Popular questions on geography. Extracurricular work in geography: "Entertaining geographical questions



1. Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of area. Where is most of the territory of Russia located?


The European part of the country occupies about 23% of the area. Its borders are the Ural Mountains, the border with Kazakhstan and the Kuma and Manych rivers.

The Asian part of Russia, which occupies about 77% of the territory, lies to the east of the Urals and is also called Siberia (however, the exact definition of the boundaries of Siberia is a controversial issue) and the Far East.

Russia map, European and Asian map

2. How many subjects are there in the Russian Federation?


A subject of the Russian Federation or, for short, a subject of the federation is the name of a territorial unit in the Russian Federation. According to the Russian Constitution of 1993, Russia is a federal state and consists of equal subjects of the Russian Federation. In total - 85 subjects. Of these, 22 republics, 9 territories, 46 regions, 3 federal cities, 1 autonomous region, 4 autonomous districts.

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the map

3. How many time zones are there in Russia?


Time in Russia is regulated by the Federal Law "On the Calculation of Time", according to which, since October 26, 2014, 11 time zones have been established.

Map of time zones of Russia 2015
Infographics: aif.ru
4. How many countries border Russia?


Russia recognizes the existence of borders with 18 states: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Japan and the USA, as well as those partially recognized by the Republic of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

5. How many rivers and lakes are there in Russia?


There are more than 2.8 million rivers in Russia with a total length of 12.4 million km. Most of these rivers are relatively small and their length is usually no more than 100 kilometers. But as for the big rivers, they are truly huge and reach shocking sizes. Read more about the largest rivers in Russia - read here.

∼ 2,747,997 LAKES

There are 2,747,997 lakes in Russia with a total area of ​​408,856 km (excluding the Caspian Sea). The largest lake is the Caspian Sea. Of the lakes in the traditional sense, the largest in terms of area are Baikal (31,722 km²), Ladoga (17,872 km²), Onega (9,693 km²) and Taimyr (4,560 km²), and in terms of volume Baikal (23,516 km³), Ladoga (838 km³) , Onega (292 km³) and Khantayskoye (82 km³), while about 96% of all lake water reserves are concentrated only in eight largest lakes, of which 95.2% falls on Baikal alone. About the most beautiful lakes in Russia according to our magazine - read here.

Volga river
Volga River, Photo: IvanT
6. How many seas washes Russia?


The seas of the Atlantic Ocean washing Russia:

Baltic Sea
Black Sea
Sea of ​​Azov
The seas of the Arctic Ocean washing Russia:

Barents Sea
Pechora Sea
White Sea
Kara Sea
Laptev sea
East-Siberian Sea
Chukchi Sea
The seas of the Pacific Ocean washing Russia:
Bering Sea
Sea of ​​Okhotsk
Japanese Sea
Enclosed seas washing Russia:
Caspian Sea
Caspian Sea
Sunset over the Caspian Sea, shot from Space
7. How many people live in Russia?


Russia is considered the largest country in the world in terms of its own territory, but as for the population, here our homeland is still not in the first place ...

According to the last census, which took place in 2012, the total number of inhabitants in the Russian Federation is 143,142,000 people, and according to these data, our country ranks only ninth in the world (most people live in China - more than one billion).

According to estimates for 2105, the population of the country is - 146,267,288 million people
And yet the Russian Federation is the most populated state in Europe. The average density is 8.36 people per square kilometer, but the fact is that the population density is extremely unevenly distributed. So, about 80 percent of our compatriots live in the European part of the country, which makes up only 23% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. If the population density, say, in Chukotka is 0.07 inhabitants per square km, then in Moscow, the capital of our country, the numbers are completely different - about 4,700 people per square km!

8. How many federal districts are there in Russia?


All subjects of the Russian Federation are united into nine federal districts.

The legal basis for the creation of federal districts of the Russian Federation is the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2000 No. 849 On the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal district.

In accordance with this Decree, seven federal districts were formed:

Central (administrative center - Moscow)

Yuzhny (administrative center - Rostov-on-Don)

Severo-Zapadny (administrative center - St. Petersburg)

Far East (administrative center - Khabarovsk)

Siberian (administrative center - Novosibirsk)

Ural (administrative center - Yekaterinburg)

Privolzhsky (administrative center - Nizhny Novgorod)

In 2010, the North Caucasian Federal District was separated from the Southern Federal District. He became the eighth (administrative center - Pyatigorsk).

By the decree of President Vladimir Putin dated March 21, 2014, the ninth federal district, Crimean, was formed. (administrative center - Simferopol)

Federal districts of Russia
There is no Crimean district on the map of districts - an old map.
9. How many cities are there in Russia?


As of October 10, 2015, the number of cities in the Russian Federation increased to 1113, since in accordance with the law of the Amur Region dated September 29, 2015 No. 578-OZ “On the transformation of the village of Uglegorsk in the Amur Region”, the urban-type settlement of Uglegorsk is being transformed into the city of Tsiolkovsky.

However, it belongs to the so-called closed cities of Russia (ZATO). After all, it is here that the full-scale construction of the Vostochny cosmodrome is underway. The Vostochny cosmodrome will be located near the Svobodny cosmodrome, which was disbanded in 2007. About the closed cities of Russia - read here.

The largest cities in Russia are:

Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Krasnoyarsk, Perm, Volgograd, Voronezh.

Cosmodrome Vostochny
Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Vostochny Cosmodrome, October 14, 2015
10. The highest/lowest point in Russia


Elbrus is the highest mountain peak in Russia and Europe, included in the list of the highest peaks of the planet "Seven Peaks". (5642 meters above sea level) What you need to know about Elbrus - read here. Also, I recommend the article - "5 highest mountains of Russia"

The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth, which can be classified as the largest closed lake, or as a full-fledged sea, due to its size, and also due to the fact that its bed is composed of oceanic-type earth's crust. Located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

The lowest point in Russia is located far to the south - near the Caspian Sea, where absolute marks on the Caspian lowland reach -28 meters! In other words, this territory is located almost thirty meters below the level of the oceans. Of course, it is far from the absolute champion - the Dead Sea, which lies another 400 meters below the ocean shores, but the height of a nine-story building is also a lot.

The Caspian lowland was once the bottom of a vast sea, the memory of which we have left the vast Caspian.

1. In Africa, the Pygmies and Tutsis peoples live, whose numbers have significantly decreased at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Describe these peoples according to the plan: 1) the territory of residence 2) external signs 3) the main occupations 4) the reason for the reduction in numbers

Pygmies live in the equatorial forests of Central Africa in the depression of the Congo River, and Tutsis live in the savannas of the East African Plateau in the Great African Rifts region, mainly in the state of Rwanda. Both peoples belong to the equatorial race. Pygmies are the smallest representatives of this race (less than 150 cm), and the average Tutsi height is about 2 m.

The skin color of the Tutsi is much darker, they are engaged in cattle breeding. The main occupation of the pygmies is hunting and gathering. The number of pygmies is declining due to the destruction of their habitat - equatorial forests. The main reason for the decline in the number of Tutsis is a bloody civil war.

2. The famous Statue of Liberty, which has become a symbol of the liberation of the entire multinational people of America, was designed by the French F.O. Bartholdi and A.G. Eiffel. What did M.P. Landowski, a Frenchman of Polish origin, do for another American country?

Maximilian Paul Landowsky - sculptor who completed the Statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro. The statue is made of reinforced concrete and lined with the so-called? soapstone? (tholsite) reflecting light. The height of the monument is 30 meters. It was erected on Mount Corcovado (704 m). This statue has become a symbol of all of Brazil.

3. On what continent do peoples live who use the poisonous mucus of tree frogs to lubricate arrowheads? What are these peoples called? Why do these frogs, raised by Europeans in captivity, practically cease to be poisonous?

This poison is used by the Indians of South America. It is believed that frogs are poisonous not by themselves, but because of the feeding of highly poisonous plants not known to Europeans.

4. Many peoples still depend on domesticated animals. The well-being of the indigenous population of which countries still depends on: 1) camels, 2) llamas, 3) yaks, 4) deer, 5) buffaloes?

Why can the thoughtless destruction of predators (mainly wolves) lead to starvation, disease and the general economic decline of the population dependent on livestock?

Camels are widely used in Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, llamas - in Peru, yaks - in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, deer - in the north of Russia, Norway, buffaloes - in India. Due to the destruction of wolves, the number of livestock ceases to be regulated, excessive reproduction occurs, leading to a reduction in forage on pastures. This, in turn, causes an increase in the morbidity and mortality of livestock and a decrease in the living standards of the people whom the livestock provided with everything they needed.

5. Which of the listed peoples have clear signs of mixing races? Peoples: Amhara (Ethiopians), French Canadians, Tahiti Polynesians, Costa Rican Creoles, Malagasy, Hokkaido Ainu. It is believed that the existence of mixed races is evidence
race equality. Try to justify this point of view.

Amhara (Ethiopians), Polynesians, Malagasy, Ainu. These peoples have signs of several races, therefore, with a racial mixture of peoples, stable offspring is obtained. This means that representatives of all races belong to the same species - Homo sapiens.

6. A person has managed to adapt to a variety of natural conditions, so the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits distribution occupies almost the entire globe. Name two main directions of human adaptation. Can these directions develop absolutely in isolation from each other. Justify your opinion on the example of the Russian zone of the North.

Two main areas of adaptation: 1) a person adapts to new natural conditions, develops a new type of behavior (biological adaptation); 2) a person adapts nature for himself (non-biological adaptation) - isolates himself from the environment (housing, clothing), changes the environment (draining swamps, laying communications, etc.). Both of these areas are closely related. For example, among peoples who have long lived in the zone of the North, the whole body is less susceptible to low temperatures, a narrow slit of the eyes helps during snow storms, reduced sweating helps to do without regular hygiene procedures. At the same time, the peoples of the North widely use the skins, fat, meat of deer, walruses, seals, and various fur-bearing animals for building housing, sewing clothes and shoes, lighting rooms and cooking, etc. Even when using modern technology and building new cities in the North, where the main natural resources of Russia are concentrated, low temperatures (triple glazing), permafrost (houses and communications are built on piles), strong winds (the predominance of low-rise buildings with rounded contours) are taken into account.

7. Why the remains of a fossil primate discovered in 1924 were named "Baby Taung", and later, together with other similar creatures, were called Australopithecus, although all these finds were made in South and East Africa.

In 1924, in South Africa, near the Taung station, the skeleton of a cub (English - baby) of a higher anthropoid primate was discovered. The word Australopithecus is not directly related to Australia, but is translated as “southern monkey” (from Latin australis - southern).

8. In what areas of the world do the Hausa people live? Why do many Hausa leave termite mounds as a legacy to their children, along with other property? Which language family do the languages ​​spoken by Hausa belong to? What are the main external differences between this people and the Australian Aborigines.

The Hausa live in West and Central Africa (Niger, Nigeria, Chad). Termites are eaten as they are a valuable protein supplement to the meager, mostly plant-based, diet of local residents. The Hausa speak languages ​​belonging to the Afroasian family. They differ from the natives of Australia in higher growth, a wide nose, and the absence of hair on the face and hands.

9. In what country was paper, ink, pasta, gunpowder, toothbrush, etc. invented? How does this country stand out among other countries now? In which countries do emigrants from this country and their descendants live?

The country is the People's Republic of China. It ranks first in terms of population, the duration of maintaining rapid GDP growth, the production of many types of products. Since the 19th century, there have been several waves of emigration to the PRC to Latin America, Southeast Asia, the USA, Russia, and others. There are Chinatowns (?China-secrets?) in almost all major cities of the world.

10. In relation to which countries (Australia, Hungary, Egypt, Canada, China, Mali, Mongolia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan) is the characteristic of their population correct: “The population of these countries was formed mainly due to immigration from the former metropolises. The indigenous inhabitants of these territories have either been exterminated or live on reservations with significantly lower incomes and living conditions. The urban population predominates; many parts of the country remain undeveloped? Which subtype according to the level of socio-economic development do these countries belong to? Describe the common features and individual characteristics of the economy of these countries.

Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa. A subtype of countries of resettlement capitalism. From the general features, it can be noted that all of them are former British colonies, and the extractive industry plays a greater role in their economy than in other developed countries.

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1. The name of the science "geography" means
Description of the Earth
2. Geography as a science originated in the Ancient (s)
3. Greek scientist who called his work on the description of the Earth the word "Geography"
4. The path of rotation of the planet around the Sun is called
5. The closest planet to the Sun
6. The earth is between the planets
Venus and Mars
7. The smallest length of the orbit has
8. A day is a consequence
Rotation of the Earth around its axis.
9. A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun is carried out for:
365 days and 6 hours.
10. A complete revolution of the Earth around its axis is carried out in
24 hours.
11. In a leap year, the number of days in
12. The earth's axis is located at an angle to the plane of the orbit:
13. The largest angle of incidence of sunlight twice a year is observed in the area
14. Determining your location relative to the sides of the horizon is called:
15. The angle between the direction to the north, and to some object of the terrain is called:
16. Azimuth 360° points to
17. Azimuth 90° is directed to
18. Azimuth 180° is directed to
19. Azimuth 270° is directed to
20. If your route was directed in azimuth 90 °, then you need to return in azimuth
21. Azimuth 315° is directed to
22. Azimuth 135° is directed to
23. Azimuth 225° is directed to
24. The scale, written in the form of fractional numbers, is called
25. The scale recorded with an explanation (for example, 1 cm - 100 m) is called
26. Scale value 1: 1000 on the plan, length 10cm. Determine the length of the object on the ground:
27. On the plan, the length of the object is 6cm, on the ground 60m. Determine the scale
1: 1000
28. Topographic maps have a scale:
From 1:10,000 to 1:1,000,000.
29. Device for measuring relative height
30. The excess of one point on the earth's surface over another is called
relative height.
31. Contours are lines connecting points with the same readings
32. Surveying the area, carried out from one point, is called
33. Natural object having an absolute height below sea level
34. More faithfully conveys the shape of the Earth
the globe
35. A line conventionally drawn from one pole of the Earth to another is called
36. Lines conditionally drawn parallel to the equator are called
37. Equator Length
38. The length of 1 ° arc of the equator and the meridian is approximately equal to
39. Between points A and B located on the equator - 7 °, what distance in kilometers separates them
40. Between points A and B located on one of the meridians "333 km. How many degrees separate them

41. The geographical latitude of the poles is
42. The capital of Kazakhstan has
North latitude and east longitude.
43. The group of general geographic includes a map
44. Traveling along the parallel will be the most protected.

45. The smallest circumference has a parallel
46. ​​On a scale of 1: 5000 and larger,
47. Layered coloring on physical maps depict
48. A forecast map of the distribution of mineral deposits in Kazakhstan was created
49. Least distortion on a map displaying...
Mangystau region
50. Less distortion contains a map covering
51. The earth's crust and part of the upper mantle form
52. The outer layer of the Earth's structure is called
Earth's crust
53. The earth's crust under the plains has a thickness
30-40 km.
54. The earth's crust under the mountains has a thickness
70-80 km.
55. The lithospheric plate is
Large blocks of the earth's crust are slowly moving
56. Lithospheric plates move relative to each other during the year on average by
57. Long and narrow oceanic depressions are called
58. Rocks formed as a result of precipitation of mineral particles are called
59. Rocks that have undergone changes under the influence of high temperatures and pressure are called
60. The highest mountains on Earth
61. The process of changing rocks under the influence of external forces is called
62. A plain with a height of up to 200m belongs to
63. A plain with a height of 200m to 500m is called
64. A plain with a height above 500m is called
65. The deepest chute
66. Metamorphic rock
67. Chemical sedimentary rock
Rock salt
68. The region of Kazakhstan, located in the seismic zone
69. The movement of the earth's crust is recorded by the device
70. Cup-shaped recess on the top of the volcano
71. Volcano on the Kamchatka Peninsula
Klyuchevskaya Sopka
72. Mountains dividing Europe and Asia
73. Mountains are low
74. Mountains have been weathered to a greater extent
75. The largest lowland on the globe
76. Device for determining depths
echo sounder
77. The sound from the ship returned in the form of an echo after 6 seconds, which means that the depth at this point in the ocean is
4500 m
78. Most of the ocean floor is occupied
79. Plain formed by river sediments
Indo-Gangetic lowland
80. From the listed plains, choose a lowland
81. The air shell of the Earth is called
82. Near the earth's surface there is a layer of the atmosphere, which is called
83. Normal atmospheric pressure is considered to be at a latitude of 45 °, an altitude of 0 m above sea level
84. The highest temperature during the day is observed
At 14 - 15 hours
85. When indicated: time 1 hour, temperature +5°C, 7 hours - (minus) 2°C, 13 hours + 10°C, 19 hours +9°C, the average daily temperature is
86. Above sea level + 24 ° С, what will be the temperature at an altitude of 3 km
87. Fog forms
Before sunrise
88. Clouds consisting of small ice crystals and formed high above the earth's surface are called
89. Precipitation typical in summer for the territory of Kazakhstan
90. Of the above, the largest amount of precipitation falls in the area
Hawaiian Islands
91. The highest evaporation rates are typical for areas
Northern and southern tropics
92. With an uneven distribution of atmospheric pressure,
93. Light wind blowing on the coast and changing direction 2 times a day
94. On the Pacific coast of Eurasia, changing direction 2 times a year, blowing
95. Large volumes of air in the troposphere, which differ from each other in properties, are called
By air masses
96. The longest day in the northern hemisphere
22nd of June
97. June 22 sets the polar day on the line
Arctic Circle
98. The day of the autumn equinox in the northern hemisphere is considered
23 September
99. March 21 the sun is at its zenith on the line
100. The space of the earth's surface between 23.5? s.sh and 23.5? S belong to
hot belt
101. The climate is called
Long-term weather regime characteristic of a certain area
102. Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure
103. At point A, located at a height of 200m, the atmospheric pressure is - 740mm, which is equal to the pressure at point B, if it is at a height of 400m:
104. The highest daily temperature is plus + 7 ° C, the lowest is minus 2 ° C, which means that the amplitude is
105. A device that determines the direction of the winds
106. A device that determines relative humidity
107. On the southern tropic the sun is at its zenith
Dec 22.
108. Parallel 23.5° S called
Southern Tropic.
109. The equatorial climatic zone is located between the zones
110. UK climate
111. Climate of the Japanese Islands
112. Water on planet Earth forms

Extracurricular work in geography: Entertaining geographical questions.

Quizzes, crosswords, literary tasks, riddles, rebuses, puzzle.

Geographic assignments using literary works.

1. In E. Rumyantsev's poem "Guess" we read:

If there are lips on the map,

If it has noses,

So somewhere in between

Located ... ... mustache!

Look on the map of Russia for the famous "lips", "nose" and "mustache".

Answer: Lips: Onega Bay, Dvinskaya, Mezenskaya - the White Sea; Tazovskaya, Gydanskaya, Obskaya - Kara Sea; Penzhinskaya, Yanskaya, Udskaya - Sea of ​​Okhotsk;

Capes: Svyatoi Nos - on the Kola Peninsula, Kanin Nos - on the Kanin Peninsula, Beluga Nos - on half of Yamal; The rivers with the name Us and Usa are tributaries of the Yenisei, Pechora and Tom.

2. Near Pechora, near the river where reindeer herders live

And the fishermen are fishing.

The city is located - the center of the national district. Its name is translated as Red City. Name it.

Answer : Naryan - Mar

3. What large Siberian region, on the territory of which geologists have recently made outstanding discoveries, is spoken about in the poems of the poet I. Molchanov? What minerals are rich in this area?

I saw how the grain was being transported by cars,

Heard how light the earth sings

In the granaries of distant Ishim,

In the golden Ust-Lamensky fields.

Was at the site of the battle of Ermakova,

I heard the beating of a new life

There, on the "wild bank of the Irtysh" ....

With Khanty in Silver Altynka

I caught gapped sterlets,

I saw how the taiga was drowning in a haze,

I saw the work and courage of people.

Answer: Tyumen region with its oil and gas reserves.

- I have to go to Yerofei Pavlovich. And you?

Me - in the city of his name.

In that case, I should leave early.

Whom or what were the interlocutors talking about?

Answer: The Erofey Pavlovich station in the Amur Region and the city of Khabarovsk are named after E.P. Khabarova.

5. Winter here is “the most quiet, clear, dry and stable of the local climatic periods…. There are no drastic weather changes in winter. The cold rises and falls in smooth and large swings. The day differs little in temperature from the night. Winds are almost non-existent…. They are so weak here that they are not able to shake the forests, dressed in thick robes of snow, which stand white and motionless all winter, like frozen river foam. Indestructible silence reigns everywhere, calmness, silence. Everything froze, froze, turned into ice….Even the vault of the sky seems to be a dome carved from ice. It is pale, transparent and for whole weeks no cloud spots or clouds are visible on it .... " (V. Seroshevsky).

To which region of our homeland does this description of winter refer?

Answer: Eastern Siberia. In winter, the Siberian anticyclone sets up here, the effect of which is described.

Quiz "Ural Gems"

1. There is a mineral in nature that bears a human name. Name it.

Answer: The mineral alexandrite

2. . In nature, there is a beautiful mineral, the “name” of which was included in the title of the story of the famous Russian writer A.I. Kuprin. Name this stone.

Answer: It is granite. The story of A.I. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet".

Puzzle "Arithmetic and cities of Russia"

1. Your task is quite simple: you need to add the words below and in total get the name of a Russian city. In this case, it is allowed to rearrange the letters within one "example".

1. CUS + CRIT =? 6. SHAFT + STOCK + DIVO = ?

2. BRIDGE + KORA =? 7. BAR + ULAN = ?

3. YAK + BUSH =? 8. CONTRACT + H =?

4. THIEF + GAD + GOAL =? 9. FAUCET + P + SODA \u003d?

5. STO + lacquer = ? 10. BORIS + GLEB + JUICE =?

Answers: 1. Irkutsk 6. Vladivostok

2. Kostroma 7. Barnaul

3. Yakutsk 8. Novgorod

4. Volgograd 9. Krasnoyarsk

5. Kotlas 10. Borisoglebsk


1. Horizontally
1. Transport serving foreign trade in Russia
6. Science studying the stars.
7. 1. The main processing industry in the agro-industrial complex (Food)
9. The cheapest transport in the transportation of passengers
11. In what country is the city of Kommunar located?
13. The only type of power plant that generates solid waste (thermal)

2. Transfer of military enterprises to the production of civilian products
3. Type of power plants that are built longer and more expensive than all the others (Hydraulic)
4. What potential is the leading factor in the placement of machine-building enterprises
5. a center that unites scientific institutions with science-intensive industrial enterprises
8. Production links between enterprises that jointly manufacture certain products
10. ... complex - a set of industries that produce a variety of machines


2. Seas of Russia



Answer: Map


Answer: Capital


Answer: Russia


Answer: Baikal


Answer: City


1. The main city of the state,
Though republics, though kingdoms.
This is where ingenuity comes in handy:
Here is Moscow, it is ...

2. With this city
Others can't compare.
He is the head of the country
It's called...

3. Territories of the country
You guys should know
To write letters to everyone,
To send parcels.
There are Ryazan, Tver,
And what is yours like?

Questions of entertaining geography:

1. A Russian traveler, scientist, researcher of the life of the peoples of one distant island, was not only a wonderful naturalist, but also a talented artist. His landscape sketches and portraits have not lost their scientific value to this day. Consider the picture from the diary of this traveler and name his name? What research did he devote his life to?

Answer: Nikluho - Maclay. He proved that the Papuans and other peoples of Oceania are not inferior to Europeans in their moral qualities. He believed that racial differences among peoples arise under the influence of nature and living conditions.

2. What lake is shown in the picture?

Answer: Lake Baikal

3. The figure shows the coat of arms of the smallest union republic of the former USSR. Which? What mountain is depicted on the coat of arms?

Answer: Armenia, Mount Ararat

4. From a journalist's diary: “Finally, for the first time in several days, the clouds have dispersed, and we have seen the night sky in all its beauty. The first thought that came to my mind was to find the bucket of the Big Dipper familiar to me. But no matter how I turned my head, it was not there. I did not find other constellations decorating our Moscow sky. Nor was the North Star visible.

What hemisphere was the journalist in?

Answer: The journalist was in the southern hemisphere, and therefore did not see the North Star.

Geographic "champions".

2. The most transparent sea. (Weddell Sea)

3. The largest (Caspian)

4. The coldest (East Siberian and Beaufort in the Arctic Ocean, Bering and Okhotsk in the Pacific Ocean and off the coast of Antarctica)

5. The highest land "sleeping" volcano in the world is ACONCAGUA in the South American Andes (6960m).

6. A "dormant" volcano is called a Japanese volcano, which one? (Fujiyama)

7. The deepest well on Earth, is it? (On the Kola Peninsula in Russia)

8. Although, as they sing in the song, "nature has no bad weather, all weather is grace," we venture to say that the place of "worst weather" should be considered Janmayen Island, located in the North Atlantic between Norway and Greenland. Why?

Answer: Here, at the junction of the warm North Atlantic and cold polar currents, cyclones and storms do not subside. For the whole year there are on average only three days of relatively tolerable weather.


1. Makartsev L.V., Kuskov A.S. Extracurricular work on the economic and social geography of Russia, OAO Publishing House Lyceum, Saratov, 2001,

2. Nagorny B.A. Interesting geographic questions. Publishing house "Enlightenment", Moscow, 1968

3. Scarlato G. Entertaining geography for children and adults. Publishing house "Alterpress", Kyiv, 1996.

MOU IRMO "Khomutovskaya secondary school No. 2"


"It is interesting"

(Collection of questions on geography)

for grades 5-11

The work was compiled by: Bolyakova L.A.

Explanatory note

Geography quizzes are educational in nature. Answering questions, students receive a lot of useful and interesting information, learn the unknown, remember the forgotten. Also, through various quizzes, games, entertaining crossword puzzles and questions, students expand their horizons and develop interest in the subject. The quizzes are differentiated. For students in grades 5-7, a quiz with questions about Baikal is offered, it develops ideas about the "pearl" not only of Siberia, but of the whole world. For students in grades 8-9, it was proposed to answer questions about Russia - the country in which we live, for grades 10-11 questions about the Earth, as about the house in which we all live.

Quiz questions about Baikal. (5-7 grade)

    "Pearl" of Siberia. Why?

    The maximum depth of Baikal?

    The only "daughter" of Baikal?

    Unique fish of Baikal?

    There is a tree in Siberia, a village on the coast is named after him
    Baikal. Which?

    Amazing, the only mammal living in
    Lake Baikal. Which?

    What rivers flow into Baikal?

    The largest and most interesting island in Lake Baikal?

    Name the fish that Lake Baikal is famous for?

    When is Baikal Day held?

Quiz questions Russia - the country in which we live (8-9Class)

    Russia Square? How many time zones is it
    located? How many times does its inhabitants celebrate the New Year?

    In the forests of this region live: reindeer and tiger, inhabitant of the taiga: sable and leopard. Where is this place in the country?

    In 1733-1743, the Great Northern Expedition for the first time studied in detail and mapped the coast of the Arctic Ocean. By whom and for what purpose was this expedition conceived?

    Our country is washed by 12 seas of 3 oceans. What are these seas?

    This region of Russia does not border with other regions and
    remote from Russia by a distance of several hundred kilometers .
    Name this area?

    This peninsula is called the "country of volcanoes", "the land of ice and fire" name this peninsula and its volcanoes.

    Name the largest river in the European part of Russia and the largest in Europe. People affectionately call her "mother".

    Lake of Wonders, the oldest of the earth's lakes, the deepest of all in the world. Name the lake and what is it famous for?

    The world's largest reservoir is 570 km long and 25 km wide. It took Angara two years to bring 180 billion. m cubed required; to fill it out. Name this reservoir.

    This city is the gateway of the Motherland to the Pacific Ocean. Favorable geographical position, convenient harbor contributed to its transformation into a major port. What's the name of this town?

    The 180th meridian passes through this northern island, and as you know, it delimits the eastern and western hemispheres. Therefore, the island lies in 3 hemispheres - northern, western and eastern. Name this island.

    This peninsula in German means

"End of the Earth" Name this peninsula.

13. The heart of Russia, the largest city in the world, a port of 5 seas, the capital of the largest state on the planet. Name the city.

14. Name the border "neighbors" of Russia?

15. It is called "the island of treasures", "the king of the island." It is the center of the country's only island region. Name the island.

Questions of the quiz "Earth is our common home"

(grade 10-11)

    The northernmost point of Europe is Cape Nordkin, the southern one is Cape Marroki, the western one is Cape Roca. In the east, Europe is limited by the Ural Mountains. In which countries are capes located?

    The names of these countries differ by one letter.

    There are 186888 lakes in this country. Which country is called the “land of a thousand lakes?” Name its capital.

    Where is the geographic center of Asia?

    This island used to be called Ceylon. This is a country of pineapples, but an apple for the inhabitants of this country is a delicacy. Name this country?

    Name three countries in North America?

    What is the capital of Honduras?

    The name of the country was given by the lake, with which, in essence, his whole life is connected. Name the country and the lake?

    Wherever you move to this point, the north will be behind you, the south in front. It is enough for you to cross it and continue your movement from this point, as you will have the south behind you, and the north will be in front ... where on the globe is such a place? What is it called?

    The largest and only mainland country on the globe?

    Where is Greece located?

    Tears of the Baltic Sea.

    Which country can be called the largest open-air history museum?

    What is the name of the capital of the largest populated country in Asia?

    What are the three lakes of the globe, which are usually called seas?

    What is the name of the currency in Germany?

    What peninsula is Seoul on?

    The capital of which state is Ankara?

    What kind of fish is found in the Red Sea?

    Which river has three notes in its name?

Miscellaneous questions on geography and astronomy

    Who first suggested that the Earth is spherical? (Pythagoras.)

    How many planets make up the solar system? (9 and Sun.)

    What is the internal structure of the Earth. (Core, mantle, earth's crust.)

    What are volcanoes? (Extinct and active.)

    How many continents are on Earth? (6 Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica.)

    What is the name of the highest mountain? (Everest, or Chomolungma.)

    What is the ozone layer? (This layer is formed by three atomic oxygen, protects from the harmful rays of the sun.)

    When is the day shorter: winter or summer? (Same, 24 hours.)

    What is a boulevard? (Street lined with trees.)

    They were conquered by Hannibal, and later by Suvorov. (Alps.)

    The air shell of our planet. (Atmosphere.)

    Air movement in a horizontal direction. (Wind.)

    What instrument is used to measure atmospheric pressure? (Pyrometer, aneroid barometer.)

    Can an ant's home help you navigate the forest? (Yes, since it opens to the south.)

    What is the name of a person who observes the starry sky, takes pictures, studies the life of stars and planets? (Astronomer.)

    How else "is often called the Cosmos? (The Universe.)

    Name the closest star to us (the Sun.)

    Is the moon the only natural satellite of the earth? (Yes.)

    Day turns into night, and night into day, because: (The earth rotates on its axis.)

    Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica.)

    The biggest bird. (African ostrich.)

    How to know about the approach of rain, watching the anthill? (Ants clog the entrances to the anthill.)

    Which lake is the deepest in the world? (Baikal - 1940 meters.)

    Which city is built on five mountains? (Pyatigorsk,)

    Which preposition is the name of a river in Spain." (River Po.)

    What is south of Magadan or Leningrad? (Both at the same latitude - 60.)

    What is the name of the highest ocean wave? (Tsunami.)

    Name the largest island in the world. (Greenland.)

    What is a strong wind called? (Hurricane.)

    Name the saltiest body of water in the world. (The Dead Sea.)

    The longest mountain range. (Andes)

    The largest peninsula. (Arabian.)

    The highest ocean trench. Name an ocean. (Marianskaya 11022 m in the Pacific Ocean.)

    What is the name of the place, the river does not start? (Source.)

    The largest plain in the world. (Amazon lowland.)

    The place where the river flows into the sea. (Mouth.)

    This optical instrument is used to observe the surface of the ocean from a submarine. (Periscope.)

    What is called the top of the earth? (Pole.)

    He happens by the river and by the clothes. (Sleeve.)

    Capital of Spain? (Madrid.)

    The territory of Russia is washed by 13 seas. Name them. (Baltic, White, Barents, Laptev, Chukchi, Bering. Okhotsk, Caspian, Azov, Black.)

    What more than half of the world's population has never seen, and you see it every day now? (Snow.)

    What is the reason for the change of seasons and the change of day and night on Earth. (With the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and its axis.)

    direction to a specific point. (Azimuth.)

    A large territory, allocated by geographical location and natural conditions, where certain peoples live. (Country.)

    Where is the day equal to the night? (At the equator.)

    Who are these people: Dezhnev, Kruzenshtern, Season. Bellingshausen? (Sailors are travelers.)

    What modern state of Southeast Asia is called, like the capital? (Singapore.)

    What is the lowest layer of the atmosphere? (Troposphere.)

    What is a meteorite? (a - a star burning in the Earth's atmosphere; b - a space rock falling to the Earth.)

    What are astronauts called in America? (Astronauts.)

    On whom did the Moon fall head over heels in K. Chukovsky's poem "Cockroach"? (To the elephant.)

    Which of the terrestrial planets is closest to Earth? (Venus)

    How many constellations are there in modern astronomy? (88)

    With what speed does our Galaxy revolve around its center if the Galactic year is 225 million years? (at a speed of 800 thousand km per hour;

    On what planet were the beds of dried up rivers discovered? (Mars.)

    Which planet has the most moons? (Saturn)

    The smallest continent. (Australia.)

    The largest island. (Greenland.)

    What is the name of the Portuguese navigator who made the first ever circumnavigation of the world, proving that the Earth has the shape of a ball. (Fernand Magellan (1480-1521).)

    Who was the first Russian navigator to circumnavigate the world? (Kruzenshtern.)

    Can the highest mountain in the world sink in the ocean? (Yes. Everest 8848m. Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean 11022 m.)

    Which sea has no shores? (Sargasso, in the Atlantic Ocean.)

    How long will a match burn on the moon. (Only the match head containing oxygen will ignite. Normally, combustion in an airless space cannot occur.)

    When we are closer to the sun in WINTER go in summer? (In winter. At this time of the year, the Earth is at perihelion.)

    Where can you build a house with all sides facing north? (At the south pole.)

    Name five constellations you know. (Lyra. Orion. Gemini, Taurus, Charioteer, etc.)

    Name all the planets in the solar system. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.)

    What constellation is the North Star in? (In the constellation Ursa Major.)

    Name the brightest star in the sky. (Sirius from the constellation "Big Nes".)

    Which planet is known as the "morning (or evening) star"? (Venus.)


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