Presentation on the work of asya. "Turgenev girl" - a special female image in the story "Asya


"Turgenev Mumu" - I.S. Turgenev. Autobiographical story "mumu". The writer's mother was a powerful serf-owner. I.S. Turgenev was born in the city of Orel. In May 1838 Turgenev went to Germany. In its anti-serf orientation, the story is a direct continuation of The Hunter's Notes. Who is to blame for the fact that Gerasim is unhappy?

"I.S. Turgenev Asya" - Through the pages of I.S. Turgenev's story "Asya". Strong feelings in heroes are often accompanied by music (chapters 1,2,9,19). Sociologists What attracts in the story? (The survey involved 24 students, 16 parents.). Meaning of the name. Drawings for the story. Anna - "grace", "prettyness" Anastasia - "born again". Sociologists Who is to blame for the separation of heroes?

"Asya Turgenev's lesson" - Do you notice a contradiction in the character of the hero? Why? The story "Asia". What role does the landscape play in character development? Lesson 1. Mr. N.N. Gagin, Asya are the main characters of the story. Asya image. Questions about the text of the story. How are the two towns different? Is Asya beautiful? Did Mr. N.N. new acquaintances?

"The life and work of Turgenev" - Library. Adulthood. In 1841 Turgenev returned to his homeland. In 1842, Turgenev, at the request of his mother, entered the office of the Ministry of the Interior. The writer's mother. L. N. Tolstoy. In 1836, Turgenev completed the course with the degree of a real student. Youth. Writer's father. Manor house. Writer's office.

"Writer Turgenev" - Questions for repetition: The exhibition presents most of the Turgenev materials stored in the museum. Pauline Viardot was born on July 6, 1821 in Paris. S. N. Turgenev is the father of the writer. Alphonse Dode. Lesson presentation

"And happiness was so possible"

Target: learning to write an essay in the genre of diary entries

Equipment: multimedia presentation "Teaching to write an essay in the genre of diary entries", an exhibition of writers' diary entries, working materials for the student.

    Introductory speech of the teacher:

“Happiness has no tomorrow; he does not have yesterday either; it does not remember the past, does not think about the future, it has a present - and that is not a day, but a moment.

    Explain how these words help to understand the drama of the narrator of the story by I.S. Turgenev

(N.N. is lonely, he realizes with bitterness that “his whole life passed by. He loved Asya, but did not immediately understand this, and when he understood, it was already too late.

“When I met her in that fatal room, I still did not have a clear consciousness of my love; it did not wake up even when I sat with her brother in a meaningless and painful silence ... it flared up with irresistible force only a few moments later, when, frightened by the possibility of misfortune, I began to look for and call her ... but even then it was too late")

    Find a description of the state of the hero who felt remorse.

(I felt remorse, the most burning regret, love - yes! The most tender love. I wringed my hands, I called Asya in the middle of the impending darkness, at first in an undertone, then louder and louder; I repeated a hundred times that I love her, I swore never not to part with her, I was everything in the world for her to hold her cold hand again, to hear her quiet voice again, to see her in front of me again")

    Why does he call himself inconsolable?

(Did I want such a denouement? Am I able to part with it? How can I lose it?)

He condemns himself for the act when, in a dark room, she, confessing her love to him, was rejected by him. He had the strength, the spirit to tear her away from him, even reproach her for not allowing the feeling that was beginning to ripen to develop.

"I didn't tell her that I love her." Recognition also stopped at the last meeting with Ganin, and the last thread that the hero could still grasp slipped out of his hands.

    What does the narrator say about his later life?

(The feeling that Asya aroused in me, now a burning, now a tender, deep feeling, has not been repeated. No! Not a single eye has replaced for me those eyes that were once fixed on me with love, not for anyone’s heart that clung to my chest , my heart did not answer with such a joyful and sweet fading! Condemned to the loneliness of a familyless bean, I live out boring years, but I keep, as a shrine, her little notes and a dried flower of geranium, the same flower that she once threw me from the window.")

    Is it possible to say that the narrator is experiencing a personal drama?

(Yes, he is in shock, causing him moral suffering.)

Very often, personal experiences, mental anguish and pain, doubts require emotional self-expression. And then a sheet of paper appears and a pen, a pen, a pencil on which a person wants to express what has just happened and felt.

2.Multimedia presentation with teacher's comments

Imagine that you and I are in an old noble house. Everything here reminds of the life of the owners. In one of the rooms, into which a sunbeam breaks through the half-closed shutters of the windows, there is a table, on it is an old bronze candlestick, an empty inkwell with a dried pen, and a notebook with an inscription already yellowed from time to time. "N.N." This is a diary, a repository of innermost thoughts, experiences, feelings of the narrator of the story "Asya".

We open the first page - some landscape sketches, female profiles.

But the diary itself is empty. Today you and I have to create it, getting used to the image of N.N. and making it according to the rules of the genre of diary entries.

I think that you are more familiar with the definition of the word "diary" as a student's notebook for recording assigned lessons and for grade marks.

But this word has a wider lexical meaning. In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov, it sounds like this:

“A diary is a sincere, direct record of past events, emotional experiences, moral reflections. The genre of the diary is characteristic of the creative individuality of A.S. Pushkin, L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev and many, many other writers and poets who kept diary entries for many years. They reflected the continuous work of thought of these artists, their deep reflections, searches. Such diaries are close to confession, in which the author speaks with the utmost frankness about complex moral and intellectual searches.

Writers and poets kept their personal diaries and used this technique in their works. The diary is introduced into the work as an element and opens up opportunities for depicting the inner world of the character, revealing the “history of the human soul.” We are familiar with the diary of Robinson Crusoe, the hero of the novel by Daniel Defoe, we will soon read the journal of Pechorin, the hero of M.Yu. Lermontov’s novel “A Hero of Our Time ”, in which emotional experiences are revealed and the frankness of the character’s self-characteristics is emphasized.

However, modern people also keep diaries and write down certain current events of their lives in them.

If we looked at the Internet with you now and went to the Site, we would see a window of 125 sites of various types of diaries there: diaries of writers and poets, diaries of football players, artists, artists, housewives.

The diary is personal. It writes about the most intimate, he does not like prying eyes. This is the work of the soul, which is addressed to oneself or an imaginary interlocutor .. Not everyone can entrust a personal diary for you, but today I do not mind opening the pages of my personal diary for you.

Do you keep diaries?

I think that your diaries are little stories about how you live, what interests you, what you think about, what you feel. With the permission of the authors, I will now read a few excerpts from the diaries. (Presentation)

HOORAY! Holidays are coming soon. 4 days left to study. Soon we will go on a long summer vacation.

I plan that during the summer I will have time to relax, visit my grandmother in the village,

The first day of summer. I sit and miss. I listen to music. So looking forward to the holidays, and

Now I don't know what to do with myself. I'm waiting SMC from the girls and guys of our yard.

Will P. reply to my message?

A week has passed of my residence in the village with my grandmother. There are no friends, girlfriends, alone

relatives: mother, father, aunts, uncles, relatives. Previously, the presence of adults was enough for me.

people, and now ... BORING! This month will feel like a year to me.

Probably, I have already grown up, and I need communication with peers. How I miss P., R., K.!

Today, for the first time, I thought about how people treat me. Noticed a lot of interesting things.

4. Is this entry interesting for you?

    Are the views on life, the personality traits of the author of these records changing? (Change depending on circumstances, events, mood, self-expression.)

    What can you say about the type of speech of this text?(Narrative with elements of reasoning)

    Can you say that you heard a diary entry?

    What features of the style of diary entries did you note here?

5.Fill in the table "Distinctive features of the genre of diary entries"


    Location of events

    Narration is in first person

    Entries based on first impressions

    Monologue speech or internal dialogicity

    Fragmentary thoughts

    Encryption or hiding of names and surnames

    Reflection of the inner world

    The presence of one-part, incomplete, exclamatory sentences

    Use of emotionally colored vocabulary

6. The diary entry may reflect the following:

                Analysis of the events of the day

                Reflections on what you see and read

                Emotional Expression

                Knots for memory

                portrait sketches


7. Determine which of the texts belongs to the genre of diary entries. Prove.

Text #1

He broke free and went abroad just to look at the world of God. He was healthy, young, cheerful, money had not been transferred from him, worries had not yet had time to start. He lived without looking back, did what he wanted.

Text #2

June 10 Finally, I broke free, went abroad, not to “finish my upbringing”, but simply wanted to see the world. I am healthy, young, rich (and what else is needed in life?), I want to see new faces, living, human, to hear their speech.

June 13 Stopped in the city of Z, which is on the left bank of the Rhine, at the foot of two high hills. Great location!

June 14 I go to the Rhine. Majestic river! I spent the whole evening sitting on a stone bench under a huge ash tree, through the branches of which, on the other bank, the town of L.

8. Let's try to compile a chronological table of events in which literary characters participate.

Date event replica state

9. Work with a memo on writing an essay in the genre of diary entries.


How to write a diary essay.

    Get acquainted with the works written in the genre of diary entries. This will help you to maintain the form and conventions of presentation that are characteristic of this genre.

    Determine the idea of ​​​​the essay, that is, the most important idea that you undertake to prove with your work. The correct definition of the idea will allow you to deeply and fully reveal the topic of the essay and not “drown” in extensive material.

    Make a plan that will help you outline where to start, which sections to highlight in the essay, in what order to present the material, and what conclusions you need to come to.

    Make a chronological table of events about which the literary hero narrates.

    Try to reincarnate, “get used” to the character, way of thinking, actions of the hero, on whose behalf you will write your work. To do this:

    carefully reread the lines of the hero;

    write down the main themes of his statements, thoughts;

    pay attention to phrases typical for this character, speech constructions, emotional-evaluative vocabulary;

    remember the statements of other characters about this literary hero.

    Keep in mind that the introduction and conclusion of an essay in this genre may have a frame that gives the work a personal character.

    Remember that diary entries, letters help to follow the development of personality, reveal the inner world of the hero. Check if your essay meets this requirement.

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Presentation on the topic: Turgenev story Asya

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

slide number 2

Description of the slide:

All of Turgenev's prose is permeated with Pushkin's motifs. Pushkin was for Turgenev the most important landmark in Russian literature. No less important for Turgenev was the German literary and philosophical tradition, primarily in the person of J.W. Goethe; it is no coincidence that the action of "Asia" takes place in Germany. The main features of the love story are a small circle of characters. Love stories, they are also often called "elegiac" not only for the poetry of feeling and the beauty of landscape sketches, but also for their characteristic motifs, from lyrical to plot ones. With purely romantic idealism, Turgenev's heroes demand everything or nothing from life. All of Turgenev's prose is permeated with Pushkin's motifs. Pushkin was for Turgenev the most important landmark in Russian literature. No less important for Turgenev was the German literary and philosophical tradition, primarily in the person of J.W. Goethe; it is no coincidence that the action of "Asia" takes place in Germany. The main features of the love story are a small circle of characters. Love stories, they are also often called "elegiac" not only for the poetry of feeling and the beauty of landscape sketches, but also for their characteristic motifs, from lyrical to plot ones. With purely romantic idealism, Turgenev's heroes demand everything or nothing from life.

slide number 3

Description of the slide:

"Asya" Turgenev began in the summer of 1857 in Sinzig am Rhein, where the story takes place, and finished in November in Rome. "Asya" Turgenev began in the summer of 1857 in Sinzig am Rhein, where the story takes place, and finished in November in Rome.

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

"Turgenev girl". This term carries all the most tender and wonderful female character traits. "Turgenev girl". This term carries all the most tender and wonderful female character traits. If the author makes the image of Gagin completely understandable to the reader, then his sister appears as a riddle, the solution of which N.N. gets carried away at first with curiosity, and then selflessly, but still cannot comprehend to the end. Her extraordinary liveliness is bizarrely combined with a timid shyness caused by her illegitimate birth and long life in the village. From here comes her unsociableness and thoughtful daydreaming (remember how she loves to be alone, constantly runs away from her brother and N.N., and on the first evening of meeting she goes to her place.

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

It is very difficult to form a complete picture of Asya’s character: it is the embodiment of uncertainty and variability. (“What kind of a chameleon this girl is!” - N.N. me, burst out laughing without any reason and, according to her habit, immediately ran away. "She climbs through the ruins and sings songs loudly, which is completely indecent for a secular young lady, then she begins to portray a well-bred person, prim in observance of decency. To form a complete picture of the character of Asya very difficult: it is the embodiment of uncertainty and volatility. ("What a chameleon this girl is!" - N.N. involuntarily exclaims) Either she is shy of a stranger, then she suddenly laughs ("Asya, as if on purpose, as soon as she saw me, she burst out laughing for no reason and, according to her habit, she immediately ran away. "She climbs through the ruins and loudly sings songs, which is completely indecent for a secular young lady, then she begins to portray a well-bred person, prim in observance decency.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

After listening to the reading of Goethe's poem "Hermann and Dorothea," she wants to appear homely and sedate, like Dorothea. Then he "imposes fasting and repentance on himself" and turns into a Russian provincial girl. It is impossible to say at what point she is more herself. Her image shimmers, shimmering with different colors, strokes, intonations. The rapid change of her moods is aggravated by the fact that Asya often acts inconsistently with her own feelings and desires. After listening to the reading of Goethe's poem "Hermann and Dorothea," she wants to appear homely and sedate, like Dorothea. Then he "imposes fasting and repentance on himself" and turns into a Russian provincial girl. It is impossible to say at what point she is more herself. Her image shimmers, shimmering with different colors, strokes, intonations. The rapid change of her moods is aggravated by the fact that Asya often acts inconsistently with her own feelings and desires.

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

The image of Asya expands endlessly, because in her the elemental, natural principle manifests itself. The amazing diversity and liveliness of Asya, the irresistible charm, freshness and passion stem precisely from here. Her fearful "wildness" also characterizes her as a "natural person", far from society. When Asya is sad, “shadows run across her face” like clouds across the sky, and her love is compared to a thunderstorm, as if guessing N.N.’s thoughts, and the heroine shows her “Russianness”. The image of Asya expands endlessly, because in her the elemental, natural principle manifests itself. The amazing diversity and liveliness of Asya, the irresistible charm, freshness and passion stem precisely from here. Her fearful "wildness" also characterizes her as a "natural person", far from society. When Asya is sad, “shadows run across her face” like clouds across the sky, and her love is compared to a thunderstorm, as if guessing N.N.’s thoughts, and the heroine shows her “Russianness”.

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Asya reads a lot indiscriminately (N.N. finds her reading a bad French novel and, according to literary stereotypes, composes a hero for herself. Asya "no feeling is half"). Her feeling is much deeper than that of the hero. Asya reads a lot indiscriminately (N.N. finds her reading a bad French novel and, according to literary stereotypes, composes a hero for herself. Asya "no feeling is half"). Her feeling is much deeper than that of the hero. For all her sublimity, she is selfish in her orientation, then Asya's desire for a "difficult feat", an ambitious desire to "leave a trace" implies life with others and for others.

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

In Asya's imagination, lofty human aspirations, lofty moral ideals do not contradict the hope for the realization of personal happiness, on the contrary, they presuppose each other. In Asya's imagination, lofty human aspirations, lofty moral ideals do not contradict the hope for the realization of personal happiness, on the contrary, they presuppose each other. She is demanding of herself and needs help to fulfill her aspirations. Asya's "wildness" is especially pronounced when she climbs alone over the ruins of a knight's castle overgrown with bushes. When she, laughing, jumps on them, "like a goat." it fully reveals its closeness to the natural world. Even her appearance at this moment speaks of the wild wildness of a natural being: “as if guessing my thoughts, she suddenly cast a quick and piercing glance at me, laughed again, jumped off the wall in two jumps. A strange smile slightly twitched her eyebrows, nostrils and lips; dark eyes squinted.

Description of the slide:

A soul that is impossible not to love. A soul that is impossible not to love. Tenderness, the ability to sincere strong feelings, the absence of artificiality, falsehood, coquetry. Aspiration to the future. Strong character, readiness for self-sacrifice. Activity and independence in deciding their own destiny.

slide number 12

Description of the slide:

And at the same time, Turgenev's heroines seem to be dominated by "evil fate": they are all united by "a strict attitude to life and a premonition of the inevitability of retribution for the pursuit of personal happiness." And at the same time, Turgenev's heroines seem to be dominated by "evil fate": they are all united by "a strict attitude to life and a premonition of the inevitability of retribution for the pursuit of personal happiness."

I.S. Turgenev

On the psychologism of Turgenev's prose.

In Turgenev's novels, the author's attention is focused on actual, "modern" social types and phenomena, while in the stories it is always about more abstract issues, about something "timeless".

In the field of psychology, he proved to be a great master, capturing really the finest, unsteady movements of the soul, almost not translatable into logical categories.

A kind of trilogy with the story "Asya" is made up of the stories "First Love" (1860) and "Spring Waters" (1872) - about the slavish dependence of a person on love, about the power of "those secret forces on which life is built and which occasionally, but suddenly break through", about the need for "renunciation" and sacrifice in the face of these forces.

"Asya" Turgenev began in the summer of 1857 in Sinzig am Rhein, where the story takes place, and finished in November in Rome .

Turgenev worked on the story from July to November 1857. The slow pace of writing was due to the author's illness and fatigue (the editors of Sovremennik expected the story much earlier). By Turgenev's own admission, the idea of ​​the story was connected with a fleeting picture he saw in a German town: an elderly woman looking out of a window on the first floor, and the head of a young girl in the window above. Turgenev tried to imagine the fate of these people: this is how the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bAsya arose.

Among the prototypes of the heroes of Asya, Turgenev himself and his illegitimate daughter Pauline Brewer, who was in exactly the same position as Asya, are named first of all: the daughter of a master and a peasant woman, she came from a peasant hut to the noble world, where she felt like a stranger. Another prototype of Asya could be V. N. Zhitova - illegitimate sister of Turgenev .

When does rebirth take place? Let's look at the text of the story. Outwardly, the girl is not beautiful, although it seems to the narrator very "cute". This is typical of Turgenev's heroines: personal charm, grace, and human originality are important to the author in their appearance. That's what Asya is like. “There was something of her own, special, in the warehouse of her swarthy large face, with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black, bright eyes. She was gracefully built…” What an interesting detail of the portrait: black, light eyes. This is not just external observation, but penetration with just one word. "light" into the depths of the heroine's soul.

Where does the story begin? It begins on the banks of the Rhine on a stone bench, near which stands a statue of the Madonna. The description of her is symbolic: Sitting on "stone bench" under "a lonely huge ash tree" , N. sees through his branches "sad" face "a little Madonna with an almost childish face and a red heart on her chest, pierced by swords ..." . "Almost baby cheeks" and "graceful" , but not yet fully developed addition was noted by N. in the guise of Asya at the time of meeting the girl.

What is hidden under the term “Turgenev girl?

"Turgenev girl". This term carries all the most tender and wonderful female character traits.

If the author makes the image of Gagin completely understandable to the reader, then his sister appears as a riddle, the solution of which N. takes a great interest at first with curiosity, and then selflessly, but still cannot comprehend to the end. Her extraordinary liveliness is bizarrely combined with a timid shyness caused by her illegitimate birth and long life in the village. From this comes her unsociableness and thoughtful daydreaming (remember how she loves to be alone, constantly runs away from her brother and N., and on the first evening of meeting she goes to her place.

The change in the state of mind of Mr.

On the first day of N.'s acquaintance with Asya (in the ruins of the feudal castle), Mr. N. feels only hostility and annoyance towards her. She introduces herself to him "semi-mysterious creature", "chameleon" . She takes the role of a soldier marching with a gun, then a well-bred young lady, then a simple Russian girl.

I.S. Turgenev subtly conveys the “psychologism” of the protagonist: he is not aware of what is happening.

Mr. N. is either aware of anxiety, or suspects that Gagin and Asyan are not relatives, he is jealous. He is seized by that curiosity, that desire to understand the inner world of the girl. After 2 weeks, they are completely ruled by love.

It is very difficult to make a complete picture of the character of Asya: it is the embodiment of uncertainty and variability. (“ What a chameleon this girl is!” - N. involuntarily exclaims.) Now she is shy of a stranger, then she suddenly laughs (“Asia, as if on purpose, as soon as she saw me, burst out laughing without any reason and, out of her habit, immediately ran away” . Either she climbs the ruins and sings songs loudly, which is completely indecent for a secular young lady, then she begins to portray a well-bred person, prim in respect for decorum.

After listening to the reading of Goethe's poem "Hermann and Dorothea", she wants to appear homely and sedate, like Dorothea. After “imposes fasting and repentance on himself” and turns into a Russian provincial girl. It is impossible to say at what point she is more herself. Her image shimmers, shimmering with different colors, strokes, intonations. The rapid change of her moods is aggravated by the fact that Asya often acts inconsistently with her own feelings and desires.

The image of Asya expands endlessly, because in her the elemental, natural principle manifests itself. The amazing diversity and liveliness of Asya, the irresistible charm, freshness and passion stem precisely from here. Her fearful "wildness" also characterizes her as "natural person" away from society. When Asya is sad, on her face "shadows run" , like clouds across the sky, and her love is compared to a thunderstorm, as if guessing N.’s thoughts, and the heroine shows her “Russianness”.

Asya reads a lot indiscriminately (N. finds her reading a bad French novel and, according to literary stereotypes, composes a hero U Asya "no feeling is ever half" . Her feeling is much deeper than that of the hero.

For all its sublimity, selfish in its orientation, Asya's desire for "difficult feat" ambitious desire "leave a trace" involves living with and for others.

In Asya's imagination, lofty human aspirations, lofty moral ideals do not contradict the hope for the realization of personal happiness, on the contrary, they presuppose each other.

She is demanding of herself and needs help to fulfill her aspirations. Asya's "wildness" is especially pronounced when she climbs alone over the ruins of a knight's castle overgrown with bushes. When she, laughing, jumps on them, "like a goat." it fully reveals its closeness to the natural world. Even her appearance at this moment speaks of the wild unbridledness of a natural being: “As if guessing my thoughts, she suddenly threw a quick and piercing glance at me, laughed again, jumped off the wall in two jumps. A strange smile slightly twitched her eyebrows, nostrils and lips; dark eyes squinted .

A soul that is impossible not to love.

Tenderness, the ability to sincere strong feelings, the absence of artificiality, falsehood, coquetry.

Aspiration to the future.

Strong character, readiness for self-sacrifice.

Activity and independence in deciding their own destiny.

Asya in the representation of Gagin

- “You need to know her well in order to judge her, she has a good heart, but a troubled head. It's hard to deal with her."

- “Do not tease her,” he warns the narrator, when they saw her on the ledge of the wall, over the abyss. “You don’t know her: she, perhaps, will climb the tower .... trouble if she loves someone!”

- “How deeply she feels and with what incredible strength these feelings are in her ..”

- "Asya needs a hero, an extraordinary person - or a picturesque shepherd in a mountain gorge."

Gagin about Asya.

“... what a crazy. Don't tease her, you don't know her: she'll probably climb the tower again."

“She has a very kind heart, but a troubled head. She's hard to get along with."

"She never has a feeling halfway."

"She's real gunpowder ... it's a disaster if she loves someone."

"Asya needs a hero, an extraordinary person - or a picturesque shepherd in a mountain gorge."

The story "Asya", chapter 9

In chapter 9, the motive of love appears, which inspires a person. For Asya, everything develops rapidly and rapidly, but for Mr. N. - gradually.

Asya is not like everyone else. She needs an extraordinary person, since only he can understand and love her for who she is.

N. loved Asya, but did not immediately understand this: in the world of artificial feelings and passions, he first met with sincerity and real feeling. In addition, N. belonged to those people who willingly indulge in "hot and enthusiastic reflections", but succumb to the need for a real act. That is why N. missed his happiness.

The role of the landscape

  • Vague, dark forces burst into the consciousness of the hero, vague irritating, disturbing sensations take possession of him. Incomprehensible to the hero "dead heaviness" growing into "burning excitement"

The story "Asya", 1857.

The hero of "Asia" gives up at the decisive moment of the explanation with the girl, and N.G. Chernyshevsky, in his article "Russian man on rendez-vous", therefore interpreted him as a typical "superfluous person" brought up by the old serfdom.

However, the hero of the story is not destroyed by weakness, but by the uncontrollable, cruel power of love, which breaks his life.

The role of chapter 16

Chapter 16 helps to understand the words of I.S. Turgenev:

"Happiness has no tomorrow ... it has a present - and then, not a day, but a moment."

Turgenev's heroines seem to be dominated by "evil fate": they are all united "a strict attitude to life and a premonition of the inevitability of retribution for the pursuit of personal happiness" .

Turgenev shows what strength, spiritual take-off, Asya's feeling reached when she admits that she is ready to take off like free birds. Asya was so open to her love that she was ready to entrust her fate to Mr. N. How much sincerity, gratitude lies in just one word that she uttered during their last meeting - “your”! Asya suffers, worries, does not want to be considered frivolous, even falls ill due to the uncertainty of the main character towards her. And he, in turn, began to reproach her for excessive openness, sincerity. Only many years later, after the experience gained, the narrator understands the price of what he has deprived himself of.

Criticism considered the hero of the story a classic type "extra person" - indecisive, not finding a place in life. N. G. Chernyshevsky devoted his article “A Russian man on rendez-vous” to the image of the hero “Asia”, but in it he showed Mr. N. on the other hand - cruel towards Asya. In his reflection, Chernyshevsky criticizes Turgenev himself as a writer.

The story "Asya", 1857. Findings.

This story is about first love. It is light, clean, bright, sincere and sad at the same time.

The heroine of the story is happy because she loves, because she has learned what love is.

Mr. N. could have been happy too, but he realized it too late.

The main idea of ​​the story by I.S. Turgenev's "Asya" is as follows: happiness is instantaneous, fleeting, it has neither past nor future. (Ch. 20. "Tomorrow I will be happy..." )


1. N. G. Chernyshevsky. Classics of Russian literature. Russian man man on rendez-vous. Reflections on reading the story by I.S.




BRIEF PLOT Written far from Russia, the story tells about the events that took place in a small German town. A certain gentleman meets a girl, falls in love with a dog, dreams of happiness, but does not immediately dare to offer her a hand, but having decided, he finds out that the girl has left, disappearing from his life forever.

Asya is the daughter of a nobleman and a peasant serf. Her mother was a proud woman and did not allow her father to take part in raising her daughter. After the death of her mother, a girl from a peasant hut ended up in her father's manor house. From childhood, Asya realized the complexity of her situation. Self-esteem and distrust developed greatly in the girl, the peasant simplicity disappeared, but some bad habits took root. Despite all the vicissitudes of fate, the girl grew up very attractive. She has a swarthy round face with a small thin nose, almost childlike cheeks and large black eyes. Asya is very mobile and does not sit still for a minute. There is something incomprehensible, mysterious in Asya's behavior. Often her actions are daring, defiant.

Mr. N.N., a young man of about twenty-five, an attractive and rich nobleman, travels around Europe "without any purpose without a plan." In almost every town he has a lady of the heart. In one German town, the hero meets Asya and Gagin. Good relations develop between them. A strong feeling gradually arises between Asya and N. The heroine is ready to do anything for love, but N. was afraid of responsibility.

The content of Asya is not limited to the psychological study of a certain social phenomenon. The story also touches upon problems of a timeless, extra-social nature, and, above all, the problem of true and false values. Even in episodes not directly related to the movement of the plot, Turgenev sought to express his sense of the richness of the world, the beauty of a person who "is the highest moral value." In the story, the life of the soul, its ability to reject the false and strive for the true, is opposed to the limitations of the mind, the disharmony of human relations.

After reading the story, I see that Turgenev loves his heroine very much. I also like Asya. But I think it will be difficult for her to find her place in life. She seemed to have sailed away from one shore, but did not land on the other ... This duality of her position will prevent Asya from communicating with people and building her family. This can be seen in her attitude towards N.N. Asya fell in love deeply, strongly and recklessly. But such a girl needs either everything or nothing. And not finding in the heart of N.N. of the same reciprocal feeling, Asya leaves forever without saying goodbye.

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