Proverbs with the word fear. Russian proverbs about fear: a vivid example of ridiculing cowardice and glorifying courage


Folklore is the mass creativity of ordinary people. In the literal sense, this term means: folk knowledge, folk wisdom. Folklore includes various legends, sayings, proverbs. Our article will focus on the latter. Proverbs about fear occupy a special place among them.

All such sayings have an instructive meaning. They also have a summary. They do not consist of superfluous words. Any word of the saying has an exact, weighty meaning. Every folk utterance is rich in a certain meaning. Their subject matter is different. The most ancient are proverbs about fear and courage.

History of occurrence

These sayings have come into the Russian language since ancient times. They were formed by the people even before the charter appeared. People did not know how to write and read, but they were already building their own school of life. In the best sayings, the people passed on life values ​​to their descendants. The wisdom of the people was in the sayings. Each saying taught children wisdom, reflected the views of their ancestors on life. For example, proverbs about fear and courage glorify the heroes who defended the people from enemies.

And today the old proverbs are kept in the Russian language. These sayings make our life imaginative and colorful. At one time, many great people turned to folk wisdom. Russian classics loved to listen to ordinary people, to write down folk sayings.

Proverbs about fear

Fear is a feeling familiar to many people. In their sayings, the people glorified courage, exposed cowardice, laziness. Proverbs about fear teach to overcome your fear: To be afraid of a wolf is not to go into the forest. In them, this feeling is often expressed figuratively: Fear has large eyes. Proverbs about fear are not devoid of humor, they contain sympathy for the daring and the brave: The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly. From generation to generation, the attitude of the people to the heroes is passed on: The courage of the city takes. All these sayings contain a moral and instructive meaning.

This article presents Russian folk proverbs and sayings about fear, cowardice and courage.

Proverbs and sayings about fear, cowardice and courage

  • The fearful one is afraid of his own shadow.
  • Go to the bath - do not be afraid of a couple.
  • To be afraid of thieves is not to keep cows.
  • To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.
  • Those who are afraid are half beaten.
  • Good sea from the shore.
  • To be afraid of locusts is not to sow even bread.
  • It's good to tease a bear out the window.
  • On the cowardly and already - the snake.
  • The hero is famous in the fight, but the coward is famous at home.
  • Above the frightened falcon and crows play.
  • He who fears fire also flees from smoke.
  • Where there is fear, there is destruction.
  • Gave up in fear.
  • The frightened beast runs away.
  • Burnt child dreads the fire.
  • Only show the vine to the beaten cat.
  • The dog barks at the brave, and vomits at the cowardly.
  • Than be afraid of devils, so be afraid of people.
  • You won't be afraid of any misfortune.

These were Russian folk proverbs and sayings about fear, cowardice and courage.

Proverbs about courage and fear.


Courage takes the city. Death flees from the brave. The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly. The brave will find where the timid loses. Know how to be afraid, know how to be brave. Take the bull by the horns. For a brave soldier and a mitten - a grenade. Happiness helps the brave. Happiness is always on the side of the brave. Who goes forward, fear does not take Frightened - half beaten. Burnt child dreads the fire. Waking up and a flea looks like a bear. Fear has big eyes. Where scary together, go there alone. The devil is not so terrible as he is painted, You will not be afraid of any misfortune. There are many fears, but one life. Here are some proverbs...


He's afraid of him like hell.

Scared like hell.

To be afraid of wolves - to be without fungi.

To be afraid of misfortune - and there will be no happiness.

Go to the bath - do not be afraid of a couple.

In a flurry and a cowardly bear.

Where there is shame, there is fear.

To be afraid of a wolf - and to run away from a squirrel.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

The throat is wider than the cauldron, and the heart is already a hare's paw.

A mouse threatens a cat, but from afar.

God forbid our calf and wolf catch.

Trembling like a leaf on an aspen.

The soul is gone.

Go ahead - better: fear does not take.

To another, thunder is not thunder, but a terrible drum.

Whoever has never been to the sea has never seen fear.

Whom the bear fought, he is afraid of the hemp in the forest.

Whoever runs back does not value honor.

Whoever is not afraid of death is a small bird, but whoever loves life has ruined that fear.

The bow is tight, the spear is short, and the saber cannot be drawn.

Well done - to the sheep, and well done - the sheep itself.

You will not be afraid of any misfortune.

On the cowardly and already - the snake.

There are many dogs on the coward.

Do not be afraid, and do not boast.

Don't scare the duck with water.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

One is not scary, but two is more fun.

He is afraid of his own shadow.

Farewell, don't be afraid.

A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

The frightened beast runs far.

He was afraid of his bast shoes.

Do not frighten your own; and ours are not afraid.

The heart of a falcon, and the courage of a crow.

Smyrna dog and kochet beats.

Fear walks on cockroach legs.

Fear will overwhelm you, you will be lost.

There are many fears, but one life.

Fear is the enemy's first helper.

Fear is on the heels of untruth.

Fear takes away power.

Fear is worse than death.

Look fear in the eyes, don't blink, but if you blink, you'll be lost.

Fear is worse than death.

Terrible dream, but merciful God.

It's scary to see, but it will be done - fall in love.

Frighten the one who does not understand anything.

Fear has big eyes.

Fear has eyes that are bowls, but they do not see a crumb.

Fight loves courage.

The dog barks at the brave, and vomits at the cowardly.

The brave are not afraid of death.

Bold eyes - the beauty of the young man.

The brave will find where the timid loses.

Where there is courage, there is victory.

Without courage, strength falls on the pitchfork.

To the brave to sip peas, but to the timid and not to see cabbage soup.

With abundance comes courage.

Feel free to talk about a good deed.

Cheek brings success.

I don’t fight myself, but I’m not afraid of seven.

He is not a timid ten.

Risk is a noble cause.

Courage drinks honey.

Happiness helps the brave.

Who is brave - he is alive, who is brave - he is whole.

A bold word upholds the heart.

In Russia, not all crucians - there are ruffs.

Who dared, he ripened ahead.

Who dared, ate two; who is agile, he is pleased.

God will not give out, the pig will not eat.

Sink or swim.

Friendly, but brave all year round - summer.

In fate, as in struggle, the brave wins.

Who is bolder, the lighter.

The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly.

The world loves the brave.

On the go, the soles tear.

Anyone will shut up by the belt.

The sea will jump - heels will not get wet.

Victory comes to the brave.

A bold attack is no worse than a victory.

God sends misfortune to the humble, but the brisk one will jump on him.

Glory itself comes to the brave.

Ruff and pike will not take from the tail.
Frost leniently enough for the nose, and before the agile takes off his hat.

Courage leads to everything.

The brave cannot sleep at night; the brave strives for victory.

Don't take us with your bare hands!

He won't go up in flames either.

Death does not take the brave.

Either in the stirrup with your foot, or in the stump with your head. courage death

Success always justifies courage.

Whoever stands boldly for the truth will do his job.

Two of them do not wait for dinner, the brave one eats.

Whoever is brave and steadfast is worth ten.

For the brave - honey donuts, for the coward - fir cones.

The brave one jumps, but the coward cries.

A brave fighter both in training and in battle, well done.

The brave one can sip peas, but the timid one cannot see empty cabbage soup.

Fight boldly for the cause of the people.

To the brave - respect, to the coward - contempt.

At least for an hour, but jump.

Whoever stares with the eyes of courage will be safe.

He doesn't even lead.

He will hatch out of a baked chicken egg.

After the rati there are many brave.

Bolder is better - it does not take thought.

Courage is better than wealth.

The brave always know each other's worth.

The brave is always respected.

A bold attack is half the battle.

The brave create their own glory.

You see happiness - you go forward more boldly.

He was able and dared - he defeated five.

I don’t fight myself, but I’m not afraid of seven! Who dared, he ripened ahead.

He got a piece, and whoever dared, then ate two.

Even if you haven't eaten, be brave.

The master of the case is taken boldly.

The brave will not hit the face in the dirt.

A bold start is as good as a victory.

The brave is famous for doing wrong.

It's such a thing that you have to go boldly.

Whoever looks with the eyes of courage will be a whole.

He is brave who sits on a horse.

Fear has big eyes.

Do not be afraid, and do not boast.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

Not for fear, but for conscience.

The soul is gone.

There are many fears, but one life.

The heart of a falcon, and the courage of a crow.

There is nothing to be afraid of who is not afraid of anything.

To be afraid of the wolf - and to run away from the squirrel.

Fear is worse than death.

Where there is fear, there is shame.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Whoever runs back does not value honor.

Trembling like a leaf on an aspen.

Fear takes away power.

On the cowardly and already - the snake.

The frightened beast runs far.

Terrible dream, but merciful God.

Fear is worse than death.

To another, thunder is not thunder, but a terrible drum.

He is afraid of his own shadow.

A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.

Look fear in the eyes, don't blink, but if you blink, you'll be lost.

Go ahead - better: fear does not take.

Farewell, don't be afraid.

He is afraid of him like the devil incense.

Smyrna dog and kochet beats.

The throat is wider than the cauldron, and the heart is already a hare's paw.

He was afraid of his bast shoes.

There are many dogs on the coward.

Who goes forward, that fear does not take.

Where there is fear, there is compulsion.

Frighten the one who does not understand anything!

Whoever is not afraid of death is a small bird, but whoever loves life has ruined that fear.

Well done - on the sheep, and well done - the sheep itself.

It’s scary to see, but when it’s done, it will fall in love.

Whom the bear fought, he is afraid of the hemp in the forest.

You will not be afraid of any misfortune.

Do not frighten your own, but ours are not afraid anyway.

Don't scare the duck with water.

Fear will overwhelm you, you will be lost.

The bow is tight, the spear is short, and the saber cannot be drawn.

Fear walks on cockroach legs.

In a flurry and a cowardly bear.

God forbid our calf and wolf catch.

Fear is the enemy's first helper.

Look fear in the eyes, don't blink, if you blink, you'll be lost.

Frighten the one who is afraid of everything.

Fear gives wings.

Fear has eyes that are bowls, but they do not see a crumb.

A mouse threatens a cat, but from afar.

Fear is on the heels of untruth.

Go to the bath - do not be afraid of a couple.

Where there is shame, there is fear.

Whoever has never been to the sea has never seen fear.

Under fear, the legs are fragile

Scared like hell.

Whoever is not afraid of death is a small bird, but whoever loves life, that fear has ruined.

Fear of misfortune - and there will be no happiness.

To be afraid of wolves - to be without fungi.

One is not scary, but two is more fun.

Since ancient times, people have made proverbs about fear. At the same time, they were not supposed to intimidate people, but, on the contrary, to teach them to proudly overcome all life's obstacles. After all, the Russian people have always been famous for their courage, which means that it was necessary to maintain their reputation.

Many proverbs about fear have survived to this day. And now we can use them to look at the world differently and thereby strengthen our character. And therefore, let's look at the most striking examples of proverbs and sayings about fear and courage.

There is nothing worse than fear

Our ancestors used to say this: "A hero dies once, but a coward dies a hundred times." By this they wanted to show how detrimental fear affects the human soul. After all, this feeling eats from the inside, thereby bringing terrible torment. It is this truth that proverbs about fear want to show to people in the first place.

In order to prove this statement more clearly, we give examples of such sayings:

  • A coward does not know life, he is only afraid of losing it.
  • He who trembles from the wind will also run away from the shadow.
  • A frightened hare and an old stump will imagine a wolf.
  • Whoever is afraid of everything, the enemy doubles in his eyes.
  • One coward can destroy an entire army.
  • In a coward's eyes, everything increases - both difficulties and troubles.
  • Fear has eyes like bowls, but still does not see a crumb.

Proverbs about fear and courage

Another way to show the absurdity of fear is to compare it with courage. After all, everyone wants to be heroes in the eyes of their loved ones and friends. And it is on this desire that many proverbs about fear and courage are based.

Let's look at the most striking examples of such comparisons in Russian proverbs and sayings:

  • Heroes do not die, they remain forever in the hearts of the people.
  • A brave man has a hundred roads, but a coward has only one, and then bears walk along it all the time.
  • One brave man is worth seven timid ones.
  • The hero will pass there, where a coward is even afraid to look.
  • The dog barks at the brave, but bites the coward's leg.
  • Happiness and luck only pursue.

Methods for dealing with fear

However, Russian proverbs about fear not only make fun of cowardice, but also give practical advice on how to overcome it. Probably, this is their main merit to the people. In order to prove this, here are some examples of such proverbs and sayings:

  • It is worth throwing fear out of the mind, and it will immediately leave the heart.
  • Where there is no knowledge, there is no courage.
  • Do not turn into a sheep, because you don’t have to be afraid of a wolf.
  • Many fears, but one life.
  • The one who does not know fear is not brave, but the one who, seeing him, moved forward.
  • The devil is not as scary as he is painted.

Folklore is the mass creativity of ordinary people. In the literal sense, this term means: folk knowledge, folk wisdom. Folklore includes various legends, sayings, proverbs. Our article will focus on the latter. Proverbs about fear occupy a special place among them.

What it is

Proverbs are sayings that have entered the Russian language, in which people from generation to generation passed on their experience, generalized their socio-historical culture. They have a peculiar, rhythmic form, an important sound design.

All such sayings have an instructive meaning. They also have a summary. They do not consist of superfluous words. Any word of the saying has an exact, weighty meaning. Every folk utterance is rich in a certain meaning. Their subject matter is different. The most ancient are proverbs about fear and courage.

History of occurrence

These sayings have come into the Russian language since ancient times. They were formed by the people even before the charter appeared. People did not know how to write and read, but they were already building their own school of life. In the best sayings, the people passed on life values ​​to their descendants. The wisdom of the people was in the sayings. Each saying taught children wisdom, reflected the views of their ancestors on life. For example, proverbs about fear and courage glorify the heroes who defended the people from enemies.

And today old proverbs are kept in Russian . These sayings make our life imaginative and colorful. At one time, many great people turned to folk wisdom. Russian classics loved to listen to ordinary people, to write down folk sayings.

Fear is a feeling familiar to many people. In their sayings, the people glorified courage, exposed cowardice, laziness. Proverbs about fear teach to conquer your fear: To be afraid of a wolf - do not go into the forest. In them, this feeling is often expressed figuratively: Fear has big eyes. Proverbs about fear are not devoid of humor, they contain sympathy for the daring and the brave: The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly. From generation to generation, the attitude of the people towards the heroes is transmitted: Cheek brings success. All these sayings contain a moral and instructive meaning.

Fear- a feeling familiar to all people, even heroes. But the winner is the one who knows how to overcome his fear. Heroes know no fear, says a Russian proverb. And Suvorov believed that a coward should be treated with danger (his words became firmly established in colloquial speech and also became a proverb). AT proverbs about fear people express this feeling figuratively: Fear walks on cockroach legs, Fear has large eyes, Fear has the eyes of an owl. Proverb and teaches: Do not think about fear, so it will not be. The most accurate proverbs and sayings with the word fear, as well as on the topic of fear, you will find on this page.

Proverbs with the word fear

Fear walks on cockroach legs.
Terrible trouble until it comes.
It's terrible to start.
One died of fear, the other came to life.
Fear has big eyes.
Fear has eyes that are bowls, but they do not see a crumb.
You won't be afraid of any misfortune.
I'm going forward, it's better not to take fear.
The devil is not as scary as he is painted.
Fear is on the heels of untruth.
There are many fears, but one life.
Heroes don't know fear.
Look fear in the eyes, don't blink, but if you blink, you'll be lost.
One is not scary, but two is more fun.
Do not be afraid, and do not boast.
Do not frighten your own, but ours are not afraid anyway.
Where there is shame, there is fear.
He was afraid of his bast shoes.
Fear is worse than death.
Fear takes away power.
Fear is the enemy's first helper.
There is no salvation in fear.
Where there is fear, there is destruction.
Fear has the eyes of an owl.
Do not think about fear, so it will not be.
Fear has no power.
It's scary to see, but it will be done - fall in love.
That fear is unknown, who goes to victories.

Proverbs about fear

Better to die in a field than in a woman's hem.
To be afraid of death is not to live in the world.
To be afraid of a wolf, and not to go into the forest.
To be afraid of wolves is to be without mushrooms.
Sink or swim.
Fight you on the stove with cockroaches.
Warrior: sits under a bush and howls.
To another, thunder is not thunder, but a terrible drum.
It's good to tease a bear out the window.
I'm not afraid, so I'll take my soul.
A mouse threatens a cat, but from afar.
I don't quarrel with anyone and I'm not afraid of anyone.
He is afraid of him like the devil incense.

He is afraid of his own shadow.
Our Troshka's legs trembled.
And I want, and it pricks, and it hurts, and my mother does not order.
Whoever is rowing (I think), he is afraid of that.
It’s bad, how afraid you are: you won’t escape trouble, but you will only tremble.
Dog, what are you barking? - I'm scaring the wolves! - Dog, what's up? - I'm afraid of wolves!
For the cowardly Afonka, even a hare is a wolf.
What you fear will happen.
Burned in milk, and blows on the water.
Whoever rushes across the field, the bullet is aimed at him.
Whoever thinks, he is afraid of that.
Whoever runs back does not value honor.
The bow is tight, the spear is short, and the saber cannot be drawn.
A frightened crow is afraid of a bush.
The frightened beast runs far.
Smyrna dog and kochet beats.
You can't get away from your tail.

On Fear and Courage

A hero dies once, a coward a thousand times.
Heroes don't know fear.
Whether, behold, conceived - do it! Thought to run, so there is nothing to lie.
You can’t take the city by standing (i.e., by lingering).
To the brave to sip peas, but to the timid and not to see cabbage soup.
The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
Either a colonel or a dead man.
Heal the coward with danger (A. Suvorov).
Brave after the rati, as he climbed onto the floor.
The heart is a falcon, and courage (daring) is a crow.
Every coward talks about courage.
Ours are not shy in the field (they do not tremble on the stove).
You see happiness - you go bolder.
A coward praises himself with his tongue, and a brave man with a bayonet.
Take the city for the brave, and run away from the home for the coward.
The brave coward brings, for the coward and the enemy comes.
A coward is not a comrade to the brave.
The dog barks at the brave, but bites the cowardly.
God sends misfortune to the meek, but the brisk one will jump on him.

sayings about fear

Tuck your tail. I'll hold your tail; you're holding my tail.
Keep a noble distance (distance).
Give bows to the cores (crouch when the core flies, cowardly).
Drive someone into a corner; to drive into a back alley, into a sack, back up against a wall, press down.
He is afraid of him like the devil incense.
Looks back like a wolf on his tail.
He is afraid of his own shadow.
Tooth does not fit.
Eyes popping out of fear.
Don't scare the duck with water.
Died with fear (died). Became without a language.
Neither alive nor dead. Between life and death. How not alive.
Turned pale as a sheet. Has become whiter than linen.
Heart skipped a beat. The soul is gone.
It took my breath away with fear.
Shaking like a leaf on an aspen (like an aspen leaf)
It stands as if rooted to the spot. Only blinks his eyes.
So my heart crowed like a rooster.
Frisky legs (knees) buckled (broke, broke off).
Beneath me, my legs crunched like splinters.
Left the language behind the threshold. I didn’t find the words (taken aback, dumbfounded).
The tongue is attached to the larynx.
So the hands fell off (dropped, fell off).
It stands as if on needles (on fire, on a brazier, on coals).
I stand, I burn with fire. Stands, eyes wide open.
The ants are gone. Goosebumps running through the body. Sprinkled with ants.
Subdued that the wolf under the horn. He tucked his tail like a wolf in a kennel.

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