Popular artists of the 90s Russian list. How to order a star for a holiday prices for an anniversary, birthday


In the mid-nineties and early 2000s, there were many pop idols in our country. What is the work of Andrey Gubin or the Ladybug group worth. Many of their hits will be remembered for a lifetime. They still have fans, despite the fact that the performers of the famous hits themselves have long disappeared from sight. Woman's Day found out what happened to the twenty most popular performers of that time.

Tramp boy

He was a favorite of schoolgirls, and cassettes with his hits were swept away like hot cakes. His angelic appearance and voice broke more than one girl's heart, and songs such as "The Tramp Boy" or "Winter-Cold" sounded throughout the country.

Everything changed in 2007, when Gubin suddenly disappeared from television screens. It was said that the singer had problems with alcohol on the basis of unrequited love for a girl. And someone even claimed that he had left Russia. To clarify the situation, you need to go back far into the past.

First album

His musical career began in the late eighties, not without the support of his father, Viktor Viktorovich Gubin, a former researcher and cartoonist, and by that time the vice-president of the Russian Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange, the owner of several recording studios.

Andrei's first professional album was released only in 1995, after Gubin met the famous musician Leonid Agutin. This album was called the debut song of the singer - "The Tramp Boy" and very quickly conquered the tops of all popularity ratings.

sudden disappearance

Nevertheless, after his unprecedented rise in the second half of the nineties, Andrei suddenly disappeared from sight. The peak of his popularity came in 2000, when Andrei made tours not only in the cities of Russia, but also in the United States, Israel, Germany, Azerbaijan, Latvia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. After that, Gubin no longer gave new concerts, although he released another new album and a collection of his best songs.

Father's death

The decline in Andrei's creative activity is undoubtedly associated with the deterioration in the health of his father, who not only helped his son get into the world of show business, but also constantly supported him, largely guiding his career as a singer. After all, Andrei, according to the reviews of his colleagues, was distinguished by a very gentle character and needed paternal control.

The death of Viktor Viktorovich in 2007 led to the virtual cessation of his son's creative activity. For some time, by inertia, fans were interested in the ups and downs of their hero, and then slowly began to forget him.


Then rumors spread that Andrei was diagnosed with a disease of the nervous system, which caused constant severe pain in the face. Doctors helped to overcome the spiritual crisis. He says that he was treated twice in the neurosis clinic.


Today Andrei is already over 40. The ex-idol leads a reclusive life in Moscow, has noticeably recovered, but still dreams of returning to the stage.

“I look bad now, so I don’t perform. If I get into shape, I will definitely perform, but I'm not ready yet, - says the singer. “I write music all the time, I compose poetry, but for myself, I train my soul.”

Alexander Aivazov


Alexander Aivazov is known to the general public as Sasha Aivazov as a pop singer of the 90s, who then sang a hit about "Lilies" and "Moon Butterfly". A popular but critically underestimated singer, Sasha Aivazov became famous back in 1989. Then his first hit sounded - "Lily". The image of a romantic teenager singing sincere and simple love songs was confirmed by the first two albums: “Don't be sad” and “Where are you?”.

The superhit “I beg you, don’t cry” becomes, as it were, a farewell to the singer’s teenage period. The song brings the matured Aivazov all-Russian popularity, which is soon confirmed by the third album. It comes out at the end of 1996, and in it Sasha already acts as a composer. "Moon Butterfly", "Time River", "It's Just a Game" are the undisputed hits of the latest release.

In general, the disc turns out to be very successful due to hit melodies, lightness, excitement of performance and a very colorful synthesis of flamenco, rockabilly and pop music. Yes, and the matured and matured Alexander himself appears in the guise of a kind of macho, attractive to fans, in no way resembling the lyrically touching Sasha of past years.

In 1998, fashionable "remixers", in particular Roman Ryabtsev, DJ Valdai, make dance versions of "Moon Butterfly". The artist himself has a creative crisis - having found his own style in "Moon Butterfly", Aivazov again embarked on experiments. And in the end, he turned into an ordinary pop singer, only, unlike many colleagues, he no longer promotes himself on television and radio.

His new hit "I'll Solve You", which appeared in the fall of 1998, also did not impress. And in 1999, Alexander Aivazov, alas, who did not develop the success of "Moon Butterfly", unfortunately for the fans, leaves the charts.


The artist never hid: with alcohol, he rarely happens on “you”. Aivazov liked to sit with friends over a little white bottle and almost never refused a glass or two at social events. Gradually, the habit grew into a serious addiction. The singer, who was under a degree, completely forgot about his former popularity and almost lost his family.

A year ago, Sasha's wife, Irina, left with her three-year-old son Nikita. She was tired of enduring her husband's drunkenness. To regain his wife's trust, the 41-year-old singer went to a drug treatment clinic for treatment.

“I drank to the point that every day I lie under droppers,” Alexander said then. - I myself am to blame for everything! But if Ira sends a lawyer, I will not sign any documents. I do not want to divorce her, I will fight for love. I realized everything and I want to fix everything. If she forgives me, I will never touch alcohol again in my life.

Rehabilitation at the Marshak Narcological Clinic

In the hospital, Aivazov courageously fought his addiction. All so that his beloved wife and son are near. The thought that he would eventually lose his family was unthinkable to him.

Every morning in the hospital, he began with an outdoor jog in the hospital park and with yoga classes in the ward. Then a lot of rehabilitation procedures were carried out with him, conversations with a psychologist. In the end, everything worked out! Sasha stopped drinking and managed to save his family. Now he lives happily and is engaged in creativity. True, his popularity has gone forever.

Group Demo

Peak of popularity

Any school disco of the late nineties could not do without the hits of the Demo group. Alexandra Zvereva, the soloist of the group, never had outstanding vocal abilities. But this was not required of her.

Parting with the producer

In 2002, Zvereva and her producer Vadim Polyakov terminated the contract with ARS. Demo clips began to disappear from the air of music channels. And then the soloist announced that she was expecting a baby, and since then we have not heard anything about Demo.

Demo now

It turned out that the Demo group still exists, only in a different line-up. Well, Sasha Zvereva from time to time records solo songs, and also sews clothes for her brand.

“We did not stop touring, I traveled around cities and countries even in the last months of pregnancy,” Sasha Zvereva’s mother says twice. – Over the years, Demo has released 7 albums. The group is not worried about being off the air: the tour continues, there is money for life. My main income is my man, and Demo is more of a hobby. We live apart, we have a club of fans and we believe that people will separate the wheat from the chaff and understand what is done artificially to make money, and what is done from the heart.”


Success and recognition

Once Shura, aka Alexander Medvedev, amazed the public with his own image and was one of the most discussed personalities on the national stage. The bright blonde with no teeth was more likely to yell songs than sing, and behaved, to put it mildly, strangely.

However, this only helped many to believe that he had talent. Popularity became too heavy a psychological burden for Shura, he became addicted to drugs, which almost became fatal for him.

Terrible disease and drug addiction

The singer fell ill with cancer, but managed to overcome both ailments by undergoing chemotherapy and treatment for drug addiction. Of course, I had to move away from the past image. But Shura clearly did not want to look like a normal person.


The singer inserted artificial teeth for himself, several times lay under the scalpel of plastic surgeons and returned to the stage in an even more strange way - openly homosexual. Nevertheless, he has his audience to this day.

Tatyana Ovsienko

Former popularity

Previously, not a single big concert, not a single solemn ceremony took place without performances by Tanya Ovsienko. But today, she is completely forgotten.

Once upon a time, the famous singer Tatyana Ovsienko had everything: money, career, fame. But one day she traded all this for the happy smile of a child. At one time, in pursuit of millions, the singer did not think about children until one moment.


One day, fate gave her an amazing meeting. Once Tatyana gave a concert in an orphanage and drew attention to a little boy, Igor. Later, the singer was told that the parents abandoned the child when he was diagnosed with a neglected heart defect. According to the teachers, Igor was not a tenant, he needed a complicated operation, but the orphanage did not have money for it.

And then Tatyana seemed to light up, she realized that she could save this child. She immediately went to one of the best Moscow clinics, agreed on an operation, paid fabulous money for it, and Igor was successfully operated on. When the boy recovered from the operation, Tatyana took him to her home.

Ovsienko issued guardianship to him, and Igor officially became her son. In order to cook cereal for the baby and change diapers, Tatyana abandoned her job and lived with her unloved husband Vladimir Dubovnitsky for 18 years so as not to injure the child's psyche with a divorce. She would probably still share a bed with him if he had not found another and announced that he was leaving.

New love

Now Tatyana is preparing for a new marriage. Her chosen one was businessman Alexander Merkulov. The proposal was made quite a long time ago, but the celebration had to be postponed: the fact is that Merkulov spent 3.5 years in a pre-trial detention center under investigation. All this time, Tatyana morally supported her beloved, wrote letters, carried gear, and also gave 20 concerts a month to earn money for lawyers. In early June, Alexander was found not guilty. The 47-year-old singer met him at the courthouse. And now nothing prevents the lovers from getting married. The wedding is tentatively scheduled for the fall.

Irina Saltykova

Successful in everything

Not all women who sold clothes and cosmetics in tents in the 90s became famous singers and owners of their own serious business. Irina Saltykova succeeded in both - in turn.

Since childhood, Irina has been a purposeful and independent child. In addition to school, she was engaged in a circle of cutting and sewing, was fond of knitting, went to training in rhythmic gymnastics.

Unsuccessful marriage

In 1986, a fateful meeting took place in Irina's life with her future husband Viktor Saltykov. Victor was struck by the beauty and charm of Irina. They got married, and a year later their daughter Alice was born.

Their marriage did not last long. According to the singer, this was due to Victor's addiction to alcohol. After parting with her husband, Irina went into business, but the profits were barely enough to live on, and then Saltykova decided to return to the stage and start a solo career.

Solo career

After the release of the video "Grey Eyes", Irina was known by the whole country. She was immediately dubbed a sex symbol and a new rising star. With each new song, the singer only strengthened her popularity.

She has six albums in total, and the third, "Alice", she dedicated to her daughter. Irina's acting career was also quite successful: having played in the films "Brother-1, -2", she received critical acclaim.


Now Irina is successfully running a business, she has a beauty and style house "Irina Saltykova", her own boutique and beauty salon. Little is known about the singer's personal life: she has a beloved man, but who he is, the singer keeps a secret. Songs remained in her life as a pleasant hobby.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

unexpected departure

For many years, the ex-soloist of the popular band Mirage managed to occupy the niche of a sexy singing blonde in the domestic show business. And the shots with her skirt lifted from the Playboy video became one of the symbols of the nineties. Natasha released a couple of albums that were literally swept off the shelves by fans, and then suddenly disappeared from the public eye.

With what they just did not associate the departure of the pop diva from the stage. She left the world of show business in silence, without giving a farewell concert and without explaining herself to the public. The disappearance of Natalia Vetlitskaya, who turned 50 in the fall of 2014, was her conscious decision.

The birth of a daughter

Vetlitskaya decided to radically change her life after the birth of her daughter Ulyana in 2004. According to a source close to the singer, she wanted to terminate her pregnancy. She was persuaded to leave the child by producer Viktor Yudin, who in recent years has become her right hand and close friend. The name of the father of the child, Vetlitskaya, has not been made public to this day.

New life in Spain

In addition, after the birth of her daughter, the pop diva decided to leave not only the stage, but also Russia. When Ulyana was four years old, they permanently moved to live in sunny Spain.

Today, Natasha tries not to get into the field of view of journalists, she is raising her daughter and does not like to comment on her past. Although there were also many interesting events in her personal life - for example, a ten-day marriage to Yevgeny Belousov, an affair with the domestic oligarch Kerimov (who, as journalists said, gave her an airplane). But if earlier Vetlitskaya chose exclusively the rich and famous, today she is married to her yoga mentor.

Sergei Chumakov

Good start

Sergey's songs became popular in the early 90s. They bribed the audience with special energy. Surely everyone sang in karaoke "Do not offend, groom, a young girl." It all started in Moscow back in 1972.

A simple Moscow boy who graduated from a mechanical and construction technical school did not even dream of becoming a star. However, fate gave him a ticket to the world of music. It all happened thanks to a chance acquaintance with the poet Alexander Shaganov in 1988.

He became the producer of a young talented performer. In addition, Alexander had the necessary acquaintances on television. Thanks to this, Sergey got into the Morning Star competition, although he always sang only by ear. The first songs were generally rehearsed to the accordion. Of course, he had a desire to learn musical notation, but he was too hooligan guy. He was expelled from the music school for bad behavior.


Since the beginning of 1991, Sergei has been successfully recording new hits, giving concerts and going on tour. A few years later, the young singer quarrels with producer Shaganov and leaves him.

Igor Azarov becomes Sergey's new producer. The album "Walk-walk" is released. The singer begins to work in the style of Western music of the 50s and 60s. Notable performers such as Elvis Presley, Paul Anka, Luis Prima influenced his works. During this period, the singer, who was losing popularity, even made peace with Alexander Shaganov. The third album "Like the First Time" included several songs on his poems. However, Chumakov's attempt to perform Western music failed. The album completely failed, and Chumakov disappeared from the screens.

Leaving the stage

It was rumored that Alla Pugacheva helped Chumakov both get on stage and leave it. Like, the song “Do not offend, groom”, which glorified Chumakov, was originally intended for the then favorite of the Diva, Sergei Chelobanov. For this, Pugacheva was offended and "closed" Chumakov's path to show business.

“Alla Pugacheva kindly invited me to sing in her Christmas Meetings,” says Chumakov. - Immediately after that, offers of tours rained down on me. As for the song, I didn't know that Shaganov first wrote it for Chelobanov and that Chelobanov had already sung it. Therefore, when Pugacheva told me: “Sergey, don’t sing this song again,” he was indignant. After all, the song became popular in my performance. I answered Alla Borisovna: “How can I not sing? What should I answer people: what did you forbid me to sing or have I lost my memory? And he continued to perform it. But I do not think that I disappeared from the screens because of this. I just couldn’t pay such huge money for broadcasts, as Pugacheva or Kirkorov did.”


Today, Sergei is happily married to a woman who supports him in everything. He noticeably prettier and is again eager to fight. He started recording songs and is even preparing to release a new album in the near future.

Group "Ladybug"

famous hit

The project, created by the singer, composer and arranger Vladimir Volenko, became widely known in the mid-nineties. Then the album "Granite pebble" was released.

In 1997, Ladybug became one of the first projects of a new large audio and production company, ORT Records, headed by general producer Iosif Prigogine. On the label of this company, two more discs of the group "My Queen" and "Woman of Dreams" are released. In 1999, another success of the project was Leonid Azbel's song "And the ship goes up the Volga", which immediately falls into the category of the second hit after "Granite Pebble". A disc with this track, as well as several songs by Elena Vaenga written for "Ladybug", is released by the Grand Records company.

Line-up change

In 2000, the composition of the group changed radically, and Inna Anzorova was replaced by Natalya Poleshchuk, who, for her excessive love for sweets, Vladimir Volenko immediately assigns the pseudonym Shokoladkina. In 2004, a daughter, Dasha, was born in the family of Vladimir Volenko and Natalya Shokoladkina, and in 2008, Vladimir Jr. Therefore, during this period, the group rarely appears in the media space, but continues to actively give concerts. The last bright creative decision was the wedding duet "The First Dance of the Young", where the Volenko couple involved their own children in filming the video.

End of popularity

In recent years, the group has not been on television, but BK continues to perform and record albums.

Here is how Vladimir comments on the situation: “I am not an oligarch, not a “gay” and not a Jew. I am a simple Russian citizen, a talented and hardworking musician, but today this is not enough. Today, to be in the public eye, you must either have millions of investments, or belong to a certain clan. You can also be on a contract with some serious company, where they will immediately let you know that the channel or producer is everything, and you are nothing. I, as a person and as an artist, preferred independence, therefore, today we are not on the blue screens. But it doesn't bother me."

As for earnings, the group has enough to live on, but, unfortunately, not enough for development. However, Vladimir does not really regret his fate. He is happily married and has two children.

Group "Tender May"

From the orphanage to the stars, or the Orenburg orphan

"Tender May" is a cult musical group of the late 80s - early 90s. The first teenage group in the USSR was born in boarding school No. 2 in the city of Orenburg. The music director was the author of all the songs Sergey Kuznetsov, who led the musical circle in the orphanage. And the visiting card of the group (in which several line-ups will later change) and the idol of millions of fans is 15-year-old orphanage Yura Shatunov.

“Thanks to the fact that I spent my childhood in an orphanage, I was able to save myself and not go astray. Because in the orphanage they don’t like greedy people, they don’t like sneaks, that is, they don’t like weak people. There, in order to live in a team, you need to adhere to certain laws. Otherwise, you will be kicked out of the group. And the same thing happened in adulthood. But I was already ready for it. I cannot communicate with people from the point of view - "you are nobody, but I am a star." First of all, you need to think that this person today may be nobody, but in a year he can become much cooler than you. Although if you come across unpleasant people, then I just don’t talk to them, no matter how high they are. I say: “Sorry, but I can’t, I don’t want to. I don't feel comfortable being around you."

The first album "White Roses" was recorded in February 1988 on a household tape recorder and sold by Kuznetsov to a recording kiosk for 30 rubles. A few months later, the recording came to Andrey Razin (at that time the administrator of the Mirage group), who pulled off an incredible combination for those times and moved Shatunov, Kuznetsov and several other orphanage boys to Moscow, where he organized a studio for gifted children "LM". In January 1989, the clip “White Roses” was shown for the first time on the Central Television in “Morning Post”, after which a real all-Union boom began - the songs of “Tender May” sounded everywhere, and millions of fans simply went crazy for the blue-eyed young prince with a charming dimple on his cheek . The group collected the largest concert venues throughout the country and set a record for the number of concerts per day (sometimes there were 5-6 per day).

Solo voyage and years of oblivion

However, despite the overwhelming success and popularity, in early 1992 the group broke up. 18-year-old Shatunov is leaving Andrei Razin and is trying to build a solo career. For a while, he was even supported by Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, who invited Yura to speak at her "Christmas Meetings" in December 1992. But, despite the first solo album “You Remember” released by the PolyGram Russia recording studio in 1994 and several clips filmed, it was not easy to stay afloat. Finding himself in a difficult life situation, Shatunov leaves to live and work in Germany, where he studies as a sound engineer and leaves the stage for several years.

“At the age of 25-30, I began to look for myself. Then I wanted a lot at once, but I had to understand what I really really needed. And not to look at others: but these young guys, they drive good cars, with beautiful girls and so on. That is, at first you look at them and think: how great, I also want to, and then you realize that this is not cool at all, this beautiful life is not so beautiful, it’s better somehow differently. And this is the "other way" to find. At that time, I didn’t work with anyone, even as a system administrator. He worked a lot in the studio, but did not engage in his own work and his career. And now I can say with absolute certainty that that step was truly correct and true, because now I have everything and even more: a beloved wife, beloved son and daughter, I have a place to live, I have a favorite job, I have everything . I'm a happy person".

The return of the idol

In the early 2000s, Shatunov nevertheless returned to Russia to continue his solo career, and released several albums one after another: “Remember May”, “Leaves are falling”, “If you want, do not be afraid”, “Record my voice”, "I believe". In September 2009, the singer went on a big tour of Russian cities in support of the feature film "Tender May". And a year later, Yura took part in the filming of the series "Happy Together", where he played himself. To date, Shatunov continues to record songs and remains one of the most sought-after artists in the reserves.

“I visit Russia much more often than at home, in Germany. But this does not in the least prevent me from communicating with my family, seeing children and educating them. There is Skype, there is the Internet, there is a phone, after all. And then, there is a plane: I sat down, two hours - and at home.

Found personal happiness in Germany

Shatunov met his future wife, a lawyer Svetlana, in Germany in December 2000: “They often ask: do you believe in love at first sight and is this even possible? Maybe. This is exactly how it happened to me. It was enough just to look at each other - that's all.

They met for a long time and decided to get married only in January 2007, six months after Svetlana gave birth to her son Dennis. Six years later, on March 13, 2013, their second child, daughter Estella, was born in Bad Homburg. As Yuri admits, there are very few close people in his life: “There are actually few people I trust. In fact, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Firstly, this is Svetlana - my wife. Secondly, Arkady, my director, with whom I have been working together for more than 27 years. Well, and a couple of guys, friends, time-tested.

In September last year, Shatunov celebrated his 41st birthday, he continued to live and work in two countries, having a Russian passport and a residence permit in Germany. In Frankfurt am Main, Yuri has a house, wife and children, but in the summer they often come to rest with their whole family in Russia, in particular, in Sochi, where Shatunov has a large house, bought back in the days of Tender May.

The 90s were a very difficult time for our country. Suddenly, people who lived in the USSR are deprived of everything they believed in and are thrown into a new world, where the pillars of morality have been shaken, foreign goods and music have appeared on the “markets”, and people feel too much freedom, which they did not have under the USSR.

At that time, everything seemed to have broken off the chain. Take, for example, the Russian stage. If in Soviet times only decently dressed people could go on stage, then in the 90s the time of permissiveness came and the stars began to go out to the public, whoever had to. Today we want to show you the 5 most seductive stars of that time.

Irina Saltykova

Although Irina followed in the footsteps of Vetlitskaya (even the authors of the first songs of the former Mirage Women coincided), the elegant seductiveness of her predecessor was not enough for her. For frankness "on the forehead" she was even nicknamed the Russian Pamela Anderson. In 1997, Saltykova posed for the cover of Playboy and the magazine had to be reprinted several times.

"Blue Eyes" became the singer's most famous video. Director Sergey Kalvarsky played on the fact that he "collected" characters that were fashionable for that time in the video - a couple of gay men with colored hair blowing soap bubbles and models with a huge red Chupa Chups.
But the icing on the cake was Irina herself, who leaned over deeply and splashed in the milk bath for the entire clip.

Natalia Vetlitskaya

Vetlitskaya was the first to flash her bare buttocks and thongs in the Playboy video, shook her overhydrous hair and danced in patent leather shorts. And all this against the backdrop of jocks with makeup, who expressively eat a banana. For the 93rd year, terribly bold and provocative.

By the way, the no less famous video “Look into your eyes” for Vetlitskaya in 1991 was shot by Fedor Bondarchuk and Tigran Keosayan, and Igor Matvienko was the co-producer of this action.

Vladimir Turchinsky starred as the singer's security guard, and Zhanna Aguzarova presented a blue dress for filming.

Lada Dance

Lada on stage diligently justified her pseudonym with desperate dances. Deep squat and "eight" with the pelvis became the signature movements of the singer. Today, many stars are doing the same on stage as Lada did in 1992.
Lada filmed clips, also provocative and terribly fashionable.

In “Reggae in the Night” or “You Need to Live High” (although another song of the singer is known under this name) there are all the attributes of a beautiful life of that time: a yacht, a convertible, an African American and Lada Dance dancing at the pole.

Lika Star

Singers Lika Star made very incomprehensible music. Rave, electro, even rapping... Lika, the first Russian artist, promoted her single "Lonely Moon", simply distributing the disc with the recording along with the Om magazine. Later, the editor-in-chief of the publication starred in the video for this song.

The video was directed by a friend of the singer Ilya Smolin, who gathered in the video all the “fashionable” characters of Moscow for that time - women of easy virtue, bandits, pimps, drug addicts and a beauty performed by the singer. Fyodor Bondarchuk and Sergei Troitsky "Spider" starred as the main villains. One of the roles was played by the beginner Gosha Gutsenko.

And in general, a video where two brutal men are taking a blonde tied up to no one knows where, very excited the imagination of citizens in 1996.

Larisa Chernikova

Chernikova, a graduate of the Gnesinka, a soloist of the choir of Nadezhda Babkina, in 1994 marries an entrepreneur and ... that ladies! I began to perform what is called a sample of pop music.

Singing nonsense, Larisa tried to captivate the audience with her appearance as much as possible. It was she who "took the fashion" to sing in a nightgown

Probably, there is no Dima in the world, to whom the lady of the heart, at least once in her life, would not whisper “I love you, Dima, that I need it so much ...”
This song made the performer a super popular artist, and the shooting in the video of the actors "Mask Show" contributed to the fact that the video was played on television all day long.

Let's remember the popular musical groups of the 90s and 2000s, to the songs of which the whole country then danced, and also learn about how the fate of their members developed.

t.A.T.u. The group was created in 1999 and initially actively exploited the image of same-sex love in both songs and videos, which to some extent became the key to success. In 2003, Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina even participated in Eurovision, finishing third. Six years after that, after going through an impressive international success, the team dispersed.

Volkova began her solo career. Back in 2004, she gave birth to a daughter, Victoria, and three years later she became the wife of the son of a businessman, Parviz Yasinov, to whom she gave birth to a son, Samir.

Elena Katina has been participating in the international solo project Lena Katina since 2009, she moved to Los Angeles. The performer is married to Slovenian rock musician Sasho Kuzmanovich, to whom she gave birth to a son two years ago.

"Lyceum". The girl trio consisting of Nastya Makarevich, Lena Perova and Izolda Ishkhanishvili made their debut in the TV show "Morning Star" in 1995, and the song "Autumn" became their main hit.

Lena Perova was the first to be fired from the group, and after a while Izolda also left. Constantly in the group, only Nastya Makarevich is still present, whose company is made up of different girls. Now the Lyceum star is 40 years old, she is married to a lawyer, she has two sons.

Izolda Ishkhanishvili retired from show business, lives in Switzerland, runs a luxury cosmetics business and is the wife of construction magnate Dmitry Desyatnikov, to whom she gave birth to a son five years ago.

Elena Perova tried to return to show business, wrote songs and soundtracks for films, hosted talk shows, participated in various television projects and even starred in TV shows, and besides, she struggled with alcohol and drug addictions, got into car accidents. Not married, no children.

"HiFi". The official founding date of the group is August 2, 1998, when the producer brought together the artists Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko. Producer Pavel Yesenin himself planned to become the soloist of the group, but not wanting to go on tour, he made Fomin his "avatar", who began to "sing" the songs recorded by Yesenin's voice.

In early 2003, Oksana Oleshko left the group and show business, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. Her place was taken by the now famous performers Tatyana Tereshina and Katya Li, who also did not stay in the team.

In early 2009, the popularity of "Hi-Fi" fell and for the sake of a solo career, the band left Mitya Fomin, who has since been busy with solo work. "Hi-Fi" is a duet of Timofey Pronkin and changing vocalists.

"Arrows". The pop group was created by the Soyuz studio in 1997, out of four thousand applicants, seven were selected into its composition: Yulia "Yu-Yu" Dolgasheva, Svetlana "Gera" Bobkina, Maria "Margo" Korneeva, Ekaterina "Radio Operator Kat" Kravtsova, Maria "Mouse" Soloviev, Anastasia "Stasya" Motherland and Leah Bykov.

By the beginning of the 2000s, the composition had changed considerably, which caused the popularity to decline. Both 2004 and 2009 are recognized as the date of the breakup of the group. In August 2015, Strelka announced the reunion of the team in the golden line-up, although today only a trio remains of it.

"Bachelor party". The hip-hop trio was founded in 1991 by producer Alexei Adamov. The sung details of intimate life to the rhythms of North American rap became the key to the success of the team.

"Bachelor Party" lasted until 1996, after which the musicians closed the project. Andrey "Dolphin" Lysikov began his solo career, which he continues to this day. Married to photographer Lika Gulliver, father of two children.

Pavel "Mutabor" Galkin and Andrey "Dan" Kotov tried to revive the group, recorded several albums, but the time for the "Bachelor Party" had already passed. As DJ Mutabor performs in various clubs in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, London, New York, Dublin, etc.

"Hands up!". The group appeared in 1993, when Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Potekhin, radio DJs of the Samara "Europe Plus", recorded several songs and gave them to friends at the radio station "Maximum" ... Soon, under "Student", "Ai-Yai-Yai", "My Baby and "I'm 18 already" were danced by schoolgirls all over the country.

The team broke up in 2006 and the guys have not disclosed the reasons for this until now. Alexey Potekhin started producing young performers. Married twice, has a daughter.

Sergey Zhukov continued to perform first solo, and then again under the name "Hands Up!". The performer is married for the second time, is the father of four children.

"Russian size". The team gave the listeners dozens of dance hits: "Angel of the Day", "Star of Separation", "Spring", "Like this" ... Soon soloists and producers began to constantly change in the group, and a conflict arose between the founding fathers.

Now Dmitry Kopotilov, the author of the group's main hits, continues to perform under the Russian Size brand. The musician is married and has a son.

The current group of Viktor Bondaryuk was called "Project Size", and now it is called "140 beats per minute". The musician is married to the actress of the series "Kitchen" Irina Temicheva.

Ivanushki International. Boy band - the favorites of schoolgirls of the 90s. The group still exists, but Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov remained in it from the initial composition.

In March 1998, Igor Sorin decided to pursue a solo career, and in September of the same year, the musician died, according to investigators, after falling from the balcony of the sixth floor.

Igor's place in the group was taken by Oleg Yakovlev, who left the band in 2013 also for a solo project. Last summer, the performer died of cardiac arrest due to bilateral pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver.

And this is what "Ivanushki International" version of 2017 looks like.

"Demo". The group with vocalist Sasha Zvereva "shot" in 1999 with the hit "Sun in Hands".

Zvereva performed under the name of the group until 2011. Now the girl lives in Los Angeles, is engaged in design and raises three children.

The Brilliant were one of the most popular girl groups of the 90s. Its first composition was Olga Orlova, Polina Iodis, Irina Lukyanova and Zhanna Friske, and Orlova sang mostly, while the rest danced and performed backing vocals.

At the end of 1998, Polina Iodis left the group, took up extreme sports, and hosted the Accessible Extreme program on MTV Russia. Since 2010, the girl has been living in Bali and surfing.

In March 2003, Irina Lukyanova left the team, devoting herself to her family and soon to be born daughter Anya. Perhaps everyone knows about the sad fate of Zhanna Friske.

After leaving the group, Olga Orlova performed with solo projects, acted in films, played in the theater, and other performers performed and continue performing under the brand "Brilliant" for a long time.

"Virus!". The famous hits of the group were the songs "Pens", "Everything will pass", "I'll ask you", "Happiness" and others. The first line-up of the band was Olga Lucky Kozina - vocalist, author of words and music, as well as keyboardists Yuri Stupnik and Andrei Gudas.

In 2011, Olga Lucky presented to the public her new musical project "The CATS", but at the moment the group "Virus!" actively tours and releases new songs.

"Visitors from the future". The duet group of Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev shot in 1998 the hit "Run from me", which broke all records of popularity.

In the spring of 2009, Eva Polna announced the breakup of the group and the start of her solo career. In addition to music, she is fond of fashion and raises two daughters, Evelina and Amalia.

Back in 2002, Yuri Usachev became the general producer of the Gramophone Records recording company. Now he devotes himself to new projects "Art-house", "My-Ti" and "Zventa Sventana", tours as a DJ, collaborates as a sound producer with the stars of Russian show business. His wife is a famous performer Tina Kuznetsov

reflex. A dance pop project, which for a long time included one Irina Nelson, which in early 2000 was joined by dancers and backing vocalists Alena Torganova and Denis Davidovsky.

Since 2012, Irina has been combining her solo career with work in a team as the main soloist. Married with a second marriage since 1993, there is a son Anton from his first marriage, who has already made the performer a grandmother.

On March 25, 2016, group member Alena Torganova announced her departure from the group, having worked in the team for fifteen years.

"Dirty scammers". The performers of the hits "Quit Smoking", "Everything Different", "I Love", "Love Me, Love" first performed together on December 8, 1996. Now Sergey "Amoralov" Surovenko and Vyacheslav "Tom-Chaos Junior" Zinurov remained in the team from the original composition.

Igor "Garik" Bogomazov worked in the group from 1996 to 2011, and after leaving he hardly communicates with journalists, does not engage in creative work. According to him, his wife insisted on leaving show business, with whom he eventually divorced. According to media reports, now Igor is too addicted to alcohol.

"Tea for Two". The duet of the composer and singer Denis Klyaver and the poet, singer, businessman and actor Stas Kostyushkin existed from 1994 to 2012.

Now Denis Klyaver is pursuing a solo career. Married with a third marriage, the father of two sons, and besides this, in 2010 he officially recognized the fact of his paternity of Eva Polna's daughter Evelyn.

Stas Kostyushkin launched a new project "A-Dessa". Also married with a third marriage, the father of three sons.

plasma. The group consisting of Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Postelny was one of the first to start performing songs exclusively in English for the Russian-speaking audience.

The team still exists, although they have released only four albums so far. Roman Chernitsyn was married to Irina Dubtsova, who bore him a son, Artem.

Prime Minister. The Russian pop group, formed in 1997, included Vyacheslav Bodolika, Peter Jason, Jean Grigoriev-Milimerov and Dmitry Lansky in golden times.

At the end of 2005, due to disagreements with the producer, Jean, Peter, Vyacheslav and Marat began to work independently, but since the rights to the name "Prime Minister" did not belong to them, they were forced to call themselves "PM Group". And their former producer recruited a new line-up of the group under the same brand.

At the beginning of 2014, Vyacheslav Bodolika left the PM Group and went to Spain.

The editors of PEOPLETALK again invite you to arrange a musical break. We keep indulging in nostalgia and digging up the best of the 90s. The turn has come to remember your favorite foreign hits. All day long, the entire editorial staff recalled the posters that were pasted over our rooms, and chose the 20 hottest hits. So, wherever you are, - down with the headphones, turn on all the volume! I promise I will do the same. Forgive me, our editor-in-chief, but for the next half hour, hits from the 90s will rumble in the office. Go!

La Bouche

La Bouche is a German duo formed in 1994. Be my lover became their second single and won the ASCAP award for America's Most Performed Song.

Michael Jackson

It's hard to pick just one song from the great Michael Jackson (1958−2009), but I settled on Remember The Time. He starred in the video for this song with a multi-million dollar budget and computer special effects (53).

Britney Spears

Album Baby One More Time was released in 1999 and became the most successful for (33). Thanks to him, she won the hearts of millions of fans and gained immense popularity around the world.

Five - Everybody Get Up

As soon as these British guys hit the air, I fell in love at first sight. And the song Everybody Get Up from Five (1998) is still one of my favorites.

Spice Girls

This is the debut single of the Spice Girls, which became a real hit. The song was in rotation 502 times a week and spent seven weeks at the top of the British charts. She became the impetus for the group's global popularity, by the end of the year taking first place in the charts of 21 more countries.

Aqua-Barbie Girl

The Scandinavian band Aqua gained fame thanks to the song Barbie Girl and became a prominent representative of the Eurodance genre. The song is about Barbie and Ken dolls and their lives. Mattel, the maker of Barbie dolls, has filed a lawsuit against the performers for copyright infringement over the use of the Barbie image.

Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin (43) is an amazing Puerto Rican pop musician. I am sure that there is no person on earth who has not heard Livin "La Vida Loca, which became the biggest hit of his career.

Backstreet Boys

Backstreet Boys - they are one of the coolest boy pop groups, my whole room was plastered with their posters. Everybody is the first single from the Backstreet Boys' second studio album. The song has become a real hallmark of the group.

MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This

MC Hammer is an American rapper, his real name is Stanley Kirk Berel (52). This track was recorded and mixed in a mobile studio on the bus during the tour and became a real hit.

Mr President - Coco jumbo

Mr. President is a German dance group whose most famous song is Coco jumbo. It reached the highest chart positions in the group's history.

Ace of Base

Ace of Base is a Swedish pop group, but they sang their songs in English. The Sign - one of the most famous tracks - instantly gained popularity not only in Europe, but also here, in Russia.

Tic Tac Toe – Warum

Tic Tac Toe is one of the most successful German pop bands. And the song Warum from the group's second platinum album lasted seven weeks at the top of the charts and thundered all over the world.

Enrique Iglesias

(39) - a Spanish handsome man who won our hearts with his incendiary songs. Bailamos has become incredibly successful and has reached number one in the US.


Scooter is a German band that has conquered the whole world. The composition Five with the famous guitar solo became the soundtrack for the films "Mortal Kombat - 2: Annihilation" and "Hackers".

Antique - Opa Opa

Antique is a Greek pop duo. The track Opa Opa became a landmark and entered the top five of the Swedish hit parade.

Bad Boys Blue

These are very cool guys! They have released over 30 hits that have topped the charts in many countries. And the song You Are A Woman is their most famous and favorite track.

No Doubt - Don't Speak

No Doubt is a famous pop group led by the amazing Gwen Stefani (45). Their most successful album was Tragic Kingdom, and the coolest track Don't Speak took the lead in the charts. The album sold over 230,000 copies in its first week.

Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do It For You

Canadian rock musician Bryan Adams (55) captured our hearts with his lyrical ballad (Everything I Do) I Do It For You. I am sure that every woman dreams that her beloved person would say such words to her.


Roxette is a Swedish rock band with only two members, Per Gessle (56) and Maria Fredrikssoon (56). These guys have a lot of hits, but How Do You Do is one of my favorites.


The incomparable Queen of Pop completes our hit parade (56)! With her ballad Frozen, she took first place in the UK charts and got a rightful second place in the list of the 100 hottest tracks in the US.

In the 90s there were many popular songs and great bands: Scooter, Spice Girls, Aqua, Ace of Base and many others. They sounded on all beaches, discos, from every stall and cafe, their posters were hung with teenagers' rooms. But time passes, teenagers move on, and the musicians themselves change...

spice girls. The English female pop group was formed in London in 1994, and two years later their debut single "Wannabe" conquered the charts. In our country, as well as around the world, the girls were simply crazy about the five singers.

After several attempts at reunion, the girls went their separate ways, but many became successful in new roles.

Ace of Base. The band's album "Happy Nation / The Sign" is the best-selling debut album in history. Thousands of discos in our country danced to the rhythms and tunes of the collective.

In 2009, lead singer Jenny Berggren left the band. The remaining participants created a new musical project, but three years later the new team broke up.

Scooter. A German musical group focused on dance and energetic music, in the 90s only the lazy did not ask “How much is the fish” along with the frontman.

The band's manager and frontman H. P. Baxter are the only ones left from the original line-up. Scooter is still touring and releasing albums.

No Doubt. American ska punk band formed in 1986 in Anaheim, California, USA. She became most famous after the release of the album Tragic Kingdom in 1995, the hit from which “Don’t speak” sounded on every radio station.

The group still exists, although its members have become more stylish, and vocalist Gwen Stefani has built a successful career as a fashion designer.

Roxette. The Swedish pop-rock band, led by Per Gessle and Marie Fredriksson, in the late 80s and early 90s literally conquered the musical Olympus of the whole world with their romantic ballads.

In 2000, the vocalist was diagnosed with brain cancer and operated on. The work of the team was suspended, but the participants recorded solo records.

In 2013-2016, the musicians actively toured the planet, the last performance took place on February 8, 2016 at the Grand Arena in Cape Town, South Africa, after which the doctors recommended Marie to stop her concert activity.

Pet Shop Boys. British synthpop duo formed in 1981 in London.

It is one of the UK's most commercially successful and prolific dance music bands, with more than forty singles released over the past thirty years (of which 20 hit the top ten of the British hit parade). Until now, they perform and record albums.

take that. Another English pop-rock band that differed from other "boy" bands of the 1990s in that the members composed their own songs. Already in 1996, the group broke up.

Only Robbie Williams managed to build a successful solo career. In 2010, the team reunited and even released an album a little later, but in the end, only a trio remained from the original line-up.

La Bouche. The project of the famous German producer Frank Farian, whose second single, Be My Lover, was in the top ten in 14 countries, and in first place in Germany.

Vocalist Melanie Thornton died on November 24, 2001 in a plane crash. Albums La Bouche and solo recordings of the singer are still popular, regularly reissued and remixed.

Bad Boy Blue. During its history, the Eurodisco group has released about 30 hit singles that have hit the charts in many countries of the world, including the USA.

Currently, the Bad Boys Blue group is John McInerney, who quarreled with other members, and two backing vocalists - Sylvia McInerney, John's wife, and Edith Miracle. The group performs at many shows in countries such as Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Finland, Israel, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey, USA and others.

Mr. president. German Eurodance dance group, whose most famous composition "Coco Jamboo" in the mid-90s was not heard only by the lazy.

The group stopped releasing new material back in the late 90s, now only its vocalist Lay Zee leads an active creative life.

Mo Do. Fabio Frittelli is an Italian singer and disc jockey, whose most famous single was "Eins, Zwei, Polizei", which sounded at all discos in Europe and Russia.

On February 6, 2013, Fabio Frittelli was found lifeless at his home in Udine. At the time of his death he was 46 years old. The cause of death is suicide.

Doc. Alban is a Swedish Eurodance musician of Nigerian origin. Perhaps his most famous work was the composition "It's My Life", which practically became the hallmark of Dr. Alban

Alban created his record label Dr. Records, under whose label all Dr. Alban, starting with "Born In Africa". Continues to release albums and singles.

Aqua. Musical dance-pop group consisting of one Norwegian girl Lene and three Danish men, which gained worldwide fame in the 90s thanks to the songs "Barbie Girl", "Roses are Red", "Doctor Jones", "Turn Back Time". ", "Lollipop (Candyman)", "My Oh My", etc.

The group broke up in the early 2000s and reunited in 2007, and even released a new album in 2013. After that, the group again scattered and gathered, now the team with a changed composition occasionally tours retro festivals.

Europe. The Swedish rock band, founded by vocalist Joey Tempest and guitarist John Norum, achieved notoriety with the hit "Final countdown".

In 1992, the band broke up and reunited only in 2004. On March 2, 2015, their tenth studio album War of Kings was released, which hit the Swedish charts at number two.

Backstreet Boys. The American boy band was formed on April 20, 1993, and since the debut album of the same name in 1996, they have sold about 130 million copies of their records.

Since then, the group has scattered and gathered again, its members have been treated for drug and alcohol addiction, but occasionally even released albums.

'N Sync. The “boy” group was formed in 1995, and the teenage hysteria around it reached its climax in March 2000.

Since 2002, the group's frontman - Justin Timberlake - has taken up a solo career, as a result of which the group has not released new records. On August 25, 2013, the group held a two-minute reunion on stage at the MTV Video Music Awards.

"Lyceum". The main hit of the pop group, "Autumn", sounded in 1995. In addition to her, the history of "Lyceum" has dozens of songs that conquered the top lines in music ratings.

Anastasia Makarevich has been the only permanent member of the team since its foundation in 1991. The group still exists and records new songs.

"Red mold". Russian-Ukrainian group created by musician Pavel Yatsyna, who single-handedly recorded the first four albums. The team is known for performing songs using profanity, as well as verses, ditties, fairy tales, musical parodies, poems and anecdotes.

Now the team still exists and is touring for the eighth line-up. By the way, Pavel Yatsyna was the first to make an electric guitar out of a shovel, which he later patented and performed with it at concerts.

"Ladybug". In 1994, the group rode the wave of success with a version of the Soviet song "Granite Pebble". Clothing, shoes and accessories became the hallmark of the group: boots, jackets and umbrellas stylized as a ladybug.

Vocalist Vladimir Volenko survived a difficult operation, after which, together with his wife, he began to record songs on religious topics. The group also records regular albums, and also gives regular concerts.

Balagan Limited. Hit group "What do you want?" only the lazy did not hear. The band has appeared on TV, recorded three successful albums, and toured extensively.

In 1999, the group's producer secretly registered the trade name "Balagan Limited" and recruited a new line-up. After a whole year of unsuccessful attempts to defend the name, the old musicians began to be called by their first hit - "What do you want?".

"Arrows". The pop group was created by the Soyuz studio in 1997 and was considered as "our answer" to the "Spice Gilrs". The group became especially popular in 1999 after the release of the song and the video "You left me", in which the popular actor Ivar Kalninsh starred.

In the early 2000s, due to frequent line-up changes, the group's popularity began to decline. Information about the breakup of the group varies. Some call 2004, others - 2009. Some girls managed to build solo careers.

"Bachelor party". The Russian hip-hop trio was formed in 1991 by producer Alexei Adamov. The very first albums of "Bachelor Party" "Sex without interruption" and "Let's talk about sex", released by the studio "Soyuz" in 1991 and 1992, brought the boy band incredible popularity throughout the country.

Having successfully worked together until 1996, the musicians closed the "Bachelor Party" project. Dolphin began a solo career, and Dan and Mutobor created the Barbitura group, whose focus was electronic music.

"Shao? Bao!" The Ukrainian group in 1997 recorded the song "Kupyl konyk's mother (and the konyk without a leg)", which became the hallmark of a trio of young musicians from Dnepropetrovsk.

The group changed line-ups, but, alas, "konyk" remained their only hit.

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