Designing a fairy tale hut. Hut on chicken legs.docx - Subject: Designing a fairy tale hut

March 20, 2014

Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most striking characters in Russian folk tales, even though she is a negative character. A grumpy character, the ability to use witchcraft items and potions, flying in a mortar, a hut on chicken legs - all this makes the character memorable and unique. And although, probably, everyone imagines what kind of old woman this is, not everyone knows how to draw Baba Yaga. That is what we will talk about in this article.

Folklore image of Baba Yaga

Everyone read Russian folk tales in childhood, it is from them that Baba Yaga is known to us. Therefore, if you decide to start drawing this old woman, you should turn to children's books to figure out what this character is. So, let's characterize Baba Yaga: she lives in a dense impenetrable forest, her housing is a hut on chicken legs. Witchcraft is subject to her and, in addition, she knows how to fly in a mortar, covering her tracks with a broomstick. If we talk about the character of Baba Yaga, then this is not always a harmful and evil old woman, in some fairy tales she admonishes the hero and gives him magical items, for example, a guiding ball of thread or a magic horse. Not only poets and writers, but also artists, such as Ivan Bilibin, Ivan Malyutin, Viktor Vasnetsov and others, have repeatedly turned to the image of Baba Yaga.

The image of Baba Yaga in art

Of course, the image of this character is very interesting not only to ordinary readers, but also to people of art: artists, writers, musicians, poets and directors. This hero of Russian fairy tales inspired the composer Mussorgsky to create a musical play “The Hut on Chicken Legs. Baba Yaga. Everyone knows the canvas of the Russian artist Vasnetsov, which is called “Baba Yaga”. We must not forget about the beautiful canvases of Bilibin. Even in the cinema, the image of this old woman was captured, and her man, the wonderful actor Georgy Millyar, played.

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Appearance of Baba Yaga

To answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga, and convey her image as accurately as possible, you need to pay attention to her appearance and distinctive features. In Russian fairy tales, as a rule, she was depicted as a bony old woman with a large hump, a wrinkled face, a long hooked nose, on which a wart was always present. But little attention was paid to the description of clothes, Baba Yaga could be dressed in a sundress, dress or skirt, so you can dream up plenty of wardrobe details.

Draw Baba Yaga from the cartoon

Perhaps this is one of the easiest options for drawing a fabulous old woman with a pencil. This image is taken from the 1979 Soviet cartoon Baba Yaga vs.
You can draw Baba Yaga in a mortar or on a broom, the forms for drawing are very simple, so even a small child can master them. Let's try to draw an old woman who flies on a broomstick. First, draw an oval with a pencil, this will be the grandmother's head, then draw the nose, eyes and mouth in sequence.
Do not forget about the scarf on my grandmother's head, it was polka-dotted. Hair is slightly knocked out from under the scarf, we draw the details and remove the extra lines. After the head of Baba Yaga is drawn, you need to decide on the location of the broom stick, that is, make a sketch of it. Only after that you can start drawing the body of the old woman. We make a sketch of the figure of the grandmother, she is slightly tilted forward and holds on to the broom with her hands. We draw the broom itself, and only after that we draw the arms and legs of Baba Yaga.

How to draw Baba Yaga in a mortar

This drawing will be a little more complicated than the previous one. To begin with, one should imagine the image of Baba Yaga in a mortar, in her hands she has a broom. If it’s hard to imagine, you can look for a picture with a similar image or look at illustrations for Russian folk tales in which there is such a fairy-tale hero. Fairy tales will help answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga's stupa. First, you should sketch on paper the approximate silhouette of the old woman and the outline of the stupa. This must be done without pressing the pencil. Gradually add details, such as a scarf, hair fluttering in the wind, which are knocked out from under it. We draw the face, highlighting the characteristic features of this character: a hooked nose, a protruding chin, a tooth sticking out of the mouth, thick skewed eyebrows. Don't forget to draw a wart on the nose. Next, we draw bony hands with long thin fingers, with which Baba Yaga tenaciously holds her broom. Do not forget to pay attention to the headstock mortar, you can draw a wooden texture, add a crack, pay attention to the little things - draw wrinkles on the face and folds on the clothes. In the process of drawing with the help of an eraser, we gradually remove unnecessary details and lines.

How to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step

In order to convey the image of this old woman as accurately as possible, let us once again recall all her distinctive features. Let's talk about how to draw the face of Baba Yaga. Let's break this lesson into several stages, so it will be more convenient to navigate.

A hut on chicken legs

An integral attribute of this fairy-tale character is his home. Every self-respecting Baba Yaga has a hut, but not a simple one, but on chicken legs. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's house. In general, such a dwelling is not just an invention; in ancient Russia, huts were placed on stumps, the roots of which were chopped off and looked very much like chicken legs. Thus, people tried to protect the wooden house from decay.

Step-by-step drawing of a hut on chicken legs

A lot has already been said about how to draw Baba Yaga, but, summing up, I would like to give some advice to novice artists. In order to plausibly portray this fairy-tale hero, you need to better study his character, habits, the place where he lives, and characteristic features. Of course, Russian folk tales will help in this best of all. And do not be upset if you did not manage to draw a character or his house the first time, you need to try again, and your imagination will help you with this.

Master class on drawing Hut on chicken legs step by step with a photo

Author: Irina Gayzhevskaya, 10 years old, studying at the Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov, Pskov region, Velikie Luki.
Teacher: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A.A. Bolshakov", Pskov Region, the city of Velikie Luki.

Description: work can be done with children of primary school age. The material can be useful for teachers of preschool and additional education, teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose: participation in creative exhibitions, photo-illustration.
Target: creation of a composition based on the ancient legends of the village of Kukuboy.
- introduce children to the life of modern Grandmother Yaga;
-to teach children to create a composition with a hut on chicken legs according to the presentation;
-improve the skills of building a drawing, the ability to find a compositional center, develop the ability to balance the composition due to the color scheme of the work;
- improve the skills of working with wax crayons;
- to develop interest in native culture and traditions.

Hello dear guests! Today our work is dedicated to the wisest and most important woman - Baba Yaga! Lost in the forests, Kukoboy is the only place in Russia where the real Baba Yaga lives. As expected, an anomalous zone begins in the domain of Baba Yaga - mobile communications stop working, and the engines of cars overheat. They say that forest and marsh inhabitants are naughty: goblin, kikimors and mermaids.
Baba Yaga herself, for all her outward unattractiveness, has long been a peaceful old woman, she prefers pies with tea to black magic and witchcraft. And, every year on the last Saturday of June, the regional holiday "Baba Yaga's Birthday" is held, the scope of which is envied by many cities of the Yaroslavl region.

What adult can imagine childhood without Baba Yaga. All of us have been told horror stories about a mean granny who toasted naughty children. In all fairy tales, Baba Yaga is about the same - a certain ancient old woman, dressed in rags, who lives for many hundreds of years in the most dense forest in a very unusual hut - "on chicken legs", which knows how to turn around. And it seems like Baba Yaga should be afraid, but in the modern world she is the favorite of many children and adults, she is lovingly called the main woman of the country.

In Kukoboi, the image of Baba Yaga, a giver and adviser, was created: she shows the way to a good traveler, gives a magic horse or eagle, on which you can get to the thirtieth kingdom, gives advice in trouble. She understands the language of the forest, the language of animals and birds, and speaks with the wind and water. She is served by forest spirits, animals, birds, fish and other creatures. He is friends with Leshy and Vodyany. Baba Yaga owns magic, heals with herbs, knows how to move through the air on her stupa and can seem invisible. In the hut she has a magic ball, a self-assembled tablecloth, walking boots, gusli-samogudy, a flying carpet, a self-cutting sword and many other mysterious things. She is the guardian of her forest space and surroundings with all their inhabitants.

Yaga's hut most often stands in the very middle of the reserved (special) forest, on the border with the "thirtieth kingdom". That is, on the border of our world with other worlds (kingdoms), of which there are a great many (thirty). Baba Yaga is the guardian of this border. She guards the entrance to a distant fairy-tale world.
Any fairy tale about Baba Yaga tells that it is not easy to enter her house. To do this, you just need to ask: "Hut, hut, stand in the old way, as your mother set: back to the forest, front to me!" - And the hut will obediently fulfill the request. By the way, the hut of Baba Yaga in Kukoboy, thanks to craftsmen, can also rotate.

In the ancient legends of Kukuboy, it is said that in former times there was a hut on a swampy swamp, and an old woman lived in it. Sometimes she appeared in the village, and then she treated the sick with herbs and roots. Few knew the way to her house in the swamp, and the curious, trying to track down the sorceress, did not return home at all. Today we will dream up a little, and try to imagine what this hut in the forest was like. Welcome to our creative workshop!
Materials and tools:
- a sheet of paper A2
- simple pencil, eraser
-wax crayons

Master class progress:

We start with a pencil drawing. We draw the central object-hut to us chicken legs.

In the background, several vertical lines are tree trunks. Then we start working with wax crayons. We will draw with the side of the chalk (edge), as if rubbing the chalk on the surface of the paper. With green chalk we paint the surface of the earth-moss in the swamp.

Next to the hut, draw a body of water covered in mud - use the marsh green color, draw with a chalk edge.

With the same color we paint a part of the background behind the hut. For tree trunks, we will use brown and burgundy color (we draw with a chalk edge).

In the same technique, we paint the roof and the frame of the hut.

We fill the empty space between the trees with black color (we draw with the edge of the crayon). Next, we draw traditionally with the tip of the chalk. In black, draw the outlines of the trees. With burgundy chalk we draw the contours of the logs of the hut.

Next, draw twigs with black chalk, once again circle the logs, the roof and the chicken legs.

With black chalk we draw hummocks of dry grass in a swamp (with an edge). We draw reeds.

Behind the hut we draw a Christmas tree. And we put some green shadows on top of the work between the branches. And our composition with a hut on chicken legs is completed.

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Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most striking characters in Russian folk tales, although she has a grumpy character, the ability to use witchcraft objects and potions, flying in a mortar, a hut on chicken legs - all this makes the character memorable and unique. And although, probably, everyone imagines what kind of old woman this is, not everyone knows how to draw Baba Yaga. That is what we will talk about in this article.

Folklore image of Baba Yaga

Everyone read Russian folk tales in childhood, it is from them that Baba Yaga is known to us. Therefore, if you decide to start drawing this old woman, you should turn to children's books to figure out what this character is. So, let's characterize Baba Yaga: she lives in her housing - this is a hut on chicken legs. Witchcraft is subject to her and, in addition, she knows how to fly in a mortar, covering her tracks with a broomstick. If we talk about the character of Baba Yaga, then this is not always a harmful and evil old woman, in some fairy tales she admonishes the hero and gives him magical items, for example, a guiding ball of thread or a magic horse. Not only poets and writers, but also artists, such as Malyutin, Viktor Vasnetsov and others, have repeatedly turned to the image of Baba Yaga.

The image of Baba Yaga in art

Of course, the image of this character is very interesting not only to ordinary readers, but also to people of art: artists, writers, musicians, poets and directors. This hero of Russian fairy tales inspired the composer Mussorgsky to create a musical play “The Hut on Chicken Legs. Baba Yaga. Everyone knows the canvas of the Russian artist Vasnetsov, which is called “Baba Yaga”. We must not forget about the beautiful canvases of Bilibin. Even in the cinema, the image of this old woman was captured, and her man, the wonderful actor Georgy Millyar, played.

Appearance of Baba Yaga

To answer the question of how to draw Baba Yaga, and convey her image as accurately as possible, you need to pay attention to her appearance and distinctive features. In Russian fairy tales, as a rule, she was depicted as a bony old woman with a large hump, a wrinkled face, a long hooked nose, on which a wart was always present. But little attention was paid to the description of clothes, Baba Yaga could be dressed in a sundress, dress or skirt, so you can dream up plenty of wardrobe details.

Draw Baba Yaga from the cartoon

Perhaps this is one of the easiest options for drawing a fabulous old woman with a pencil. This image is taken from the 1979 Soviet cartoon Baba Yaga vs.

You can draw Baba Yaga in a mortar or on a broom, the forms for drawing are very simple, so even a small child can master them. Let's try to draw an old woman who flies on a broomstick. First, draw an oval with a pencil, this will be the grandmother's head, then draw the nose, eyes and mouth in sequence.

Do not forget about my grandmother, he was polka dots. Hair is slightly knocked out from under the scarf, we draw the details and remove the extra lines. After the head of Baba Yaga is drawn, you need to decide on the location of the broom stick, that is, make a sketch of it. Only after that you can start drawing the body of the old woman. We make a sketch of the figure of the grandmother, she is slightly tilted forward and holds on to the broom with her hands. We draw the broom itself, and only after that we draw the arms and legs of Baba Yaga.

How to draw Baba Yaga in a mortar

This drawing will be a little more complicated than the previous one. To begin with, one should imagine the image of Baba Yaga in a mortar, in her hands she has a broom. If it’s hard to imagine, you can look for a picture with a similar image or look at illustrations for Russian folk tales, in which there is such a help in answering the question of how to draw a Baba Yaga stupa. First, you should sketch on paper the approximate silhouette of the old woman and the outline of the stupa. This must be done without pressing the pencil. Gradually add details, such as a scarf, hair fluttering in the wind, which are knocked out from under it. We draw the face, highlighting the characteristic features of this character: a hooked nose, a protruding chin, a tooth sticking out of the mouth, thick skewed eyebrows. Don't forget to draw a wart on the nose. Next, we draw bony hands with long thin fingers, with which Baba Yaga tenaciously holds her broom. Do not forget to pay attention to the headstock mortar, you can draw a wooden texture, add a crack, pay attention to the little things - draw the folds on the clothes. In the process of drawing with the help of an eraser, we gradually remove unnecessary details and lines.

How to draw Baba Yaga with a pencil step by step

In order to convey the image of this old woman as accurately as possible, let us once again recall all her distinctive features. Let's talk about how to draw the face of Baba Yaga. Let's break this lesson into several stages, so it will be more convenient to navigate.

A hut on chicken legs

An integral attribute of this fairy-tale character is his home. Every self-respecting Baba Yaga has a hut, but not a simple one, but on chicken legs. Let's talk about how to draw Baba Yaga's house. In general, such a dwelling is not just an invention; in ancient Russia, huts were placed on stumps, the roots of which were chopped off and looked very much like chicken legs. Thus, people tried to protect the wooden house from decay.

Step-by-step drawing of a hut on chicken legs

A lot has already been said about how to draw Baba Yaga, but, summing up, I would like to give some advice to novice artists. In order to plausibly portray this fairy-tale hero, you need to better study his character, habits, the place where he lives, and characteristic features. Of course, Russian folk tales will help in this best of all. And do not be upset if you did not manage to draw a character or his house the first time, you need to try again, and your imagination will help you with this.

Class: 3 "A"
Subject: Fine art
Teacher's name:
Number of students: 23
Date: .01.17

The purpose of the lesson: to develop skills in drawing design. develop the skill of conveying mood and artistic image with the help of
pencil. develop independence, aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition.
language goal
Instilling values
Use of concepts in speech: Baba Yaga, Hut on chicken legs
Respect for fairy tales.
Reading fairy tales with the participation of Baba Yaga.
Lesson stage
Org. moment
Knowledge update
teacher's actions
mood for the lesson
Check readiness for the lesson.
In the art lesson, I wish you a good mood and
creative success in your work!
Listen to the riddle.
On the mortar of a magical old woman flies
So fast that the wind whistles after her.
She lives in a fabulous dark wilderness -
Hurry up to name the old woman! (Baba Yaga)
That's right, it's Baba Yaga. Guys, what is she like? Look at this picture and
what is Baba Yaga here?
Indeed, in this picture she is sad, sad. What do you think,
why is she sad? (children's answers)
Look around Grandma Yaga. Look at the doorstep, what an old
hut she sits. The hut stands in a dense, dense forest, rarely a guest
can come in here. And the poor old woman lives alone, she already
old, she herself cannot build a new house for herself and there is no one to help her.
Perhaps that is why she is so evil and cruel, as we see her in some
fairy tales. But if she had a new house, brand new and beautiful, she,
probably got better. Maybe we'll draw a new house for Grandmother Yaga. (Yes)
And who remembers in which hut Grandmother Yaga usually lives.
Estimated result
All students will be able to draw
Most will be able to pass
some features of the hut
Some will be able to pass
hut features
student actions
check readiness
Guess the riddle
baba yaga
Student responses:
(evil, terrible,
old, etc.)
(sad, sad)
(In a hut on chicken

goal setting
Who guessed what we will draw today?
Right. So we will draw for our Babka Yaga a new hut on chicken
legs, which stands on the edge of the forest.
creates a problematic
ponder over
define the goal.
On the desk
Working on a new
Job Analysis

Charging (kukutiki)
1. We draw just such a shape, draw two straight lines from above, which will be
2. We draw the decoration of the roof, windows.
3. Now draw a canopy under the triangular window, shutters on the left and
to the right of the large window and the logs on the sides in the form of circles, as this
logs that we do not see, but they are the basis of the walls of the hut.
4. Erase the lines in the circles and draw a spiral in each of them,
then draw horizontal lines - the logs that make up the hut and
pipe with smoke.
5. We draw legs at the hut.
6. That's all you can add a landscape, a hut on chicken legs stands on
hillock, behind a dense forest, birds fly in the sky. The drawing is ready.
Hanging drawings on the board, viewing finished images, choosing
the best works
Mini report: what is Baba Yaga like?
You have made wonderful work, what helped you when drawing?
What did you learn in the lesson?
What have you learned?
What beautiful huts turned out! In your drawings you managed to convey
image of a dense forest. What kind of work did you like and why?
(children analyze the work).
shows movement
perform movements
Listen carefully
sums up
Write down in a diary
Student responses
analyze their
a diary

    I propose to draw a hut on chicken legs as follows:

    1) Start with the contours of the main part and the roof, as here:

    2) We decorate the roof and finish the windows:

    3) Now let's start drawing the visor, shutters and logs on both sides:

    4) We draw the boards and logs from which the hut is made. We draw a pipe and smoke for realism, we make a decor on the roof:

    5) Draw the legs:

    I could not find anywhere a phased image of a hut on chicken legs. But I found ready-made drawings from which you can copy.

    I think you can still draw any hut and add chicken legs to it, and then it will look like a hut on chicken legs like in a fairy tale.

    The hut on chicken legs is often found in various fairy tales, it is a very funny hut.

    And it's not particularly difficult to draw, especially with the help of the tips and instructions found in the tutorial video.

    My child and I tried to draw such a hut and nothing came out.

    You can also redraw from different pictures.

    First, let's make a kind of geometric figure, similar to a reborn mutant mushroom:

    Inside this mushroom, you can draw a kind of hat with sticks. This will be the basis for the future window and canopy over the door. As well as the contours of the door itself. Below, we will immediately draw our foundation, namely, the chicken legs themselves - the basis of the foundations of the hut for the unlucky old woman.

    Now it's time to put a chimney on the roof, as the hut will, of course, be heated. Let's make a door, a window, a threshold of several steps. The granny is old, although she swaggers, her legs hurt, she won’t jump to the door, and the mortar is not always at hand.

    And now we will gradually draw logs and make the hut more dark and smoky with strokes:

    A little more, and everything will be ready for living:

    Initially, we make drawings of the future hut.

    Now you need to finish the shape of the hut by adding steps, a door and a window.

    We draw logs on the hut, as well as Baba Yaga near the building.

    We remove all defects and other lines with the help of an eraser and shade our drawing (you can first apply some shadows).

    Draw a hut on chicken legs it is possible so. Let's do it step by step. We take the cartoon image of the hut as a basis.

    The principle is this - we draw from top to bottom. I open the Paint program on my computer and you can follow me.

    1. So the roof. The roof is a rhombus, and another stick attached to the side:

    The rougher it gets, the better. After all, the hut was made not by the SMU brigade, but by forest evil spirits from past material.

    1. Now let's paint the walls. We designate doors and windows in them:

    1. Draw the chicken legs from below. Here we must try to make it more or less realistic:

    1. Now we paint over everything. We finish the small details and go to hand over to the teacher!

    Well, basically, that's all. More talk.

    Whoever wants can redraw the hut on chicken legs from good children's books. This can also be done on a computer or on plain paper - with paints and pencils.

    Olga, you gave an interesting drawing as an example, I copied it and this is how it happened:

    • outlined the dimensions of the hut and roof
    • drew the position of the shutters and the window itself
    • etc.

    In general, see for yourself how everything happened and what happened, it remains only to decorate beautifully) :

    How to draw a hut on chicken legs can be viewed in the video tutorial below. I will now explain to you how this can be done.

    So, first you need to draw the most ordinary hut (small). We draw a roof in the form of a triangle, a square frame, and then we make out the windows. You can hang something like platbands on the windows and roof;, the frame itself make log.

    Now it remains only to paint the legs to the house. I think no one will have questions about how to draw chicken legs. So, we draw them under the hut. The drawing is ready.

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