Proverbs on the theme of everything in its time. Proverbs about time


Good day, dear friends. In this article, I will cover the topic proverbs about time and sayings about time

Everyone needs a watch, without them our life would turn into chaos. When we make an appointment, we indicate at what time; when we go to the train, then also by a certain time; we go to work not when we wake up (although it would be nice), but at a certain time. Yes, in general, everything we do is connected with the calculation of time. A lot of sayings have been composed among the people on the topic of time, which confirms the important role of time. Let's try to analyze some of them.

Proverb business time - fun hour. It teaches us not to just waste time. When you are not in control of your time, it will simply slip away from you. And in ancient times, this proverb was especially important, since there was a lot of work. If you do not sow in time, if you do not reap the harvest in time, you will remain hungry. If you do not prepare firewood, you will freeze. Therefore, it was necessary to clearly limit their time for entertainment. On the other hand, what is little is more appreciated. Therefore, people had fun from the heart, with songs and dances. Following the proverb business time - fun hour you can achieve a lot in life.

Proverb the age is long and the hour is expensive. It also reminds us of the value of time. If every hour is spent with benefit, then the whole life will be filled. After all, as you know, the ruble consists of 100 kopecks. And the life path consists of many steps (hours), where every hour is very important. As the Japanese philosophy of "kaizen" teaches, improve constantly. Devoting even a few minutes every day to any business, you can achieve great success in it.

Proverb if you miss an hour, you won’t catch up with a year. Catch up here is used in the meaning of catching up. Here attention is paid to the timeliness of each case. Sometimes you need to do something now, because later it will be unnecessary. And no matter how hard you try, you can't fix it.

The proverb of the promised three years wait.“Blessed is he who waits and reaches 1335 days” - a quote from the book of the prophet Daniel. 1335 days corresponds to three and a half years. Also, three years is the period for which you can still file a lawsuit against someone (Civil Code.) For example, sue money lent, and therefore you can still wait and hope to return the promised.

The proverb snail rides when it will be. is also related to time. everything ever ends. Even when you are moving very slowly, you will still be further than someone who is standing still.

Proverb Every vegetable has its time. Do not rush things and do not miss the opportunity. Do everything on time. In ancient Rus', this had a literal meaning, since people lived thanks to the harvest and knew exactly when and what needed to be harvested.

The proverb the sun rises does not ask for hours. Everything in the world is subject to the laws of nature. And we need to live by these laws. Even if we are in a bad mood or do not have time for something, the sun will still rise as it should.

Here's another proverbs about time

  • Better late than never
  • Money is gone - you will make money, time is gone - you will not return
  • Happy hours don't watch
  • Another time - another burden
  • Time gives reason
  • You can't hold time with your hands
  • Every seed knows its time
  • Time is money
  • The hour is not dear to those that are long, but to those that are short.
  • What you miss, you can't make up for a year
  • A minute saves an hour
  • Lose a minute, lose an hour
  • Mind will come, yes time will go

There are a lot of proverbs and sayings. If you have something to add about proverbs, do not waste time, write in the comments. Good luck.

In the article you will find the most popular and oldest Russian folk sayings about time with interpretation.

Proverbs and sayings about time for preschool age, kindergarten: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Proverbs are a kind of folk art and wisdom that passes from generation to generation. In one line of a saying, a lot of meaning can be hidden, life lessons, conclusions and teachings that literally instantly make you think and do the right thing in any situation.

Sayings about time for preschoolers and young children:

Proverb Saying explanation
Every vegetable has its time. For every deed, there comes a time when it needs to be done.
Many days ahead, many behind. All that you have done is already in the past, and what you did not have time for, there is still a lot of time ahead for this.
All cats are gray at night. There comes a time when everyone becomes equal.
Time is the judge. Over time, you will be able to draw conclusions and understand what you were wrong about.
The color blooms in time. Any planned business should be carried out on its own day and hour. Nothing happens spontaneously and just like that.
Time will teach everything. The great experience accumulated over the years will reveal many secrets to you and teach you a lot.
All for the time being. Sooner or later, any secret becomes public domain, or something can only remain unchanged for a certain amount of time.
Time will teach you what to do. Time is the best teacher, who has a lot of lessons and examples, can give invaluable experience.
It's time and time is more precious than gold. Everything in this world can be bought, except for time, and therefore it should be highly valued.
Every thing has time. There comes a time for everything.
Day and night, day and night away. If you wait a little, your time will come.
Without a minute is not yet a day. Any time is valuable, even a minute can change something.
A week feeds a year. In a short period of time, you can do so much that you will be praised or remembered for a very long time.
You can't turn back time. The past time cannot be lived and never repeated again.
I got up late, the day was gone. If you do not rush to do the job, it will go to waste.
The morning is wiser than the evening. Sometimes you have to wait to make the right decision.
Over time, teeth wear out. Time spares nothing, not objects, not people.
Think in the evening, and do in the morning. Always consider your actions.
Years are like water. Time flies so fast that you don't have time to notice it.
The moon is up, the sun is resting. Time to work and time to rest.
The road is a spoon for dinner, and there at least under the bench. Each case should be done on time, otherwise you will regret it later.
Good advice is good in time. Help is important exactly where it is needed: in your day and time.
They don't wave their fists after a fight. If you didn’t manage to do something on time, then don’t try to “catch” this moment.
It will grind - there will be flour. Time will erase resentment and quarrels, change life for the better.
Not by day, by hour. Time flies very quickly and very often you simply do not have time to notice it.
Each time has its own songs. Each case has its specific purpose and should be done on time.

The best proverbs and sayings about time for primary and secondary school age: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

A lot of Russian proverbs are devoted to such a topic as time. Few people know how to appreciate it and enjoy its benefits. Therefore, reading, using and discussing sayings about time brings help, expanding not only the consciousness of a person, but also his capabilities.

A proverb about time Interpretation of the saying
Time will heal everything and teach everything. Over time, grievances go away, relationships and business improve.
Wait for the cancer on the mountain to whistle. You don’t have to wait for the job to be done, you need to act on your own, otherwise you will regret it!
Search for yesterday. Everything that has been done for a long time can no longer be repeated and cannot be turned back.
In due time, the pine tree is red, time will pass - the beauty will subside. Each case has its own "star" hour, then no one will need it.
Time gives the mind. Only with time can one gain experience and gain wisdom.
Other days, other dreams. Years and times change, attitudes towards people and human values ​​change.
Feed me when I'm hungry. Every important task should be done on time.
The hour is not dear to those that are long, but to those that are short. Appreciate time not for the fact that there is a lot of it, but for that. What do you do on time.
Three days is not three years. Time flies quickly, it must be appreciated even when there is too little of it.
Time and stone hollows. With time comes a solution to every problem.
Time goes by like a bird. Sometimes time flies so fast that you don't notice it.
Time paints, and timelessness dries. If you do nothing, time will pass and give you nothing.
Time is the best healer. Time allows you to overestimate a lot.
Time will teach you what to do. The best teacher is an experience that comes with time.
Time is not money, if you lose it, you won't find it. Money can be spent and earned, and lost time is never returned.
Business before pleasure. There is time for work, and there is time for rest - you need to be able to distinguish it correctly!
The money is gone - you will still make money; time is gone - you can't get it back. Time cannot be bought for any amount of money, it is more precious than them!
Not a person drives, but time. In life, a person is governed only by time and no other values.
Time does not wait. Time cannot be suspended or returned, so any business must be done on time.
Everything passed like a fire burned. Time passed too quickly.
One today is better than two tomorrow. A job done on time is better than any excuse.
For the young, time drags on, for the old, it flies. In youth, a person does not value time and lives it in vain, but in old age every day is valuable.
Day to day doesn't happen. Have time to do what you have planned every day and do not waste time in vain.
Better late than never. If you didn’t manage to do something on time, try to do it later, but don’t put it off at all!
It's too late for a pike in a frying pan to remember water. If you lose time, don't try to get it back.
The biggest waste is time. There is nothing more valuable than time, and the biggest waste in life is wasting time on empty things.
Miss a minute, lose an hour. We need to appreciate any time, even if it is not enough. Even in a minute you can do great things.
Do not leave morning work until evening. Don't put off until later what you can do now.
Time makes money, but money can't buy time. Time is more valuable than money.
You can't catch up with yesterday, but you won't get away from tomorrow. Lost is difficult to live again or return, but a person will not get away from what lies ahead of him.
What was, then floated away. Everything that has passed cannot be returned.
Time is like a sparrow: if you miss it, you won't catch it. It is very difficult to control and correctly allocate time. You need to appreciate every minute.
All in due time: the time will come, and the seed will grow. If you have spent a lot of time on work, it will surely please you with the results.
The fool knows no time. A person who lives his life stupidly and aimlessly does not value time.
Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. It's been a long time.
The week rolled on, nowhere caught on. Time passed so quickly that no one noticed it.

Popular Russian folk proverbs and sayings about time: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

The most popular proverbs people use in their speech always and everywhere. They easily and simply entered into modern communication, as they are expensive for their value.

A proverb about time Interpretation of the saying
Time is won - everything is won. If you manage to do everything on time, you will be a successful person.
Do not rush to praise the wolf cub, let the gray teeth grow. Every good deed will be praised in time. You need to have patience and wait.
Black grouse all winter one night. Time can fly by very quickly if you do nothing.
Time colors, timelessness ages. Idleness makes a person worse.
The week is red for days. Do not miss the opportunity to do something, work and spend time usefully every day.
Laughter in time is not a sin, but without time, prayer is useless. Every business has its day and time.
There is no day without night. Each case brings results in its own time.
The early bird cleans the sock, and the late bird pierces the eye. Who does not waste time is happy and successful. Those who do not value time will achieve nothing.
Another time, another burden. Know how to value and properly allocate time. It is always flowing, it is rethinking human values.
From time to time take all you can. Try to work as much as possible and do not waste time on empty things.
Wait for it to cook, wait for it to cool. It is important to have patience, which will give you success.
Who helped in time - he helped twice. Help is always good at the right time and day.
What was, then floated away. A day cannot be lived and repeated twice.
What is good for Tuesday is not always possible to use on Wednesday. Every work, word, deed is well on time, not earlier or later.
After the rain on Thursday. After a certain amount of time has passed.
Hurry up and make people laugh Hastily done work is not always good.
When the crayfish whistles and the fish sings. When the time comes, then you can do the job.
Seven do not wait for one. Things should be done on time.
The sun is not waiting for us. Work does not wait for a person to do it.
After the summer, they don’t go to the forest for raspberries. You can’t get back the lost time, if you didn’t have time to do something, don’t expect to get anything good.
Happy hours are not observed. A person who is passionate about something may miss or not notice the time.
What was, is past and past has grown. Lost time cannot be returned, you can only regret it.

The most interesting proverbs and sayings about time for children: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

Here are listed little-known sayings about time, which also have a great instructive meaning. Knowing such sayings is useful not only for children, but also for adults.

A proverb about time Interpretation of the saying
Moscow has been built for centuries. To achieve a good result, you need to try and spend a lot of time on work.
For next autumn, in eight years. Not very soon.
It takes a long time for a mulberry leaf to turn into silk. To get a good result, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, and only then the work will please you.
We do not live - we see off the days. Time passes uselessly.
Do not rush to answer, hurry to listen. Don't waste time, learn and gain wisdom.
The short-haired girl will not have time to braid her braids. Time passes very quickly and in such a way that you do not have time to notice.
The promised three years are waiting. If you have patience and wait, then after a while a good result can come.
Time will pass, another will come. Time always flows, always leads to change and always changes people.
Take care of the dress again, and honor from a young age. Time must be valued, at any age.
Time heals wounds. As the body dries up and wounds heal, so time “heals” people's relationships and solves cases.
Time does not slumber. Time always goes, it does not stand still.
You can't hold time with your hands. You need to try not to stop time, but try to have time to do your job.
You can't do everything all of a sudden. For every job, for every time there is always a time.
Nothing educates a person like time. Time teaches a person to live and acquire values. Time is an experience that every person has.
Those who do not value time always have losses. If you do not try to do everything on time, you can live your life aimlessly and in vain, without achieving success.
Days are not a penny, years are not rubles, you can’t put them out of your pocket. Everything done and lived cannot be seen, one can only remember.
Time is not a horse: you can't speed it up and you can't stop it. Time cannot be adjusted or stopped, it is necessary to properly distribute work so that everything can be done on time.
Time has gone - happiness has gone. Compare lost time to lost happiness, because during this time you could experience many wonderful moments. Life is one and time must be valued!
Time spins like a wheel: missed - lagged behind. Time is comparable to a car or a wheel that spins and rushes faster than a person. You have to keep up with the time!
Time does not make an enemy a friend. Time can console and reduce emotions, but a person can improve relations only when he really wants it.

Small, short proverbs and sayings for children about time: a collection with an explanation of the meaning

It doesn’t matter at all how the saying is: big, small, short, old or new, the main thing is that it should be instructive!

A proverb about time Interpretation of the saying
Time after time it doesn't get any easier! There are always difficult times. One misfortune follows another.
With God, all days are numbered. A person is given only one life and you need to live it in such a way that there are no regrets.
Eats like a duck all day long. Wasting time. Wasting time doing nothing.
Whoever values ​​time does not lie in bed in vain. Lazy people do not value time and do not succeed.
Strength is in time. Time is not only a value, but also a force that makes a person confident and successful.
Starting a fight on time is half win. A business planned and done on time will always please with success and will never bring failure.
Time smoothes everything. Time makes you think about values ​​and rethink them.
It's not the comb that scratches your head, but time. Time makes a person think and act, make decisions and strive for the best.
A grain of gold can be found, a grain of time never. You will always have time to earn and spend money, but you won’t have time to spend time with family or usefully, because life is given to a person alone.
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. Conclusions should be drawn only when the deed is done.
The time will come - the tears will wipe. After years and a lot of time, a person can change his mind and build relationships, solve the problem.

Video: "Interesting facts about time"

Every vegetable has its time.

Over time, teeth wear out.

Years are like water.

The moon has risen - the sun has a rest.

Many days ahead, many behind.

The time will come, and the ice will go.

Another time, another burden.

At night all cats are grey.

When they play, then dance.

Time is the judge.

Everything goes in its turn.

From time to time take all you can.

The color blooms in time.

When the devil dies, and he has not yet fallen ill.

The years have flown away like spring waters.

You yawn, and you sip water.

The road is a spoon for dinner, and there at least under the bench.

Savva grabbed, as his wife sewed a shroud.

Expensive in case of fire, a bucket of water, in case of poverty - alms.

Good advice is good in time.

They don't wave their fists after a fight.

Saturday afternoon will be a hundred years. that's the strength that passed yes it was.

The red sun will rise - goodbye bright month! the time is: under Tsar Peas.

Wait for it to cook, wait for it to cool.

Who helped in time - he helped twice.

Time is won - everything is won.

Do not rush to praise the wolf cub, let the gray teeth grow.

For that summer, not for this, but for the third year, when the devil dies.

Black grouse all winter one night.

Time doesn't come for a while.

Time colors, timelessness ages.

Every time is transitory.

The week is red for days.

Every day has its own concern.

Do not sit down, do not say: "Let's go."

Peremeletsya - flour will be.

07.10.2012, 10:07
Proverbs and sayings about time
  • Baba walked in the forest, wore out three bast shoes.
  • A week without a year. Milk will not go sour in a cow.
  • Time is money.
  • You can't do everything all of a sudden.
  • Everything has its time.
  • A year is not a week.
  • Cover - not now, until Peter's day - not two days.
  • A year is not a week, everything will be, but not now.
  • Give it time - don't knock it off your feet.
  • There is no summer twice a year.
  • Business before pleasure.
  • The day will come - and bring care.
  • Other times - other customs.
  • Send him only for death.
  • Another time, another burden.
  • Every vegetable has its time.
  • Who lagged behind - fast, who reached - disputed.
  • Who by years, and we by the hour.
  • Much water has flown under the bridge since that time.
  • Moscow has been built for centuries.
  • On desire - there is patience.
  • Hastily do - redo.
  • Not time is precious, it's time.
  • An hour is not dear to time, but an hour is dear to good luck.
  • Not in the rain, let's stand and wait.
  • Moscow was not built all at once.
  • Not soon, but quickly.
  • Do not rush goat, all your wolves will be.
  • New time - new songs.
  • The promised three years are waiting.
  • One leg here, the other there.
  • Shelving.
  • Time will pass, another will come.
  • Order saves time.
  • Hurry up and make people laugh.
  • Russian hour - everything is now.
  • I sow, I wind, I will not be in time.
  • Go behind, you'll find more.
  • Soon the fire burns, but the water runs.
  • Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.
  • The blind man was in a hurry to go to the bathhouse, but the bathhouse was not heated.
  • The sun is not waiting for us.
  • Don't rush, but hurry up.
  • Happy hours are not observed.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  • Hurry to live, soon to die.
  • Fruit is good in its time.
  • You can't cross the sea for an hour.
  • Do not cash in for an hour, do not eat a piece.
  • The clock is on the wall and the time is on the back.
  • Well, not soon.

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Proverbs about time

When it's hot in the oven, then it's cooked.

Bite and mosquitoes for the time being.

The morning is wiser than the evening.

The day will come - and bring care.

For young people, time drags on, for old people it runs.

Time is like a sparrow: if you miss it, you won't catch it.

What was, then floated away.

One today is better than two tomorrow.

Day to day doesn't happen.

Everything passed like a fire burned.

It's too late for a pike in a frying pan to remember water.

Miss a minute - lose an hour.

You can't catch up with yesterday, but you won't get away from tomorrow.

What has been lived, what has been spilled, cannot be returned.

A day is like a day, but the year is not the same.

Every vegetable has its time.

Night - the uterus: sleep - everything is fine.

Time will teach everything.

Everything has its time.

Better late than never.

Time is behind us, time is in front of us, but we don't have it.

Time and stone hollows.

Time goes by - like a bird carries,

Time paints, and timelessness dries.

Time is the best healer. time

Time will teach you what to do.

Time is not money, if you lose it, you won't find it.

Time does not wait.

Time is not a seed, it will not bring forth a tribe.

Years are like water.

Business before pleasure.

The money is gone - you will still make money; Time is gone - you can't get it back.

Think in the evening, and do in the morning.

Not a person drives, but time.

The biggest waste is a waste of time.

Do not leave morning work until evening.

No time, no plan.

You can't turn back time.

Every thing has its time.

He missed his hat, as his head was gone.

Proverbs about time

Feed me when I'm hungry.

Praise the hill as you roll over.

He will heal everything, he will teach me everything.

Wait for the cancer on the mountain to whistle.

And the rooster knows his watch.

Not by day, by hour.

The hour is not dear to those that are long, but to those that are short.

The week is red for days.

Each time has its own songs.

Laughter on time is not a sin, but without time and prayer is useless, exchanges are changeable, but common wickedness. you won't turn me around.

Time is more valuable than gold.

All for the time being.

Other days - other dreams.

Not always a carnival for a cat, sometimes a great post.

Three days is not three years.

Time woke us up, and now we do not give him rest.

The year is quiet, but the hour is dashing.

Time gives the mind.

In due time, the pine is red, time will pass - the beauty will subside.

They gave nuts to a squirrel when she lost her teeth.

The day has passed, he took everything with him.

Search for yesterday.

Both from morning to evening.

When the Volga flows up.

Who starts a lot, finishes a little.

For next autumn - in eight years.

Not every day is a wedding, not always a carnival for a cat.

The week rolled on, nowhere caught on.

There is no day without night.

Night to spend the night - not a century to age.

All roads are smooth at night.

At night you can't see whether it's cold or warm.

Undressed - in the bath, and dressed - in the cold.

The early bird cleans the sock, and the late bird pierces the eye.

Harness first, then urge.

It's not the comb that scratches your head, but time.

A grain of gold can be found, a grain of time never.

He gathers his friends all the time.

Red, but faded; smart, cheesy.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Proverbs about time: folk wisdom that keeps the clock

Managing your time successfully is a goal that many people set for themselves. But not everyone is able to really achieve it. Often a person notices that he did not manage to do even half of what was planned for the whole day - "time has flowed like sand." But how does this happen and how not to waste it in vain? To do this, you need to listen to the wisdom expressed in folk proverbs and sayings.

How time really passes

Proverbs about time is the best time management textbook. Weighty volumes on this discipline offer hundreds of solutions, but in popular wisdom its ideas are most succinctly expressed. “If you miss a minute, you lose hours,” says one of the proverbs. What does this mean? Everyone must have noticed how quickly time passes while shopping, talking on the phone or simply “sitting” on the Internet. It seems that one has only to go to the social network page, as it turns out that you have already been sitting there for several hours. The same is true for shopping in major cities. People spend precious weekends on them, wandering the shelves for days with an endless selection of goods.

And sometimes even such a simple action as “drinking tea” stretches for half an hour instead of the prescribed ten minutes. Other proverbs about time also warn people against such waste: “The day is leaving - you won’t tie it to the wattle fence”, “Time is not a bird - you won’t catch it by the tail.”

How to deal with temporary losses?

Here, again, you can open any manual on time management. And you can listen to proverbs. “Know the price of minutes, the score of seconds,” says folk wisdom. Often proverbs about time reflect modern concepts of time management. This, for example, is the modern idea of ​​timekeeping: careful tracking of all time expenditures. To use this time management tool, you just need to get a notebook and during the day write down what hours of the current day have gone into.

There are also such expressions, which came from the depths of centuries, which can instill hope in the desperate. For example, such a proverb is the following: "No matter how long the night is, the dawn will come." Sometimes it seems that negative events in life will never end - the black stripe does not change into a white one. And usually a person stops noticing even the slightest good events in life when he finds himself under a pile of problems. But such a proverb can encourage and inspire hope. Indeed, the night seems to be the longest before dawn - when it seems that the darkness will never recede.

What does the wisdom of other nations say about time?

Proverbs about the time of different peoples are also very interesting. For example, the analogue of the Russian proverb "Time heals" is the English Time cures all things - "Time heals all things (events)". And also the British like to say: Time is a great healer, - "Time is the greatest doctor."

There are also analogues of Russian proverbs in German. For example, such is Besser spät als nie - "Better late than never." Proverbs about time can warn about unnecessary actions and, conversely, warn a person against weak will and laziness.

The ancient Greeks said: "Idleness in youth is poverty in old age." Also proverbs about free time are useful in this regard. For example, the well-known Russian proverb “Time for business, and an hour for fun”. People who constantly spend precious minutes of their lives on unnecessary conversations, deeds, experiences, will never be able to return the lost days for the right thing. Therefore, by “fun” every adult can understand anything: gossip, worries, and wasting time watching TV.

When you don’t know how to fill the day, divide it into parts, occupy each part with something, don’t sit idle even a quarter of an hour, ten minutes, five minutes, take advantage of every moment, do what you have planned methodically, with stern constancy, and The day will go by so quickly that you won't notice how it ended. And you will not depend on anyone and wait for someone to help you pass the time. You will not have to look for society, conversations, sympathy, or support - in a word, you will live as an independent being should live.

Charlotte Bronte. Jane Eyre

No matter how rich a person is, you still cannot buy time.

Haruki Murakami

Every vegetable has its time.

Over time, teeth wear out.

Time is not a seed, it will not bring forth a tribe.

Years are like water.

The moon has risen - the sun has a rest.

Many days ahead, many behind.

Think in the evening, and do in the morning.

Another time, another burden.

At night all cats are grey.

When they play, then dance.

Time is the judge.

Everything goes in its turn.

The color blooms in time.

When the devil dies, and he has not yet fallen ill.

The years have flown away like spring waters.

You yawn, and you sip water.

The road is a spoon for dinner, and there at least under the bench.

Savva grabbed, as his wife sewed a shroud.

Expensive in case of fire, a bucket of water, in case of poverty - alms.

Good advice is good in time.

They don't wave their fists after a fight.

Saturday afternoon will be a hundred years. that's the strength that passed yes it was.

The red sun will rise - goodbye bright month! the time is: under Tsar Peas.

Wait for it to cook, wait for it to cool.

Who helped in time - he helped twice.

Do not rush to praise the wolf cub, let the gray teeth grow.

For that summer, not for this, but for the third year, when the devil dies.

Black grouse all winter one night.

Time doesn't come for a while.

Every time is transitory.

The week is red for days.

Every day has its own concern.

Do not sit down, do not say: "Let's go."

Praise the hill as you roll over.

Peremeletsya - flour will be.

07.10.2012, 10:07
Proverbs and sayings about time
  • Baba walked in the forest, wore out three bast shoes.
  • A week without a year. Milk will not go sour in a cow.
  • Time is money.
  • You can't do everything all of a sudden.
  • Everything has its time.
  • A year is not a week.
  • Cover - not now, until Peter's day - not two days.
  • A year is not a week, everything will be, but not now.
  • Give it time - don't knock it off your feet.
  • There is no summer twice a year.
  • Business before pleasure.
  • The day will come - and bring care.
  • Other times - other customs.
  • Send him only for death.
  • Another time, another burden.
  • Every vegetable has its time.
  • Who lagged behind - fast, who reached - disputed.
  • Who by years, and we by the hour.
  • Much water has flown under the bridge since that time.
  • Moscow has been built for centuries.
  • On desire - there is patience.
  • Hastily do - redo.
  • Not time is precious, it's time.
  • An hour is not dear to time, but an hour is dear to good luck.
  • Not in the rain, let's stand and wait.
  • Moscow was not built all at once.
  • Not soon, but quickly.
  • Do not rush goat, all your wolves will be.
  • The hour is not dear to those that are long, but to those that are short.
  • New time - new songs.
  • The promised three years are waiting.
  • One leg here, the other there.
  • Shelving.
  • Time will pass, another will come.
  • Order saves time.
  • Hurry up and make people laugh.
  • Russian hour - everything is now.
  • I sow, I wind, I will not be in time.
  • Go behind, you'll find more.
  • Soon the fire burns, but the water runs.
  • Soon the fairy tale tells, but not soon the deed is done.
  • The blind man was in a hurry to go to the bathhouse, but the bathhouse was not heated.
  • The sun is not waiting for us.
  • Don't rush, but hurry up.
  • Happy hours are not observed.
  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get.
  • Hurry to live, soon to die.
  • Fruit is good in its time.
  • You can't cross the sea for an hour.
  • Do not cash in for an hour, do not eat a piece.
  • The clock is on the wall and the time is on the back.
  • Well, not soon.

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Time passes differently for different people.

And everything that oppresses us will blow away and shine with time, All old feelings, all the power of cherished words, And an unknown tribe will rise on the earth, And the world will again be mysterious and new.

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Time is such an uncertain thing. One seems very long. The other is the opposite.

Don't rush to live. Everything has its time - and everything will be in your joy. For many, life is too long because happiness is too short: they missed the joys early, did not enjoy enough, then they would like to return, but they have gone far from them. Through life they rush on the postal ones, adding their haste to the usual run of time; in one day they are ready to swallow what they cannot digest in a lifetime; live joys in debt, devour for years to come, hurry and hurry - and squander everything. Even in knowledge it is necessary to know the measure, not to gain knowledge that is not worth knowing. We have been given more days than happy hours. Enjoy slowly, but act without delay. The deeds are over - good; joys are over - bad.

Time is the mother and nurse of all good things.

A fruitful field, great strength and great opportunity - that is what time is, and whoever wants to achieve something in it should try to fill it in the most conscientious manner.

But in the meantime, irrevocable time is running, while we, captivated by love for the subject, linger on all the details.

To choose the time means to save time, and what is done out of time is done in vain.

Very few people know how to properly manage their wealth, even fewer who know how to manage their time, and of these two things, the last is the most important.

He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

A person who can wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to rule yourself, then you will rule others. To a favorable occasion one has to travel long paths of time. While you wisely procrastinate, future successes grow up, secret plans mature. With the crutch of time you will go further than with the chained club of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a twist. It is wisely said: "Time and I - against any enemy." Fortune herself rewards patience with her gifts.

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folk wisdom: about time

folk wisdom: about time

Time (Future, Present, Past)

Money is gone - you will make money, time is gone - you will not return. (Russian proverb)

There are two cures for everything bad: one is time, the other, worth its weight in gold, is silence. (French proverb)

Wait - do not get tired, it would be something to look for. (Russian proverb)

What is good for Tuesday, is not always possible to use on Wednesday. (Polish proverb)

Guard the past, but know the new. (Tajik proverb)

Every vegetable has its time. (Russian proverb)

A fallen leaf brings back the arrival of autumn. (Japanese proverb)

New time - new songs. (Russian proverb)

From the past, take only the flame - sweep the ashes. (Greek proverb)

Another time, another burden. (Russian proverb)

It takes a long time for a mulberry leaf to turn into silk. (Vietnamese proverb)

The promised three years are waiting. (Russian proverb)

Fruit is good in its time. (Ossetian proverb)

Better late than never. (Russian proverb)

Talk about the future - make the devil laugh. (Japanese proverb)

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Proverbs and sayings about time

  • Time will teach everything.
  • Time doesn't come for a while.
  • Time is behind us, time is in front of us, but not with us.
  • Time colors, timelessness ages.
  • Every time is transitory.
  • Time gives money, but money can't buy time.
  • All for the time being.
  • One time a year to mow hay.
  • A week feeds a year.
  • A year is not a week - but all the days ahead.
  • Every vegetable has its time.
  • Time is money.
  • Time will teach you what to do.
  • It's time and time is more precious than gold.
  • It's not the comb that scratches your head, but time.
  • You can't turn back time.
  • Every thing has time.
  • Day and night, day and night away.
  • Without a minute is not yet a day.
  • Hour after hour. Day after day, towards our death we go.
  • Time to bloom, time to fade, time to live, time to die.
  • A terrible moment is an eternity.
  • Hours for beauty, and time for the sun.
  • Who gets up with roosters, does not lag behind the clock.
  • I got up late, the day was gone.
  • Time after time it doesn't get any easier!
  • The morning is wiser than the evening.
  • Not a moment without a joke.
  • If you don't have a good day, blame yourself.
  • The day will tire, the night will revive.
  • The day is to blame for the sleeplessness of the night.
  • By morning, the night terrors are gone.
  • With God, all days are numbered.
  • Eats like a duck all day long.
  • Confuse day with night.
  • All cats are gray at night.
  • He does not want to distinguish day from night.
  • Whoever values ​​time does not lie in bed in vain.
  • Time is like water, you don't notice it.
  • Time in war is twice as expensive.
  • Time in war is valued in seconds.
  • Know the price of minutes, the score of seconds.
  • To defeat enemies, you need to appreciate seconds.
  • Strength is in time.
  • Starting a fight on time is half win.
  • You will lose a minute - the enemy is using it.
  • Time is more valuable than money.
  • Time gain is a win.
  • You can't make up lost time.
  • Time waits for no one.
  • You can't turn back time.
  • You can't bring back yesterday.
  • Those who do not start on time will be left behind.
  • You can't make up a missed hour for a year.
  • From time to time take all you can.
  • Everything has its time.
  • Everything takes time.
  • Time is the best healer.
  • Time is the judge.
  • Time does not indicate time.
  • Time worker time.
  • Time will heal everything.
  • Time smoothes everything.
  • Time is won - everything is won.
  • Time to run and time to run.
  • Time is more valuable than money.
  • Time is more valuable than gold (money).
  • Time is behind us, time is in front of us, but we don't have it.
  • Time and stone hollows.
  • Time and labor call for victory.
  • Time goes by like a bird.
  • Time paints, and timelessness dries.
  • Time will take the color off your face.
  • Time flies irrevocably.
  • Time does not fit time.
  • Time is not money, if you lose it, you won't find it.
  • Time does not sleep, the clock does not stop.
  • Time does not wait.
  • Time is not a bird - you can't catch it by the tail.
  • Time is not a seed, but will bring forth a tribe.
  • Time is not a seed, it will not bring forth a tribe.
  • The time will come, and the ice will go.
  • The time will come - and the hour will strike.
  • The time will come - the tears will wipe.
  • Time passes and another comes.
  • Time gives the mind.
  • Time, like a sparrow, if you miss it, you won't catch it.
  • Days are not a penny, years are not rubles, you can’t put them out of your pocket.

A minute saves an hour. (belor) A grain of gold can be found, a grain of time - never. (belor) Time is not a horse: you can’t push it and you can’t stop it. (belor) Time is gone - happiness is gone. (Uzb) Time turns like a wheel: missed - lagged behind. (Abaza) Time does not make an enemy a friend. (laksk) Time wears away stones. (muzzle) Those who do not value time always have losses. (azerb) Nothing educates a person like time. (Tatars)

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What are the proverbs about the useful use of free time?

There are many proverbs on the topic of work and leisure, but most of them oppose the concepts of work and rest, and there are not so many sayings about how to spend your free time not in vain, but with benefit. The most common of these is, of course, the advice not to put off until tomorrow what can be done today - i.e. if you have free time, you need to devote it to non-urgent, but obligatory matters. You can also name the following proverbs:

As you know, a proverb is the result of folk art. Several centuries ago, when TVs and mobile phones were not even dreamed of, all people were hard workers. They worked on the ground, did housework. Everything had to be done. They rested little, worked a lot. I think it was then that the proverb “Cause is time, and fun is an hour” arose. After all, if you rest all the time, then you can’t feed your family. But, if a person has done a good job, then why not take a break.

And if, for example, some kind of holiday: everyone is resting, walking. Take the same New Year. So what's the job then? Hence the proverbs: “Every comedy, like every song, has its time and its time”, “Everything has its time”.

If a person is very busy (everyday business meetings, trips, making important decisions) and he is suddenly distracted by some nonsense. And, it takes a lot of time. Agree, not very pleasant? Even if it is 5 minutes, during this time you can make a couple of calls, give a few instructions, fill out a diary. The proverb “Time is money” is about such situations.

We all know that if we are interested, time flies by. If you're bored, vice versa. This is what the proverb is about: “The hour is not dear to those that are long, but to those that are short.”. And if you also spend time with your loved one, when the proverb “Happy hours do not watch” is about you.

Take care of your time! Don't waste. After all, as you know, “You can’t catch up with a lost hour in a year.”

There are a lot of proverbs on this topic. You can’t count them. Here are a few of them:

1) Order saves time.

2) If you miss a minute, you lose an hour.

3) Take care of a second - the gain of time begins with it.

4) Business - time, fun - an hour. (Russian proverb)

5) Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

6) Business time - fun hour (Russian proverb)

7) Do the job and walk boldly (Russian proverb)

Money is gone - you will make money, time is gone - you will not return. (Russian proverb)

9) There are two cures for everything bad: one is time, the other, worth its weight in gold, is silence. (French proverb)

10) Wait - do not get tired, it would be something to look for. (Russian proverb)

11) What's good for Tuesday can't always be used on Wednesday. (Polish proverb)

12) It takes a long time for a mulberry leaf to turn into silk (Vietnamese proverb)

For example, I found these:

  1. Better late than never - Russian proverb.
  2. It takes a long time for a mulberry leaf to turn into silk - Vietnamese proverb.
  3. Wait - do not get tired, it would be something to look for - Russian proverb.
  4. Business time - fun hour - Russian proverb.
  5. Protect the past, but know the new - - Tajik proverb.
  6. Another time - another burden - Russian proverb.
  7. Money is gone - you will make money, time is gone - you will not return - Russian proverb.

Well, and others, of course, I could list only a tiny part of those proverbs that are known about the use of free time.

Hourglass - a symbol of eternal time

The aphorisms published below about time will enable the reader to understand the essence of time and how to use it. After all, time is an important detail in our life. There is no time in eternity as such. Basically, it is our perception. An hour of happiness seems like a minute, a minute of unhappiness seems like an hour. Differences in the speed of the passage of time in childhood and old age.

And in a critical situation, in a state of passion, in general, there is such a slowdown that everything around starts to move slowly. From this it follows that its course can also be learned to control. However, be that as it may, everything in the manifested universe is subject to time, it changes constantly, every moment, however, like us. The body ages, although each has a different and different length, again the same time.

After all, the moment of perception immediately becomes the past, time, as it were, constantly flows and everything changes under its influence. At the same time, the future is approaching, coming, and few people are turned to face this future. People, for the most part, at best turn their backs on things to come. A person who is in the moment of his full perception can go face to face with life. In step with the times, so to speak! After all, walking backwards is not convenient both physiologically and internally. And the person, of course, will turn around. Time is sacred and more deeply studied for all true schools leading to the evolution of awareness. Any perception of the past, present and future is the result of attunement. Any waste of time should be unthinkable, to do this means to miss the emerging opportunity to be in the universal every second creation of the world, which, just as it once began and continues to be created in this moment, which how can you measure it? This is a broader topic.

These aphorisms, as well as sayings on other topics of our life, contain deep meaning and wisdom. Explanation of the laws and patterns of life, in all its breadth. You will learn the essence of time and its patterns, for reasonable use.

♦ Truly great is the man who managed to master his time!

♦ Time does not like being wasted.

♦ When a person has a lot of free time, he will achieve little.

♦ A person who decides to waste at least one hour of his time has not yet matured to understand the full value of life.

♦ Nothing a person can manage more than time.

Ludwig Andreas von Feuerbach

♦ The average person is concerned about how to kill time, while the talented person seeks to use it.

♦ The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by the loss of time.

♦ Time is an honest person.

♦ The wisest thing is time, because it reveals everything.

♦ Alas, time does not pass, we pass.

♦ Wise management of time is the basis for activity.

♦ It's not about running fast, it's about running out early.

About the difference in the perception of time.

♦ The days are so long and the years are so short!

♦. The happy count time in minutes, while for the unhappy it lasts for months.

♦ Time is such an indefinite thing. One seems very long. The other is the opposite.

♦ Time is the mother and nurse of all good things.

♦ Timing means saving time, and what is done out of time is done in vain.

♦ Moments always follow each other.

♦ Youth flies fast: catch the passing time. The past is always better than today.

♦ Use the current time in such a way that in old age you do not reproach yourself for your youth lived in vain.

♦ Time is the most precious of all resources.

♦ Good use of time makes time even more precious.

♦ Who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.

Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

♦ If time is the most precious thing, then wasting time is the greatest waste.

♦ There is time for everything: your hour for conversation, your hour for peace.

♦ In life, every minute is fraught with a miracle and eternal youth.

♦ With each new minute, a new life begins for us.

Jerome Klapka Jerome

♦ Time is the enemy of people who love a quiet life.

♦ Time passes differently for different people.

♦ Very few people know how to properly manage their wealth, even fewer who know how to manage their time, and of these two things, the last is the most important.

♦ How terrible it is to feel that the passage of time takes away everything that you possessed.

♦ The closeness of the beloved shortens the time.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Time heals lovesickness.

♦ Time will always respect and support what is strong, but will turn to dust what is fragile.

♦ Time is the doctor of all inevitable evils.

♦ Time is an endless movement, without a single moment of rest - and it cannot be conceived otherwise.

♦ The length of time is determined by our perception. The dimensions of space are determined by our consciousness. Therefore, if the spirit is calm, one day will be compared with a thousand centuries, and if thoughts are broad, a tiny hut will contain the whole world.

♦ All savings ultimately come down to saving time.

♦ You can't kill time without harming eternity!

♦ A millennium compared to eternity is a shorter period than the blink of an eye compared to the movement of the slowest celestial body rotating in infinite space.

♦ A thousand years is barely enough to create a state, one hour is enough for it to crumble into dust.

George Gordon Byron

♦ The one who is in no hurry anywhere succeeds everywhere.

♦ What is time? If no one asks me about it, I know what time is; if I wanted to explain to the questioner - no, I don't know.

♦ Time is the best teacher, but unfortunately it kills its students.

♦ Time even crushes a stone.

♦ The loss of time is the hardest for the one who knows the most.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ All that is hidden now will reveal once time.

Quintus Horace Flaccus

♦ Time goes by slowly when you follow it. It feels being watched. But it takes advantage of our distraction. It is even possible that there are two times: the one we follow and the one that transforms us.

♦ Of all the critics, the greatest, the most ingenious, the most infallible is time.

♦ Those who are attacked by their time are not yet sufficiently ahead of it or behind it.

♦ No matter how fast time flies, it moves extremely slowly for someone who only watches its movement.

♦ Everything comes in due time for those who know how to wait.

♦ Time is a mirage, it is shortened in moments of happiness and stretched out in hours of suffering.

♦ Keep track of every day, count every minute spent! Time is the only place where stinginess is commendable.

♦ Who won the time - won everything in the end.

♦ A rainbow that has been visible for a quarter of an hour is no longer looked at.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ Every lost moment is a lost cause, a lost benefit.

♦ Time is quite long for the user; whoever works and who thinks expands its limits.

♦. time is stretchable. It depends on what kind of content you fill it with.

♦ Eternity is the time when ideals exist.

♦ There is nothing longer than time, since it is the measure of eternity; there is nothing shorter than it, since it is lacking for all our undertakings. All people neglect him, all regret his loss.

♦ Time is such a fleeting thing that it is impossible to keep up with it.

♦ Time is like money: don't waste it and you'll have plenty of it.

Phrases in rhyme.

♦ As water flows quickly into the sea, so days and years flow into eternity.

♦ Time is a horse, and you are a rider; ride bravely in the wind. Time is a sword; become a strong stick to win the game.

♦ Patience and time give more than strength or passion.

♦ Time, like the tide, never waits.

♦ The two greatest tyrants on earth: chance and time.

♦ Time is running out, and we are silently aging over the years, the days are running away, and it is impossible for us to hold them back.

♦ Time is the truest ally of perseverance.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

♦ The power of time is a law worthy of respect.

♦ Neither the river nor the fleeting time can stop.

♦ If you want to have little time, do nothing.

♦ Time erases the mistake and polishes the truth.

♦ Most people work most of the time in order to live, and the little free time they have left disturbs them so much that they try in every way to get rid of it.

Johann Wolfgang Goethe

And then whole paragraphs of the characteristics of time went.

♦ Do not rush to live. Everything has its time - and everything will be in your joy. For many, life is too long because happiness is too short: they missed the joys early, did not enjoy enough, then they would like to return, but they have gone far from them. Through life they rush on the postal ones, adding their haste to the usual run of time; in one day they are ready to swallow what they cannot digest in a lifetime; live joys in debt, devour for years to come, hurry and hurry - and squander everything. Even in knowledge it is necessary to know the measure, not to gain knowledge that is not worth knowing. We have been given more days than happy hours. Enjoy slowly, but act without delay. The deeds are over - good; joys are over - bad.

♦ A person who knows how to wait. He must have both great courage and considerable patience. Never rush or get excited. Learn to rule yourself, then you will rule others. To a favorable occasion one has to travel long paths of time. While you wisely procrastinate, future successes grow up, secret plans mature. With the crutch of time you will go further than with the chained club of Hercules. God Himself punishes not with a club, but with a twist. It is wisely said: "Time and I - against any enemy." Fortune herself rewards patience with her gifts.

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Chinese wisdom in folk proverbs

The civilization of China is one of the oldest on earth. In many ways, it was ahead of other cultures. The writing of China is more than 5 thousand years old and therefore differs so much from later young alphabets, which are similar to each other like twins.

For many years, the culture of the Celestial Empire absorbed the deep sayings and observations of the sages who lived on its land. And although they were uttered hundreds and thousands of years ago, they are still relevant and instructive for each of us.

The wisdom of the people of China about the inner world of man, happiness and wisdom is fully reflected in idioms and sayings that hide a deep meaning. After all, people with thousands of years of experience cannot give bad advice:

  1. The temptation to give up will be especially strong shortly before victory.
  2. Don't be afraid to slow down, be afraid to stop.
  3. The trick of life is to die young, but as late as possible.
  4. Don't speak unless it improves the silence.
  5. The strong will overcome the barrier, the wise all the way.
  6. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
  7. A hut where they laugh is richer than a palace where they are bored.
  8. A fool has stupid happiness.
  9. If you stumble and fall, it does not mean that you are going the wrong way.
  10. Always look at things from the bright side, and if there are none, rub the dark ones until they shine.
  11. What happens, happens at the right time.
  12. The one who points out your faults is not always your enemy; the one who talks about your virtues is not always your friend.
  13. Live in peace. The time will come and the flowers will bloom themselves.
  14. Don't be afraid you don't know - be afraid you don't learn.
  15. Teachers only open doors, then you go on your own.
  16. No matter how strong the wind blows, the mountain will not bow before it.
  17. There is no friend without flaw; if you look for a flaw, you will be left without a friend.
  18. Your home is where your thoughts are at peace.
  19. Misfortune enters the door that was opened to him.
  20. Those who are able to blush cannot have a black heart.
  21. Better one day to be a man than a thousand days to be a shadow.
  22. The person who was able to move a mountain started by dragging small pebbles from place to place.
  23. If you make a mistake, it's better to laugh right away.
  24. The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The next best time is today.
  25. No one comes back from travel the way he was before.

Life and time are eternal companions.

Time is not subject to anyone. After all, it is one of the forms of existence of matter and it is a successive change of its phenomena and states. It is endless. irreversible and irreversible.

Time has always troubled the minds of the sages.

In the section Wise men about the time of the site “All Wisdom!” collected sayings, aphorisms, sayings, expressions of sages, thinkers, philosophers, writers, poets, great, famous people of all times and peoples from the ancient world to the present day about time.

“O Time, Time, who has comprehended you?

"Time takes away everything"

“Only time does not waste time.”

“Keep time: it is the fabric of which life is made.”

“Delay is like death.”

“Time is the fabric that life is made of.”

“Everything in the world has a true price

perfectly knows time - only it

sweeps away the husk, blows off the foam

and decanting wine into amphoras”

“Let's take at least time ... How many questions are there:

Was there anything before it?

Is it something itself, leaving aside everything?

And, is it possible to turn it?!”

“He who does not know the value of time is not born for glory.”

“The biggest waste you can make is a waste of time.”

“Truly great is the man who has managed to master his time!”

“Time alone is to be cherished.

Do not let him steal moments of bliss,

Empty moments of useless meetings.”

“Time said “I create the world that is full of beauty”.

“We are creating you, O time,” said the clock.

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