After high school graduation. How graduations are celebrated around the world


Recently, there has been a clear tendency for modern schoolchildren to refuse to celebrate graduation. Has he become a relic of the past for them and means nothing? We will try to find an answer to this question, and also find out if there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

It is generally accepted that prom This is a special event in the life of every student. So it was under the Soviet regime. Therefore, mothers, fathers, older brothers and sisters with lyrics tell modern graduates about their farewell to school. For most of them, it was a real celebration, which they had been waiting for for many years and for which they had been carefully preparing for several months. Graduation marked not only a farewell to school, but also the beginning of a new stage in life, independence ...

But lately, there has been a clear tendency for modern schoolchildren to refuse to celebrate graduation. Has he become a relic of the past for them and means nothing? We will try to find an answer to this question, and also find out if there are alternative options for the traditional organization of this event.

Prom through the eyes of modern teenagers

On various forums, there are more and more messages from worried parents who write that: "My child is finishing grade 11 and is preparing to enter a university. We all remember our school graduation day, farewell to school, teachers and childhood. This is a ritual. Therefore, I did not even have any doubts whether my child would like to celebrate graduation or not. But then one day my son comes home and declares that they consulted with the guys from the class and decided not to celebrate graduation. I am in a slight shock and confusion, as well as our class teacher, who urgently gathers parents for a meeting. You can guess the agenda without further ado."

Psychologists explain this situation by the desire of adolescents to deny everything traditional and ordinary, as well as the desire to declare themselves and their independence. Modern schoolchildren are no longer the same as their parents, older brothers and sisters were. They live in another age - the age of information technology. Accordingly, their interests and goals in life have changed. Very often, emotions, lyrics, spiritual qualities give way to purposefulness and the desire to achieve high goals. At the same time, many quite consciously consider graduation celebration an outdated tradition that has long outlived its usefulness.

In this case, parents need to speak frankly and heart to heart with the child, find out what is in his soul. Quite often, the child argues his refusal with such reasons that allow him to find an alternative option. For example, sometimes the reluctance to celebrate prom is due to tensions in the class. In this case, a possible solution to the problem would be to invite an outside organizer of the holiday (a specialist from the event management agency), who can offer an option that can bring all teenagers together. Or maybe the kids don't need a grand celebration, they just want to wander through the school corridors, sit in their classroom and chat with their classmates for the last time. In this situation, it is quite possible to get by with a solemn part at school and a collective trip, for example, to bowling.

Today, there is an opinion among schoolchildren that prom at school is boring and not fashionable: everyone will just eat, dance and go home. Even some parents believe that the significance of this holiday today is greatly exaggerated.

But after all, the soul of the holiday is not in the assembly hall and the restaurant, where graduates, their parents and teachers will gather, but in the special atmosphere of the event, positive emotions from communicating with friends, in the ritual farewell to school. In addition, holding an informal part of the graduation in a cafe or restaurant is far from the only option for holding a holiday. Note that even money plays a dominant role in organizing graduation (although nothing worthwhile can be organized without them). The main thing is the desire of graduates and their parents to beautifully and cheerfully organize the last meeting with the school.

Non-standard prom options

In Soviet times, there were no great opportunities for organizing original and memorable celebrations at school. And it was not customary at that time to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, all proms were held according to the standard scenario: girls in ball gowns, boys in formal suits, a solemn line, awarding diplomas, graduation, farewell waltz, dinner with dancing in the dining room, restaurant or cafe and meeting the dawn on the embankment (or in the city center ).

Fortunately, in our time the situation has changed dramatically. Today, there are practically no restrictions on the organization celebrations at school(naturally, within reason), and the abundance in shops and services open up unlimited opportunities for the realization of a bright and unusual holiday. We offer you some of the most popular alternative options for prom among modern schoolchildren.

  • Solemn part of the graduation party on the ship + restaurant.
  • A celebration in an old estate with dressing up, dramatizations and competitions (for example, in Derzhavin's mansion).
  • Graduation in Hollywood style with awards, a photo session, including against the backdrop of a press wall (a special background wall, like at conferences), filming a video about the class and graduation.
  • Prom in the style of "Chicago" (played on the Chicago theme of the 30s of the 20th century) provides themed outfits. The concept of such holiday at school implies the division of the celebrating into groups: parents, teachers - mafia, students - gangster fighters).
  • Celebration in the "Stilyagi" format (a variant of a stylish party).
  • Celebration at the Russian Museum in the Benois Hall (the program includes dinner, entertainment and a boat trip).
  • A country quest game (for example, on the topic of searching for a secret message).
  • Graduation in the format of the game "Mafia" (also includes a walk around the city in a beautiful retro car and a photo session).
  • Holiday on the theme of adventure in a country format. The entertainment program includes not only dancing and music, but also a visit to the shooting gallery, horseback riding, quad biking, fun games, relay races.

It is important to understand that everyone puts their own meaning into the concept of "prom" (it's not for nothing that they say "How many people, so many opinions"). That's why organization of non-standard graduation it is better to entrust to special agencies that not only have the experience and material and technical base for high-quality preparation of the holiday, but also know how to find compromise options that can satisfy the requirements and wishes of everyone. Having an enthusiastic parent among parents will be an additional advantage, as he will be able not only to offer interesting ideas, but also to talk about the characteristics of the class and the relationship between children.

But in any case, no matter how you decide to organize a graduation, magnificent or modest, original or traditional, the last evening at school, with classmates who have been around for 11 years or just with friends, will definitely leave special memories in the soul of every student.

Graduation party is the very first serious holiday in the life of any person, then there will be graduation at the university, a wedding, the birth of a child, etc. But graduation at school is a special feeling and we will all remember them for the rest of our lives.

Therefore, to hold and organize a graduation party is a rather difficult task for teachers. Writing an interesting script is not easy. We will help you solve this problem and offer you a classic script for the solemn part of the prom, we hope that it will help you.

prom script

1st leader.

Dear Colleagues! Dear guests! Today we have another graduation from our school. This event is joyful and sad at the same time. Joyful because a new generation of graduates is entering an independent life, and sad because graduates are saying goodbye to school today.

2nd host

It would seem the same

What day, what year.

But again, as in youth, worries

Next day arrival!

And do not hold back the excitement in the morning,

As if in these weekdays you

Waiting for discoveries, and revelations,

And the fulfillment of dreams.

1st presenter

Any lesson, any meeting

All treasures on earth are more valuable,

After all, every school moment is marked

Its uniqueness.

2nd leader.

School! How much is associated with it! Behind childhood, there are many roads ahead, the choice of your favorite business. How exciting the first feeling of adulthood, independence! Exams are left behind, and with them years of carefree childhood. And ahead ... Ahead is a great life, everything that was dreamed of, everything unknown, exciting.

1st leader.

School! She met you for 11 years, and now the time has come for parting, the last evening within her walls is graduation!

Song being performed:

On the first fine September day

Timidly you entered under the school vaults.

First teacher and first lesson

This is how school years begin.

Wonderful school years

With a book, with friendship, with a song.

How fast they fly

You can't bring them back!

Will they fly by without a trace?

No, no one will ever forget

School years.

1st leader.

Today, from noon until evening, the birds somehow especially sang. The sun, calm, peaceful, slowly descended over a blue and somehow surprisingly wide sky. This memorable quiet summer evening seems to escort you, entering into adulthood, into a clear and calm fate. How I wish it would come true! Good luck, happiness, love, dear graduates!

The word is given to the director of the school ...

The principal of the school speaks.

2nd host

That's behind the year of your studies.

And the first rise, and the first fall ...

And tonight we wanted to

Do you remember every moment

As long as you and your class are still around...

And there is a long difficult road ahead.

But there is an opportunity with a kind, gentle look

To ask for forgiveness ... for something!

1st presenter

May this evening before you again

The moments of the first meeting are passing by,

First friend and first love...

Everything is performed on this farewell evening.

2nd leader.

Much is already in the past for you: the last school bell, and a lucky ticket to the final exams. Many things come to mind in these moments. When you are 17, you can safely say: 11 years school was your life. The first teacher led you by the hand into the world of knowledge. Will you ever forget her wise smile and kind hands?

The word is given to congratulate the first teacher.

Graduate (addressing the first teacher) ... (name, patronymic),

Poems for the first teacher:

Did you recognize us? look,

Here are your first graders!

We wore large satchels,

Rulers, pens and notebooks.

We remember you with love

So dear, so familiar

As a mother, you were for all of us,

And we felt at home with you.

Thank you, earth bow

Accept from all graduates

And just as carefully, loving

Teach your students.

We will remember you like this

And we can't change our memory

Graduates now in front of you

They want to bend their knees.

1st leader.

And now some statistics. During the years of study, graduates received 3333 "twos", 3331 "tens", 156 certificates of honor, 27 glasses were broken, 187 awards were won at olympiads and in sports competitions ... But the amount of effort expended by teachers, the amount of kindness and patience cannot be counted !

2nd leader.

Dear graduates! For 11 years, teachers have been putting grades in your diaries. Today we give you the opportunity to evaluate your knowledge of your favorite subjects yourself (offers to get numbers cut out of cardboard from the bag without looking).

Congratulations, dear graduates! May all the grades that you still receive in life be only excellent!

1st leader.

And now a little history. The creative activity of the heroes of today's celebration began in ... the year with the comprehension of the basics of reading, counting, spelling. By the end of the year, the basics were comprehended, as evidenced by the handwritten inscription made on the primer by one of the then first-graders: "Vovka is a fool." Who this mysterious Vovka was, it was not possible to find out.

2nd leader.

Having mastered the rules of grammar, future geniuses enthusiastically took up their application. The school carefully keeps a table with a rock ... excuse me, a desktop drawing and an unforgettable inscription: "Sashka + Lenka = Love." Who this Love was remains unknown.

1st leader.

During the excavations, a large amount of used chewing gum was found, and most of it was on the clothes of teachers. Found a lot of walking boots that ran away from their owners, and a lot of invisibility hats, never found by their parents. Later, unidentified flying objects began to appear: balls, bricks, etc. The young geniuses successfully passed on their skills and abilities to the next generations of schoolchildren.

2nd leader.

11 "A", 11 "B" ... What do these numbers and letters mean to you sitting here? I'm sure a lot. Because the school class is not just a group of students, it is a spiritual brotherhood of people who have become family, for whom someone's misfortune becomes common, but also joy is one for all. Life is so amazingly arranged: today they are still nearby - graduates of the school, they are still classmates; Tomorrow they will part ways. But today's joy, which is one for all, will be remembered for a long time.

1st leader.

11 "A"! We are now ready to rejoice for you, unique 11 "A". But first you have to tell a little about yourself. And you do it with applause. I will name epithets, and you, if they correspond to the characteristics of your class, will clap. So your class:






Well, you have a great class! There is a song for you.

The song sounds.

2nd leader.

11 "B"! And now 11 "B" class will tell a little about itself. This is the class




very modest,

worthy of all praise.

Wonderful 11 ​​"B", a song sounds for you.

The song sounds.

1st leader. You learned that friendship is the most valuable thing when you quarreled with your desk mate... You used to copy homework from a classmate, and when you grew up, you waited for advice from him when it was bad in life. The first book you read is also a memory from your school days.

Today you say goodbye to school, but in your memory you will remember the school years dear to the heart of everyone, your native school, your native teachers.

Everything was: both roads and hardships,

And the light of the sun, and the light of beloved eyes ...

I look back on the years

And I remember you with fondness...

I took an example from you, went for advice.

The reward was the look of your living eyes,

You gave me so much warmth and light,

That's enough to warm ten people.

You give your life to great work,

You wake up a dream in children's souls.

Thank you for living

For your deeds and thoughts beauty!

2nd leader.

The word is given to class teachers.

Class leaders speak.


I will never be a schoolgirl again.

Don't rush to class.

Mischievous and sad bell

My last bell rang.

It rang, but in the soul there is confusion,

The girls are in tears. Why?

How we've been waiting for this moment

So many years of preparation for it!

So many years! From such first-graders

We grew and gained strength.

And so much older today

Became those who taught us good!

The gray strands are powdered,

A new wrinkle has fallen...

Smart, beautiful, good,

Strict my teachers!

I give you spring flowers

All the love that is in my heart.

In life until the last moment

In unpaid I owe you.

It is difficult to talk about how we feel when we say goodbye to school. I want to find kind words for everyone.

Graduates congratulate parents.

Congratulations and words of gratitude for parents at graduation


If the son is first everywhere,

The stars from the sky are easily enough -

It's all parental nerves

The result is pushed to him.

If a daughter grows up to others for joy,

Clever, athlete and artist,

So this is what mom did.

She was both a mentor and a close friend.

Here they are, darling children:

Your boys and your girls

Your children, your bloodlines.

There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.

How many sleepless nights and days

Given to daughters and sons!

How many difficult and long years

Given to daughters and sons!


Who loved children, caressed,

Who didn't sleep at night

Who worried about them

And sometimes strict?

Patient day by day

He brought them up ... with a belt?

Helped the teacher?

Who is this? Parents!

1st leader. A word to parents of graduates.

Parents of graduates are speaking. Then the Magister appears in a robe.

I am a messenger from the Age of Enlightenment!

Hello young talents,

I've come to see for myself

The fact that the fire of knowledge is not extinguished!

And being seriously concerned

The fate of science in the current conditions,

I intend to take an oath from the new converts.

Do you swear, O undersized tribe,

Achieve unprecedented success in work,

Do you swear not to break off communication

With school, what knowledge gave you?

Do you swear, leaving from now on

In this sad hour, the abode of enlightenment,

Do not skip all the knowledge and experience,

Received in these walls?

Graduates answer: “We swear!”

Do you swear, O young fools,

Rushing without looking back into the sea of ​​life,

Do not forget in the future alma mater,

And most importantly, her teachers?

Graduates answer: “We swear!”

Do you swear, listening to foreigners,

With ungodly words from now on

Mighty our language does not clog?

Graduates answer: “We swear!”

And if luck befalls you,

Do you swear, having become a thousand times richer,

Latest shirt from Versace

You give this monastery here?

Graduates answer: “We swear!”

Do you swear, O young tribe,

Do not consume a single drop of alcohol

And tobacco from today?

Graduates answer: “We swear!”

My friends! Hear today

You are the last call. Accept

From now on, good luck!

May the peaks of knowledge submit to you,

Storm them without fear - I wish you ...

1st presenter

We wish you strength, inspiration,

Fewer failures and tears.

And in our difficult age - more patience!

And the fulfillment of everyone's dreams and dreams!

So that you find a job to your liking!

To meet true love!

2nd host

Forward, graduates, step boldly,

We wish you happiness and success again!

Thanks to the wave of anti-corruption rallies that began in March this year, schoolchildren have now become perhaps the most important newsmakers: at a protest rally in Tomsk with a fiery speech a fifth grader spoke, a schoolboy from Vladikavkaz came to the E center because of a comment on VKontakte, a school director from the Bryansk region argued with students about geopolitics. The Village went to the citywide graduation in Gorky Park to anonymously talk with yesterday's schoolchildren about the agenda: about rallies, video bloggers and prohibition on the main day of the Moscow graduate.


The citywide graduation took place on the night from Friday to Saturday: a disco with the participation of Basta and Black Star label signers lasted until six in the morning. Alcohol during the farewell to the school was strictly prohibited, before the start of the holiday, the park, closed to the public, was searched several times: “The last check was at 18:00 today. Everyone who expects that some surprises could have been left here in advance - they are no longer here today. There are no problems to spend this evening in Gorky Park today in a fun and interesting way, ”Alexander Kibovsky, head of the Moscow Department of Culture, reported before the graduation ceremony.

In order to get to the territory of Gorky Park, I had to get accreditation, bypass several barricades, listen to the banter of bored riot police (“I don’t have such a beautiful bracelet”), obediently defend the briefing of a friendly employee of the park’s PR service (“You downloaded the application Graduation-2017 ?”) and finally it’s embarrassing to walk along the red carpet occupied by photographers all alone. Inside the park, a military band was waiting for me, which competed in volume with a straight barrel rumbling from the stage, volunteers with flags, clowns on stilts and, remembered from the recent Russia Day, knights with swords fighting to the sounds of the button accordion. Graduates were just starting to arrive. They were divided into groups, passed along the red carpet in portions and immediately led to a small stage where a forced interview took place: “So, what school do you represent?”

Deepening inside the still empty park, I find two schoolchildren in neat suits. Danila is interested in IT and does not want to “just sit in a closed room and stupidly earn money”, Andrey is going to enter a prestigious technical university, but he is already working - he launches airships at Dynamo Moscow hockey matches. I start talking about Navalny. "He is the best. We are looking forward to the rallies! No, of course, this is sarcasm, - Danila laughs. - We are apolitical. We know the guys who went. It’s a useless exercise, you can’t change anything anyway.”

I'm shifting the conversation to bloggers. I remember Sasha Spielberg, who recently spoke in the State Duma. "It is not normal. The country is already in a mess, why make it worse?” Daniel perks up. “Bloggers do not have any education, why do they climb into the Duma?” - adds his friend. “Well, about education, I would argue - there, Wylsacom graduated from the law faculty,” Danila replies. "So what? Khovansky won, too, was finishing something! Andrey sums up. At first, classmates refuse to answer questions about alcohol. I explain that the interview is anonymous. “Well, of course, we will drink, it’s a holiday. Is alcohol prohibited? How to say. In general, yes, but when we go for a walk further, in this regard it will become easier. And if there was an opportunity to carry it here, we would, of course, carry it. ”


It starts to get dark. I return to the main entrance, trying to go around the main stage. Buses continue to pull up to the park. Schoolchildren are noisily unloaded and for some reason are transferred to a limousine clumsily painted with a pink spray can. I run into three smiling graduates - Gleb, Ira and Katya. “Insanely waiting for Yegor Creed and Mot! And Basta is a serious uncle, but his songs are sad, - Ira rejoices. - It's cool that they offered us to vote and make a choice. They voted for Mot - he is a baby doll. "Drink? And where? We were searched. In general, we are already ready, ”friends laugh.

They watch bloggers with pleasure, but they are dissatisfied with the performance of Sasha Spielberg: “They have no place in the State Duma. Sasha Spielberg bathing in chips is not cool. She performed just awful.” Navalny also does not inspire enthusiasm: “None of our people went to rallies, this is absurd. Everything in the world is unfair, so even if I went and was not allowed to take the exam the next day, what's the point? In general, there are other problems: did they really think about children when they did the exam? We have a fairly strong, specialized class, but they failed everyone. Everyone knows mathematics well, but they wrote 45–50 points as best as they could. What is there: our teachers would not have passed the exam.

Nearby are two strong graduates - Ivan and Nikita. Vanya is wearing the obligatory white shirt and ribbon, but Nikita came to the prom in a large jacket and Adidas sneakers. Concerts? If something happens, then let's go,” Nikita squints. “We want bass! - his friend adds in a hollow bass. - Do you know "Slow"? I would like to listen to such a track. “What are we interested in? Yes so. Well, what can we be interested in ... ”- the graduate in sneakers argues. “Sport! - rescues his friend. - What? Everyone! He is a hockey player and I am a boxer. I try to defuse the situation: "Guys, this is an anonymous interview." Graduates exhale: “Oh, yes, they would swell already. But we will not be in the park: they are scurrying around. In general, it was possible to carry, but conscience began to play. Let's go for a walk in the courtyards of Moscow, to the district.


“The ice is melting” is playing for the third time in the evening, the DJ turns off the sound on the chorus, the schoolchildren happily pick up. The host announces a break: “Thank you guys! Well, we continue to raise the degree ... uh, musical degree! I'm walking along the waterfront. The path to the Neskuchny Garden is blocked, I'm coming to a dead end. I meet Dima, a freckled, curly-haired graduate in a bow tie. “I'm waiting for Basta's concert. The rest is not necessary. Lineup is not relevant for young people - why call Lazarev in 2017? Dima picks up the conversation about politics with pleasure: he is going to enter the Moscow State University for political science and even went to the rally on June 12. “My friend was then detained - they just took him from the crowd and took him to a paddy wagon. Fortunately or unfortunately, at that moment I moved away a little, so I remained at large and calmly wrote exams. The desire to go to rallies has not disappeared, but why? Our constitution guarantees the right to calmly go out into the street.” The flushed graduate admits: “Well, of course, we have already drunk. It's simple: you take Coca-Cola, you add everything else there.

It's already dark in the park. I meet Dasha and Katya - girlfriends in chokers. “Here video bloggers will congratulate us - I won’t go to them, no! I don't watch them and generally consider them stupid people. The dumber their videos are, the more popular they are. This is wrong: people are deprived of values! They are already speaking in the State Duma - is this generally normal? - Dasha is indignant. Katya picks up: “And who listens to Glucose? We're not listening." Both graduates are apolitical, and they are not going to drink today: “I want to remember this day. In general, we are for a healthy lifestyle.”

Near the volleyball court sit two teenagers in style: one in a yellow The North Face and Air Max jacket, the other in a snapback and ripped jeans through which tattoos show through. “Do you want to talk about Navalny? Won't they take us? friends laugh. - We have a positive attitude towards him. Now they act not according to the Constitution in the country. Why the hell is she even needed?” I ask if they have heard about the rallies. “Of course you heard. My brother went there. He says that there were a lot of people and these people were, let’s say, confident.”

The guys are waiting for the performances of Basta, Mot and Creed. Then they'll drive to the club in Red October, "next to Gypsy." “Well, of course, we drank a little today, graduation. This year they're being hard at work - it's sad. But in any case, you can always have fun without alcohol,” they say.

Graduation balls in kindergartens and schools have long become an indispensable ritual for children and their parents. A wonderful stage of transition from one age group to another, more adult, is always celebrated brightly, spectacularly, significantly.

Unfortunately, in various economic categories of the population of our country, these graduation balls are held in different ways. First of all, of course, this is due to the budgets invested by parents and partly by educational institutions themselves on this holiday.

It is no secret that the market is divided into segments, and in the organization of graduation balls, it has its own distinctive features in different segments.

Sergei Knyazev, organizer of corporate and private events, comments:

Budgets in the "economy" segment, as a rule, are no more than 1,500 - 3,000 rubles per graduate. In the "business" segment, budgets from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles for everyone who will celebrate their graduation. In the premium segment, graduates spend from 15,000 rubles to 50,000 and more.

It should be noted that graduation balls in 2015 for the most part will be more modest than in the previous two years.

In the "economy" segment, the most severe fall in budgets, which are now close to the lower limit of 1,500 rubles per graduate.

In the business segment, there are also budget cuts, but only in terms of inviting pop stars to prom programs.

There are almost no changes in the premium segment.

The location of the graduation ball is, as a rule, a vivid illustration of the state of affairs in this category of national holidays. Many graduation balls in the "economy" segment are traditionally celebrated in the school's assembly hall, where only the solemn part takes place, and after schoolchildren are provided with buses to drive around the city and continue the holiday with walks and photo sessions in parks, in places of national glory (near monuments), and sometimes on boats along the river.

In the premium segment, tables are an example of haute cuisine, often prepared by a Michelin-starred chef.

In the “business” segment, after the solemn part at the school, graduates go for a photo shoot to the monuments of glory or to the sightseeing platforms of the city, and then to restaurants or banquet ships (motor ships-restaurants), where teachers and parents are waiting for them with a prepared program of a magnificent ball. Restaurants and banquet halls for proms in this segment are selected with an emphasis on the status and prestige of the place or brand of the institution.

In the premium segment, the most expensive and most closed venues are most often chosen for the prom. Often these are country closed boarding houses, yacht clubs or restored old estates with luxurious infrastructure.

More than anything else, prom treats characterize this or that segment. So, for example, in the “economy” segment, it either comes down to snacks in small lunch boxes, which are given to graduates on the road from school to places of outdoor festivities, or to a minimal buffet after the official part in schools.

The tables in the "business" segment are served in a completely different way, where the banquet includes all the traditional ingredients - from cold appetizers to an elegant birthday cake.

In the premium segment, tables are an example of haute cuisine, often prepared by a Michelin-starred chef. The cake here is always fantastically large and wonderfully beautiful.

Alcoholic drinks at graduation balls are everywhere only for adults (teachers and parents). The exception is a small amount of champagne for high school graduates. Of course, the brands of sparkling wines in different segments are different.

At all graduation balls, they try to prepare an art program for the official part and the informal part. However, in most schools in the country, this program is being prepared by school amateur performances, using numbers of talented schoolchildren and teachers in it. Only in the "business" and "premium" segments is the art program worthy of overshadowing the best TV shows and concerts organized on significant days for the country. Despite the fact that this year they refuse to perform at the balls of pop stars, a huge number of professional artists are involved in bright thematic or classic show programs for graduates. So, for example, in several private colleges, balls are prepared for graduates in the style of Natasha Rostova - with candelabra, butlers in historical costumes, a live symphony orchestra and other attributes of that romantic era. In several more private schools, the Ball will be held in a concept that reflects the teaching orientation of these schools: "Math Ball", "Chemistry Ball", "Diplomatic Ball". And in one elite kindergarten for little graduates there will be a "Magic Ball" based on the book about Harry Potter.

Egor Dobrogorsky, the organizer of corporate events, comments:

Any event, be it corporate or private, can be held without the participation of star guests. Stars can be invited to a brand presentation or opening ceremony, where the status of the event is raised with the help of media people.

As a rule, the graduation party is organized by the forces and means of the parents, and not everyone is ready to pay a tidy sum for a half-hour performance by a youth idol. Last year, the favorite at all graduations was the singer Nyusha, this year the project of Konstantin Meladze MBAND, the IOWA group.

Above all, the prom should demonstrate to parents and teachers what their children have learned in 11 years of schooling. A star guest can become an addition, but in no case should it be the main focus of the holiday. Still, graduation is not a concert. Instead of one star, you can invite several interesting and no less talented musical groups.

Children are a very thin audience, therefore, when organizing a prom, it is imperative to balance the interests of graduates: musical preferences, hobbies, clothing style, etc. Any properly selected detail during preparation can significantly affect the outcome of the entire event.

Or you can arrange a graduation in the style of a talent contest, where each of the graduates will perform with a creative number: someone sings well, someone waltzes well. An entertaining show program can be filled with interesting master classes, thematic competitions, etc.

An alumni event can be organized in the format of a social reception or a film award ceremony. Red carpet, photographers, the competition for the most beautiful dress among graduates, the competition for the best dance, the choice of the king and queen of the school ball, etc.

The location of the prom depends on the concept of the event. If this is a secular reception or a film award, loft venues, exhibition halls, and creative spaces are suitable.

A festive banquet depends both on the budget and on the concept of the event. For a graduation party, it is most appropriate to make a buffet with light snacks. And at the end of the evening, take out a birthday cake.

Graduation from a school, college, lyceum, gymnasium is a milestone of extreme importance, a transition to a new stage in life, or rather, as they say, entry into adulthood. And the graduation party becomes the festive final chord of the long school stage. They prepare for it carefully, starting with festive clothes and ending with the organization of the second day of the celebration.

In different countries of the world, of course, they celebrate this day in different ways, they have a great influence on the way of celebrating traditions bringing national color to this event. Let's see how graduations are held in other countries of the world, let's go ...

1. In Australia schoolchildren celebrate the end of the tenth and twelfth grade. By tradition, it is supposed to arrive at the prom in unusual vehicles. This is not about luxury cars. Graduates have to put a lot of imagination to surprise their classmates. Australian graduates can come to the ball in a fire engine, a tractor or even a wheelbarrow.

2. in South Africa the end of the academic year is at the end of the calendar year. The month of graduation ceremonies is November. Since schooling is still exotic for Aboriginal people in some areas, a whole family with old men and babies often comes to the graduation party, in their ethnic costumes.

3. In Sweden Prom begins with a celebratory champagne breakfast. Along with each graduate (for girls it is a white dress, and for boys - a suit) a white hat is required, on the lining of which everyone can sign as a keepsake. At the end of the official part at school, graduates go outside and throw these hats into the air. After that, yesterday's schoolchildren get into cars with an open body, decorated with birch branches, turn on loud music and drive around the city. The holiday ends at home, where the guys invite many guests. At the same time, for young Swedes, a graduation party is also an occasion to receive practical gifts that are given to them by invited guests.

4. In Norway graduates dress up in funny overalls of different colors depending on their future specialty. So red overalls denote economic specialties, blue - for those who will enter the university.

5. In Indian tradition, the main event of the prom is the speech of the headmaster. At the same time, each student receives a small printed booklet, which contains addresses, dates of birth and small comments about each of the graduates. A special "literary committee" is engaged in compiling the booklet.

6. In Poland instead of prom celebrate a holiday stodniowka, which takes place one hundred days before graduation. The celebration begins with an obligatory polonaise dance, the first couple of which are the principal of the school with one of the graduates. After that, the real fun begins with dancing and singing. If the holiday is celebrated at school, then graduates compete in invention and ingenuity to decorate the hall. It is no less popular among Polish schoolchildren to celebrate this event in restaurants, pubs and clubs. There is a dress code: for boys, these are three-piece suits or even tuxedos, and for girls, evening dresses.

7. Graduation in America one of the most romantic. Preparation for the ball begins in advance. At the beginning of the last academic year, the graduating class elects the members of the organizing committee, which will come up with the theme of the ball (for example, "Hollywood" or "Moonlit Night"), decoration of the hall, contests. Graduates begin to think about the dress, hairstyle, makeup, bouquets and accessories. This event turns out to be no less troublesome for young people, because it is supposed to come to the prom in a limousine, it is also necessary to purchase a flower, which he will attach to the dress of the girl he will accompany. American tradition, the girl cannot come to the ball without a companion. He must come for her by car ( most often it is a limousine), give flowers, take them to the place of celebration and take care of the whole evening. Violation of this law threatens with public censure. At the same time, you can invite to the ball not only one of your classmates, but also from elementary grades or the university. The main condition is that the inviter himself must be a graduate. If a couple could not be found, graduates come in groups of several people. The school part of the ball ends choice of King and Queen, which, as a rule, become the most popular and beautiful graduates. After that, all graduates go to restaurants or hotels, where they continue to celebrate until the morning. Two days later, graduates receive certificates.

Do you remember your graduation party...? Of course, not a single person will forget such a grandiose event in his life!

And for a bonus, watch the thematic clip of Bast - Graduation (2016), maybe remember your school love ...

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