Law enforcement agencies did not initiate a criminal case on the application of Kirkorov. Kirkorov shared a terrible secret: He was accused of the death of a man Philip Kirkorov criminal case


Although circumstantial signs suggest that the king of pop is denied

“Supposed information,” called the news that the police refused Philip Kirkorov to initiate a criminal case against the French composer Didier Marouani, the latter’s lawyer Igor Trunov. According to him, everything should be decided tonight. “So far, we have been promised in the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to give back the dossier, documents and telephones, that is, to return the things seized from Marouani, from me and from the translator,” he told MK, “and also to apologize for what happened. From this it can be concluded that the case was dismissed. But we don’t have any relevant papers on this yet, ”

Didier Marouani

As Igor Trunov explained, they are still not familiar with any resolutions. “We still don’t understand why all this is happening? We do not have any procedural documents regulating what is happening. Everything happens outside the legal field. The ruling must be produced after three hours of arrest. Several days have passed, but still there is no clarity.

- But if there is no resolution, it turns out that you can not answer any questions of the operatives?

Can. But we have nothing to hide. But we ourselves understand very little. The operatives only claim that this is not their personal initiative. Whose it is remains a mystery.

Marouani's side also filed an application for an audit and a decision on whether to initiate proceedings against Kirkorov about a knowingly false denunciation. So far, no decision has been made on this application.

A criminal case has been opened against singer Philip Kirkorov, who beat the director of Channel One, Marina Yablokova. On December 16, he was summoned to court, where the first hearings were scheduled, as an accused.


"The World Court of the 417th district accepted Yablokova's statement demanding that she be prosecuted in private prosecution, according to which Yablokova was recognized as a private prosecutor, and Kirkorov as a defendant," RIA Novosti quotes the head of the press service of the Moscow City Court Anna Usacheva.

Yablokova filed a lawsuit against Kirkorov for inflicting minor bodily harm and insult. The trick of the famous singer, which served as the reason for the lawsuit, occurred at a rehearsal of the Golden Gramophone in the Kremlin on December 4th. Philip Kirkorov was indignant that the light fell directly into his eyes, as a result he had a verbal skirmish with director Marina Yablokova, which ended in assault. True, the details of the fight have not yet been established in this way, since the parties have different versions of what happened. Shortly after the incident, the singer made a public apology to the girl. A little later, his lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky said that soon a settlement agreement would be signed between his client and Yablokova. However, the girl at the last moment refused such a resolution of the conflict.

“Offering Marina to end the matter peacefully, Kirkorov apologized to her, admitted his guilt, assured her that he was ready for some kind of compensation (which Marina refused). Under the influence of these changes, as well as under the serious influence of those who support Kirkorov, Marina expressed his desire to discuss the issue of a settlement agreement, - the lawyer told Yablokova "Komsomolskaya Pravda"... - But in the communiqué that Mr. Dobrovinsky sent me, it says that Kirkorov is not guilty of anything... If Kirkorov says that he is not guilty, then we will prove this through the court. We hoped that Philip would behave decently, would not deny his guilt. Fortunately, we have a proposal written by his own hand. We will make it public in the near future. In it, Kirkorov regrets what happened. "

Journalists report that the police released the leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, who accused Philip Kirkorov of plagiarism. Law enforcement officers do not yet see grounds for initiating a criminal case against a foreign musician. Marouani himself refused to testify in the case of illegal borrowing without a representative of the French consulate, as he did not trust the translators. Didier is due to testify again this Wednesday.

Lawyer Lyudmila Aivar told reporters that Marouani considers the incident a pre-planned provocation. Aivar said that the foreign musician was detained when he came to sign a settlement agreement with Philip Kirkorov.

However, the representative of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Alexander Dobrovinsky, denied these data at a press conference. According to the minister of Themis, Marouani extorted one million euros from Kirkorov. Dobrovinsky said that pranksters Vovan and Lexus helped organize a meeting with the Russian performer. They told reporters that at first they decided to play Marouani, but over time everything went too far. After that, they contacted Philip's lawyer.

According to the lawyer, he never saw the lawsuit that the leader of the Space group threatened. Therefore, Dobrovinsky came to the conclusion that he was dealing with intruders. Alexander Andreevich also shared with the media that he had the results of the examination of the song "Cruel Love" and the Marouani track. According to an independent study, these compositions are different. In addition, Dobrovinsky stressed that Kirkorov cannot be accused in this situation, since the composer of the well-known hit is another person - Oleg Popkov.

“Philip wrote a statement to law enforcement agencies against Marouani, referring to three articles - extortion on an especially large scale, slander and dissemination of information from private life. Marouani arrived in Moscow and went last Tuesday to meet with Kirkorov in order to receive the coveted million. Didier did not have any papers and a settlement agreement with him, ”Dobrovinsky said at a press conference.

In turn, the representative of Didier Marouani, Oleg Trunov, told reporters that his ward plans to write a statement about initiating a criminal case against Philip Kirkorov. According to Trunov, the police apologized to him for what happened. The lawyer also noted that a dossier with a case of plagiarism, which was planned to be brought to court, was confiscated from him. “There are original examinations, calculations of the amount of damage, draft settlement agreements - all the documents that we have been collecting for so long,” quotes a servant of Themis.

Law enforcement agencies did not initiate a criminal case against the French composer Didier Marouani. No corpus delicti was found in his actions. Pop singer Philip Kirkorov demanded that Marouani be held accountable for extortion.

The fact that the statement of the king of the Russian stage remained unanswered, the representative of Marouani, Igor Trunov, told reporters. "According to Kirkorov's statement, the investigator issued a decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case due to the lack of corpus delicti," the lawyer said.

According to him, the police on the statement of Marouani about a deliberately false denunciation by Kirkorov. To check who really owns the authorship of the controversial hit, domestic law enforcement officers cannot. Interpol denied the Russian police a request to France to provide title documents for Marouani's song.

"Such a request should come either from the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation or from the Foreign Ministry," Trunov said.

The conflict between the musicians broke out at the end of November. The leader of the French group Space, Didier Marouani, and his representative, Igor Trunov, deprived of his legal status in the Russian Federation, at a branch of Sberbank in Moscow. Singer Philip Kirkorov and his lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky claimed that Marouani extorted €1 million from them for settling a dispute over the music for the song Cruel Love.

The French musician previously accused Kirkorov of plagiarism, saying that the authorship of the song, which is attributed to the composer Oleg Popkov, actually belongs to him. The leader of the Space group claims that the song performed by Kirkorov is a reworking of the composition Symphonic Space Dream, authored by Marouani himself. He backs up his arguments with expert evidence. According to the experts of the ANO "Center for Forensic Examinations and Research", 41% of Maruani's work was borrowed in the song "Cruel Love", and the chorus coincides by 71%.

Didier Marouani. Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda/ Global Look

After the arrest, Marouani said that Kirkorov's representatives themselves approached him with a proposal to settle the conflict amicably. They made an appointment at a branch of Sberbank in the center of the capital and handed over the required amount to the composer. Dobrovinsky told reporters that Kirkorov had nothing to do with this, and the Frenchman was simply played by famous pranksters.

Maruani and Trunov were released from the police the next day. The French musician left Russia, but before that he wrote a statement against Kirkorov about a deliberately false denunciation. After the incident with the detention, Marouani ruled out the possibility of a settlement agreement with Kirkorov.

"He had time to think it over and accept the settlement agreement that was agreed upon. But yesterday his lawyer and he behaved like hooligans. Now he has to pay, but there will be no settlement agreement in court," the Frenchman said.

It was reported that Marouani was going to apply to an American court with a demand to ban Kirkorov from performing this song, as well as to recover from him damages from copyright infringement and moral damage in the amount of 75 million rubles. The co-defendants in the lawsuit are Philip Kirkorov Production LLC and Sony Music Entertainment.

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