Rules of etiquette in the dining room. We pass the salt only when asked.


Young parents are not always serious about the advice of their elders in raising children, and teaching their baby the rules of behavior at the table is considered the tenth thing. So it comes down in some families to completely non-pedagogical shouts: “don’t champ, close your mouth and chew, sit up straight, don’t rock in your chair, don’t grab from the table before dinner…”. On this they consider their mission completed. And the grandmother knows for sure that in a few years parents will have to blush for such an undergrowth. Or another situation, the kid has been poking around in the soup for half an hour, choosing from there what he likes best, as a result pushing the plate away, spilling the contents on the floor, on the table and on himself ... A familiar situation? Forgivable if the child is only a year old. What if it's four or five? Where is the line between childish awkwardness and lack of good manners? And when should you start introducing your child to the basics of etiquette? Let's see what the rules of behavior for children at the table should be.

Everyone remembers a few unpleasant moments when a neighbor's teenager or a kid invited to a children's party simply disrupted lunch with their behavior. They talked loudly, stretched across the table for the best piece of cake, slurped, and even choked, not chewing food. The list of unacceptable acts is endless.

Let's protect ourselves from such behavior of a son or daughter in the future. Let's try to systematize the training of our crumbs in good manners, so that it is not burdensome either for them or for us. The best age to start training is 1.5 - 2 years. Naturally, at this age, the child will not be able to understand all the rules of adult etiquette. Yes, this is not necessary.

When to teach? Everything has its time

Table manners for kids are slightly different from adult etiquette, because many hyperactive children become little pranksters during meals. Most children learn good manners before the age of 5. But you need to start teaching a child as early as 1.5 - 2 years. Of course, there may be exceptions to the rules, but be aware that the later you start training, the more difficult your lessons will be for your child.

We read an article on how to teach a child to eat independently and carefully -

from 1.5 to 5

  • At this age, the child is actively mastering the skills of the world around him. He absorbs everything he sees, tries to imitate adults. It's time to learn the basics of etiquette in a playful way;
  • It is mandatory to wash your hands before eating. Mom herself should not forget to wash her hands before feeding the baby. Before each meal, she should go to the bathroom with the baby and wash her hands and herself and him. Over time, it will do this automatically;
  • Feeding the baby should definitely take place at the dinner table, and not in the nursery and not in front of the TV. This will help your child to take food seriously in the future, to respect the work of those who prepare food. Put the baby on a high chair so that he does not look out from under the table, but feels like an equal member of the family;
  • Lay a linen napkin on your baby's lap. Clothes will stay clean even if the child spills soup or tea. As an adult, having a napkin in a restaurant will not put your child into a stupor;
  • Do not let the child play with food, crumble bread, spread porridge on the table. Such behavior is not permissible even at 2 years old. Try to patiently explain to the baby that it’s ugly to behave like that, that mom is ashamed of him. Mom and dad never act like that. Of course, the baby will not listen to you the first time;
  • Only one rule: never yell at him. Be patient and consistent in your demands. It is impossible today to forbid something, and tomorrow not to notice what was created by the child;
  • By the age of five, children should already be able to handle a fork and knife, while children's. They should not be confused that the knife should be held in the right hand and the fork in the left hand. By this age, you need to teach the child which foods are eaten with the help of appliances, and which ones are taken by hand.

5 to 10

The most fruitful age for education, but also the most difficult. During this period, the child does not so unconditionally trust the words of the parents. He already independently tries to understand the life and actions of the people around him.

Mom and dad should not allow any indulgence for themselves in the ritual of eating. If you teach a child not to drink juices from a package, but to pour them into a glass, it would be unacceptable to violate this rule yourself. Or just one day forget to wash your hands before dinner. Or not to thank the hostess for dinner. The child will notice this, and your words will no longer be true for him.

(The picture is clickable, you can copy and print)

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

At 5 - 6 years old, the baby must learn how to behave at the table and no longer violate accepted norms. Each violation must be discussed with the child at the family council. This will help him understand the seriousness of the demands of adults. But in no case should a “debriefing” be carried out in the presence of strangers, in a derogatory manner or with the help of shouting and swearing.

  • The kid already knows that you need to sit at the dining table straight, not swaying in a chair. It is unacceptable to spread your elbows and push your neighbors on the table with them. If it is difficult to enforce this rule with words, the reception with books helps a lot. During lunch, stick your child's armpit on a book and ask them to hold them until the end of the meal. A few of these exercises, and there will be no problems with the elbows;
  • The child does not allow himself to champ loudly, speak with a full mouth. It was instilled in him constantly. He also knows that you need to put small pieces of food in your mouth and chew them thoroughly;
  • The kid is holding back belching and coughing. If this is not possible, he must turn away from the table and cover his mouth with a paper napkin;
  • It will be quite natural for a child under 10 years old to know that one cannot consider himself the center of society and attract everyone's attention to his person with various loud demands. If the baby needs to move away from the table, he should ask permission from one of the parents in a quiet voice, calmly. It is not necessary for everyone to know what he wants to go to the toilet;
  • You can not reach for a plate at the other end of the table through all the dishes. The child knows that he needs to ask to put the desired piece on his plate. You can’t rummage through a common dish in search of the best piece;
  • You can sit down at the table only after adults, and get up after everyone has eaten. If you do not want to sit and listen to the conversations of adults, the child simply asks permission to leave;
  • Gratitude for lunch should definitely manifest itself in the form of a magic word “thank you”.

10 and older

You did a good job teaching your offspring excellent manners and etiquette. However, it is too early to relax. He knows what every intelligent person should know and observe. But the rules of good manners and behavior at the table are not limited to this. Ahead is the study of special cutlery that is not used daily. It would be nice to introduce your child to how to eat various exotic dishes. It will not be superfluous to have general knowledge about the food traditions of the peoples of the world.

(The picture is clickable, you can copy and print)

  1. Don't talk to your child in a didactic tone. For a better assimilation of the rules of etiquette, a game form of training is suitable. You can come up with a dinner party for dolls and bears, setting the table with toy dishes according to all adult standards. Responsible for this dinner, of course, will be your child. And you just prompt and advise in time.
  2. Be consistent and patient in your learning. Do not allow yourself to take it out on the child, even if he has done something unacceptable. Do not forget to praise and support the child for success.
  3. Involve your child in preparing dinner. Entrust him to arrange the plates, bring the bread to the table. Working together will bring together and make the baby more respectful of food and the one who cooks dinner.
  4. Call on cartoons and fairy tales that talk about the rules of etiquette to help you. Discuss with your child the scene you just saw from the movie on the topic. Don't skip real life examples. The rules of behavior at the table should be vividly woven into reality, this is not a frozen dogma.
  5. Your own example is the best lesson. Children always imitate adults. Let's use this for learning. Of course, it is not easy to always control yourself and not let you grab a piece of delicious food on the fly, but remember about the child.

Why should a child be taught etiquette?

Your efforts will not be in vain. Adult life will very soon become your baby's life. A joint lunch with a potential employer, a visit to a restaurant with a girl you like, a business dinner with partners, a corporate party ... Often the most serious conversations are conducted at the dinner table. We read an article with comments and experiments

Video minute: table etiquette

Psychologists say that it is necessary to teach a child the rules of etiquette at the table from early childhood: from a year to two:

How to sit at the table

Lessons in good manners. How to behave at the table? How to sit, what can and should not be done at the table? You will learn in the lessons of good manners:

How Koksik and Shunya learned the rules of table manners

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

Etiquette is the procedure for conducting a certain ceremony. However, it is worth remembering that modern etiquette is not only the rules for eating at the table, but also the ability to make a good impression on others with your appearance, manner of speaking and communicating.

The behavior of a person at the table is a whole science. All norms and rules of behavior at the table have been developed by many generations and are based, first of all, on common sense, as well as hygiene rules, a humane attitude towards people, etc. By the way a person stays at the table, how he eats, one can judge his cultural level. Without observing the rules of conduct at the table, without good manners, it is difficult to succeed in society. And, since receptions are an integral part of business life, modern business schools, colleges and other educational institutions teach future businessmen to behave properly at the table, to be polite and considerate towards neighbors, to eat not only beautifully, but also “safely” for others. Let's try to consider the basic rules of behavior at the table

Do not sit at the table until the ladies sit down or until the host or hostess invites you to take a seat. The man accompanies the woman to the table, seats her to his right, after which he can sit down himself. The right to the attention and help of a man belongs to a woman sitting to his right, but a woman sitting to his left should also not remain out of his field of vision. The man at the table should give the same courtesies to women he knows and women to whom he is not introduced, but do not forget that the lady sitting next to you should be occupied regardless of whether you are introduced to her or not.

Guests should not start eating before the meal has been offered to all guests. First of all, you need to serve the ladies. When the next dish is served, it is not necessary to wait until the plates of the rest are filled. The lady sitting on the right should pour wine with her left hand, slightly turning to the right. If a new bottle is opened, the man pours some wine for himself, then for the lady.

You should not put your elbows on the table (you can hit a neighbor or his cutlery). Only the hands are on the table, and the elbows, if possible, are pressed to the body. At the table, you should sit straight, not leaning over the plate.

If it is difficult to reach any item on the table, you should ask him to pass it, and not get up from your seat and, hanging over the table, risk dipping your jacket sleeves into other people's plates, with difficulty getting to the coveted salad bowl.

When the meal is finished, the fork and knife are placed parallel to each other on the plate, “ten minutes to four”, i.e. so that if the plate is considered a round dial, then the fork and knife should show exactly this time. Not many people know that the waiter must not clear the table until everyone has finished eating. If you finished your meal earlier, sit still and continue the conversation. Never stack plates one on top of the other and, moreover, do not push them away from you - this is against the rules. The rest of the time you can drink tea, coffee, juice. Do not put a teaspoon in a glass or cup. After stirring tea or coffee, put a spoon on a saucer. Avoid activities that will drive your companions. But if you're the slowest eater at a business lunch, it's better not to finish your meal than to keep everyone waiting.

Do not make any remarks about the served dish. Do not criticize what is served to the table. Remember to get up from the table after the women have stood up. Remain standing until they leave the room, and then you can sit down again if you intend to stay and smoke at the table.

At the table it is customary to have a conversation, but at the table it is not customary to talk about business, the conversation should be of a general nature. If the number of participants in the reception is small, the conversation is common to everyone, if the number of guests is more than 30-40 people, those sitting next to each other talk. They will talk about business later, when the feast ends, which usually lasts from 1.5 to 2 hours.

The restrictions generally accepted in secular etiquette on the topics of table conversations also apply in business etiquette: it is not customary to talk about health - one's own or one of those present, about wages and income in general, as well as about illnesses and ailments, family problems and troubles, disputes and conflicts with management. It is advisable to avoid long monologues in a conversation. You should not ask interlocutors about their age or their official rank. At the table, general topics should be touched upon - about the weather, about culture and art, and it is not recommended to delve into any topics, as this can lead to disputes and even conflicts. At the same time, it is not customary to talk over the heads of neighbors: if you really need to say something to a neighbor sitting through one person, you need to do this by leaning back, i.e. behind the back of the immediate neighbor, and not in front of his face. When talking to one neighbor, you cannot turn your back on another neighbor.

It is useful not only to speak in accordance with the rules of etiquette, but also to be able to listen, i.e. do not interrupt the interlocutor, look at him with attention and interest, let him express his thought completely, show the interlocutor (by facial expression, posture, etc.) that the topic of conversation is interesting.

Don't turn your back on another if you intend to talk to your neighbor. Do not talk to another through a neighbor. Don't talk with your mouth full. Don't lean back or fall apart in your chair.

Serving items. Don't let the cutlery scare you with its brilliance and quantity - they are placed in the order in which the dishes are served: soup, fish, meat, dessert (toward the meal). Sitting at the table, look around, pay attention to how the table is served. There seems to be a lot of dishes and cutlery, but each has its own place, each has its own role. Directly in front of you is a diner (or a small dining room, and on it a diner) a plate. To her left is a pie plate or paper napkin. To the right of the plate are knives and spoons, and to the left are forks. In front of the plate are dessert utensils or one utensil - usually a dessert spoon or a teaspoon. Behind the dessert set are wine glasses and glasses. There is a napkin on the dinner plate. If the first course is not provided, the spoon is missing.

Correctly and skillfully using serving items is, first of all, using them only for their intended purpose. First of all, you need to remember that all appliances - knives and spoons located to the right of the plate, are taken and held while eating with the right hand, and all those located on the left - with the left hand. Dessert devices, located with the handles to the right, are taken with the right hand, and with the handles to the left - with the left hand.

It is recommended to hold the knife so that the end of its handle rests on the palm of the right hand, the middle and thumb fingers should be held on the sides of the beginning of the handle, and the index finger on the upper surface of the beginning of the knife handle. With this finger, the knife handle is pressed down when cutting the desired piece. The remaining fingers should be slightly bent towards the palm.

When using it, it is recommended to hold the fork in the left hand with the prongs down so that the end of its handle rests slightly on the palm. With your thumb and middle fingers, you need to hold the fork by the edge of the handle, and keep your index finger on top, pressing the fork handle down. The remaining fingers should be slightly bent and pressed to the palm.

Small pieces of food, as well as some side dishes for meat or fish (mashed potatoes and cereals, for example), cannot be eaten with a fork. In these cases, it is used as a spoon: they turn it over with the teeth up so that the flat part of the beginning of the fork handle lies on the middle finger, slightly resting the end of the handle on the base of the index finger, with the index finger you need to hold the fork from its side, and the thumb - from above. The rest of the fingers are recommended to be pressed lightly to the palm. In these cases, food is picked up on a fork, helping with the tip of a knife blade. The spoon should be held in the right hand so that the end of the spoon handle rests on the base of the index finger, and the beginning of the spoon handle lies on the middle finger. In this case, with your thumb, you need to slightly press the handle from above to the middle finger, and with your index finger, support it from the side. For some dishes, pieces of which are easily separated with a fork, only a fork is served. In these cases, it is held in the right hand.

How to properly use a napkin. Modern etiquette suggests putting a napkin on your knees to avoid damage to clothing due to possible food getting on it. Therefore, before you start eating, carefully, calmly unfold your napkin and, folding it in half straight or diagonally, cover your knees with it. Fingers accidentally soiled while eating are carefully wiped with the top half of the napkin, without removing it from the knees. To wipe the lips, a napkin is taken from the knees with both hands, shortened by turning its ends in the palm of your hand and, having applied the middle to the lips, wet them on the upper half of the napkin. Wiping your lips by sliding movements over them with a napkin is ugly. At the end of the meal, the napkin should not be carefully folded, trying to give it its former appearance, but simply gently placed to the right of your plate. It is not recommended to hang it on the back of a chair or put it on its seat.

2. How and what to eat

They take bread from a common plate and break it in half over their own bread plate (it is at the top left of the main appliance); one half is placed on a bread plate, and it “waits its turn”, and the second is eaten, breaking off with your left hand a piece of the size that you can immediately put in your mouth. Then do the same with the second half of a piece of bread. Very often bread looks like small buns; they are treated like a piece of bread, i.e. break apart, etc.

If there is a common butter dish on the table, take a little butter from the total mass on your plate, and then spread it on a broken piece of bread. Oil from the butter dish is taken with a special wide knife, but if it is not available, you can take the oil with your knife and put it on a plate. Hold it all over the bread plate, not the main plate. Never butter the whole piece at once - it's not a sandwich.

Sandwiches are eaten in the same way as entrecote: the sandwich lying on the guest's plate is eaten gradually, in pieces cut off with a knife and fork.

Manners of behavior in society indicate a person's upbringing and knowledge of the basic rules of etiquette. First of all, this applies to visits to cafes and restaurants, where it is necessary to behave properly at the table. Etiquette at the table is not only about how to hold cutlery, eat or drink, it is also important to be able to competently maintain a conversation and be neat in everything.


Etiquette at the table is a certain knowledge that shapes the behavior of people in society. Any mistake made at the table will be immediately noticed and will create an unpleasant impression about the person, therefore, before visiting guests, a cafe or a restaurant, you need to check your manners, and if there are “gaps” in them, immediately correct everything. This will help in the future to avoid embarrassing situations and give self-confidence.

Etiquette at the table consists of a few simple rules.

  • You can not sit far from the table or too tightly pressed against its edge. Only brushes can be placed on the table.
  • Landing should be even, leaning over food is ugly.
  • It is considered bad form to reach for dishes. If the plates are placed far away, then you need to ask other participants in the meal to pass them.
  • When eating, use napkins. To do this, adults put them on their knees, and small children tuck napkins into the collar.
  • All dishes should be placed on plates with cutlery. An exception to this rule are fruits, sugar, cookies or cakes.
  • It is important to remember that devices that lie on the left are designed to be held by the left hand, and those lying on the right are intended for the right hand.

Besides, Don't talk loudly at the table. When maintaining a conversation, first of all, you need to listen to the interlocutor, without interrupting him, and only then give an answer. The implementation of these recommendations is not particularly difficult, so they should always be followed.

It is also necessary to teach this manner of behavior to your children, and it is advisable to do this from a very early age.

Introduction to serving

Table setting is the main component of any meal. If a gala dinner takes place at home, then the impression of the owners of the house will depend on its design. Many people compare table setting with a real work of art, as it is important not only to properly arrange the cutlery and know their purpose, but also to create a festive atmosphere with the help of flowers and napkin decor.

To beautifully set the table, first of all you need to lay a tablecloth, then you can arrange plates, glasses, glasses, wine glasses, cutlery and napkins. Their location is set by the rules of etiquette and cannot be changed at one's own discretion.

The tablecloth serves as the basis for the design of the table, so its choice should be taken responsibly. It is recommended to use canvases in white or light colors.

According to the serving rules, the corners of the tablecloth should cover the legs of the furniture, but not be too long, leaving a distance of 25-30 cm from the floor. You can not stretch the corners of the tablecloth, otherwise the canvas will lose its shape and aesthetic appearance.

After the tablecloth has taken the correct position on the table, you can proceed to the next stage of serving and start arranging the plates. There are many varieties of plates, each of which has its own purpose. Most often, the main plates are placed on the table, which can be used to serve different types of dishes, as well as additional ones - for salads, bread, pies, oysters, eggs, jams and fruits. The number of plates used depends on whether you are planning a regular dinner or a gala dinner.

Plates before a meal are thoroughly washed and wiped dry, preferably to a shine. Put the plates in front of the seat. It is ugly when they lie on the edge of the countertop, so this should be avoided when serving. In the event that the dinner will consist of several dishes, table plates are placed under snack bars.

Great attention should also be paid to the placement of cutlery. Forks should be laid out to the left, and knives to the right of the plate. In this case, next to the knife must be a tablespoon. For a gala dinner, which provides for a rich menu, snack utensils are first placed: a fish and table knife, a soup spoon, a fork. The distance between cutlery should not exceed 1 cm.

After the cutlery, they move on to the arrangement of glasses and wine glasses. They are ranked from largest to smallest, starting with glasses for water, wine, champagne and ending with a glass for juice and glasses for spirits. The finishing touch in table setting are napkins, which are a decorative element and lie on your knees.

Do not wipe your face and hands with cloth napkins; paper disposable napkins are used for this purpose.

How to behave at food

A gala dinner or lunch begins with a seat at the table. At the same time, guests must occupy the place indicated in the invitation. If this is not the case, you need to wait for the owners of the house and clarify where you can stay. After landing at the table, a napkin is placed on your knees, which must be unfolded and shaken. In the event that the table is served with napkins in rings, they are carefully removed and the ring is placed in the upper corner from the cutlery. At the end of the meal, the cloth napkin is taken by the center and put back on the ring.

Sitting at the table should be comfortable so that it is convenient to use cutlery. It is strictly forbidden to put elbows on the table, as this is an example of bad taste. After serving the dishes, you need to wait for all the participants in the meal, and only then you can start eating. Dishes that are located at a distance must be asked to pass, and not to reach for them across the entire table.

At the same time, according to the rules of etiquette, each of the guests must make sure that his neighbor has pepper, salt and oil available.

It is also important to take into account some other points.

  • Food is only transferred from left to right, so all dishes can only move in that direction. To do this, one participant in the meal holds the dish, and the second fills the plate, or the neighbor simply passes the dish, and the addressee holds the plate on his own and pours food.
  • Inconvenient in shape and heavy dishes cannot be kept on weight - they are put on the table before each transfer to another guest.
  • Dishes with handles and tureens are recommended to be passed in such a way that the handles are directed to the neighbor who is taking the dish.

In the case when food must be taken with a spoon or fork, the spoon is placed to the right of the plate, and the fork to the left.

You should eat slowly - this will allow you not only to fully enjoy the food, but also to communicate with the owners of the house or guests. During meals, the mouth should be kept closed, without champing or chattering teeth. If the first dishes are too hot, you can’t blow on them - just wait a bit until they cool down.

It is only worth talking when the food is swallowed. If you need to leave, you should first ask for forgiveness from those present, and only then get up from the table.

What appliances to take first

To properly behave at the table in a restaurant, it is important to know how to use the appliances. As a rule, all main dishes are located on the left, and drinks are on the right. Therefore, everything that lies to the left of the plates can be safely taken. It is necessary to start a meal with the help of devices that are located closer to the plate, and then apply the following as new food is served. It is important to remember that the fork is used with the knife and is always placed on the left. If the fork lies on the right, then this means that the dishes will be eaten without a knife.

During the meal, you need to know how to properly place the fork and knife. As a rule, two different styles are used for this.

  • American. Provides for the placement of a fork in the left hand and a knife in the right. A portion is cut off with a knife, after which it is placed on the upper edge of the plate with the blade inward. It is allowed to eat a dish with a fork, holding it both in the left and in the right hand. To rest, the fork is placed on a plate with the teeth up in the direction of 5 o'clock.
  • European. The knife is placed strictly in the right hand, and the fork in the left, while it is impossible to shift the fork from one hand to the other. In the process of eating, it is important to ensure that the fork is constantly teeth down.

In the event that it becomes necessary to take a short break, the knife and fork are placed on a plate in the “I am resting” position. To do this, the fork rests with the handle at 7 o'clock, and the knife at 5 o'clock.

How to bring a spoon to your mouth

All first courses are eaten with a tablespoon, so you need to know the rules of etiquette regarding how to bring this cutlery to your mouth. Usually, when serving, soup bowls are placed on the table along with spoons, or soup is then served with a spoon. You can bring a spoon with food to your mouth both with the side and with the sharp edge of the device. As for scooping the first dish, this is done in two ways: from oneself or from right to left.

The spoon towards the mouth should not be overfilled. To prevent the leftovers of soup from dripping from it, it is recommended to lightly touch the edge of the plate with the device. If the soup is poured, the spoon should remain in the bowl.

It is also important to hold the cutlery in your hand. The spoon is placed between the index finger and thumb, so that the handle rests slightly on the middle finger.

How to hold a glass

Etiquette at the table provides not only a beautiful serving and good manners of communication, but also the rules that must be observed when eating. An important point is the holding of glasses and wine glasses in the hand. Most often, wine is served at gala dinners; for these purposes, special glasses “tulips” or stemmed wine glasses are used. Glasses with white and red wine should be held only by the stem and in no case should they be covered with a hand. Champagne is treated similarly - the vessel filled with it is held with three fingers.

As for cognac glasses, they can be placed in the palm of your hand - this way the drink will warm up to the desired temperature. You can give the cognac an amber hue with the help of light shaking of the glass. A glass of vodka is taken with three fingers, the drink is not held in the hand for a long time and is drunk quickly.

How to put down cutlery when finished eating

After eating, when the meal is over, you must give the waiter a sign. To do this, a fork with a knife lies parallel to the plate - so that the prongs of the fork look up and the knife blade to the side. Exactly the same procedure is performed after the end of the dessert.

Spoons after taking the soup should not remain in a deep plate, they are placed near the lower appliances. In the event that you really liked the dish, you can show it to the waiter with “gestures of a fork and knife”. In this case, the cutlery lies horizontally in the middle of the plate, the fork is placed with the teeth up, and the knife blade should “look” at it.

Knowledge of the basic rules of behavior in society and table etiquette is an indicator not only of the general culture of the secretary, but also of his professionalism. We will talk about the basic rules of table etiquette in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Ethical problems of our time: table etiquette

Once upon a time, table etiquette, rules of conduct at a common table were a separate subject that was mandatory when receiving a general education. Every literate person received ideas about the ethics of behavior in society, the basics of interaction in society already at the stage of home schooling or on everyday examples.

Today, the rules of decency and good manners, unfortunately, are not familiar to everyone, but public interest in etiquette culture has recently increased significantly. This is explained by the activation of business communication, in which etiquette is an indicator of a common culture and a universal tool that levels the objective difference in the mentalities of all interacting parties. In addition, observing table etiquette, the rules for using cutlery is a demonstration of respect for others and for yourself. A modern person living in society should be able to behave aesthetically at the table.

This skill is important even at the everyday level, what can we say about business meetings that sometimes take place in a restaurant, in the form of a business dinner or within the walls of the company hosting the delegation in the form of a buffet table. That is why business people seek to make up for the lack of knowledge in the field of table etiquette by contacting various "schools of table and business etiquette", studying popular publications and encyclopedias about the rules of conduct. Many companies order such training courses for their employees, especially those who take part in negotiations, represent the company at high-profile events.

Rules of etiquette at the table: cutlery

With all the variety of cutlery that can be seen on the table before the dishes are served, it is quite simple to figure out how to use them and what they are intended for. Aesthetics and functionality are the principles that define the dining room. etiquette, cutlery is a tool that will help you look decent at the table.

In accordance with the rules of etiquette, cutlery in the restaurant will be arranged as shown in the picture.

In the center of the composition there is a decorative plate, which, as a rule, is not used for eating - it is used as a stand for soup and hot dishes. To the left of the decorative plate are forks, to the right - a spoon for soup and knives designed for salad, meat and fish. The napkin can stand on a decorative plate, or it can be placed on the left, next to the forks. According to restaurant etiquette, cutlery intended for dessert, tea or coffee is placed in the center, above a decorative plate.

Table etiquette suggests that the cutlery is in the order in which the dishes will be served. At the same time, if snacks are served first, they use the devices lying on the extreme left and right sides, located farthest from the decorative plate. When soup is included in the menu, a spoon for it will lie on the far right. In order not to confuse anything, carefully read the arrangement of devices that is shown in the upper figure and try to remember it.

Cutlery for fish dishes

Worthy of special mention rules of etiquette and cutlery intended for fish dishes. A knife designed for fish is most often blunt and more like a spatula in shape. They do not cut the fish, but simply separate it into fibers and pieces. The fish fork has fewer cloves than the one intended for meat - only three or four. And they are shorter than the "meat" fork.

Cups and saucers for coffee and tea are most often served later, along with drinks at the end of the meal, but in some cases they are put on the table right away, this will not be considered a violation of table etiquette.

To the right or in the center can be glasses for drinks. Since the waiter will most likely pour them, you can not be afraid that you will confuse the purpose of each of them. But just in case, you should know that glasses for various alcoholic beverages all have a different shape.

Rules of etiquette at the table: cutlery after meals

Canteen etiquette suggests that the cutlery after eating should be placed on the plate in a certain way - this is a sign to the waiter that you have finished eating this dish and the plate can be taken away or replaced.

There are certain rules for interacting with the waiter by placing cutlery on the plate. So, if the fork and knife are placed at an angle to each other, this means that you have taken a break from the meal and will return to it a little later. Cutlery placed crosswise on a plate is also a signal for the waiter that it is too early to remove them. According to etiquette, cutlery after a meal, placed parallel to each other on a plate, indicates to the attendants that your meal is over.

How to use cutlery according to etiquette

And, of course, it is important not only to know how the cutlery is arranged, but also how to use them correctly in accordance with the rules of the dining room. etiquette. The main requirements include:

no traces of food or, preferably, traces of lipstick should be left on the glasses;

when using a knife or fork, make sure that your fingers do not touch either the knife blade or the tines of the fork;

used or unnecessary cutlery should not be placed on the tablecloth - they should be placed on the edge of the plate;

if a dish is served that is not eaten with a knife, the knife should be placed on the right edge of the plate so that it does not interfere with your use of the fork.

How not to break table etiquette by using cutlery incorrectly

Bread is never cut with a knife and a fork is never used to take it from a common dish. Pieces of bread are taken from it by hand, carefully, trying not to hurt the rest. After that, the bread is placed on a special plate and eaten, breaking off pieces with your hand. Sandwiches cannot be made from sliced ​​bread - sausage and ham are put on a plate and eaten, cut with a knife and eaten with bread. The same applies to pates - they are eaten with a fork. It is only allowed to spread butter on a small piece of bread in order to eat, for example, caviar placed on a plate.

When eating soup, you do not need to tilt the plate to eat everything without a trace. According to the rules of table etiquette, there should be a little soup at the bottom. The spoon, after the soup is eaten, is left in the bowl.

In accordance with rules of etiquette, in a restaurant cutlery is not used if the broth is served in special cups. A spoon can be used only when you need to get and eat an egg or toast from the broth.

Fish in a plate, as a rule, is cut with a special fork. The knife is served only when the fish is specially prepared and has a dense texture, such as lightly salted or pickled herring. In some cases, two forks are served with the fish - one of them holds the main piece, the second separates the bones and smaller pieces that need to be eaten.

Previously, table etiquette allowed that a bird could be eaten with your hands. Now forks and meat knives are used for this.

When meat is eaten, the pieces are cut one at a time, rather than cutting the main piece into pieces all at once. In this case, until the dish is eaten, the fork and knife are not released from the hands. Dishes prepared from minced meat are eaten without the help of a knife, holding a fork in the right hand. Natural cutlets, as well as Kiev style cutlets, are eaten like regular meat, cut into pieces with a knife.

For spaghetti, use a fork and a spoon. Using a fork, wind a portion of pasta, and cut it off with a spoon from the rest.

Table etiquette: table manners

A relaxed atmosphere, a glass of wine is not at all a reason to relax, especially when dinner is of a business nature. At the table during the meal according to the rules table etiquette, it is necessary to sit straight, not leaning back in a chair and not leaning on the table with your chest. You can put your elbows on the table only during a change of dishes, you should not put your legs crossed while eating.

The napkin is used only to protect clothing from stains. During dinner, she should lie on her knees; there is no need to tuck her in by the collar. Also, you can not use a napkin in order to wipe sweat from your forehead or fix "leaky" cosmetics. If the napkin falls on the floor, do not pick it up - ask the waiter to bring a new one.

Of course, we should not forget that a dinner or a meeting is of a business nature, and that alcohol is abusive. It will be enough to drink one or two glasses of light wine during the evening. If alcohol is this moment is contraindicated for medical reasons, there is no need to inform those present that you are “on a diet” or undergoing treatment. Dining etiquette does not allow discussion of such issues.

Note! At the table, it is not allowed to correct your hair or make-up, and even more so - to use a comb. There is a toilet for this.

Do not jump on food, even when you are very hungry. Eat at a measured pace, neither fast nor slow. The phone should be turned off or, if you are waiting for an important call, put it on silent. The device should not lie on the table. All telephone conversations should be conducted outside the table, leaving behind it, apologizing to those present.

Participate in a conversation - a meeting in a restaurant, even if it is business, involves some informality of communication and freedom of expression. But in a conversation, one should adhere to the rules of table etiquette. Topics of conversation should be neutral - in no case should you take part in conversations related to politics or religion.

Listen to what those around the table are saying. If the topic is close to you, take part in its discussion. Demonstrate your interest in what the interlocutor is talking about, show him signs of attention, respect.

Knowledge of simple but binding rules table etiquette will help you adequately represent the company even outside its walls. These rules should be carried out automatically so that you can always feel confident in any, even the most pretentious environment. But remember that they should not interfere and fetter you - use them as a tool for establishing communication.

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