The last words of the dying before death. dying words


Collection of the last words of the dying from a member of the resuscitation team

“If you put your hand on the pulse, you will feel the countdown, which turned on at the moment of your birth. You will surely die. All your life, if you're not dumb, you're talking - commenting on yourself. You speak words, words about words... Someday, what you say will be your last word, your last comment. Below are the last words of others that I listened to during my five years in the hospital. At first I began to write them down in a notebook so as not to forget. Then I realized that I remember forever and stopped writing. At first, when I stopped working in the hospital, I regretted that such things are now extremely rare to hear. Only then I realized that the last words can be heard from living people. It’s enough just to listen more closely and understand that most of them will also not say anything else.”

“Wash the currant, son, it’s just from the garden ...” A. 79 years old (This was the first entry in my notebook, the first thing I heard when I was still a nurse. I went to wash the currant, and when I returned, my grandmother already died of a heart attack with the same expression I left her with.)

“But he is still more intelligent than you...” V. 47 years old (An elderly, very rich Ayzerbajan woman who threw a tantrum that she wants to see her son. They were given ten minutes to talk, and when I came to escort him out of the department, then he heard how this was the last thing she said to him. After he left, she looked quite angrily at everyone, did not talk to anyone, and an hour later she died as a result of cardiac arrest.)

“Did you ... eat, ... eat? What did you,, Did you ... eat, ... eat? E. 47 years old (Probably also a locksmith. Or a carpenter. In short, some drunkard with a rare disease for science. His heart stopped when he, standing naked on the marble floor, urinated on the floor. He fell, we began to shift him on the bed, on weight trying to massage the heart. At this time, gasping for breath, he asked us his "last questions".)

“Potassium ...” Y. 34 years old (Potassium was the cause of his death. The nurse did not set the speed of the dropper and the lightning-fast administration of potassium caused a cardiac arrest. Apparently, he felt it, because when I ran into the hall at the signal of the devices, he raised index finger and pointing at the empty jar told me what it was in. This, by the way, was the only case of a potassium overdose of several dozen in my practice, which resulted in death.)

“How aware are you of what you are doing. Write to me on a piece of paper how much you are aware of what you are doing now ... "J., 53 years old (J. was a hydraulic engineer. He suffered from hypochondriacal delirium, asking everyone and everything about the mechanism of action of each pill and" why it itches here, but it pricks here". He asked the doctors to sign in his notebook for each injection. To be honest, he died because of the nurse's sloppiness, either she mixed up the cardiotonic, or his dose ... I don’t remember. I only remember what he said at the end.)

“It hurts a lot here!” Z., 24 years old (This young man had one of the “youngest” heart attacks in Moscow. He constantly asked only “pee-and-be...” and spoke, putting his hand on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, that he was very hurt. His mother said that he was very stressed. Three days later, the "youngest" death from a myocardial infarction was registered. He died repeating these words ...)

"I want to go home". I. 8 years old (A girl who spoke only these two words for two weeks after the operation on the liver. She died on my duty.)

“Larisa, Lara, Larisa...” M. 45 years old (M. had a repeated extensive myocardial infarction. He was dying and agonized for three days, all the while holding on to his wedding ring with the fingers of his other hand and repeating the name of his wife. When he died, I took off this ring to give to her.)

“Everything?.. Yes?.. Everything?.. Everything?.. Yes?.. Everything?.. Yes?..” T., 56 years old At that moment, ventricular fibrillation began and he fell to the floor. We, the whole shift, put him on the bed. Cardiac arrest began, someone began to "pump" ... He, which is difficult to explain, remained conscious. For each pressing of the chest, on exhaling, he squeezed out one of these questions. Nobody answered him. This went on for about ten seconds.)

“When I flew I saw white lights, however, drink this one yourself when your daughter comes.” U. 57 years old (In fact, it was a military pilot Belousov. A charming, handsome and very strong-willed uncle. With a complication, he lay on artificial lung ventilation for four months until he died of sepsis. These are not words - because of a tracheostomy, he did not could speak - this is his last note, which he wrote in huge letters, reminiscent of the scribbles of a preschooler. He tried to explain to me three times about the white lights, but, unfortunately, I did not understand anything. “Drink yourself,” - about the “miraculous "The cadaveric medicine of the mummy, with which he was conscientiously soldered at the insistence of his brother, also, by the way, a military pilot. I was on duty with Belousov for a month and a half, on duty fifteen in a row. I really liked him, really wanted him to recover. He died at night and I incredibly I was upset. In the morning, leaving work, I ran into his daughter at the door of the department. She knew me and asked with a smile: "How is he there? I brought him baby puree, mineral water, honey ..." I frowned, deliberately rude proborm said something about being tired after a sleepless night, and quickly ran into the elevator. They say she sat at the entrance for two hours, no one dared to tell her ...)

"Come to me! I will share with you the buzz! F. 19 years old (I didn’t hear this. A friend of mine, whom I met when he worked as a salesman in a music store, heard this. These words belong to his girlfriend, who died a few minutes later from a heroin overdose. At his house, in his bed. Later, I asked him if he remembered her last words. "Of course, I will never forget them!" He answered and shared with me.)

Last words of famous people

"It's Done" - Jesus

At the beginning of the 19th century, the granddaughter of the famous Japanese warrior Shingen, one of the most beautiful girls in Japan, a subtle poetess, a favorite of the Empress, wanted to learn Zen. Several well-known masters refused her because of her beauty. Master Hakou said, "Your beauty will be the source of all problems." Then she burned her face with a red-hot iron and became Hakou's apprentice. She took the name Rionen, which means "clearly understand". Just before her death, she wrote a short poem: Sixty-six times these eyes could admire autumn. Ask nothing. Listen to the hum of the pines in complete calm.

Winston Churchill was very tired of life towards the end, and his last words were: "How I'm tired of all this."

Oscar Wilde died in a room with tasteless wallpaper. The approaching death did not change his attitude to life. After the words: “Killer coloring! One of us will have to leave here,” he left.

Alexandre Dumas: “So I won’t know how it will end.”

Anton Chekhov died in the German resort town of Badenweiler. A German doctor treated him to champagne (according to the old German medical tradition, a doctor who has diagnosed his colleague with a fatal diagnosis treats a dying man to champagne). Chekhov said "Ich sterbe", drank his glass to the bottom, and said: "I haven't drunk champagne for a long time."

Mikhail Zoshchenko: Leave me alone.

“Well, why are you crying? Did you think I was immortal? - "Sun King" Louis XIV

Before his death, Balzac remembered one of his literary heroes, the experienced physician Bianchon, and said: "He would have saved me."

Leonardo da Vinci: “I insulted God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!

Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her and said, "I'm ready, boys."

One of the cinematographer brothers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumiere: "My film is running out."

American businessman Abrahim Hewitt tore off the mask of the oxygen machine and said: “Leave it! I'm already dead..."

The famous English surgeon Joseph Green, as a medical habit, measured his pulse. "The pulse is gone," he said.

The famous English director Noel Howard, feeling that he was dying, said: “Good night, my dears. See you tomorrow".

Below are the last words of ordinary people, not burdened with genius and fame =)

the words of a chemistry student: “Professor, believe me, this is a really interesting reaction ...”

parachutist's words: "I wonder who stole mine?"

the words of the airbus crew: "Look, the light is flashing ... Okay, figs with her."

the painter's words: "Of course, the scaffolding will hold up!"

the words of the astronaut: “No, everything is in order. I have enough air for another thirty minutes.

the words of a recruit with a grenade: “How far do you say I should count?”

truck driver's words: "Those old bridges will last forever!"

the words of the factory canteen cook: "Something is suspiciously quiet in the dining room."

the words of the race car driver: “I wonder if the mechanic got wind that I slept with his wife?”

the words of the Christmas goose: "Oh, holy birth ..."

the doorkeeper's words: "Only over my corpse."

the words of the whaler: "So, now we have him on the hook!"

the night watchman's words: "Who's there?"

the words of the computer: “Are you sure? »

photojournalist's words: "It will be a sensational shot!"

diver's words: "Don't moray eels bite?"

the words of a drinking buddy: "Oh ... crashed ..."

skier's words: “What other avalanche? She left last week."

the words of a physical education teacher: “All spears and cores - to me!”

diner owner's words: "Did you like it?"

the words of the hero: “What help!? Yes, there are only three of them ... "

the words of the driver "Oka": "Well, here I'll slip in no time, garbage!"

the words of a motorist: "Tomorrow I'll drive up to check the brakes ..."

the words of the executioner: “The noose is tight? No problem, I'll check right now ... "

the words of two lion tamers: “How? I thought YOU fed them!?!”

the words of the son of the president: “Dad, what is this red button for?”

the words of the policeman: “Six shots. He's used up all his ammo..."

the words of the cyclist: “So, here the Volga is inferior to us ...”

the words of the captain of the submarine: "It is urgent to ventilate here!"

the words of a pedestrian: "Come on, we're green!"

the words of the bailiff: "... the gun will also be confiscated!"

the words of a railway worker: “Do not be afraid, this train will pass along the neighboring track!”

the words of the cheetah hunter: "Hmm, and he is approaching quite quickly ..."

the words of the driver's wife: "Drive out, it's free on the right!"

the words of the excavator driver: “What kind of cylinder did we scrape? Let's see..."

the words of the mountaineering instructor: “Yes, my! For the fifth time I show: truly reliable knots are tied like this ... "

the words of a car mechanic: "Lower the platform a little ..."

the words of a fugitive convict: “Now we have fixed the rope well.”

the words of an electrician: "They should already turn off ..."

words of a biologist: “This snake is known to us. Its venom is not dangerous to humans.

sapper's words: “That's it. Exactly red. Cut red!

the words of the driver: "If this pig does not switch to the near one, I will not switch too!"

the words of the pizza delivery man: "You have a wonderful dog ..."

bungee jumper's words: "Beauty-ah-ah-ah ........!!!"

the words of a chemist: “And if we heat it up a little ...?”

roofer's words: "Not a breeze today..."

the words of the detective: "The case is simple: the killer is you!"

words of a diabetic: "Was that sugar?"

wife's words: "The husband will return only in the morning .."

husband's words: "Well .. dear ... you're not jealous of me ..."

the words of the night thief: “Let's go through here. Their Doberman's chain doesn't reach here."

the words of the inventor: "So, let's start testing ..."

the words of the auto-instructor: “Okay, now try it yourself ...”

the words of an examiner in a driving school: “Park here on the embankment!”

the words of the platoon commander: “Yes, there is not a single living soul within a radius of 10 kilometers ....”

the words of the butcher: “Lech, throw me that knife!”

the words of the crew commander: "In a few minutes we will land in accordance with the schedule."

the words of the rest of the experts: “Don’t interfere, I know what I’m doing!”

The last words of the dying have always been treated with special trepidation. What does a person who is on the verge between two worlds feel and what does he see?... The last words of the great people were simple, mysterious, strange. Someone expressed their greatest regret, and someone found the strength to joke. What did Genghis Khan, Byron and Chekhov say before they died?

The last phrase of Emperor Caesar went down in history slightly distorted. We all know that Caesar allegedly said: "And you, Brutus?". In fact, judging by the surviving texts of historians, this phrase could sound a little different - it did not show indignation, but rather regret. They say that the emperor said to Mark Brutus, who rushed at him: "And you, my child? ..."

The last words of Alexander the Great were prophetic, the ruler was not without reason known as an excellent strategist. Dying of malaria, Macedonsky said: "I see there will be big competitions on my grave." And so it happened: the great empire he built was literally torn to pieces in internecine wars.

"Batu will continue my victories, and the Mongol hand will stretch over the universe," Genghis Khan said on his deathbed. The last words of Martin Luther King were: "God, how painful and scary it is to go to another world." "Well, I went to bed," said George Gordon Byorn, after which he fell asleep forever. According to another version, before his death, the poet exclaimed: "My sister! My child ... Poor Greece! ... I gave her time, fortune, health ... And now I give her my life." As you know, the rebellious poet spent the last year of his life helping the Greeks in the liberation struggle against the Ottoman Empire. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was dying of consumption in a hotel in the German resort town of Badenweiler. His attending physician felt that Chekhov's death was near. According to an old German tradition, a doctor who has made a fatal diagnosis to his colleague treats the dying man to champagne. "Ich sterbe!" ("I'm dying!") - said Chekhov and drank the glass of champagne served to him to the bottom.

"Hope! ... Hope! Hope! ... Damned!" - Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky shouted before his death. Perhaps the composer was delirious, or perhaps desperately clinging to life. "So what's the answer?" asked the American writer Gertrude Stein philosophically as she was wheeled into the operating room. Stein was dying of cancer, from which her mother had previously died. Receiving no answer, she asked again:

"What then is the question?" She never woke up from the anesthesia. Peter the Great was dying unconscious. Once, having come to his senses, the sovereign took the stylus and began to scratch with an effort: "Give everything back ...". But to whom and what - the sovereign did not have time to explain. The monarch ordered to call his beloved daughter Anna, but was unable to say anything to her. The next day, at the beginning of the sixth hour of the morning, the emperor opened his eyes and whispered a prayer. Those were his last words. It is also known about the dying suffering of King Henry VIII of England. "The crown is gone, the glory is gone, the soul is gone!" exclaimed the dying monarch. Vaslav Nijinsky,

Anatole France and Garibaldi before their death whispered the same word: "Mother!". Marie Antoinette behaved like a real queen before her execution. Climbing the guillotine on the stairs, she accidentally stepped on the executioner's foot. Her last words were: "Excuse me, monsieur, I didn't do it on purpose." Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she rose on pillows and threateningly asked: "Am I still alive ?!" But before the doctors had time to be frightened, the situation "corrected" - the ruler breathed her last.

They say that Grand Duke Mikhail Romanov, the brother of the last emperor, before his execution gave his boots to the executioners with the words: "Use, guys, after all, they are royal." The famous spy, dancer and courtesan Mata Hari blew a kiss to the soldiers aiming at her with playful words: "I'm ready, boys!" Dying, Balzac remembered one of the characters in his stories, the experienced doctor Bianchon. "He would have saved me," the great writer sighed. The English historian Thomas Carlyle calmly said: "So this is what this death is like!" The composer Edvard Grieg turned out to be just as cold-blooded.

"Well, what if it's unavoidable," he said. It is believed that the last words of Ludwig van Beethoven were: "Applause, friends, the comedy is over." True, some biographers cite other words of the great composer: "I feel as if up to this point I have written only a few notes." If the latter fact is true, then Beethoven was not the only great man who, before his death, lamented how little he had done. They say that, dying, Leonardo da Vinci exclaimed in despair: "I insulted God and people! My works have not reached the height to which I aspired!"

One of the famous cinematographer brothers, 92-year-old Auguste Lumiere said: "My film is running out." "Dying is boring," Somerset Maugham quipped at last. "Don't ever do it!" Dying in the town of Bougival near Paris, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev said something strange: "Farewell, my darlings, my whitish ones ...".

The French artist Antoine Watteau was horrified: "Take this cross away from me! How could Christ be depicted so badly!" - and with these words he died. The poet Felix Arver, hearing a nurse say to someone: "This is at the end of the corridor," moaned with his last strength: "Not a corridor, but a corridor!" - and died. Oscar Wilde, who was dying in a hotel room, looked longingly at the tasteless wallpaper and ironically remarked: "These wallpapers are terrible. One of us must go." Einstein's last words, unfortunately, remained a mystery to posterity: the nurse who was near his bed did not know German.

A collection of the last words of the dying from a member of the resuscitation team. All the mournful entries of this small database - lettered, from A to Sh. E, Yu and Z remained unoccupied - the doctor retired and began to write his living journal. Mysterious and symbolic.

The boomerang, whatever its flight, must return back. If you put your hand on the pulse, you will feel the countdown that starts at the moment of your birth. You will surely die. All your life, if you're not dumb, you're talking - commenting on yourself. You speak words, words about words... Someday, what you say will be your last word, your last comment. Below are the last words of others that I listened to during my five years in the hospital. At first I began to write them down in a notebook so as not to forget. Then I realized that I remember forever and stopped writing. Not everyone is here - so, chosen ... At first, when I stopped working in the hospital, I regretted that now I can hear such things extremely rarely. Only then I realized that the last words can be heard from living people. It is enough just to listen more closely and understand that most of them will also say nothing more.

"Wash the currant, son, it's just from the garden..."

A. 79 years old

(This was the first entry in my notebook, the first thing I heard when I was still a nurse. I went to wash the currants, and when I returned, my grandmother had already died of a heart attack with the same expression on her face with which I left her)

"Remove the carriage, it burns the prick."

. 52 years old

(A huge miner from the Donbass who did not know how to pronounce half of the most common words in the Russian language correctly. He spoke in a staccato bass. Until he died, the catheter was not removed.)

"But he's still smarter than you..."

V. 47 years old

(An elderly, very rich Ayzerbajan woman who threw a tantrum that she wanted to see her son. They were given ten minutes to talk, and when I came to escort him out of the department, I heard how this was the last thing she said to him. After when he left, she looked quite angrily at everyone, did not talk to anyone, and an hour later she died as a result of cardiac arrest.)

"Remove your hands, armed gang! You swore to me in eternal friendship!"

G. 44 years old

(It was some old Jew in complete insanity. On the first day after the operation, apparently after anesthesia, he confessed his love to everyone, and on the second he decided that we were "an evil gang that dressed up as people of a sacred profession." He was not far from the truth He swore all day and by evening, without ceasing to swear, he died.)

"I've sprayed myself with this ... it has already been sprinkled five hundred times!"

B. 66 years old

(Some mechanic died of an asthma attack while standing in front of me. This is the only thing he had time to say to me, showing me an inhaler bottle that expands the airways. Then he collapsed on the floor.)

"Did you ... eat, ... eat? What did you, ... eat, ... eat? Did you ... eat, ... eat?"

E. 47 years old

(Probably also a locksmith. Or a carpenter. In short, some drunkard with a rare disease for science. His heart stopped when he, standing naked on the marble floor, urinated on the floor. He fell, we began to transfer him to the bed, in mid-air trying to massage the heart while gasping as he asked us his "last questions".)

Y. 34 years old

(Potassium was the cause of his death. The nurse did not set the speed of the dropper and the lightning-fast administration of potassium caused cardiac arrest. Apparently, he felt it, because when I ran into the hall at the signal of the devices, he raised his index finger and pointed to an empty jar, informed me about what was in it. By the way, this was the only case of a potassium overdose of several dozen in my practice, as a result of which death occurred.)

"How aware are you of what you are doing. Write me a piece of paper how much you are aware of what you are doing now ..."

F. 53 years old

(J. was a hydraulic engineer. He suffered from hypochondriacal delirium, asking everyone and everything about the mechanism of action of each pill and “why it itches here, but it pricks here.” He asked the doctors to sign in his notebook for each injection. To be honest, either he died because of the nurse’s twaddle, or she mixed up the cardiotonic, or his dose ... I don’t remember. I only remember what he said in the end.)

Z. 24 years old

(This young man had one of the "youngest" heart attacks in Moscow. He constantly asked only "pee-and-be ..." and spoke, putting his hand on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, that he was in great pain. His mother said that he was very stressed. Three days later, the "youngest" death from a myocardial infarction was recorded. He died repeating these words ...)

"I want to go home"

I. 8 years

(A girl who only said those two words two weeks after her liver operation. She died on my watch.)

"It used to be better..."

K. 46 years old

(A patient who, after two unconscious months, asked to deflate his tracheostomy cuff, convincing everyone that he definitely needed to say something. Having croaked these two words, he again lost consciousness and did not come to himself.)

"I am a relative of Igor Langno."

L. 28 years old

(He was a blond Baltic guy with a severe heart defect named Igor Langno.)

"Larisa, Lara, Larissa..."

M. 45 years old

(M. had a repeated massive myocardial infarction. He died and agonized for three days, all the while holding on to his wedding ring with the fingers of his other hand and repeating the name of his wife. When he died, I took off this ring to give it to her.)

"Don't stand at my cold feet."

N. 74 years old

(This grandmother told everyone that they were "strangers" to her. She said her last phrase proudly and a little spitefully. She told me during the night round, refusing treatment. After that, she defiantly turned to the wall and fell asleep. ward, who died in this position, I really didn’t have to stand at her cold feet)

"Girls, buy me two Wheels Wagons, please. Your wife will give you the money. Have a cup of tea. Thank you."

O. 57 years old

(A precocious-looking diabetic who, fearing that he had accidentally been put on a glucose drip, injected himself with an "overdose" of insulin. At this time, the nurses went to the store outside and he asked them to buy him a chocolate bar to raise his sugar levels. After He lost consciousness from hypoglycemia and never came to his senses.

"You are a doctor ... Therefore, it will be so, as you tell me."

P. 44 years old

(An intelligent gray-haired Georgian who constantly shook hands in a friendly way with everyone who approached him, repeating that he trusts everyone and believes in everyone. He said these words after an injection of morphine, before he was put on an oxygen mask. In a dream, he began to fibrillate ventricles. He was shocked thirty times. Then his heart stopped. They didn't start him.)

"Of course, I'm getting old..."

R. 62 years old

(An asthenic grandfather with a gray-haired bald spot, who successfully recovered after a banal coronary artery bypass grafting. He lay alone in a single ward and constantly tossed and turned in bed so that the sheet “crumpled” and had to be pulled up regularly so that there were no bedsores. Grunting, he complained about his age as once at that moment, tossing from side to side. He had no complications. I gave him an injection of rellanium to make him sleep. He died in his sleep, apparently "of old age".)

“If I get well and my heart grows, I can bring you real high fur boots from the North. You can go hunting in high fur boots, so you won’t know grief in Moscow. If there is no rejection, like a submariner, then you can come to me in guests to go. We have a time there when the sun does not set below the horizon. Trynka - there, trynka - back ... It will hang a centimeter from the horizon - and back. There I will arrange a celebration of life for you. I will take you to the hills. So you will rest with us in the north, that you don’t want to go south. Okay, I’ll sleep, I’ll sleep ... When I sleep, I don’t seem to be so anxious ... Be careful with the electrodes, otherwise I woke up in the morning, nothing runs ... Well, I think that’s all ... Yes, it’s me, what will I tell you, you yourself know everything ... "

S. 43 years old

(During this story, a nurse administered sleeping pills, on which he fell asleep. This patient was a mustachioed resident of the Far North. He arrived in Moscow with a diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy, which has only one treatment - a heart transplant, after which we and "Submariner" is his friend in the department, who served all his life on a submarine, who died during the rejection crisis, a month after the operation. bab", breaking down on the 76th. S. did not even make it to the crisis. He died seven or eight hours later from some kind of lightning infection. I remember that there was a big scandal with surgeons who reproached us for non-observance of sterility. to me, they even called the SES ...)

"All?.. Yes?.. All?.. All?.. Yes?.. All?.. Yes?.."

T. 56 years old

(This patient died approximately like the aforementioned E. He stood up without permission to urinate himself in the "duck". At that moment, ventricular fibrillation began and he fell to the floor. We, as a whole shift, put him on the bed. Cardiac arrest began, someone then he began to "pump" ... He, which is difficult to explain, remained conscious. For each pressure of his chest, as he exhaled, he squeezed out one of these questions. Nobody answered him. This lasted for about ten seconds.)

"When I flew I saw white lights, however, drink this one yourself when your daughter comes"

U. 57 years old

(In fact, it was a military pilot Belousov. A charming, handsome and very strong-willed uncle. With complications, he lay on artificial lung ventilation for four months until he died of sepsis. These are not words - because of a tracheostomy, he could not speak - this his last note, which he wrote in huge letters, reminiscent of the scribbles of a preschooler. He tried to explain to me three times about white lights, but, unfortunately, I did not understand anything. "Drink it yourself" - about the "miraculous" cadaveric medicine mummy, to which he was conscientiously soldered at the insistence of his brother, also, by the way, a military pilot. I was on duty with Belousov for a month and a half, fifteen shifts in a row. I was very imbued with him, I really wanted him to recover. He died at night and I was incredibly upset. In the morning, leaving from work, I ran into his daughter at the door of the department. She knew me and asked with a smile: "How is he there? I brought him baby puree, mineral water, honey ..." I frowned, deliberately rudely muttered something about fatigue after a sleepless night, and quickly ran into the elevator. They say she sat at the entrance for two hours, no one dared to tell her ...)

"Come to me! I'll share the high with you!"

F. 19 years old

(I didn’t hear this. A friend of mine, whom I met when he worked as a salesman in a music store, heard this. These words belong to his girlfriend, who died a few minutes later from a heroin overdose. At his house, in his bed. Later I asked him if he remembered her last words, "Of course I will never forget them!" he replied and shared with me.)

Many of us would like to leave a mark on history and know that we will be remembered even when we are gone. But even the final chord must be played perfectly. However, since we do not know when that hour will come, we will not have time to think of what to say. But some seem to have succeeded. It is interesting how some famous personalities did not blunder even at their last moment. Some of the quotes below are quite funny, others are brilliant with wisdom.

Winston Churchill

Even passing away, the Prime Minister of Great Britain did not change his dry wit. Churchill left this world, saying that he was "bored" here.

Joan Crawford

The sharpness characteristic of Crawford did not leave her even in her dying hour. According to her housekeeper, before her death, Joan said: "Don't you dare ask God to help me."

Buddy Rich

But Buddy Rich managed to joke before his death. He died in 1987 after an operation, and his last words were in response to a nurse asking if he was allergic to something. The musician replied that he was in country music.

Pancho Villa

The rebel, one of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution, clearly wanted to say something epic before his death. Otherwise, why did he tell reporters, dying from a bullet, to say that he "said something"?

Arthur Conan Doyle

Chekhov was right when he spoke of brevity. Arthur Conan Doyle said only two words, but they are so memorable. They were addressed to his wife and sounded like "You are beautiful."

George Harrison

True wisdom was dropped by George Harrison before his death. His words were: "Love one another."

James French

The dying statements of executed criminals are always recorded, although they rarely deserve attention. James French is an exception. This killer was executed in the electric chair. His words became the headline for many articles that followed: "French fries!" ("French fries", but literally - "fried French").

V.S. fields

The comedian, before his death, as well as the author of Sherlock Holmes, turned to his beloved. But his statement is much more interesting: "Damn the whole world and everyone in it, except for you, Carlotta."

Chico Marks

And Marx was among those who turned to their soulmate. Chico gave her peculiar instructions: to place "a deck of cards, a hockey stick and a cute blonde" in his coffin.

Groucho Marx

Marx's brother, Groucho, was a witty man. Dying, he said: "This is not the way to live!"

Bing Crosby

There are those who, looking back at their lives, remembered only the good. Crosby, for example, said about this "It was a great game of golf!"


Voltaire was not religious and did not change his beliefs even on his deathbed. When the priest asked him to renounce the devil, the philosopher said that now "is not the time to make new enemies."

Leonardo Da Vinci

The problem with being a perfectionist is that you are always unsatisfied with your work, even when you die. So Da Vinci self-critically put it: "I offended God and people, because my work is not as high quality as it should be."


Once a composer, always a composer. That is why Rameau's last words contained complaints about singing in his honor: "You are out of tune."


The soothsayer was not mistaken in his dying words. When he said, "I won't be here tomorrow," he was absolutely right.


Poetic words - just in the spirit of the true creator. "The taste of death is on my lips. I feel something not from this earth."

Marie Antoinette

The famous Queen of France, a great figure, the idol of many women, ended her life on the guillotine. Climbing the scaffold, Marie Antoinette stepped on her executioner's foot. That is why her dying statement: “Forgive me, monsignor” (orig. “Pardonnez-moi, monsieur”)

Jack Daniel

Jack Daniel had the perfect parting words. The creator of the popular famous brand alcoholic drink could not say anything other than: "Pour the last one, please."

The dying words of famous people...

Empress Elizaveta Petrovna extremely surprised the doctors when, half a minute before her death, she rose on pillows and, as always, threateningly, asked: "Am I still alive ?!"
But before the doctors had time to get scared, everything got better by itself.

Count Tolstoy said the last thing on his deathbed: "I would like to hear the gypsies - and nothing else is needed!"

Composer Edvard Grieg: "Well, if it's inevitable...".

Pavlov: "Academician Pavlov is busy. He is dying."

The famous naturalist Laseped ordered his son:
"Charles, write in large letters the word END at the end of my manuscript."

Physicist Gay-Lussac: "It's a pity to leave at such an interesting moment."

The legendary Kaspar Bekes, who lived all his life as a militant atheist, on his deathbed yielded to the persuasion of the pious Batory and agreed to receive a priest.
The priest tries to console Bekes with the fact that the latter is now leaving the vale of sorrows and will soon see a better world.
He listened, listened, then sat up on the couch and, with all his strength, distinctly expressed:
"Get out. Life is great." With which he died.

Daughter of Louis XV Louise: "Gallop to heaven! Gallop to heaven!".

Writer Gertrude Stein: "What is the question? What is the question? If there is no question, then there is no answer"

Victor Hugo: "I see a black light...".

Eugene O'Neill, writer:
"I knew it! I knew it! Born in a hotel and... damn it... dying in a hotel."

The only thing he managed to say before the death of Henry VIII: "Monks ... monks ... monks."
On the last day of his life, he was tormented by hallucinations.
But Henry's heirs, just in case, persecuted all available monasteries, suspecting that one of the priests had poisoned the king.

George Byron: "Well, I went to bed."

Louis XIV shouted at the household: "Why are you roaring? Did you think I was immortal?"

The father of dialectics, Friedrich Hegel: "Only one person understood me throughout my life ... But in essence ... he did not understand me either!".

Vaslav Nijinsky, Anatole France, Garibaldi whispered the same word before their death: "Mother!".

"Wait a minute". This was said by Pope Alexander VI.
Everyone did just that, but, alas, nothing happened, dad still died.

Euripides, who, according to rumors, was simply terrified of his imminent death, when asked what such a great philosopher could be afraid of in death, replied: "That I know nothing."

Dying, Balzac recalled one of the characters in his stories, an experienced doctor Bianchon: "He would have saved me ...".

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: "Hope! .. Hope! Hope! .. Damned!"

Mikhail Romanov before the execution gave the executioners his boots: "Use, guys, after all, royal."

Spy dancer Mata Hari blew a kiss to soldiers aiming at her: "I'm ready, boys."

The philosopher Immanuel Kant uttered just one word just before his death: "Enough."

One of the cinematographer brothers, 92-year-old O. Lumiere: "My film is running out."

Ibsen, having lain for several years in dumb paralysis, stood up and said: "On the contrary!" - and died.

Nadezhda Mandelstam to her nurse: "Don't be afraid."

Somerset Maugham: "Dying is boring. Never do it!".

Heinrich Heine: "God forgive me! This is his job."

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev on his deathbed uttered a strange: "Farewell, my dear, my whitish ...".

The poet Felix Arver, hearing that the nurse says to someone: "This is at the end of the corridor", groaned with his last strength: "Not a corridor, but a corridor" and died.

Artist Antoine Watteau: "Get this cross away from me! How could Christ be depicted so badly!"

Oscar Wilde, who was dying in a hotel room, looked around with fading eyes at the tasteless wallpaper on the walls and sighed:
"They're killing me. One of us will have to leave." He left.
The wallpaper remains.

But the last words of Einstein have sunk into oblivion - the nurse did not know German ..

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