Project "geometric patterns and ornaments on dishes". Project on the theme "patterns and ornaments on dishes" Ornament on dishes made of squares


Completed by a student of 2 "B" class

MBOU "Secondary School No. 32", Ozyorsk

Danilov Alexey



Math is everywhere.
You only lead with your eyes
And there are a lot of examples
You will find around you.

M. Borzakovsky

Each of us uses different utensils more than once a day: a cup, a saucer, a plate. As a rule, the dishes are beautifully decorated with various patterns and ornaments. All this is created by masters - craftsmen who carry out painting, decoration of dishes, bringing it into an aesthetic appearance. I wanted to become such a craftsman, to learn more about how to decorate dishes with patterns and ornaments.

I have set myself the following goals:

1. Explore the history of the emergence of patterns and ornaments on dishes, study their types, types, structure

2. Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes, learn how to draw geometric patterns, alternate elements, repeat the rules for their arrangement one after another

3. Create an album of sketches of patterns and ornaments for painting dishes

4. Summarize the research results.

The hypothesis of the project is that if you study the technique of making patterns and ornaments on dishes, you can learn how to create sketches of patterns and ornaments for painting dishes.

Main part

1. Definition of pattern and ornament

Pattern- This is a drawing created using combinations of lines, colors and shadows. A pattern can be an independent artistic element, a work, as well as an ornamental element (if you repeat it several times in a certain sequence). A geometric pattern is a pattern made using geometric shapes.

Ornament translated from Latin means decoration . It consists of a series of successive elements. In this case, a strict pattern associated with symmetry and rhythm is necessarily observed. The ornament gives the product expressiveness, beauty, emphasizes its shape and texture. Ornaments are one of the elements of the national culture of all peoples of the world.

2. The history of the origin of dishes, patterns and ornaments on dishes

The primitive man began to make his first dishes from bark, wood, vines. But those dishes were uncomfortable, it was impossible to cook in it, store liquids.

And only in the seventh millennium BC the first artificial material was invented - refractory clay, from which they began to make ceramic dishes. It is believed that a woman invented ceramic dishes.

Ancient people sought to make dishes not only comfortable, but also beautiful. Various drawings began to be applied to it.

The emergence of ornamentation refers to the times of ancient times. Its origins go back to the times when a person separated himself from the world around him and began to make tools and household items. The earliest ornamental images were found during archaeological excavations on fragments of ceramics. And such an ornament consisted of a series of simple dents made on an earthenware jug at approximately equal distances from each other. Naturally, these dents could not make the vessel more comfortable to use. However, they made it more interesting and unusual compared to other vessels.

Over time, the patterns developed and became more and more complicated, forming complex compositional schemes in which fabulous and real motifs were intertwined.

Each nationality, sometimes even a geographical area, has its own unique ornament, because the ornament has always been closely connected with the culture, language of the people, as well as its origin and history.

3. Types of ornaments

We found out that there are four main types of ornaments:
geometric ornament consists of points, lines and geometric shapes.

Floral ornament is made up of stylized leaves, flowers, fruits, branches, etc. (for example, Gzhel, Khokhloma)

zoomorphic ornament includes stylized images of real or fantasy animals.

Anthropomorphic ornament uses stylized figures or parts of the human body as motifs

Mixed ornament uses different elements.

4. Types of ornaments

Ornaments are of two types:

Ornament in the strip with vertical or horizontal motif alternation

closed ornament. It is arranged in a rectangle, square or circle.

We liked the geometric pattern the most. It is easier to draw, but still looks very elegant. The following forms are used in geometric ornament: dots and lines, circles and ovals, rhombuses and squares, broken lines - zigzags, meander. Meander - (from the Greek - "cycle" - this is when a broken line is formed at a right angle or along spiral curls.

Permanent elements of geometric ornaments are individual figures in the form of points, straight and broken lines, circles, crosses, triangles, squares, rosettes.

The geometric ornament is characterized not so much by the variety of figures as by the variance of their execution. The main and most typical is a rhombus or a square set at an angle. Rhombus-figures can be crossed by diagonals, with processes - extended sides, with hooks, small rhombuses at the corners, can be enclosed in squares and larger rhombuses, arranged in rows, superimposed on each other by corners, etc.

The motif of the cross is also widespread in geometric ornaments - oblique or straight, equilateral, with curved ends, with protrusions-scallops. Very often there are figures of triangles, which can be part of a rhombic ornament and an independent pattern: they are connected by vertices, superimposed one on top of the other, etc.

Quite often, the gaps between the individual figures of one ornament are filled with other figures, which not only complement it, but also create a new pattern. An important role in various variants of geometric ornament is played by the size of the pattern and the proportional ratio of its parts. Basically, ornamental elements are located around the entire perimeter of the dish, sometimes they are located in the center of the dish.

The term "ornament" is associated with the term "decor", which "never exists in its pure form, it consists of a combination of useful and beautiful; functionality is the basis, beauty comes after it.” Over the many years of the existence of decorative art, various types of patterns have developed: geometric, floral, complex, etc., from simple to complex. The ornament may consist of objective and non-objective motifs, it may include forms of man, animal world and mythological creatures. Patterns and ornaments are used in various fields, have different ways of creation, and some of them have a certain preference in the design of various things and objects.

Natalia Nekrasova
Presentation “Mathematics is around us. Patterns and ornaments on dishes»

Project theme: Patterns and ornaments on dishes. Targets and goals project: Learn what is pattern, ornament and how to decorate dishes with a variety of patterns!

Each of us more than once a day uses different crockery: cup, saucer, plate.

There are also decorative plates that adorn the walls.

All this is created by masters, including artists who often paint crockery the most diverse and very beautiful patterns. My album- « Ornaments and patterns on dishes» . The album contains photos of my favorite patterns that my grandmother has and we have at home! I like to visit my grandmother and drink tea from beautiful mugs with blue polka dots. Grandmother has many different bowls with ornaments on the edges. Clay dishes with triangular pattern. and much more. Conclusion: Patterns and ornaments are different. There are also geometric patterns, that's why: Mathematics is around us all the time.

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Slides captions:

Project theme: Patterns and ornaments on dishes. The purpose and objectives of the project: to learn how to draw geometric patterns, alternate elements, understand the rules for their arrangement one after another. Each of us uses different utensils more than once a day: a cup, a saucer, a plate. There are also decorative plates that adorn the walls. All this is created by craftsmen, including artists, who often paint dishes with the most diverse and very beautiful patterns.

A pattern is a drawing created using combinations of lines, colors and shadows. A pattern can be an independent artistic element, a work, as well as an ornamental element (if you repeat it several times in a certain sequence). Ornament in translation from Latin means decoration. It consists of a series of successive elements. In this case, a strict pattern associated with symmetry and rhythm is necessarily observed. The ornament gives the product expressiveness, beauty, emphasizes its shape and texture.

Patterns and ornaments are used in various fields, have different ways of creation, and some of them have a certain preference in the design of various things and objects. Ornaments are one of the elements of the national culture of all peoples of the world. With their help, you can study the customs and traditions of a particular country. Patterns and ornaments are used in folk art, precious salaries, braid, etc. I created an album "Ornaments and Patterns on Dishes", which contains photographs of the patterns that I liked the most, which I saw in various places and exhausted from various sources. Conclusion: Geometric patterns are everywhere, this is a fairly common phenomenon, we just rarely pay attention to it in everyday affairs and just like that. Mathematics is all around us all the time.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

2nd grade math project....

Lesson project in mathematics, grade 2, Topic: “Mathematics is around us. Patterns on the dishes, UMK "School of Russia"

Topic: “Mathematics is around us. Patterns on dishes. Objective: in the course of practical work and observations, to introduce the history of the appearance of dishes, the meaning of dishes in everyday life, the meaning of decorating dishes. Type of lesson: master ...

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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PURPOSE: to learn how to draw geometric patterns, alternate elements, understand the rules for their arrangement one after another, develop the cognitive interest of students. TASKS: to learn to use additional literature, encyclopedias, to develop creative potential, the desire for success, to cultivate self-confidence, the ability to understand each other, interest and attention to the creative efforts of comrades, to give an adequate assessment of the results obtained (both their own and others).

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PLANNED RESULT: students create an album of ornaments and patterns on dishes BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT IDEA: in the course of individual, group and collective work on the project, students will study the history of the emergence of ornaments, their types, get acquainted with the ornaments of the peoples of the world and Russia, the use of ornaments in the modern world. SUBJECTS: mathematics; technology; art.

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STAGES OF THE PROJECT: Preparatory 1. Acquaintance with the topic. 2. Drawing up a work plan. 3. The division of students into groups, the distribution of tasks. 1. Conversation with students. 2. Help in finding and choosing information. 3. Preparing a presentation. The main students select information, systematize and arrange it in the form of presentations, messages, reports. Consultant. Final Defense of projects: "Geometric ornament", "Closed ornament", "Ornament in a strip with linear vertical or horizontal alternation of motif Summing up. Evaluation of results.

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ACTIVITIES OF CHILDREN IN GROUPS 1 group 5 group 6 group 2 group 3 group 4 group Types of ornaments Ornaments from different countries History of clay dishes of Ancient Rus' History of wooden dishes of Ancient Rus' Crafts of Rus' (Gzhel, Khokhloma) What is ornament and pattern?

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Each of us uses different utensils more than once a day: a cup, a saucer, a plate. There are also decorative plates that adorn the walls. All this is created by craftsmen, including artists, who often paint dishes with the most diverse and very beautiful patterns. A pattern is a drawing created using combinations of lines, colors and shadows. A pattern can be an independent artistic element, a work, as well as an ornamental element (if you repeat it several times in a certain sequence). An ornament is a special kind of artistic creativity that does not exist as an independent work, but only decorates one or another thing, but, nevertheless, “it ... is a rather complex artistic structure, to create which various expressive means are used. - color, texture and mathematical foundations of ornamental composition - rhythm, symmetry; graphic expression of ornamental lines, their elasticity and mobility, flexibility or angularity; plastic - in relief ornaments; and, finally, the expressive qualities of the natural motifs used, the beauty of the painted flower, the bending of the stem, the patterning of the leaf...”. The term ornament is associated with the term decor, which “never exists in its pure form, it consists of a combination of useful and beautiful; Functionality is the basis, beauty comes after it. Ornament in translation from Latin means decoration. It consists of a series of successive elements. In this case, a strict pattern associated with symmetry and rhythm is necessarily observed. The ornament gives the product expressiveness, beauty, emphasizes its shape and texture. Over the many years of the existence of decorative art, various types of patterns have developed: geometric, floral, complex, etc., from simple to complex. The ornament may consist of objective and non-objective motifs, it may include forms of man, animal world and mythological creatures. Patterns and ornaments are used in various fields, have different ways of creation, and some of them have a certain preference in the design of various things and objects. Ornaments are one of the elements of the national culture of all peoples of the world. With their help, you can study the customs and traditions of a particular country. Patterns and ornaments are used in folk art, precious salaries, braid, etc. ORNAMENT AND PATTERN

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TYPES OF ORNAMENTS: Anthropomorphic ornament Anthropomorphic ornament uses male and female stylized figures or individual parts of the human body as motifs. Geometric ornament Geometric ornament uses the simplest geometric shapes - lines, dots, circles, zigzags, spirals, circles, rhombuses, rectangles, etc.

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Zoomorphic ornament A zoomorphic ornament is an ornament built on the image of real or fantastic animals and birds, as well as their individual parts, with varying degrees of stylization. Calligraphic ornament Calligraphic ornament consists of individual letters or text elements expressive in their pattern and rhythm. Subject ornament Subject ornament includes images of military attributes, household items, musical instruments, theatrical masks.

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Natural ornament The main motif of the ornament is nature: sea waves, a halo of flame, heavenly bodies, including the sun, moon, often in the form of a sickle, stars, lightning, landscape elements. Floral ornament Floral ornament - an ornament that stylizes the elements of the plant world and consists of leaves, fruits, berries, flowers in various combinations.

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ANCIENT GREECE The greatest culture of the ancient world introduced many new elements and compositional solutions into the art of decoration. One of the most important in the ornament of Ancient Greece was a clearly identified rhythm, built on the alternation of identical elements, based on their equality with each other. “This ornament seems to be moving in front of the viewer evenly, constantly, in a rhythm filled with a truly cosmic sound. It is always closed in a circle - the circle of being - running around the frieze of the building, the body of the vessel, the quadrangular field of fabric. Plots of the ornament are always placed in a strictly defined place. Decorative ornaments are harmoniously combined with the design of the object. One of the favorite ancient Greek motifs is the meander. It is believed that this pattern contains a deep idea of ​​perpetual motion, endless repetition.

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ANCIENT CHINA Since ancient times, the Celestial Empire has been a trendsetter in the manufacture of dishes, because it was there that porcelain was invented back in the 4th century. The Chinese jealously kept the secret of making porcelain vases, the disclosure of which was punishable by death. Apparently for this reason, even their neighbors, Japan and Korea, were able to make the first porcelain products after only a few centuries. In Europe, the recipe for porcelain was discovered at the end of the 16th century, and before that, precious dishes were exported with incredible precautions from China - from the workshops of Longquan, from Dingzhou and Cizhou. In the 14th century, the center of Chinese porcelain production moved to Jingdezhen, at which time products were decorated with lead glazes in three colors. The refinement of the form, the purity and whiteness of the shard, the patterning and colorfulness of the painting made Chinese porcelain truly precious.

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ANCIENT ROME Ware in ancient Rome was very diverse. It was made of clay, glass and metal. Wealthy people used luxurious dishes made of silver and gold. In the "House of Menander" in Pompeii, 118 silver objects were found. These were all kinds of dishes, bowls, mirrors and even a silver purse.

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ANCIENT JAPAN The world's oldest pottery was first discovered in the Japanese archipelago. In 1960, during excavations of a primitive site in the Fukui Cave (Nagasaki Prefecture, Kyushu Island), fragments of clay vessels were found, the age of which, according to radiocarbon analysis, is about 13 thousand years. Most of the monuments are open in the central and southern parts of the island. Honshu, in the north of about. Kyushu. The oldest ceramic complexes of the northernmost island of Hokkaido date back to about 9 thousand years. Samples of ancient Japanese ceramics are fragments of vessels that were probably used for some household needs. These products of the first potters were still very primitive. The molding mass for them was natural clay, often poorly refined, containing coarse sandy impurities. Early ceramic vessels had a simple shape - with straight or slightly widened walls towards the mouth, a sharp or flat bottom. In appearance, they resembled an inverted cone or cylinder. Pointed-bottomed vessels were intended to be dug into the ground or to be hung over a fire with a rope threaded through holes located along the mouth. The walls of clay containers were only slightly smoothed during molding and remained rough after firing. Ceramics were fired in an ordinary open fire, at low temperatures of 500 ° - 700 ° C. The vessels had fragile walls and a faded yellow or light orange color. A notable feature of the oldest Japanese ceramic ware is that, for all its technological primitiveness, it is already marked with signs of decor. Vessels were decorated with unpretentious ornaments made of rope or cord imprints, thin molded clay flagella, and nail impressions. An interesting decor option was the imprints of the valves of small sea mollusks.

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Since clay dishes in the climatic conditions of India have always been difficult to clean from food debris and difficult to disinfect, metal utensils have been used very widely since ancient times. The prohibitions imposed by traditional medicine were codified by religious prescriptions regarding ritual purity and impurity, as a result of which ceramic vessels were used by members of high castes mainly for storing grain and water, and only members of low castes were not forbidden to use them for food. Not all metal utensils were ornamented. Vessels for cooking usually did not carry any patterns at all (for the same hygienic reasons); as for glasses, plates and jugs, the shape and material were more valued in them than the finish, although they were partially decorated with forging, relief produced during casting, chasing or notching. In India, it is customary to define the technique of combining any two colors with the words "Ganga-Jamna", since it is believed that the waters of the Ganges are white, and the Jumna merging with it is blue. ANCIENT INDIA

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Archaeological finds in many ancient Russian cities testify to the widespread development of pottery in Rus'. The word "dishes" did not yet exist in Ancient Rus'. What could be eaten from was called a "vessel". And what could be drunk from was called a “vessel”. Very often, for example, in Domostroy, the word "vessel" is used as a general word for the name of tableware. The first time the word "utensils" occurs in Russia in the 17th century. Oval pots, along with cauldrons, were the main utensils for cooking (roasting or boiling) food. The shape of the pots was well suited for cooking food in a Russian oven, in which the vessels with food were on the same level with burning firewood and were heated not from below, as on an open hearth, but from the side. In the Russian hut there were a lot of pots of various shapes and sizes, designed for a variety of purposes - cooking porridge, stew, boiling water, etc. And so that the pot, just taken from the oven, could be immediately taken by hand, it was braided with birch bark. The family took care of the pots, handled them very carefully, and if the pot cracked, it was braided with birch bark and used to store food. They even came up with a riddle about such a pot: “There was a child - he didn’t know diapers, he became old - he began to swaddle.” ANCIENT Rus'

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Given the large role that the pot played in the household, it is not surprising that many beliefs were associated with it. In folklore, there is also a clear connection between the fate of a pot and a person. It was often used in wedding and funeral ceremonies. For example, breaking the pots in the room where the young people spent their wedding night was supposed to symbolize a turning point in the fate of a girl and a guy who became a man and a woman. In folk beliefs, the pot acted as a talisman, a vessel in which magical power could accumulate.

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The cult of wood in Rus', in addition to the availability of this material, is also explained by the ease of its processing and unusual decorative effect, especially in patterned carving. Woodcarving is an ancient art. In geometric carving, researchers find much in common with the notches and marks that the owner once left on the wooden block of his hive, on the trees that surrounded his land. To distinguish them from others, these marks, consisting of stripes, circles, triangles, rhombuses, became more complicated, and a simple ornament arose. Over time, the notches became unnecessary, and the carved ornament found its use in peasant household items, in utensils and dishes. Numerous fragments of ancient wooden utensils have been found during various archaeological excavations. According to their purpose, the dishes were divided into two categories: for drinks (ladles, brothers, valleys, bowls, glasses) and for hot food (dishes, bowls, staves). Hollowing or carving a ladle, valley or bowl from a whole piece of wood with an ax, knife and adze was not an easy and very laborious task. And wooden utensils have always been appreciated. Especially from the rhizome or burl, the most waterproof and durable. The most common do-it-yourself wooden utensils were ladles, which differed in various shapes and sizes, as well as decorations. At crowded feasts, intoxicating drinks were served in bucket ladles, and “healthy bowls” were drunk from special spherical brothers. Various foods (caviar, pancakes, fish) were placed in round festive ladles with low sides. Usually, instructions and advice are engraved on the buckets. They made wooden utensils in the old days everywhere.

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KHOKHLOMA Golden Khokhloma One of the oldest original Russian folk crafts that has been shaping the life and way of life of entire generations for centuries and is an integral part of Russian culture. A feature of the Khokhloma craft is the manufacture of gilded wooden utensils without the use of precious metal and a kind of herbal painting. The fiery firebird, decorated with bright flowers, became the symbol of Khokhloma painting. The city of Semenov, located 80 kilometers from Nizhny Novgorod, is rightfully considered the capital of the golden Khokhloma. The history of the golden Khokhloma The Khokhloma trade dates back more than three centuries. It originated in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region and went from icon painting. It was a time of extensive settlement of the Nizhny Novgorod lands by various people, among whom were the "Old Believers" - opponents of the church reforms of Patriarch Nikon. They knew the secret of gilding icons with silver metal and linseed oil - drying oil. Wooden icons were covered with a layer of silver, ground into powder, after which they were dried, then placed in an oven. After hardening, the icon acquired a new golden color. Subsequently, with the advent of cheaper tin, this method was also applied to dishes. Thus, starting from the 17th century, the painted wooden utensils of the Trans-Volga masters were famous all over Russia. "Ceremonial" dishes were made on special orders in small batches from different types of wood, different shapes and artistic finishes, and were intended for gifts to eminent guests and foreign ambassadors.



Project work


Povsten Yuri

Student 2 "G" class


Guliyeva Anna Alexandrovna

Primary school teacher


"Ornaments and patterns on dishes"


1. Patterns and ornaments on dishes…………………………………..5

History of ornament

3. Riddles about geometric shapes…………………………… 11

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………… 14

List of used literature……………………………………….15

The purpose of this project: is to show the connection of mathematics with the environment.


Continue the development of imagination, observation, attention;

Learn to draw geometric patterns;

To form the concept of symmetry as the law of beauty and harmony;

Find out the shape, alternation of elements, the rules for their arrangement one after another;

Create an album "Ornaments and patterns on dishes";

Imagine a hand-painted plate and cup using a stencil.


Mathematics is a science that studies numbers, operations on them, quantitative relations and spatial forms.

Mathematics is needed - for counting, to know all the numbers and be able to add them. Mathematics is needed to measure length, distance. Without knowing mathematics, it is impossible to determine what time it is, to navigate in time. Without mathematical calculations, it is impossible to determine which month has come on the account. Arriving at the store, you need to calculate how much money you need to pay for the purchase. When choosing clothes, you need to know your size, and without mathematics you cannot determine it.

Counting is the oldest mathematical activity. An account was vital for people, as they needed to trade, as well as monitor the number of their livestock. Scientists have discovered that some of the most primitive human tribes kept count of objects, resorting to the help of various parts of the body, of course, the main of which were the fingers and toes.

When you study nature, you again encounter mathematics. With its help, we find out how many degrees the air temperature rises or falls. Every year, as we move into high school, we will learn more about mathematics, because later in life, mathematics is indispensable.

Mathematics is everywhere: you can only lead with your eyes -

And there are a lot of different examples - you will find around you.

Patterns and ornaments on dishes

Each of us uses different utensils more than once a day: a cup, a saucer, a plate.

There are also decorative plates that adorn the walls.

All this is created by craftsmen, including artists, who often paint dishes with the most diverse and very beautiful patterns.

Patterns and ornaments are quite familiar. Take a look around - architecture, interior items, various decor of clothes, dishes and much more ... ... - all in patterns and ornaments.

Pattern- This is a drawing, which is a combination of lines, colors and shadows.

Ornament- This is an ornament, a pattern consisting of rhythmically repeating elements.

A pattern can be both an independent work of art and an element of an ornament (if you repeat it several times in a certain sequence).

The concept of "ornament" and "pattern" are directly interconnected and very closely intertwined.

The ornament gives expressive beauty to the product, emphasizes its shape and texture.

Ornament in translation from Latin means decoration. It consists of a series of successive arranged elements. In this case, a strict regularity is necessarily observed, connected with symmetry and rhythm.

Ornament is a special kind of artistic creativity, which, as

many researchers believe that it does not exist as an independent work, it only decorates this or that thing, but, nevertheless, it is a rather complex artistic structure, for the creation of which various expressive means are used.

Among them - color, texture and mathematical foundations of ornamental composition - rhythm, symmetry; graphic expression of ornamental lines, their elasticity and mobility, flexibility or angularity; plastic - in relief ornaments; and, finally, the expressive qualities of the natural motifs used, the beauty of the painted flower, the bending of the stem, the patterning of the leaf...”.

The term ornament is associated with the term decor, which “never exists in its pure form, it consists of a combination of useful and beautiful; functionality is the basis, beauty comes after it ”Over the many years of the existence of decorative art, various types and patterns have developed: geometric, floral, complex, etc., simple

joints to complex intricacies.

An ornament can consist of subject and non-objective motifs, it may include forms of a person, the animal world and mythological creatures, naturalistic elements are intertwined and articulated in an ornament with stylized and geometrized patterns.

Over the many years of the existence of decorative art, various types of patterns have developed: geometric, floral, zoomorphic, landscape, etc.

Let's take a look at each of these patterns one by one.

Floral ornament- a pattern consisting of elements depicting parts of plants (flowers, herbs, leaves, berries).

geometric ornament- a pattern consisting of geometric shapes (rhombuses, circles, etc.)

zoomorphic ornament- a pattern where the main motive is the image of an animal.

landscape ornament- a pattern where the main motive is the image of nature.

The dishes we use are decorated with various patterns. But it was not so easy to find dishes with a geometric pattern at home. The resources of the Internet came to our aid. And, as it turned out, he has a unique look, stylish and very attractive. Dishes with geometric patterns look very beautiful!

History of ornament

The emergence of the ornament goes back centuries and, for the first time, its traces were captured in the Paleolithic era (15-10 thousand years BC). In the Neolithic culture, the ornament has already reached a wide variety of forms and began to dominate. Over time, the ornament loses its dominant position and cognitive significance, retaining, however, an important streamlining and decorating role in the system of plastic art. Each era, style, consistently emerging national culture worked out its own system; therefore, the ornament is a reliable sign of the belonging of works to a certain time, people, country. The purpose of the ornament was determined - to decorate. Ornament reaches a special development where conditional forms of reflection of reality prevail: in the Ancient East, in pre-Columbian America, in Asian cultures of antiquity and the Middle Ages, in the European Middle Ages. In folk art, since ancient times, stable principles and forms of ornamentation have been formed, which largely determine national artistic traditions. For example, in India, the ancient art of rangoli (alpon) has been preserved - an ornamental pattern - prayer.

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