last drop of blood to Russia.


I didn't notice if he was in the room.

Correctly: I didn't notice if he was in the room. I didn't notice that he was in the room.


We asked him if he had the right to count on state assistance.

Correctly: We asked if he had the right to count on state assistance.


Peter felt how tired his eyes were sticking together and his body was aching terribly.

Correctly: Peter felt his eyes stick together from fatigue and his body ached terribly.


He said that he would not have time to complete the work on time.

Correctly: He said that he would not be able to complete the work on time.


Clara asked if she could buy milk from you?

Correctly: Clara asked if she could buy some milk.


In the poem "Monument" Pushkin wrote that "I aroused good feelings with my lyre."

Correctly: In the poem "Monument" Pushkin wrote that he "awakened good feelings with a lyre."


Nastya asked that they would come to us.

Correctly: Nastya asked if they would come to us.


Sergei said that I would be back next week.

Correctly: Sergei said that he would be back next week.


The message said that I apologize.

Correctly: It was written in the message that he was asking for forgiveness.


With a shy smile on his face, he said that he wanted to see you often.

Correctly: With a shy smile on his face, he said that he wanted to see her often.


As P.I. Tchaikovsky that "inspiration is born only from labor and during labor."

Correctly: As P.I. Tchaikovsky, "inspiration is born only from labor and during labor."


Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes that "I look sadly at our generation ..."

Correctly: Condemning his contemporaries, M.Yu. Lermontov writes: “I look sadly at our generation ...”


As A.P. Chekhov said: “Everything should be beautiful in a person.”

Correctly: A.P. Chekhov said: “Everything should be beautiful in a person.”


Mom said "come home early".

Correctly: Mom said, "Come home early."


In an effort to cheer up Chaadaev, A.S. Pushkin writes that "comrade, believe: she will rise, the star of captivating happiness."

Correctly: In an effort to cheer up Chaadaev, A.S. Pushkin writes: "Comrade, believe: she will rise, the star of captivating happiness."


Thanks to the viewers for interesting questions and sincere interest, the host announced that "a new meeting with a new hero awaits you."

Correctly: Thanks to the audience for interesting questions and sincere interest, the host announced: "A new meeting with a new hero awaits you."


1. Akhmetova G.D. Direct speech as a verbal technique of subjectivation / Russian language at school. - 2004. - No. 2. - P.64-67.

2. Vinogradova E.M. Alien speech in the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita" / Russian language at school. - 2016. - No. 5. - S. 44-51.

3. Molodtsova S.N. Ways of transmitting someone else's speech. Direct and indirect speech / Russian language at school. - 1988. - No. 2. - S. 40-44.

someone else's speech- these are the statements of other persons included in the author's narrative. Words that introduce someone else's speech are called the words of the author or author's words.

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech

There are the following ways to transmit someone else's speech:

1) sentences with direct speech to convey it without changes.

For example: Misha asked: Vitya, please give me this book.».

2) complex sentences with indirect speech to convey someone else's speech with changes.

For example: Misha asked so that Vitya gives him a book .

3) simple sentences with an addition naming the topic of someone else's speech.

For example: And long, long grandfather about the bitter fate of the plowman spoke with sadness.(N. Nekrasov.)

4) sentences with introductory words and introductory sentences to convey the source of the message.

For example: As the poets say, the autumn of life has begun.(K. Paustovsky.)

Different ways of transmitting someone else's speech are syntactic synonyms and can replace each other.

Direct speech sentences

Direct speech- this is a verbatim reproduced statement of a person or group of persons, included in the author's text.

In direct speech, the features of someone else's speech are preserved, so it can contain verbs in the form of the 1st and 2nd person of the indicative and imperative mood, pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person, appeals, incomplete sentences, interjections and particles.

Direct speech may include not one, but several sentences.

The grammatical connection of the author's statement and direct speech is expressed in this case by intonation. In addition, this connection is carried out with the help of verbs that introduce direct speech: spoke, noticed, shouted, etc. These are verbs with the lexical meaning of speaking and thinking. Here is some of them: speak, say, say, repeat, order, notice, ask, whisper, ask, answer, exclaim, shout, think, suppose, decide, dream.

Often the work of words that introduce direct speech is performed by verbs denoting the way the message is conveyed or the feelings that accompany speech.

For example: telegraph, honk, be offended, rejoice, laugh, receive a telegram: A fire was flashing on the shore: “Swim here! » (Migal accompanies the action called).

Verbs that introduce direct speech, as part of the author's speech, can be before direct speech, or after it, or in the middle of it.

For example: The water in the streams sang: "Spring is coming!" "Is the river going to break soon?" - asked Vova. “It is necessary to prepare,” the guys decided, “birdhouses for the arrival of starlings.”

Sometimes verbs that introduce direct speech may be absent.

For example: But Griboyedov is light, he waves his hand nonchalantly: Let's not worry too much about it. Time will take care of itself. (Yu. Tynyanov.)

Direct speech varied. It can be:

1. People's speech:

a) statements of people - the usual composition of direct speech.

For example: "Well guys, - said the commandant- now open the gate, beat the drum. Guys! Forward, on a sortie, for me! (A. Pushkin.)

It was cold, I did not sleep for three nights, exhausting and began to get angry. " Lead me somewhere, robber! To hell with it, just right! I shouted.(M. Lermontov.)

And my mother threw up her hands and said: Don't be upset, Denis, because of the mice. No and no need! Let's go buy you a fish! What do you want, huh?» (V. Dragunsky.)

The owner of the animal wiped his wet face with his palm and suggested to the owner in a deaf and menacing voice: - Buy a skin, manager. (K. Paustovsky.)

b) verbatim transmission as part of direct speech of the statement of another person.

For example: ... Lyubochka herself wanted to write to you, but she tore off the third sheet of paper and said: “ I know what dad is a scoffer: if you make at least one mistake, he will show everyone". Katenka is still sweet, Mimi is still kind and boring. (L. Tolstoy.)

2. Inner speech, that is, people's thoughts.

For example: It used to be standing, standing in a corner, so that your knees and back hurt, and you think: “ Karl Ivanovich forgot about me; he must be comfortable sitting in an easy chair and reading his hydrostatics - but what about me?» (L. Tolstoy.) Lord, how much I expected myself from this trip! " Let me not see anything in detail, - I thought, - but I have seen everything, I have been everywhere; but from everything seen, something whole, some kind of general panorama will be formed ...» (F. Dostoevsky.)

3. Various inscriptions, quoting someone else's text.

For example: "My dear old man, read by Tatyana Petrovna- It's been a month since I've been in the hospital. The wound is not very severe - and in general it heals. For God's sake, don't worry and don't smoke cigarette after cigarette. I beg you!" (K. Paustovsky.) K. Chukovsky writes: “ The imagery of Nekrasov's poetry was its greatest strength.».

4. Statements of various creatures, objects , which the human fantasy endows with the ability to think and speak: the statements of animals and their inner speech, the statements of mythical creatures, plants, objects of inanimate nature.

For example: When it became completely dark, despair and horror seized Kashtanka. She clung to some entrance and began to cry bitterly.<...>If she were human, she would probably think: No, it's impossible to live like this! Need to shoot!» (A. Chekhov.)

Sadko came into the white stone ward:
The king of the sea is sitting in the chamber,
The king's head is like a heap of hay.
The king says these words:
- Oh, you, Sadko the merchant, a rich guest!
For a century you, Sadko, traveled by sea,
I, the king, did not pay tribute.

(Epic "Sadko".)


In the text, direct speech is highlighted with quotation marks or dashes.

Direct speech is highlighted with quotation marks if it goes in a line, without a paragraph (it can be after the words of the author, before them or inside them).

Punctuation marks in sentences with direct speech are presented in the table:

The scheme is proposed by me with direct speech

"P", - a.

"P?" - a.

"P!" - a.

"P..." - a.

« Flattery and cowardice are the worst vices", - Asya said loudly.

« Do you write poetry?' Pyotr Ivanovich suddenly asked.

« Oh, it's deep in here!' she said with a laugh.

« Don't scare me...' she asked indifferently.

A: "P".

A: "P?"

A: "P!"

A: "P..."

Here Mishka says: No need to argue. Now I will try».

Alyonka says: We bet it won't work?»

Bear screams: It turns out great!»

The hostess very often turned to Chichikov with the words: “ You took very little...».

III. Direct speech is broken by the words of the author:

If there is no sign at the place of the break or there is a comma, semicolon, colon or dash, then the words of the author are distinguished on both sides of the comma and dash, after which the first word is written with a lowercase letter;

If there should be a dot at the break point, then a comma and a dash are placed before the author's words, after them - a dot and a dash, and the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter;

If there is a question or exclamation mark, or an ellipsis at the place of the break in direct speech, then these signs are stored before the author's words and a dash is placed after the corresponding sign. After the words of the author, a dot and a dash are placed, the second part of direct speech begins with a capital letter.

If there are two verbs of speech or thought in the composition of the author's words, one of which refers to the first part of direct speech, and the other to the second, a colon and a dash are placed before the second part of direct speech and it begins with a capital letter.

"P, - a, - p."

"P-a. - P".

"P? - a. - P".

"P! - a. - P".

“P ... - a. - P".

« Today, - said the sister, - we need to leave».

« We'll have to spend the night here, he said. - In such a blizzard you can’t move through the mountains».

« What are you talking about? - exclaimed Marya Gavrilovna.- How strange!»

« Hello comrades! he called to them.».

« No need ... - said Vershinin. - Don't, boy.».

« Let's go, it's cold said Makarov and sullenly asked: - Why are you keeping silent?»

« What should I do? - he thought, and said aloud:- Okay, I'm going with you.».

A: "P", - a.

A: "P?" - a.

A: "P!" - a.

He threw over his shoulder: “Follow me,” and walked down the corridor without looking back.

To my question: "Is the old caretaker still alive?" - no one could give me a clear answer.

He is ordered: "Shoot!" - and he shoots.


The transmission of someone else's thought with the preservation of its form and content is also characteristic of dialogue.

Dialog is a conversation between two or more people.

Dialog(from Greek. dialogos- “conversation, conversation”) is a natural form of direct communication.

The words of each person participating in the conversation are called replicas. The words of the author may accompany the replica, or they may be absent. Each replica of the dialogue usually begins on a new line, a dash is placed before the replica, and quotes are not put.

The dialogue consists of several replicas (several, but not less than two). Here is the dialogue of children, transmitted by M. Prishvin:

This spring, the snow in the dense spruce forests was still there at the end of April, but it is always much warmer in the swamps: there was no snow at all at that time. Having learned about this from people, Mitrasha and Nastya began to gather for cranberries.

Nastya, starting to get ready, hung a large basket over her shoulder on a towel.

- Why do you need a towel? Mitrasha asked.

- And how? - answered Nastya. - Don't you remember how your mother went for mushrooms?

- For mushrooms? You understand a lot: there are a lot of mushrooms, so your shoulder hurts.

- And cranberries, maybe we will have even more.

You can see how the dialogue is built: for every statement contained in the replica of one person, there is necessarily an answer in the replica of another person. The replicas are related to each other in content: they seem to cling to each other. And each of the replicas is built as a sentence of direct speech. Punctuation marks are placed in them according to generally accepted rules.

The dialogue is formatted in two ways:

1. Replicas follow each from a new paragraph, are not enclosed in quotation marks, each is preceded by a dash.

For example:

- Will you come?

- I do not know.

2. Replicas follow in a line.

For example:

"So are you married? I didn't know before! How long ago? - "About two years". - "On whom?" - "On Larina". - "Tatyana?" - "Do you know them?" - "I'm their neighbor"(A. S. Pushkin).

If there are no author's words between the replicas of the dialogue when it is transmitted in writing, and the replicas themselves are enclosed in quotation marks, then a dash is placed between these replicas.

For example: <...>The clerk could not come to his senses. “Well, then,” the general continued, “tell me: where did you meet Dubrovsky?” - "At two pines, father, at two pines." - "What did he say to you?" - “He asked me, whose are you, where are you going and why?” - "Well, and after?" “And then he demanded a letter and money.” - "Well". “I gave him the letter and the money.” - "And he? .. Well - and he?" - "Father, it's my fault." - "Well, what did he do? .." - "He returned the money to me and the letter and said: go with God, give it to the post office."(A. Pushkin.)

In the text next door there may be sentences of direct speech in quotation marks and sentences - replicas of the dialogue, highlighted by dashes.

For example:

Spring has come... The bees have awakened from their winter sleep...

The bees flew to the cherry: Sweet cherry! Do you have a flower for hungry bees?"- Pay a visit, dear, tomorrow," the cherry answers them. - Today there is not a single open flower on me.(K. Ushinsky.)

This text contains two sentences of direct speech. The first comes immediately after the sentence of the author's speech, adjoins it. A dash is placed before the second sentence of direct speech, since this sentence begins a paragraph.


Sentences with indirect speech serve to convey someone else's speech on behalf of the speaker, and not the one who actually said it. Unlike sentences with direct speech, they convey only the content of someone else's speech, but cannot convey all the features of its form and intonation.

Sentences with indirect speech are complex sentences consisting of two parts (the words of the author and indirect speech), which are connected by unions what, if, to, or pronouns and adverbs who, what, what, how, where, when, why, etc. , or a particle.

Direct speech can take any position in relation to the words of the author, indirect speech always follows the author's words.

For example: I was told, that was my brother.. (A. Pushkin.) She demanded for me to look into her eyes and ask if I remember minnows, our little quarrels, picnics. (A. Chekhov.) They talked about how the birds I caught live. (M. Gorky.)

Direct speech can be replaced by indirect speech.

Indirect speech with unions that, as if expresses the content of the narrative sentences of someone else's speech.

For example: The hunter said what he saw on the lake of swans. The hunter said as if he saw swans on the lake. The hydrologists reported that in search of new sources of fresh water they explored hundreds of lakes in the steppes.

Compare: « I'll be waiting for you somewhere around here"Valya said.(A. Fadeev.) - Valya said, that she will be waiting for me somewhere around here.

Indirect speech with union to expresses the content of the incentive sentences of someone else's speech.

For example: The captain ordered to launch the boats. The pike barely breathes and asks for Ivan Tsarevich, so that he took pity on her, threw her into the blue sea.

Compare: Ivan Fedorovich ... asked: “ Name, Lyuba, all the members of the headquarters and describe each of them». (A. Fadeev.) - Ivan Fedorovich asked for Lyuba to name all the members of the headquarters and describe each of them.

Indirect speech with pronouns and adverbs what, who, what, how, where, where, when, why etc. or whether the particle expresses the content of interrogative sentences of someone else's speech.

For example: I asked what time it is. We asked the people we met where they were going. I asked a friend did he solve this problem?.

Compare: « Are you thinking of playing hide and seek with me?"Vanya said with annoyance.(A. Fadeev.) - Vanya said with annoyance, don't I think to play hide and seek with him.

A question conveyed in indirect speech is called an indirect question. There is no question mark after an indirect question.

When replacing sentences with direct speech with sentences with indirect speech, special attention should be paid to the correct use of personal and possessive pronouns, since in indirect speech we convey other people's words on our own behalf. It is also important to understand that not all features of someone else's speech can be conveyed indirectly.

For example, in indirect speech there can be no appeals, interjections, forms of the imperative mood and many other forms characteristic of oral speech. When translating direct speech into indirect speech, such words and forms are either omitted altogether or replaced by others.

For example: The teacher said: Alyosha, go get some chalk". - The teacher said to Alyosha, so that he goes for chalk.

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