Presentation on the topic "Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin". Borodin Alexander Porfiryevich Russian composer, chemist, public figure


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Alexander Porfiryevich BORODIN (1833-1887) Russian composer, chemist presentation Biographies of composers

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Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin, one of the leading Russian composers of the second half of the 19th century, in addition to his talent as a composer, was a chemist, doctor, teacher, critic and had a literary talent. Born in St. Petersburg. since childhood, everyone around him noted his unusual activity, enthusiasm and abilities in various directions, primarily in music and chemistry.

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In the 50s. 19th century Alexander Porfirievich began to write romances, piano pieces, chamber instrumental ensembles. In 1862 he met M. A. Balakirev, entered the Balakirev circle (“The Mighty Handful”). Under the influence of Balakirev, V.V. Stasov and other “Kuchkists”, the musical and aesthetic views of Borodin finally took shape as a follower of M.I. Glinka, an adherent of the Russian national school in music, an independent mature style of the composer was determined.

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opera "Prince Igor" Borodin's most significant work is the opera "Prince Igor", which is an example of the national heroic epic in music. Due to the heavy workload of scientific and pedagogical work, Borodin wrote slowly. The opera was created for 18 years, was not finished. The opera is distinguished by the monumental integrity of images, the power and scope of folk choral scenes, and the brightness of national color.

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Borodin's Second Symphony The pinnacle of Russian world symphonic music is Borodin's Second Symphony, known as Bogatyrskaya (1876). In it, as in the opera "Prince Igor", the motives of Russian folk song creativity are heard, and in the symphonic picture called "In Central Asia" - folk music of the East. In the genre of vocal lyrics, the composer created many romances. The most famous is the romance on the verses of A. Pushkin "For the shores of the distant homeland." In his other romances, images of the heroic epic and the idea of ​​liberation live ("The Sleeping Princess", "Song of the Dark Forest").

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Death of the composer During the last year of his life, Borodin repeatedly complained of pain in the region of the heart. On the evening (27) of February 1887, during Shrovetide, he went to visit his friends, where he suddenly felt ill, fell and lost consciousness. Attempts to help him were unsuccessful. Borodin died suddenly of a heart attack at the age of 53. He was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin - chemist and composer Prepared by students of 8 "A" class MBOU "School No. 24" in Ryazan Makarova Victoria and Zheludeva Ksenia Project leader chemistry teacher V.A. M.V. Lomonosov “Music is my fun, chemistry is my business” A.P. Borodin Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin (11/12/1833 - 02/27/1887) Russian composer and talented chemist, scientist and professor of medicine, conductor and music critic, active public figure 3 Childhood - Tsarskoye Selo - November 12, 1833 Illegitimate, father - Prince Gedianov Sasha was recorded as the son of his father's servant Father - Prince Gedianov Childhood hobbies: ... piano At the age of 14 ... and chemistry First successes in music Teaching music - flute, piano "Polka Helene" - composed at the age of 9 Concerto for flute with piano accompaniment - composed at the age of 13 co-surgical academy 6 Medical-surgical academy acquaintance with chamber-instrumental music, the music of M.I. Glinka 1856 - ending with "excellent" MHA Dissertation 1858 – defense of the dissertation writes romances (romance “The Sea”) 7 N.N. Zinin, Russian organic chemist, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences “…Mr. I place all my hopes on you in order to prepare my deputy, and you keep thinking about music and about two "hares" 8 Heidelberg - 1859 Russian chemists in Heidelberg (in the center - A.P. Borodin and D.I. Mendeleev Heidelberg University View of Heidelberg 9 Heidelberg – 1859 10 Acquaintance with D.I. Mendelev Synthesis of new organic compounds: C3H7COOAg + Br2 C3H7Br + CO2 + AgBr C4H9COOAg + Br2 C4H9Br + CO2 + AgBr (C2H5)2Zn + 2C6H5COOC2H5 2C4H5O + () 2Zn Congress of Chemists in Karlsruhe (Germany) D.I. Mendeleev N.N. Beketov "... at the congress it was nice to see that the new beginnings, which all young Russian chemists follow, prevailed over the routine concepts that dominate the mass of chemists" D. I. Mendeleev A. P. Borodin 11 Work in a chemical laboratory in Pisa (Italy) 1862 Received benzoyl fluoride: KF, HF C6H5COCl C6H5COCF Currently, this substance is used as an additive to plastics to prevent their aging 12 Completion mark ZHVK 13 As a public Eyater, Borodin first of all comes forward in the so-called "women's question". A more ardent and active champion of women's education was hard to find. For him it was "sancta sanctorum", for the protection of which he was ready to sacrifice everything. In the history of the development of higher education for women in Russia, the name of Borodin must undoubtedly occupy one of the first places. It was not for nothing that a silver wreath was laid on his grave with the inscription: "To the founder, guardian, champion of women's medical courses, support and friend of students - from women doctors of ten courses 1872 1887." Lecturers ZhVK - 1872 14 "A Mighty Handful" M.P. Mussorgsky M.A. Balakirev - the founder of the circle of Ts.A. Cui N.A. Rimsky Korsakov A.P. , soon the hour will strike the awakening” Song “The Sleeping Princess” Opera “Prince Igor” 1890 - premiere of the opera “Prince Igor” Prince Igor's Aria Polovtsian Dances February 27, 1887 Buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. On the monument there are 4 formulas of the compounds he obtained and musical themes from the opera "Prince Igor" "The only measure of time is memory" ... he is alive in his scientific works ... and even more alive in music - she immortalized him Anniversary medal for the 160th anniversary of A. P. Borodin He inherited from nature: the mighty mind of a scientist the genius of a composer literary talent He did not bury a single talent in the ground, he developed everything and gave it to people

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Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin 1833 - 1887 “Music is my fun, chemistry is my business” A.P. Borodin

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Childhood Tsarskoye Selo - November 12, 1833 Illegitimate, father - Prince Gedianov Sasha was recorded as the son of his father's servant Porfiry Ionovich Borodin and his wife Tatyana Grigorievna. Children's hobbies: ... piano ... and chemistry ... and chemistry Father - Prince Gedianov At the age of 14

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Due to his origin, which did not allow him to enter the gymnasium, Borodin was educated at home in all subjects of the gymnasium, studied German and French and received an excellent education. Already in childhood, he discovered musical talent, at the age of 9 he wrote his first work - the polka "Helen". He studied playing musical instruments - at first on the flute and piano, and from the age of 13 - on the cello. At the age of 10, he became interested in chemistry, which over the years turned from a hobby into his life's work. At the same time he created the first serious piece of music - a concerto for flute and piano.

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At the age of 17, Alexander brilliantly passed the matriculation examination and entered the Medical and Surgical Academy, where he showed himself as a talented chemist. At 23, after graduating with honors from the academy, he was assigned to the hospital as a resident doctor, where he worked for four years. Later he became a professor, academician of chemistry and medicine, published more than 40 serious scientific papers! A.P. Borodin. Photo. A.P. Borodin. Photo. I.E. Repin. Portrait of A.P. Borodin.

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Even while studying at the Medical and Surgical Academy, Borodin began to write romances, piano pieces, chamber instrumental ensembles, which caused displeasure of his supervisor Zinin, who believed that playing music interfered with serious scientific work. For this reason, during his internship abroad, Borodin, who did not abandon musical creativity, was forced to hide him from his colleagues.

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Music was Borodin's passion throughout his life. He is the author of symphonies (among them "Bogatyrskaya", "Russian"), instrumental, vocal and other compositions. He created the monumental heroic opera "Prince Igor", which was released a year after the death of Alexander Porfiryevich. I.E. Repin. Portrait of A.P. Borodin.

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In April 1869, V.V. Stasov (the greatest connoisseur of Russian history and ancient literature) offered Borodin a wonderful monument of ancient Russian literature, The Tale of Igor's Campaign, as an opera plot. Borodin was not only the creator of music, but also the author of the remarkable text of the opera. edition of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor" Title page Old edition of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor" Title page AP Borodin Portrait Edition of the musical score of the opera "Prince Igor" Cover by AP Borodin. Photo.

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The text and music of "Igor" were composed simultaneously. The opera was written for 18 years, but was not completed. After Borodin's death, A. K. Glazunov restored the overture from memory and completed the missing episodes of the opera on the basis of the author's sketches, while N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov instrumented most of it. The premiere was a great success on October 23 (November 4), 1890 in St. Petersburg, on the stage of the Mariinsky Theatre. Publication of musical score of the opera "Prince Igor". Cover.

Sections: Music

Russia is the only country
in which you can do everything, no matter what.
N.N. Zinin

Targets and goals.

  1. Expanding the horizons of students by attracting additional information from the field of musical art and chemistry.
  2. On the example of the powerful personality of A.P. Borodin, the upbringing of moral qualities: diligence, mutual assistance, a sense of pure active friendship, optimism, honesty, decency, conscientiousness, goodwill, selflessness.
  3. On the example of the versatile work of A.P. Borodin, the upbringing of a sense of patriotism, pride in Russia, which gave the world many talents.
  4. A demonstration that science and art are not really that far apart.


  • stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity,
  • organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities.

Visual aids and TCO:

  • Microsoft Power Point presentation "A.P. Borodin - a great chemist and composer";
  • a collection of portraits of the composers of the "Mighty Handful";
  • video of the opera "Prince Igor";
  • phonogram,
  • record player.

Music material:

  • A.P. Borodin (aria of Prince Igor);
  • recorded music:
    "Fly away on the wings of the wind" - from the opera "Prince Igor",
    "What did I upset you" - romance,
    fragment from the I string quartet;
  • handout for students about Borodino "Fun Facts".


  • entertaining facts from the life of A.P. Borodin
  • colored pencils, paints, markers
  • quiz on the opera "Prince Igor"

During the classes

I.Organizing time:

1) Greeting, roll call;
2) Emotional setting;
3) Providing students with visual aids and handouts;
4) Information about the topic and objectives of the lesson.

II. Checking homework; verification of previously studied material: fill in the table, whose music formed the basis of the literary content - application number 1;

III. Learning new material: We have completed the homework check. It is good that you remember a lot of the previously studied material. Let's calculate how many points each of you earned. With further active work in the lesson, you can improve your performance.

Warm-up: questions and answers - application number 2


Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the work of an outstanding teacher, the creator of organic chemistry and a brilliant composer.

Who is he a composer or a chemist?

Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin

Two passions - for chemistry and music - owned Borodin from childhood. Perhaps, in the history of human culture there was no second creator who managed to achieve so much in such seemingly incompatible areas of activity.

Interesting facts

(handout) students get acquainted with the facts from the life of the composer in advance and talk about it in the lesson.

1st student. Absentmindedness of Borodin.

Composer and chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin was a very absent-minded person. Once he invited guests to his evening. There was a lot of music, then dinner with friendly conversation. Suddenly Borodin gets up and begins to dress. He was asked: “Where are you going, Alexander Porfiryevich?” He was surprised: “How is it where? Home! It's late, and I have a lecture tomorrow..."

2nd student. Don't worry about me...

Once, in his youth, Borodin and a friend were returning from a home musical evening in which both young people took part: Borodin played the flute, his friend played the violin. It was already quite late, the lights were barely flickering. Borodin, thinking about something, walked ahead, and his friend, who fell asleep on the go, fell behind a little. Suddenly, some strange and incomprehensible noise, and then a scream, made the friend start up.

- Hey! he called, but no one answered him. Borodin is gone...

The frightened young man froze, listening, and a minute later he heard the sounds of a flute ... It was surprising that they came from somewhere under the ground. It turned out that in the darkness Borodin stumbled and fell into some deep hole.

Alexander, are you all right? shouted down a friend.

“I don’t know yet,” the young musician replied, “but, thank God, the flute seems to be intact!”

3rd student. Statements about Borodino

“A first-class chemist, to whom chemistry owes a lot...”, “Equally powerful and talented both in symphony, and in opera, and in romance...” - this is how D.I. Mendeleev and V.V. Stasov said about one and the same person, about his contemporary - Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin.

“Ah, this is the same Borodin whom composers consider a chemist, and chemists as a composer,” contemporaries said about him.

“Unfortunately, the academic service, committees and laboratory, and partly household chores, terribly distracted Borodin from the great cause,” complained V.V. Stasov.

“Borodin would have stood even higher in chemistry, would have brought more benefits to science if the music had not distracted him too much from chemistry,” wrote D.I. Mendeleev.

4th student. Childhood. The place of action is St. Petersburg of the Gogol times.

- Fire! This child is impossible! I'm leaving you! exclaimed the governess. Sasha ran to one of his diabolical vessels, threw something into it, and the smoke turned from gray to yellow-green.

Ding, ding, ding - some kind of flask rang by itself, something dripped through the tube from another overturned and humpbacked vessel - which means that now something else will boil or explode.

“And this is what I wanted to show you,” Sasha said to his mother. - You have never seen anything like this, this is a surprise for you. Here! How do you like it? (Shows crystals of copper salt.)

- It looks like sugar ... Needles, cubes, yes they shine like diamonds! How did you do all this? Did you blind such tiddly ones with your hands?

- These, mother, miraculous pebbles are crystals. Nature itself created, from God, well, I helped a little.

- You already play, if from God. Yes, you didn’t sleep with us, I ask for one thing, I’ll put up with the smoke and stench somehow.

“In chemistry, mother, and the stench is from God,” Alexander said with importance.

No, do not call Sashenka. Reads, and then to the laboratory. In one room it is crowded, already wonderful, it is not clear why dishes, powders, liquids have settled throughout the apartment. To solder, to bend softened glass, to turn liquid into crystals, from one, as if by magic, to make another, not at all similar. To give birth with a wave of the hand from the cold to flame, from heat to ice. To create, to create something that was not just there and suddenly became, as music is created from nothing, from air and light, from sadness and a sweet, most obscure dream.

5th student.

The governess once took Sasha for a walk to the Semyonovsky parade ground. From the sound regimental band he was in shock almost to the point of fainting.

Something happened to his knees, they buckled when the march broke out, and the world changed. The houses were lined up and lit up differently, the air became different, the sky resounded in breadth and depth. Returning home, he, so soft and meek, flatly refused dinner, saying: "Don't bother me!" - in Russian, in German, in French. For three hours, hungry and unrecognizable, he sat at the piano. Then he invited his mother and governess and played a military march, which he heard in the square.


There are three groups of instruments in a brass band: brass, wood and percussion.

Example - the sound of the orchestra.

Sasha Borodin learned to play flute, cello, piano,

and then he began to compose music: at the age of 9 it was the polka "Helen", at the age of 13 - a small concerto for the flute. At the age of 16, two works were published: a fantasy for pianoforte - a solo to the motive of music by I. Hummel and an etude "Stream".

In 17 years Borodin passes the matriculation exams at the First St. Petersburg Gymnasium, and in September he enters the medical department of the Medical-Surgical Academy as a volunteer. This academy, opened in St. Petersburg at the end of the 18th century, by the time Borodin entered it, was a major higher educational institution in Russia and a prominent center of natural science thought. Among its professors were world-famous scientists: surgeon N.I. Pirogov, chemist N.N. Zinin, embryologist and geographer K.M. Baer, ​​zoologist F.F. Brandt.

AT 20 years Alexander Borodin met the professor of chemistry Nikolai Nikolaevich Zinin. Here is the conversation that took place between them at that time.

Zinin's attitude to Borodin's passion for music.

Borodin brought music paper to the laboratory several times and practiced. Zinin noticed this and categorically declared: “Whoever chases two hares will catch a dead chicken! Do not think that I am jealous of your music. It's not about me, it's about you. If you were seven spans in the forehead, and you start to scatter, and you get zilch. Chemistry is jealous of you. She is a strict lady and is not going to share her servants with anyone. You have to choose: either she or these muses of yours.

Borodin was faced with the question of choice. quit the music- it's the same as voluntarily unlearning how to speak. Because music is a gift of speech, the most unusual, the most complete and expressive. Giving up music is like blindfolding yourself for life and forgetting that there are colors that can only be found in it. And also music - space and depth, take them away - the Earth will become poorer, as if leaving the three-dimensional world for a two-dimensional, flat one. He will be faithful to both science and music, because his powers are limitless, as it seemed to him.

Imagine the musical atmosphere of that time. Our time is characterized by passive consumption of music through players, tape recorders, computers. At the same time, home music-making was widespread. Live music sounded everywhere - from modest rooms to living rooms and salons. It was chamber music, i.e. music for small rooms where works for violins, cellos; there were ensembles - trios, quartets.

Teacher: You will now hear the "String Quartet #1" snippet.

I would like you, using different colors in your notebooks, to draw a musical image of peace and silence.

Hearing. "String Quartet No. 1"(analysis of the listened work)

Warm up. Dynamic pause.


Music was not kinder and more accommodating than chemistry. Music demanded its direct and hard. Music can say everything without being ashamed or hiding it - here I am, here is the world and my country, as I see them. Architecture is immovable, like painting and sculpture. The meaning of music is movement. This is her blood relationship with the running time, and therefore with history.

The main business of Borodin's life was opera Prince Igor.

The plot is taken from "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - the first Russian literary work, which tells about the heroic youth of Russia, it contains a grandiose idea of ​​its unity. In the Lay, Russia and the East are an eternal clash, an eternal neighborhood, two elements that cannot be separated, and both are in Borodin's nature. The fact is that among his ancestors was Prince Gedea, who came from the horde under Tsar Ivan the Terrible, received holy baptism and was named Prince Nicholas.

Borodin worked on the opera for 21 years, but did not have time to finish it. His friends did it for him: N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and his student A.K. Glazunov. Maria Vasilievna Dobroslavina, a friend of the Borodin family, assessed it this way: “What a pure, active and wonderful friendship - to disassemble mountains of drafts, sketches, sketches, combine them with ready-made scenes, build everything that the author did not complete.”

Now in the class will sound aria of Prince Igor from the opera "Prince Igor" (remember - what is an aria?). Guys answers. In this aria, Prince Igor experiences his defeat, remembers his beloved wife Yaroslavna, who is waiting for him in Putivl, and thinks about the future.

Analysis of the listened work.

He died instantly, from a broken heart, during a masquerade arranged by him for general fun in his own apartment.

Tall, stately, of a heroic physique, he was a cheerful man with a good disposition. It seemed that Borodin would live a long time - there were so many ideas ahead. But the opera "Prince Igor", the Third Symphony remained unfinished ... And yet, how much he did!

The merits of A.P. Borodin to the Fatherland:


  • Aldol condensation reaction.
  • Opera "Prince Igor"
  • Getting benzidine.
  • "Borodin's reaction".
  • Compaction reaction of aldehydes.
  • 42 scientific papers.


  • Opera "Prince Igor"
  • Three Symphonies
  • Two quartets
  • Suite for piano
  • Opera-farce "Bogatyrs"
  • 18 romances


The powerful mind of a scientist, the genius of a composer, literary talents - he did not bury a single talent in the ground, he developed everything and gave it to his people and humanity. He was handsome, kind, witty, always full of life and energy.

Borodin combined in himself what is usually considered incompatible. The question involuntarily arises: how could he be both a chemist and a composer? After all, these are so different, distant from one another area. But are they as far away as they seem? The sun of creative mind illuminates the way for both science and art when they seek the truth of life.

Choir "Glory" on the board photo of a large choir

Transition to chanting

Task: the formation of singing skills, clear articulation, diction, proper breathing, the ability to sing in chorus, solo.

The song "You are a man" composer E. Krylatov.



  • today at the lesson we met the outstanding composer and scientist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin,
  • learned his services to the Fatherland and music,
  • listened to musical fragments of the composer's work,
  • met with a symphony orchestra.

We learned that chemistry and music were an integral part in the life of a composer who managed to achieve so much in such seemingly incompatible areas of activity.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the lesson.

Before explaining the new material, I explained to the students that for each correct answer, students receive an individual card with a picture of a musical instrument from a symphony orchestra. The student with the most cards is worth five points.

House, task: find the names of composers whose music was associated with science, medicine, military affairs.

And in 1859, Alexander Borodin was sent to study chemistry in the German city of Heidelberg in the laboratory of Professor Emil Erlenmeyer. The life of young scientists in Heidelberg was spent in intense scientific work. And in the evenings they gathered with friends and indulged in their favorite pastime - music.

In Germany, Alexander Borodin met Ekaterina Sergeevna Protopopova, a talented pianist, and in 1863 she became his wife. Highly appreciating her husband's composing talent, Ekaterina Sergeevna had the most beneficial influence on his work.

Alexander Borodin divided all his time between scientific work, professorship, music and social activities, and he devoted himself to all this with the same enthusiasm and love. In 1862, returning to Russia, Borodin was appointed professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Medical and Surgical Academy, and since 1863, professor in the Department of Chemistry at the Forest Academy. Since 1864 - he is an ordinary professor. Since 1874 - head of the chemical laboratory, and since 1877 - academician of the Medico-Surgical Academy.

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