The problem of the moral consciousness of the individual in Bulgakov's story “Heart of a Dog. Moral problems of the story "Heart of a Dog


Problems and artistic originality of the story "Heart of a Dog"

The theme of disharmony, brought to the point of absurdity due to human intervention in the eternal laws of nature, is revealed by Bulgakov with brilliant skill and talent in the story "Heart of a Dog".

The story "Heart of a Dog", written in 1925, was published only in 1987 in the Znamya magazine. The story is based on a risky experiment. The choice of such a plot by Bulgakov is not accidental. Everything that happened then and what was called the construction of socialism was perceived by the author of The Heart of a Dog precisely as an experiment - huge in scale and more than dangerous.

Bulgakov was skeptical about attempts to create a new perfect society by revolutionary, that is, not excluding violence, methods, to educate a new, free person by the same violent methods. For the author of the story, this was an unacceptable interference in the natural course of things, the consequences of which could be disastrous for everyone, including the “experimenters” themselves. About this "Heart of a Dog" and warns the reader.

Professor Preobrazhensky becomes one of the main characters, the spokesman for the author's thoughts in the story. This is a great physiologist. He appears as the embodiment of education and high culture. By conviction, this is a supporter of the old pre-revolutionary order. All his sympathies are on the side of the former homeowners, breeders, manufacturers, under whom, as he says, there was order and he lived comfortably and well.

Bulgakov does not analyze Preobrazhensky's political views. But the scientist expresses very definite thoughts about the devastation, about the inability of the proletarians to cope with it. In his opinion, first of all, people need to be taught elementary culture in everyday life and at work, only then things will get better, devastation will disappear, there will be order. People will become different. But even this philosophy of Preobrazhensky suffers a crash. He cannot bring up a reasonable person in Sharikov: “I have been more exhausted in these two weeks than in the last fourteen years ...”

"Heart of a Dog" is a deep philosophical work, if you think seriously about its content. Professor Philipp Philippovich imagined himself akin to God, he transforms an earthly creature one into another, from a sweet and affectionate dog he created a “two-legged monster” without any concept of honor, conscience, gratitude.

The eternal problem of the best minds in Russia is the relationship between the intelligentsia and the people. What is the role of the intelligentsia, what is its participation in the fate of the people - the author of the story made the reader think about this in the distant 20s.

In the story, fantasy elements are combined with everyday background. Professor Preobrazhensky is a democrat by origin and convictions, a typical Moscow intellectual. He sacredly preserves the traditions of students of Moscow University: to serve science, to help a person and not harm him, to cherish the life of any person - good and bad. His assistant, Dr. Bormenthal, reverently treats his teacher, admires his talent, skill, and human qualities. But he does not have that endurance, that holy service to the ideas of humanism, which we see in Preobrazhensky.

Bormental is able to get angry, indignant, even use force if necessary for the good of the cause. And now these two people are making an experiment unprecedented in the world of science - transplanting a human pituitary gland into a stray dog.

The result was unexpected and phenomenal from a scientific point of view, but in everyday, everyday terms, it led to the most deplorable results. The creature formed in this way has the appearance of its human donor - Klim Chugunkin - a tavern balalaika player, a drunkard and a rowdy who was killed in a fight. This hybrid is rude, undeveloped, arrogant and arrogant. By all means he wants to break out into people, to become no worse than others. But he cannot understand that for this it is necessary to go through the path of a long spiritual development, it requires work to develop the intellect, horizons, and mastery of knowledge. Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov (as the creature is now called) puts on patent-leather shoes and a poisonous tie, but otherwise his suit is dirty, untidy, tasteless.

What is the reason for the failure of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormenthal? And it's not just about genetic engineering. Preobrazhensky is sure that the purely animal instincts that affect the behavior of the former dog Sharikov can be eliminated: “Cats are temporary ... This is a matter of discipline and two or three weeks. Trust me. Another month, and he will stop attacking them.”

The question is not in physiology, but in the fact that Sharikov is a type of a certain environment. The dog becomes a man, but his actions are determined by the genes received from the drunkard and boor Klim Chugunkin: “... he no longer has a canine, but a human heart. And the lousiest of all that exist in nature!

The contrast between the intellectual principle, embodied in intelligent people, the physiologists Preobrazhensky and Bormental, and the dark instincts of the "homunculus" Sharikov (with a low, sloping forehead) is so striking that it creates not only a comic, grotesque effect, but also paints in tragic tones.

Shvonder also plays an important role here. He tries to influence, educate Sharikov. This dog or man in a conversation with Preobrazhensky literally repeats the words and phrases of Shvonder not only about rights, but also about his superiority over the bourgeoisie: “We didn’t study at universities, we didn’t live in apartments of 15 rooms with bathtubs ... » Naturally, an attempt to bring up a new person in yesterday's Sharikovo is a satirical attack of the writer against the Shvonders.

Sharikov, with the help of Shvonder, registers himself in Preobrazhensky's apartment, demands the "sixteen arshins" of living space allotted to him, and even tries to bring his wife into the house. He believes that he is raising his ideological level: he reads a book recommended by Schwonder - Engels' correspondence with Kautsky. From the point of view of Preobrazhensky, all this is a bluff, empty attempts that in no way contribute to the mental and spiritual development of Sharikov. But from the point of view of Shvonder and others like him, Sharikov is quite suitable for the society that they create with such pathos and rapture. Sharikov was even hired by a government agency, made him a little boss. For him, to become a boss means to change outwardly, to gain power over people. This is how it happens. He is now dressed in a leather jacket and boots, drives a government car, controls the fate of a poor secretary girl.

The image of Shvonder, who decided to educate Sharikov in the “Marxist spirit”, is comical: the very process of humanizing Sharikov is depicted in harsh satirical and humorous tones. Plotally, it is built in contrast - a smart and affectionate dog becomes a rude, ill-mannered boor, in which the inherited properties of Klim Chugunkin are more and more clearly manifested. The vulgar speech of this character is merged with his actions. They become gradually more outrageous and intolerant. Either he frightens the lady on the stairs, then he rushes like a madman after the cats that are rushing away, then he disappears into taverns and taverns.

As a result - a humorous scene with the criminal police, who came in the epilogue of the story on the denunciation of Shvonder to look for Sharikov; professor explains a lot. He presents the dog as proof of his innocence and explains: “That is, he said ... This does not mean to be a man ...”

Thanks to Polygraph Poligrafovich Sharikov, the whole life of Professor Preobrazhensky turned upside down. Sharikov, imagining himself a man, brings discomfort into the measured and calm life of the professor. Having acquired a human appearance, Sharikov does not even have a clue about the rules of behavior in society. He copies his “mentor and teacher” Shvonder in everything.

Here Bulgakov gives free rein to his satire, mocking stupidity and ridiculing the limitations of the new government. “Take food in the bedroom,” he began in a slightly strangled voice, “read in the examination room, dress in the waiting room, operate in the servants’ room, and examine in the dining room?! It is very possible that Isadora Duncan does just that. Maybe she dine in the office, and slaughter rabbits in the bathroom. May be. But I'm not Isadora Duncan!!! he suddenly barked, and his purplishness turned yellow. "I'll dine in the canteen and operate in the operating room!" said the professor.

Professor Preobrazhensky still does not leave the thought of making a man out of Sharikov. He hopes for evolution, gradual development. But there is no development and there will not be if the person himself does not strive for it. In fact, the professor's whole life turns into a nightmare. There is neither peace nor order in the house. Obscene language and balalaika strumming are heard all day long; Sharikov comes home drunk, sticks to women, breaks and destroys everything around. He became a thunderstorm not only for the inhabitants of the apartment, but also for the residents of the whole house.

And what are the Sharikovs capable of doing if you give them full will in life? It is terrible to imagine a picture of the life that they are able to create around them.

Insignificant, worthless little people, who by chance gained power, begin to mock serious people, spoil their lives.

So gradually, from the object of satire, Professor Preobrazhensky becomes an accuser of the chaos reigning around. He says that the devastation is because people sing instead of work. If he starts to sing instead of operations, he will also start to have devastation in his apartment. The professor is sure that if people go about their business, there will be no devastation. The main devastation is in the minds of people, Philipp Philippovich is sure.

The fate of the house in Obukhov Lane correlates with the fate of Russia. “The house is gone,” says Professor Preobrazhensky after the first housemates moved into his house. Bulgakov could (and did) say the same about Russia after the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. Ridiculous looking, ill-mannered and practically unfamiliar with the culture of a man and a woman who does not look like a woman, the reader may at first seem ridiculous. But it is they who turn out to be aliens of the kingdom of Darkness, bringing discomfort into the existence of not only the professor; it is they, led by Shvonder, who “educate” Sharik Sharikov and recommend him for public service.

The confrontation between Preobrazhensky and Shvonder can be viewed not only as a relationship between an intellectual and the new government. The main thing is that culture and anti-culture, spirituality and anti-spirituality collide, and the bloodless (so far) duel between them is not decided in favor of the first, there is no life-affirming finale in the struggle between Light and Darkness.

There is nothing funny in the image of the newly created man Sharikov (with the possible exception of a shade of this funny in Sharik's pompous and self-aggrandizing inner monologues), because only those who are marked by it can laugh at ugliness - spiritual and bodily. This is a repulsively unsympathetic image, but Sharikov himself is not a bearer of evil. Only when he turned out to be the field of that very battle of Darkness and Light for his soul, he, in the end, becomes the mouthpiece of the ideas of Shvonder - the Bolsheviks - Satan.

So the good intentions of Preobrazhensky turn into a tragedy. He comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of man and society leads to disastrous results. In the story "Heart of a Dog", the professor corrects his mistake - Sharikov turns into a dog again. He is content with his fate and himself. The professor explains to Shvonder and his company: “Science does not yet know how to turn animals into people. So I tried, but only unsuccessfully, as you can see. He spoke and began to turn into a primitive state. Atavism!"

But in life, such experiments are irreversible. And Bulgakov managed to warn about this at the very beginning of those destructive transformations that began in our country in 1917.

It is worth noting that Bulgakov's satire and humor in this story reach the highest degree of skill. Suffice it to recall a brilliantly written scene with a rejuvenated old man boasting of his love affairs, or a scene with a “passionate lady” of not the first youth, who is ready for anything to keep her lover. These scenes are drawn through the perception of the dog. "Well, to hell with you," he thought dimly, resting his head on his paws and dozing with shame.

Thus, we see that the combination of the comic and the tragic in Bulgakov's works, while remaining in the stream of Russian literary satire, has an important feature for their understanding: the mixture of the funny and the sad in terms of events (even for a not too experienced and attentive reader) shows the deepest tragedy, comprehended internally.

Bulgakov burst swiftly into the wide and varied stream of literature of the twenties and occupied a prominent place in it. He created a number of classical works in many genres. Mikhail Afanasyevich became one of the founders of the new satire. He defended universal ideals, branded vices, which, unfortunately, have not been eliminated so far ...

Bulgakov's work is the pinnacle of Russian artistic culture of the 20th century. Tragic is the fate of the Master, deprived of the opportunity to be published, heard. From 1927 to 1940, Bulgakov did not see a single line of his in print.

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov came to literature already during the years of Soviet power. He experienced all the difficulties and contradictions of the Soviet reality of the thirties. His childhood and youth are connected with Kyiv, the subsequent years of his life - with Moscow. It was during the Moscow period of Bulgakov's life that the story "Heart of a Dog" was written. With brilliant skill and talent, it reveals the theme of disharmony, brought to the point of absurdity due to human intervention in the eternal laws of nature.

In this work, the writer rises to the top of satirical fiction. If satire states, then satirical fiction warns society of impending dangers and cataclysms. Bulgakov embodies his conviction that normal evolution is preferable to a violent method of intrusion into life, he speaks of the terrible destructive power of self-satisfied aggressive innovation. These themes are eternal, and they have not lost their significance even now.

The story "Heart of a Dog" is distinguished by an extremely clear author's idea: the revolution that took place in Russia was not the result of the natural spiritual development of society, but an irresponsible and premature experiment. Therefore, the country must be returned to its previous state, without allowing the irreversible consequences of such an experiment.

So, let's look at the main characters of "Heart of a Dog". Professor Preobrazhensky is a democrat by origin and convictions, a typical Moscow intellectual. He sacredly serves science, helps a person, never harms him. Proud and majestic, Professor Preobrazhensky keeps pouring out old aphorisms. Being the luminary of Moscow genetics, the ingenious surgeon is engaged in profitable operations to rejuvenate aging ladies.

But the professor plans to improve nature itself, he decides to compete with life itself, to create a new person by transplanting part of the human brain into a dog. So Sharikov is born, embodying the new Soviet man. What are the prospects for its development? Nothing impressive: the heart of a stray dog ​​and the brain of a man with three criminal records and a pronounced passion for alcohol. This is what the new man, the new society, must develop from.

Sharikov, no matter what, wants to break into people, to become no worse than others. But he cannot understand that for this it is necessary to go through the path of a long spiritual development, it requires work to develop the intellect, horizons, and mastery of knowledge. Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov (as the creature is now called) puts on patent-leather shoes and a poisonous tie, but otherwise his suit is dirty, untidy, tasteless.

A man with a canine disposition, based on a lumpen, feels like the master of life, he is arrogant, swaggering, aggressive. The conflict between Professor Preobrazhensky and the humanoid lumpen is absolutely inevitable. The life of the professor and the inhabitants of his apartment becomes a living hell. Here is one of their domestic scenes:

“-... Do not throw cigarette butts on the floor, for the hundredth time I ask. So that I no longer hear a single swear word in the apartment! Don't give a damn! There is a spittoon, - the professor is indignant.

- "Something you me, daddy, painfully oppress," - the man suddenly uttered whiningly.

Despite the dissatisfaction of the owner of the house, Sharikov lives in his own way: during the day he sleeps in the kitchen, idles, does all sorts of outrages, confident that "nowadays everyone has his own right." And in this he is not alone. Polygraph Poligrafovich finds an ally in the person of Shvonder, the local chairman of the house committee. He bears the same responsibility as the professor for the humanoid monster. Shvonder supported Sharikov's social status, armed him with an ideological phrase, he is his ideologist, his "spiritual shepherd". Shvonder supplies Sharikov with "scientific" literature and gives him the correspondence between Engels and Kautsky for "study". The animal-like creature does not approve of any author: “They write, they write ... Congress, some Germans ...” He draws one conclusion: “We must share everything.” So the psychology of Sharikov developed. He instinctively sensed the main credo of the new masters of life: rob, steal, take away everything created. The main principle of a socialist society is universal leveling, called equality. We all know what this led to.

Finest hour for Polygraph Tsoligrafovich was his "service". Having disappeared from the house, he appears before the astonished professor as a kind of young man, full of dignity and self-respect, “in a leather jacket from someone else’s shoulder, in worn leather trousers and high English boots.” The incredible smell of cats immediately spread all over the hallway. To the dumbfounded professor, he shows a paper that says that Comrade Sharikov is the head of the department for cleaning the city from stray animals. Shvonder arranged it there.

So, Bulgakov's Sharik made a dizzying leap: from a stray dog, he turned into an orderly to clean up the city from stray dogs and cats. Well, the pursuit of one's own is a characteristic feature of all ballrooms. They destroy their own, as if covering up the traces of their own origin...

The last chord of Sharikov's activity is the denunciation of Professor Preobrazhensky. It should be noted that it was in the thirties that denunciation became one of the foundations of a socialist society, which would be more correctly called totalitarian.

Sharikov is alien to shame, conscience, morality. He has no human qualities, there is only meanness, hatred, malice.

However, Professor Preobrazhensky still does not leave the thought of making a man out of Sharikov. He hopes for evolution, gradual development. But there is no development and there will not be if the person himself does not strive for it. The good intentions of Preobrazhensky turn into a tragedy. He comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of man and society leads to disastrous results. In the story, the professor corrects his mistake by turning Sharikov back into a dog. But in life, such experiments are irreversible. Bulgakov managed to warn about this at the very beginning of those destructive transformations that began in our country in 1917.

After the revolution, all the conditions were created for the appearance of a huge number of balloons with dog hearts. The totalitarian system helped a lot. Due to the fact that these monsters have penetrated into all areas of life, Russia is now going through hard times.

Outwardly, the balls are no different from people, but they are always among us. Their non-human essence is constantly manifested. The judge convicts an innocent in order to carry out a plan to solve crimes; the doctor turns away from the patient; mother abandons her child; officials, whose bribes are already in the order of things, are ready to betray their own. Everything that is most lofty and holy turns into its opposite, as the non-human woke up in them and tramples them into the mud. Coming to power, the non-human tries to dehumanize everyone around, since it is easier to control the non-human. She has all human feelings replaced by the instinct of self-preservation.

The heart of a dog in union with the human mind is the main threat of our time. That is why the story, written at the beginning of the century, remains relevant today, serving as a warning to future generations. Today is so close to yesterday... At first glance it seems that everything has changed, that the country has become different. But consciousness and stereotypes remained the same. More than one generation will pass before the balls disappear from our lives, people will become different, there will be no vices described by Bulgakov in his immortal work. How I want to believe that this time will come!

M. A. Bulgakov came to literature already during the years of Soviet power. He was not an emigrant and experienced all the difficulties and contradictions of Soviet reality in the 1930s. 20th century The theme of disharmony, brought to the point of absurdity due to human intervention in the eternal laws of nature, is revealed by Bulgakov with brilliant skill and talent in the story "Heart of a Dog". The eternal problem of the best minds in Russia is the relationship between the intelligentsia and the people. What is the role of the intelligentsia, what is its participation in the fate of the people - the author of the story made the reader think about this in the distant 20s. 20th century The story combines fantasy elements with everyday background. Professor Preobrazhensky is a democrat by origin and convictions, a typical Moscow intellectual. He sacredly preserves the traditions of students of Moscow University: to serve science, to help a person and not harm him, to cherish the life of any person - good and bad. His assistant, Dr. Bormenthal, reverently treats his teacher, admires his talent, skill, human qualities. But he does not have that endurance, that holy service to the ideas of humanism, which we see in Preobrazhensky.

Bormental is able to get angry, indignant, even use force if necessary for the good of the cause. And now these two people are making an experiment unprecedented in the world of science - transplanting a human pituitary gland into a stray dog. The result was unexpected and phenomenal from a scientific point of view, but in everyday, everyday terms, it led to the most deplorable results. The creature formed in this way has the appearance of its human donor - Klim Chugunkin. This hybrid is rude, undeveloped, arrogant and arrogant. He, by all means, wants to break out into people, to become no worse than others. But he cannot understand that for this it is necessary to overcome the path of a long spiritual development, work on the development of the intellect, horizons, and acquire knowledge.

The polygrapher Poligrafovich Sharikov puts on patent-leather shoes and a poison-colored tie, but otherwise his suit is dirty, untidy, tasteless. With the help of the manager of the houses, Shvonder, he registers in the apartment of Preobrazhensky,

He demands the “sixteen arshins” of living space allotted to him, even tries to bring his wife into the house. He believes that he is raising his ideological level: he reads a book recommended by Schwonder - Engels' correspondence with Kautsky. From the point of view of Preobrazhensky, all this is a bluff, empty attempts that in no way contribute to the mental and spiritual development of Sharikov. However, from the point of view of Shvonder and others like him, Sharikov is quite suitable for the society that they create with such pathos and rapture. Sharikov was even hired by a government agency, made him a little boss. For him, to become a boss means to change outwardly, to gain power over people. This is how it happens. He is now dressed in a leather jacket and boots, drives a government car, controls the fate of a poor secretary girl. Professor Preobrazhensky still does not leave the thought of making a man out of Sharikov. He hopes for evolution, gradual development. But there is no development and there will not be if the person himself does not strive for it. In fact, the professor's whole life turns into a nightmare. Sharikov comes home drunk, sticks to women, breaks and destroys everything around. He became a thunderstorm not only for the inhabitants of the apartment, but also for the residents of the whole house. And what are the Sharikovs capable of doing if you give them full will in life? It is terrible to imagine a picture of the life that they are able to create around them. So the good intentions of Preobrazhensky turn into a tragedy. He comes to the conclusion that violent intervention in the nature of man and society leads to disastrous results. In the story "Heart of a Dog", the professor corrects his mistake - Sharikov turns into a dog again. He is content with his fate and himself. But in life, such experiments are irreversible. And Bulgakov managed to warn about this at the very beginning of those destructive transformations that began in our country in 1917.


Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov was born in Kyiv, in the family of Afanasy Ivanovich Bulgakov, teacher of the Theological Academy. According to relatives, he began to compose early. Basically, these were short stories, satirical poems, dramatic scenes. Gradually, interest in Bulgakov's works increases. It becomes obvious that Bulgakov's talent as an artist was, as they say, from God. The novel The White Guard, which was later revised into the play Days of the Turbins, brought fame to the writer. The comedy "Zoyka's Apartment" and the humorous collection of short stories "The Diaboliad" (1925) had great success. However, since 1928, an atmosphere of persecution has been created around the name of Bulgakov, the very name of the writer becomes, as it were, outside the law. The plays "Running", "Ivan Vasilievich", "Crimson Island", the novel "The Master and Margarita" are far from a complete list of works that did not see the light of day during the author's lifetime. In the same list is the story "Heart of a Dog". This work, written in 1925, was published only in 1987 in the Znamya magazine. The story is based on a risky experiment. The choice of such a plot by Bulgakov is not accidental. Everything that happened then and what was called the construction of socialism was perceived by the author of The Heart of a Dog precisely as an experiment - huge in scale and more than dangerous. Bulgakov was skeptical about attempts to create a new perfect society by revolutionary, that is, not excluding violence, methods, to educate a new, free person by the same violent methods. For the author of the story, this was an unacceptable interference in the natural course of things, the consequences of which could be disastrous for everyone, including the “experimenters” themselves. About this "Heart of a Dog" and warns the reader.
Professor Preobrazhensky becomes one of the main characters, the spokesman for the author's thoughts in the story. This is a great physiologist. He appears as the embodiment of education and high culture. By conviction, this is a supporter of the old pre-revolutionary order. All his sympathies are on the side of the former homeowners, breeders, manufacturers, under whom, as he says, there was order and he lived comfortably and well. Bulgakov does not analyze Preobrazhensky's political views. But the scientist expresses very definite thoughts about the devastation, about the inability of the proletarians to cope with it. In his opinion, first of all, people need to be taught elementary culture in everyday life and at work, only then things will get better, devastation will disappear, there will be order. People will become different. But even this philosophy of Preobrazhensky suffers a crash. He cannot bring up a reasonable person in Sharikov: “I have been more exhausted in these two weeks than in the last fourteen years ...”
What is the reason for the failure of Preobrazhensky and Dr. Bormenthal? And it's not just about genetic engineering. Preobrazhensky is sure that the purely animal instincts that affect the behavior of the former dog Sharikov can be eliminated: “Cats are temporary ... This is a matter of discipline and two or three weeks. Trust me. Another month, and he will stop attacking them.” The question is not in physiology, but in the fact that Sharikov is a type of a certain environment. The dog becomes a man, but his actions are determined by the genes received from the drunkard and boor Klim Chugunkin: “... he no longer has a canine, but a human heart. And the lousiest of all that exist in nature! The contrast between the intellectual principle, embodied in intelligent people, the physiologists Preobrazhensky and Bormental, and the dark instincts of the "homunculus" Sharikov (with a low, sloping forehead) is so striking that it creates not only a comic, grotesque effect, but also paints in tragic tones.
Shvonder also plays an important role here. He tries to influence, educate Sharikov. This dog or man in a conversation with Preobrazhensky literally repeats the words and phrases of Shvonder not only about rights, but also about his superiority over the bourgeoisie: “We didn’t study at universities, we didn’t live in apartments of 15 rooms with bathtubs ... » Naturally, the attempt to educate a new person in yesterday's Sharikovo is a satirical attack by the writer against the Shvonders. It is worth noting that Bulgakov's satire and humor in this story reach the highest degree of skill. Suffice it to recall a brilliantly written scene with a rejuvenated old man boasting of his love affairs, or a scene with a “passionate lady” of not the first youth, who is ready for anything to keep her lover. These scenes are drawn through the perception of the dog. "Well, to hell with you," he thought dully, resting his head on his paws and dozing with shame. The image of Shvonder, who decided to educate Sharikov in the "Marxist spirit" is also comical: the very process of humanizing Sharikov is depicted in sharp satirical and humorous tones. Plotally, it is built in contrast - a smart and affectionate dog becomes a rude, ill-mannered boor, in which the inherited properties of Klim Chugunkin are more and more clearly manifested. The vulgar speech of this character is merged with his actions. They become gradually more outrageous and intolerant. Either he frightens the lady on the stairs, then he rushes like a madman after the cats that are rushing away, then he disappears into taverns and taverns. As a result - a humorous scene with the criminal police, who came in the epilogue of the story on the denunciation of Shvonder to look for Sharikov; professor explains a lot. He presents the dog as proof of his innocence and explains: “That is, he said ... This does not mean to be a man ...”
The novelty of the story "Heart of a Dog" is not only in the satirical and humorous skill of Bulgakov, but also in the complex philosophical concept of this work. According to the author of The Heart of a Dog, humanity is powerless in the fight against the dark instincts awakening in people. The tragedy was that in life the Sharikovs quickly bred. And they, in the words of Polygraph Poligrafych, “strangled, strangled” ... Thus, we understand that Bulgakov in the story “Heart of a Dog” with great impressive force, in his favorite manner of grotesque and humor, raised the question of the power of dark instincts in human life. His satire about the Sharikovs, Shvonders, Klimov Chugunkins reached the highest degree of skill and expressiveness. Bulgakov's sympathies are on the side of Preobrazhensky. But the belief that the dark instincts in people's lives can be overcome either with the help of science, or with the help of the general effort of the collective - the writer does not have this faith. We can say that the story is painted in pessimistic tones.
Bulgakov burst swiftly into the wide and varied stream of literature of the twenties and occupied a prominent place in it. He created a number of classical works in many genres. Mikhail Afanasyevich became one of the founders of the new satire. He defended universal ideals, branded vices, which, unfortunately, have not been eliminated so far ...

Department of Education of the Administration of the Municipal District named after Lazo of the Khabarovsk Territory

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary Educational School in the village of Bichevaya, Municipal District named after Lazo, Khabarovsk Territory

UMK. Literature.9 class 2 (level)

Lesson (second on the topic) of literature in the 9th grade on the story "Heart of a Dog". At the first lesson, the students got acquainted with the biography of the writer, the history of the creation of the story and its fate, analyzed the key episodes. Compiled characteristics of the characters. The author's position on the problems identified in the story was revealed.


1. UMK Literature

2. Supplement to the magazine "First of September". Literature

3. "Dog heart"

5. "Glossary of terms"

Different points of view create conditions for an active discussion, during which students learn to express their thoughts, argue and defend their point of view, and draw conclusions. And also listen to a different point of view, accept it or challenge it. The problem of the reorganization of the world is the main problem of the second lesson (to consider this problem from different positions, the priest of the parish of the Presentation of the Lord, Father Maxim, was invited to the lesson).

Lesson topic: Moral problems of M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog"

Lesson Objectives:

Understanding the content of the story "Heart of a Dog"

· Expansion and deepening of students' understanding of M. Bulgakov as a master of the artistic word.

The ability to identify the main problems raised by the author in the work.

Lesson objectives:

· Involve students in independent research and creative activities.

· To promote the development of skills to formulate the problems of the work, to argue their point of view.

Encourage children to think about morality.

Methodical methods:

· Creation of a problem situation.

· Work with text.

· Conversation on the content of the story.

· Analysis of key episodes.


Portrait of the writer, texts of the story, dictionary of literary terms,

Film based on the story "Heart of a Dog".


Morality is the acceptance of responsibility for one's

deeds. The highest capital of the nation is the moral qualities of the people.

The words:

· Moral

· Humanism

· Compassion

· philanthropy

During the classes:

· Organizing time.

· Hello guys. Glad to meet you. Today there will be a serious discussion on moral issues.

· Teacher's word.

· The problem of reorganization of the world existed at all times. People dreamed of a life without violence and evil, warrior and hatred. But the world has always been imperfect. People were mired in sins: they betrayed their neighbor, they killed, they denounced, out of envy and pride they did not notice the suffering of others, they ceased to respect their elders. Could humanity be saved from destruction? What is his salvation?

· How do representatives of the Orthodox Church see the salvation of mankind? The word is given to Father Maxim.

· Question: "The essence of the ascension of Jesus Christ on the chopping block." Was his sacrifice in vain?

· Teacher.

So, more than 2000 years have passed since the crucifixion of Christ. Has society gotten better? And the idea of ​​reorganizing the world again takes possession of the minds of individuals. In fiction, this idea immediately found a response. There were disagreements among writers: some recognized the revolutionary transformation of society, i.e. changing the system by force, "driving humanity into happiness" Others welcomed the evolutionary path of development of society, i.e. through spiritual and moral education.

M. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" is an attempt by the writer to show how violent interference with the laws of nature will affect society. Is it possible to create a moral society in a revolutionary way? Maxim Gorky in 1918 in the article "Untimely Thoughts" called V. Ulyanov - Lenin a great experimenter on the people, comparing him with a chemist conducting experiments.

It is no coincidence that Bulgakov's hero bears the surname Preobrazhensky, this is a plastic surgeon, engaged in the transformation of a person's appearance. And so he decides on another scientific experiment.

· Creating a problem situation:

The teacher sets the following tasks for the students: the class is divided into small groups, discussion, work with a dictionary, expressing one's opinion.)

· Group 1: identify the purpose of the experiment of Professor Preobrazhensky.

Group 2: what is needed to educate a moral person?

· 3rd group: in what conditions was the "homo sapiens" Sharikov? Were all conditions created for his moral development?

Group 4: What is the result of this experiment? Why did he fail?

After the discussion, the speeches of the groups, the floor is given to Father Maxim, who gives an answer to the problematic questions of the lesson:

What is the basis of moral education?

What laws should a person live by?

Is it possible to forcibly create an ideal society and moral personality?

Summary of the lesson. Teacher's word.

It is no coincidence that today we talked about morality. You are on the verge of adulthood, you will have to make decisions on your own more than once, without anyone's prompting, to make a choice. Your fate, the fate of your loved ones, the fate of the country depends on what life principles you will be guided by.

Bulgakov's story, written at the beginning of the last century, is still relevant today and serves as a warning to future generations. Bulgakov warns us: "The heart of a dog in union with the human mind is the main threat of our time." The author of the story believes that the new society should adhere to humanistic principles in the relationship of people, which are based on respect for their culture, work, knowledge. Morality lags behind, does not correspond to the new system, so the problem of preserving, reviving spirituality and morality remains unresolved.

It will be a long time before the Sharikovs disappear from our lives. But I really want to believe that this time will come.

Lesson marks:

Reflection: which of the problems posed by M. Bulgakov in the story seemed to you especially relevant in our time? What affected you?

Homework: Write an essay on a topic (optional)

1. “What feelings does Sharikov the man evoke?”

2. “What kind of people does the hero of the story Shvonder represent?”

3. “Is a moral society a utopia or a reality?”

Appendix to the lesson

Expected microgroup responses(brief commentary on assignment questions)

· What is the purpose of Professor Preobrazhensky's experiment?

The professor plans to improve the human breed, to create a new person by transplanting part of the human brain into a dog.

· What is necessary for the moral education of a person?

What is needed is love, attention, respect, kindness and care for the younger and the elderly, a humane attitude towards the world, honesty and sincerity in relationships, mutual understanding and mutual assistance, the ability to sympathize, hear and forgive ..

· Were conditions created for the moral education of Sharikov?

Preobrazhensky, being an intelligent person, believes in the power of art and goodness. He surrounds Sharikov with care and attention, tries to instill in him the rules of behavior in society, accustom him to a culture of behavior. Both he and Bormental cannot understand why ignorance and rudeness have become ubiquitous with the advent of the new government, and they are trying to eradicate the donor's addictions in their offspring.

· What is the result of the experiment?

The experiment failed! Sharikov, aka Polygraph Poligrafych, inherited the worst qualities of his donors: aggressiveness, lack of education, lack of spirituality, rudeness and rudeness. The life of the inhabitants of the apartment turned into a living hell: abuse, cigarette butts on the floor, stench. Sharikov's confidence in his rightness and impunity find support in the person of Shvonder, chairman of the house committee, Sharikov's ideological mentor. Sharikov quickly learned the main rule of the masters of life: rob the loot, divide everything equally, destroy; from a stray dog, he turned into an orderly to clean up the city from his own kind, not recognizing kinship. Neither Preobrazhensky, nor Bormental, nor Zinochka could instill in him such concepts as conscience, morality, shame, respect for a woman. Meanness, hatred, malice - this is the portrait of a new man. The good intentions of Preobrazhensky turned into a tragedy that nearly cost the creator his life. He manages to correct his mistake by returning Sharikov to his former state.

· Why did Professor Preobrazhensky's experiment fail?

Because it is impossible to create an ideal society by force. "It is impossible to drive humanity into happiness with an iron river." Where there is evil, violence, there can be no question of a moral person, a moral society.

M. Bulgakov warned about the destructive transformations that would follow after the 1917 revolution with the story “Heart of a Dog”. Its result is a totalitarian regime that has existed in our country for decades; rooted and widespread Sharikovism, manifested in the rudeness and indifference of officials towards their people. And today we are experiencing the results of a failed experiment to become a happy nation. The Sharikovs penetrated into all spheres of life: judges condemn innocent people, doctors refuse to help the sick, old people find themselves homeless and cared for by loved ones, mothers abandon their children, officials, deaf to the needs of the people, care only about their well-being.

Without exception, all of Bulgakov's works literally fascinate the reader, posing the most difficult questions, which are not so easy to solve. Bulgakov's story "The Heart of a Dog" makes one think about the place of a person in the world, about responsibility for one's own actions and the actions of others. The story is written in an amazing language, full of caustic sarcasm, but at the same time it is perceived as a deep, philosophical work.
Bulgakov makes the heroes of the story the symbols of the era. Professor Preobrazhensky is a real Russian intellectual, a representative of the outgoing category of society. A lot of things that were important and necessary for people are leaving with him. The professor's statements may seem ridiculous. But humor does not detract from their relevance. "Dove! I'm not talking about steam heating ... Let it be: since there is a social revolution, there is no need to heat it ”; “why, when this whole story began, did everyone start walking in dirty galoshes and felt boots up the marble stairs?”; "Why was the carpet removed from the front stairs?" "Why can't the proletarian leave his galoshes downstairs, but soil the marble?"
From the point of view of balls, which in essence are a symbol of a new era, the aesthetics of everyday life are completely unnecessary. At the same time, the “new people” are ready to abandon everything that has been created over the centuries. The desire to build a new life is perceived by them as the need to completely destroy what was done before. Bulgakov puts a lot of well-aimed remarks into the mouth of Professor Preobrazhensky.
“What is this “devastation” of yours? An old woman with a stick? The witch who broke all the windows, put out all the lamps?... Destruction is not in the closets, but in the heads.
Apt and very accurate remarks are made by many characters in the story. Including a homeless dog even before turning into a man who is distinguished by rare powers of observation and intelligence. The real life of post-revolutionary Russia appears before us in all its frightening plausibility. Gloomy pictures rise before us from the very beginning of the story. Blizzard as a symbol of sadness; neglected empty streets as a symbol of poverty, wretchedness. At the very beginning of the story, we look at the situation through the eyes of a homeless mongrel. Nothing pleases our eyes. Here a typist girl runs past, who earns mere pennies "in the ninth category, four and a half chervonets."
There can be no minor details to create an objective picture. The image of the typist is also not accidental. The young girl looks so unhappy, frozen, half-starved that we begin to understand how unfair and ugly reality is. And how much the phrase says: “I am now the chairman, and no matter how much I steal - everything, everything for the female body, for cancer necks, for Abrau-Dyurso. Because I was hungry enough in my youth, it will be with me, and the afterlife does not exist.
Bulgakov in his story raises very serious questions - he makes you think about the morality of the people we encounter on the pages of the work. Theft is everywhere. No one cares about the observance of order, the country is in decline, society is degrading.
And against the background of this degradation, a new person, Sharikov, appears. The fact that in Bulgakov's story this new man was a stray dog ​​quite recently is very symbolic. It is especially important that, being a dog, Sharikov was distinguished by greater decency and aroused sincere compassion and sympathy. Becoming a man, he causes only disgust.
The new man, who is represented in the story by Polygraph Polygraph Sharikov, fully complies with the requirements of the “new life”, is a “product” of his era. He is unspiritual, uneducated, ungrateful, stupid, aggressive. He feels like a real master of life, not paying attention to anyone.
Deserves close attention and denunciation of Professor Preobrazhensky. This testifies to the complete absence of any human qualities in Sharikov. Distinctive features of this character are meanness, envy, hatred for everything and everyone around.
The master of life, namely, this is how the “new man” began to feel after the revolution, he is very strong. He does not stop at anything, does not think about morality and morality. The fantastic experiment in the story is a reflection of a real, huge social experiment - the revolution. The character of Sharikov's story could not become a man; we have only a Creature in front of us, remotely similar to him.
Next to the "ball" are those who are weaker and more vulnerable. And communication with "new people" brings only suffering. It is impossible to imagine something more monstrous than a society in which the “balls”, these heartless and evil creatures, are in charge of everything. In the story, Professor Preobrazhensky finds "control" on Sharikov, he simply turns him back into a dog. But the social experiment - the revolution - does not go back. And that is why the story leaves a feeling of some understatement. The writer poses a problem, allowing readers to think about it. Therefore, even today, after a significant period of time, we can think about the society of "balls", the echoes of which we still feel.

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